HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-28, Page 8Page a The Time s•Adyoca.te,'A:u + tit 20, 1958
MECHANIC TOPS JET COURSE --A former aero engine technician at RCAF Station
Centralia, Flight Cadet M. J. Eagleson, 27, topped the jet pilot training course of 35
students from Denmark, the Netherlands, U.K., Turkey and Canada who graduated
at Portage la Prairie, Man., recently. Wings are presented above by G, C G. A. Hiltz,
AFC, CD, F '0 Eagleson is a native of Windsor. —RCAF Photo
Donations, Services Mark
Anniversary At Dashwood
N Grcind „___
Rabies Loss
'NotAIar ring
Major and Mrs. V. E. Sills and Miss (:grace Page is visiting While outbreaks of rabies have
family met, Margaret Bossen-'tor a few days this week with .persisted in ,.Ontario this .sunt.•
berry) formerly of Napanee, and her sister in Hamilton. )rter, lolater livcrstock has not
later of Shito, Alan., are holt- Mr. and Mrs. J, itiddoch incl•
Baying with relatives in town, famil; , of Sarnia. spent Sunday been h.s great as some reports
Mr. Frank Simpkins, son -in - with Mrs- Mae ,Rola, would indicate, The Honourable
of Air. ,Bruce i3.ossenberr'y, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dodds aid f)ouglas S. Harkness, Minister
Aisne the engine on the royal family, of Woodland 11111s, of Agriculture, said ill's week.
train from Toronto to Stratford, California. ar•�e spending this
and was the engineer who was week with Air. Dodds" parents, AR suspected eases of rabies
spoken of as being nervous when Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Dodds, are referred to the department's
he met the Princess. . dr. and Mrs. Sren Neilsen animal pathology laboratory for
Airs. jack, Witherspoon and have just returnee) this week ,confirmation, In she' past fiscal.
Lynda are visiting with 111x,
and.from a motor trip through year, ending march 31, rabies
1tlrs. W, Finch, Betty .and .Jeff Northern Ontario to British in all Canada claimed 301 eat•
for a coli le of weeks. t nluntbia.
p .tic. to parses, 14 slrcep, four.
Little Darlene and Diane Des- Air, Edgar Darling is tonfitred swine and .one goat. in rite firsk
jardine are visiting their sister to his cottage this week with quarter •report of this fiscal year,
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.; leg tro•uble' the disease was confirmed in 77
11'inegarden in Hamilton this' cattle, three horses, 20 sheep.
week. I Comments About and four swine throughout the
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ouil- country,
)cite, Lawrence, Carol .Ann and) Crediton East • The confirined. cases of rabies
],Cathyrn Vince of St. Marys continue to be predominantly in
visited with Air, and Airs. E, I By MRS. W. MOTZ wildlife—. particularly it foxes.
Keown and other friends on, 'These constituted 68 per cent of -
Wednesday evening, i all cases in the last fiscal year,
Aliso Carol Bossenberry is + Personal Items and the percentage is running
spending a couple of weeks with I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Darbey the same so far this year.
Miss Pam Pickering in Windsor. ! and family returned to their The current outbreak of rabies
13ob Campbell of London is nome in Newtonbrook after halt- in Ontario is the result of the
visiting Bob Bossenberry this. laying with her parents, Mrnatural spread of the disease
tiveei , and Airs. J. Bullock. in wildlife from the northern
lir. and Mrs. Fred Turnbull Mrs. Harry Lewis who has territories, where it was previa
and fanmily of Pompano, Florida, been ill in Victoria Hospital, lent a few years ago but where
returned home on Tuesday. Mrs. , London, is improving nicely and it has pow virtually disappeared.
)mobil) and family arrived -expects to come home this week. While there. is a continuing
here by plane about two months Miss Marcia Smith of Exeter danger of domestic animals ca
ago,Mrs. Turnbull -and little con-
tacting holidaying with her grand- tasting rabies from infected
Gary visiting among her Tela mother, Mrs, S. Barnham.
tires in the district while Bonnie Mr. Eli Sims met with a pain- to
domestic ranimals1eand:boto
and Sharlene spent the summer 'ful accident. to his left hand at humans would be if rabies be -
months with their grandparents, • Centralia airport and as a re- came established, in dogs.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Turnbull. Mr. suit is off work at present,
and Mrs, Turnbull attended the
wedding 'of F'eter Masse, her •
youngest brother, on Saturday. A farm pond can be a .delight•
Mrs. E. Uhrynuk, Kenora, and ful addition. to the landscape and
Mr. and Mrs. P, Knight of Mon- provide much family fun such
tree', returned home- after spend- as swimming and boating — or
ing the past week with Mrs. it can he a death trap. All too This program has been sue-
thrtinuk's parents a n d Mr. often it is the latter. Drownings cessful so far in preventing
and Mrs. Jas. Cutting. Mr. Uhr- rank second only to machinery rabies in dogs thus reducing the
hazard to humans. In the cur.-•
rent outbreak, there have been
no cases of human infection,
The department's major effort
in dealing with rabies has been
in conducting widespread dog
vaccination in the infected areas.
Clinics are still being held in
central and eastern Ontario,
intik arrived on Saturday to ac- as a cause of accidental farm
company his wife home'. deaths, according to safety offi.
Mr, and Mrs. John MacDonald vials.
attended the Toronto Exhibition
on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Desjar-
dine returned home after holi-
daying for a week at Honey Har-
bour and Manitoulin Island.
Airs. Herbert Wardell o f
• The fiftieth anniversary of the! conducted by Rev. W. F. Krotz, Kishnie and boys, of West Lorne. Strathroy spent ' the weekend
present ch.ureh of Zion Lutheran; with interment in Crediton and Dr. and Mrs. Donald with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
congregation was observed on I Cemetery. Lloyd Baker.
Sunday with capacity crowds Bearers were Lorne Devine,
a Rending, Wes Engeland, Art Haugh,
In the morning, Rev. T. Luft, ,Howard Klumpp, Ervin Eck -
of Kitchener, a former minister, i stein and Harold Kellerman. girls, of Wellesley, spent the Mrs. Coyne, Mrs. -Graham's
preached, and in the afternoon, 4 Relatives attended from Chi- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. daughter (Mollie) from Kirk-
Rev, Ernest Mueller. of Sawyer, I eago, Detroit, Elton, Toronto, Edwin Miller. land Lake, and another daugh-
Mich.. a former Dashwood boy. j Clifford, Hanover, West Lorne, Miss Alma Herne of Exeter, ter and granddaughter, Mrs, E.
preached. Chatham and Crediton, vacationed with Miss Marie Dallas and Miss D, Dallas of
To mark the occasion, flowers I Personal Items Salmon last week, 1
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bindles, Mrs. Cecil Lightfoot of Ailsa
wired from Roblin, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poland and and family, of London, and Air. Craig spent Tuesday with Mr,
by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Leeker•, I Lois, of Campbellford, are vaca- and sirs. Harold Maine and
graced the chancel of the • boning with Mrs. Cora Gaiser. girls, of Kitchener, spent the
church. These were in memory' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peifer, weekend with 112x, and A1rs,
of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, +l Carol and Mr. Warren Grainger, Rnhold ;+filler.
ors. Mr. and Mrs. aOtto nd iMis ller.1with Chatham' Pare eiFe.. va-ationing Mr. and Mrs, Earl Stumpf Phone 102
Henry Becker, Sr., and girls. of Kitchener, spent
Oestreicher and girls, of Chat-
ham, were weekend visitors
with Mr. Aaron Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mrs, John Neeb and
Recent visitors with Mrs. E.
A. Graham were Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Crites of Decatur, Alba.,
and Mrs. E. Keown.
A silver baptismal ewer and! Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mc- Sunday with relatives here.
baptismal cloth were donated to Grenere and family, of London, Mr and Mrs Ervin Guenther for
the church by Mrs. Herbert
Wein and family in loving mem-
ory of Mr. Wein.
Carpeting for the church bal-
cony was donated by the family phe =ran Ole 0
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry), pry," return.; Lyman Hurd, of Chicago,
Becker, Sr., in loving memory t ing by Cleveland and Buffalo. i spent the weekend with Mr.
of them, Drs. John and Eunice Me-1Mrs. Art Haugh.
Gracing the dinner table was g -
spent last week with Mr, Otto; of Toronto, spent the weekend
Restemayer, with Mr. and Mrs. Syd Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and I Miss Marlene Guenther visit -
family returned home -after a i ed with Miss Judy Webb.
trip to Nashville, Tenn., to see I Mr. Glen Haugh and Mr.
• 111.,
z fiftieth anniversary cake,
donated by Miss Erma Wein.
flanked by the original candle
holders first purchased for the
Family Fetes Member
Members of the L. H. Rader
family, 45 in number, gathered
at the home of Elgin Rader to
honor their son, Arthur, who
Ieaves next month for Alberta
to enter school there.
Following supper, Miss Marian
Rader read an address, and
Darlene Rader and Sandra Wei,
berg presented him with a
weekend bag.
Mrs, Sam Oestreicher
Mrs. Samuel Oestreicher. 72.
the former Mary Ehlers, native
of Hay Township, formerly of
Kitchener, died at her late resi.
Vence, Thursday. August 21,
1958. after a lengthy illness.
Besides her husband, she is
survived by one son Carl, and
two grandsons, Dean and Myron.
The body rested at the -*Hoff-
man funeral home until Satur-
day at 2.30 p.m. Services were
Attend Camp
Brenda and Pauline Becker,
ITane Restemayer, Bob Becker,
Ross Miller, Ron Merner, Glen
Rader, and Larry Weido, mem-
bers of Zion Lutheran Walther
League, are at Camp Kitchi-
gami, near Goderich, this week.
Pastor and Mrs. Zorn are on ,
the camp staff,
Band Tattoo
A record crowd attended the
annual band tattoo last Wednes-
day evening. The Grand Bend ,
Cubs headed the parade, and
most bands had high-stepping
majorettes to add colour,
Bands present were Dashwood
Citizens, Exeter Legion, Exeter
Citizens, Thedford Silver, Forest
Excelsior and Brodhagen.
Non-fat dry milk is milk that
has had all the fat taken out of
it, leaving all the calcium, phos.
phorus, protein and 13 -vitamins,
Because 11 contains MI these nu-
trients, adding nonfat dry milk
to regular dishes is a good way
to make sure that every mem-
ber of the family gets enough
rdmmolrnnei AATHAHAimAninmmmumm on,
Sunday And -
Evening Service.
Open this'Sunday, W'etlnes i
day afternoon, andduring
the evening. 'throughout the
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Don't miss this sensational event! There are still many
BARGAINS left for the whole family.
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Black, Brown and Red
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Beige, Gores and Ties
Regular To $7.45
SALE +$5.44
Smyth' Shoe Store
PHONE 376 George Smyth, Prop.
Lou Bailey's First Anniversary Gift
Transportation, rtation, Hotel Room, Meals & Entertainment Provided FREE By LOU BAILEY
Every Buyer Of A Car From Now Until September 27 Gets A FREE Chance To Wins
Lou does it again! Here's a real Anniversary Prize. It's Our birthday—but you have the celebration, A big, wonderful weekend
in Detroit can be yours FREE if you buy your next car from us between now and September 27, Nothing extra to buyl No
quizzes or puzzles—just a straight draw decides the winner, Buy that car NOW-choosese from the "cleanest cars in town" --
and at the lowest prices, too. Drop in this Saturday for your free Kist and see our red-hot car bargains.
First Anniversary Car•,� or.
'56 Buick Special Hardtop
Fully Equipped ... ........
'55 Meteor 2 -Door Coach
Radio, 2 -Tone
'54 Dodge Regent Sedan
Radio, Signals, Tinted Glass, Windshield Washers, 2 -Tons, air
conditioning ' $1,145.
'54 Ford 2 -Door Hardtop
Automatic, Radio, Power Steering, Fender Skirts, Tinted Glass,
Whitewalls, Owned ByA MerryMortician
.,........ $1,350
'53 Chev Bel Air Sedan
Radio, Directional Lights, Tinted Glass, Whitewalls, Fender •
Skirts, 2 -Tone, A Showpiece , i$1,050
(2) '52 Pontiac Sedans
Your Choice
$ 850
'52 Ford Sedan
Radio, Skirts, Really Dolled, Will Do 100, Tickets To Prove It .. $ 675
'51. Ford Sedan
Radio, Directional Lights, Whitewall Tires, 2 -Toner Educated
At The University $ 575
'S0 Meteor 2 -Tone Radio
One Of The Last Sharp 50's In Captivity $ 525
'50 Pontiac 2 -Door
Radio, Good Tires, Gooch Motor, Fair Body. The Car's •Good---•
I Should Know, i've Sold It Twice. t.
Purple People Eater
Guaranteed not to bite anybody. Ploage buy it as an antilve.m,
ary gift to us
We Can Get It!'
ow CAN GET IT! If you're looking fort something special, let us
--we can get U at the right price,
Cleanest Cars In Town.
Phone 459
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Trace Up Or Down.
Corn r Hilton & Main .Exat
Bring Your Girl To Get Kist!