HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-11, Page 13James Street WA ,tarts New Year • The 1yonian's Association of James Street Ltnit.ecl -Church re- sumed its activities by holding a short meeting on Thursday af- ternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. Rufus Kestle presided for the ,program and led in the de,, vntianal assisted, by Mrs. Porley. A paper prepared by ;Ifs s. H. J. Snell on "The Par- able of the Talents" was read by Mr. ,nestle. Mrs. William 1>,er• nick presided at the piano. At the business .session con - .c ucted by Mrs. tart Shapton- it «as .decided to cater for the CCC banquet, October 25. 'Ethel s BEAUTY SALON r1.10NE 18, GRAND WEND For LAktost Styling Elinor Wasnicl ® Parol Tuckey ETHEL DESJARDINIz Proprietress Air•Co)tditioncd Mod ern Beauty Salon NEW LOCATION 1 DOOR SOUTH OP CENTRAL HOTEL , Phone 349 Pearl Henderson, Prop. HURON PARK "TADPOLES" -Sixty children at Huron Park, RCAF Station Centralia, shown above, passed their HI -LINE "tadpole" test recently as the extensive, summer swim- ming program for youth draws to a close. ver 150 Huron /� �* Park children have been taking part in senior, intermecl- t eauty �.7 pl ort late, junior, beginner and tadpole classes conducted daily at the station pool. Mrs. John D. Thomas organized the Located in Cook's ' Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE :'50-W-1 EXETER Marg Coward, Prop. program, held in conjunction with the summer play- ground, and the instructors included Flight Cadet Bob Jackson, Flt. Sgt. Bill Fletcher, Pat Tinline, Cheryl Aylie and Margaret Tomlinson. A series of swimming, meets is winding up the swimming program at various centres in the district. -RCAF Photo Hillborn-:Ness - Continued From Page 12 Douglas Hillborn, Drayton, was groomsman for his brother and ushers were Morris Rew, Toronto, and Charles Feist, nephew of the bride. A reception was held in the church fellowship room, The bride's mother received guests in navy blue crepe with lace trim, navy accessories and cor- sage of roses and pink nons. The groom's mother chose pow- der blue sheer with lace jacket and rose accessories and pink corsage. For a wedding trip to South- ern Stales, Mexico and Califor- nia the bride changed to a sap- phire blue suit and patent acces• sories. Mr. and Mrs. Hillhorn will re- side in London. Guests attended the wedding from Crediton, Drayton, London, Toronto, Hamilton, Brighton and Kitchener. Passmore -Bell Tall standards of pink and white gladioli, candelabra and fern formed. the setting for the wedding of Shirley May Bell serem®1.114 LIME i .wisseMMINCWIM44tss . . News Flash! Big Shipment Of New Children's Clothes Arrives at Gould & Jory res es Pretty, practical 'fashions for girls from three years to teen age 43.95 to $12.95 Reversible Plaid Skirts Excellent quality .. $11,95, `$15.95 and $25,00 Worsted Straight Skirts Blacks, browns and Oxford greys 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $1;0.95 Choose Winter Clothes At Peak Selection Nein( Style Carcoats . For .Girls and Boys $4,95 to $15,95 Children's Snowsuits lily styles ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$7,95 to $19.95 Coat & Hat Sets Warin plaids and plains $14,95 to $19,95 SEPTEMBER FOOD SAVINGS GiANT COMET CLEANER 270 DATES Bulk, 2 lbs. i -290 SCHNEIDER'S CHEESE 2 lbs. 090 . AYLMER FANCY BEANS • Green or wax, 20•oz.... .. . 2 far 451 MAPLE' LEAF SALMON 76/.oz. tin .,,........ 45g CAMPBELL SOUP Tomato or, Vegetable . 2 for 250 MGCORMICK'S SODAS Plain or Salted, 1 lb TOILET TISSUE Cottage GIANT P. 1N1 Off 61 2 for 230 AYLMER CATSUP 2 far 35g ULD RHONE' '974 %OI'EN SATU s AY NIGHTS 'TfL 10 O'CLOCK EXETER and Ronald Carlos Passmore in, bodice and enhanced with deep Carmel. Presbyterian . Chu•ch,1 banding of pleated chiffon from •piensall, on Saturday,' Septem- V neckline in front, draping overher 6 at 12.00 noon. ! shoulders and floated down back The bride is the daughter of! in fly panels. They carried Jo - Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bell, henna Hill roses and white Hensel], and the groom is the! mums. Their headdresses were son of Mrs. Pearl Passmored bandeaux of rhinestones and llensall, and the late Carl Pass- I flowers in matching shades. Rev. Robert G. MacMillan of Witham Kerslake, London, was groomsman• and ushers were Goderich and Rev. R. A.Fass- on Bell, Exeter, brother of the more, Owen Sound, uncle of the bride and Gerald Flynn, Hen - groom performed the double sat:. ring ceremony. Traditional' wed- A reception was held for 50 ding music was played by Mrs. guests in the church parlors with Malcolm Dougall and soloist wasthe bride's mother receiv7ng in Miss Jean Henderson, ilensall, a sheath afternoon dress of dior who sang "The Lord's Prayer" blue Chantilly lace over taffeta and "I'll walk beside 1'9U. with dior blue accessories and The bride, given in marriage a corsage of pink carnations. The by her father, wore a floor length groom's mother assisted in a gown of Chantilly lace and nylon sheath dress of beige silk or - tulle, fitted bodice, sabrina neck- ganga with coffee brown acces- sories and a corsage of white sequins, lily point sleeves and carnations. bouffant skirt of alternate ruffles Servileurs were Mrs. Gerald of lace and nylon tulle. A crown Bell, Mrs. Edward Corbett, Mrs. of seed pearls helot her finger-Bell .Caldwell, Mrs. Glen tip veil and she carried a cgs Nixon and Miss Mary Goodwin. For a honeymoon at points north, the bride chose a blue linen sheath and duster with white accessories and a corsage of• red roses. carte of Johanna Hill roses and green and white Pinocchio mums. Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Bell, sister of the bride, and Miss Norma Passmore, sister of the groom who wore identically styled ballerina gowns of shrimp On their return Mr. and Mrs. nylon chiffon and net: over tar- Passmore will reside in Lon - feta fashioned with softly shirred don. 4,11111111111114111111 II11111111illminn1lt11111111t111111111ntt11,11ttn,1111111 nnTu1u1n1uuitit111,11111t11M1111m11i111111, THS N THAT By MRS. J. M. S. Cooking competitions seem to • apple pie and white layer cake be quite popular at the present ! if Domestic Shorteningis used. time. 1 Ten pounds of sugar will be The ones in which we are the . given for first prize in each of most interested are taking place five classes. at our local fair next week. In Five Roses Flour is offering addition to the first and second; first and second prizes each for prizes offered by the Fair Board i best loaf of white bread, best in each of the 24 classes, Gram's 1 layer cake and best pie. Trophy will be awarded to the i Chances are good that you can contestant submitting the hest; win one or more prizes in these group of these five articles: ; competitions, By the time The home-made rolls, chocolate cake, i Times - Advocate is published cherry pie, eight oatmeal cookies: next week, eve will know who and date squares, the winners are. All articles must be entered in 'Just recently, Mrs. Audrey regular or hest competition of Ince, of Toronto, won the grand the baking department, and the prize of $1,000 in a favorite contest is Open to ladies from reelpe contest, Her recipe was Exeter, Hensall, tlsborne, Nay, for a casserole of mixed vege• Stephen, McGillivray and Bid• tables with onions, cucumbers dulph. and tomatnes as the main in - The articles will he judged for gradients, dere :is the recipe: flavor 50 points, l tore 30, and Vegetable casserole appearance 20 points. $1,000 Prizo.Winning Recip, in addition to this competition 2 medium-sized onions there arc others listed in the • 2 meclitun cucumbers Fair Prize List, Magic Baking t cup hot water Powder is offering two prizes for 1h cups chili sauce best frosted square white cake. 1 tsp. chili powder Three pries are offered for -Please Turn to Page 15 iinniummiu,11 i 1 i411mmmnimmi11m11nimmin 1 1)1 m mmuumni m.iin,u Wan,immoriummi. Make It A Point To See The ir 5 ustin at the G [xeteil' Fait Frit' South End Service "The Havre Of Better Than New Used Cars" Russ and Chuck Snell; • PHONE 320 , EXETER 'aiYrrreYrlrrriarttaYrrnrri'ItYltrnrtt't7t1i�F��'irri:Yin`iiurrinY+rr,rtirimrtrr��attrrnlrl•Err,Prtrri'rriY9YYrrr7lriratrrrillu+rir • Evening uxi l is ry13 11 1950 Pe f o421te, September � i* "'rhe T`tn�e� ArL Setemb !rt„I MA, t111i 141111 it1441k41A11,11i1.I 11111r111n 1 t 11,11111 n 111 n n,Almal111I t,AtAUI„44i µ111A.aA6Ali,4tl l rl1,lA:1,.UA,tI lla rt1.11A� Meets At resort The T'1 v ening Auxiliary of Tames Street :United .church ccrn. nreneed its fall activities with a supper meeting at the summer lonre .1)f Miss :Stella Sautbeott. Grand Bend. Miss Mary Vaneamp presider: for the meeting and .led in the worship service. Mrs. W. C. Allison introduced ' the new study book "Concerns.. of a Continent" by James Hoff- mait which, deals with the people and problem of Canada, United States, Mexivo, Alaska, Hawaii and the Caribbean area. Mrs. Allison was assisted by' Miss Verna Coates, Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Mrs, Alvin Pyne, Mrs. William Thomson and Mrs. 3, JL Jones. In the 10 -year period of 1048- 1957 production of oil from Al- berta wells increased to 137.5 million barrels. See International's Album um. Of Wedding Jnv.itatio..ns . + Gift ideas + Personal Stationery The Times - Advocate ,,,,1,111111411411144111411)1m,n411m11, n,1141)11111111111111rr1)111,04141)1111umuniluunn mtimmumum“ . the world's ,finest Motor Oil ! INTO -MASTER V.1.100+ Heavy Duty EROYL Multi -trade Heavy Duty .. with nature's 'extra' built- in for peppy, trouble-free driving Fill up with Moto -Master V.1.100-1- Heavy Duty Motor Oil, refined with the utmost skill from the finest Pennsylvania oil stocks to give all around protection to your engine. Mete - Master V.1.1001- prolongs trouble-free per- formance for thousands of extra miles .plus keeping engine clean and free from wear to give your car smooth, full power. Your car automatically delivers top performance and economy at all speeds and temperature, mile after mile. Moto -Master V.1+ is the oil for your engine ... for a'I kinds of driving and speeds. Helps reduce expensive repairs --cuts down on oil bills, too. QUART GALLON .42 l.s Save 1/2 on G 3 Grades in one can ... no seasonal changeover Refined especially for today's high speed, high compression engines to give rich, full- time lubrication at every speed and tempera- ture. It's a year 'round oil that provides maximum protection against sludge, rust and corrosion to keep your engine at peak effici- rency. Fully detergent -keeps new engines clean, restores power to older cars. Prevents. engine knock, stops valve lifters sticking, lowers oil consumption, prolongs engine life, steps up horsepower, and boosts gasoline mile- age. Save money and engine wear with SUPEROYL -- refined from 100% pure Pennsylvania. QUART GALLON 1.89 NON -DETERGENT -NATURAL OIL • FILTERED -to remove carbon forming impurities that cause power loss. • DEWAXED -for full -flow lubrication. The perfect lubrication for every car and truck (excepting those requiring Moto -Master Heavy Duty Motor Oil). It's pure "Gulf Oil", free of "slow -down" wax and filtered to remove carbon deposits. Rates high in "Flash", "Pour" and "Index" -the "yardstick" of the oil industry in determining viscosity and lubricating qualities. Worth 50c to 55c a quart. 121 GALLON 99 QUART SAV 45b -Mot -Master SUPREME Oil Filter ELEMENTS Dirty oil can ruin your engine . , . check your oil -aril if it's dirty, your oil filter element needs replacing. Ask for a Moto -Master SUPREME Oil Filter Refill with reserve cleaning power . , . removes abrasive and sludge forming contaminants faster and for a longer period. The result is a dirt -free all that cleans, and protects your engine from wear. With a tested, proven Moto -Master SUPREME Oil Filter Element your oil will stay clean and full bodied to give you fresh, lively power every mile you drive even up to 5,000 miles between oil changes. Save Safely. • ground- Moto -- Town Master Buick, 1948-57 Prates SUPREME Chev., 1940.57, 6-cyt.. 2.25' x`39 1°' 1955, S -cul... , 2,25 1956-57, 8-cyl. 2,95 .79 1 Dodge Cr Ply. � 1946-57, 6-cyl, 2.15 1.29 1956-57, 8-cyl. 2.15 139 Ford •1rr Metter 1941.54 (most) 2.25 1955-57 (most) 2,45 1955.57 (others) 3.05 1 !^rtury Cr Monarch 1949-53 (most) 2.25 1954-56 . 3.45 19573,95 t"'Idsrnob)le, 1949-57 , . 3.25 Siudehake-, 1939-57 ,. 2,25 Around- Moto - Town Master Prices SUPREME 1.39 1.49 2,31.p5 1.39 MOT1 O -MAS T ER REGULAR .49 1OIL FILTERS a �� .94 to 1tl55 2.35 Similar savings on ala ,ther cars and Trucks, 001111Iii11„4ni000,100 iWWW0,I1111111mmelriinum,mnn,ii1111n111iimm411m,munimu nm Immnimmintnnmatinn ml4n4lmmnilp11m,Ut11IJImt New Stock ANTI FREEZE Here Get Your Now Bo Ready For The Cold Weather 'iIYYIlttlrn 4l'11,Y1i1111ii4m111im1lt4hin111lntminml'411inrifn11l11miitlTlllirli4111ti111ir1ii,1,111i1111n1I,Y1YII,YL114u411,111411111nntltllllnlirliYl0In1111111nnitlfniiYikttYll y��cc 6 Main t, Exeter Phohe 4S 1 Miltotw l r b l*