HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-04, Page 6P.,,je 6 The Times•A0vocate, $eptrnbe'4, 1158 Henson And District News CORRESPONDENTS • Mrs. Maude Hisc.Iclen,Phone :5 Mrs. :Archie -MeeGregor, Phone 116 Saturday Bride Chin!burst W.A. And W.M.S. Receives Gifts Mrs, Lawrence Baynham was tostees at her home Wednesday evening when the choir of Care mei Church, together with their husbandand wives, met to Donor Miss Shirley Bell, bride- elett of Saturday. September 6, and to present her with a pair of boudoir lamps with an accom- panying gift card with homes attached. Mrs. R. J. Cameron • the presentation. For a recreation period. Jim Dougall showed slides of his trip to Washington, New York, Ot- tawa and ether places of inter- eet. Show Trousseau Mrs. Harold C. Bell. of Henall, entertained at a trousseau tea' at her home on Saturday after.; mien and evening. in honor oil her daughter, Shirley, whose marriage takes place in Carmel Presbyterian Church, fiensalL; this Saturday. September 6. Airs., Pearl Passmore, Hensall, mother, of the groom, assisted Mrs. Bell: end the bride-to-be in receiving', the guests. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Roy McBride,Zurieh, Mrs. Gordon Bloch, Zurich, and Mrs. Pearl Love, Varna. Serviteurs were Mrs. Warren Thomson, Kip - pen. Mrs. Edward Cerbett, Hensall, M. Donald Bell, Ex eter, and Mrs. Glen Nixon, Hen - sail. Pouring tea in the after- noon and evening were Mrs. Carolyn Bell, Exeter, and Mrs. John McBride, Zurich, grand- mothers of the bride. Sharon Block, Zurich; was in charge of the register in the afternoon and evening. The gifts were shown by Miss Betty Bell. bride's trousseau by Miss Norma Passmore. Linens by Miss Pat Bell, all of Hensall; This Wook In Winchelsea Ey MRS. P. HORNE Peraenel Items Sunday visitors with Misses Beatrice and Dora and Mr. Charlie Delbridge wer'e Mr. and; Mrs. Ernie Cowdry of Woodhane,1 also Mrs. Blab Hamilton and Mr. Gordon Breaks and daughter of London. Mr. and Mrs Fred Walters, Eandra and Judy accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Phil Hern.• Kathy and Janet. spent the holi- day weekend at Chesley Lake. 1, Little Miss Joan Lysin is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Day - man and family of Kippen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs.1 William Walters. ; Smallest of the Great Lakes School reopened on Tuesday Is Lake St. Clair: its maximum with teachers Mrs. Jolly and I width is 24 miles and its total Mrs. Hendrick m charge. I area is 469 square miles. in the Sunday School rooms' of Chiselhurst United Church Tues- day afternoon the Women's Mis- sionary Society .entertained the Baby Band members and their mothers on the occasion. of the annual graduation exercises. Mr.. R. Boyce. W.M.S. presi- dent, was in charge and con- ducted .the devotional service assisted ,by Airs. R. Taylor Jr. and Mrs. William ilrintnell. The graduation .exercises were in charge of Mrs. Ben Stoneman.. Those graduating were Linda Ferguson. Larry Wright, Richard Parker. They were received into the W.M.S. by Joyce Ferguson and Donald Cole. The welcome was read by Ruth Ann Coleman.' Mrs. J. M. Glenn presented the diplomas and Mrs. Edwin Taylor spoke on. behalf of the Mission Band. Mrs. R. Kinsman presid- ed at the piano for the musical numbers. A brief meeting of the W.A. was .conducted by Mrs, R. Tay- lor. Mrs. R. Taylor and Mrs. MacDonald were in charge of lunch. Next meeting will be held • an the second Tuesday in Oda-. ber. Personal Items best man for his. brother. - Aliss Sharon MacArthur eese Following the ceremony a re- turned home after visiting. with ception for 40 guests was held her grandmother, Mr. Ida Willis in the town hall. Tito hall was in Londo Hensall Groom Wed In Arkona In a double ring ceremony in the United Church manse at Ar- kona on August 23. at 230 in the afternoon, \Wile Margaret Routley beeame the bride of Gordon Milton Lavery, Hensall. The bride is the daughter of Garnet Routley and the late Mrs. Routley. of Arkona. The groom is the. eon of Mr. and Airs. Milton Lavery, Hen- sall. Rev. Cook, pastor of the United Church, Arkona, officiat- ed. The bride chose a ballerina - length gown of pale blue crestal. me fashioned with a tight -fitting bodice dotted with brilliants, matching jacket and full boufs fant skirt. Her headdress was Pale blue pillbox style with shoulder veil and corsage of red and white roses. The bride's sister. Mrs. Geo. Van Halbeek, was bridesmaid, wearing a pink lace sheath dress with pink chiffon cumberband, pink feather hat aid corsage of white carnations. Robert Lavery, Hensall, was 0.' tastefully decorated with pink Mr. and Mrs. Dnn Avery ref and white streamers and bass Sarnia were weekend visitors . kets of mixed gladioli, with the latter's parents, Mr.. After the reception the bride and Mr. Joe Flynn and Joyce. and groom left for a honeymoon and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Flynn' in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elder and : On their rehire they will re - family spent the weekend with side in Zurich, relatives at Clausen, Mich. ' Personal Items Mr. and Airs. Robert Cook and: Airs. Edna Corbett spent the Carolyn spent the Labor Day weekend at Lions Head. Past week visiting with Mr and Mrs. Catherine Redden has Mrs. George Parker, Rickey and Cindey. returned home after spending I Mr. and Mrs. Gus Veth and the past number of weeks witheJimmie of Detroit spent the her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Carter, I Clinton. i weekend with Mrs. Voth's moth - 1 cr. • Mrs, Louis Simpson. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron has re-, I Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Norton turned home after a two-month? . and iarnily 'returned to Montreal vacation at Southampton. !after visiting with the fencer's Miss Margaret Mousseau is. BACK -TO -SCHOOL • Miss Lynda Cooke,, of Clinton. ytsited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett and Steven, Airs. Harold Parker returned. home Friday after attending the - annual School for Leaders con- ducted by the Woman's Mission- ar,y Society of the United .Church of Canada held at Alma. .Collegc, St. Thomas. last week. Mrs. Victor Fee, who fractured her hip in a fall at her home last week is doing as well as can be minted at Scott Memorial :Hospital. Seaforth. Elgin and Pat Hendrick thee Mitchell}, nf Dashwood. are happy to announce the 'birth. of their daughter, at South Huron Hospital. F,xet er. Saturday. August 30th, 1958, a sister for Peter. FO George and Mrs. Sangster and Daryl. .of Mount Hope, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes and other members of the family. Mrs Peter L AteNaughton and Robert returned home after spending several .days with Miss AlacNaughton in London. miss Connie Corbett returned I home on Monday after spending the past two monthm at Grand • Bend. Miss Bernice Dhlling of Sarnia who has spent the past two weeks holidaying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, re- turned to Sarnia, on AlondaY where she is Home Eeonomics teacher in the school there. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle fnee Carol Thiel) was held at the Bluew.ater sDanceland en Thursday evening, The guests of honor were pre- sonted with a well-filled .purse of money. -Glen- Koehler .dul. the h n n o r s. Desjardine ercheetra, t provided music for the .dance. Mr. William Otterhein who. has !been .a patient in Westminster IHnspital, London, for the past three weeks was able to return to his home on Saturday. ir and mrs, wdbert 11ltxtoifininummomoutatimmattimitimommmunfinumummumulatimuntomummitkommaitimwl were recent visitors with theirs son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence Wiling and sOnJ in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters and;. Bonnie returned home .after a holiday through Western Can,i a a. i 11t11111 II Ill I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 1 . CANADIAN PROPANE GAS APPLIANCES GRATION HOT:SON Phone 156 -Qrand 13encl. MI55 THIS SPECIAL • MOTORWAYS FARE TO THE wgsripm FAIR You can buy a return 'titkot for the prise of a one.way faro September 8 to 1.3 Ask your lo501 MOTORWAYS Avon!, THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS !1,1.70. f Xfthener Ontario -41.111M11 lllll 1114011111W l I l Ililiolltf1.1111111I.1”1111101 f,f111 oo 1.01“1.111111 o o o IIVIIMMO,.;111.1M011111.111141./IMMI.C11141111A011111010.11,111111.1.111111M111111111111411111..110 Super Save Features Heinz Famous '57 Foods Two Great Names — HENZ and SUPER SAVE — Combine to Bring our shopper** " These Outstanding MoneySaving Food Features During This Weekend $ $ $ visiting with friends in Toronto mother, Mrs. jarvis Hinton. this week and elan taking in the i — Toronto Exhibition. Comments About Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and Jack spent Labor Day week- end with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and Pamela, at Napa - nee. Jean, Sylvia and Kathie, who had been vacationing there f Eg or the past three weeks, return.' veninAuxiliary ed home with them. Miss Olive Spearegave the The Rer. Robert Marshall, of topic at the Marian Ritchie Eve. Whitechurch, was guest minister .ning Auxiliary which was 'held at Carmel Church Sunday morn- in the Sunday School rooms on ing, This concludes the last of Tuesday evening. the combined services. Mrs. Lorne Elliott presided SPECIAL! The Woman's Missionary So- and Mrs. Robert Laing led in ciety of Hensall United Church devotions. Miss Alice Sorsdahl will resume their fall meetings read a portion of the. study book, with a pot -luck supper in the C.GJ,T,' Banquet • Cromarty Letter From FEATURE! .N.sw SPECIAL! Savo 14 on Granulated church school room Thursday, September 4, at. 6:3o p.m. It Wiii Pay You. • To See W. G. THOMPSON HENSALL arid Sons Limited Phone 3 Before Selling Your WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY, MIXED GRAIN AND WHITE BEANS TIMOTHY SEED & CLOVER SED Cheek Our Prices Before Selling. Take. advantage of our fast unloading system. We have -a new hoist in. adieu for unloading semis. Formers Now is the, time to put In your supply of FEb BgANS ior text winter. Get our prites before you buy,. W. G. Thompson 61. SONS. LIMITED MONS 62 HeNSALI. 4 et: kAt11341,114,-.3. • sIsi. er, NA* Miss Hamilton of Milverton was guest speaker at the mother SPECIAL! and daughter banquet which was held at the church on Friday evening 'under the auspices of the C.G.1.T., using as her theme part of the C,G.I.T. purpose. "Seek Truth. Know God." Following the .supper which was served by the girls a varied program was provided by the members with their leader, Mrs, M. Lamond, in the chair. A re -affiliation service was conducted by Mrs. Lamond with Mrs, J. Bryden and Mrs. T. L. Scott assisting, Personal Items racks Fency Quality 20 OZ. r!kle Super. Savo Brand Hornovortized Mr. Ross McDonald, of Mal - ton, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. McDonald of Gedrge- town, renewed acquaintaneesin Cromarty and Staffa on Mon- day. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams and fam• ily, Blyth, George Brooks, Staf- fa. Mrs. Kate Harper and son Allen, Science Hill, and Airs, Earl Cole, Russelldale, Mrs. W« Martin, Exeter, visit. ed last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Air, and Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, Sharon and Donald, London, visited with relatives here over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ;Ramsey end Steven accompanied by Mrs. ', Macintosh visited over the weekend with friends in George. own and Aeton, Mrs. M. Houghton attended the Dalrymple reunion at Lake. side on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cotkwell and Neva of Dashwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Also at the same home over the holiday were Mr. And Mrs. H, Currie and Linda, Dortheater. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1'460het, London Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley, Bobbie and Sati. dra., Witithrop. and Kenneth and Alex Walker, London. Mr, Alex Ramsey has gone to the Compensation Hospital at Mallon for further treatment. Mr. Lorne Wessman is a pa- tient in South :Huron Hospital, Exeter. The sotvioeitt Cromarty church on Sunday Morning was Ondetted by, Rev. G. D. tide derstm Of St. Ones Presbyterian thurth, St, Catharines. Mr. and Mrs, T. L, Scott Am family attended the Stoti-Afidtr. tee reit/11M which was held to retells Perk, MitthelL n, Satur. dgy. During the Were electrical eterille whitdieeteed through this district an Saturday two of Mr. Alex Gardindr'S auto warp struck with lightning. There was also aontts. darnago by Wirid, the reitait110 large molt We at the church being partly blerwa Save 140 on Johnson's Wax E Sack -To -School Feature! Heinz Tomato Soup Q 3 F — Back -To -School Feature! Just Heat and Serve 1 5-ez, tins Heinz Beans 3 49c Sack -To -School Feature! Fresh, New Pack 11.0z. bottle, Heinz Ketchup 2 45c Back -To -School Feature! Heinz Spaghetti 0 F 0 R 1 6 -oz. Masan Jars F 0 R Pint Tin .55 3 BACK -TO -SCHOOL MEAT FEATURES! Hamburg , 3 Bologna Lta,, 33c Fresh Side Pork L. 43c Head Cheese 79 L55, c SUPER SAVE PRODUCE FEATURES! BANANAS 2. Los, 35, Fresh Cauliflower ATTRACTIVELY PRICED 15 C1Z. TINS Lunch In A Hurry 2 R • 49` open Friday And Saturday ° Evenings