HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-28, Page 7AWAY ? Did you have a plant trip? Our readers would like .to know ebout :it. Tell. us About the activities of you end your friends. Phone 770 THE TIMES-ADVeoCATE Or your tercel correspondent "" , " " -•,W541111,•• 011.,00.:,0•44,‘ 4. it. • ; • . VIA(AWV7; PA -44 . 7,77.1"Aggirtfift0"" ^"' '10 imanulosumuitommoussoltumilifimMOSiiiMittlsostomostsmillmtstinuomisummousussuokr 1 THIS. 'N THAT • By MR$. J. M. S. Thursday was "Press Day" at the Canadian Natidnal Exhibi- Toronto, and certain courtesies were extended to the editors and their ladies. One ad. vantage of the all.daY rain on that day was that the attendance was not as great and we 'had a chance to see the displays to better advantage. We enjoyed meeting fellow editors and their wives which we see only once or twice a year. We succeeded in shelving friend husband and enjoyed an hour in the new Queen Elizabeth building, which was opened last year to house women's activities and displays, Mrs. Ella Jenkins, -manager of CNE women's activities, said that this year increased quan. My as well as marked improve. ment in quality kept the judges busy for four days. More and more people entered from such widely separated points as Texas and Scotland, as well as .11111,111111111M111111111111;11111Miiiiitiomisiiimmlim l iiiiii 11111111111111 iii 11111111101111111111111110 Back-To.School Vitamins FOR HEALTHIER, HAPPIER STL`DENTS VITERRA PLUS 30 for $2,95, 60,for $4.75 100 for $6.45 VI-CAL-FER, 180 for $4.95, 60 for $2.95 NCF. CAPSULES $7.65, $3.45, $1..95 ONE -A -DAY $1.40, $2.50, $3.95, $7,95 PLaAMETTES 100 for $6.00 COD LIVER OIL 16 -oz. bottle for 890 INFANTOL $6.25, $3.50, $2,25, $14,5 OSTOCO DROPS ..„.„, ii ii ........... $4,25, $2.40, $L45 UTLEY' DRUG STORE Phone 50 HOUSEWIVES!! 2 NOW • YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN HOME FREEZER • AND COMPLETE SUPPLY OF FOOD BOTH FOR OILY 2" Per Week (Family of 4) NO MONEY DOWN This Wondorful Offer Includes Your Own 15 Cu. Ft. FREEZER. — PLUS Tho Following 3 MONTHS SUPPLY of FOOD SAMPLE ORDER 30 LBS. BEEF ROASTS 12 IAS. CHICKEN 12 LliS. IIA:31BURG 12 LBS, BORIC CROPS 5 LBS. F.R,ES.H: priaLears IMS. S'YIENYING BEEP • 6 LBS. 'It 0 V ND STEAK 3 IBS, BACON n LBS. WEE'NEJ1S; 0 LDS. TASK sArsaGe.: a,4 LBS, LAUAflLI •I6 LBS. S11.011TENIAG 13 1.4BS* VEGIKTAALts 31/2 cLabs. IrP; CO.BA31, 1 DOE. ORANGE JtICE z a I commuNi (You Have a 0 Jags. COFFEE 300 TEA BAGS TILDE DETERGENT V DOZ. BATH SIZE LtX soar 6 BOXP.:6 14:14L'FoN1i 1 DOZ. T1SSt10 21 LBS. FLOUR. • ;1,111.5. s PAC:11E111 1 LH. ELIA CR. PEPPER 30 1,13N. NC GAR. 3 ,.BS. STRAWBERRY ,JAM ▪ 1.10Nkrf 4 LBS. PEAN1DT mamma Full Chu!ce of Food) YOU Owe It To Yourself To t..RVBSii9.4te HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES Hive Joined Our stood PIan FOOD SERVICE 643 bUrIDAS $T, LONDON,. ONT. Often imifAfid — 'Novo Duplicated ',hone Anytime London, OE 0-6160 ttwekehuintistn Mt0k ttflUI In 601iIV6iiiteli in II I 01111'01110 IntfilitiffifftnTfinta, from all parts of Canada. We dropped into the Family Theatre where a variety of cooking shows were staged throughout the afternoon and evening. John Bradshaw, who is .known to newspaper readers and radio listeners as a garden expert, was plaster of ,cere- monies, Mrs. Anna Wilde, well. known home economist. and TV personality from Vienna, Aus- tria, prepared some of the dishes on the menu. The one that we saw her demonstrate was French Apple Pio Pastry for a 9" one -crust pie is required. Filling:aepupp 6 jses sliced tart, juicy to a cup granulated sugar g tsp. einnamon or nutmeg Topping: a cup butter cup brown sugar (packed) .1 cup flour Heat oven to 425 degrees. Line pie pan with pastry. Mix apples, sugar and spice. Heap in pastry - lined. pie pan. Mix butter, brown sugar and flour together until crumbly, Sprinkle over apples. Rake 50 to 60 minutes until apples cook through. Serve with cream or ice cream. Each evening a representative from a different country is asked to come and talk about cooking as it is done in his or her own country. National costumes are worn by the new Canadian guests, and the setting of a table with national appointments is a feature. This is one occa- sion we wished we Jived in Toronto. • .Here is another recipe we. picked up at the fair. It is quick, easy to assemble and quite good, Mystery Pudding 1 cup all-purpose flour a cup granulated sugar 1i tsp. baking soda tsp. salt i cup brown sugar, firmly packed a cup syrup drained from a tin of fruit cocktail 1 egg unbeaten la cups drained fruit cocktail a cup chopped nuts cup brown sugar Sift first 4 ingredients together into a casserole or baking dish. Add brown sugar, fruit cocktail, syrup and egg and blend well. Stir in drained cocktail and nuts. Scrape. extra batter from sides of casserole with a rubber scraper and spread batter even- ly in dish. Sprinkle lop with a cup brown sugar. Bake in pre- heated oven 325, degrees for 50 to 60 minutes, or until set in centre. Serve warm or cold with table cream or ice cream. Makes 6 to 8 servings. . * * • * By the way, announcement of the third "Bakefest"— the ana mai nation -wide cooking cern. petition—was made at the Ca- nadian National Exhibition. This is the largest cooking contest of its kind in Canada. Majority of cash and prizes goes to the top 210 contestants, the bulk to the top ten. . Contestants submitting the rec- ipes judged th: top ten are tak- en to Toronto, all expenses paid, to compete in a grand bakoff for the three top prizes, Each of the top three bakeoff winners will receive a deluxe 'electric washer -dryer, electric range and food mixer.- In addi- tion, the first prizewinner re- ceives $2,500 in cash; the second $1,500 in cash and the third $1,000. t Imillfilliiiilifiliflitt1110111,1111110M111.1111t11111111111 CANADIAN PROPANE GAS. & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend Modern Beauty Salon NEW LOCATION 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CENTRAL HOTEL Phone 349 Pearl, Henderson, Prop. • HI -LINE Beauty Salon Located in Cook'S Hetet, Centralia, AIR .CON0ItioNE0 DRYERS PHONE ;SO.W1 EXETER Marg. Coward,1rop. -usy VVoekend Fc.r Brides. Fletcher.Hopper In a setting of white gladioli and tate candelabra in Main Street United church an Satur- day, Angst 23 at 2.30 o'clock Patricia Arm Hopper and Robert Molt Fleteher, London were mar- ried in a ceremony before Rev. 1-1. J. Snell aisisted by Rev. Sid- ney Davison, Drucefield. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. E. Russell Hopper, Exeter, and Dr. and Mrs. 'Malcolm C. Fletcher, Exeter, are parents of the groom. William if. Wirkett, A.T.C.M.; F.C.C.O., London 'provided tre- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, Miss Jeanne McDonald, London who sang 'The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedding Prayer." GIVOn in marriage by her father, the•bride chose a floor - length gown of cloud white int. ported silk peau de sole over taffeta featuring a softly shirred panel from neck to hem, trim- med with Aleneon lace, lily point sleeves and portrait neckline. The bouffant, hooped skirt ex- tended to a chapel train. A head- dress of lace and pearls held her silk illusion blusher veil and she carried a crescent bouquet of white gardenias, stephanotis and heather. The bride was attended by icer sister, Dr, Joan Kyle, Toronto, as matron of honor, and Miss Carol Fletcher, sister of the groom and Miss Lorna Taylor, Exeter as bridsemaids gowned alike in hooped gowns of ro. inaace blue dotted swiss organ- za with picture hats to match. They carried crescent bouquets of white roses and blue baby mums. Gowned in a short dress similar to the other attendants was the flower girl, Terry Neal and the ring bearer was Johnny Neal of Richmond Hill, niece and. nephew of the groom, John Hendrick, Exeter, was groomsman and ushers were Robert Russell, Exeter, Ken Smith, Watford, Sandy Neal, Richmond Hill, and Dr. Victor Kyle, Teronto. A reception followed at. Arm- strong's Restaurant decorated with white candles and white gladioli. For a honeymoon spent in New England States, the bride traveled in a beige linen sheath With matching coat and large French felt matching hat. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher will make their home in London, Carr-Gladman A garden reception at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr., and Mrs. C. V. Pic- kard, Exeter, followed- the mar- riage in James Street United church of Elizabeth Gladman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mel- ville Gladman, Vancouver, B.C., to Roy Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carr, Toronto on Satur- day, August 23, at 12 o'clock noon. Reception Fetes Daughter -In -Law Mrs. H. L. Sturgis entertained friends . to a receptioh tea for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jim Sturgis, ,Loncien, on Friday eve- ning. tittle Miss Kathy Davidson welcomed the guests and the hostess introduced them to the guest of honor, to her mother, Mrs. Davidson, Chatham and to her grandmother, Mrs. McKay. Mrs, H. Jones and Mrs. James Lind poured tea and Mrs. E. D. Howey invited the guests to the tea room. Others assisting were Miss Margaret Tape, Mrs. Jim Carmichael, Mrs. R. Burgess and Mrs. A. Dundas. Saturday Bride Honored. Here • Mrs. W. C. Sanders entertained at a shoWer and dinner party for her niece, Miss Elizabeth Glad -- man, Vancouver, whose mar- riage ,took place in James Street United Chuch, Exeter, oh Sat- urday. airs. C. V. Pickard, aunt of the. bride, and daughters Marg- uerite and Trudy, were hostesses at a dinner to honor the bride. Mrs, Margaret Fletcher, town, and Mrs, A. Durward, Simeoc, entertained at a tea and shower for Miss Gladman at Armstrong's Restaurant. Tea was poured by Mrs, W. Passmore, Toronto, great-aunt of the beide. Showers Honor GB Bride -To -Be Miss Beverley Ann Ravelle, whose wedding to Donald Bruce Odbert, of Stratford,,is planned for Saturday, September 6, in Grand Bend United Chureh. has been feted at several preatuptial functions. Mrs. Donald Pero, of Glen - rose Drive, Byron, entertained At a miseellatleolle shower last Wednesday evening. Other hos- tesses were Miss Mary Rebert. son and Mrs. Gordon Chesney, of London. Miss. Marie °Ada and Mise Joan R a vend were hostesses at a shower Friday evening at the henne of Mrs. E. Odbett. Out-of-town guests Are expect- ed to attend the wedding from Toronto, Hamiltme, Loedon, Kitchener, Dundas, Stretford, Winciser, Detroit, Chicago and Toledo, SNOT IN YOUR HOME COMMUNITY Rev. H. J. Snell Officiated at Shirley Wurrn. Mer%len the ceremony in a setting of Marion Rellieg, Ruth MeLeall white gladiell, white minus, blue a,nd Diane Ryekmao. delphiniums, candelabra and For a honeymoon spent in the fern. Mr. Lawrence Wein Pra. Eastern States, the bride vided wedding music and ac. traveled in a toast colored tie companied the soloist, Mrs. sun sheath with matching ac - john Gomm Exeter who sang sessories, beige duster coat and the 'lord's Prayer" and Perfect Love.' "0 corsage of Talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs. Wood will make The bride given in imarriagit their home in Wingham Macre by her father, was attended by the groom is a member of the her cousin, Miss Marguerite Pic. Wingham District High School karat, as maid of honor and bv staff. ale is a graduate of the another cousin, Margaret San- Ontario .Agricultural College, ders, Exeter, and Mrs. Robert Guelph, and Ontario Teachers' Ih:taerrg,rolosm.oronto, sister-in-law of College, Toronto, and the bride is a graduate of St. Joseph's School of Nursing, London. Guests ett nded the wedd' from Montreal, Edmonton, To. rant°, Stratford, London, Wood- stock, Pabnerston, Clinton and Londesboro. Town Topics She wore a floor -length gown of white nylon tulle illusion ly patterned in Chantilly lace, with lace bodice worn with a tiny cap of orange blossoms from which was draped a dou- ble, circelar veil of silk flu- sion forming a blusher. She carried a cascade of white gar- denias and stephanotis. The attendants wore silk or- ganza dresses in Fanpire style with floating panels at the back fastened with roses in, the same material in pe iwinkle blue and yellow respectively. They carried dwehliptheinisuhmasta mums and blue Robert Carr was groomsman for his brother and ushers were kKeenhie.itzMowat and Murdoch Mac - The bride's mother wore a dress of light brown peen de sale with matching accessories and the groom's mother chose cham- pagne beige lace with pink ac- cessories. For travelling to Montreal the bride changed to a silk costume in green gage with taupe acces- sories. Mr, and Mrs. Carr will make their home in Ste Anne de Belle- vue, Quebec. Wood -Skinner Messrs. Carfrey Cann, Mr- enee Down, Robert Southeolt and Mervyn Cudmore attended the sixth annual Weekend for Laymen of the London Confer. ence of the United Church of Canada at Alma College, St. Thomas. The latter was leader of one of the discussion groups, M. and Mrs. Will layekman attended the wedding on Satur- day of their grand -niece, Eliza- beth Louise Nediger •to Robert Douglas Bundy at Wesley Willis ehurch, Clinton. Mrs. W. H. Brigham, Battle Creek, Mich., Miss Pearl Heist, Adrian, Mich., and Miss Pearl Watson, Brinsley, visited recent- ly with Mrs. Martha Smith. Mrs. V. L. Roulston of Simeoe is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Howald this week, F/Lt. M, S. and Mrs. Slezak returned to their home in Win- nipeg having spent the past three weeks with the latter's father, Mr. Arthur Willert and In an all -white setting of white sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wal - gladioli and candelabra in Main per, Dashwood, and Mr. and Street United Church on Satur• Mrs. Ed. Wurm, town. day, August 23, at 4 o'clock, Mrs, George Durward, Simcoe, Rev. H. J. Snell officiated at who was in town for the Carr - the marriage of Marilyn Ann Gladman wedding has been the Skinner to Kenneth Edwin Wood. guest of Mese Margaret Fletcher, The bride is a daughter of Mr. Andrew Street for the past week. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Ex- Mrs. Durward's father was the eter, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin late Rev. S. F. Sharpe, minister Wood, Londesboro, are parents of Caven Presbyterian church of the groom, from 1909 to 1918. Her mother, Mrs. W. J. Wood of the Steven- son Farms, Alliston, died at Lake Worth, Florida, in April, 1957, Mrs. R. D. Jermyn and family returned Tuesday from a holi- day spent in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holtz- man, town; Mrs. Mildred Holtz- man and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fink- beiner, Crediton, visited with rel- atives in Saline, Mich., over the weekend. Mrs, Reg Taylor is confined to her home with a hack injury. Annual Navy League tag day will be held in Exeter on Satur- day, Sept. 6, sponsored by La. dies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. The project will be -con- vened by Mrs. Vera M. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Neal and family, Richmond Hill, visited last week at the home of Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Fletcher, and attended the Fletcher -Hopper wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell have returned after spending several weeks in Saskatoon with their daughter and. family, Sgt. and Mrs. E. H. Denroche. They also visited in Calgary, Lake Louise, Jasper Park, Vancouver and in the Peace River district. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Creech and faintly, Richard and Joan, of Philadelphia, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mrs, Lena Willard, organist of the church, furnished wedding music, and accompanied the soloist, Mr, William Andrews, Toronto, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Wedding Prayer." Given, in marriage by slier father, the bride wore a full- length gown of hand -clipped Chantilly lace and net over duchess satin with short cap sleeves, scalloped sabrina neck- line, bouffant skirt of nylon chif- fon, extending into a brief train. A double crown of seed pearls and iridescent sequins held her finger-tip veil of .silk She carried a cascade of while pom-pom mums, stephanotis and trailing ivy. Her attendants were Miss Joan Thomson. London, as maid of honor, Miss Evelyn Sharrow and Miss Audrey Ross, both. of Lon- dn, as bridesmaids, and Miss Barbara Skinner, sister of the bride, as junior bridesmaid. They were gowned alike in ballerina - length gowns of chrysanthemum yellow silk or. ganza and net over taffeta with wide pleated ciunmerbands. They wore matching hats, and carried cascades of white shasta mums and ivy. Lauis Tebbutt, Woodstock attended the groom, and ushers were Kenneth Armstrong, Strat- ford, and Robert Skinner, brother of the bride. A reception followed in the church parlors, the bride's mother receiving in a wedgwaod blue silk dress, with white feather hat, and corsage of blush pink Pinocchio roses. The groom's mother chose hunter grey with undertone of dusty rose taffeta, rose clipped feather hat and pastel pink Sweetheart rose corsage. White glads and yellow mums decorated the tables, and serv- ing were Mrs. Marie Klatt, Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling Elinor Wasnidge Darol Tuckey ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress Air -Conditioned NEW SHIPMENT! India Brass Giftwa re Stunn N g, hand -engraved converss Hon pieCafa ideal for gifts or Boole ornaments, Chose from our bt'and'new selection. Jack Smith tikebiT JEWELLER Mont SI 0'. Exetor "ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL" (Author's Name Below')— Research scientists, phy- sicians, dentists, nurses and pharmacists are all united for the purpose of helpint; you to live a longer and healthier life. every member of this health team has a partic- ular duty to perforni ancl has spent years at study to perfect their know- ledge. Our duty as pharma- cists is to provide you with the medicines and health -aids you need. As loyal members of the health team, we welcome the opportunity to serve you. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 WHEN YOU NEED MEDICINE Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A. great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we com- pound yours? • Andrew Johnston Drugs Min St.? tow PRESCOOTION CHEMISTS .atIntAtieita by Alexander Ilumas flA03.1t101 COPYrIthf 10E Th* .Tim**Advacats, •Aug,:iot. 20, 1941 Pipe ' • items of Socii and Personal intereat in and Aroynd Exitir Tho gSeter TImce.Advocate i2 &were eloatlea to nahltsh 0040 ItiMit We and otir roadore are interested In you and your Iolanda. Phone 2204, Misses Diane Ryckman and Donna. Wells are spending a few days at Grand Bend. Miss Carol Whitehead. of To-. ronto, is spending this weelc visiting Miss Marilyn Jory. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis and daughter! Elizabeth, of Fort Credit, are visiting at the home of Miss Verna Coates, Mrs. A. T. Mather, Montreal, spent the weekend at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beavers and attended the marriage of her niece, Marilyn Skinner, to Kenneth Wood on Saturday. Ivan Wong has returned to Exeter Grill after spending seve- ral months in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford and - Mr, and Mrs. Norman Ford of Detroit who have been holiday- ing at Grand Bend called on Mr. Thomas Harrison near Ex- eter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston, .Bobby and 'David and Ronald Truemner are spending their holidays at Port Elgin and Han- over, Mr. and Mrs. Sarn Sweitzer and Brian are visiting in Tina - mins for the weekend at the home of her parents. Mrs. Mar- tha Smith accompanied them to visit her sister, Mrs. David Lippert, in Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and family, Edmonton, Alta., spent the past week at the home of thier parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Heaney and Miss Gail Gackstetter returned home after spending the past eight weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Horney. Mrs, C. H. Merrill of Ingersoll visited over the weekend with Mrs. Thomas Dinney. Mr, and Mrs, S. A. Inglis of Kirkland Lake and Mrs. C. K. Schlimme have been holidaying with Mr. Amos Darling. S/L and Mrs. H. Williamson of St. Margarets, New Bruns- wick, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Snell. Mrs. Charles White, Carol and Ann of Montreal visited last week with Mrs. White's mother, Mrs. William Welsh. Mrs. Fred Nixon, Ronald and Dennis returned home to East Lansing, Mich., after spending the • summer with Mrs. Nixon's mother, Mrs. William Welsh, About 50 couples, most of them from ,town, attended the "Kin Frolic" in Lakeview Cas- ino, Grand Bend. Thursday night, sponsored by Exeter Kins- men. Lionel Thornton and his orchestra provided the music. . Mrs. William Mair and Joanne visited with the former's sister, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd in Schomberg Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs. A. E. Ferguson who has been visiting with her daughters in Schomberg, Clark- son and Weston returned home with them. la/0 J. A. and Mrs. Cann, Mary Ann, Cathy and Nancy of Ottawa returned home on Thurs- day after holidaying. with Mrs. Cann's mother, Max. William Mair and other relatives for the past three weeks. Mr. and •Mrs. John Pryde and family visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Woodall in Windsor .and Mr. and Mrs, Elgin 'Woodall ,of Royal Oakt Mich. John Pryde visited in 'Clarkson last week and attended thi Canadian National Exhibition. Mrs. A. E. Buswell and .claugh-a ter,, Helen of North Bay, former:, ly of Exeter, are at present Vise. iting in -Calgary. Banff and with the former's sister, Mrs. Lawr.. ence White and Mr. White ;in Alberta. according to received by Mrs. George Mantis, this week. Topics From Elimville By MRS. RQSS SKINNER Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods and Bob spent the weekend with Mr. Lewis Woods at Stokes Bay. Misses Marie ond Jean Lobb and Jerry Lobb of Clinton spent a few days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym, Miss Helen Rawn of Angus visited a few days with Miss Marilyn Weber, The Huron County library books will be changed at Enna- ville at the borne of Mrs. Jack., son Woods on Thursday noon; September 4. Dale Ratcliffe of Anderson spent a few days with Mr. Ed- ward Johns. Mr. and Mrs, Melville Gun- ning and Muriel of Whalen visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Coopet. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. Harold Johns of Thames Road spent the past week with his gragdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns, Miss Dianne Johns is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn of Hurondale. Mr, Pringle Morley and Mrs. Maria Heatherly of London, • Mrs. Lavelle Wirtz of Elk Cita, Oklahoma, visited last Tues.,' day with their niece, Mrs. Lewis Johns. Miss Marion Long of Atwood visited last week with her grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper: spent the weekend with Miss Ruth Skinner and Mr. Laverne Skinner at the cottage at Grand Bend,Sunday visitors with Mr. and - Mrs. Gilbert Johns were Mr: and Mrs. Fred Long and fame By of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Johns of Sarnia, Mr. arid Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe and family of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fraser and family, Mr. and Mrs: James Grinney and family ea 'Mount Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns, Shirley and Marie ]yn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns, Mrs. Laurene Weir of Detroit spent last week with her aunt& Mrs. Thos. Bell. In 1957 capital expenditures bY Canadian railways on construe - tion and machinery was esti- mated at, S416 million. and ex. penditures on repair at $357 mil. lion. 111111111.1111111101n11111PUUqnnUflilftflIIHMIfirMIUMIIIIIIIIIIIMMURIIHMIHOU1111HHOM ........ HUHUS4 Goderich BUSINESS COLLEGE I Practical Instruction in all commercial subjects. Qualified Teachers — Modern Equipment Examinations set, marked, and Diplomas issued by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA For several years every seat has been filled. Register now — Tuition 520 — Telephone 428 "Z, lllll m11111'11111IIttIIItIIIIIIIIuIIIJItI11" 'OmmuluinutuiniuMiniblintit llllllllllllllllllllllll lllll Reversible Skirts Regular. $15,00 BACKTO-SCI-100L SPECIAL, 11.99 Sweaters Pullovem Reg. $3,95 $2.95 Cardigans, Reg. $5.9$ $4,95 • SMART FASHIONS FOR THE HS OIRLI SPECIA WHITE•UNIPORMS. 'Regular To $5.05,'All Saes • Sale Plitt $1.48 3 3 1 Irwin's Phone 474 Exitfor