HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-28, Page 3Mrs. Harold C. Bell, Hensall, is entertaining at. a trousseau in -honour of her daughter, Shirley ifay, bride -elect of Sept. 6, or aturday, August 50. from 2 till t hnight, afternoon and 7 till 10 a ARDS OF THANKS Mr. and. Mrs. Nelson Sinclair ish to thank their many friends nd neighbors for the gifts, ards and flowers they received o their fiftieth anniversary. 26c CARDS OF THANKS'-- I n,rh t. ae $ rRG•v p my a sincere r o s r h a n k s and appreciation to fri , nl, r nrelatives;. and neighbors bot ohn helped With the harvest and u hn kindly remember ed me with Parris, s n at d, flow ars. treats and vigits t hit ! al, patientondon, an Ftand, . Joseph'ssinsre F1nspwti, turning Imam—Clifford Weld°. 26c Ai P ntsh to thank aur relatives friends and neighbQttrs for than main arts of kindness and es- presgtnns of sympathy shown tis in tiro loss of Our dea)'ly loved w ifr adughter, E l i 1 IFeth) Chandna•. Sgt. ('hazat•leshe t G. Sher,, Bi'll's: Air .and D1rs John J. Morris and family. Godericlt, 260 I i yah in express my sincet'e !hanks and apprertatron to all there A+hn sn kindly remembered me w lrh treats and v iglu while a paawant in South Huron .Hns- pllal Speeiai thanks to Dr. F(ksr, the hospital staff and Mr and Airs, Donald Dacey.—Airs, (:'al Wein,2Se thanks fol' the kindnesses sincere me during my brief stay In hos- pltsl anri since ' returning home Betty ,Dates. 26* IN MEMORIAM -- cox - In lot log memory of a dear husband and father Al- bert Thomas Cox, who left us one year ago. August 26, 1957. n'hat n•s mould give If vi could sal "Heim pari" 10 the Santa old war. To hear his voice and see his smile, And sit. and chef with ivhim awhile. m —Lnsingly reembered by bis safe Elizabeth and family. «Sc DESJARDIXE—ln loving memory ho passed away August 28, 1957. 10 sorrow we n atted day by day knd watched her suffering there Slowly but surely passing away From pain she scarce could hear. And then God called from Ilia throne. above. Her suffering and pain are past I know she has gone to realists of s`a And in Hlnraven has peace at last. —F er remembered by her daugh- ter Susie and son-in-law Henry Dec ine. 21c DES,' 1RDINE—In loving memory of Ellen Desjardrne, echo pass- ed away one year ago, August 26. 1957. Tsars of striving, little of play. Loving and giving the whole of the n av'i A cherished smle, a Heart of • To the dearest mother the world could hold Happy memories, fond and true. From us who thought the world of you. —Sadly missed by grandchildren Ervin and Reddy. alder and Elvin Adams and great grand- children Elatne and Yvonne De- vine and Patsy and Pauline Adams. 29' of Airs. Ellen Desiardine. STIRE—In loving memory • of a dear husband and father, John Stire, who passed away 2 years ago. August 261 1956. Nothing can ever take away The. love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. —Ever remembered by his wife and family 28c Physical production of goods and services in Canada was down by two per cent in the first quarter of 1958 as coin -1 pared to 1957, but value of the Gross National product was up 1 for the period because of higher prices. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD F1 -v. K. L. Zorn, Phone 65 10:00 a:m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.ni.—Service • Mr. Robert Hutchinson, Thorn - dale, speaker. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 7:30 p.m,—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thurs.,' 2:30 p.m.— WMC Meet- ing in Riverview Park—for the children. Friday — Christ Ambassador meeting at the Huron County home, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,"—Psalms 46:1 Paster---Eyane. L. Winn•Sutler. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9:45 a,hn.—Morning Worship (English) Mr. Bern. Zijlstra, Exeter 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon'Worship (Dutch) ,111r. Bern. Zijlstra, Exeter • CALVARY' CHURCH Evangelical United' Brethren DASHWOOO Rev. W. F. Kroft, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10:00 a.m.—"Work and Worship" 11:05 a.m.--Sunday School THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Ms 'Thy "truth tt Lard" 10:80 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.tn —Worship Fazio: Simko, 5audse, 1Gkits1•' '%He BET TEL REFORMED CI4UttCl4 IN MAIN STRr"e"1 C ILINCH Rev. R. Veit Palows, Mtttlslar 2:00 p.in: —Afteri'tao'ii worship (Etwgllsii) 8:30 p.m.—Sunday So1io 1 Seuteinber 1 Cliui°eli P.ictiic, Easter Park . All. 'Weletiinti Masse Family rows 'Stanley Mcfalls. (j�` AA Farmer :Resident T e • °N " - r i # t Wedding Stanley 11t'cl''alls, 00. .founder Ends Saturday officially marked the and as eddm.g all wrapped upin tsuccessful completion of a inonu- ono and they all enjoyed at. ev. mental task Ali parenthood for enteen of the 21 children and many of their own families were' Mr..and Mrs, Jaines 1ilasse, of St. Joseph. ofthe couple finished ral:5uhg one ie largest families in Canada. Saturday was the wedding day of 24 -year-old Peter Masse, the couples twenty' -first child and on hand. While the marriage ceremony may have marked the end of their parental duties, Mr. .and il'Irs. 1llasse are still in the thick i cf what looks to be an :even big - the last of 10 sons and 11 dautgh• ger task' --lite grandparenta1 one. ters to be launched from the rel- ',They have somewhere around 100 1 caroted Sall to establish. a lam- grandchildren now and that adds d it of �u y histo own.1 He� was whale le o: married a a f a tat of baby - to P . )ab . y to Miss Jean MacPherson, of sitting, birthday remembrances, Nova Scotia, at St, Peters Rom, Christmas gifts and counsel. an Catholic Church. The big ;14-eoom house near Tlie parents were relieved that Lake Huron may sound a little their 45.•year-old task was over. empty during the week but it "'I think I deserve a holiday," will be as full as ever •on the said. Mrs. Masse but she plans to weekends when the family conies finish the canning before she home. y takes one. Mr. Masse took the Rev. Father Poisson officiated wedding in stride -- it was an op- at the morning ceremony eientoily aahicll portunity to relax after a heavy involved mdny of the family. A harvest season on the 125 -acre cousin, Miss Yvonne Denomme, farm which has provided the Zurich, provided the • wedding means to rear his flock. music and the groom's sister, Weddings have been taking place in the Masse family since 1932 and the family .knows clow to enjoy then!. Saturday's fes' tivitles started unofficially at five a.m.' (the ceremony began at eight) and lasted until midnight when dancing at the Zurich Coin. munity Centre reception came to A halt. The day was a combined fain- tly reunion, celebration, holiday, Mrs. Douglas Moir i Brampton, the last of the girls to marry two years ago, was soloist.. The bride was given in -mar- riage by her uncle, Louis Masse, who is also the groom's brother. 1t was through the marriage of (he bride's aunt to her husband's brother that the newlyweds met. The bride's sister, Mrs. Allan Ludford, London, , was her at- tendant and the groom's brother, ...thea Mother said, 'Let's give them a call tonight'!" Isn't there someone you'd like to call...right now? Telephone tonight* `lana SELLen-FiFMta!q,tr nA,-IMPAMea 12 ev�NA� *Long Distance bargain rates—nights after 6 and all day Sunday of McFails _t'artage. London, an a former resident of Exeter, died friday in his residence a London. He had been in poor health since February of this year. ' ilii. McFalls Was a native of Parkhill and he worked in an Exeter bakery before founding the firm which bore his name 32 years ago. Ile was active in club and community work in the London- Optimist ondonOptimist CM, t"haiitber of Com- merce, Ad Club, King Solomon Lodge, He was a member and .elder .of. Hamilton Road Presby- terian :Church. Mr. AleFalls is survived by his wife, the former May McFac1 den; two daughters, Mrs. 1('. (Ida) Hodgins, Windsor; and Miss. Maxine McFall.s, at home: two sons, Keith and Robert, •of London, one brother, Alexander, of Winterhaven Florida; and seven grandchildren. Bliss Ma- rion Bissett, Exeter, is a niece and the late Mrs. William iiod- gert was a step -sister. Funeral service was conducted Saturday by the Rev, 0, G. Loc- kel, Hamilton Road Presbyte- rian Church, at the A. Millard George Funeral Home, Burial was in Woodland Cemetery. 4ulltnnt11n1ngttllnttnitrnnUttMAnAIIIMMIMI nrtUStl UMIInntnlnt MUMIIIMAAAUDIASMAlAn Int% 111 A.nri.ouncenientsF a 3 d Eirlll>K . RATES ,. No Charge - n Marriages end DQelhs •7Se = 1Marrlages end .deeths..Aro sported wt tthout Phar e g. m new columns. This .charge :applies. onlyto .lstin under Announcements.) t>7. _ i Cards of Thanks, Engagements . 7$0 e In Memoriam; (Vine verse) ' Extra verso;;, caclt $1.00 2$e News Budget From Baseline By MRS. ARCHiE DEWAR;; Miss Vivian Baker spent a few days with her aunt and un. cle, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Carr at Shedden. Mr. Elton has been 'holiday- - ing with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and. Mrs. Harris Butson, Mun- ro. Susan Butson returned home with him for a few days this week. Miss Norma Elston is visiting this week with her brother, air. and Mrs. Clare Elston at Lon- don. Mr. Ralph Baker is spending a few holidays with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter. BIRTHS i:iAa,BI:,t,1TR .Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Galbraith. Exeter, announce th birth of +C4, iI4141 F. :Marie. , al at 'n b nth ' al. August 25, 1SS8--a Huron to Sheryl ttercl and heather, I IG I WET-- 'Po av "c: R. I., and. Air Notary, ftarnetein, rperniany, yon. Stephen Randolph, Angus •'i x, QS'I9f�11()lte5.T- Alr and Mrs, Den n s )A erhalt. PLR.dl Zurich, can nnunre the birth of a son. Dan lel Joseph, at South Huro Hospital, August 25, 1958. 1'INAI'IR Air, and Mrs. James Pinder, Sanders St„ Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a son at . ntitl+ Huron Hospital, August."6. 1958-.a hrnt,'r fnr Ann. RAINS' ;lir. and Mrs. tin., r. Grains, 41 Simco,, St.. Exeter, announce the girth of a; son. Kenneth 'William, al,South Hu- ron Hospital, August 25, 1918. RAA1SDTIN--Bir. and Mrs. Rams- den Tornntn. are happy to an- nounre the birth hf a son, John, Edward, at Sea rhnro Hospital, August 17. 19.58-- a grandson for Mr. and Airs. fid G111, Grand, Rend. TEI.\'1NS —. Mr. and Ars, John Teevina Ines Shirley Srhtlbe), Grand 1enr1, annnunr.e the. birth of a son, 'Robert John (Robbie), at South Huron Hospital, .Au- gust 26, 1956. r 5. a n ENGAGEMENTS -- Air. and ;Mrs. .Tames Nrilktns of Thamesfnrd wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marylou Ann,' to Gerald Rny Parsons, son of Mr, and 2Jrs. Archie Parsons, Hensall: marriage. to take place Saturday, Septem- ber 27 1958, at A p m , at West- C inister 1'nited Church, Thamess- • Mr, and. ;Mrs, George Atessinggv Rolland. wish to announce, the engagement of their daughter. Joanne, to Mr. Anthony i3erend- aril. son of Mr and Mrs, John Paerendsen, farkton. The wedding will take place in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, on September 13, at 10 oclock. 25• Mr. and Mrs. John E. Siemon, 13,R. 4 Mitchell, wish to announce the enga;ment of their only daughter, Doreen Ruth, to Russell Keith Afarlge, son of Mr. and Mrs. !nhn :aladge., Exeter, Ont.: the wedding to take plane September 20 at 2:36 p.m. in First Lutheran Church Logan Township. 28' Ar, and Alia O Jaques, .Hen. sal I, wish to announce the en- gagement of their older daugh- er, Dorothy Elizabeth Maybelle. o Gerald Robert Gaiser, son of Air, Royal Gaiser and the late Airs. Gaiser, Crediton, 'Wedding o take place in Mensal] tinited Church, September 27 at 2 o'clock, 28• 'Mr, and Mrs Emerson Wood- burn of Parkhill announce the engagement of their daughter, Leona May, to David John Mor- rissey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey, Crediton, the mar - ;mg -E. to take place Saturday, September 1a, 1958. ,28' :lir. and Mrs. William Eelerling, Dashwood, announce the engage- ment • of, their only daughter, Dorothy Anna, to Douglas Charles Stephen; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam. Stephen, of Woodham; the wedding to take place the latter part of September. 28' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mrs. Archie Dewar spent the - weekend with ,her daughter, Mrs. Baker, Georgetown, and attended the Toronto Exhibition on Satur- day. Mr. Ross Elston, Jim Me. t Naughton and George Spearin left for Edmonton, Alberta, to t spend a few weeks there. Michael Masse, London, was groomsman. The bride chose for her wed- ding a ballerina -length gown of white crystalene accented with pearls and sequins, '-Her three- quarter length veil cascaded from a jeweled headdress, She carried a white Bible crested with mauve orchids. Her attend- ant wore peach crystalene and carried a cascade of mixed flow- ers. A wedding dinner was 'served at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall. Later the family joined several s hundred 'friends at a reception in _Zurich Community Centre. In ad- dition to the wedding cake baked C by the groom's mother, she pro- vided six large cakea and hun- dreds of tarts and cookies. a The bridal couple left to spend e5 their honeymoon in Northern Ontario, the bride traveling iii a royal blue flannel suit. On their return they wi11 reside in St. Jo- seph, where the groom divides his time between helping his fa- ther work the 125 -acre family farm and employment as a grad- er operator. The Original Sportr1t ' Reversible Skirt Completely Reversible— 2 Skirts' In One! The prettiest, most practical plaids yet . new fall shades in this wear -for -years ward- , robe must. Unconditionally guaranteed, Per- manent pleats, 100% Virgin Wool, Hand- blocked for perfect fit. Different shade on either side ............ ....• ..... $25,00 Each Other Reventale Skirts at $12,95 and $16,95 Proctical Clothes Rugged Shoes For The Both-ToSthool 'Crowd STOCK UP FoR TIE H L!DAY STUFFED OLIVES 12 -oz, .. . 49g MALAGA COFFPE Reg, and Drip, 1 -ib. tins 2 tot' 450 LIPTON'S TEA tlAGSl 80's ,. 650 SI4REbDFD 'WHEAT Nabisco . 2 tor 350: tOiUtt N11LLf ` 14 -oz. ...... 2 far 530 „.._ ._ G PinfONL 01'4 SOCKEYE SALMON Maple Leaf, 73/4 -oz. 45.0 EXTRA New 13Iue Detergent Powder 77e TOILET TISSUE Purer . 2 fit" 250 AYLM fl CA i`SUP 11 -Oz bottles ........................ 2 for 550 MARiARIN Tulip t A rpt' 4`i'0 J OPEN SATURDAY !lf l-1ty i 'iL 1UO'CLOCK R,Y XEMS 1 CAVEN PRESSYTER!AN CHURCH Rev. Semue! Kerr, L.A., B.b. Minister ,Organist: Mrs. Lob Pryds 10:00 a,m.—Morning WorshipGuest Minister: The Rev- C. D. Henderson, St, Catharines. Nursery fol• children up to six years. Wed., Sept. 2, 4 p.m.—Sunday Sehdol Picnic at Riverview Park JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Ray. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.l.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday' School 11;00 a.m.=Morning Worship Joint Service with Main Street Church Sermon Subject: "What We Believe Concerning Faith" Solo: Mrs. George Vriese A- Warm Welcome Is Extended To All MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rey. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11:00 e.'ni, .--' Union 3ervlctt Ali James Street Worship Geed Every 'Sunday THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt• Memorial, Exeter" 'ley. Breit de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, August 31, 1958 8:30 a.m,—Holy Communion 10:00 a.ln.---Sunday Sohool 11:00 a,ln.--Morning Prayer and Litany • ZION CHURCH Evangelical OIREDlT0tl 10:00 *.in•.—Wornllin "'1'o• Ile 'heisted 11:00 sansesChtireli School "Stnitmer 'Christitias Ti`o& 12:66 a.m. --Council of Adt iini- dration n''ue:day'otltli.,l+a1169:shin' Thursday '4 S.W.B. .- Local Musicians cians Win Talent Prize The 'Keel "f 'wins" — a musical leant including .Keith Hodgins, saxophone, and Harvey Stringer, guitar -- won second prize in the "Search For Talent" ama- teur contest conducted recently by CKNK-Tv Winghana, The two Finstrumentaiists are part of the Kool Quins A orches- tra, which will play for the dance on Exeter Fair night. T -A Early Next Week Despite the Labor pay holiday on Monday, Tho Times -Advocate will publish Thursday morning as usual. Correspondents and adver. tigers are requested to sub- mit copy as early as poi., sible. Deadline for advertising will remain Tuesday noon. Happenings In B _ ,� �il�r By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mrs. Walter Jones of Glen- dale spent a day recently with Ii1rs. Cecil Massey. 111rs. Jas. Mossey is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mossey of London. Mrs. Chas Lambert and fam- ily returned home on Saturday after spending the past week at their eoktagc at Port Bruce. Gail and John Rinn of St. Marys spent last week with their cousins, Murray, Anne and Barry Thomson. _ - dav with Mrs. Fred Thomson. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS The Times Advocate, August 25t 1951 • Mos age from eenway Mr- and Mrs. Ray Wright and John Stokes of Sarnia visited ane lay last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown and Mr- and Mrs. Himself Brown ,and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bro- phey and family of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs, E. 0. Bloomfield and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh la e Brag b of London on Sunday with Mr. nd s. Arthur Brophey and Karen. Mr. and Mrs: ;las. Weilntan of li Ar n tog ehl . n if its, Ill• are visiting this weeit with relatives Mr. Waltei: McPherson visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPherson in Hamilton. Mr. Donald Meflierson returned home with his father for his va- cation. Jimmie Pollock of Chatham visited last week with liis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Wood- burn spent a few lays on a trip to Eastern s rn and Northern Ont. Clarence and Paul Steeper spenta few days last week with relatives in London. Mr, and Mrs. George Apple- ton left for ther hone in Roches- ter, N.Y., after spending .sev- eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Brown and family. Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Wanless of Stroud visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bro- phey and Karen. BridestElect See the 'beautiful samples ,ot 4weddusg stationery and :nthex items stir your big :lay ilt The Times - Advocate d Sales Representative Canada's )Largest Retail Nurs- ery. Company has an opening for a Sales Representative in Ex- .c.ter and the Rural Areas, Must be aggressive and will. ing to work 40 hours per week; Remuneration—$65,00 per week plus commissions and incentive programs. Complete training course given, I under the direction of an exper, kneed District Sales Manager„ • Hospital and Surgical Benefits. t I All stock . sold under a free re placement ,guarantee. We have been in business over 40 years. Applicants must furnish re- ferences. Sales experience beneficial but not essential. Car a necessity, APPLY '1'O H. C, DOWNHAM NURSERY CO. LTD. Strathroy, Ontario ,flevnrt„reuur,tillu,umeelmem,n,ttrtentteureerettl eeeenereeunueuuenllueeullt„r/aAllll,Irti1A( Cornish., Mitchell & Co, Mrs. Cecil Mossey spent Fri - Mrs. Jack Thomson was hest ess for the Woodham Evening H. J. Cornish 1 L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell Auxiliary on Tuesday evening. K. W. Slade W. E. Suchard Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper nig with i1Mr. y spent nd Mrs. SundKennethand ay eve- ei DUNDAS ST. Dial 2-2651 LONDON, ONT. a Facey, of Wellburn, ( nuuuUenuuuntnnuenlennrnnt:nuutawttrenrre,urt,°611tt1lt e,u,e,ntnnuwmmi.munnoremnnenwog SOUTH ENS SERVICE RUS AND CHUCK SNELL PHONE: 328 COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE took far this high sign of quality NYLON SAFETYAT.NEW LOW PRICES! =sit GOODAEAllit. 3-T NYLON DELUXE SUPER -CUSHIONS 95 for 6.70x13 with trtde-in. Alt Nylon tires ere net alike! Only C'oodyearNylon is 3-T Nylon specially tempered (like steel is tempered) for geatest strength and reaiiiency. You get more blowout and puncture protection than ever before.` ave on This '58 Chet' Demonstrator Bel Air 4 -door hardtop, 6-cyl. engine, automatic transmission, radio, whitewall tires, low mileage. '54 Chevrolet '52 Chevrolet Deluxe coach, radio, turd, signals, Four -door sedan, ail' conditioning two-tone finish. See this one. heater, low, low price. Get Our Price Before You Buy Snell Bros.. Ltd. Chty & old MMM4bP t 1tlf% EnTgit