HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-21, Page 15.a etinuat muitlmmtumiulmunimminlmmin ll(tmotiumlttnW sentuinum nallielluttunuetile AnnQuncernents .RATES Births 55.55, No Charge Merrialiea And Pee tlh$ ... 5.5...5.........5 .......... ........ . lad • (Marrloges olid deaths are reported without charge in news columns. This .cherge :applies only to !($tine under .Announcements.) Cards of Thanks, Engagements ....., In Memoriam§ (4 -line verse) Extra verses, each BIRTHS 1!?ORI,F-, lir, and Aire. T orie, „r Grand ,'Bend, announce the birth of their datigliter. Lynn. at South Huron. Hospital, August 26, 1058—a sister for Dallas. EcKER •--. Dr, and Mrs. Donaid Ecker announce the birth of a daughter at St. Joseph's 1los pital, London, August 16. 1958. - i:3F+ENAN Sgt. and Airs- J. M. Heenan, Trenton, weak to an- nounce the birth nf a son, David Franklin, at Trenton Aleinorial Hospital. August 16, 1958 — a, grandson for Air, and Airs. Frank Treihner. 8UIPLING—Larry and Mary Ver- onica (nee Gunn), of Crediton, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Margaret, at St., .Tneeph's Hospital, Lon- don, August 18, 1.938. AIJSLANSON—Mr, and. Airs, .7. R, Alelanson (nee Mamie Sanders) are happy to annntipce the birth ofa daughter, t g andElaine, at Grace Hospital,S s Winnipeg, August 18, 1068---3 granddaugh- ter for Mr. and Mrs, Warren Sanders, Exeter, MacL'EAN — Mr, and .firs, Angus MacLean, Grand Bend. annnunce the birth nf a, son at South Huron Hospital, August 20, 1958 —a brother for Andrew and Terry. MORGAN—Mr. and Airs. Norman Morgan announce the birth of a son, Dale Robert, at Victoria Hospital, August 13, 1948. MUTNN — Gordon and Jean face Taylor) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Elisabeth Ann, at. Clintgn Hos- pital, August 7, 195$--a sister .for Douglas and Kathy, OUELLETT1 --Mr, and Mee. Ouel- tette, 108, Algonquin Or., RCAF Station. Centralia, announce the birth of a son, . Jean Paul, at South Huron Hospital, August 15. 1958, PRICE --Air, and 'Ali's. John T'. Price, 102 Algonquin Dr., RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a son, Ian Frank, at South Huron Hospital, August 18, 1958. SMITS Mr, and Aire. Thomas Smits, R.R. 2 Grand Bend, an- nounce the birth of a son, Peter Marie, at South Huron Hospital, August 19, 1958, LAKEVIEW CASINO• GRAND BEND Dancing Every Wednesday Friday - Saturday LIONEL THORNTON end his Casa Royal Orchestra WILL THERE BE A big parade and terrific musical show, rain or shine, A. dog raffle: And who night bis the Beauty Contest Winner and Crowned ''Miss Granci ,0006,1958' See next week's adl 750 $ 1,00 250 FIRTHS STRONG , Mr. and Airs. F . Strong, 44 Illm,snod St . Grand Bend. annonnre the birth of a daughter. Sabrina Tasmine, at Snulh Huron Hospital, August 18, 1358. TOMLINSON--illr. and Airs Wil- fred J. Tnnailnson, RCAF Sta- tion Centralia, announce, the birth nf a son, Da%id Airmen at South Huron, Hospital, August 17, 1958. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Airs. Wilfred 3. Ra - vette of (grand Bend wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Beverly Ann, to Mr, Donald Bruce Odbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olbert, Strat- ford and Granr1 Bend, the mar- riage to lake place on Saturday. September 6, at 3,01 p.m, in Grand Bend l.'nitert Church. 21c Mrs. Air. and ,1i.. T+`redertrk Thomas MtCutcheon, of Centralia, Ontarin, announre the engagement nf their eldest daughter, Margaret 1.11i', in hobert �S'tlllam Fletcher, son of Air, and Huntsville, F'rancts Fletcher, of Huntsville, Ontario. The wedding will take place at Elliot Lake, Ontario, on the twenty-seventh, day of September. 21c Air. and Mrs. Frerl Bowden, of Centralia, announce the engage- ment, of their daughter, Marina. Elaine, to Raymond Albert Jaques, son of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Jaques, Granton. The. marriage will take place on Saturday., Sep- tember 13, at 3:30 p.in,, in the Centralia United Church. 21c CARDS OF THANKS— • I alnrerely wish to thank all those who so kindly' remembered me with flower's and cards while a. patient in Victoria Hospital and at home. Special thanks to Dr, C, Dyson, Dr, F. Milner, Rev. lint - Bey, rlyeda,Ie, TTnited, and Anglican congregations, Ladles' Auxiliary of Grand Bend, nurses and staff of Victoria Hospital.— Mrs. Harmon Gill, 218 The fancily of the ]ale Mrs. Albert Flelschauer wish to extend their thanks for the many arts of kindness and messages of sym- pathy received. front friends and relatives, — Mr. and Mrs. John Nnrry and family. 21• I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciatinn to the many friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with yards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient In St. J'oeeph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to the 'Hensall Legion and Ladies Auxiliary for boxes received. Archie Noakes, Hensall. 21' IN MEMORIAM -- RICHARD ---in loving inenanry of a dear husband and father, John Richard, who passed away on August 19, 1941, At home on the beautiful hill of God. By the valley of rest so fair, Some day, some time when our toll is done, 'With joy we shall meet him there,- -Ever remembered by his wife Jessie and fa.mdly, 21c The , chimes in. the carillon in the Peace Tower of the Ottawa parliament buildings range in size from 10 pounds to 10 tons. Come to Maya Conklin's Alt. Canadian Midway plus Xiddieland spECTARAMe FOUR EYE.aFII.[1NG PRODUCTION NUMBERS "And TEN Spectacular New Acts Alisolutety'he'iap Acts from CIRCUS, VAUDEVIIIE, 7EtEVISION At 8:00 every evening in The New Grandstand Reserved seals -+ $1,00,-51.30, 31.00 • Every year BIGGER BETTER Western Fair . .the Showcase of Western Ontario B SHRINE SHOW -HOUSE. immiiimiil�'l P�IIIa�Pl�8111... Over 1300 sq. ft... 2 bedrooms .. den - livingroom --. dining area -- 2•sor carport- paha, Completely furnished and oquippod'- Installed on lot in Oakridge Atres. Every day something different: • UVESTO K SHOW AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS • POULTRY SHOW s FRUIT a HOBBIES a HANDICRAFTS s FINE ARTS et JUNIOR DEPARTMENT r SQUARE DANCE OLD TIME f(ODIIND CONlISt Sea Canada's finest show horsey in action, A glittering, fast•moving' spectacle that the whale family will enjoy. NightlyTutnday that Saturday, Every afternoon something different at Ole brands/cad Monday ohnrtloo.i — Children', any woe- l .n.... alyd.pir.. Tue,dny Wed/let/Joy and Th .,doy .trtrrnnon Naroe.. Raemg Friday aFte+neon and Snn.rdoy men,.ng Wild enimot h hIb,Non with !angle Raridg Saturday altos noon - Warrlor'e.ody with Arm:d tar,ea Dsetay. NEW CARS wHh' Adtvarl.e Sale Ticl(�ts PONTIAC METEOR RAMetie .400, W'Es'EPN PAIR IS A FAMILY AFFAIRt% In fho heart of Westetn Ontario ,-•.•,;•.,7-••••°.0;;;.4cn;r.... LI C EN,5a5 6-16 © 1958, King Features Syndicate, Inc., World righte reserved, "May Y use your phone? 1 think 1111 give Reginald Aran Bucks ONE more chance." Children's ,Accidents Kill 1.500 Annually A ro •im tele 1,500i pp x a Children die annually in Canada from ac- cidental causes, states a Toronto doctor, . In a current Canadian Medical Association Journal article, Dr, Rodney S, Fowler, said that more children die annually from ac- cidents, than from the ten lead- ing infectious diseases, Dr. Fowler, who is a .paedia- trician, has just completed a study of one hundred and fifty accident 'cases from his own practice, to provide basic data for a possible accident• preven- tion program. Results of the study indicated that 70'.'9 of the accidents were due to physical injuries 155, to foreign bodies and material - 115, to poisoning, and 4`"a to burns. The doctor mentioned that two- thirds of the patients were in the pre-school age group. It was also noted that under three years, the sex incidence was equal, but over three years, boys were involved about two and one-half tinges more frequently than girls. Almost two-thirds of the acci- dents took place in the home or the yard. The survey showed that falls were the plain cause of physical injury. In this respect, however, statistics indicated that falls from a height usually occurred in younger children, and falls on the level, in older 'children, Dr. Fowler said that foreign bodies seldom had serious con- sequences. "The large number of acci- dents which take place in the home, show that parents are lax in their supervision," said Dr. Fowler. He stated that ninety-five. cases occurred inside the house or yard, when the child was under the direct supervision of adults. Thirty-seven acci- dents were away from the home area. It was brought out that the male predominance of accidents in children over three years of age, means that special efforts must be directed toward boys, in teaching good safety habits. In concluding his article, Dr. Fowler stressed the need for children, under the age of one year, being fully protected from all hazards, "Beginning at one year," con- tinued the doctor, "protection must gradually be replaced by education to teach the child to do everything he chooses, in a safe way. By school age the child is 'on his pwn' and must rely on this education to sur- vive," MP Queries. Labor Trend W. H. Thomas, Middlesex West MP, blew up a small storm in. the House of Commons Satur- day when he suggested that organized labour and the gene- ral public should try to find out where labor policies are leading. Speaking during the debate of labor department estimates, Mr, Thomas added: "Canada cannot afford to have services, vital to our national existence under the control of foreign labor bosses." Mr. Thomas also underlined what he said was labor's re- sponsibility to hold the line against inflation. The steel- workers are asking for a 33 -cent - an -hour increase, he said, al- though they are already getting almost double the wages paid in rural areas and the small towns of his constituency around Strathroy. If wage demands are enforced,. he added, there will be another round of inflationary pressures and nobody will win anything. Hazen Argue, CCF house lead- er, said the Canadian Labor Congress is one of the best friends ‘the Canadian farmers have. In Canada about one birth in 85 is of twins or triplets. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K. L. Zorn, Phone 65 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF PRESENT CHURCH BUILDING 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Rev. T. Luft, of Kitchener, 3:00 p.m. — Rev, E. Mueller, of Sawyer, Michigan. All Welcome ' CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B,A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs, Bob Pryde 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest Minister: The Rev, A. K. Campbell, of St. Marys. Nursery for children up to six years. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F, Krog, Minister Mrs, Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, August 24 10:00 a,m.--"Under Authority" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School . • ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren GREDITON •• Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10: On a.m,---Worship Guest Speaker: Mr. Donald J. Ptetsch 11:15 sail,—Sunday School JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH . Rev. H. J. Snell, P'astoe Mr, Lawrence . Wein, .A,1i1i`,O.M, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Sehoel 11:00 a,ni.—Merning Wer ship 1hleti Sf'1`viees with Main St, Church, Sermon Subject; "What We Believe Concerning Sbeiety" Solo by Granit McDonald. A Wai'lii WelCiiMe IS .Extended To Alt PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service A Hearty Welcome To All "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but by me," —John 14:6 Pastor: Evang. L. Winn -Butler CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship (English) Mr. Bern. Zijlstra, Exeter 2:15 -;p.M.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Mr. Bern. Zijistra, ,Exeter THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 am.—Sunday Sehoo1 11:30 a,m,—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter MAIN STREET The United Church Of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs, A, Willard 11:00 a.m. Union Service in James Street - Worship God Every Sunday THE BETHEL RE► ORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Faroese, Minister 3:00 p.m.—Afternoon Worship 3:30 p.m.—Suiitlav School All Weteaine THE AH OMAN CHURCH QF CANADA Trh1 t Memorial, Exeter Rev. ren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, organist 8:30 AA...Holy .......Holy Comitunion 10:60' Cm—Sunday Scheel 11:00 CM. --Morning Prayer • n . C ICA Celntr;alia el Ti ofI e. x � Social and. A+�I•Sonal :Int. I•la�t In artd A,raund E ettlrThe Postings We .atnater C dour readers areintereeted in. yote le, always u and you faaed to ritems.lieh, .these iend!. Phone 77o. ' filo TirnowAdlrocaito A,:4ljust 21`r J9511 Pp 1$ Mr. and Mrs. 'Lee Learn and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith are en a motor trip to Saskatchewan where they will visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Clara Hackney who bas been holidaying In Detroit re- turned on Saturday with Mrs. W, C. Robinson and Luella who spent the weekend in Exeter. Miss Itlahel Follick has been visiting for the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mre. (;oldie Matheson, Heather and Pat of Port Arthur visited last week with !Mir. and Mrs. Len .Dilkes. Misses Lorna Taylor and Barb- ara Hunter returned Friday by plane after spending six weeks in England, Scotland and the European continent. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fuke, Toronto, visited this week with Mr, and Mrs. W, C. Cochrane at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. Pat McGowan of Toronto 1R spendng this week with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin King. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bonnailie, Sheila and Gerry of Montreal 1visited1)15Week, with friends in Exeter Attending the United church m a Godei]ch wcerep Hayti Cole, Karenfrom JermynExeter, Susan Goman, Margaret May, Elsie Gosar and Kathie Smith. Barry Mason, Belgrave, and Billy Denham, Kirkton, are Vis- iting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. Mrs, Melvin King spent the past week in Orillia at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs,. J. Z. Mallett. She returned home with Mr, King who spent the weekend there. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Marsh and Nancy returned to London on Sunday after visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kydd. Mrs. Jessie Sanders left :ast Wednesday for Grand Forks, North Dakota to visit with her sister, Miss M, McCulloch, who is seriously ill. Mrs. William Matz, Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hor- ciey spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Gackstetter and family in. Guelph and on Satur- day they, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Gackstetter, attended the wedding of Miss Shirley Horsey and. Richard Malone in Crystal Beach. Shirley is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harney, formerly of. Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Frayne and family have enjoyed holidays at Sauhle Beach and with Mrs, Frayne's sister, Mrs. O. C. Moir, and her family at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall, accompanied by friends from Hamilton, have returned from a two week vacation in the New England States and Cape Cod. Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Edmon- ton, is visiting friends and rela- tives in Exeter' and vicinity and will attend the wedding of her niece, Marilyn Skinner, to Ken- neth Wood in Main Street Church on Saturday. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg, Mrs. Eunice Stone, Mrs. Milo Snell of town and Mrs. Victor Snell, London, returned Saturday from a boat trip to the Soo. Mrs. H, G. Hooke, Pam and David are holidaying this week Lwithake£ield,. Mrs. Hooke's parents at Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dimity and family returned Monday after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. •Collett an. Missis- sauga River north of P'eterboro. Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Gladman and Elizabeth of Vancouver and Mrs. Dale Read, nee Dianne Gladman, Montreal, are holiday- ing at Grand Bend. Miss Margaret Mitchell of Van- couver, niece of Mrs. T, Jolly, arrived at Melton airport. on Sat- urday, August 16 and will be the guest of. the Jolly families and Mr. and Mrs. C. Kiefer 'of Hen- sel]. for her vacation. t Miss Mary Blaell well, Heosall. I visited the past week with her grandparents,. 1lir. and Mrs. Clin- ton Sweet. - Ted, Bob and:Nancy Hall, of I St. Marys, spent a few days with Miss Greta Harness, A family gatheringg was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 13. ,S. Case on Sunday. Those :attend- ' ing from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn G. Ryckman and Terrence, Mrs. M. J. Ryck- i man and Lynne and Mr. and Mrs, Erwin Ryckman and sons, George and Steven, all of Flint, Mich.: Mr. and Mrs. J. Weldon t Branch, of Winter !raven, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Case .and. family, of Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris and Carolyn attended the funeral at 1 Waubaushene on Monday of the former's sister who was the vic- tim of a car accident. Mrs. May Foster, nee May Beaman, of Virden, Man., is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Clark Fisher and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barris and family of London visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pfaff. i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wat- son, London, daughter and son - ,in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coo- per and son, Toronto, visited with Mrs. 3. W. Powell recently.. Dianne Hicks, Parkhill, a grade ten student of SHDHS this year won the draw for the price of her text books at MacMillan's. i Mr. Ken Hockey made the draw. I Dr. R. W. and Mrs. Read and family are holidaying in the Adi- 'rondacks. I Mr. Harry Henderson, St. Ca- therines, who learnedthe print- ing at the Times printing office • and left Exeter 50 years ago, was I a caller at the ,Times -Advocate on Wednesday. 1 Topics From Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER. s Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Routly were Mr, and Mrs, Bill Eady, Miss Eva Cul- bert, Mr. Lorne Culbert of Holly- wood and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Simms of Exeter. Miss Margaret Allen, Miss An- nie Hannah of Kingsville visited on Friday with Mrs. Thos. Bell, Mrs, Philip Murch is holidaying this week with her sister, Mrs. Jean Jackson of Toronto. Miss •Anna Routly is spending this week's vacation at Hunts- ville. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Whet- stone and Merrill of London visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mrs. Frank Gollings of Lon- don is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Jackson Woods. Mrs. Everett Skinner, Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs, Delmer Skin- ner, Mrs. Franklin •Skinner. Mrs. Ross Skinner attended a shower last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, Gerald Skinner for the bride of this Saturday, Miss Marilyn Skinner. Mrs. - Agnes Drummond is spending a few days with Mrs. Ed. Johns of Exeter, Herbie Heywood is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Armstrong of Stratford. • Bobby McDopaid of Exeter is spending a few clays with his aunt, Miss Ruth Skinner. Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Hays were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller and family of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar .of Gerrie, Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Keller and family of Guelph. 8:00 p.m. Canada is larger than the Any new girls interested in United States by an area about bowling, call 76-W or 167-J equal to that of the three prairie provinces combined. Exeter. U Sgt. ATO. 3. IIliGENTTAagsworAth, from Grostenquin, LAC H. J. Bennett, Portage, Cpl. J. S. Cryer, Gerithany. AC1 J. IL N. R. Matte, 'Cult. tan, FS -H, A. Barr, Metz, France. F/C J. F. f', 3. Drottin, 14011 - don. WAC 1, J. J. Boland, Air Div. S/L E. W. Gilbert, London. AC2 W. C. Schmidt, St. Johns. ,J AC2 C R. Shawgross, :St. ohns. F/L F. W. Hales, London. S/1. A. E. Evans, Air Div, F/L H. M. Gibson, Saska- toon/, L R. E. Johnson, London. S/L W. H. Dunbar, London. F F/0 K. A. Horne, London. F/L A, B. Whiteford, London. F/L L, Foster, London. LAC J. C. A. J. Dussault, Len - don, AC1 N. J. Adams, Chilton, Sgt. J. A. F, St. Louis, Haml- ton. Sgt. D. J. MacFarlane,'TCHQ, 2 Aly S. L. D. Cleaver, St. Johns. AC1 E. D, Wynn, Camp Bor- den. F/ 0 B. J. Hayden,M TP F/C L. M. Bailey, Hamilton. FS R. K. Humphrey, Europe, G/C R. J. Gray, London.. F/L K. Flynn, England. FROM CENTRALIA F/L G. A. Sears, F/L J, P. MacLean. F/L W, J. Johnson. F/L D. E. Starrett, F/L J. E. Grabb. F/0 J. R. Sutherland. LAC L. F. German, AW1 S. E. Dortolotti, F/L D, J. Cahill. LAC T. G. Maclntyre, AW1 M. C, S. Hebert. S/L A, C. Munn, F/L H, C. Quinn. AC1 J. E. A. Begin. S/L R. S. Davis. LAC J. F. Smith, LAC W. H. Nixon. LAC J. P. Benoit, F/L J. Egan, LAC T, D. Lawrence, LAC G. J. Leather, F/0 K. C. Plumb. Sgt, A. W. Turton, DANCING Bluewater Danceland EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT a Miles North of Grand Bend Dancing 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n Roll ' Square Dancing Admission 750 Exeter Ladies' Bowling League Open Meeting UPSTAIRS — TOWN HALL Tuesday, Sept. 2 Aidon Theatre rind Bend Tilt UR:,4 FRte :# SAiT- Asguit 214 22 anal 71 ,•THAT 4.ERTAI•N SMi''1 R.ossino Irani n * ,Joan Fontaine MONDAY & T.URSDAY August 25 and 24 "FRAULEIN," (ADULT) * Dana Wynter * .Mot Ferrer 44 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY''; August 77 and s J "THE TRUE STORY e: OF JESSE JAMES" * Robert Wagner air Jeff Hunter' * Hop. Lange Two Shows -- 7150 and tt:s. . Lyric Theatre THURS., FRi. & SAT* August 21, 22 and 23. "RAINTREE COUNTY" * Montgomery Cliff * Elizabeth Taylor ' Dur to the length of .this. feature, there will be one shov each evening, starting at 1 p,tlM. MON., TUES. & WED. August 25, 26 and 27 . "GIRL IN THE KREMLIN" * Lex Barker * Zia Zea Gabor PLUS ADDED SHORTS COMING — R/ M ROBBERY UNDER ARMS * Peter Finch * Maureen Swanson Brownie's Drive-in Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 21 a'nd 22 "BUS STOP" (Colour) * Marilyn Monroe * Don Murray CARTOON SATURDAY & MONDAY August 23 and 25 "THE PROUD ONES" (Colour, Cinemascopla) * Jeffery Hunter * Virgin:a Maya CARTOON TUESDAY .T< WEDNESDAY August 26 and. 27 "D-DAY THE SIXTH OF JUNE" • (Colour, Cinemascope) * Robert Taylor * Edmund O'Brien * Dana Wynter (Adult Entertainment) CARTOON 350 ACRES OF FUN, INTEREST, ENTERTAINMENT CANADIAN jATIO-NAL EXH1BITIO DANNY AY--world-famed star of stage & creep headlines the lavish C.N.,E, Grandstand Spectacular every night at 8:00 p.m. with top entertainers, dancers, singers ... climaxed by a gigantic fireworks display. TICKETS NOW ON SALE SWENSON THRiLLCADE--baring drivers per- form suicide stunts with cars at the exciting :4 fternoon Grandstand Show --August 21 to Sept. 1, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS l%anedproductsfront ■1 countries all aver the world. WORLD QF WOMEN ---Cooking schools, fashion shows Jt tho Queen ..81ieabeth building with 1460 seat theatre. Give-away home, music; /lowers andthelatest appliances and furnishingsr NATIONAL HORSE SNOW Aug. 2112'2, 23, 25, 26, ..tin the' Coliseu»t. 7 opens 2 days earlier this year for 116 exciting days Every day is different at the 1958 0.N,E. witti thousands of special events and 54 permanent buildings filled with exciting exhibits. Visit the world's largest agriculture building. Enjoy new rides and games on the fabulous mile of midway. See the latest in science, industry, and the arts, Watch world champions perform at the waterfront grandstand. Plan Glow' for a Visit the whsle family will alway. renitember>, R.C.A.F. RAND Stirring music by the men in air force blue daily in the Ban.dshell. NEW PRINCESS MARGARET FOUNTAIN See the beatrli/ul new landscaping and gardens throughout Exhibition Park. i,.!n• ' DCA WED. AUG. 20 -SEPT. 6 TORONTO • CANADA F..•,4 T Wr,l. • r..•ctdont H.•.,.• F