HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-04, Page 11-19,101111.1110,110111i eilitimin um it tutu t ottiot itimtiet fin* tt ti intiti mitt 'tit mote tetimettuntimeit Imre, Announcements RATES Airths . . No. •Charge. .Marrieges. and. Deaths 15 (Marriages elle( OWN ere reported without ;berg* .in new columns.. This ;hero! .applies only to listing under Announcements.) • ce reit .of -Theniss,-Engegements. 750 In Memoriems .(4 -line verse) 51.00 • Extre •1141rAIIIS: 110.01 250 BIRTHS — 4.1E,N1nic.K.-EigIn and rat Hen - d Melt, rLfl, 1 Dash:wood, are hapny to announce the birth or a daughter, Kimberly Ann. at 'Sewn tiuron Hostilta.l. Angltst 30, '195S -a sister for Pet pr. riffinis-Ate. and Airs, lien no t h Norris. Exet er, nnoutoe the birth of a son. Tacky, at South Huron Hospital, September 2, H)5e. T ETA r. and Mrs. :1 nit n Trumbio, 11CA1" Centralia, an- nonnee the birth or a daughter, Debra Charmaine. at South Mu- ffin Bmspital, August 29, I93S, ENGAGEMENTS —. Mr. and 51 re. Plus Piet rich. cif Dashwonel, announce the engage - pont of their daughi er. Catherine June, in Al r. Norman Pranels :Breen, Parkhill, ton of 51r. a id Mrs. Thomas Breen; the marriage to take plaer in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church on Sa t triber 25, at 10:n0 ani. 4 • Mr, arid Mrs, Edward J. Wil- lard w 1811 to a n no u nee the on- regernen t of their only daughter, Elizabeth Anne, 10 Mr. John Franklin Borland, son or Mr. and CharleS Borland nf Thames Tinad, Ont, t be weddingto lake pace nn ,Sept ember 2n, 1 s5S, at Mount Hope Unit ed • Church, at 1 p.m, 4. Mr. a nil Airs. Parma. n ("anti, n.e.. 3 Exeter, wish 10 annonnee the engagement nf their cis.ugh- I rt., Phyllis Maybelle, 10 Air, An- tein R. .111111er. son of Mr. and rs. Ant on Miller, R. E, 1 clande- boy,' the marriage lo take Place on Saturday, September 20, Mg, Al 1:00 p.rn , In ('aen Presby- tc'Han Chu reh, 'Exeter, 4* Tin Shop Opening Tuesday, Sept: 2 Specializing In TINSMITHING - PLUMBING DUO -THERM STOVES & ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Mitchell. S. Hardware PHONE 9 1111.11.1,1Mk CARPS OF THANKS - .T wish to express mY sincere thanks to all Weise who so kind- ly remembered the with flnwers, treats and rants while a patient In St, .1neeph's Hospital. - Mrs. Alyrt le Bunter. Mrs. Lloyd Weriher wiches in thank all her friends, re lat Ives and neighbors who so It nutty re- membered her with. eards, s Mid 1 reale while a pat lent In Vint 01'1R. fir/ROM', London, and stripe returning' honle. The family ea the late 'Mrs. Charles Glanville wish to es - Results \Unlimited Wh The Times:Alma* Stlitember 4, 1958 Pap 11 41 • • •40. IS ing RATE— 25 words or les. 70c More Than 25 Words 2e Per Word 20g OFF If td Paid with order or by SatUrclay following the last insertion „FOR SALE-- REAL BSTATE, I SERVICES , SP S011 111: ti 7,11cCla ry, 51.060 ' HE ot •14 li 1 \ CRPITb ON, 3 ed- If' 0 lt A 1:T11.'1111AL 1NAB SEMIN. EAT has prompt shmAttl ipent ee Y , 11,1-.14.. and 1 fin -la l. innh. $73.,,,,; ; ronlee Tiernan.sbath and 1 bed- " 7.1,AI 4)sers lee or k:I mnre inrma- daynid and startW ed. for et pro- QVANTITOF W091) n isii APIA 11 ens 1 oil heat pr. Ap111A .; rI11110 dein arll . nil iiiiteet large 11014 telephone tIS aterino Cat- fitiCt ion. .11V 0feed cost. Also start - 4. carriithere, .noman Line, Lit- , 11111.1. re J. it, lien a nitro,. ma t eIN 6 11 Breedin,...- Asenrihe atieu .i n 1 1 Pct at 14 p ri . p •• . : I:fleeted. at No. 41 ILsborne. 'Tend. can. 941 '1101. " ..r Infer bleu vi 11 11 45.11 lo'. - cith tem ii,l' 3-1441 between ^,' -3n ts (ohs. eel, for list. Order NOVe111. ers to he in the hands of the 1111=. 1 e.cen. drilled well and farm and 9:10 a.m. IA re,h dos. 6 and 11C11'4.1Prelll 1,P1' brellers now. Agent seeretary bY Septenlber 11. 19554 tri;•Es - 41 4.11 inn 1 ns will) eeiVip- ,1•1111d. i'l.cle 1:,. W Creelitnn. de ; a p.m. on Se t lira,* s. Liu not coil --Erie Carsvadden, .Exeter, phone rot service on Sundae. •Vows in r:41'-'"Wf 9e A. G. HICKS, Sec-Tree...5. finney pump, good 01 18111>1' sl or. , 1 ‘4'111,.% 2-i.pdroom i•01 tagn, :111511 alite0a41 osnaiSitfirailllany;11.5.an 01: 35311soenitnialn%. wANTED,.,,_, ,, ag, pipits. it ex pre.4e. capping 1 YrInis nil" No. 4 highwic.v. ZXoter. 44I ',tette. supers, toil en eNcIntlere. t 31>1(0 10 Londen. 32,1010 flow it. 5.18 ' We slIPPlY 1501%11 .2 to lop finals t Y 01 e, Also one share in 1110 notarla l nil" 'it, . 4111111PII int e posseesion. : litille Of . tile' I 10181 PIO, ,IPTSPyt ' , 't " „" WA N T KO ',1 o rtk,`,:s.1.----L'-. PrefPr. 1100(1 prniliteers (0 I> rt here you 1 Cat 1 utile is, Lui .1111, Roman Line. • AYrePire. Iluernsey, Breiwn SAvise. 9.e . Iled Poll, Hereford I polled and !,1)Y J-bedrnorn hnuse„ unfur. ! horned I, Beef Short horu (polled, ....i ed. Required. prior to 3111[1.. 11:1 4 e a. market rev surplus linuey. 11.11. 3 SUCCEEPING INSERTIONS 400 A1/114 .11°x. "11"-rilTles'•%4"-wat" — , Ai 1,11N 1 sTortii y bri0k 110080. 11324 . liorned,. and ithai rurposa October. Call 1,71: r:. F. Jehnst on. • More than 25 Words -,- 4*1,0",la": bpdronmp, 1, $biri0o0lifisimi,-.1i,tfi0 .,A011;ezitisis inon0fl, C112;:r2n4itafins art',': t..P1,31L3. Plmne 7'11' :rect.' (Restricted. to one column) 4 .1 ERSE' S.' COWS, all young. A p- lib..; Fsmer. 1 sclinid, !time gage erra.nged.. Phone : barns or henhouses whit e washed - . ' .• 4:11.1Se call Bill Watson. Phone ,17-1.-19 HOME for 1-nriont h -old German Join , 11/2v Per Word . imm.1.3 'Hoyt -1,m binp, In x.,074:..1 li fl::::•11,,T,..,4iliteor7 11,:o811:,.111.1‘ Irtz ronm. shape. Apply line. aril lierSlalse. I Ili ,plio 0, NH bassnutni, nil heal. , Hose in ' AN l'ONE NV iS11.111g; to hat e "their 51.111:-.1t-16' ,IINE4eriF). 118.' 3 4aaen. l'ilr"140P Semi -Display 'Classifieds rbonck .v.:xotar 174 -AL U S I BABY cHicK4-- inrnt. hien:lung e:ttrnettar, new 1. First Insertion $1.40 Per Inch i spparsa11.7n71. Also gra.in or 11.11. 6, phone 115-r-16 IX' irkt on. ply Eose Langiord, St. Itlarys 1 t corn Sheppard pung it il0rigiretta'atrali nurisopg. a Minimum 1" Thninae Slat'ln Phone Hensall rin w s. Dead st nek a t valti,e:..21::rta:111 a tn.la'01 ;II 114111Y ;A nid ;ref RwIrs". essperi ek,... t. R es 1::11'1.011e: (L'Yot'ISP•TP_Ilone 347 g%Pl Pr' . 4c 1 1 Searort h. e ' We're local people saving money Subsequent Insertions c It le A .m. sfil,,Anti,,Tort viking, , 4* C4 V. Pickard x erriillt down Or diea bled horSee and HirathsT cAsH rnics f or xicts. broken. :Phone Mrs. Norm BockeY, Wednesday noon. Auction 5ale 1111).'. It -- cireree. Ne. I wi,r,inree te sell, see us, noon, sirunnp St. 4* , and other pro erties 916 1°"° IN. I" 4. i VAF1; ePTSTIV iii!..*".fC3tS1 t 11;11'1 aliPrPod.. phone 1511-8S or leg. 7:10-9:44 Kinder pleaee leave at. Box ''.n... . (at good interest) and borrowing money (at low rates) ... Fres al tr,r,71,i.v.. ilt; no inni 11 si n epti.se r of ii.lrig. IT rp yin . I ... copy should be in Tuesday We are offering I tiurT.eadn-. !,12ai, ( m`..9.0SrlriLinig . ..I:. xi tegtgi, r:n, . 1;ticelet, naet ‘-. 1 en pt•Lkviere„ nhotht island Berl i ocnnnia,aly i BEANE) NEW 1-bedrnom home. . modern throughout. t (tam ellsi NG DEA ss with SP fin riM""Adv0Pal.P. 4. insurance, too: x Light SuseeN. Ready to la:. • I ream.. b 1 f - SALE— Anply Ea 1.1 Shapton, phone AUCTION SALES ,-, iexptc,1., price or on easy terms. f.. 1 .‘ orm Whiting, Exeter, phone 655.. 4..se,) - alf is t rt in t 1 n e, Alpipt r15.a . . EXETER & COMMUNITY 21::'!s.:49e It Ski";OPk'ag&11 AT NETMENT-Gond lo- 1 W • low mileage. Phone 281-1V-1 Ex- sh7,1, very remrertebte 1 •!.„-Ing , :FILMS DEVELOPED in 93 hours. COMMUNITY SALE CREDIT UNION t very easy t erms. elensall agent - Fink Plumbing TA LO n's PRMAIISES Ope.n, Mont, Wed, & Thurs. 'Nights SA TI: :RDA 1 , se,r-rustrion. 13 mairi St, (Upstairs) OpPoorite PO press their sineere t hanks Allitt $1,25 Per inch r4 13 " kV . de a ppreclation to neighbore. relit • messages or sympathy and beau - tire 1, lineal tributes reneIN rd. due- „, ssiti ii$.4-11.•21. d* 'We itit 0 clients w ishing to Wir- ing their recent heron vement. s.:1 Spevia 1 the nks I 0 :Hopper -14 nekey, lips, H. Wilson and the neigh- bors who assisted with the har- vest. 4+ I wish In express my thanks and appreciation to ntY friends and neighbors who remembered FOR-, P Allay e purehesef 01 i M, • H • .' • 1 me with ',arils. flowers. fruit et r. . during my recent illness, I would like to especially thank the Ea- DRAIN TILE Mei' Public School Sneed and 1983 0 LDS, 2.-1 ono, custom reite). 1 cat nn. Suitable rem office or I 4 inelt $ 33 per M Del'el 5 inch g:'; Per 111 Dern I wish to take this 01111011 1111115 7 i nett 148 per Al Gerd 1.BmpEorfAl 110CS1.1, xv ell 'neat- I ins. g:21-1(1:11.1 Anyone wishing to lave articles 6 inch 1 1 A per Iti Perri ,Cit Heating. :Prompt photn finish- ' to t hank all those Who so it bully S inch ,....,.......... 175 per Al DePt1 remembered me with nR 11CIS, let - T's T's and Elbows in Stock rorm,. g.., nod. ilea ring equipment : NE W 1111A 'VEIL .P.IT ripened altrint • fives and r Mende for kindnesses, • elec.:Me. used. 3 ' ;pont 1{11. Apply F1088' 9 WTI 'ESL( aidestralk hi- ed ads accepted up Hill vitas,' Exeter homes. If you wish 81 311 and Guise who offered and gave their assist ance during this t ime.-Arthti r 4 e. et er. d* I qua] /ere. can he perchased on ' I.eeter agent - :Russell 'Electric.: WINDMILL,Faker 211- ft. tower, nil bath, in good shape. Apply Perey Puncan, phone 37-10 Kiri,. - ton. 4* PIA NO, Bell, \VII 11 lien( h. in gond Qom! it inn. Apply ,13o'AL, d ovate, 4* '13 sr t.r) RAN 111 T R1.'0 K. 111111 hoist, 11-11. reeks, with 'tarp. Apply :Sal -on Wein, phone 29 t 1 pillion. PEACHES -All popular arie t les. 1 le 111 ileS north of Dash wood, Ap- ply Iva n SharroW, phone 116 Dash wood. 4* SITGA I:110•111.111,, 1 -point hitch, Phone 62-r-12 Creiliton, 4* eel, modern hit ellen and bath- . In bale, contact Frank Taylor. gimummummimmummig. tees, Ilnwers and treats and t hose who visited me %011ie a patient 1.11 Smith Huron Hose it a I. 11 WAS all sincerely appreeiat ed. -Robert AlcAl lister, de The family of the late. Alt's. Thomas Willis wishes to extend heartfelt thanks and appreciation fnr the aids nr kind ness, Ines. 31agef11 m sYeainy: beaut flnr- al affeVnge Tnee'Vecl from 1>lnd Teta fives, frietirls 1104 neigh hofire in our ret.e.ot bereavement. Also many thanks 10 all those who remembered t her and added in her comfort, in. any WAY tin rine; her illness in 'Vlet oria :H nspital, South Huron Hospital and itt hnme.-1-larris and Wanda. West and Flossie Da.vey, 4. IN MEMORIAM*: PA'r'r E RSON- In .loving memory of a clear mother and grand- mother, Mrs. Ada Patterson, who passed away one year ago. Septern her 3. 1957. IV* cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see, Rut. all is, well that's done by. Thee. -A lways remembered by the family. de Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE LiAwr ND 111.Th rlirme 193 TAtean OFFICE 18QUIPAOE41NT - Heart - n t ers for Eoyal typewriters, Vietor addinr, machines. 'We ran save you money: Exeter Timee- Advocate, phone 7,70, 27tfc 1116.1k THRESHER, Whit e -Biel - w ell, 16-14 double cylinder, on rubber, in • good 1113 10 of repair, very reasonable, Enquire BAY Bellamy, .11.E. 1 Elmo s, Ontario: plume that ham, Elgin 2-22s6, Typewriters Portables or Standard THE EXETER' TIMES -ADVOCATE 17tfc CASS TAIIIESII.E11, 2647, on rub- ber, equipped with Ehersol grain The average factory wage in t hrower and shredder, 14n - et. Canada at May 1, .1958, was Exeter, phone 1139ajVI,e1 " I OK machine, all in good condi- Lion. Apply St Hill' St., Exeter. 4a -Inn 'NIA:was. Red -Sussex. six months old, laying. good. Phone Kirkton S4-11-4, ell's, Ilay Clarke. . 4* l.A1)I1IS' AL. I,- WEA H Eft (-01(1 0011 hat, Six' 14-16, excellent con- Alny be seen al 309 An- drew St., Exeter. 4c 2 YORK SOW'S, carry f !rot 111 ters, due middle of Sept ember, Apply Amos Wright, Centralia. phone Exet er 780-w-12, •won. SALE 011 E XCHA NMI: - Reasonably priced: large oak din- ing room su Re: Crosley refrig- erator: Moffat range: treddi sewing machine Mc. fterin lee pi- ano; glide' bieyele: pipet rie SP W $66.98, compared to $64.96 one year previously and $43.87 eight CREDITON years previously. parents teach them to • cross,at corners • obey signals ',!‘,k • look before crcmsin9 SEND FOR FREE FOLDER "POINTERS FOR PARENTS" TO HIGHWAY SAFETY BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 8• Letter From Brinsley By MRS, CECIL ELLWOOD Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Lavrene Shad - dick of London spent Wednesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fenton. , (mon 'W,SSH INO, MACHINE and Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan! cheap. Phone 27R and family left for their home 4c in Guelph after spending the I" WILTON" •nt-G. dark 'wine. I one- on•-tnne, Elx12, in good eondit ion. summer at their farm. de Mr. and Mrs. Joee Carey of APPIY Tinies-Ad""". Mount Carmel spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh, "Mrs. William Fenton and chil- dren returned home after spend- ing a few days at the Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dixon, Mr. Glen Pickering and Miss Aileen Morton of Ailsa Craig re- turned home on Friday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dixon in the Sault Ste, Marie district. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter and Mary Ellen of Lansing, Mich. visited with Mr. agd Mrs. Fred Fenton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whittard and Jeanette of St. Catharines spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mrs, Maitland of St. Cathar- ines is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley. MrsJoe Morgan has bee the sick list, also others are RENT . been an FOR having a siege of the mumps. Miss MaryArnos who has been on the sick list for „some time cil" SENSE'S' COW, carrylag sec- ond van% due in 4 weeks; .also Jersey cow, fresh weeks Ap- 1115' George Toort Inge. >4 miles east or Exeter and 4-rnile West of Ent-1110ml% .1. PEAC 0 ES -Vedettes, S0111 1'. Ha- ven prune p Inms, Tonto Claude: onions; sweet peppers: Street corn; tomatoes; sq us sh ; pears: dill, Bring your baskets. James Eberly, Sylvan, Ont. 4e 'POTATOES - .Ala.rsh-gro tt'fl, table stock potatoes. excellent enokers. priced. right, 'wilt Aloussea tr. 2'2 in Hes -west or Hensan on • So. 84 highway. Phone 50-r-2 Zurich, 4:11c 1949 HILLMAN' SEDAN. blue, in good condition. .Apply 04 Simene Si., phone 7130. 4e IJMIAZJN18 OFFERSI-Vogite. 2f1 issues, $6.00: House and Garden, 14 ISSUPS. 83,7S: filaT1101.1r, 1 4 1A^ sties, 02.641; Phone 770, Exe t er Times -A chmeate, agent e kir all n111)11,-2 inns. 24:4:1116:25e PEAC RES - Different 'V 2 TIM ITS. Dolden Reel Haven and We. Bring container s. Prices right at the orchard, A poly How- ard James and SV.Sadler, Forest, Reache•nod Ave. es .1. SPIIAT ED APPLES, plums. Pears. I omatoes, cabbage. enrn, green beans, cauliflower. Philip 51,,, Kenzie, phone liensall 981-11-41, or Exeter 233. 14:21,2s :1PART51 ENT -One of the bet ter part -furnished 4 -room apartments. Large airy rooms in private home. Path and hot water. Central In - clition: arbilts; yea sona hie rent. is improving in health. GA rage available. 340 Andrm 111. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Trevethick Eleter. • tz of Ailsa Craig were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred centrally In" I $41' for two or three persons, netv Fenton, 2S:4* &mere t ed, Phone General ,, London. Of the 18,400,000 members of 3 -110051 4 r'ART•Nr1Nr. r/riNftiP entrance. 26 Frill St.. TeNoter. 10 the international trades unions, . about 1,000,000 members are ('psp.vra 4rA wpm ics,r.....4 1001)111. Canadians. Total income from ii.tadi label:1i; i.7. the VI 1,1R c ge. or ,114 dues of members a these unions :non; 1:1derned1Pord'riAL stet int41.... , IA estinialed at $620,000,000 a 44 BED1100.AI 110L'S E. in grind , year, vondit lop. hydro, telephone, hot * * * * and eold '.satdr, 3 -piece bath, n N't1 liable October 1 11. mitre It is estimated that the federal government will have to borrow a record, for peacetime, $3,4 billion in the current year to cover its budget deficit., new loans and expiring 'bond issues. GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. • vvv $90 SOCKEYE SALMON Gold Seal, 734 oz. .,. 450 GIANT BREEZE White or Blue DOMESTIC SHORTENING 3-1b. cannister KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Medittni size 2 for 490 6.90 950 STOKELY FANCY PEAS 15 -oz. tins ORANGE JUICE Delmonte, 48 -oz. PEANUT BUTTER Cltib House, 16 -oz.` 350 TOILET TISSUE White Swan v . for 230 PORK AND BEANS Clark% 20 -Oz, tins 2 for 370 2 for 330 , 370 PHONE 914 EXETER diPEN SATURDAY WW1 lit. 10 O'CLOCK 11'011 or Eippen, Apply John Anderson R.11. 2 Hensel!, plume 675-11 ffensAll. 41 Ft1ONT A PARMA! NNT, 1 hedenrim. ground floor, unfurnished, heel - 0(1, RYA liable October 1, Phone 76 -Ar FINet Pr. loom nr.;:sp with tint ion In hey "°"se In Ea et" a n' a dOVO, ""1" rent ral la. W. 0, PTI.Tilea Itor. Exeter, 11: 11 re nAmts,•'. 2-sforoy. medium Fined, on Sinume St. Phone 186 311(01*1. le REAL ESTATE— W1 C. Pearce r.MAT.'1"Ort GENETLAI: INSTILS:NOE AO Anne St. ;Eerier Phone 415 244ED heed, tot 1 age: 010(1 fni. ranee, 1-pleee be th, et' Dirrince; ge f•A ge; Tito Pal erniti. .4-4'1r8r1 itniinflon hardnood floors, thenace. run bath, 1i -fiction emit enietwes, garttgo. 3-B831) 1-5toeey V0111601.04, 041 NT - once, hot wet et- hem, full bath. lovely kitchen, drilled well; Cen- tralia. sfeD rue, brick, nu burnine fur- nace. water preeettre, garage'. large lot: Cent retie. We hot e set eral fartne, .tAttr, VATtSONS, Phone 561 1>11181) COLT4, PhemP 6414n rIft. FAB NIS 205 41(105, 175 tinabip, 9 18(105 Thum, n-hodrooro honso, wi)h. 01(10 And fltrnitee, 2 pressure eyet eine, large barn on WAIT, im- plement elied and doable gereee, 821,001, 1410 itemise, No. 4 higim,RY. 44004ro41tn fro we beter, 011(0. levee bririi tin well en(1 one email barn, toe the me05 of revel niul heart*, nn Thi* Term. $16,0eftOne- tect .1. L. Ifertelerron, Edgar Street, Thiel er, nr If. ft A rriniel. Broker, TOT'. 1:ippett, }tens:tit 612-r413, .1.,,,aikii1R1317,nta, 011161%0v. pLr ilfb- Pe. ra.Sil. 0 tuelli.Oncil 3 "0•1111 t ifla knem1r11.0117ca. In in4131"0/1111 'Fla nii igtisZia‘ gy. "1""n"."""1"""9""""Wili ttttt IiiiniiiIIIMMItiliiiniltilOMMinillOMOWIMIIIMMISIMMffiliWOZ 24c 21 , first farm on t he left. Joe i.ee.---*• 1 ••1 • ( 1 is dose NOW, INSURE YOUR Entire Family il Under 1 Policy AT ONE LOW PREMIUM! cENTEA LTA --- Fine 2 - bedrem in i ,17a:111.7 gen, 010110 („3.Talc:14 :1 73111 home. A11 modern tnt1VP/IiP11( eS. " °1c7 r! 1 I"ndi t l(1.1:rag• a"4. 1 ''1 6116Sr);I l-St.kl 19E111e a1,l0t.mndeia%1.ice.s1g0n,0id(ia‘La0dte1.1,s00. APAETAENT HOESES, LOTS and , l Mpg 'Ike gond n Id-faeh inned other ,..roperties. 1 SVant Ads in do an expert selling.; 1 job. Phone 7711. 4* l'n buy or sell, see C. V. PICA< A ED, Ilealt or, and General I TEAM -11611 OF PIANO • Pored hy Insuranee, 194 Alain St„ Exe Lord Te. Wild (orig. AL.C.M. 'Phone 942 - Phone 1118 and 6241. i4 6:5 t fe ,: 1; studio 410 Albert St., Exeter, I HELP WANTED — (,.knETARP.:11. 1 part -time) ----$1410. 'Enquired by Federal Department' of Public Works, To he respons- i hie rem Meaning, heating and general maInt enamee of Post Of - Pee Building- a I Exet er, On t arin. I Details and appl lea t inn ((inns at Post °Mee s nd Ni tonal Emptily - 111 Pin SeTVICP, Apply hernre Sep- ternhe* 12, 1956, to 111(8 Civil Sem- ViVA Comm issinn, 25 81, Clair A re. East, Temente) 7. 0 nod e 10111 - pet it ion number 841-'l'-6413. 4.. LADI leSI-IStart new for fall and chrtet mac earnings as an Avon representative. Open rural ' areas entail and WPSt. of Te..Neter; also Pa rkh ill and Prot- itwia I Park nroa, Enquire Airs. Mu rift! Mee- han,. 882 Pufferin Ave., London. 4c • • SE11V10E STATION attendant. g hour shift. good pay. Apply North End Whit e Rose Station, Exeter. 4, FAT:M-10e acmes, Quite modern harn with fine home, Water pressure 51(113ems in barn and house, A 101 of ma ehinery entild be bought wit 0 farm. Large s iln. Possession as arranged. Near Eirki nit, FARM -leo ac -roe. Fine home and gond barns., Near Exeter. 15) • 100, acres. Motlern equip - pod house and barns. In grind lo - varier!. Best of land. Would, like, to sell implements and any live- stock wanted by buyer. A lot of either properties In this sem inn. Wim 1114* to mee1 p3011- piVP 1niycrs 1104 sellers. Plume 1 nr writ e Morley Wass. 11 ran ton, agent for rt. 11.1-larrts, London. 171411 e 18e A ['ILES, all 14llable, modern buildings. silo, nen r echnnt 14 and chervil, in MNeter district, spring poseeesMn, Apply Box "E" Tim es- kdvnen re, ft• EMPLOYMENT WANTED - 01,1) 41)115, r pen tering, Pain:Igitrtft etc. PhoneExeter 4014.s MISCELLANEOUS— ,IIVENTIDS VILLA, a home for elderly citizens, is now open at 11i Sanders St., Exeter, The Villa is under the management of Mrs. L. Decjardine, :Exeter. 1:911c STRAYED — Rr.A('R ANC; I 'S HEIFER year- ling. frnm I,n. 20. Con. 4 Stephen. Apply to Frank Triebner, n.n. Life insurance for DAD, for MOTHER and the CHILDREN plus automatic coverage for future additions without any increase in premium. No more premiums if dad dies or is disabled. If mother dies no more premiums to pay on children's policies. Many other family features! Let p T. us explain it to you. T HARRY HOFFMAN Ai • es. REPRESENTING NORTH AMERICAN LIFE • 41, Mutual Company Call Us Collect At 70-W, Dashwood • -steer, nimennmummtinomei llllllll imium llllll lllll 65 CARS! SAVE $20,0001 65 CARS! SAVE $20,0001 65 CARS! SAVE $20,0001 65 111 >1 111 413 Lel Exeter, phone 620-4-4.9 o • 0 0 0-4 LIJ •tt 704 •CE S./ sal ('4 HOME .HAIR. CARE tin 1;k2 Adorn 1,75 , t Brylcreem llllll 43v, 690, 09e" in Jars . 89e, 1.69 Hudnut Pin Quick 1.75 -67 Hudnut Creme Rinse ......754', 1.25, 2.00 Q0-, Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo , 75e, 2.00 14- Hudnut Quick . 1.25, 2,00 Lanolin Discovery l 1.50, 1.95 .rj Max Factor Cleen Shampoo . 85e, 1.35 rdi Max FactorNatural ' Wave 1.75 ti 1.65 L/1 Miss Clairol Colour Shampoo 1 Mks ClairolCreme Formula 1.85 Miss Clairol Clairoxide . 35e 0 Nestle Color -Creme Rinse 75e ‘ Nestle Colorhue Shampoo 69e 4'..t. Silvikrin 15e, 75e ....111 Suave Ladies . ... .. 60e, 1.00 '.;t - Toni: 1'4 Bobbi 2.00 V> Tip Toni . . . .. , 1.25 cl New Toni 2.00 1.) With applicator 2.29 in Prom 200 .41 ,Silver Curl 1.75 :cf; Tame Creme Rinse 690, 1,19 o White Rain Lotion C'. Shampoo 45e, 756 V)' White Rain Crystaltri Clear . Sle.,, 98e > Wildroot. < Cream•Oit . 410, 73e, 180, 1,23 VVildroot Pushbutton[FA Wildroot . . - 1,19 , d See Our New COmplete 'CI Mho:1:m1t Of tn 4) Hairclips, Barrettes Holders, Etc. 10e to 59e UTLEY' DRUG tTORE . 41%11 -4- • "X EXETER LP1 PhoW 5O, CIP I-0 65 (ARS413 To Be Sold By Sept. 27 Save '20, 00 On This Reduced Inventory The Largest Sale of Pontiacs and Buicks Ever Makes This Reduction on Trade -Ins Possible! 7 Buick & Pontiac Executive Cars and Demonstratoirs ONE NEW PONTIAC PATHFINDER WITH AUTOMATIC DRIVE See ° These Bargains '57 Plymouth Savoy 2 -Door $1,995 Whitewalls, wheel discs, only 13,000 miles. '56 Pontiac Deluxe '55 Dodge Mayfair '56 Buick Century Convablel . $2,895 Full power electric windows and seats and radio, sells new for $5,600. Sedan $1,495 '55 Ford Fairlane Sedan $1,195 Sedan $1,295 '53 Buick Special Sedan $1,195 Dynaflow, radio, wheel discs. '52 Meteor Mainline Sedan $ 295 '49 Dodge Station Wagon .... $ 695 '54 Ponti,ac Path. Sedan $ 995 '53 Chev Htircitop $ 895 Equipped with new motor. '51 Chev Sedan, 150 Series $ 395 MANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS WATCH FOR OUR HANDBILLS hi Your Town This Week For A Complete Listing Of Bargains NO PREMIUMS! NO GIMMICKS! JUST MAKE US AN OFFER! We'II Trade Up Or Down PEARSON MOTORS LIMITED, Leg -to t tock Of "(hod Coil In 'HUttiti Cattily PHONt 18 WATCH .0"HONE 608 IX1110: 6$ CARS' :SAVE $10,000i '1400. 6S -$20001 & AM! 'SAW $26;0001.• 65 CARS" 4