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PIMA 14, The; Timm -Advocate, Augvst 2L 1951'
C!anc.eLoye Comments
Pentecostal Holiness Church,
Lucan, was the setting far the
,double• ring ceremony when the
Rev. Fred P, Thomson united
in: marriage Margaret Elizabeth
Eves and Clifford .Allan Cunning-
ham- The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Eves, Mt.
Br. ydges.
The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Cunningham,
The bride chose a street length
dress of white embroidered ny-
lon with matching hat and white
accessories and corsage of red
Miss Alary ,Zubal, as maid of
honor, wore a street -length dress
of bine velvet with white ac-
cessories with corsage of yellow
Joe Cunningham, Clandeboye,
cousin of the groom, was best
Reception following the cere-
Mnony was held at the home of
the groom's parents. Mr, and
Airs. Gordon Cunningham.
:Fallowing a honeymoon spent
In Northern Ontario, the young
couple will reside in Delaware.
Misses Dorothy and Pauline
Lynn spent their, vacation at
Grand Bend.
Miss June Lynn visited her
sister, Mrs. Harry Hera and
family, over the weekend.
Mrs. Mervin Carter spent a
few days last week with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Walden, of Chatham,
Goldwin Yundt
Funeral services were held on
Monday afternooe at St. Paul's
Anglican Church with the Rev.
Charles James, rector, officiat-
ing, for i. Goldwin Yundt, who
died at his home in Stratford.
He had not enjoyed good health
years the past few , eais a nd had
been ill far about a week.
He was born at Rostock in
Ellice Township, on September
15, 1907, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Yundt. He married
Florence Phillips 20 years ago.
He has been a contractor for 30
He is survived by his wife,
three children, Ronald, Sheralyn
and Raymond, all at home; three
brothers, Eric, James and Bert-
ram, all of Stratford; one sister,
Mrs. Milton Riehl (Adele), of
R.R. 1 Sebringville.
He was a member of St.
Paul's Anglican Church and a
member of the Stratford Opti-
mist Club. Accomplished in al-
most all musical instruments, he
was expert on the banjo and
Interment took place in Avon-
dale cemetery.
Mr. Yundt lived in this com-
munity for about a year in 1929
and was well known for his
guitar music.
Personal Items
Mrs. Frank Pearson of Winni-
peg visited her aunt, Mrs, Omar
Cunningham, last week. Mrs.
Pearson is the former Myrtle
Lee and lived in this district
and Exeter some time ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn,
Misses Pauline and Dorothy
Lynn and. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Cuningham attended the funeral
of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson of
London at the Box funeral home
in Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harper
and daughter, ,loan, St. Paul's,
visited with Mrs. Harper's par -
Lotter From
Ebenezer Decoration Day
Decoration and Memorial Day
service was held in Ebenezer
cemetery on Sunday.
Rev. E. J. Roulston of Lucan,
stave an impressive address on
the lifeJoseph of Jose h as recorded in
the Bible.
Music was supplied by the
junior band of Ailsa Craig under
the direction of Mr. Telfer.
As •a small cemetery Ebenezer
en the fourth of McGillivray is
credit to the community.
Personal Items
Visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fenton were • on Wednes-
day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser
of Exeter, and for the weekend.
Mr. and. Mrs. Elmo Morgan and
Billie of Sarnia.
Miss Linda Mawson. of Park-
hill spent the week with Lois
and Diana Sutherland.
Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Odd of
London and Carolyn spent Wed-
nesday with the latter's parents,
lir. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood,
vents„ Mr. and Airs. Wilfred •Cun-
• uingham, .on Sunday.
i Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Lynn were airs. Trumby and
daughters, -Christine and Sand-
ra. of Detroit, last week. and on
!Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Carl
;Ritchie of Baden, •
Mr. Maurice Simpson and sis-.
tees. Mrs. Laura Henry, of
West -
Hydro Worker Canada. and Mrs.LnilY.
!Tomes. spent the
d with
!their sister. Mrs. Burleigh Hod.'
Hurt Crash
gists and fatnil •
Phone 109 Linen
And District News
Correspondents Miss Line. Abbott
Mr. Jack t'ar.roll of Toronto.
, called on friends m this com-
munity on Saturday.
I'tve boys front the united
'Church, Tom Nestle, Wayne Wil-
liams, Bob Eaton, Larry Arm-
strong and Ralph Simpson, left
on Sunday to attend the (lode -
rich Sunnier School.
1 Mrs. Clarence O'Neil, ('larise
•and Mary,
ndof Pennsylvania. are
spewing two weeks with Mr,
. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil and other
airs. Andy Carter is leaching
at the vocational school in Lu -
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Paton
and Clare visited the lleinbuch
funeral tome in Stratford on
Sunda y where -Alr. Goldwin
• Yundt lay at rest. He died at
his home on Friday, August 15,
in. Stratford.
Raiser Heath, 28, of Wallaee-
burg. who has been working with
the Lucan Hydro and living with
Airs. 11. S. Stanley for some time
;was involved in an accident
rwvhiclt sent him to St. Joseph's
Hospital with an injured hand
and hip last Tuesday.
c The accident happened about
1:30 p.m. in front of the home of
Peter Jensen R.R. 2 London on
No. 4 Highway. Mr. Jensen saw
Heaths' 1957 model car forced
off the road into a ditch where
it snapped off a hydra pole. He
reported the accident to the On -
i (aria Hydro commission and to
°the Lucan police to intercept
the car responsible for the acci-
He took the injured man to the
hospital and later to Lucan.
Aleanvhile Chief Earl Young of
L t d car answering
'rhe description phoned him by
.Mr. Jensen.
Message From 1 The Heath car received $1,000
ucan s aper a
damage when it struck the pole
which was damaged to the extent
of $100. Hydro was off for about
By MRS, F. SQUIRE two hours in the area,
Mr Heath has since the aeci-
d t b tak to his hem in
Wallaeeburg by his brother, who
came for him,
• On Sunday afternoon in Holy
;Trinity Church, the Rev. J. P,
Prest baptized Holly Anne El-
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack M. Elson. The godparents
;were :hiss Holly Martin, of Lon.-
; don, and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
A. Elson, of Clandeboye, •
.Following the baptism, guests
I attended a reception at the
Elson home: Rev. and Mrs. J.
P, Prest, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Elson, Mr, and Mrs. Colin Nu-
' gent and family and. Misses
Holly, Belle and Miriam Martin,
Car Accident
Miss Olga Kuchma, 19, a stu-
dent nurse at St, Josdph's Hos-
pital, received face cuts and
scraped knees and Peter Cowen,
21, of Toronto, face cuts in a
two -car callision on No. 4 High.;
way, north of Calamity Corners!
last Saturday night. 1►
Mrs. A. E. Parry, having sold
her home on Albert St., left with
her children last Saturday to
join her• husband at the R,C.A.F.'
!Station MacDonald, Manitoba.
Before leaving, her neighbours
!presented her with an electric
kettle and the Ladies Guild of
Holy Trinity Church with some
' v
)cin eller- , ,
Mr. Frank Parkinson and
Glenn, also Mr, Harvey Parkin-
son of Kirkton were at Victoria
Hospital on Sunday Visiting Mr.
Allen Parkinson of St. Marys
who was recently operated on.
Mr. and Mrs. harry Squire of
Birmingham, Mich,. visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Hodgins. Joey and Albert
Squire, who spent the past week
with the Hodgins family, return-
ed to their home on Sunday also.
Mrs, William Morley Sr., re-
= turned to her home on. Saturday
from St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey Squire, Kirk -
ton, are spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Morley.
Mr. George Arksey is a patient
at St. Joseph's Hospital. London.
being operated on on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs, Melville Gun-
ning and Muriel attended a fam-
ily picnic at Riverview Park,
Exeter, Sunday.
Catherine Khlare is holidaying
for a few days this week with
Janice Fischer, St. Marys.
Mr. andMrs. Ir . Lawrence Mit-
chell. St. Marys, visited Monday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Miss Carol Langford, of St.
Marys, is spending a few days
this week with Mrs, Grafton
Mrs. Ronald Squire visited
friends at Grand Bend during
the week..
Miss Bessie Baldwin, Bloom-
field, N.Y., is visiting with Miss
Janey French.
Mrs. Lyman Tapp and Mrs.
Mae Foster, of Virden, Man.,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Baillie.
Jackie and Joanne Finkbeiner
spent last week with Mrs. 0. H.
Finkheiner, Listowel.
Recent visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Alex Baillie were Mr. and
Mrs. James Moffat, Winnipeg,
form e r l y Nettie Brooks, of
Whalen, Mrs, William Brooks
and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson, Lon-
don, and Mrs. Gordon Weir, of
W.A. And W.M.S.
Nine members and six visitors
were present for the August
meeting of the W.A, and W.M.S.
at Mrs. George Squire's home.
Mrs. Ronald Squire was in the
chair for the W.A. The theme
was "Times of Refreshing".
Mrs. Squires was assisted q td b,v
Mrs. Duffield and Mrs. Ray
Parkinson. Mrs. George Squire
and Mrs. Thomas Gunning gave
readings. During the business
meeting it was decided that the
W,A. would be responsible for
decorating some rooms at the
parsonage at Centralia. For
raising money for September
each member;is to bring a
"Touch and Tae" parcel.
Mrs. Gordon Johnson conduct•
ed a short W.M.S. meeting. Mrs.
George Squire read the Scripture
lesson. Mrs, Melville Gunning.
gave a reading. ,
Mrs. Duffield read the verses
from the travelling basket, the
proceeds being $20,03. Mrs. Ron.
ald Squire accompanied the
hymns for both meetings with
her flute,
Happenings In
Personal Items
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. M. H. Elston Were. Mr.
J. Holmes of Huron College,
London and Mrs. Holmes.
Mrs. John McAllister and Mrs.
Sam Skinner attended the shower
and trousseau tea given in honor
of their cousin, Miss Marilyn
Skinner, Exeter.
.Misses Sheila and Wendy Els-
tonspent a few days the past
weekin with London it their coos•
ins, Sandra and Brenda Dickins.
Visitors on Monday with air.
and Mrs. Mervin Elston were
th tt cousins, Mrs. Ruth Colbert
of Ilderioh and Mrs. Greta Gib-
son, Denfield.
Misses Judy and. Bonnie Blair
spent a few holidays with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Fisher, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair and
family of London were visitors
on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Blair. Misses Judy and Bon-
nie Blair returned home with
them to spend some holidays.
Jimmy Blair of London and
friend, Dennis Sugrol, are boli•
Baying with his uncle and aunt,
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Blair.
Say you saw it in' The Times -
Bible School
Under Way
The 'Lucan and C'otnmu pity's
third. annual Vacation School
opened at 8:45 a.m.- Alonday
1 morning with an enrolment of
:53 in the kindergarten depart•
ment in the united Church and
103 in the primary and junior
i departments ; rn the Anglican
In charge of kindergarten are
Mrs. Charles Corbett, Mrs. Ivan
Hearn, Mrs. Ed :Butler, Airs,
Bud Cooper, Mrs. ,lack 'Hardy,
Mrs, 11. T. Bond, Misses Erma
Thompson, Donna Thomson,
Marilyn Eaton, Jean Cochrane
and Beverley :Butler. -
Primary boys, Mrs, Ancly Car.
ter, Mrs. James Freeman, Mrs,
Robert Kehl, Mrs. David Kestle
and Miss Beth Watson,
Primary girls, Mrs. Charles
Sovereign, Mrs. George Thom-
son, Airs. G. E, Nicholson and
Airs, Royden Herbert.
Junior boys, Rev. E. M.•Cook,
Rev. Edgar Roulgton, Rev. J. P.
Prest,Mrs. DI. Jack Murdy and Mr.
Harold Ribson.
Junior, girls, Mrs, Dave Park,
Miss Lino Abbott, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett, Airs. Jack Steacy and
Mrs. Gerald Lewis.
In charge of music were Mrs.
Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Clar-
ence Hardy. The secretary is
Airs. H. B. Langford.
Gordon Murray
District Native
Funeral services for Gordon
Murray, 68, who died in a To-
ronto hospital, were held at 2
p.m., Tuesday, August 19, from
the Kane Funeral Home, To.
(•onto. with interment in Willow
dale cemetery.
Alr. Murray, who was a bro•
ther of the late J. R, Murray
of Lucan, was the son. of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mur-
ray of Con. 16, London Town-
ship. He worked for the Bank
of Montreal for a number of
years before becoming an em-
ployee of . lh.e Labour Board at
the Parliament Buildings, Toron-
He is survived by his wife, the
former Kathleen Chase, Wind-
sor; two sons, Jack, Vancouver,
and Don, at home; also one
sister, Mrs, Mary Robb, of Lon-
don Township.
Personal Items
Mr, R. J. Harper, of Port
Perry, is spending a few days
with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Edwards,
of London, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and. Mrs- M. 0. Smith.
Telephone employees have
been laying cables underground.
on Beech street all last week.
Mrs, Wes. Atkinson entertained
her bridge club, Airs. Harold
Hodgins, Mrs. H. B. Langford,
Mrs. U. F. Stanley and Mrs, F.
W. Hovey at the home of her •
son, Mr. Gerald .Atkinson, of;
London. The outing took the form ;•
of a barbecue dinner and a dip:
in her son's swimming pool.
This Week In
Miss Dorothy Davies of Hamil-
ton is spending holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnes, also
with them on Saturday were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Cates of Strath-
ray in
Mr. and Airs. Nelson. S
r, Crediton, and Miss Maudie
\Iartelle of Sarnia.
1 y Miss Marjorie Oliphant of Bur -1
i Iington is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ridley.
Mrs. Oliphant of Burlington
and Mr. and Mrs. Langford. Rid-
ley were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ridley Saturday after-
noon and evening,
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hayter of
(Sarnia visitedhis parents, Mr.
.and Mrs. Newton Hayter, last
Mr, and Mrs, Kalep of Detroit,
Mich. visited her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Fred McLinehey over
the weekend,
Happenings In
Miss Kathleen Mosey of Wing-
ham spent the weekend with
Mrs. Jas. Massey and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Mossey,
Peter Gartenburg spent a con,
pre of days last week with Walter
and Donnie Langford.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Mills and
Linda of Prospect Hill spent:
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Thomson, Linda remaining for a r
few clays,
Miss Marie Sisson returned
home on. Sunday after spending
the past week with her cousin,
Miss Elaine Robertson of Sutton
Mrs. Alvada Hopkins of Mitchell
returned hone on Sunday after
spending a .few days last week
WithMr. and M.A.Mrs. Wm, ones,
Dolma ,Tones returned with Mrs,
Hopkins for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred "l'honison,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thonison
and family spent Sunday at
J ervie and visited the zoo and
other points north.
Mrs. Leonard Thacker and
fancily spent Wednesday at Brins-
ley and visited with Mrs. Tack•
et's sister, Mrs, John Morgan
Ann Parkinson spent Monday.
With Cathy and Joyce 'lrhacker.
8har'an '1`lttimsort, tdttda Mills'
andHelen Harlton spent Monday
wills Very( and .leaneltti Hooper,
it being Vetyl's birthday.
Honor Teacher
Prior L Rites
Last Saturday evening, Air's.
Clarence G. Lewis entertained
with a trousseau tea in honor of
her daughter, Marie Margaret,
whose marriage will take place
on Saturday,
Teva iittJ.e girls,
lin and Nancy Young, Cough made'
charming little door attendants.
h -
The groom -elect's mother, Mrs.
Alex Camphell, assisted Mrs.
Lewis and the b.Judyrideglect ,in re-
ceiving the guests.
Pouring tea at a table covered
with a hand crochet lace cloth,
centred with a floral arrange-
ment of pink and white. grads
and tall white tapers, were Mrs.
Erle Young, Airs, C. Worts, Mrs.
Andy Carter, Mrs. Lyman Camp-
bell and Airs. William Campbell.
The servers included Mrs. Ro-
hert Coughlin, Mrs. Gen. Young,
Aliss Lynn Campbell, Mrs, Allan
Campbell, Mrs, Orville Taylor
and Mrs. Ronald Hudson,
Miss Katharine Campbell and
Mrs. Robert Lewis displayed the
wedding gifts, Mrs. Donald Cook,
the linens and fancy work; Mrs,
Alex McComb, the shower gifts,
and Miss Jean Lewis, the trans-
Others assisting in the kitchen
were Mrs. Don McComb, Mrs,
Fred 7'uke, Mrs. Frank Liddell
and Alrs, William McComb.
Prior to )eaving London. the
staff of the Roosevelt School,
where she taught, presented Miss
Lewis with crystal and Miss
Anne Schenk entertained with a
shower for her.
Last Tuesday night at South-
gate School, Mrs. Alex McComb,
Mrs. Don McComb and Mrs,
Robert Lewis entertained a
targe group of friends and
neighbours at a miscellaneous.
On Wednesday evening in the'
United Church parlors, Lucan,
the mothers of the Primary De-
partment where • Miss Lewis
taught, entertained with another
shower and presented Miss Lewis'
with an electric toaster,
Anglican Ladies
Picnic At Farm
The members of the Anglican
W.A. the Evening Auxiliary and
families couldn't have ordered
a nicer' day than last \yedn.es-
day was, when they mel, for their
annuai•outing at the Harold Cor-
bett farm.
The special high -light of this
year's outing was the opportunity
of seeing the ,'Mill House" which
had been moved piece by piece
from Corbett, Ont., and rebuilt
in its original form.
The first hour was spent in
viewing the splendid collection
of museum articles which Mr.
and- Mrs. Corbett have already
collected. Many would have liked
to peruse the shelves of old
books and magazines, some ever
100 years old but were called
out to the lawn for the business
meeting, presided over by tree
president, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
Most of the meeting was given
over to the planning of a Japa-
nese tea to be held in the Parish
Hall September 3 from 3-5 — the
details to. fie left in the hands of•
the executive. This will he in
lieuthe annual tarn money
of talent i o ne
While the lunch was being pre-
pared, Miss Lina Abbott con-
ducted an August contest which
was -won a group composed
of Mrs, Bob Coleman, Mrs. Roy.
Hamilton,- Mrs. Wm, Brownlee
and Miss Holly Martin.
As for winning prizes the Mar-
tins "took home the bacon," for
not only did they win the prize
for the largest group at tree n' •
nic but Miss Miriam Martin of
'Detroit won the prize for coming
the farthest distance,
Mrs. McFarlane on behalf of
the Seniors and Mrs, Jack Steacy
on behalf .of the Evening Aux-
iliary, thanked Mr. and Mrs.
Corbett for their hospitality.
• Guests from London. included,
Mrs. Fred McLean, Mrs. K. ,Hod-
gins, Mrs. Kenneth. McGoun and
Misses Nellie Foreman, Holly
and Belle Martin.
On Thursday afternoon the
weatherman was equally con-
siderate for the ,picnic of the
W.M.S. members and their fami-
The president. Airs, Alex
Young, conducted two Biblical
contests. The first was won by
Mrs, Art Black and the second
by Mrs. Gordon Banting, Mrs,
Edgar Roulston and Mrs, Wil-
bert Stanley. Mrs. Art Black
read the story of Miriam. When
refreshments were served Mrs.
Alex Young won a prize for oc-
cupying the. Lucky Chair.
Personal Items
Four sisters met again 'last
Wednesday when the Misses
Holly and Belle Martin of Lon-
don and Miriam of Detroit
visited their sister Mrs, 'C. A;
Mrs. Wes Atkinson spent. last
Feiday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Dobbs of nteter,
Mrs. Mitchell Haskell avae
guest of honour at a dinner party
in London last Monday evening,
when' her sister, Ml's. J. C.
Dame, of Woodstock, entertained
Mr, and Mrs, Haskett, and their
daughter - in - law, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett and fancily, The oceas:ion
was Mrs 1-Iaskett's birthday.
Mrs, Davie 'returned to Lucatc
with thorn and spent the night
with her sister ,and Mr. Haskell.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Atkinson, of
'lrnt, Melt, were Monday guests
Cit Mr, am Mrs, Irving Gibson,
Mr. and Alis, Bob Garland, of
I•tanover, spentlast weekend
with Mr.. and Mrs. A. M. Redden,
Local Horse PerSQna! Item.s
Lucan horses continue to pile
up' victories at 'Pannto Woodbine.
Last Monday it was "Meadow
Art's Lady" tliardy Bros.);
Thursday it was "Gilbert Gra-t-
' tan" (Neil McRanni; on Satur-
day "Howard l.toseeroft" t,Slieri•
dan Revington .and Bud Gilmour):
first and "Pauline Vole (Hardy
Bros.) second.
So many Lucanites were down
to Toronto to see Howard Rose -
croft win the Canadian Cup Pace
for the second year in succession
that theydecided lectdr 1 Lucainnu
n st
have elosed up for the day.
On the way house tate owners
of the horse were hosts to a
large group of their friends at
the Clan Restaurant in lintnilton,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. George Young
and family of Milan were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Erie
After a month's vacation, the
Rev. .1, P. Press and family have
returned house in time for Mr,
?rest to take the 9:30 a.m, serv-
ice. With Vacation School begin-
ning the following day, Mr. Press
took as his test, "A. Little Child
Shall Lead Theon." Miss Helen
Hardy sang a solo at the service
and Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw pre-
sided at the organ.
• Mrs. Perry Armitage attended
the Bakker -Gowan wedding at
Granton United Church and she
and her son, Johnny,. remained
over the weekend with her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Metter,
of Prpspect Hill, who was ma-
tron of honor at the wedding.
Valerie and. Marilyn Laverty,
small children of Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Laverty, of Welland, arc
holidaying with their grandpar-
ents, Mr, and Airs. William
Mr. and Airs. Les Woodward
and family and their nephew,
Gary Janes of Kippen, are halls
daying in Muskoka.
Mr, and Mrs. Rny Collins of
Sarnia were Wednesday visitors
with the former's aunt, Mrs.
George Bawden.
Airs. Annie' Fairies has re-
turned home after spending a
few days in. Harriston, the guest
of Mr. and Airs. Douglas King
and family.
Among the 13 London secon-
dary school teachers who at-
tended the Ontario Department
of Education S:bool for • High -
School principals at Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, during July
and August were W. E. Kieser
0. L. Day, R. A. Bioxam and
H. R, Fisher from Medway.
Ken Ready is holidaying with
his aunt and uncle, Air. and
Mrs, Chas Ready of St, Marys.
Thursday for Brantford where
he will he working .for the next
few weeks on the steel 'works of
a large building,
Grade 13 Medway Results
Among the names of the Gracie
13 Medway results appears two
local names, Alan Ready, Eng-
lish Composition 62, English Lit-
erature 54, Algebra 62, Geometry
50, Physics 73, Chemistry 73,
and Heather Stanley English
Composition 62, English Litera-
ture 73, Algebra 69, Geometry 78,
Trigonometry 64, Phymsics 71,
Chemistry 82, French Authors
75 and French Composition 65,
Mr. and AIr's. M. O. Smith have
returned from a motor trip, up
the li.luc hater Highway to
Southampton, ever to Wrartan
and Owen Sound, returning by
Sarnia, Chatham and Petrolia.
Air. Sheridan Uevingtan and
£aluily, Mr. Lyle • Rcvingtan :and
fancily and Mr, and Airs. John
Campbell have' taken cottage
at Grand Bend for a .week.
Air, Ken Clarke is holidaying
at Buttermilk Falls, Hall's. Lake,
lialiburton County.
John \'yard, grandson of Air.
and Mrs. .George Ward, George
St, spent awe k's holidays in
London with his mother and re•
turned to Lucan last Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley 1.)ag of
Sarnia, visited with tlteiraunt
Mrs. Durham, last Friday.
and Dlis. .James Hodgins
were guests .at the Yungblut-
Hunter wedding in Exeter last
Saturday and Mrs. Bob Coleman
and Mrs. W, W, Garrett attend-
ed the • service.
Air, and Mrs. Murray Hodghis
and fancily returned home on
Saturday from a motor trip to
British Columbia just in time
to attend the .Law family re-
union held at the home of Air,
N. C. Law, at Crampton.
Christina Nugent, daughter of
:lir. and Mrs. Colin Nugent, of
London, is spending a week With
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. -Hodgins, and is attending.
the vacation school.
Airs, H. Williamson, nee Leda
Atkinson, of Detroit, Mrs. Arthur
MeFalls, of Centralia, and Mrs,
William Quinton, London, were
Saturday guests of Air. and Airs,
Henry Hodgins.
Mr, and Mrs. James freeman
and fancily have returned from
a week's vacation. with Alr. and
Airs. Al Freeman, at Long Point
Mr. and Airs. .J aures Harding
and daughter Jessie, of Lansing,.
Mich„ spent a few days last
week at the home 'af Atr, and
Mrs. William Aylestock and Sun-
' day guests included Mrs. Robert
' Braithwaite and daughter', Mrs.
I Robert Doxen, and her daughter,
Debby,. all of Toronto.
Airs. Thomas :Brooke, Are,
!Herald MeFalls, Air. and Ars.
Grant Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Allen, Air, and Airs. Larry Me -
j Falls, all of Lucan, and MS.
Ronald Coleman, of London, at-
tendert the Ford picnic which
was held in Sarnia on :Sunday,.
Delores Murray, daughter, of
I Air, and ails. Jack Murray, Lost•
don, is .holidaying with Use child.
;ren of Mr. and Airs. Dave Park,
es she attends vacation school
I Services in the Anglican Holy
Trinity Church will continue to
he held et 9:30 a.m. for the
month of August.
Mrs, William Dickins and Mrs,
Maurice McDonald are .holiday-
ing at the cottage of Atr. • and
Aire, Gordon Mathes, of Dor-
chester, near Kincardine.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts was
a Saturday guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Whe]iltan and family
of Whalen and a Sunday guest
of her brother, Alr. Theron
Creery and family, Woodham.
Mr, and Airs. J. Dunleavy and
three children Were weekend
guests of Air, and Ars. Calvin
lia skett.
Mrs, J. R. Murray, Mr. Bob
Murray of. Lucan and Mrs,
George Nixon of London attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mr.
Gordon Murray in Toronto on •
Airs. Mary Howard, Toronto,
is spending her vacation at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Butler Sr.
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Bible School
Under Way
The 'Lucan and C'otnmu pity's
third. annual Vacation School
opened at 8:45 a.m.- Alonday
1 morning with an enrolment of
:53 in the kindergarten depart•
ment in the united Church and
103 in the primary and junior
i departments ; rn the Anglican
In charge of kindergarten are
Mrs. Charles Corbett, Mrs. Ivan
Hearn, Mrs. Ed :Butler, Airs,
Bud Cooper, Mrs. ,lack 'Hardy,
Mrs, 11. T. Bond, Misses Erma
Thompson, Donna Thomson,
Marilyn Eaton, Jean Cochrane
and Beverley :Butler. -
Primary boys, Mrs, Ancly Car.
ter, Mrs. James Freeman, Mrs,
Robert Kehl, Mrs. David Kestle
and Miss Beth Watson,
Primary girls, Mrs. Charles
Sovereign, Mrs. George Thom-
son, Airs. G. E, Nicholson and
Airs, Royden Herbert.
Junior boys, Rev. E. M.•Cook,
Rev. Edgar Roulgton, Rev. J. P.
Prest,Mrs. DI. Jack Murdy and Mr.
Harold Ribson.
Junior, girls, Mrs, Dave Park,
Miss Lino Abbott, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett, Airs. Jack Steacy and
Mrs. Gerald Lewis.
In charge of music were Mrs.
Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Clar-
ence Hardy. The secretary is
Airs. H. B. Langford.
Gordon Murray
District Native
Funeral services for Gordon
Murray, 68, who died in a To-
ronto hospital, were held at 2
p.m., Tuesday, August 19, from
the Kane Funeral Home, To.
(•onto. with interment in Willow
dale cemetery.
Alr. Murray, who was a bro•
ther of the late J. R, Murray
of Lucan, was the son. of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mur-
ray of Con. 16, London Town-
ship. He worked for the Bank
of Montreal for a number of
years before becoming an em-
ployee of . lh.e Labour Board at
the Parliament Buildings, Toron-
He is survived by his wife, the
former Kathleen Chase, Wind-
sor; two sons, Jack, Vancouver,
and Don, at home; also one
sister, Mrs, Mary Robb, of Lon-
don Township.
Personal Items
Mr, R. J. Harper, of Port
Perry, is spending a few days
with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Edwards,
of London, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and. Mrs- M. 0. Smith.
Telephone employees have
been laying cables underground.
on Beech street all last week.
Mrs, Wes. Atkinson entertained
her bridge club, Airs. Harold
Hodgins, Mrs. H. B. Langford,
Mrs. U. F. Stanley and Mrs, F.
W. Hovey at the home of her •
son, Mr. Gerald .Atkinson, of;
London. The outing took the form ;•
of a barbecue dinner and a dip:
in her son's swimming pool.
This Week In
Miss Dorothy Davies of Hamil-
ton is spending holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnes, also
with them on Saturday were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Cates of Strath-
ray in
Mr. and Airs. Nelson. S
r, Crediton, and Miss Maudie
\Iartelle of Sarnia.
1 y Miss Marjorie Oliphant of Bur -1
i Iington is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ridley.
Mrs. Oliphant of Burlington
and Mr. and Mrs. Langford. Rid-
ley were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ridley Saturday after-
noon and evening,
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hayter of
(Sarnia visitedhis parents, Mr.
.and Mrs. Newton Hayter, last
Mr, and Mrs, Kalep of Detroit,
Mich. visited her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Fred McLinehey over
the weekend,
Happenings In
Miss Kathleen Mosey of Wing-
ham spent the weekend with
Mrs. Jas. Massey and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Mossey,
Peter Gartenburg spent a con,
pre of days last week with Walter
and Donnie Langford.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Mills and
Linda of Prospect Hill spent:
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Thomson, Linda remaining for a r
few clays,
Miss Marie Sisson returned
home on. Sunday after spending
the past week with her cousin,
Miss Elaine Robertson of Sutton
Mrs. Alvada Hopkins of Mitchell
returned hone on Sunday after
spending a .few days last week
WithMr. and M.A.Mrs. Wm, ones,
Dolma ,Tones returned with Mrs,
Hopkins for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred "l'honison,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thonison
and family spent Sunday at
J ervie and visited the zoo and
other points north.
Mrs. Leonard Thacker and
fancily spent Wednesday at Brins-
ley and visited with Mrs. Tack•
et's sister, Mrs, John Morgan
Ann Parkinson spent Monday.
With Cathy and Joyce 'lrhacker.
8har'an '1`lttimsort, tdttda Mills'
andHelen Harlton spent Monday
wills Very( and .leaneltti Hooper,
it being Vetyl's birthday.
Honor Teacher
Prior L Rites
Last Saturday evening, Air's.
Clarence G. Lewis entertained
with a trousseau tea in honor of
her daughter, Marie Margaret,
whose marriage will take place
on Saturday,
Teva iittJ.e girls,
lin and Nancy Young, Cough made'
charming little door attendants.
h -
The groom -elect's mother, Mrs.
Alex Camphell, assisted Mrs.
Lewis and the b.Judyrideglect ,in re-
ceiving the guests.
Pouring tea at a table covered
with a hand crochet lace cloth,
centred with a floral arrange-
ment of pink and white. grads
and tall white tapers, were Mrs.
Erle Young, Airs, C. Worts, Mrs.
Andy Carter, Mrs. Lyman Camp-
bell and Airs. William Campbell.
The servers included Mrs. Ro-
hert Coughlin, Mrs. Gen. Young,
Aliss Lynn Campbell, Mrs, Allan
Campbell, Mrs, Orville Taylor
and Mrs. Ronald Hudson,
Miss Katharine Campbell and
Mrs. Robert Lewis displayed the
wedding gifts, Mrs. Donald Cook,
the linens and fancy work; Mrs,
Alex McComb, the shower gifts,
and Miss Jean Lewis, the trans-
Others assisting in the kitchen
were Mrs. Don McComb, Mrs,
Fred 7'uke, Mrs. Frank Liddell
and Alrs, William McComb.
Prior to )eaving London. the
staff of the Roosevelt School,
where she taught, presented Miss
Lewis with crystal and Miss
Anne Schenk entertained with a
shower for her.
Last Tuesday night at South-
gate School, Mrs. Alex McComb,
Mrs. Don McComb and Mrs,
Robert Lewis entertained a
targe group of friends and
neighbours at a miscellaneous.
On Wednesday evening in the'
United Church parlors, Lucan,
the mothers of the Primary De-
partment where • Miss Lewis
taught, entertained with another
shower and presented Miss Lewis'
with an electric toaster,
Anglican Ladies
Picnic At Farm
The members of the Anglican
W.A. the Evening Auxiliary and
families couldn't have ordered
a nicer' day than last \yedn.es-
day was, when they mel, for their
annuai•outing at the Harold Cor-
bett farm.
The special high -light of this
year's outing was the opportunity
of seeing the ,'Mill House" which
had been moved piece by piece
from Corbett, Ont., and rebuilt
in its original form.
The first hour was spent in
viewing the splendid collection
of museum articles which Mr.
and- Mrs. Corbett have already
collected. Many would have liked
to peruse the shelves of old
books and magazines, some ever
100 years old but were called
out to the lawn for the business
meeting, presided over by tree
president, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
Most of the meeting was given
over to the planning of a Japa-
nese tea to be held in the Parish
Hall September 3 from 3-5 — the
details to. fie left in the hands of•
the executive. This will he in
lieuthe annual tarn money
of talent i o ne
While the lunch was being pre-
pared, Miss Lina Abbott con-
ducted an August contest which
was -won a group composed
of Mrs, Bob Coleman, Mrs. Roy.
Hamilton,- Mrs. Wm, Brownlee
and Miss Holly Martin.
As for winning prizes the Mar-
tins "took home the bacon," for
not only did they win the prize
for the largest group at tree n' •
nic but Miss Miriam Martin of
'Detroit won the prize for coming
the farthest distance,
Mrs. McFarlane on behalf of
the Seniors and Mrs, Jack Steacy
on behalf .of the Evening Aux-
iliary, thanked Mr. and Mrs.
Corbett for their hospitality.
• Guests from London. included,
Mrs. Fred McLean, Mrs. K. ,Hod-
gins, Mrs. Kenneth. McGoun and
Misses Nellie Foreman, Holly
and Belle Martin.
On Thursday afternoon the
weatherman was equally con-
siderate for the ,picnic of the
W.M.S. members and their fami-
The president. Airs, Alex
Young, conducted two Biblical
contests. The first was won by
Mrs, Art Black and the second
by Mrs. Gordon Banting, Mrs,
Edgar Roulston and Mrs, Wil-
bert Stanley. Mrs. Art Black
read the story of Miriam. When
refreshments were served Mrs.
Alex Young won a prize for oc-
cupying the. Lucky Chair.
Personal Items
Four sisters met again 'last
Wednesday when the Misses
Holly and Belle Martin of Lon-
don and Miriam of Detroit
visited their sister Mrs, 'C. A;
Mrs. Wes Atkinson spent. last
Feiday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Dobbs of nteter,
Mrs. Mitchell Haskell avae
guest of honour at a dinner party
in London last Monday evening,
when' her sister, Ml's. J. C.
Dame, of Woodstock, entertained
Mr, and Mrs, Haskett, and their
daughter - in - law, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett and fancily, The oceas:ion
was Mrs 1-Iaskett's birthday.
Mrs, Davie 'returned to Lucatc
with thorn and spent the night
with her sister ,and Mr. Haskell.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Atkinson, of
'lrnt, Melt, were Monday guests
Cit Mr, am Mrs, Irving Gibson,
Mr. and Alis, Bob Garland, of
I•tanover, spentlast weekend
with Mr.. and Mrs. A. M. Redden,
Local Horse PerSQna! Item.s
Lucan horses continue to pile
up' victories at 'Pannto Woodbine.
Last Monday it was "Meadow
Art's Lady" tliardy Bros.);
Thursday it was "Gilbert Gra-t-
' tan" (Neil McRanni; on Satur-
day "Howard l.toseeroft" t,Slieri•
dan Revington .and Bud Gilmour):
first and "Pauline Vole (Hardy
Bros.) second.
So many Lucanites were down
to Toronto to see Howard Rose -
croft win the Canadian Cup Pace
for the second year in succession
that theydecided lectdr 1 Lucainnu
n st
have elosed up for the day.
On the way house tate owners
of the horse were hosts to a
large group of their friends at
the Clan Restaurant in lintnilton,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. George Young
and family of Milan were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Erie
After a month's vacation, the
Rev. .1, P. Press and family have
returned house in time for Mr,
?rest to take the 9:30 a.m, serv-
ice. With Vacation School begin-
ning the following day, Mr. Press
took as his test, "A. Little Child
Shall Lead Theon." Miss Helen
Hardy sang a solo at the service
and Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw pre-
sided at the organ.
• Mrs. Perry Armitage attended
the Bakker -Gowan wedding at
Granton United Church and she
and her son, Johnny,. remained
over the weekend with her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Metter,
of Prpspect Hill, who was ma-
tron of honor at the wedding.
Valerie and. Marilyn Laverty,
small children of Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Laverty, of Welland, arc
holidaying with their grandpar-
ents, Mr, and Airs. William
Mr. and Airs. Les Woodward
and family and their nephew,
Gary Janes of Kippen, are halls
daying in Muskoka.
Mr, and Mrs. Rny Collins of
Sarnia were Wednesday visitors
with the former's aunt, Mrs.
George Bawden.
Airs. Annie' Fairies has re-
turned home after spending a
few days in. Harriston, the guest
of Mr. and Airs. Douglas King
and family.
Among the 13 London secon-
dary school teachers who at-
tended the Ontario Department
of Education S:bool for • High -
School principals at Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, during July
and August were W. E. Kieser
0. L. Day, R. A. Bioxam and
H. R, Fisher from Medway.
Ken Ready is holidaying with
his aunt and uncle, Air. and
Mrs, Chas Ready of St, Marys.
Thursday for Brantford where
he will he working .for the next
few weeks on the steel 'works of
a large building,
Grade 13 Medway Results
Among the names of the Gracie
13 Medway results appears two
local names, Alan Ready, Eng-
lish Composition 62, English Lit-
erature 54, Algebra 62, Geometry
50, Physics 73, Chemistry 73,
and Heather Stanley English
Composition 62, English Litera-
ture 73, Algebra 69, Geometry 78,
Trigonometry 64, Phymsics 71,
Chemistry 82, French Authors
75 and French Composition 65,
Mr. and AIr's. M. O. Smith have
returned from a motor trip, up
the li.luc hater Highway to
Southampton, ever to Wrartan
and Owen Sound, returning by
Sarnia, Chatham and Petrolia.
Air. Sheridan Uevingtan and
£aluily, Mr. Lyle • Rcvingtan :and
fancily and Mr, and Airs. John
Campbell have' taken cottage
at Grand Bend for a .week.
Air, Ken Clarke is holidaying
at Buttermilk Falls, Hall's. Lake,
lialiburton County.
John \'yard, grandson of Air.
and Mrs. .George Ward, George
St, spent awe k's holidays in
London with his mother and re•
turned to Lucan last Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley 1.)ag of
Sarnia, visited with tlteiraunt
Mrs. Durham, last Friday.
and Dlis. .James Hodgins
were guests .at the Yungblut-
Hunter wedding in Exeter last
Saturday and Mrs. Bob Coleman
and Mrs. W, W, Garrett attend-
ed the • service.
Air, and Mrs. Murray Hodghis
and fancily returned home on
Saturday from a motor trip to
British Columbia just in time
to attend the .Law family re-
union held at the home of Air,
N. C. Law, at Crampton.
Christina Nugent, daughter of
:lir. and Mrs. Colin Nugent, of
London, is spending a week With
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. -Hodgins, and is attending.
the vacation school.
Airs, H. Williamson, nee Leda
Atkinson, of Detroit, Mrs. Arthur
MeFalls, of Centralia, and Mrs,
William Quinton, London, were
Saturday guests of Air. and Airs,
Henry Hodgins.
Mr, and Mrs. James freeman
and fancily have returned from
a week's vacation. with Alr. and
Airs. Al Freeman, at Long Point
Mr. and Airs. .J aures Harding
and daughter Jessie, of Lansing,.
Mich„ spent a few days last
week at the home 'af Atr, and
Mrs. William Aylestock and Sun-
' day guests included Mrs. Robert
' Braithwaite and daughter', Mrs.
I Robert Doxen, and her daughter,
Debby,. all of Toronto.
Airs. Thomas :Brooke, Are,
!Herald MeFalls, Air. and Ars.
Grant Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Allen, Air, and Airs. Larry Me -
j Falls, all of Lucan, and MS.
Ronald Coleman, of London, at-
tendert the Ford picnic which
was held in Sarnia on :Sunday,.
Delores Murray, daughter, of
I Air, and ails. Jack Murray, Lost•
don, is .holidaying with Use child.
;ren of Mr. and Airs. Dave Park,
es she attends vacation school
I Services in the Anglican Holy
Trinity Church will continue to
he held et 9:30 a.m. for the
month of August.
Mrs, William Dickins and Mrs,
Maurice McDonald are .holiday-
ing at the cottage of Atr. • and
Aire, Gordon Mathes, of Dor-
chester, near Kincardine.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts was
a Saturday guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Whe]iltan and family
of Whalen and a Sunday guest
of her brother, Alr. Theron
Creery and family, Woodham.
Mr, and Airs. J. Dunleavy and
three children Were weekend
guests of Air, and Ars. Calvin
lia skett.
Mrs, J. R. Murray, Mr. Bob
Murray of. Lucan and Mrs,
George Nixon of London attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mr.
Gordon Murray in Toronto on •
Airs. Mary Howard, Toronto,
is spending her vacation at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Butler Sr.
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