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The Times•Advo te, August 21, 195Et
And District .News
Mrs, Maude Heiden, Phoine 5
Mrs, Archie MacPregor, Phone 196.
Schwalm Family
Youth Enjoy
Enjoys Contests F
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
tired Pfaff and Miss Elm Pfaff
Zurich, was the setting last Sun
day for the Schwalm family re
anion with 38 attending from
Hamilton, Stratford, St. Thomas
Gagetown, N.B., Camp Borden
Schomberg, and Hensel. Picnic
dinner and supper was served.
Prizes for the youngest presen
went to Kevin Perdue, Camp
Borden; oldest lady present, Mrs
triolet Schwalm. liensall; eldes
man, Mr, Pfaff,
Sports Were directed by Mrs.
Carl Schwalm and Mrs. Leland
Schwalm. Winners were: Races
It and under, Michael Perdue
Jennie White; 5 and under, Brian
Schwalm, Marjory. Schwalm; 8
and under, David Schwalm.
Charles Schwalm; three-leggell
race, girls, Patsy and Barbara
Schwalm; boys, David Schwalm.
Charles Schwalm; 13 and under,
Elaine Schwal m, Barbara
Schwalm; ladies' race, Miss Ar-
lene Hansen; men's race,Jim
Orange relay race, Miss Arlene
Ransen's side; kicking slipper,
ladies, Mrs. Harold Hansen.
Stratford; men, Jim White; ball
ippen e
• The Tri -County Youth For
Christ held a chicken barbeque
on the lawns of Mr. and Mrs.
Elzar Mousseau. Kippen, Satur-
" day evening with 135 present
• from Exeter, Kippen. Seaforth.
Bayfield. \\Ingham, Clinton, CHI -
I ford, • Paisley.
1.1 Mr. Joe Baker, of \\Ingham,
Tri -County Youth For Christ
• rector, was master of cere-
I Rev, Armand Wright, of
; Guelph, addressed the group,
choosing for his message "How
.; to be a successful Christian", a
• I message directed to the young
people. A trio from Guelph enter-
tallied with several musical se-
lections on the accordion, guitar:
and violin.
I In charge of cooking the 135 I
;chicken halves were Edgar Cud- ,
I more, Bruce Perry, agricultural
science teacher at SHDHS, Exe-
ter. and Elzar .Mousseau. A SO-!
oat. hour rounded out a pleasant
.Stolen Car
Family Gathers
For First Time
I The first ,Laren. reunion was
held at Seaforth Lions Park on
Sunday with .a good attendance
;Sports were- under the direction
of Mrs. Hugh Hendrick. and Mrs
Alex AleBeath. During the supper
, hour business was „conducted and
officers elected for 1959.
I President is Glenn Bell, Hen-
, sail: secretary, Roy McLaren,
London; sports, Mr. and Airs.
Gerald Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
'Bell, Hensel]; lunch, Air. and
Mrs. Rodger Venner, and
Mrs. Murray Venner, .Hensall,I Sports winners were: 'Races, 5
and under, Kathryn and Karen
Elendrick; -6 to 8. Gwenneth Hen.
drick. Mervyn 13e11; 8 to 10, girls,
t Barbara Duncan; 10 to 12, boys,
Douglas McBeath,. Edward
throwing closest to stake, Mrs.
Violet Schwalm; spike hammer-
ing into three blocks of wood,
Mrs. H. Hansen.
Singe Winners
Winners at the Hensall Legion
Bingo Saturday were; Ernie
Pepper: Mrs. E. Fisher, Gods. -
rich; Mrs. Norman Baird; Tom
Kyle Sr.; Mrs, Bill Austin; Mrs,
Fleischauer; Clair Taylor; Mrs.
N. Baird; Mrs, C. Wilkinson; C.
Johnson, Clinton; Mrs. Clarence
Reid; Roy Pepper, Exeter; Mrs,
C. Johnson; Tom Kyle Sr.; Mrs.
Roy Pepper; Mrs. Glenn Mc-
Kenzie; Mrs. George Varley;
Paul Boa; Mrs. Walker.
Share the wealth jackpot. Mrs.
McLellan receved 219,75. Jack-
ot this Saturday will be worth
95.00 in 61 calls.
Persona I Items
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shep-
herd and family returned to To -
onto after visiting with Mrs.
Shepherd's mother, Mrs. J. Srnil-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling
were weekeed visitors with their
mon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Dilling and son
n Sarnia,
Mrs. Harry Hoy, Michael and
Billie are spending this week
holidaying at Point Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest
and Clark, Mrs. Louise Clark Sr.
spent last week at Si. Clair,
Mich. and the Detroit Zoo. •
Miss Suzanne Kyle has return-
ed home after a vacation spent
with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Merrier, Zurich. t
Mrs. Harry Smith, local rep-
resentative of the Bell Telephone
here has returned to her dulled
after a three month's absence
following an accident when she,
fractured her arm.
Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Elliott
of Vancouver, B.C. visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
A 1954 Ford owned by. Ken Me-
Lellan of Kippen, stolen during
the early hours of Sunday morn-
ing from in front of Dickert's
general store, Kippen, on high-
way 4, was recovered Monday
afternoon on the Bluewater High-
way near Drysdale, with the gas
tank empty,
The ca arentl seemed to
pp y
be intact. Goderich detachment
investigated. Mr, McLellan is a Comments About
!son-in-law •of Mr, Dickert.
Personal Items
Cottage Robbed
Break-in during the early hours
of Saturday morning at a AUM-
mer cottage one mile north of
St. Joseph owned by Theodore
Laporte. Windsor,1 that
thieves had stolen two electric
irons, four woollen blankets, one
woollen sweater, one lady's elec-
tric shaver and a record
player valued at MO, and six
bottles of beer.
Q.P.P. Harry Reid of E;xeter,
who investigated the break-in,
valued the loot stolen at
Personal Items
Mrs. Margaret Evans and
daughter Margaret Louise of
Waterloo were weekend visitors
with Mrs. Evans* parents, Mr.
and Mrs, B. Y. MacLaren.
Mr. end Mrs. Lorne Luker and
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, enjoyed
a motor trip last week to Graven -
burst, Penetanguishine, Sable
Beach and other northern places
Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline
and Anne are .holidaying at Turn -
bull's Grove this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters and
Bonnie left last week for Cal-
gary on .a two weeks.' bus trip,
Personal.,.. items
Mr. Archie. Noakes who- under.., l'11r. and Mrs. William Alder -1 XI) C a r 1 Schwalm, Airs.
went an operation in St. Joseph's 'son left Tuesday of this week ii, Schwalm and family,. of Gage -
Hospital,. London, has returned. the Empress of France for their I town, N.B., are returning to their
home feeling much improved in home In Lancashire, England,' home this week alter spending
and mrs, Ray Ingram Mrs. fl. Taylor, Sr. Mrs. Alderson mother,. Mrs. Violet Schwalm.
after sat three weeks visit with three weeks with the former's
spent the weekend in Detroit. is a sister of the late Mr. Rich-
- Mr. and Mrs. ..Torin Baker and 4111 'ThYl°1.' Sr„ of Hensall'
mr, and Mrs. Grant MacGregor
, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Welsh and
spent the weekend .at Lion's lie -ad son and the Misses Vera and
'where they were guests at their Lvila Welsh. called ,on
nephew's wedding.
Airs. Charles Wilson, who un-
derwent an operation in 'Clinton
• General Hospital last week, was
Mr. and Sirs. L. L. Jinks on Sun-
day last,
Sgt. and Mrs, Andrew, Barb-
ara; Gary and David, of Von -
A reception was held for Mr.
and Airs. Beverly Broadfool, at
Bayfield Pavilion Wednesday
evening when the couple were
presented with a w.ell filled
purse .or—nioney. Hank Norris
and his melt .hoys provided
music for the dance.
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Rannie and
able to return. home this week. 'Irene, were Sunday guests with family have returned after spend-.
Air. and Airs. Ivan Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. • ing a vacation with Mr. Rannie's
and familY,of St. Catharine:s, Airs,. Ralph ,Mc:Arthur, Mac sister, Mrs, 'Irma Harris, De -
are holidaying with the Miner s And Cam, of lit Ak Station. Cen- Mich.
parents, and Mrs, William R. irelia, were weekend visitors Mrs. Shaddlek of the loyal
Ws Gilbert, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer.
A. two-week vae.ation.
with Mrs. McArthur's parents, Bell Telephone staff is enjoying
!diming the past week with her Mrs. Norman Long, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest
Ison-in-law and daughter, Mr. and was the lucky winner 'qf two and Clarke were recent visitors
M The A. Misses
lovely aluminum lawn chairs with Mr, Forrest's sister,. Mrs.
TMIldred and Phyllis valued at $20.00 in a 'bingo game Harold Hill, of Brantford.
IWeiberg, of Centralia, are boll- at P.M.Q, at the Radar Station, Mr. and Mrs.. Jaques and son
(laying with their grandparents, Clinton, Thursday night of last are spending .a week's vacation.
'Mr. and Mrs. Len Purdy, ' . week, at Midland.
Shower ,arkle,floct
Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. Archie
Noakes, Mrs. Leonard •Noakesc
Airs. Alex Shorthouse, Mrs. J. E.
AlcEwan, Mrs!. Inez Merman,
Airs, Harry Smith, Mrs. A. ros-
ter, attended a miscellaneous pre-
sentation at the home. of Mrs,
Jack Peebles, London, on Thurs-
day evening, for Miss Mina Alt' -
Ewan of London, formerly .of
Hensall, a bride -elect of October.
The group from Hensel]. pre-
sented her with a table lamp
and blanket. Mrs. Vic Stan of
Red Deer, Alberta, assisted Alma
in opening the gifts and. Mrs.
Marry &mit read. the gift cards.
Personal Jtems
Preston Lemon is a patient
in Victoria' Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle
St. Catharines, - spent the week:
end with the former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. T, Kyle. Their son
Eddie who has spent two weeks
with his grandparents, returned
home with.them.
Mr, and Mrs..Sam Rennie, Di.
anne, Howard and Susanne spent
the weekend visiting with the
former's sister, Mrs. Harris, in
It ppys in BIGGER CASH SAVINGS to shop ALL
AROUND SUPER SAVE .— to go up ane aisle and
down the next, filling your entire food list from our
displays of your favorite top grade foods. You get
more ... spend less .. , because we've hundreds of
low prices—not a handful of them. It stands to reason
that more low prices mean more money saved for yov.
You'll see the proof in smaller food bills—you'll have
the proof in cash•in.hancl savings.
Young ladies race, Marlene
Bell, Marion Bell; young men's
race, Ross AicBeath, Earl Bell;
married ladies race, Mae Dun-
can, Jean Johns; married men's
kick slipper, girls. Gwenneth
race, si er o ins, GeraldBell; MEAT
Hendrick, Barbara Duncan; boys, i
Mervyn Bell; married ladies,
Ross McBeath, Rari Bell.
Marlene 13e11, .Mildred Bell; men,IFEATu DE,
_ .
Pinning clothes pin, Marlene'
Pork Chops
57c '
Bell; nail guessing contest, Jack
Duncan: filling pop bottle, Don
McLaren, Gwen Chapman; Bob
and -Marlene Bell; necktie race,
Mr. and Mrs, Roy McLaren, Lon-
don; lucky plate, Mrs. Glenn
Bell; picking clothes pin off rope,
Mrs. Glenn Bell; putting clothes
pin in milk bottle, Jean Johns.
The 1959 reunion will be held
first Sunday in August at River-
view Park, Exeter,
I F,i0 Arthur Skidmore of the
RCAF Centralia, has purchased
the Brock property here owned
• by Fred Brock of London, and
with his ,wife and daughter,
Sharon are getting nicely set-
tled. Mrs. Skidmore, the former
Jessie Paisley, is a niece of Sam
Mrs. Hilda Pelley of St. Clair,
visited this Week with Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Clark Sr. and
!Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest.
I Miss Bernice Dilling spent the
past week holidaying with friends
Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
;Parker, Rickey and Cindy.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Sh dd• k and
Bill spent the weekend with Dr.
D. McKelvie, Mrs. McKelvie
and Ann in Essex, They were ac-
companied home by Robert Mc-
Kelvie who has spent the past
'two weeks here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Mich-
ael and Kay are holidaying at
yin erhuron this' week,
The Atlantic salmon has been
used as a food for at least 14
1 centuries, at one time was plenti-
ful in all countries bordering the
North Atlantic and in Canada's
earlier clays spawned as far in-
land as Lake Ontario.
it Will Pay You
To See
and Sons Limited • Phone 32
Before Selling Your
Wheat, Oats Or Barley
Take Advantgae Of Our fast unloading system.
We have a new hoist in action for unloading SerrliS.
Now is the time to put in your supply of
ier text winter. Get our prices before you buy!
W. G. Thompson
Letter From
Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing left on
Sunday by bus on a trip to the,
west to visit with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Eves, of Moose Jaw,
Mr,. Jennie Wilson, who has
spent several weeks with rela-
tives here, returned to her home I e
••••.•••••••••••• •
• KVO.P.1•31,LVVII•
FEATURE! Fancy Quality Juice -20 -oz.
Cooked Ham 89Pb
Pot Roasts e 43c
Beef And Pork
Sausage 3
in Toronto on Tuesday accom
panied by her sister-in-law, Mrs.'
E. Moore.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and ,
Mrs. Gordon Laing were Mr. and;
Mrs. Wilfred Chessell and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Chessel and family,
of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gil-
lespie, Margaret and Ann, Korn°.
ka. Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Laing and children,
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and
family, Mrs. E. Moore, Mrs, J.
Wilson and Mr. Frank Stagg, I
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis.;
of Kirkland Lake, visited last
week with their cousin, Mr. and
Mrs. R, Boyce.
Miss Beth Christie spent a few
holidays with her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Allen.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kerslake
and family, St. Marys, visited ,on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
George Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Lamond
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Currie, Dorchester.
Rev. George Lamont, of Mitch-
ell, had charge of the service in
Cromarty Church on Sunday,
Message From
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Atkinson
of Marine City, Michigan, were
recent visitors with Mrs. Arthur
Misses Elaine and Marie Powe
have returned home after holi-
daying with relatives in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hodgson
were weekend guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Hodgson at, their
summer home on. Lake Erie,
Mr. And Mrs, Macaulay,
Susan and Helen of Montreal are.
visiting with Mrs. Macaulay's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew
Mrs, 'Leda Williamson of De-
troit visited with Mrs, A. Mc -
Falls on Saturday,
11/liss Margaret Rose Bowden
visited for a few days last week
with her sister, Mr. and Mrs, R.
Paynter, Kirkion.
Rev, and Mrs, G. Weir of Al-
ton called on Me. and Mrs, L.
Hodgson and other friendsitt
the village on Aionday,
mr. and Mrs. Harold Penwar.
den of Sarnia were 'Weekend visi-
tors with Mr, and Mrs. Stan
Rev, J. T. and Mrs. Clarke
and family returned home on
Monday after holidaying at Doe
Mrs, Lloyd Morgan is spend-
ing few days with her son,
Mr. and Mts. Norman Morgan
and family in ,Burgessville.
Mr. and Aim Reg, Hodgson
and Kay of Waterloo were Mon.
day visitors with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1.4
Rev. Cook Of tuean was guest
speaker at the service in the
United Church on Sunday Marl.
Services on the two previetia
Sundaya were conducted ittv.
C, W. of INeter,
tuy the dependable brand
halite prodnets advertised in The
Tin eS-Adehe te.
Heinz Cooked
32 -Oz. Bottle
Home Grown
Juicy, Flavorful 18
Oranges "Z' 55
• e •
FEATURE! Del Monte Pineapple & Grapefruit
Juce 2 Ll - Z, F r% 1
•'$% Maxwell House Instant — Reg. $1,313,
Alien's Orange or Grape -48 -oz.
Rose Sweet
Christie's Biscuits
FEATURE! Luncheon Style
kills 2
16 -oz. jar
FEATURE! Green Giant New Pack-15.oz,
••••••••••;•• •
•, •
10e OFF .5 9,
Pkg. of 60
FEATURE! Super Save
Ro9, 99c
• 5 -oz. jar
3 Cups 61. 3 Saucer 99t
6 Pieces, Made In England, With $5 Purchase
FEATURE! Reg, 850 •
10e Oft! 69c
12.0z, Packages
4 F