HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-04, Page 12Pogo 12
Tho TiramATIvacitto, Upttomber 4, 1050
And District News
Phone lee Lucan
;foggy Run ssiw quopocods04.10
Clandeboye Woman Wins
Lucan Legion Car DraW
vi age Consults Area
Over New Fire Truck
• Before purehaeing tew,l There was a good turnout to
modern fire engine It replace hear L. G. Fischer and Cliv.e
Isticadee antique Mddel, which Morris, of Merton; Mayor Fred
has done service or 31 e/ears, a Cox, of Stratford; Reg. Carter,
Meeting was held at the Conn nf Toronto, and Howard MOW,
minty Centre last Wednesday: of Woodstock,
evening to consider the forma.: The Marsh American Co., of
tion of a fire area to include Stratford, demonstrated their
Biddulph and McGillivray townengine and equipment, both after. i
ships as well as Lucan. Anon and evening.
These fire areas have proven Though no final decision was
eintiniendable and are doing good made Wednesday evening, yet no
service in the neighboring vil- doubt the meeting will have
lages of Merton. Dorchester and much influence on the final de -
vision of the village ,eouncil as
Prior to the is/cell:nee, Reeve tn the type of fire equipment they;
Cecil Lewis met with the Bid• , purchase.
dulph and McGillivray
reeves,' peesonel Items
who expressed their approval of ' -
Mre. Harold Tam has been
the plan but the council wishing
to give the residents of each on the sick list for over a week,
township the opportunity to hear Mrs. Erle Yraitig attended the
prominent speakers and to take School for Leaders at Alma
For weeks, the members of the Had, with the owner of every' Douglas Elver. Renfrew; Stew part in a discussion, tailed the College last Thursday.
Lien Legion have been. sellifig: 100th ticket drawn, to receive $10,, art Simpson, Clandeboye. and: meeting for last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Jackson,
three dollar tickets on a brand. , and the owner of the last ticket, Mrs. Richard Davis, Clandeboye, evening
new 1958 Volkswagen, the draw , drawn to win the car. Winner of the lea kolkewagee : • a few holidays with Mr, and
to be made at 8.30 p.m.. Monday. The draw was very late in was Mrs. Fred Bezzo, Clande-
Personal Items 1 Mrs. Joe Hay, Jr.
September 1, in the new Legion ' starting.and as a result it was , tom
' not completed till early in the Mrs. Wes Atkinson, of Lucan,' catharines, was e holiday week-
' Miss Dorothy Wildern, of St.
1 morning.
School Work} The first ticket drawn belonged ,
' to Mr. Joe Haskett, of Lucan, . , . MeLeall wedding In -remind last Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Mengli•
SO he gat his money back.
The $10 winners were Mr. Bill . ersary Wednesday, and stayed over for
a few days to take ,in 'the ald and Joyce attended ' the
McIntosh - Sutherland wedding
Clanahan, Byron; Mrs. Dwight . Toronto Exhibition. I at Ilderton last Saturday where
Bell Lunn. Mr. Cliff McLean.; The Rev. A. H. crowfoot, DD, 'Air. and Mrs. Jack Jeffery and Joyce was the soloist,
Rev. J. P. Prest last week Elginfield; Mr. Lloyd Johnston, ' will be the guest speaker at the three children of leearns, Ont.,.Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sprawl,
received a letter of deep. appre. Denfield; W. Elaelander, Ailsa West Middlesex Deanery 50th spent a few days last. week with of Kitchener, were weekend
ciation from th supervisor of Craig; Cecil Armitage, Lucan; anniversary service to' be held Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park and ' guests of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar
the War Memorial Children's , at 8 p.m. September 15 in St, family, McFall. On Saturday, together
Boepitat for scrap books re- John's Church, Strathroy. Mr.. and Mrs. Stanley Gordon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodg.
caved from the recent vacation Members rit the Lucan branch and Airs. Gordon Kemp, of Stray ins, they visited Mrs. Fred Davis, I
school. have received special invitations •
ford were Wednesday guests of of Saintsbury.
One of the craft projects of from the Deanery secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlueter. Mr. Attie Hodgins, of London,
the primary girls, under the Mrs. Kate Chapman, to attend During Saturday's electrical spent Labor Day with his sister,
leadership of Mrs. Robert Kehl. this meeting. The thank offering
Mrs. David Kestle and Miss Beth received will gn In the. Anglican ,
storm, residents on AliCe St. Mrs. Annie Fairies,
Air. and Mrs. Don Downs have
Watson, was the Making of scrap ta al d t s e a flame of
books. These. the supervisor
wrote, were being greatly en-
eoyed by the sick children.
One of the projects of the
junior girls under Airs. Calvin
of Sutton, Quebec, are spending
Prepare For
and Mr. arid Mrs. Newton Clarke,: end guest of her aunt, Airs. T. 1),
of Exeter, attended. the Dobbs-•orme.
Cheers Sick
Anglican returned from a vacetant at
Women's Training College to fire flash from the hydro pole on
Sunday school will reopen next assist in modernizing their Point. Clarke. •
Sunday and church services will kitchen. the corner of Beech mid Alice
Mr. and Mrs. Grieves, Of Lon-
a.m. darkness Saturday eveniag, but
Birthday Party
Haskett. Mrs. ,Jack Steacy a id
ei-- Wins to the church the past week. a• , e .
Mrs. Gerald Lewis was the pot- Friends of the late Miss Ger- children, the occasion being the Gary Revington has returned
s, 10th birthday of Sharon Sims, of home after a weeks vacation at
ting of plants for the sick of t. d 'II dei C whose funeral
Lucan. These pots were given to service was held last week. have : Newark, Ont.
the three clergy for distribution donated 510 to be used as a Shower
and were also deeply appreciated, church memorial, with the under- Misses 'Joyce McDonald. Mar -
Arena News , . standing that any more of Miss garet Neil, Sheleigh Ewen, Mrs.
Hodgins' friends who wish to do a patient in St. Joseph s Hospital
Mr. Harold Ribeon bas neen
Maurice McDonald, all of Ludan, e,„. 1 n was able in om
rehired as recreational director so, may add to the ten dollars; . and Mrs. Harry Carroll, of : — " days, " ee“
of the Lucan Community Mem- home last Tueeday.
Mrs. Carlisle, wife of the late Saintsbury, attended a miscel-
oriel Centre for the coining year.
Arthur Carlisle, after laneous shower in London last Miss Judy Haskell, daughter
The arena grounds are now Blellon
whom the parish hall was named, Thursday in honor of 'Miss of Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Baskett,
ready for reseeding.
The Marty Robbins orchestra has donated $100 to start an A4
aeaureen Fenn. of London (form. is holidaying at Inverhuron, the
from the hit 'parade, hex been endownient, fund to be used on erly of Main St., Lucan), whose g test of Alr. and Mrs. A. Kelb,
secured for a dance, Saturday, Carlisle Hell; marriage to Mr. Glen Cameron of London.
A donor, wlio wishes for the will take place next Saturday 'in
present to remain anonymous. St. David's Church, London.
has donated funds for the pur-
chase •of the servers' guild vest- Discuss School
ments, Mr. Merton Culbert is School
/IOW captain of the guild.
St. Paul's Cathedral, London. *Mr. and Aire. en R. Wilkinson.
return to 11 a.m. instead of 9.30 • Si. Part of the street was in Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee and
dnn. were. Friday guests of Mr.
and to the pole itself. and Mrs. Thomas Leeined 21 adults .
Mrs. ,Tamee Avery, last Thurs. no apparent damage was done
There' have been eeeeial done -
Riverside, where he was the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. joke
Campbell. •
Mr. Wilson liodgies, whet was
September 27. *
London Church
Scene Of Vows
mpr v m
Mrs. Roy Hamilton, of Lame,
and Mr. and Mrs. Erle Hamilton,
of Ailsa Craig, have returned
from a motor trip to Manitoulin
Island, Elliott's Lake, Sudbury
and North Bay. '
Mrs. Warner McRoberts and
at 4 p.m.. Saturday,. August ZO, ' in memory of.itheir.parents, have . Rev. .T. P. Prest, as dean, pre..Mrs: William Brownlee spent last
was the setting when the Very : donated a S1 ver . bon,li he
. the,sided at an evaluation vacation Wednesday at Grand Bend, and
the former attended: the mother
Rev. R. C. Brown united in - baptismal foist. This will e ,de 1- school staff meeting in the parish
marriage Eva Dianne McLean : sated at the 11 o'clocksetvice, hall last Tuesday evening. and daughter CGIT banquet at
I Owing to both Mr. Prest and Cromarty on Friday night.
and David Patrick Hertel. i next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFales
The bride is the daughter of ; Inconjunction with the 50th i the secretary, Mrs. .il MurrayMurr and Mr. and Mrs. Will McFalls
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLean ; anniversary of the church, guest Hodgins being on vacation unI
attended. the funeral of the late
(nee Eva Bevington, formerly of . speakers will be secured through- almost the eve of the- opening 1 mr. stanley McFalls, at the. A.
Lucan), London, add the groom • out the year. Prof. J. Greet: of the school, things did not
run Millard George funeral home last
Is the seri of Mr. and Mrs, Fred . Morden, of Huron Colleg,e, willl quite RS smoothly as Prevlous 'Saturday, and Mrs. C. W. Hawk-
. ;
Hertel, also of London, i he the speaker September 14,. years, With the increased enrol.' shaw, Mrs. W. J. McFails and
Given in marriage by her : and .Archdeacon C. Foreman, a . ments classes were meets too Mrs. Roy Hodgins paid their
father the bride chose a formal ;former Lucanite, has been se -i large for efficient work this year, last respects on Friday evenieg.
ensemble of Chantilly lace, with; cured for September 21, the
over - all sequins hand em. t annual Harvest Thanksgiving
broidered, over ice blue satin, l service.
styled with a scalloped neckline 1 United Church
andlong lily-pointsleeves. Ai
Matching .Juliette eap headdress. One of the highlights of the
embroidered with sequins, held W.A. meeting on Wednesday eve- of a parade and pet show next tage of Archdeacon C. J. Queen,
lk hert year was discussed, at Kincardine.
• • ' , . r w a
her pure silk illusion finger.tip ning in the church parlors will
so more teachers will have to Mr. aed Mrs. Ernie Ross left
be secured next year. on Friday evening for a holiday
All felt the pet show was a big trip.'
success but more prizes should . Miss Marilyn Brownlee spent,
have been given. The feasibility the holiday weekend at the cot -
veil. She carried a cascade of '
White orchids and stephanotis. : recent trip to. the coast, by Mrs,
The. bride was attended by Murray Hodgins.
her sister, Miss Josephine Me-, Pentecostal Church
. iss ,
Committee Meeting. land, has returned home after a
The president of the Senior
Women's Auxiliary of the Angli- Bowyer.
week's visit with Miss Kate
can Church. Mrs. T, C. McFar- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garland, of
Lean, as maid of honor, and ass In the absence of the pastor, lane, entertained the executive Hanover, were holiday weekend
Cecile Patterson and Miss Joan the Rev. Fred Thompson, Mr. last rhursday evening at her guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. M.
MeGea.thy, as bridesmaids. All Moine Eizinga was in charge of hoine on Water St. Hedden,
attendants wore identical gowns, the morning service. With mem- The evening was spent in mak- Mrs. Howard Aylestock, of
of blue pure silk organza, featur- bers attending the big youth ing plans for the ,Tapaneee tea, Montreal, spent the past week's
trig ballerina length bouffant rally in Stayner from Friday till to be held in the Parish Hall vacation With Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Aylestock.
Mrs, John Casey who returned
to Detroit with her son, is home
skirts, pleated tops with sca – Monday, there was no evening from 3 till 5 p,m., Wednesday,
loped neckline and flat bow, service. Rev. and Mrs, Thomp- September 3.
headdresses. They carried bell.; son, Donna Bruce and George,
quets of yellow roses :with white err. and Horses Continue Winning'
Mrs. Jack Eizinga, Mrs, . ' . . -
With the lacing season drawing
Shasta *mums. ' .T, A. Graham and two boys, and
Mr, Jim Perry was best .man.: In a close,Lucan horses are still
Miss Loraine Graham. Mr. and - . . -
Mrs, Howard Gerrie, misses chalking up victories.
And Jack Park, Lucan, Bob ,
Davie, Jim Shainline, and Clay- Term. Alargaret and Vicky
ton Heighley were ushers. ' Eizenga, Vehno Birch and Erma
At a reception lied at the Thompson. also Peter Butler,
Knotty Pine Inn, the bride's
othee received in a cocoa .
rnPersona/ "etre :
brown Chantilly late gown, with Mr. Rastus Nell, of Scat,
scalloped neckline, over char. Sask., is visiting Mr and Mrs.
"Governor G," recently pur-
chased by Sheridan Revington
and William Ellerifigted, Won a
Class B Pace for '$1,300 at
Batavia Down e last Tuesday
The Story 'Ip
On Saturday, August 23, 6Pt.""a• !terns Male •
treuse arid silk organza, trapese ' Harold Corbett and other Lucan ,, Mr. and Mrs. Bob, and
Bimbo Chief Can" won the
back, and bronze rose corsage.' friends, children of Tomtit° visited Mon -
$1,300 Class 13 Pace, also at,
She was assisted, by the groom's: Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Hovey, of
Batavia, and "Floating Rhythm" day with Mr. and Mrt. Norman
mother, in Dior blue silk brocade, . Toronto, were recent guests of came seeond, Saturday, August Jaques and family.
draped bodice, sheath skirt with Mr. and Ms. F, C. Hovey, 30,
navy accessozics. i Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins
The bride changed to a blue spent last weekend with their
suit with black accessories and' three daughters in London.
Personal Item
Mr. and Mrs, Te51e Jaques
and Mrs. Sam Bowers of Exeter
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gadbolt, and Mrs. Clifton Jaques.
orchid corsage before leaving for i Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickies, el oi Mitchell, were Sunday guests Janice and Robert Morley al`
a honey/nom trip to New York i London, were overnight guests of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hodge/is. Whalen spent a few days last
The young couple will make; last Thursday with the formers Airs, Irene Hicks and son Bill, week with Mr. and Mes, Norman
their hone in London. ;sister, Mrs. Bob Coleman.
Ludanites attending the wed.' With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ar. and Mi. and Mrs. George miller, Jaques and family,
of Flint, Mich..: were Sunday. Lynda, Buth Ann, Jane and
ding included Mr, and Mrs. John: tiold returning to their home on guests of Mrs. Thomas Brooke,
Bruce Dykeman spent Friday at
Pains and JAckee,' Mr. and Mrs. i Concession 5, Bev. Fred Thom- , '
Mr. and Mrs, Art Hamilton. of Toronto Exhibition.
Sheridah Revington and Marline.• 5011 had to move again, so he Jane and Ruth Ann Dykerean
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin and :bought and moved into theBellville, were weekend gueets
house and Betty Bailey of Exeter left
Mr. Wes Revington, Rose Aad , recently vacated by Mr.of Mr. and Mr, Harold Ribs=
H. ATuesdayfor Wingham where they
rnie, 1 Luking, next They brought home John Ribson to the Township are taking a certified nurses'
Besides the shower held in ! Hall, on Main St. who spent most of his school va-
Lucan a week ago, the bride I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fiord and cation with Belleville relatives. '
Four grade 1 pupils started
was recipient of two other /his- son, Robert, were holiday week. Reeve Cecil Lewis reports that school at Zion on Tuesday, name-
eellArleettS showers le:London. lend guests of Mrs. ,Irene Coursey. the 'Muse he is building for Mr. 137, Yvonne Jaques, Ann Herd.
Glen Basket( on Highway 4, jot man, Marion Hern and Karen
east of the village, and -the' (me Rodd.
he is building, for. sale on Beech Mrs. Margaret Thwaites and
St., are both ready for plastering. Dawn of Tororito and Mrs. C,
Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Prest and JOUOS of St. Marys Wet Sun.
Mr. Ben BAnting last Saturday clay with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
. attended the funeral service of. Jaques.
the late Albert E. Carter, At his Miss lesteel Stewart of Byron
. late resideece, London, with. in- spent the weekend with Mr. Add
ferment in Woodland Cernelei,y. Mrs. Warren Brock,
Mrs. Carter, the former E. Jane; Mrs. Bob Hem Jarvis, and
Stanley, is an airilt of Mrs, Prest. Mr. and Mrs. Harold lien Wt
Mrs. C. F. Langford. of To. Tuesday for A few days in To-
ronto, was a weekend guest of ronto,
her mother, Mrs. John Casey, Mr. .aed Mrs, Warren Break
t Mr. Arid Mrs, Fred Gibson, of and Mies Hazel Stewart attended
ThedfercI, and Mr, arid Mrs. the Stewart picnic an Sunday at
Walker Durr. of Parkhill, were the home of Mr, hed eire, Ed -
Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. win Miller. Thames Read.
Cbartin Windsor. Mr. George Earl is spending
Vieitote with the Rev. and Mrs. this month with Mr. and Mrs.
Jklgar litou'iston last ‘veek were Angus tar).
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rogers Doris, Dereett and Margaret
and two daughters. Mile and troek attended TorOMO Exhibi.
Meet ef Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. tion, On Saturday.
F. G. Lapp, Miss rtuth Coulter
and eistet, Mrs. Derie ltdiudr,
and Miss Agnes Hall, all of SC.
Why take et theme -1M noyinefe ef
mail order purchases, seed Post Office
Mane), orders. Simple fa' procure at
your Post OfA, or treat your rural mail
teteriet. Pest off,c, meney ended test
little, end ref delditiortel prOfeetiete you
tjef 0 rettipf of time o et/facet.
test Office C.O.D. tay soil your mail:
order purchasing requirements better
— you pay lite pest frice or your rural
*toil carrier the amount of your bill plus
e aomintd thoroe for handling.
e A tit it dot 06ST OPFICt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay jr., Mr.
arid Mra. JArittle Avery, and Mr.
and Mrs. T. 14. Jailor! Meat
last'Sunday At Ni4gara Pans.
- Decoration Day was held at
Zion tenietety 66 Sunday after.
Duffield of Lambeth
was guest speaker. Mr. Brooks
f London sang twe stilet,
Air, and Mrs. Epliriam Ilern
had several visitors vLsit6r tirI Sunday
for Dedoration Stet/fete.
IS. 6 rtMLait, ri�w , Mr. A. C. Pykeihan, Watete
Alilia Celleget St, Thome, Wigdewit, Waited Sunday with Mr,
the Mikity weekend M her and Mes, 4 Dyketnen andram.
keine here,
Boys' itik Girls' Nylon and Cotton
Snow Suits
* Warin Quilted Lining :A Strong' 'Zipper Opening
* TWO STYLES—Split zipper hood, can be worn as
collar or hood :and separate cap style
COLOR CHOICBS—Reci, Sizes 2 to 6x.
Caribbean, Sizes 2 to Gx
Powder, Sizes 2 to 4
Royal or Brown, Sizes 5 to 6x
Buy on Layaway. $1. Down $L- Week
Lucan DryGoods
tens, .sseafgen
Long Sault Dant
. `14'.%•
4:‘; '/ •
Iroquois- Control Dont
Another grea
of pow r
for Ontarp.
,71/te Adjoining St, Lawrence Powerhouse*
During the past four years, your Hydro, in partnership
with the Power Authority of the State of New York,
has brought. the International Rapids section of the
St. Lawrence River to the power producing stage.
on September 5th, we will join hands with' our partner hi
a ceremony Officially opening the great power project,
The 32 generating units, half of which will be installed
M Ontario Hydro's powerhouse, will have a maximum
capacity of 1,880,000 kilowatts , more power for
living WWI; eleatfically—the s-afe, clean, modern way,