HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-04, Page 10News • Of Grand Bend Topic From Mrs Florence Tufts of Lon- don visited with her eister, Airs. ROY 1iirk aed Lorna. Page tO The The .ca September 4, 190 By MRS. E. KPOWN Woodham Mrs. M Copeland and Sean Chartered Life Underwriter • Happenings in G. R. GODBOLT, C.L.U. rhe Life Underwriters Assume - don of Canada has announce That Gerald R. Godholt, of Ex - Later, a representative of The ?Mutual Life of Canada, has been awarded the degree of Charter- ed Life Underwriter. Mr. •Godbolt has successfully completed the three-year course in modern life underwriting which is conducted by the. In- sstittste of Chartered Life Under- writers of Canada through the Department of, University Ex- stenSion, University of Toronto. Blansha.rd Shower For Bride-Eleet Johnson and .............ARTHUR Neva and aY "S* ARTHVR RVNIltsa Roselle at been confined to bed with an was Nancy. By .MRS. GLAD-WYN HOOP -RR Airs. Ross Veal,. ExeterMrs. William Cochrane has hostess at a shower for bride MS. Bevert,v Ann Rev. and Airs,- :G. Wanless and attack of pneumonia. family of Stroud, Air. and Airs. the home of Mrs, L...eslie Hutchin, , Air. and. Airs. Douglas Bulled. son, Grand Bend. Ellis Waugh and family, Airs.• T. Waugh of . London, Mr. HDougie and Debbie spent a few ar- Assisting with the event weire days last week with Air. and veY Parkinson of Kirkton were Mrs. Burton Green. Airs. fl en Mrs. Ted Stanlake. Sunday guests of Air. and' Airs, : Desjardine and Mrs. William Air. and Airs. Donald Scott and Leonard Thacker. Finch, son, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Kenneth Parkin- Mter rehearsal on Friday eve- Mr. Scott's. grandmother, Mrs. san and amil were Sunday ning the wedding party will be •William Patterson. guests 4)f Mr. and Airs. Leonard , entertained at the home of the Idr. and Mrs. Laws:es-Am john - Mills .of Hyde Park, brides parents 4 Air. and Mrs. , son, and daughters Neva and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson•J. Ravelle. Nan W. cy, are visiting for a few and family spent a holiday at :Personal Items days this week in Windsor. . Sault Ste, Marie, North _Bay and. jr,Aand Airs. Alex Hamilton Rope Simpson, of Claade- Airs .t Algonquin Parks • and Bradley left on Monday boye, • visi• ted on Tuesday after- 'noon , Mr. and Mrs Gladwyn Hooper afternoon on a motor trip to Mr. E. 1 . . with her brother and family spent Sunday at the ' Moncton, INLH., to visit siith their !' ss ,e0isn. Iler granddaughter. Mrs.. Harry McNaughton and. sons, of decoration serivce at North Nis- , son Ls. 5 and Mrs. Barry Ham . souri and were supper guests of ' ton and granddaughter. Mr. and WS. Kenneth Facey of Miss Lorraine Lake. of London, Wellburn, visited for a few days lag week Air. and Mrs. Art Rum and I with her, aunt and uncle, Mr. and end with Mrs. Barbou r. „..11 r. an Mrs. c I t. r. an .is. son, family, of Sarnia, :and], Miss' Roy Flear. Air. and Mrs, Jim Knight and Beulah Holt, of—Windsor,* spent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strath. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Jim the weekend with Mrs. Mae Holt. meyer, of London, visited with Knight Sr. were Sunday guests t Weekend guests with INir. and Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason on • of Mr. and Airs. Charles Lam- Mrs. Roy Pask were. Air. and Sunday, and during the day, Mr. bert. Mrs. E. Nichols, of Flint. Mich„ and Airs. Hubert Restemayer, of Joan Garrett of Granton spent and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nichols, Plattsville, also visited with Mr, a few days with Ann Parkinson. and son. of Mount. Morris, Mich. and Mrs. Mason. Mr.' and Airs. Kenneth. *Meer Mrs. Cecil Mosey is spending Sunday guests with Mr. and and left on Sunday for their home in a few days in Toronto with her I Airs. Roy Pask were Air. London, where. Mr.. Flear, who daughter and is also attending Mrs. John Heck, of Elkton, Heck: has been helping in the local the C.N.E. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ray bake shop with lus father, will resume teaching in a London seThohoel. W.A. and of the first ineeting of the season ulcie e Milton McAdams and sons, Miss Thursday afternoon, September Margaret AlcAdams, Mrs. Tillie 11, in the church basement. Tetreau. Mr. and Mrs, IL AL The services in the United McAdams and son, all of Zurich. Pask and Church will be held in the church Mr. and Mrs. Bert bgeinning next Sunday, after sister Birdie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray having been held outdoors on Sweitzer and family, of Shipka, the church lawn for the past two Mr. William Sweitzer, of Grand . Bead, called an on Sunday on 1The Ladies' Auxiliary to the IS, Mr, and Mrs. Pask. Canadian Legion will hold their The local school opened on first meeting of the seasoo MOriday morning with Mr. David September a. s �n Stanton as principal, and Mr, Robert Brandon, • of Hayfield. Mrs. Newton Sharon, of Parkhill, Mrs. Lawrence Mason, Mrs. Wil. lis Gill, and Mrs. Arnold Desjar. dine as the teaching staff, Mr. Jules Desjardint started teaching in the Lucan Public s School, on Tuesday; Mr. Morley Desjardme in a London school, and Miss Lorraine Taylor, in a Toronto school. The local stereS resumed their regular Wednesday afternoon closing beginning this. week. '.I The local bus is back on the fall and winter schedule this week. Mr. and Mrs. Len Johnson, of London, visited with Mrs. Mary Gill over the weekend. Miss Evelyn Desjardine left last week to resume her studies at the Bible Scheel at Cairiroet, Alta. Miss Betty Dalton resumed her duties in Brantford tcheol en Tuesday. Jim Dalton Jr. left the same day for a fishirig trip to Long Lake Lodge in northern II Ontario. I I The Catholic Women's League I will hold its first meeting 01 the season in Daninn school On Mao - day evening. Mrs. Mae Holt held a family dinner on Sunday as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. John Dodds and family, of Woodland Hills,- Cali- fornia, before leaving for home on Tuesday. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. T. AL Dodds, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Holt arid family, of North Bosanquet. Miss Beulah Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Lasvrenet Hibbert Council Revises Benefit 5 • At the regular meeting of Hib- bert commit, court of revision was held on the Cook Drain and E.Kleinfeldt was allowed a re- duction of .$100.00 from benefit and. $14.00 from outlet. - The appeal froin W. Marsala was dismissed. The McGrath Draiii Contract Mensalt was completed and inspected and the contractor, A. Ehgoetz, was paid in full. Severance and damages to lands were paid to the assessed owners on the dram. General accents for $5,574.42 and road accounts for $1,615.51 were •ordered paid. - All members were present and , ROM Earl Dick presided, London, also smite . with AL. and Mrs. Keown. Mr. and Airs. S. Ai. Barbour, of Mimic°, visited over the week - r s sisters family of London spent Sunday Mrs, Horace Lake. - and brothers-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. lth AI and Mrs,Lloyd Thom- 1 • d JackR ddo I and '1 Kennedy and M d • Mrs, Frank Cronin of St. Mr. and Airs, Robert Annan, of Marys spent Wednesday wail I and sem, of Royal Oak, Mich., Mrs. Cecil Alossey. Pickering Ont Mr. and Mrs. 1 For Every Farm Need -x 71 :1. Quality Petroleum Products • B -A 88 & 98 Gasolines g B -A Peerless Metor Oil • B -A Tractor Gasoline • P -A Diesel Fuel YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD B -A AGENT :71 Middleton & Genttner PHONE 40 EXETER •%111111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111t111111:1:1111:1111k I 11:t14::: till I HUI $11111121:11111MIIIIM111111111111111111111111 Ferd Miller, of Dashwood. Miss • Emma Bassow Alr. and Mrs. • fellIlltt11111111ISMIIMUM1111111111114111111111111ttlfilltillii11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIII111/1111111111111t1M111111111141111111% -5 t .r. 41 1 .11 .a. srs RICES For Your BE 1 E. L. Mickle & Son 1 .41111111{i11111111311211MIlltIMMIIIIMMIMMIIMMIUMMIIIII11/1111111111111111110111111WittillIlltIllitlIMIIIIII 403111“11110111101111MHO$nitlinifilUllItUtH111111111111111111HIHMIU111011011M1111111111MUIHIUMIHIHIN1111111/4 LTD. Phone 103 Open Nights For Your COL1V011iSlite . 1 I 1 We Are Buying NEW CROP Timothy Seed • TOP MARKET PRICES • EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL CLEANING • PROMPT CASH PAYMENT • FREE PICK UP • ALL SEW COVERED EY INSURANCE WHILE IN OUR STORAGE It will pay you to contact us before, dispositik of your seed. Friendly market rVice at all timer,. Jones MacNaughton Seeds Ltd tXEIVIt• CitgbitON •LONDON. .__ Build 30 Ponds In ARA ,District Over 60 applications for suh. sidles on construction of farm ponds have been received by s the Ausable River Conservation Authority, Secretary Hal Hooke revealed this week. So far, over 30 have heal constructed and subsidies ap- !proved. A general meeting of the Authority has been called for September 17 at which the Authority will be asked to auth- orize a board of engineers le in- vestigate damage claims filed over a year ago by cottagers at Port Franks over the ARA cut there. tKenne t h Ottowell, SHDHS teacher whoas been assisting Mr. Hooke in'field duties this summer, completes his duties I this week. Seaway, Capital Trip Highlights Air. and Mrs. Victor Heywood and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood aiid faMity, returned recently front a thoutand•mile trip to Wasaga aeh, Collingwood, Mid- land and, hrough Algonquin lark where they saw several deer, seine of them tante enough to erne to the eat and eat sugar front their hands. At Ottawa, they toured the fiarhatneet tuildings and Sat it on. sortie Of the parliathentary stssious. They weitt to rock - vine and toured the St. Lawrence SeaWay, visiting Xitngstoh, 13011es vine, Onhourg, and nitrite, and attended the Centennial at Wings ham. had as their visitors for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. tiarri- - son, Miss Winifred Walker, Mr. Robert Walker and Wendell Walker of Canfield and on Sun day afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mountain of St. Marys. Personal Items School opened on Tuesday with: Mr. Dennis W.yatt of Stratford as leacher for .another year. s Gordon Robinson entertained four of his friends on Monday afternoon when he celebrated his fifth birthday. They were Danny Jaques, Dougie .Smith, Jackie Rundle and John Garter). - burg. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bloramaert,' Brenda and Linda and Peter sGartenburg spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. Don Hewitt and boys returned home with them after visiting with her sister, • Airs. Blommaert. Ron Chatten is attending Teach - ors' College in London for this year. Mrs. Smith, Exeter, is visiting kith son, and Al• Mrs. W. 0, Stewart of Wind - sur, Mrs. .Keil Savage of London visited with the fornier's brother, Mr. Bert Rundle on Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jaek visited at Lobo on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Culvers. Jim returned home after visiting for a week with Kenneth Culver. Mr. and Airs. Ernie Vodden were in Blyth on Saturday visit- ing friends, School opened on Tuesday with f, Mrs. Glen Copeland at Gran. ton, Miss Grace Doupe 4th line, !Marie Levy in Downie, Donna 3 Mitts Biddulph and Donna Cope- land in London. ! Dr, and Mrs. George Morphy, John and Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Gloria, Miss Mar• Ijorie Bangay, Air. Noel Gordon i of Toronto were weekend visi- tors at the former's home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Copeland. ,,,,„„,„„.......„„„,.........„,„.„............,,,,,,.......„„„„„,„„ 12 ALF ANDR US -- Oil 1:turners — Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 1 I ! 403 ANDREW ST,, EXETER PHONE 719 • ,...: 4* - s's-M ssis s Os4 'ete* Ts. 04— -s ss.s.?`'ses,•1's "?.?s here's why 41 fall fertilization pays with SI-IUR-GAIN .chm 3 years ahead with "New Process" "New Process" SHUR-CA1N is granular in texture . each granule contains all the nutrients in the analysis, there's no separation of ingredients, your crop benefits from more uniform feeding, What's more there is less "fixing" of soluble phosphorous in "New .Process'' S1UR-GAIN .. . your crop receives marc actual plant food than from conventional powderystype fertilizers. "New Process" SHUR-GAIN has less than half the average moisture content of conven- tional fertilizers ... there is no caking problem, ;it's always free -running drill clogging is eliminated. • Pasture—Proper fertilization of pasture or hay pays off In stronger growth—increased yieldS. F RT And the time to do it is in the fall. Tests show that a fall application of SHUR-GAIN 10-10-10 produces improved results over an equivalent spring application. Fall Wheat—.Avoid excessive winter killing, ensure strongLop growth and rout develop- ment 'before the snow flies; ensure a quick spring start, and maximum yields too by applying "New Process" SHUR-GAIN with your fall wheat. Fall Ploughdown—An application lef "New Process" SHUR-GAIN will help speed deteri- oration ot crop residues . . and remember more of the soluble phosphorous in "New Process" SHUR-GAIN remains available for plant use. FOR ALL YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NEEDS INSIST ON THE FINEST FERTILIZER FOR YOUR 00011 EARTH CANADA PACKERS .LIMITED j Manufacturers of "New Process" SHUR.GAIN Fertilisers TORONTO CHATHAM - WELLAND don't be c au it by the EPTE R15 Large or small, your 3% wartime Victory Bond can bring extra benefits to you and Canada now.. Exchange it today—earn up to 50% more interest. Choose from four maturities. ANA A CO VE SIO 0 OS See your 11AN1.,- -INVESTMET DEALER,. STOCKPlOXER,titijST Olt LOAN CbMPANY . 4