HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-21, Page 10Page '10 The TinisirAtivecate,' Augusf 21, 1,9$0, Backe:Tow:School 40eCiali 4 POR BOYS AND YOUTHS 20%Off -Foll Jock:0$ MATCHED OUTFIT Shirts ....... $2.95 Trousers . $3.95 Send 'them To Wolper's Before School Wolper's Men's Wear PHONE Al EXETER • SAVE MONEY USE YOUR HOME GROWN GRAINS WITH coop CONCENTRATES OIVIE1 GROWNI GRAINS3 CO-OP CUSTOM MIXING gives you *El COIMATNISODS Mary - THE BALANCED FEED YOU NEED EXETER DISTRICT Phone 237 Collect Free Delivery 1011111111114111111111111111111111111t111111I111111111111M111111111111111111111111M111111111111ifilltontititotioilltInifinottom% Farm Representative 1 • Roy Aitcheson R.R. 3 STRATFORD At Your I - I Service! . For Farm Building Plans, Estimates and P anning Help PHONE 1SEBRINGVILLE 35R3 Arrange for an "at -your - farm" appointment I now. OtrhAtittiWyttffe • ROY AITCHESON The "Extra Services" That Make The Big Difference' Beaver Perm Representative Roy Aitchesen is at your call for on -the -spot farm building and planning assistance or qthels phone consultation . , at no obligation. Just phone and he will gladly visit you at your convenience, to discuss c farm buildings, idea.smaterials and suggest short cuts and • savings that will help you build. Also your Beaver Farm Representative Roy ktetieson through his extensive contacts has the advisory 'help of well known Agricultural building experts for extra technical advice and service. Phone today . he's always glad to help. ' Bank Loan Estimates,—Careful estimates kr farm buildings ss and improvements are necessary for a bank or farm im- provement Int. To speed the loan, Beaver Lumber will prepare your estimates which you can ean subinit to your batik without delay. 1 Building Serviee—lf you do net have the time to erect your buildings, Beaver will build it for you . another Beaver serviee. With One tali to Beaver you can establish the cost of both material and erection — a one-stop service that also saves you "on-the.job" time, Beaver Time.Payineel Plari—Fir farm loans up to $10.000 you cart deal confidentially and directly with /leaver Lumber outside firianding, Pearinpf Service--tutie Is important 1� you .. at Beaver you are assured of prompt, free delivery to meet your farrn. building schedule. PHONE Slit TODAY Beaver Lumber I, St. MAR?S, 1!)Nt, Car Salescran Builds Aircraft Abs ,,l6.potitici tome -made air 'raft bult byBoh Chisholm, one. time resident of Exeter, is unders going test flight at Sky Herber airport, Goderieh. Performance o the tiltraslieht plane — one of the smallest xi Canada — has pleased airport of- Acials whohave put it through several hOurs' tests. Chisholni, who call his eraft "Bits 'n Pieces," 'took nearly three years to assemble it. Ho started work on November 18,, 1.955, in Ws 'basement, buildrng. the wings first and then moving the craft to the airport where he completed it. The unusual plane has a 65 h.p. motor and should reach a top speed of 10e mph, -Clusholm. who was a car sales - mail here several years ago, has been flying planes for the past 10 years. His .craft maybe on exlubition at B.C.A.F. Station. Centralia soon. Topics From Woodham Ely MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE • Mr and sAIrs. Thernicroft and family of Appin. visited Tues- day with Rev. and Airs. J. Ware- ham, Ralph Wareham returned home after spending a few days at Appin. Mrs. H. Pettibone of Aylmer called on Mrs. At Copeland and Jean and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cope- land on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. G. AlorPhy, John and Nelson, Noel Gordon, Wayne Mackie and Norman Mackie of Toronto spent the weekend in the village. Rev, and Mrs. G. Wanless and Elizabeth of Stroud called on friends in the village on WedneS- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Copeland of Toronto tailed On . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques on Tues- day. Mrs, Vic Chatters and Barbara holidayed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bowers at their cottage at Pettawawa. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bixon, Mary Jane and Robert of London spent Thursday evening with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mfrs. A. Butters attended the Selves reunion at Mitchell on Sunday. Ron Chatten, who has spent the summer at Peacock Point, is holidaying at his home. • Miss Norma -Hern, nurse -in - training at St. Joseph's Hospital, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bets MePhersdn and family of Buffala, N.Y., spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Vedderi attended the Talbet family pic- nic at Bayfield on Sunday. Dianne Smith is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sam Bell, at Peter- boro this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Swit- zer of St. Marys visited with the former's mother, Mrs. W. L. Switzer on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Payne were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. Robert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Jet 13lommaert spent Sunday at Grand Bend with Mr. and tits. Murray &att. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lu- ther 'Rowcliffe at Exeter Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCurdy of Barrie were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Enight, Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Webber, Linda returned home after visiting for a week with her grandparents. Rev. and Mrs. J, Cook of Ar- kona, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Leeler and David, Base Line, Airs. A. Butters were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Copeland. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Culver of Lobo were Tuesday evening callers with Mr. and A:irs, Rob- ert Rundle, News Budget From Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR •••••••••••••••••/..........••••••••••.•...••••••••••••••••••••••••........ Personal Items Mrs. Hilda Stevenson, London, ihas been visiting with her niece, I Mrs, Alfred Baker and family, Little Janice Elston, London, has been spending a couple of weeks with her grandparents, , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elston while her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clare Elston are on holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Trdtt, Joanne and' Betty, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Desvar. Mr. and Mrs George Reid and family, Windsor, spent the week- end with Mr. and Ain, Howard Switzer. Miss Elizabeth Trott, Leaside. and Maty Baker, Georgetown, are spending a few holidays with their grandparents, Mr. And Mrs. A. Dewar, Mrs. A. Hernandez, Patricia and Rickey, St. Thomas, visited at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Switzer, on Monday, leaving 'Patricia and Rickey for two weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Christie left by plane on Thursday for • their home in Ednienten after spending titres months here with Mr. and Airs. It obt. Elston and with relatives in Windsor and Port Elgin. CANADIAN • PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES ORATTON & HCTSON phone 1,56 Orand Bend .1411Mbittifflorffitlftlifi iffifirthrtfiffliortlistrifilli Atettlettlettetalettetensfustettelootettottisettetteutteititetteetelete Looking In With .Liz Versatile Tapp Shows Talent By :.E.LizAIKTH TOUCHETTE 1111111111111111411111111 111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111 Moto olootiotto oil loolot it Gordie Tapp pulled quite a switch of character when he sang Giti on Here's Duffy last week proving once again that talent and versatility are tudimited. I do, however, question the good taste of the skit that he Performed with Jill Foster and Duffy. The characterization of the rich American tourist was perhaps too finely drawn and since the tourist industry iis so dependent on the goodwill of such visitor 1 wonder what their re- action will be. I had the pleasnre of meeting and interviewing the renowned concert pianist Ray Dudley last week and found him as charm- ing as he is talented. Ray has appeared on CBC Prom Con- certs as well as on tour. During the interview he told me that his mother was his first piano teacher. Asked if she had any other distipguished graduates Ray told me that one of the most promising pianists his mother ever coached is now Dv- ing in Dashwopd. She is now Mrs. Kleinstiver and I belive she is a, teacher in a local school. Evidently before her marriage Mrs. K. "won all sorts of awards and had tremendous potential" according to Dudley. In • telling me some of his ex- periences while on tour the young pianist drew many laughs. His Stories of missing trains, flying popcorn and of the time he in- advertently appeared on stage wearing bright • eed diamond seeks with his dress suit all were amusing and belied the idea lutist of us have that tour- ing is just a trifle dial. A note from the Four Emcees who played here recently tells me that the g have changed, their name to the Stereos. The Van Rvera Brothers have not been getting inarlY spots on TV this summer but they are all keeping busy. Bill can be seen every Saturday singing with the Crescendos on Here's Duffy. He's been appearing in the occasional skit too and his natural flair for comedy, which really hits a peak when he's off camera, is showing up nicely, trifortuna.tely it looks as if the Van Everas will be among the very disappointed perform- ers who successfully passed Arthur Godfrey auditions but who won't get a crack at Talent Scouts. In spite of stories to the contrary it now looks as .if that program, which lost its sponsor a few months ago, will not re- turn in the fall. That, leaves the quintet, Tonimy Hunter, Betty Robertson and a few other To. ronto performers In the unen- viable position of having 'almost' got the big break. Allan Blye is in my opinion about the best newcomer to TV ranks for this season,He gets better every. week. I'm riot counting Don Francks of course since he isn't exactly a newcomer though Country Club is his first network shim. I'm a Francks fan and one rea- son is because of the delightful conversations I have with Mtn. Don is a real jazz fan and talks in that idiom, Half the time I don't understand what he's say - Ford ,Gathortng I GE .141eld. In Sarnia, The annual Ford Reunioh was held at Canatara Park. Sarnia. with fifty present. After the din- ner hour a game of 'ball and swimming were enjoyed. The election of officers for the corning year was held following the evening meal with president. Fred Ford; vice-president, Grant Brooke; secretary -treasurer, Ir. vine Ford; sports .committees George and Evelyn Miller, Ivan and Helen Hicks, Maxine and Alan Hicks: table .committee, Doug and Dorothy Little, press reporter. Lois Here. Contests brought an enjoyable day to a close with prizes going to Mrs. Fred Ford and Bill Ford guessing candy in jar; hop race, Shirley Hern; three legged race, Vicki Bucemni and Shirley Horn; glove contest, Fred Ford's side; orange contest, Fred Ford's side. ing buI have fun decoding. In fact it's getting contagious. For instance could now say, Mao, that cool cat Don Francks is really with it, I mean he's a 'gasser, real far out. He can even cook. "I make the craziest nmelet," he told me recently, • "everything in it, chilis and all that jazz, it takes hours but it's worth it:" Evidently in jazz talk good. bye is• a forgotten word, even au' revoir is passe. Don Francks ends his conversations with 'Later'. st> re7re,sTyV' F TO MOVE! '57 FORD FAIRLANE "500" HARDTOP Aatoiriatie, radio, whitewall tires, a beatlti- NI sport car, only ..... ....... $2,19$ '55:BUICK "CENTURY'. TUDOR HARDTOP Power brakes, power steering, automatic,' radio, whitewall tires, tutone paint, a real steal at . $1,995 ••• "55 FORD 4 DOOR SEDAN New paint, only $1,100 '55 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR "CHAMPION" SEDAN Low mileage on this one • ' $1,295 '53 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, radio, new paint, a real gem $ 895 '50 MONARCH 4 DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, radio, a real beauty, only $ 49S es Many Others To Choose From Graham Arthur MOTORS "Where good friends .meet and leave the same way." STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Phone 210 Exeter 14.1teemitottiote too lot ......... timittitotomottitimptleot ....... to ... two mon i omit . et ... • Look who's wearing her 1 'immediate cash adjustment'! Gracious! What -next? A body can hardly keep up with things these days. What with dogs spinning around in the sky and all. And now all this excitement about changing over your Victory Bonds. 1 was sorry to see mine go: Had it so long you know. But when Offer applies only to wartime Victory Bonds. FOR moots: a $580 Eth series Victory Bond exchanged for a $500 Conversion Bond paying will give' you $8.75 intab immediately: The higher interest will yield $22.50 per year instead of the present $15. 8e6 your investment dealer, stockbroker, batik, trust or loan co an today: the young man at the bank explained that these new bonds paid more interest. Well 1 know a good thing when 1 see it. And besides, he gave Inc a nice cash ' adjustnlent—which 1 straightaway spent on a new bonnet. Like it? Convert your 3% Victory Bonds. Earn up to .41/2% on the new CANADA CONVERSION BONDS' 44: 44.4 ":"4, , 4"; "";,„ , , , , . • If ik +it 44,