The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-28, Page 4per renee7,11e-
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ee-sievil `ss•-••••.- * 'it' 'it
The Tirnea.A4vOcatek AUgust 2‘, 115e
And District New$
Mrs. Maude. Haddon, Pima 5
M. Archie MacGregor, Phone 196
Found After Fall,
-Lady In Hospital
.7• MrS. Victor Fee, 77, who lives
alone was taken by Bonthron
ambulance Tuesday to Scott Me
• ori2 Hospital Seaforth. Extent
of her injuries are not known.
Mr. David Dignan. her brother,
;:ervent to call at her house in the
- loaning and when he received nn
• response he went around to her
• bedroom windnw and when he
, spoke she answered him. When
he entered the house he fnund
Mrs Fee lying hy the bedside.
She had fallen out of bed.
• It is not known how many
s -hours she had lain there as she
• • was not able to tell them.
Home Ec Teacher
.Speaks At Kippen
Miss Florence Elford, home I
economies teacher of Seaforth ;
District High School, was guest
• speaker at the Home Etonomics
.and Health meeting of. Kippen
Zast women's Institute for which
Airs, Harry Caldwell was host-
ess at her home last Tuesday
• A demonstration nn artificial
- respiration was given hy 441
- members. Suane Haugh and Jean
3leNaughton with Gail Finlayson
•acting as patient.
• Mrs. James McNaughton
ided for the program. Mrs. Ar- •
thur Finlayson contributed a
teem and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot,
• piano selections. Mrs, Grace
Chapman corrim ent erl on. the
motto "A merry heart kills More •
▪ ills than medicine." Members
answered the roll call by naming ,
a dish to leave for husband'when
• sile goes
Baby gift cards were presented •
to Linda Bell. daughter of Mr.;
and Mrs. Robert Bell; Janice
and David Moore, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore and
• John and Dwight, children of
• Mr. and Mrs: Robert Kinsman.,
President Mrs, Campbell Eyre
conducted the business and Mrs.
; W. J. F. Bell was lunch con-
; vener.
• Personal Items
• Mrs. Alex Ainusseau is a pa-
; tient at St. Joseph's Hospital-
* London. where he underwent
aai operation.
s -Mr. and Mrs, Emersen Kyle
and jimmy of Kippen, left this
; week by motor for the West
e. Coast, and plan nn visiting Los
° Angeles, Vancouver, and the!
Western Provinces. They ex -1
Oct to be away five weeks.
• MISS Mary Goodwin has re-
turned after spending a week;
holidaying with her cousins. I
e Mr. and Mrs, Robert Duncan of •
• Harrington.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newcombe,'
of Stratford, were weekend.
; guests with Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Mr. and Mrs. •Earl McKellar.!
Eusan and Michael., of Chatham..
- were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Noakes.
Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and
Ann, have returned home after
• a. deo weeks vacation. at Turn- [
° bull's Grove.
-• Paul Wilson and Bill Ethering
ton of Exeter spent, Wednesday
with Charles Mickle at the cot-;
; tage. Schade View.
• Miss Linda Kerr, Monetville,
Northern Ontario, is vacationing'
• with her grandparents, Mr. and
• Mrs. William Kerr,
The Story In
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. B. Laugerwerf
of Greenway were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Koos-.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrell
; returned home from a week's
holiday at Port Elgin and Sau-
- ble Beach.
Airs, James Turner spent a
•couple of days this past week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
; Henry Hodgins, Lucan.
• Mr. Fred Dobbs Jr., groom-
: elect of August 27 whose wedding
takes place in Toronto was
guest of honor at a stag party at
the home of his • brother, Air.
George Dobbs, Exeter.
is Mrs. L. Weiherg was hostess
recently for a brush elemonstra-
; elan viten 25 'ladies attended.
Misses Phyllis and Mildred
'Weiberg returned home, having
spent the past week visiting
their • grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. L. Purdy, liensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee
and Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Latta
spent the. weekend on the Bruce
Peninsula, Midland and Orillia
rid called on Alt. and Mrs. E.
'Larry Greenlee spent the past
week visiting his uncle, Mr. N
Greenlet, Toronto, and attended
the C.N.E., Leslie Greenlee spent
the weekend with his #and-
laarents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Carol, Hen arid David Latta
stent the weekend with Dennis
and Leroy Moutiin and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Atkinson..
Heather bavis 811631 ing a
few holidays with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mil. George
teacher! "What is the Order
of the tath?"
NO atiSWer,
Teacher: 'Vane, some of you
Mutt know 4,,ht the Order of
the, Hath it."
Pupil: Well, at our house it'a
tia first, thenMA, theft ut kids r
and then the bind girl,"
Bingo Winner*
• Mrs. Albert Badour arid her Robert Tinney
daughter Mis.sB.adour Of Zurich
shared the e95.00 lark:pot at the
Legion Bingo held at the Leginn
Hall nn Saturday night.
flther winners wereAir. . k
Baine'. Clinton: Mrs. Jack Came-
Smale; Wilhert F'ark-
er; Mrs. Roy Smale, Jim Smale;
airs. Nnrman Baird (31; Wilbert
Parker; 'Airs. Albert Bertram;
Mrs. Austin, Seaforth; Mrs.
Cowan; AIM fl Vanstone; Miss
Badour: Clarence Taelor; Fred
Shower For Bride-Flect
About 50 neighbors gathered
at the hnme of Mr. and Mrs
: -
Harold Bell on Tuesday evening
in honor of their eldest daughter..
Shirley, bride -elect of Septem-
ber. ,> -
Games and contests were en
joyed Wowed hy a social hour
during which Shirley was pre-
sented with many miseellaneous
gifts. An accompanying addi•ess
was read by Alre. Ed. Corbett.
The event was arranged by
Mrs. Ed, Corbett assisted by
Miss Mary Goodwin. Airs. Harold
Bell and Mrs. Robert Caldwell.
Personal Items
Miss Sharon Riley of London
spent a few clays last week with
Miss Ann Niekle at the Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Gien Goff,Sar-
nia. Air. and Mrs. Stanley Mitch-,
ell, Hensall. Mr. James AlcAl-
lister of Zurich, attended the
McAllister -Patterson wedding at
Lindsay nn Saturday.
Air. and Mrs, E. R. Davis.
Michael and Kay. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Horton, have retuned
after spending a week's vacas
don at lnverhuron Beach,
Mrs. George Hess is confined
to her home with illness.
Comments About
Letter From
Air, and Mrs. John Wallace
and Debbie and Mrs. Graee
Scott spent a few days vi•siting;
with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitz-
man in Niagara Falls, 'N.Y.
Mrs, Henry Eggert; Rostock,
is visiting with her daughter and ,
son-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. Alex
Mrs. Dan McKellar, Russell
and Joy Ann, of Buffalo, N,y„
Are visiting with their many
relatives in this vicinity.
Miss Nettie Scott. of Paisley,.
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McCurdy. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack" Jefferson.
of Sault Ste. Marie, visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Laing,
Miss Margaret Ann Wallace ;
is holidaying with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Elliott, Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Brooks and George, of ;
Staffa, visited on Sunday withl
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams,
Air. and Mrs. Stanley Hocking.
Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McCulloch, were Sunday evening,
guests of Air. and Mrs. Calder!
Miss Ronnie Kerslake and •
Miss Isabel McCaughey, of
Staffa, are holidaying with their
aunt, Mrs. R. Miller, Farquhar.;
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Cole -1
man and family visited on Mon-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.;
Gordon Laing.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell 1
and Margaret Jean attended the •
Russell family reunibn al
Queen's Park, Stratford, on
Mr. and 'Airs. Stephen Kendrick
and son Michael, of Leaming-
ton, are spending their vaca-
tion with her naivete, Mr. and
Mrs, Keith McLaren.
Miss Joyce Kerslake spent!
the weekend with her cousin,
Miss Marlene McLachlan, at
Miss Olive Jefferson. Munro,!
is holidaying with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Laing.
Mr. and Mrs: Mervin Dow,
Carol Anne and Brian accom•
panied bv 'Mr. and Airs. Jaek
Butson, Staffa, left- on Wednes-
day on a motor ti•ip through the
western provinces,
Anti Mrs, Russell Miller
and ehildren visited on Sunday
with Mr. end Mrs. Robert Laing. !
Mr. Clive MeDonald Anti rani-
ilv, and Mrs. 1. McDonald,
Mitchell, and Mr. a•nd Mts. Ti.
G. Speare, and Mrs. Lloyd
Tushingham, of Toronto, ' were
Sunday guests of Miss Olive
Speare. •
Airs. Allan 'McLean and two
Otte, ref •Cergill, Are visiting
with Mr. end Mrs. Carl Welker.
Mr. Phillip James and Mis;
Wilma lean Jain ee, accnrn.
paniod h: friends from London,
aro on a trip through the west.
going as far as Banff.
Cromarty Native :
Dies In Michigan
Roderick Park, of 330a Lake-
shore Drive. Sault Ste. Marie,
Maigaii, died on Wednesday.
August 8', in the Spirit War.
Memorial Hospital at the age of
H. after eh of six
He was born in Cromarty no
February 27, IMO, and was a Oh
of the lett Mr. and Mrs. Alexan.'
der Park, who operated a plan-
ing mill in Cromarty, situated
on theeOi Pr et' the farm of Mei
late Arthie MeEtlia.r, bordering:
tie the eate"Mititi and the centre
There lit utkda with .1113,
Farmer In Hay
Robert E. Pinney died at his
late reeidence in Exeter on Mon-
day in his s5th year.
The deceased farmed for many
years in Hay Township, prior In•
moving to Hensell where he
lived for several years, before
taking up residence in Exeter.
Surviving are, his widow, the
former Louise Russell. nor daugh-
teri Roberta t Mrs. flirter(' Fitz-
gerald. London Township; nne
son, John. Hay Township; two
sisters, Airs. William Blackwell.
Exeter, and Mrs. _Charles O'Brien
of Hewett.
The body rested at the Hop-
per-Hoekey funeral home where
a private funeral service was
held on Wednesday, August 27.
Interment was in Exeter ceme-
Lightning Kills
o tfo••
Ertioy teee-frese• cook-frec
holiday weekend. Close up
your kitchen and feast for
fun. Fill your shopping cart
with our super values in
cook -easy foods for delight-
ful dinners, picnic or barbe-
cues. Stock up — and take
"Labor Daze out of your
Three Animals
In an elertrieal storm. which
'passed over the district last
week Ross Richardson of the
Parr Line, Hay Township, had
a cow and two young cattle
valued at $600 struck by
Personal Items
Alt. and Mrs. Milton Lavery
and family attended the Lavery- •
Routley wedding at Arkona on ,
Pauline and Ann Bell attended
a birthday party for Ronald John
Culbert, of Florida, camping at;
Mrs. L. ('lark Jr., was ad- '
mined to St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, On Sunday.
Mrs. Guy ,Bedard and family,
of London, spent Thursday with
Mrs. Stewart Bell at Turnbull's
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith,
Guelph, were weekend guests
with the latter s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. john Jarrett.
Mrs. R. McKenzie spent Tues-
day with Mrs. Stewart Bell at
Turnbull's Grove.
Miss Joyce Flynn is holiday-
ing with Miss Debbie Gooding
in Parkhill this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forrest
of Sarnia were weekend visitors
with Air. and Mrs. 'Thomas Lay -
Jerry Chapmen returned home
this week after spending sev-
eral days with his brother -in -
Jaw, and sister, Mr. and Mrs,
Jog De Ledge in Sarnia.
Mr, and Mrs. 1). Storey and.
family of Tillsonbur,,e were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Airs,
Ed. Schroeder and faitily. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Amel-
ia Schroeder and Marion Schroed-
er, who spent the past two weeks
itt Tillsonburg.
Messrs. Stewart Bell„ Dave
Sangster. Carl Decker and Wes-
ley Richardson returned home
from a week's holiday at Shon
Fly Lake and report a good
catch of fish.
Mrs, William Lee visited re-
cently with her son -in -taw and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George
Moir in Strathroy.
Mrs. Harold Parkere is attend-
ing the annual School for Lead-
ers conducted by the Woman's
Missionary Society of the United
Church in Canada, at Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Turner -returned
to their home at Hamilton after
spending the past week with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Aire,
Thos. Lavender.
Air. and Mrs. Peter McNaugh-
ton and 'Robert returned home
after spending e few days at
Southampton and other north-
ern points.
Air. and Mrs. Jas. Clark and
family are enjoying a week'e
vacation at a cottage at Lake
Professor L, A. MacKay, of
Berkeley, Cal.; Airs, A. C.
Thompson, Toronto. spent, a few
days last week visiting -with
their sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr, Linda
and Larry. of Moneta-MO, are
spending this week with Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Kerr,
Bill Carlile is a patient in.
South Huron • Hospital, Exeter,
recovering from injuries he re-
ceived ie a motor accident near
Woodstock Sunday night.
father in the mill and building
business until he was 19 years
of age, when he moved with his
parents to the United States and •
settled ie Bad Axe, Michigan,1
and continued his trade as a car.:
penler. There he nisi end
married Miss Elizabeth Ane
Rowe, who died in 1935.
In Me, he moved to Detroit,
e imp woi er lfl vi un 10
businessfor many veers
Of his family of Iwo sons and
two daughters, three or thPlii
$UrViVe Alt Harrison R. Peek,
and Aire. B. E. Fell, of Detroit,
and Airs. IL M. Harrington, of
Sault Ste. Marie, where lie had
Made his hem e, for several
years. One son. Donald, was
kind in An accident in 1930.
Also surviving are four grand-
children and three great -greed.
Mr. Parkwas a member of
the Pirst United Presbyterian
Church at Sault Sta. Marie,
Mich, Serviets Were held on
August 11 at the gtiVerAnte
funeral hotile, in Detroit, and
burial WtA in the family plot at
Evergreen Connoted.
Mr. Park visited often with
his many relatives itt the CM-
marty &Witt, arld Will be re-
trittibered fer IIU pima%
Roe lrand
LABOR DAY FEATURE! McLaren's Manz.anilla
Mpntct Fancy
LABOR DAY FEATURE! NowPak! Wagstaffe's — With Pestiii
ake- F1,ur
'Cry -O -Vac
Rosedale Brand
IA'S • L.
Jul e
orn Flakes
28/4 -lb. pkg.
Pkg. of WO
1642...r.. 'Or
842.t. its bilx jar ,
Large 25 -oz.
Latin 24-ua. tin
20 -ex. 1ins-
Large •12 -ox. WO.
11-0Z. PKG.
Super Save
Fresh Sliced .
LG. 24-0Z, SAVE. 40
— "LI:1I „ : - I .71 • ,