HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-28, Page 12Pagf .12
Tit Tients,A0v6vett, August '23, 1
Luc -an
Am.) District News
• Phone: 109 Lucen
Correspondents Miss Una Abbott
Austin Hodgins
Lifelong Farmer
Asti n Hoagies, 79 died Tues.
day. August 19 at Victoria Hos-
He lay at rest at his late re-
eicience, Lot 1.9 Concession 14
London, Township, where the C'.
Basket t and Son, Luean, had,
charge of funeral arrangements,
at 230 p.m. Thursday, August
21, with the Rev. Thos. Griffith
of Ildertan officiating. Inter-.
silent was in Birr Anglican ce-
Mr. Hodgins was .born and.
raised on the farm of his late,
His wife, the former Clara Wil-
kes, predeceased him. He is sur-
vived by one daughter (Marion)
Mrs. Sam Beek and one brotber, I
Bess Hodgins of London Towns
The pall -bearers were: Chic!
Hodgms, Harold Hodgins, Aljoe
O'Neil, Clarence O'Neil, John'
Quait and Dudley Chambers.
Inacen, Horns Continue To Win
I Another Lew horse. "Dixie
Lee Direct" •owned by Mr. Roy
Hodgins. made the headlines
last Wednesday when it won the
a5460 Futurity Pace for three.
year-olds at Old Woodbine Park.
"Meadow Art's Lardy" owned
by the Hardy Bros. continued
her suecest on Friday when
she won the $850 (lass C Trot
at Toronto.
Bridal Party Feted
After the rehearsal for the;
Campbell-Lews wedding in the
United Church last Friday eve- I
ning, Mrs. Erle Young, aunt of.
the bride -elect entertained, alll
the bridal party and friends at,
her home. on Princess Street.
Mr, Earl Carling of Quebec!
spent last weekend with his par.;
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Carling.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins,
were Wednesday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Smyth of Cen-'
Teachers Enjoy
Afternoon Tea
Mrs, Warner McRoberts. last
Thursday afternoon entertained
•17sborne leachers, Mra. R. Ellis
and Mrs. R. Batten of Exeter,
Mrs. S. Keith, Mrs. W. Hutton
and Sirs. C. Goman of Granton,
Mrs. M. Carter of Clandeboye,
:Mrs. R. Hough of Crediton, Mrs.
A. Abbott of Centeana, Airs. R.
!Mills of Woodham, Mrs. Re
Hodgert of Thames Road, also
one ex -teacher of Toronto, Miss
Lina Abbott.
Assisting in the kiteheri wer
Mrs. Theron Creery of Wood
ham, Mrs. Mac Larnond of Cro
rnarty, Mrs. J. R. Murray of
Lucan and Anne Creerx.
Personal Items
Ward Hodgins, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, returned
with Air. Stewart Park and Bil-
lie of Petrolia for a holiday
M/Sats . and Mrs. Owen H.
Stanley, Reggie and Roy of Er.
nest Harmon, United States Air
Force Base, Stephenville, New•
foundland, are Spending some
time with the former'a parentt,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Stanley,
before leaving for Matmstrom
A.T.B. Great Falls, Montana,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor
have returned home after spend-
ing a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hunter, in Mount
Clemens and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Loney in Detroit.
Wendy and Coieen Weir small
children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Weir of London, are spending a
week with their anul and uncle,
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McFalls
and attending Vacation School
Personal Items
Residents Of
Are you registered_ in the Government's Plan
• of Hospitalization ? The Middlesex CO -operative Medi-
cal Services, 505 Talbot Street, London, Ontario, will
register you and be your collector for the Ontario
Hospital Services Commission.
You subscribe to the Major Medical Plan,
f.1 covering Atic'e, of expenses of your family Doctor's
is home and office calls, Special Nursing, ambulance
charges and drugs by prescription, in excess of $500
• up to $5000, OR The Surgical Plan covering. surgical
. I procedure' s, anaesthetists' services, x-rays, maternity
benefits, etc., at the general O.M.A. tarriff.
Make Application Now
Before September 30
If you do not make application y September
30, see your Medical, Co -Op manager, and you will
still be able to be registered at a later date. Office
open from 9 till 5, except Saturday,
"If you do not register through the Co-op,
Le sure your mane is in to the Commission directly
by September 90."
505 Telbtt St.
LONDON Plume GE 4-2161
Mrs, William Berryhill of Lu -
can who broke her hip when she
fell in her home is now out of
St. Joseph's Hospital and is a
patient at the Pines Haven Nur-
sing Home also Miss Mary El-
liott of London, increasing the,
enrolment to an all time high
of ten.
Mr. 'homes Weller and family
left on Friday for a few *days
vacation in Detroit.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Dean
of North Hatley, Quebec. have!
returned home after spending a
,few days with. Mr, and Mrs.
C. C. Bradford.
Mrs. James Turner of Saints -
/bury spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Airs, Henry Hod-;
Mrs. William Dickins and
Mrs.- Maurine McDonald have!
.i.elarrised home after a holiday !
With Mr. and Mrs, Gordon,
Maines in their cottage at Kin -1
; cardine Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Law of I
Carleton Place who have been .
holidaying with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wesley Shier
of Grantors were Tuesday eve -
nine guests of Mr, and Mrs, Mur -'1 -
'ray Hodgins.
Miss Hattie Hodgins of the
Green Gables Nursing Home of j
Parkhill spent a few days with
; her sister, Mrs. Alvin McLean,
and family.
Mr, Don Chown and Miss Reta
Chown took Mrs. John McLean h
; to St. Thomas last Sunday where
she will take up her new duties"
I at Alma College. They were : L
guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. E.
I BlOugh• t
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haskell of
1Toronio• spent a weak with the! ,
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. '
lExchange Vows
In United Church
Baskets of white gladioli en
lighted candelabra banked 11
altar of lateen 'United Church lo
a candle -light ceremony at 6.3
p.m., Saturday August 23, whe
Marie Margaret Lewis, eleughte
of alr. and Mrs. .Clarence
R.R. 2, Donslokt. an
Maurice Arnold Campbell, so
of Mr. and Mrs Mex A. Cam
bell, .R.R. 7, Alvinston, exchange
marriage vow l Mere Rev. E
gar Roulston, pastor of th
Howard Kew, organist of th
church, played the weddie
music and accompanied the sol
1st, Mrs. Allen Campbell. AM
ston, who sang the "Lord
Prayer," the "Wedding Prayer
and "O Perfeet Love".
•Given in marriage by her
ther, the bride wore a floe
length gown of white peau d
sole with chapel train. The fitte
waist featured a sabrina neck
line, appliqued with guipure lac
flowers trimmed with sequin
and long, lily point sleeves. Th
bouffant skirt was applique
with guipure lace flowers in fro
and finished in the batic wit
large bow and streamers. He
fingertip veil of leaped:ed. silk 1
fusion trimmed with guipur
flowers and sequins was held b
a tiara crown studded with pearl
and sequins. She carried a cas-
cade bouquet of red roses, white
h sta daisies, st 1 ti .
Miss jean Lewis, sister ,of the
bride, at maid of honor, wore a
waltz -length gown of summer
snow nylon over rose petal taf-
feta fashioned on simple lines
with full skirt and large how with
hem.length- streamers of' taffeta
at the back. The bridesmaids
Mist Catherine Campbell, of Alv
leston, sister of the groom, an
Mies Shirley Hamon, London
wore dresses identical in style
and material to that of the maid
of honor but with under color
bow and streamers of blush rose
They wore matching mohal
picture hats and carried bouquet
of pink rose buds, white shasta
daisies and ivy,
Five-year-old Nancy Young, o
Clinton, as flower girl, wore
dress and hat identical to the
other attendants, and carried a
small basket of matching flow
Donald Clark, Niagara Falls,
was groomsman and Dr, David
Smith, Sarnia, and Fred Lewis,
brother of the bride, .usliered.
A reception was held in the
church parlors, the bride's
mother receiving in a "dior blue
natural silk dress with pink ac-
cessories and ,pink rose eorsage.
The groom's mother chose beige
brocade silk with beige picture
hat and corsage of pink roses.
For travelling to Northern On-
tario the bride changed to a bro-
caded beige taffeta dress with
mink brown nylon duster, sma.II
beige hat of velvet flowers with
barcnewesnsories of bleeding shades of
On their return, Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell will reside in Sarnia
where the groom 15 on the. staff
of Northern Collegiate and the
bride is a teacher in Confedera-
tion Street School,
Personal Items
Mrs. 'Irving Gibson was a Sat-
urday guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Wihner Jones of Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Laverty j
of Welland have returned home;
after spending a few days with!
Mr. and Mrs. William Brownlee,
aking with them their two small
daughters who had been holi-
daying with their grandparents.
Mrs. George Strasser, Mrs..
Cecil Hodgins and Mrs. Herb
tretton attended a miscellane-
us shower given by Mrs. B.
Hunter of Exeter last Friday in
once: of her niece, Mrs. Cecil
Hodgins Jr., nee Sheila Ford,
vho was recently married in
Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent
he weekend. at her brother's
ottage at Grand Band.
Mrs. Cecil Robb of Lucan and
aughter, Mrs, James Bawten-
Pet Show Among Hi. blights um Aall Kea" an *
, slated by MisS Latta Abbott, gave
Ont ,the pet show/ prizesci. zirs
.• , „ 1)011 Revington assisted by older
girls, bagged and aold $19.07
se of
acati on WOb of eandy. Mrs. H. T. Bond
• is se
D I Str IICt V
Tile collection amounted to $10 40
C 0o. andMrs. James liodens Made
and sold $10.92 worth •Of freshie.
CisThe Lucatt and district third . recreational session on the ball
vacation school, which closed 1 diamonds, under the direction
last Friday was the biggest and .ancl supervision of the arena
most successful yet. The open- director, Mr. Harold Ribson, as-
ing enrolment of 156 increased; sisted by the clergy.
In 182 with an average attend -1 On returning to the church
anlenewrodaritht80. the so -operation .of drinks before beginning their
I the. children. . were treated to
both funeral rlireetors, teaching craft period. The =wit school
facilities were. greatly improved aheld their own opertinas and rec..
se as the two jenier boy's groups reation'at the itnited*Church.
n* the ehurth auditorium for the This year the children voted on
0.6s, gillilreciitsr. in etcliheingfuepeetrailocilsi,emieceavfor I The pet show was one of the
2 leaving big highlights .of the busy week.
a pet show in preference to the
Once again the Liam Motor usual parade. Long before the
Sales turned over Aar large ' appointed hour 'ehildren and Tiar-
a' show room to the junior girl's' exits began collecting on the ball
r craft leachers and no place diamoed, liersea, big dogs, small
could ha,ve been more ideal. So ' dogs, dressed up slogs, mamma
u together with 'basements of both' catt, baby k i t t e n s , budgies,
churcbes, as well as the Parish ducks, turtles and rabbits, all
e Hall the staff felt the set-up this. were there.
s, year was much improved. With! No one present envied the
0, no senior classes this year the ' judges, Airs. Sheridan Reving-
u Pentecostal church was not used
as it was ton far away from the •
n . Anglican where all but the nurs-; London Bride
,c ery division met outside each,
i" morning for fun songs at 8.45, '
e directed by Airs. Murray Hod- Honored`liere
Y gins, followed by talks by the i
s clergy inside and the teaching '
Langford at the organ.
of new hymns, directed
Clarence Hardy with airs, Hs B:; ISieLean of London was guest of
by sisss I daughter of Air, and Mrs. Art
I lasI .ThursdaY
Miss Eva Dianne McLean.
at a
At 10 a.m. the general as- home of Mrs. Wes Revington,
gs at
sembly broke up into various when three of her daughters,
groups for a teaching period.! Mrs, Harry MeNaughlon of Lon -
At 10.30 the children enjoyed a '
don and Rose and. Anne at home
were joint, hottesees.
Personal Items The bride -elect will excbansge
Mrs. Joe Orme, who has been marriageW
vows U D d II
visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, rick Hertel, son of Mr, and Mrs.
T. D. Orme, returned to Toronto A. G. C. Hertel of London 011.
on Friday. Saturday, August 30 in St. Paul's
Mr, and Mrs. John Knight and Cathedral, London.
family of Kintore were Sunday Birthday Christening
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank
, Thomas Larry Morley, small
: Hardy.
an of r ,, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and Mosley, s . Mrs. Inca
Elizabeth St., eelebrat-
s amity were weekend guests of ed his first birthday last Tues.
Inc. and Mrs. Wes, Hodgins. day a t his home by being
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bradford christened at 8 p.m, by the
i spentlast Sunday at Fruitland, Rev, Edgar Roelston, of the
Hamilton, the guest of the Rev. United Church.
and Mrs. Colin West. Guests present for the big
Mrs. Harry Tilbury and tient-J. event included his grandfather,
- ew of Brampton' are spending:a Mr. Fred Armitage, of Alice
and Denfield friends.
few days this week with Luc a n nSet.y, lAnisorigeryandRmnobtehretr, anMdrsp.
Mr. Don Banting, Mrs, Kay cia, of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs,
Egan, Frank and Pat, have re -
Laverne Allison, also of Park -
turned home from a 10 -day vaea-
hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Garry
tion at Manitoulin Island. While Graham of London.
there they attended the 100 year
old Indian church which has
been turned over to the white
Mrs. Gordon Whitehead, who
recently underwent surgery in
St. .Joseph'sph't Hospital, was able
to return home last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Park
and Billie were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins bringiffg home Ward who
had eon visiting with them in
Miss G. Hodgins
Dies -In London
Miss Gertrude Eva Hodgins,
of London, died Monday, Aug-
ust 18 in St, ,Marys Hospital,
services were held
from the George E. Logan and
Sons funeral chapel at 11 a.m.
ThUtSday, August 21 with in -
torment in St; James cemetery,
Daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. George Hodgint, she was
born north of Lucan but lived
for anumber of years on Water,
St. where Mr. and Mrs. 'Irving
Gibson now live,
She was a member of Holy
Trinity chureh, (Her father was
on the building committee of the
church). After moving to Lon-
don she worked for Lawson and
Jones Co, for years.
Her only survivors are three
nephews, Honorable Ray Law-
son of Oakville, Ont., Ray Hod -
girls and Bill Hodgins of Wis-
consin and one niece, Gwen
Greco also of Wisconsin.
vuiHaskett, and all sent the I
weekend at the cottagp
of Mr.
Clarence Haskett.
! Miss Joan Hodgins who he
been holidaying with her sister,1
'Mrs. Don Ankers and family of
1 Winnipeg has returned home, •
Lorne Morley who spent two
weeks of his vacation. with Mr.
Old Mrs. Laverne Allison of
:Parkhill, returned home with
them in bine for his baby broth-
er's ehriatennig -party. •
'timer of Sarnia, are spending,
a 'week at Grand Bend.
'Clandeboye Comments
• You can convert
quickly and profitably
at your nearest branch
of the •
one •simplet
convenient transaction
..,..... m ............
immediate cash
• adjustment
no new payment
higher investMent.
e4.4,44 9ttaSeud
Exeter fiterielt: C1-1AftEES SMITH, Manager
Cerittalle (Subseleeihey): Open Tuesday ted Thursday
Grand tend (SuInAaenon: C.)pen Mo,
Ctediton tfanch: ct,Artt ,,,ManitAtt
.(00.n Tuesday. Thursday atia on 'Friday 430 .60,ni.)
bashivood (SubAeeticy): °Peri Mot., Vihd.
Ittosali trench; KENNETI-tcHttiStrAN,Istaisoet
tutin British: ',ACK sTit.AcY, Mower
uthh anth RM4N AANNISTrrt,
WbrittfiG WIt14. CANADIANS ;t4 eVeitY WAtt C'e Vti S
O'Neil Plenie
The descendants of the lat
Mr, and Mrs. Louis O'Neil held
their reunion on Sunday at River.
view Park, Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy MeRann, Neil and
Beth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl O'Neil.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross O'Neil, Ruth
and Alton, Mrs. Clarence O'Neil,
Clarist. Lows and Mary n
Montgomery, Pennsylvahia, Air
and Mrs, Ceeil Carter and Mr
and Mrs. Grant Latimer of Sar
nia attended. N
Personal ese
Airs, Laura Henry left oi
Tuesday for her home in Leth
bridge.. Alta. after visiting witi
her. sister, Mrs. E. Tomes an
brether, Maurice Simpten here
She alai) visited with her niece
ilirs. Lynn Sawyer, Petrolia and
Mrs. Peter Banks, Sarnia. Sh
teach school again at Match
Mrs, Verna Boyle of Mose
jaw' visited with her cousin
Mrs. E. Tema last week,
Followieg A few days after
Mr. arid Mr. Alex O'Neil visited
for several days in this distriet
Mr. O'Neil sufferect a heart al
tack and was removed to hos
pital in St, Thomas. its son
the Tit. Rev, Tilsbop O'Neil, ins
returned from the Bishop Con
Terence in tngland, Arrived on
Saturday to ,visit
Mr. and Mr. Andy Carter.
arid Mr, and Mrs, Ken Carter
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. 4, MatertieWiti, Wiettsor.
Mr, and Mrs. 13111 Downing
and daughters, Kette. and joae,
of Chatham spent the weekend
with Mr. And !Art Almer WA.
dine 'and else Waited in Port
Stanley and Story Beek Gar.
Mr, and Mrs. If. Paton and
Clare. also Mrs. Rarvoy Mehl
and 14613 of Stratford visited on
Sunday whit Mil. Lawronno
IldalhAit arid family arid Mr, and
Mpg. Iv, L. Paten iff
Bets returned hanie Sunday after
Wndid 4 Week With OW
Miss Nancy. Scott has returned
e Milne after spending -sense time
with cousins at Fort Erie and
Lucan with Mr, and Mrs. Le-
roy Revington and Mr, and Mrs,
M. Culbert,
Mrs, Harry Smith of London
visited last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Mervin Carter,
Mrs, Mervin Carter was a
• guest of Mrs. Warner McRoberts
of Luean on Thursday when she
entertained the Leaders of tis.
borne township.
Anyone wishing to help in the
Clandeboye Women's Institute
1. paper drive may leave papers
and magazines at the hbme ot
(I Mt. and Mrs. .at
Lewis this
week; papers to be tied both
ways with heavy twine: Maga,
' shies to he tied the gable' way
p bet not with the newspapers,
—Please Turn To P'age 13
ton, Mrs. J. Andersen, Mr. Al.
Bromwich and Mr. J. Cante-
Ion, who required much delibera-
den to come up with the prize
winners who were for: horses,
(tie), Gordon Hardy and Jane
Bodgsoe; large dogs, mike Cul,
bert, Rosanna Mosurinjohn;
small dogs, Leslie Carling, Laura
and Pat Hodgins; eats, „Helen
Swsworth, Hazel SimpsOn; tur-
tles and rabbits, Judy Kent,
Butch SkollYl birds, Donnie Fed -
der, SIAM Schlueter.
Before the judging of the pets
'Air. Clare Stanley and Mr. L.
Pedder Were in charge of the
stock car derby which began at
the corner of Alice and Bents
Streets and ended up opposite
the baseball grounds, First prize
was awarded to , Dale Hussey
and Harold Herbert and second
Tthhoin7stoen. Butler and George
The other highlight of the
week was achievement night
last Friday in the Community
Centre, A splendid group of par-
ents were out to examine the
cluldren's craft which was dis-
played on– tables on the south
side of the room. The parents
and the junior girls collected
$19.30 selling tags so this year
the school shotall not close la
the red as in previous years.
The admission fee and daily
collections do not begin to meet
the expenses of books, craft sup'
plies and prizes and the school
other years bed to 'be assisted
by the Ministerial Association,
so the staff is very happy to be
self-supporting this year,
"Home Of
Bettor Than Now
Used Cars"
Tutone, excellent, new
' Black, with red interior,
and children nearly tildethe NOW IN STOCK!
Durin Inc week each class 2,57• PONTIAC i'SEDAN
Green, new tires, excell-
ent condition, .
Tri - tone paint, fender
mirrors, BETTER THAN
Radio, rear seat speak-
er, tutone, in tip top
Don't Delay!
Make Your Best Deal Today!.
prepared a skit which made up
the program, with the Rev. J.
P. Prest as chairman.
Rev. s Fred Thomson of the '
Pentecostal Holiness church, as-
Piirsonal Items
Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Edwards
of London and Mrs. Irene Cour-
sey of Lucan spent last Sunday
at Point Clarke where Mr. and
Mrs. Don Downs are holidaying.
Mr, and Mrs. Doug Pattison
of Flyron visited with Mr. Clone
Pattison, who is a patient at
the Pines Haven Nursing Home,
!last Saturday and called on other
'Lucan friends.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Hickson
and family have returned home
from a five -clay
of the States, home
or by way
IMr. and Mrs. Fred ,Irodgins
London, were Wednesday guests Service
lot Mrs. IV, J. McFalls, •
1 Donnie Coughlin is spending a Russ & Chuck Snell
'week's vacation with his pal,
Don Magoffin of Woodstock,
South End
On Balance Of
All Summer Goods
2 -PC, PLAYSUITS, 7-14
Regular $2,98
Sale Price
Regular $1.98
Sale Prke
Regular 98
Sale Price
• Many Other Articles
Lawn Dry Goods
Oroup registration prodeoding.until August 31, 15.3,. Application forms kt individud
'Pay.Dite enrolment available at batiks and hospitals, In communities without a
bank, the fOrflit may be Obtained troth the post Offide,
IMPtATAN'ts bd MR matte wt laiidelida Ott rcit ct threntgb tdee*I#0