HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-11, Page 117 I frrra A FieIdmon 5peoksl- Dashwood Insittute The first fall meeting for Dash- held a surprise 'birthday RAY senscl Wirineti'S illStillne Wag heitt for Mrs. Eldon. Datars at the Ir t Tuesday with the president, home of Mr. and: Mrs. Lorne ss. Arnold .Kuntz, presiding. Booker Saturday .evening. The treasurer reported a bal. • once. .of $12L67 in the bank. she Attend college At •Echnonton elzo stated that the first hank Mr, Arthur Rader and Miss book with a dollar had •been pre. PaulineBooker, members. of sented to Martin Paul Becker, Zion Lutheran 'Clurcht len Wes' inn :of Mrs. Valentine Becker. day to attend the Lutheran Vol - The president and, secretary, lege at Edmonton, Alberta. Mrs, Kuntz and Airs. Sid Baker Both were presented gifts by bad attended the 50t1i anniver- the Walther League. buy of Seaforth 'Women's 111.511. A 1 .,-.1.-Ltur, who was i teacher in title which they ePorted WAS the Sunday :Selina was presented 1-7.‘ally worthwhile. with .a gift from the Sunday The public relations representa- School as well as his class. IIvc', Mrs. Ervin Rader' was The Ladies' Aid. of Zion asked to ,obtain the names of all Lutheran church, were guests of girls .whe wished to take the 441 Zurich Lutheran Ladies' Aid: project "The Cereal Shelf," this s uncay evening onthe °evasion fall, of their 50th anniversary. The Agriculture and Canadian - - • industries group with Mrs. Emil .E.U.B. Ladies Meet Locker, convener, was In charge The wx.s, meeting t Ile of the program, and Mrs.. Charles 14,LT.13. Church was held FridaY, presided. The roll cell was evening, with the miseieee.*: nnnwered hy bringing home" Education group in charge, with made candy which was auctioned Mrs. Eben Weigand convener, nif at the close of tho ineetillw assisted by Mrs. Letta Taylor, Mrs. Emil Becker discussed the Mrs. Ervin Schade, Mrs. Louis motto:: "Waste not, want not." Weigand and Mrs. Howard Mr. Hal :Hooke, secretary Klumpp, treasurer of the Ausabte Field The president. Airs. Carl Authority, was guest speaker and Oestricher, presided for the busi- showed interesting pictures 01 11)0 ness. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ausable Conservation. He Stat. taflaee t • _ ,Mrs. Lloyd Eagle - ed that the Ausable territory -was son and Mrs. Ebert Weigand. 663 square miles. He said there -was many such projects across Personal Items Ontario ranging 10 size from mr, eau mrs, Allan Schmidt:, of 15.000 square miles to 100 square Plattaville, spent Sunday with miles, with the main PorPoso: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, "Water, wild life and forests." Irs. Fred Schroeder is a A display 01 canned fruits and patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, v^o'etables was donated to .South London, where she underwent an opet atm. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and The first meeting of the G.N.O. family, of Waterloo, spent •Satur- Dr:•Trie Club was held. Thursday clay with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. evr-iing at the home of the re- Rader. tir:ng president, Mrs. James Mr, Herb Gaiser, of Dearborn,' er. Mich., spent the weekend with Huron Hospital.. Get 'Bet The TinmeAchrogato, Sapternhar 11, 19SEI Papa 11 er Than 'Fair' Results Here CLASSiFIED RATES - 25 words or less 70c Mort Then 15Words 20 Per Word 2QO OFF If ed paid with order or by 54turcley following the lest insertion SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 400 More than 25 Words Me Per Word Semi-Di;play Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion 11,40 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions 1,25 Per Inch Minimum 1" Classified ads accepted up till !Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at 110011, Announcements BIRTHS .. ..., NO QHARG,E CARDS OF THANKS 75c ENGAGEMENTS 75c IN MEMOR1AMS $1.0p (stour.tine verse) Extra verses, each . . 25 BIRTHS - DISSJ Ail DJ N Fl - Mr, and Mrs. I'' land Desiard in te, (-rand 'Rend, a n noun re the birth n't a d eget- ter at South Huron liospltal„ September 4-a sister for Dnug- las a rid Wendy Leo. JOHNSON- Sir. and Mrs, Bill Johnson, of Centralia, announcp t he birth !sr a son. Dennis Mar- vin, at St. Joeseples Hospital, Lonclon, . ep om nst o, 191A, .7'• CW officers1 are: President, his brother, Chester. icsictriT - MI'.and Al re arold Mr. Ray Guenther; viee-Presi- Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Wolfe Mniglil, flonaaI I, 81'f, hHappy to (int, Mrs. Stewart Wolfe:, seen- and Eric accompanied by surd announce the birth of their son :1,t, it.,;15p.t.r. bli,lzien.j! al,r0 r :3 eLtielm b e 4 trir:,', Mrs. Harold Schroeder. and Mrs. George Wolfe, of To -i , 0,....hen Lino Decoration Day ronto, spent last weekend in, KNoss, ._. .\t port (n011)0,110 Hoes 1ie Calvary E.U.B. conoe'reqa• Montreal with Mr. and Mrs, pit al nn Saturday, August an, Io 't.' 'Murray Wolfe and family. Mr. and .SI rs. Roy le nal, Port lie -.1 and interested friends of • : collie] tel e. a son, Prier Day Id - 1 he Goshen Line Dashwood Mrs, Philip Fassold is confined, a grandsnn Du. Mr. and Mrs. E.! .B. cemetery observed mem. to her bed after g ..._._,,s0;_i >f? na Id and Jean Wil- suffering a minas . les PI S. "!•1 and decoratiet day services nasty fall at her home. Fortun-i " I 01 00 :innclay, 1 1 ately she suffered no brokson 1 nee Se0), tit. Marys, are en i happy to announee the birth nf C.•aves were decorated with bones. a son, 01 Si, Marys Memorial :Hospital, September 7, 124814. fills :.re, but due to rain, the sct-iee was held in the church. 1 ?v. G. L. Gress, .01 Vyingliam, wtt- the guest speaker. Dashwood • , Hotel-Dieue of Quebec, este.- 1ii4otspit (' ash wood, Ann n u nee thea I, Se pt embe'r 4, 1 95S -a hlished in Quebec City in 1637, brathpr for Darlene Marie, Citens Band and the church by a religious order, that even FOR SALE- FOR SALE - INOT1c04--- DRAIN TILE 4I4.1 LS, medium trle eYele, ehild s pedal ear on very COV -RT OF REVISION , good • On d I inn), U7 ColuMbla TOWNSHIP OF HAY lion, telephone the Waterloo Cat- 4 Isiah -----------88 per Al Ian DA% rentralia. ineh 1 Court of Tievisinn nn the . „Prices for 10" 12's and 14." '1"s. I's and Elbows in Stride 0 , is DIKING norm S17 1TE, . WS 11 IS 4,1 NS RE, Clerk ant? surptli5,°faseets9,,,ris2,1BY is"..t p 1n59 Breeeing Apsociation (sweet at reat on Sunday ean be Insernin. 1 Per 11,, 20 'WHANER PHIS. also in ehnlve of Iier will b? ,bad n Hay as S;" 4.1". wee)c. tlaY-0. P 1128 melt ----------1 I' Per 111. i•et.ss stnelier 4t15r8 .(Soleman. srovensnip Ball, Zurtels ou Fri. P.M. 0 11 ZatlirdaYS, Et) not -cat • inch 175 per Del'et Phone itensall 674-r-22. se says Septenther se, less, ayt sm for ,service on Sunder. Cows in o'clock p.m. on Ile'quest Zerieli, Ontario. RYPAIA, BRICK AND rILE Eistin(ield Phone 193 ilictaf: LESIITEO EMP1,OYMENT WANTED„,„,„ ODD .10135, carpentering1 paintins ete, Phone Ex.eter 40S. ii:Stfe. C)F1.1013 or 'gore .e mployment, tart or full time, for mil 14414 SPUQPI. ;134 de.1.44 APP1Y. Times' edvoeat e. 5 tee h SS per ,11 Defel ' ' Assessment Roll of the Towemlif4.2 , 1'110101) HIS -.3441 bets, een 7:30 1 Were: 4s bedsprings, mat 1rees and washet Reid ; daY toed. I'lltrms .4I -W Dense 11. Ile OFFICE EQ.1.71P-11 ENT - Head " quarters for 'loyal typewriters, Victor adding nl8cIlInss. We can 1518 oU money: Exeter T irn es - Ad vneate, phone 770. 27tfc Typewriters Portables or Standard THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 17tfc CASE IlfmnsEart, 2nx47, on rub - her, equipped 1)2112 TIbersol grain then wer and shredder, 1 40 - ft. belt. William. Stanlake, 11 R. 1 1Sxeter, phone S90- W-2. S :SIR; f'OTA'f0 135 - Alarshsere wit, fable etnek pota toes. excellent ennkers. Delved right, ViIf .11 oussea 2IS 'miles west of Heiman on No, 84 n-p,riciAt A P.STITMENT. modern, highways Phone 90-r-2 Zurleh. available September 20. Apply 4;1 Ir INTAGA.ZINE C) ielsTS Vag u es 20 issues, $5.0e; House a nd Garden, 14 issues, $3,7s; Glamour, I t is - 542111, !".!. g ; .011011e 77a, Exeter LOST - S I CO 0T140 BC.1,41,... aged four YPR1'5, VA** quiet. --kepis- Onerinn A.yrslitre. Guernsey, ll.'4IULIS 01 4115 er1014 n ;Ts red Poll, Hereford polled and horned, Beef Shorthorn !polled and harped). and Dual Purpose Raiz, phone 1 01 -r -S Dash sl7t'Arp.I1esn juint. Shorthorn. Angus atizt Cbarola is breeds. The lost is low. 7:424tftt PERSONAL - MIEC EL LAN EOU EVENTIDE VILLA, a home foP elderly citmens, is 110Vit OPen at lln Sanders St., Exeter. 'The Vila is under the management of Mrs. L. Desjardine, Exeter, 1sstfo please leave at Times-4edvoca e. . FOR RENT- barns or henhouses white washed 'WITT FEEL OLD? Feel Teare HE 1.-P WANTED- - call Bill Watson. Phone .7 -E-10 Ynunger. Ostrex Tonle Tablets 11 s AN - E s4 Lehipg to base their APARTMENT -One of (1115 better Dashwood. Alec) grain lir corn revitalize thousands past 40. oNLy Part-fnrnished. 4 -room apartments. spraying. refer,: 60o. At all eiritgr.,iets. 11 :18250 Large airy moms in private home. flat h and hoi A a er DON'T WAIT 4 4 4 i I HIGHEST CASH PraCEs for sick, .S17°TT'S ANTI - 011AT 1-1nis1031�. ration; arlelie: v rteasionCalinlei rairelif)C Start earning'.II 1 . le money, you will cosi n or disabled horses. and imparts natural -looking colour 1;41412,14' aNatianie. aia Andrew St.. need 101' 11"1811.11" "w. 1 10 Ca.11 and lustre in gray, streaked and faded hair Not a die, not a tint, . eta wts. Dead stock. at value. T.E'T1NPS11;?T% APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, right in your Von can Make rot title or even tPlranlIMPErdlY;A.n7d-rrelatAy.e. Collect, SSI -II- week' 'erviP('' a white greaseless cream equally ed. as a ila ble October 1. Phone know. Ynii wnrk from Your own , ,a Si Exeter. 11e hnme and in your own time. Tnii - need no experience nr money to, start - we supply everytbing - ' .., FR En], '4 ap ballet. bat nn t wirling social more between now and Christmas I 1 Seaforth. esesetso effective nn 811 shades of hair, ground floor, unfurnished, heat- and dealing with people ynu own communitY- At Johneton's Drug Store, Exeter; and W islon s Drug, Heesall. ile ns FIE 'ROOM 1-1 0 r S E. by 1 he mom lioai ed. hot and veld water. Apply A. Dayman, Huron St. (trend Rend, 11 :IR* Dance Lessons For full details write - danid lig 12550115 in t 11f: Jewell ins ton . 1014, B. McNeil, Ma -lean -HSI nt er TririAT in - arena. Mondays, beginning Sep- .1.14ein ser n. Err 3- nt olS1 A P.I411TMENT. 340 per Publishing on. Ltd., Dent. eN, 411 London: ne Marleau 1(17.11 jains)4 aft Pr 2 p.m. now. Phone GE 2-1 NI London. ada. ('an- director. 1 1 o 111011 11, itn furnished. bath. vaeant Fniversity Ave., Toronto 2, 1 le CoMBINI,NSS BEANS wit SIP 1441 POWERFUL SALES •H nomb I AUCTION SALES Community AUCTION SALE at Frank Taylor's Back Tard TOWN OF EXETER SATIRDAY, SEPT. 13, OM At 100 pail. OUTFIT FREE! Norm Whiting.: Exeter, phone 05+ Searr 1 e. y This is your sale. Come and ;leo buy or Sell. 1 1 Maui Exeter, after 5 p.m. e- 1 s cm You can sell to entire fani. floot A PS, TITAI ENT, f II 1 1 y f ish edi enats, ladles' Exeter agent - 112101511 Electric: per Isms 11 e.n?laasrs°1:insPt ot-teanpkipesf elgoal.1111es: ily 1 1 11 1 n g, shoots shirts, FILMS DEVELOPED in 41 linurs. uniforms, boys' eiothing. JeWel^ Hensel! agent - Fink Plumbing chesterfield); elefetorik'd tinrogInetal n, .1/1,111,15`51.1..(1°,E7ssisrari.ssys.0111,,,P ssir's,-(1„(1247.1111S, Icrns2-.0 %lank: ''nellnultlfe2;_ni.eaekliiiiiilg. it .ilelalfn. 1,k4ng,H. eating Prompt pinto finish- table: box of Jars; electric stove; 'rlmes- Ad vneate, agents for a11 P11111 4 es stiereee. No e xpe Nene() F:21-1,1'11' 2 Inixes of dishes; stove board; publiea 25:4:11 :1 Sent. 11-)14s1;11„)-shrailir,!Nfti-tsrnnistitsi!, t 3- - needrel. High enmmission. .P nEr, NEW' GRAVEL PIT opened about '411 tank; f1"%1'Slelidaenslill sIsiPatreaeyihmeaetteari ...ars • -0- sS eInthing as extra brinus. Don't S months, in Grand Bend, Along ash tray; pietures tray frasne Brtow.xim trwortm, size 2: sirs, ;lades Henry, plums el pier Write today- Everything la.ke remits Dist off or 'Highnay e 1 n 1 1.1 p s horse; 2 chesterfield storm wIndo Av, 2' 1112" x 5' 5", " 1 le supplied In -PEP' t :22141 • $5.00: Apply Boenek, Crediton. FI leENDERSOS Started Chicks Ltd. at SPS 10 rt h aro prepared to sup- ply You full replacement Bullets. toads for fled' ery DOW -our 1).- wppli phi and AWAY- 10-1a1' 1)111- REAL -ESTATE - lets; also younger birds. Ali pul- lets are vaecinated for Neweast le and broneh it is d iseaseS. 'Phone Sel or write P.0, Box 300 51114 - 10421), ort 1.118:27e, IN ENETEII, 1 -bedroom apart- ment, unfernlahed, ('1) 111,). En central in, large upstairs apart. men*. rent w Rh option tn buy. W. 0, l'On rvo, ("let% 1 t fe PonstAx LAMS; COAT, black, with mink trim, three-quarter length, excellent cond it fon, ideal for remak ine, into chemise eons 01' lee k et, 111111 14-16, 11101,e 153 Grand Bond. 11: 114' .111', and Sirs. La 8'l'11 nee Ziler Canada's first hospital was the , D• eh -.r furnished the music. then had been operating hospi-AGEMENTS -i C7'nbrate Birthday lets in France for several hurt- Mr, . and Airs. Valentine L. A few friends and relatives, fired Years. of Dashwood, awn° mire te egagen)entof 11 1211' le 4482(3*1- Vets Hari:tare Anne, to Mr. Leslie flueh ones of K1tc1iener, son of Mrs. Annie llueholtz and t he lat s wrn lam Buell° Its, nf Pembrok 11, On t arin. The ma rriag4' AVM lahe .place on Sat urday, Oe (ober 11, at 1 o'elock, 111 Zinn Lutheran S`hureis Dashwood, 1 1* i ) Facial Tissues KLEE 2 The Big Event Of The Year! Igt , 1. "; "r • :-,, l .40,44 ,...4 '- .., - I''' 67 ' 4. ..,4/1'.' e ;-..„ ss : ,,,r•oi "- , , 'lc-. , . ' ±,,s, • AZWeitetier 3,B16 DAYS -THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Habitant Pea or Vegetable s EX Dr, Se [lard's Champion Heinz Cream of TO, 'I s Instant Skim Milk Powder JA4i LK Whole Kernel Libby's Fruit CKT C 4.; IL p 28 -oz. tins FOF Regular or Chubby FOR $1 1S -oz. tins FDF$1 10 -oz. tins $1 a 6 FoR Lh. pkgs. $11 Is rj ES 14 -oz. fins F 15•oz. tins 4 FOR$11 el FROZEN FOOD SAVINGS Frozen Straw erries Birds Eyo Wax or ren Bev ns 1 15.oz. pkgs. 3. PKC.39. $1 12 -oz. pkgs. 4 BIKES S. 1 FRESH PRODUCE FEATURE Sound and Dry es 10 Lee. 29e Ontario No. 1 Quality P oat 74 FINEST MEAT VALUES Bac n SWIFT'S ENEASWV.:ET PQrk Chops CHOICE/ LEAN 8i-ITJULDLN Lamb Chops L13, 69c LD, 59c L1. 49c ugis Mark -t' Monday to Thursday 9 fo 6 Priday 9 fo 9 Saturday 9 to 10 PHONE 860 FREE DELIVERY outh End Exotor 52 r. and Chris S'ischer, of Luean, wish to an 1101111CP 1114' ! engagement of 1111111' young-rst daughter, Joyee Elaine, to Wit - I iam Sohn -Varga, son of 11:', and Sirs, Steve Varga, of Christina, Ont.; the marriage to take place at central la l'n I tett Church on . Sat ti ay, September 27, at 2 o'clock. 31' CARDS OF THANKS- ! ll'e w ish to oxl end our heart felt thanks and a ppreela ti on 104' the many ail of 1(1041 0101, 15- 021 ges of scrape t hy and beautiful floral nfrerings received from our , kind friends, relatives and neigh- bors ring Mrs. Ma whinftey's lengthy Illness and also during mu' recent sad bereavement. We especially lhatik 1he nev. Rap - son. the Pallbearers, and the • H opper- Hoek py funeral 'home. - James Ma whinnoy and Betty. 11e Al'illiam Sims w to thank all those who An kindly re m 11111 he r e (1.4. 111111 With eards, rPa is, flowers nd visitsdit ring his stay in hospital and since- re- turning home. 1* I Airs. Alex Aloussean wishee to exprese sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered her with cards ,1 rents and flowers wbilea 1-01 10214 ip London and since rie- . titrn 11*' The family nf the late 'Robert "Finney wish to express their sin - (11 4' thanks and appreciation to friends, re la t Ives and neighbors for kindnesses, messages of syme pa thy and beautiful floral 'De - 1 butes revolved during their 111- ( 0(12 bereavement. 11 c The members of the Ladies Legion Ails Wary wish to thank the vilizene of Tsetse frir their' support to Hie Navy League can- vas' nn SA t urds y, Sept ember S. Specia.1 th s to the Girl Guides who aseisted. 110 wish to express my sincere Ilan ke to all 411)' friende. rele- t Ives and T1 ighhoh rs who 80 k In it 1 y rem !'Mlle red MP 121411 , Islta, ards. flowers and preSonla W11110 a 1181 14(11 in Viet 21218 Hos- nil al, Isondons-Isabe 1 Snell, 1 2 . Mr. and Sl re. nay Cooper 'wish to expresx their thanks and An p reels ion to their friends and rai1iVa who 00 14 I y i.ernem- hered :t•• Avii rda and treats \eh He she was 8 1181 1081. In Sollat Enron [(instill al. 11 was all sin- cerely appreele tett, I. I wish In 1 hart); all my 1111 igh - bours,, 'friends and relal Eves for the flowers, valets and 2 reals A pa I lent in St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London, - Stra, Al 41111 Kellerman. 11* IN MEMORIAM - 1 MINKrts.-In 30) 1115' 'memory of a deer husband, father 812(1 1•41 rid . tiler, Garnet 'Warren Miners, Av lin passed away finer years ago, September 11, 1084, . Vont. yens he ve pease(' sinet the sad daY The eta \'' loved 11 140 called W. C. Pearce REALTOR ENERAL INSISRASESCE ss 8nns St. Exeter 418 2-01111 hris14 cottage, wired for range, 3-pirer 1181 1), oil furnace; garage; liberal terms.. -1-050 initiation brick, hard wnori Ein W EA:SLING PIGS; ennk stove, fkirs, furnace, fun bath, kitchen in gond tomtit ion. Apply 1-10- ennyenienees, garage. 21.1). 3 liensa.1 1, phone 1-0(1 2') 1 _storey ee„eree, oll fur. chatham vier 438-11-12, s neer, lint water heat, full 1,0 (11, Ontario icielars ot same wit it Bell Laught on. solicit nrs 01 Exeter, tra farm on t t. .loo sla 11 el daybed: all kinds of dishes.: Walker co., P.O. sox 43)7, Mont- i'sindongen, phone Grand Bend ea rpenter Innis: trunk; tables; real, 'QM., le 47-11-1. 25:4:1 I :1 se es:airs: rockers; lawn mower; beds, stands: bureau: dressers; TT1LT"KINTS 4 LOADING done chair envering, new china cabi- eilb or custom or by enntraet. net: extension table: studio couch; reasonable rates, William and magazine raelc, chesterfield: some Roy Kerr, phone 11(1-r-22 Exeter. dishes: electric stove; coal 'or 11:180 wood 8(0) 11. •WANTED Representative to act as agent for the purchase of Red Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy Seed, etc. , in the district on a commission basis. Farm experience preferred but not essential, NOTICES TO CREDITORS FIZANTS7 TAYLOR, Auctioneer Clark Fisher, Clerk In the. Estate of IIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI Thomas Robert Jackson, deceased. against 1 he est a te n1 Thomas All persons having 0181810Need - Apply - ttn bele Jackson, late of 1115 Town- ship of Hay, in the Count y nf .REID BEANS & SEEDS LTD. Huron, ('1211t 12411111. who died nn or about the 211112 day of June P.O. Box 103 1 eSn. are, req 'tired to file par - lovely kitchen, drilled well; C.en- 1.I.0 Ontario, by the 20th day of Sep- tember next, abler wh len dal P the oalato iv ill ho distribuf oci It will cost you less to bor. STXMA MAN or teen -age boy to having regard on 1y (4, 121050 work on a poultry and beet farm. claims or which notice has been row from your •' 11' local Credit Apply to Box 'S' Times-.A.rivoeate, sseeisss„ PRISES SI PLTSSIS are ready to t pick; also \ '14(1 PI 1.4e P aChrea. Bring 3 -BET) rug briels, nil burning- fur - eon tainers and piSli )'Our o W11 „at., „.stss pressure. garage, end 58 415, SU Ili Van arm, large lot; Centralia, 414181 541 on Con. I 0, Bose nque t. 4 We have several farms. of Camp Ipperwa.sh, EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 0111110 south of the main gates 1 I o Loan? FRED COLE, Phone 544-n s rc. AVAITRESS - Experience prefer- red. Call in person to nether's srinAT EID APPLES - eln tnsh. Delielotis, Spy and many other Ilesta lira n t, Isseter. II e Seilititoss for t he Executors, ..1.4 • r n i . free insurance at no extra req11:1 s if:Se COSV. varieties. Plums, Sheldon pears 'FARMS - 20.1 aeres. 1 75 tillable, Kenzie, phone Hensa11 SCE -rstore. uireerson th aro s pwitistic WANTED- EXETER COMMUNITY buying at the farm, Mill)) AA•ith bath and furnace, 2 pressure. and Ionia teea. ga e. ntOneV - h•-• rt SVVPS bn S11, 3-1101 MOM 11611/3r, 11 INDOW DECORATOR Bell & Laughton, Union . . . AND you get I 14. miles west of _Rippe n. two vstems large barn nn wall, im- , a hilit to dreorat e windows once se or 1.1‘. IVO a rennin. Phone 77n, "flel PIGS to feed. On contract: good 1 I. ("1". g ' nt 411 d and double ara MI lea nOr1 11. fl $21.sne ; 100 ar'rf^S, No. 4 high -Aver. 1 le iceommodai inn. Apply Lorne Me- CREDIT UNION 4-heclrnom frame house, bat h, kinnon, Creme rty, phone Kirk tent , 5n VAIITESSEES of frnzen fonds large barn nn watt amd 011P small AS -1 7. I le are available. a t Keel er 'Frozen barn. sr e erne n f corn and . Open. 'Sion., & S'hure. "Sights Fonds, your home, freezer and beans nn this farm, SI 6,070 Cnn- PTNT STZE SEALERS, 3 dozen, sixtln ei. (tpstairs) . Opposite P.O. used. 'Will pay $2.50. Phone 4424- II -4 F,xot or. lir smaiamommowsumounamm k 1111111,111,11111.1110011/11111111111111111111111/111111111111J11f1111111111111110M111111)110111111111111111111111111111WWISIIIIIIN: locker proAsisleners. Ask us about big savings 08 qua ntity buying,. Complete. meek or eel) tainers. Phone 7n Exeter. 14:24 tfnc Used Furniture 1 -Occasional Chair 1 -Chesterfield only 1 -2 -Piece Chesterfield Suite 1 -Chrome Table 1 -Kitchen Table, 3 Chairs, wood 2 -Coil Bed Springs 1 -Washing Machine 1, --Crib (metal) 1 -Broadloom Rug and Pad tact J. L. Henderson, Edgar Street, (11102 50, or 11. R. Arnold, Brolc or. II.R. 3 ;rein p en, phone. Henna 11 7 2-r-13, 42(1' MODERN 1 -STORE Y brick house, garage art:toiled, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, ronm, f(repiac'e fitll basement, oil heat - 1141, excellent 10201*011, close ln school, mortgage arranged, Phone 407 Exeter. 4:11:114e C. V. Pickard EXETER, • We have clients wishing to pur- Chase Exeter homes. 11 you wish to sell, see Us. We are offering the following and other properties: Packers And, Helpers DEPARTMENT OP' NATIONAL DEFENCE Centralia, Ontario SALARY: $2640 - $3000. Details and application forms at Post Offices, National. Employ- ment Offices and . the . Civil Ser- vice Commission. Apply before SEPTEMBER 20, BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home. Completely modern throughout. 1958 to Civil. Service ContrniSsi011, Garage. May he purchased for 25 St. Clair Avenue 'East, To - low cash price or on easy terms. ronto, Ontario. 11c (wine color) SHOP & A PAR TMENT-Onnd 10- End Tables cation. Suitable fnr office or l'Living Room Table quarters. Can be purchased on easy terms. mfortFlo, living very noa DINNEY FURN(TURE 3-BED1100SI HOCSE, local: - Phone 20 Exeter ed, modern kitchen and bath- room, good heating equipment ; liC garage. Low price. 51,000.00 cash '55 MORRIS MINOTt SEDAN, 5 balance. Liberal terms on S4c 11 111'!' tires, excellent tondition. Will sell for cash or trade frit old ear and cash. Phone 151-51 131111*51',!['o buy nr sell, see C. V. I le Pxcx....4.p.D, Realtor, and General hisuranee, 104 Main St., EstVir, phone 1.55 and 6214. Te..4.1111-1 el acres. Quite modern barn wit 11 fine hOn1.0. Water pressnre systems in barn and house, A. let of machinery which could be bought with farm. Large silo. 'Possession aa arranged. Near Kirk t oil. APARTMENT HOUSES, LOTS and other Isronerties, 'le ;SAC RES - T3lherta, cra En rd and other varlet ies. I last nearly all this Month. 11 alea 2)111 10 plums, Tlente Claude sweet 00(21, sweet peppers, squaels ap- ples, grapes, onions, melons, -to- matoes, Firing your basket. James Melly, Sylvan, Ont. ;lc 14LISTSTITA P IS .8 4" 14 E S Betel et t peeve, 51 e 1 si 1 osh apples nOW ready, Bring eon ta and pick 10.1.1M-leil acres, rine home and your own. Gov., niece: Orchard, le good barns. Near Exeter, m Ile north nf ForeAt. 1 I :1 s. VA TL11-1 fin acres. Modern equip - (7 rtA is A CG ISII, 25' sil(pce)elhouse ipn;itl nlteb atrsitrsa.nc1111s afneyo dli7s1,12 Jack Cla'et:, Ph0n 0as17datlbtlio1 1 a(.1),d 1 0:1:wauteai)nboyo1. I c 1 1.10E,LAN17) BULBS; 811(1 Hardy A Int o f 441 11111' nroPPriten In this mains. (or_ planting; now, Bagged section. Would 111:4 I'm meet pros. soil and peel 111058. Ealley's peetive buyers and sellers. Phone 1.1(11'1,51's, 1.14o1 Os, agent fer II. 11.-Harria, Lenders I le t or All'its 'Morley Wass, Gria7ititrenia, 1' L 1* c--; G A 1311 '1' 11.1 1LE rt, 2 • w li P e I SI Ohl traniO, well eonstruet ed. 1 2,- 7 - nor) Nt Ts. ISTCTS Si OV Ssel - SI 1 gli - peons 4 4 8- tv.4 'Mx t pr. 8 A',A, 3 hodrnmna, 2 lip and 1 SC.S.CP: HEATER; china ea billet . down. 11418,.. bathrrinm, now roof, neciteiona I 0110 ir ; quart sealers, basement and 1i4111-aere Of land. Apply 30 Witterino St., Exeter .kpply lo Cowan's Lunch. Dash - 1 I* wood, phone 27-r- I 3, I 1 .1 1 .280 -108 BALES OF le .SY---, S "Deelstra, BARN. r u 1 c Ks 11,R, 1 Centralia, 3 miles east. '-'-'''' ' ""' " 8)41 42'!'. I 2 • Will, 47 Stlell(11.11 V' trnrc41:', 1111'!'!'4110- en 43-7 t4 eek old dual purpose bliA 1 cart give prOmpt shipment God took him home, 14 2100 leis 141111;1), 12 o arl g hi ou v eiii 8 i iii. nr. Ais0 10Do( I ae50(12(11, 5. 1ni11et 4.eAynld20 n rd els Alpo hls .h.R.rrenl101al.8,1,s(1rris:rfi sta wire and familY. 11' I4ni11,r7.1 s11802.,‘:00n ki 3, I I* produelion:. lo,v 111 drnr117111i1 ), (001: Lon 1.01.(1. gar broilers, Agent -Nrie earseadden, m a p 1 0 and elm. A p pl y otro 1-101.- t3xete-r, phriee 244-11'. 1 1c 221)41', 12110011 627 .11-4 All8h ('111i1 . ' NOTICES__ .1,11ESIS V.-- In loving memory 01 a deer wife, mother and s gratul- 01er 2140, 'lin 1)0855(1 o we). one yOA 4. Ago, te.08 1 081 1111' I . DIST. Asleep in Goll'et bee It 2 Ifni go '41 50, Free front all serve w a nd pain, And 'when nn r Iire's Journey 10 ended, . 117e know WS 011811 meet her again. -MVOr remembered by 11 o r bus - band Genme and fainily, 11 MWODA Official Dios After Attack Planed Drew, Stratford. Dinh. ager o Mid-Westerrt Ontario Pe. velopment Association, died Fri. day atter a heart illness of two Months. He was buried Tuesday at Braeebridge. Mr. Prow was tbe first man. ager ot MWON, formed 1956'nAttlr,111:144V and stroller, Mona 11* promete Industrial and vol. `""tor """3", 114' dential growth in four counties including Miran and assisted in locating a numbor 81 CISS1"0:11- YO rto 4 -doer sedan, A-1 vomiltIriti, ('1151 0111 titan), air ennd it Inn 11v'2ri VP and Ai het extres-priva 11117' owned; inti or hest offer. Phone 108 -r -IB Xtrk ton. 121' •TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES t`nrpore tien of he • County ot Sittrent KA TIN I.(N0, apartment slao,. 11'T'l': 11 ith 11011011, Very Man. *4 11;4 An, 137' Virhio Of a warreet issued II% Martin, Exeter South, phone 1e7' the Warden of the tIonnty of 13, 11* tTlirflli 11 11 tior his hand And 1 110 Real or corptiret len boars n.vrtr standard tise lite' dale of the 12121 day or Au- P11011A 4371 73'41401 1141 ettal Sale or Millie in arrear* 01 teses in the Ceitinty of ITurori SEWT l‘fAcitoxxs, brattier will be hebi At my of fiep et the mint, ae Tr models 1o ('1100811 1,1 our or 2.00 3)111. In Itoc tntirt Cretin. Prieeti al V.4 and tr. No 'IMW "IA Nil 4105' r'''cm11" her unless 11111 (111'44'5 and vest are, sooner paid, Nollet 14 11014'1W (112(1 the )1S1 or isnot for sale fnr arrears n f taxes walk published 11) the On - tarn, (44(oo asette n 11)5 sib day of September 178(1. and that (01)100 of the stele] lisl May be had at (1(111.5. co)1tents nor any other Nei -celled winninge, Pim out. the rent prices and eottipa re. .1, Tf, hrene, 01: 772311 St., Streit ford. 0110110 103' .1, free home trIA1, teLay terms. The rojettieited sale, if n11c4s- 114twc,0 tttillitthior, 1.81711M 400y1 1110 811114)1 r) Shai at horde the pages bow, ”sg. �t itIcIUStrIf`g 1110s0 0r00g. ne of Th! TIMOS.AdV6eatt, your tr'rrA61%44,110.62,1,4(3,n„1.neo, 11)15 Ittitt Wag a vettran ot tho,lrirst World tOltittlhitY titWsPaPe, Ofigrittl) J. G. terry, teotgure4 war, 9, BE SURE TO SEE THE 1958. METEOR ON DISPLAY AT THE FALL FAIR South End Service "The Home Of Bettor Than New Used Cars" Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 .. .. ..... ttttt ttttt ...............„.................... ttttt EXETER 3 Fall Fair Exhibit Specials e PORTA,61..6 TYPEWItila • TYPEWRITER DESK DESK LAMP • ENCYCLOPEDIA - AND DICTIONARY All For Only '109.50 See It On Display At The Exeter Fair September 16, 17, 18 1 - 'es 28 '• 11 44' / et '., e, 4 4,, Visit Our Beeth And Get A FREE DRAW TICKET 021 SHEAFFER WHITE DOT SNORKEL PEN With A Value Of •••:.‘; St 14 MacMILLAN S OHONE3 EXETEit