HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-11-14, Page 4�tr�.:.+....... l,MneAMINw,. Teter ergt00lea of e,.leraeSte ate rid so he smisnj these Inoue. Aeceef Ing t• tbie 000.00' dee emitter hes i!elernu sed to operate li the Emilie if she Turk..h.,alJ refer to >,'y to the will of Ow Belies 1n apse Of n.. ..trot wb-nt.Jos of 11.e Turks is the peso metre /Isasu end !Lear" too. them ••• expected .• Week eat Cao ❑ in ease 410 Fsyee►i►r •'. J .0, et twin opp0.i•t•0 i• the Reidna. 1 h Vtaier "t Threw+to• Ad Pee'... *.,Hate..l ee e wit of ilemouso L, .1.e ' Tra.n:cb. 1t a believed 'he uoam. d Unger P. die will rioter to Boesi•. PERSIA. The works wh*cb had bens ordered fur the fot- 0.tio.0 of • road Iron Tr.bis.dd to Ibe hostler, Ferree, vis Erzeroam, are hriute actively car- rted'.o. Aeeordteg to the loot aceoate* from Tolle*sa, dated 30th Asgu.i, the Slate of Per•la e fere..toed to be very disturbed. The Shah had attempted to introduce ..vent reforms, but they had not met with general approbauoa. Th. loud di straction of Z..ieu in the AaerhiJJ•s, by the rot el troops, has given the last blow 1u the vet 0l the Rebid, the last rem°aute of whom had token triage •t that town. The Che:kel-Arlan, or chief of rehi,o., of Tabriz, bee Leon arrested I.r order of the government, sad gent soder • strong teem' to Teheran :the charge againstet hire i• of having ferai.d the .sbvernve projects of the B.his The Khor•ams to is lull ...orae• ties. Yer Mehemet Khan bit revolted •geieet hi. !ether. rhe Viceroy of the Sitio.. •.,d w•i,ges him in hent. Semi 1'u•o Amb••ti,lor of 11,0 Sul,""mr Vote, who has Tree rut to -ren.• ran to eorgrsutwte the Shah oto bi. •reewiou to the throne, has arrived in ,list capital at the gam• time a envny Iron Cabo•I, charged with a sim- ilar mission. DEATH OF THE QrC1:N OFTIiE R 'I CIAN8. Adeiin frees O -tenni anhalaee the deceit*. et the Qora of the Bslparts. at • q tarter put ri o 'clock, os Seo:lay, the 11'h ins•• •r. The fol- lowing ie en .tinct Imam the bulletin, which prepared the pnhlic for the m.!•oehel►'stmt. On the alibi of the 9e1, into. the Q:wen had • few lino(s of rest.. but at 6 o'rloe k o , the morn - hie ef 'h. IOtle•• erlais came, in emeregsenee of which her Maj.tlty ell foto • wte of general and raid prneouine. Aher • nice, however, she rallied and gained .allki.nt strength to converse with bar eenfeeenr Although a ted to the Nit de.+ree eh. rr:ain.,l phew s+ion of all her men- tal feet ltiee. and •4 2 o'clock oe the aiter000e of the 12,1.. she received the cnmenunioe and the extreme action. 8)1e met he; tete with lierole resienaios, and, though it prey to the most ex- cr.cwItisg pale. her a*reo_ih of mind pr•eatled so far that ahe.heald console her aeep'y afflicted husband. 11.r M,ge0y Lsmir Maria Therese Charlotte l•ahe,lIs, Princess el Orleans,d•nghter of tl,e late King Lewis Phillipe., wet born at Pareuno on tbe.3rd of April. 1812. and wits co.e.quendy to the 39th year of her age. BM was rsatsied on the 9th of August, 1832. SWITZERLAND. The Swiss journals sure that !i+ the night of the 4th inst., am ioearrectieea) movement look place in. the canton of Friberg. the object of which wait to seize the town; but the chiefs -had not eoarage to *how themselves at th. •eritieal moment and it sompietely failed. The affair alt- imeter Sot to have been of ay real impertagee, bat the policeaeverthelesa have obtained • clue to the conspiracy. THE SCHLESWIG WAR. Advises from llambrv, of October 1g, give The Adler Mg iraldtigeeeer- L ie mnnooec*d, n er.vinudy gated, that the Holstefnets had withdsiwe their gums (r,enn be- fore Frederieh•t•ai, and given npthe Invn.un.nt oaf the place. They destroyed some of titer own temporary er*bwerhe before they retired, and ore erehaee been .ince levelled by the Danss. The Gemara pipers hire .11 kept profound • ,knee •• te the abandonment of thetopeTattoop For the pree.nt, all is likely to be quiet; and the tittered between this and the beginning sr the hard weather will he employed in reinforeid9 the Wray. The redo( the war to still dtsren*, ankle woe iotervestioa tram without forte& pevi1ively any mere bloodshed. A. lona aa the division conumuea between Austria arid Prussia, the eoofedetati.n, ti,00gh it Sas concluded • peace, can do nothing M immure its obiere•nee, Austria would act thenoth the old organ of the Bund, but Pourer, with • peni•tsriee perfectly inexplicable, rrlaorenit co-operation, and adheres to iu'wretchad phantom. of • nation, to which it has wen able to give the slightest r'a't- ty fount etter'Il or internal political set, and imagines Chet Europe will treat the nonentity as • power. Thus llola'ein has fell freedom -re continue the wat. wilhost strength *sough to bring it to ao7 deci.ion. An Aoatrinn officer, serving is the Holstein firm", has deserted to 1Ii DI'aish tamp: hie application to enter the eer•ice being refa•eel, he esu Pent to Flesab.rg, andret.r.ed-bene by way ofCopenharn.• . PRUSSIA. We lean from Berlin. that Oeeeral Radowits has virtually dia.olved the parliamentary onion, sod Met Prussia will net isterfre at Heave Ca, e el. but wait the result of ,pr, 'Mittel tribunal of two or more G.rm•e power,, ace:vitae to the fundamental 4w .n declared, wh.Iheelhe people of Hesse Cassel are jes*wfted er not in their re- sistenee to the Elector. The Vienna papers •n- eouse . es we pehleh.d on the ■rrival of the Avis, that Asatria, Wurartllurg, Bavaria and Saxony, have concluded an •Ibaee, offensive and definitive., ag•n.ot Prussia. This may not he true: but it is not impel -title that Oil, may lead to as alliance. not against Prussia inidvid- .aall,, bet 0(0 nn 011 whir may email the allied alert.. The different Anatreas corps in Bohe- mia, in the Vor,lherg, and elsewhere, are pre- pared for coming events. IRELAND. Fir. new hi.hnpries have been crated in the AegIo-Caholj. Church, and Cardinal VVi.emen has received the appointment of Archbi.hnp in Ireland. TI - Gos.rnmrnt F.dncatio• bill continuer to mesa, a large share of public 11 0111nn: and ,he Catholic bishops ad-elergy are arming• scheme, for their own university, with mush energy. Tee Tenant league continent to •gus,• the enentrr. and the merriiieg are f.l'y ettend.d by g,ntl•m.n of reepectehility and enflnence. Ti,,. New 1'oovenur RILL -From the hats returned by the Clerk of Unions of persons quali- fied to vote under the Franchi.e Rill. we esu from tome id.. of the extend the newly -created Irish cen.Iilerucy. The Norther* IV4ig esti. metes Ili• nemher of enters for Anui.o to he •beat 10,000. The rernrn for the city of Cork in 4 508, while the Frommer surmlmwt that the County con,titueaey will not fall short o(29.000. The Cnnnty of Muyn, which, at the tae rooter. el .lection, e.o'd roily muster 30 •lectors, will, and -r the new law, have about 3,000. while the L'ga:r I:Jpetsl .'ata the er-h,hl. numher in the et tern'. County es 4,000, and in Kildare :hotor: T n. TgvANT Lattice -Mr. Bernal Oeyerae, wigin et lessen, • teal hoz on hie property at Newtown Ann.?, en Tippreary, h..e ad lreerd a Seiler e• the Secretary of the Loral Tenant -Right Aseocit 00, in *hewer In en levitation In mond the Cuh,1 m.aing•• %Viol* hesenwa hie ►esdi- sees ft s'rpport say equitable and well digeeted 01010 1 wig eh would memo 'n the *onset penes 1'1 • 1 h.tt enb*Meu•I Improvemesq Mr. 0.. M.rne dins 1`'snly 019000se1 lite opinion of ,he Tenon •Riel•t retina:- '• As a eordnl eepporrer of as ' improved ,'• mint Is.. f.lated no the pnneipl.• of eaten - handed jsatee'41 I diment hole the propriety niche pr.eirl.e d 1le.e* haw laid dawn and defined by • on. -sided eo•f renre sitting in Dellen, hi, cane,. Ie my humble )adi'nent, the prbneipies e rn ennneed and the details Ioepr•etlah!e; and nisi beteg prepsed M wppent sop Itwasors..beer, pro/mere te •.feree any fend •iewiard for the peym.nt of wages. or to roguish. the pries of the see.Mna nt fife by set 0f Peelnrn•nt 1 asset deeliie en-np^n'l•'g ei'h the 1.•ogw whelk serbs to en*Aln • 'stat .olett.* for fore. lag re Istd•a d teed by • • mpslsn,y vale. - timet ase M 1 wish re awotwl 'he teelnPMtwen i lieled by ee*e'ng .he delenee the( the Prete the Oahe . TO JO1111 R 001 011. The champed. eta high a- nd hely seem; Pueeg M this' um mud boo thy beast. 1140 premed, The bsarsiy tempered blede thee wteldeet Smell 0•'er Retrap thee. Diverts stretch beret, the wide Downie" .f Death, tbru.gh which the moister •till Retreats: hags, Amid ..her "stridew'•-bleekeal night ! • The "region" 611i* There yew -tees lead their pThere prem. lbw (reit of.edont; the Mirage It. glassy vinous pout: test midis shrek, And rage sod revel there, a it their own Muscle; although .'.0 on us, ruteed 'soh They ter the moot port n.td with •tedehy step Go like the orb ..f d.y, triumphs.' re ' Aad anode giddy. 'h,.. Not the !limey Muth 04 elpriur. nor e'en the Resu.r.etime more, Delights uv mere the, thine approach. E'en 10 R•efaim the bed from room wide-by-Ain'.e.: Or fens,. dirs.. nut from the bowie risme ; Or cul:ore meld for planets el limb awl Ince, Genteel compare with thy r.JHtaind work. The mashies stream that followed low! 'sect. T(y h.s•,n dir•oied progress mark•: •'sod velar* The river mi netb .verp,hiug shall Gee." LATE EUROPEAN NE%V S. TOTAL WRECK OF THRICE EAST k INDIA\1EN. OUPPOStri nasaereL Lusa r era. Dy the arrival of uta (reedited Mott from 1.1. die, on Friday el.rruoon, the underwriters at Loyd's were put to moms -same of information re - !alive to the-melouchely Its of three first-class •hipn employed in the . set luau trade -namely, _ the \ianel,eeler, 600 tool, Lound for Lnua•.n: the .Ariailne, 7(40 time, of Gr.roeck, bound for Liverpool, end the Nerie I, 7110 tinea, of Loneoo. '1'ne 1014 of she AriaJue cried thede.peei re- , Reset -the intelligence of her low leaving very little doul t hew all hood., together with some paseengere, had met with a watery grave. The unfortunate rap, we are styes w-gsdentand, railed from Calor; to (.r England to du later part el July, with • valuable freight on board .- Aheut three weeks afterward• some vessel„ hound to Calcutta in peering nor Pdmyraa I'oint, on the India oeat4 M.covered • wreck., which, on er.min•,e0e. proved to be that of the 'Ari.dne. No living creature was sees to be oa the wreck. or any hiker place seer it. acid sire was fit breaking up. Immediately oa the mel-. .nehele sews reaching Calcine, the.ulboritiee despatched • Gevemmell meatier to the .pot, with ion ruetioa to seemly aleag the crest, to ascertain if possible' the fate ni the' .nhspey crew. A-ew hoofs biro the as it steamer started for Emitted. Abe 'teenier roomed- to Calcutta with intelligeoue ca6rn,iag the 1•., of the ship and cargo, and that grave doubts exist - .d regarding the fate of those beloeitng to the ship. The thief- meta.nf the Anadne wee picked up by the steamer oft the coon art -miles "ouch. wand oI ..her, the ship wee!r•Pt, where he had been carried on a pear.- The poor fellow was in • .hocking Prate of exhaustion." 1le, had bees twelvedayaeapned. enb•istiag entirely no mow berries, A• fes se e.ild be gleaned from him, 11 appearrel that the man*er and crew had been car- ried nal ,o ea onraft in 1 Rae of wind. The steamer went in rare+, and after revel days. cruising about was w't•A,e to grainthe d:gbteet teeteredWinos, sod teetered in Calcutta. „It is reported there were from 30 10 40 netsoo0on the rah, and from the vioienr nae of alp wea*h.r whin it was driven one to sr, it is doehif.l if she wea- thered it. Still hnpee sr/entertained that thee may have been picked up by ,nm. ,ngel. Tha ship and cargo were veined at L30.000. • The Manchester (India -nous) was wrecked se the Sesser Islands the Gib of Ausaa, • few day.' soil floes Cskotta. Several of her crew met with tejeve by the Idling of her mainmast . (eethe ship .tock, but all hands were fortu- nate enough to ..trap. in the beats before the "'reset broke op. It is considered • very heavy loos. She wee the property of Meats. Wade Q. Co., mpr,Mata in the city, who are said :e be i.eured The whiten fortunate ship, the Nereid, foun- dered on the morning of the9,h Jely 1141, is lat. 34.54 S. Ina tre,9.ndon. Rale of wind qhs en• o.natered oome day. previous, she sprung • leak, and eventually the .row were compelled in take to the beam, the thip gning down head foremen* within en hone afterwards. The Bele had not . hate - n the beau left, sed it was wilb•ere.1 .ler • Abet they ware Sol 10 a vested -the Emperor, tram Calcutta -the muter of which had trove to, and remained by from the previonv night. They were token on hosed, and received every kindness. The Nereid belonged lo Morar,. Phillips & Co., nl the City. The loss of the throe ships is ealewhted to ex- ceed £104,000.•-04.ws.r. Ca.cerr*, Ang. 21. ea, P. M. It is wills, extreme regret that 1 record positive ialelligesee, jest received, n( the actual lose of the Ali.doe, with, it ie :o he feared, nearly eve- ✓ y trout on board. A government steamer, which was Dent down to belt .1nsg the shores of Sanger for the .hip other crew, is now os het wily up the rives with the Deeond male noly. who was picked op on the island This bad news hes come up hy telegraph, and no partiee- 4.rs hc,e yet been received beyond the hare feet that the unfortunate 1 was:wrecked open Sseler Sind no the i eh into., and that thy ..- gond mete a eo board the steamer. At the Iwo modems i have men • report from the simmer of the particular a the wreck. Only the second nate, Peter M'C.Ilem, was picked up. 'rhe Captain, Gnnd.ir, zed the ren of the crew got spoil a part of the wreck, and it is feared, have drifted nut to ..a -Care F.re.iog Mail. TURKEY -Tot iit1NGARIAN REFUGEES Our accounts from Conwentionple.:e of the 24th ult,mo. The Austrian Embassy had made • fre.h de- mand 00 *be Ponte, in order t• induce the ()un- man Gnaernmea to eou,.aee soder its •,nils lane. the Iluegartan relugeee, now reading ■t Eulay.h. TheTutk,.ltmw-v,ru •ppearJeln- mtned *o ..I cher anfortun.te exi;n m liberty as Ilia erpiratioa n( • year frau, their entering the '1 akbh tee Ifni, ora .ons es their t0:ure de.. iin.dnn .hell hoe. been decided nn. Austria promisee armies, this d.r,e,.., hat the forte, 0np- pntled, it ,. red, by 'lir rept--en•ett,0S of 1:01 - le rid lied France, h ,'.1. Atm In it. ..nine's. The ()tinnier, G0•ernment 4. n.. est. -rind with the eonduell.41 some of the exid•oi who have entered • sere*: they hags tint lnrwerd rash eah.ob- / ant pre'ersinne Ihai the rn.er,ment bas been enmprlkJ to all thein that if ivy were net set. Lied they might region. Heed P.che, the Gov - MOM of D.n.rees. h.. .tonal the (..tined. to be i.Atetof 00 • Pref an Iit.l--I who died In two hoer,.(vrwerd. from the •ledrae..,1 the pnnioh- menr Th. Prarisn M,. er of ('e•tsiannuople addressed • mote to th. Porte dcman;lint, repsra• tint, sed it free in Per seri , here drew led that w 'edern.'Iy "kelt be given to the (mini!! of the 4.eeseeel. sod that the condom, nt the ..td Peel* OWE be sehpeTed to fie i.gmry. That loeetten- sr, has, since the erste. sone ow . pt.fimap to Meeoa, seeonpa.ied by his hiaya r l,eeteoen', wire ie seeewl i ukisg part in the 0840101.04- 1 is thought probable that the Port, will pa. edeeetege of lib ■b.enee to supersede him its the gev.nmenl of D.mseten.. The Tarhiets 4..t has ant re, returned mean .asriesele Mt remains at a,ehnr at the meats of the Dmraaell••• SALSA FIA. The Obe.remura Delegate getter, the, on the 1114 oft the Ree.ke.r Omer P.•hs wit SI Pe, dem wheoes, ha uteadid to mare\ spa. Nur, M. tales with 1,0001ofeetry, 1.490 pav4My, ad a 49 int r•.t^.rw O.waee wf� teemms to Dahlia' .dt ever *wade • kpahtrve kereaueree-Neiwithslsadlog the appease\ Of ,.inter the mode 01 emleraiou •esus to Ile.. 0o uuilit-rared!, Th. T,Pp.rory Fres Prom . tutee lire' .4 Cute, Isdes wiiii emigraota, pos.- .d through (100. el 1n ae eight donee the week. On nobly. 70 of dm better elites i far- mer,, fr.o.,1.ees/tick.odClare, left lir Liver- pool, where they are to take "hippie( fen Amen - ea. The brig Amiss lett Dewey. ea Fedy. fey New Y..1*. woe 931 pre•sellr e.egtertot'h es - me. sad .mall madam •d a..iMr mewl. the Him. is to sail from ibm port seat week, with . bout the same number w paarogrs. THE DIFFICULTIES IN HESSECASSEL. All its veld, appowed miaisters are ftro44 adheres,' to the coouitatioe, •ad the popular vote. Is said to be greatly ie their fame The re,olalioaary k.heg leve to be i.crea•tnt. up- ward' of two hundred officers halm reaped their e.mmir(ona is the army, which is now is e meet di.nrga.ised .tate. 18 b revelled that G„.,rel Hayne*, who, by prnel.mauq of the F::eetw, hu beta created commander-1.-MIMI of the arty toop,srs to promote rhe ow-eemmie officers to 1 a tis. 111174411 i1 d •sed c n he rite c commanded to remove •11 grade. who refuse to r•b•y h'ai Indere, and to consign tb.m to 11130/11 - (bate punishm..t. Aerordlne to lettere from Frankfort, it ie the inteatioe of the Elector of Ream Camel to Orli- 001e, in whish sae the Porte* of Camel will .uceted hint. in the last sitting ol the College of Princes at Bertin, M. de Redowits formally aneowneed that the Pierian g•,vernn..nt would not suffer th. Federal A•.-mhly at Frankfort to interfere by force. in Ile•• Cassel. and that ay attempt to do to wooed tie rea.i.d by Pruni•. Commi- tment upon divi•i00 on 'the whj-et .f (Reese Cs.sel, • miniieerial crisis has, taken place in ll.nover..nd H'u,e .rad th• premier has retired. -A reogre., of deputies of all the different committees established to raise fonds in rapport of The war of Sehlawig Ilolneie has he.n re- ported. Beyond the usual cer.moeme of an ad - drew to the nation, and the pawing .f some e'r,n1'reeolwtioo0, nothing was done. The de- puties did ant commence the subscription at once, hot contented themselves by urging others in do to they should, but cot as they did. The receipts -were til. Tux QUERN AT BALYO0AL.-Since her Majcaty'u anent of B-o-na-hourd, her two greatest and most inture.ting • excursions have been her vii( to Loch Munck: and the " Loch of Lochnagar."-.An e,celleot car- riage road hail recently been made from Balmoral over the hills to Loch Muick, a dertancc of from six to seven miles, and seting that the Queen and her royal cnn•. sort are disposed to pay numerous visits to ilia romantic spot, such a road must be a very great coavonience.-Loch Muick lies is the bottom of a large oblong hollow, the steep green sides of which are formed by the hulls of Glenmuick oa the one aide and a shoulder of Lnebaager on the other, and the heantlfully curved outline of thi• in,menee basin is only broken by a few nor-,', row, dark defiles , through which the vari- ous mountain streams "braille" eking, with that peculiar clear murmnr we only find to the highland burn that treads a lone- ly glen. After sailing %boat fora number of hours in her elegant open boat upon this delightful lake, her M.)e.ty and Prince Albert, accompanied only by two or three highlanders, retired for the night, to the 'curious though comfortable thatched but, built for their convenience almost close to ire shnre. Neat morning, at an early hone they rclreced their nt.p. to Balmoral, eve. densly highly delighted with their some- what romantic ezenreim1. In visiting the o inch of LoehnaEar," her Majesty ascen- ded by Glengelder, the beim of which flows directly from the !orb, and after a steep climb of a couple of miles, (after letting the earns?es), reached the base of tbn "rock., of Inch eager ;" the loch of which le 'limply s .mall hiihlend tars, almost Cor. pletely.serreueNed hy these immense yawn- ing Precipices which rise perpendicularly to the Writhe of 1200 and so entirely over. hang the small tarn on then. .idea a• toap pear every moment reedy to anniailate it ter ever. Altogether the " L'•eb of,Loc!t nage" is 1 scene of terrific grandeur, and (a well known to the numerous tourist.• that visit the famed' meaatain. Os Saturday last the Q'tee• west over to" Auld weever A edersee'.w-abut a mile and • half above Balmoral, on the opposite nide of the Dee, to see tartan weaving. and the mart of loom upon whish old highlander weave the clan tartan of their phllabegn-an implement upon which a hundred and fifty years are reported to have made lint comparatively [Idle •IteratIoe 0r improvement. After staying a considerable time examining the °workshen, and seeing the process- of weav- ing, her MAje.ty took her departure, and when bidding the " auld w " good bye, and left him an order for a tartan plaid. T118 PEEL STATUES AND SCULPTORS. - We believe that, then is now no doubt that G. been is to execute the statue voted by :be House of Commons to the memory of the lato Sir Rotten Peel, and which is to be placed to Wentminutr Abbey. Of course this statue will he ehietelled at Rome, where Gibson has resided for some yearn post. The llanche.ter statue is not yet given to any sculptor, notwithstanding the reports cirealsled in some London jour- nals, The .9tb.naam states the it is open to a limited competition. At prement we say nothing. The Halford •latae is open le unlimited competition -a proceeding wh'ch we know to have deterred more than one sculptor of eminence from coming for- ward there. The Birmingham at0t,n ham been given to Mr. Hollins, whose studio is at pre.enl in Birmingham. The same u- lt.! is 4400 retorted to (weigh 4 Piste° of tee dn•-....•.1 mtateaman ml i,ichfield, which iso• hel,ove i. to lie of the bine 8iclllian mar blit'. At Bore, IL,ltnn, and other place* in Lancashire, tear, i( say. amps have net yet hero taken to make choice of a sculptor.- Srvtral of the most celebrated artiste have been engaged in modelling .ingle meteor and groups for the Peel monuments to be erected in tertnu5 pl•cni thro tghont thn country -amongst ethers, Mr. Behan.,, who Imo Modelled an exgntaite little mingle .,'tun is me restore, Mr. Calder M.nhall hoe ales felted* Ales. ng statue of 8tr Robert Peel, enveloped in • cloak -a onrt of m.i liim betweM the tralent clas- sical and them ern 'melanoma' costume, At the Ira's of the pedoelMi ate two .11.. genet' ffger00 representing agriculture and eomm.ree. This little (t Bore a may be peen at Mr Greedy's Errhangr Street. it leerily a emelt model for the remittal troupe,' and reset: this status ha. nn (ea tors*, and it le only 000001 a rive en idea er lira general form and arrsegeeieat.- .MattekespK Oaaevkow, '111111111111 1.8 0 1 C l?. iAEA te tatlmate to the iehebu•.0 of the Tuwashlpe of Dederick, Stanley sod Col - horn., that osier a power of Murree" from the BARON DE TUTI.E, dated the 45ih April, 1849, 1 am authorised to dispose of his LANDS in tbeee Tow•ship., sed to gnat Tide Deed for the rue-eadaiee to collect all Move• dee him. ...d to great Dia.hargee ter the seem.- and I hereby requiem •jl perilous tedebud to lige said Moron ds Tuyle, forthwith to settle .p thou res- pective debt.. THOS. MERCER JONES Goderieb, 8th May, 1850. 3e'-sl5i( NOTICE. IBEG to taomate te •11 that it may 0000era, that 1 have trader a power ofAttoreey gnat• ,•d to WILLIAM STORY, authorized him to 1.01041 all moneys due me either by Note of hand et otherwise, end grant discharges for the game. And 1 hereby request all persona indebted to m. forthwith to settle the same sod wave 00111. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, 25th day May, 9414. v3s17 NOTICE. r Tf1E Submmriberbasiog been appointed Ageot for the PROVINCIAL. MUTUAI, ANI) GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. here- by intimates, that he 4• prepared to receive Sub- scriptioe• far Stock in the Proprietary Branch. end applications for insurance. in the Mutual Breech, and to give such information oa the subject as may be required. JOHN CLARK. Goderich, 96th Sept. 1849. 2v-n34t. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ,ri1F 8nhecribcr begs (nave to inform the a inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighboring Districts. that he ban E.it.ablished himself in Stratford. and 1• pr.pard to rive Plan. end Specifica- tions of l'ubhe er Private Butldingo, Bridg- er, M111 Dame. Lc. Lite. ke., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. His thorough knowledge of his profeunion and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for 0011 undertaking in the Hee. Addrn.n post paid, .PETER FERGUSON, Badder, kc. ke. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, Mareh 6th, 1849. 2e'-n7tf NOTICE. -The ondersigeed by power of Auorney.dated the 27th day of May, 1050, given him by Tbomas B. Woodliff, to colteet all nnt.*andinq debt.• due the late Firm of Mils and Woodlifi: and himself personally -request 80 immediate settlement of the same or they will be given to the Clerk of the Division Const for collection. BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, Jen. 12th. 1850. v3a19 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! rriiF: subscriber oWTers for t3ALK kali GRiST and SAW MILL. situated is the Towudup of McGillivray, on the Big Settle, wanton three 'miles of Flanagan'', Corner. The M1lle renew is operattol,and newly built. The Privilege is the bent on the River, and situated in the best Town - Otto ;n the County of Huron -well settled, and It,e to opened in all directions to favour it. The !lfaehloery and materials ere 0f the nor •eat 1104ltlp, end put up by the ve- ry best Machinist.. For Particulars to- ilette of James Crumble, Earl., Galt, or ap- ply to the .ubecriher. PATRICK'FLANAGAN. Proprietor. McGillivray, 15th January, 1850. •2v30if JThe Galt Reporter will invert the rale•e until forbid. FARMER'S UOTEi.,-MITCHELL. FRANCIS FISHLEIOiI heg* to ieferm lir friends. width. public g ray, that he hes est•!di•hed himself to Ili• above Village; sad beim by strict mueslis* to the comfort .oil e01- renience of Traveller', to men • .hare of their p.tr0o.ge. Goat Stabling and an attesati1e Groom is attendance.• Mitebelt. M.y 15th, 1850. 3v -s15 NOTICE:. TID VILLAGk1 OP CLINTON. AN eusellsaet opening kr • good Wa goo maker will at present be (used in the ruing v.1Inge of Clinton, situated at the Juoctiu0 of the roads Mediae from Hwmilto. aa3 1.0041o0 to Godes lath, and being twelve fullest dl.tant from the latter. This 0.11a4e is surrounded by il.e most prosperous set tleinent is the. Huron Tract, and already promises to become a place of some input WAS. Then are now several indwell/en In u, and a good wurhman in the shove lice will'mutedly meet with liberal en- courag. went. For wither particulars, apt•lieation may be made to Barclay I .via, Blacksmith Con lou who will cheerfully give ust.10101 10 the person wishing to commence wagon making au the above named village. Chalon, 23rdOcl., 1850. v$F-838 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. Tb sureteriber havers purchased the tater- est of Mr. C. J. Willies in the obey, E.- ta:,lishment, is about to continue the Bus. - nes on his own repponaibility. In returning thanks to the public fee the very liberal en- couragement received by Oto k WILSON, he begs tointimste that he willcoeetomly keep on hand an aesortment of.8aperinr CAeTInIP, consisting of C 0 0 6 1 N G. Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most Improved Mould., -MILT ROLLERS, Turning Lathes, 3mithie Rollers, rase. THRASHING MACHINES gal a superior description to any hitherto introduced, and better adapted to this coun- try from their lightness of draught, end strength of construction. A call from in- tending purchasers is requested before por- chasing elsewhere. Tho above will be sold at Low Rates for Cwt. or Trade, or at cor- responding rates on approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford, 20th Juor, 1860. 2,-820 TO BE SOLD. -An Excel- lent FARM, being LOT No. 12, MAIT- LAND C O N C ES S iON, Townithtp of Goderich, containing 100 acres -30 of which is cleared. Tbo tend to of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It is situated exact- ly nine miles from the town of Goderich on the Huron Road, and at the junction of six different roads, and .. It is to the centre of a populous and prosperous locality, it le ex• cellently Adapted for a Taveris steed or • Store. This farm is well entitled to the attention n( persons desirous of an eligible situation for hnsines., and will be Fold on very roawoablo term'. For particulars apply to D. H. LIZ.ARI, Land Agana. Goderich, June 20, 1850. £,-ullO WiNTER READiNG ! rft HE Montreal W..'kly Transcript, a Family Newopaper, dcvot„d to Hersh. ty, Pun Literature, Foreign end Domestic News, Agrieelters, Commerce, the Arte, 8ciettere, and Amnrnmont,-le puhhv!.1 every Timidity mernieg at the following taint :-Siegle copies for ten months 5..- Stegln copies per annum 6..; Clobs of sev- en ee'en iter annum 107; Club, of ten per annum $I4, (and a copy grater to the getter up of • el'tb of ten. )n aeco0at tithe low price of snbeenp• tto all letter, must be poet -peel; if not, th postage will 61 deducted from tee sum . brat. (tJ Snb.cription• dtseeretowel et the expiration of the time for which they hat. been paved. Subscribers will therefore bear Skis in mind. A11 letters to he addressee* to 0,e nodr- migsed Proprietor. •t his nee*, Hespltel-st. D. M'DONALD. • Montreal, 1st ()el. 11180• THE Sebecriber bego to inform the Inhabi taste of Goderich and its annl*p, *het be has re- ceived • Largo Simple of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X , AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for SALE et "err REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Subscriber mise keeps on heed, as usual, at hie OLD STAND,* LARGE .u4 very Su- perior naeortment of TIN WARE of every description. The entre-critter *eke. this opportunity of retar- ninghis sincere thanks to the Public for the very liberal patronage he has received .ince he has been In business in Goderich, and hopes by strict attention to Anglaise, and mnderrre pewee, to continue to receive a share of the public patronage N B.-(ORkININO.-PAINTING, GLA- ZING, PAPER and BF.LI. IIANGING rerried on as heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderich•, Gilt Sept. 1849. 2v -n31 tf TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ONE within 2 miles, and the other with - is about 3 miles of Goderich Tows Plot. The first is i.OT le in tat Coseee- Pinn, Township of Goderieb, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, is boun,:ed at the one esd by Lake Iluron. and at the other by a Publie'.'Road,-sad the second is 1.0T 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne, W.Division, Chi.ONTAINJNG 100 ACRES, and is staatoll at the Junction of, two Pub- lic Ros For PutieulirsapplyJ to JNO. YcDONALD, Ep. Goderieb, 121h June, 1849. n9 -1t CANADA. LiVE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Twit Reberiber bating been appointed Arent Oahe "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.,' is prerared to receive proposals for Au - ranee, and will be happy to afford .tweet' person the n information, as to ahe principles of the inetitntinn. JAMES WATSON• Goderich, 3th /one. 1R19. On Alf KINCARDINE ARMS. (Naar the Wharf Garrick) BY (I. MARLTOYY. THE above Hotel hail gond seemmdatio, for traveller., Stabling, ke., bit. The Packet Mary Ann will leave Gods - rich (wind & weather permitting.) regular - Iv twice a week for the Kincardhlo Settle- ment. Per freight .0r pa.eage apply t0 Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arms'. • Gmlerirh: March 25th. 1850. nri-v3 ?VIIPT Tea SLeI). MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS • N D PHCENIX BITTERS The ►t•h .M •a.i.d celebrity wince thew pr, -..kava /tediel.•it harm steamed One obeir iwr•riable ese.ey in .11 the Awa.,, which they prefer to ewe, ha n.dwrd The weal prude• of p0Sn5 Do..4* wwecerry, LW wow, thy of them. They we Loewe by thrix fruits ; their good week. may fee hes, zed they thrive ..e by the Lia er Ow waisted. =Tug 1M,,11C-.111L.. ULM AL A MCS of ASTHMA. ACUTE W CHRONIC RHEUSITUX APPECTION:c 04 Ow BLADDER end SIDNE r8. IILIOUI FIVERS k LIVER COMPLAIET'I.- b the south awl wet. More tame di•esw ttr .04. hay .gr be heed 4••twahle. /*seen. Sum..., W ahem .h. mm am Row Medias* wart♦ sem mewing** .05,10 *re IUJOUE CHOLIC, shed SEROUS L..ww, BILIS, oporrrr1NW. COLD* i C000111111. C0>L'C, asnovar1100. tow trim pis memo i. Wes diw•e. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPaIEL, 19TIMPRDSZ i. w. poem .0► UM iwwaing i tar, dowel deep arms teem am•wr b .rd4My r RRUPTIO.NH of w Rab, RP.IPAI Aa, rule LENer. 1►RVRR lewd AOtrs. bee We meow r eewn*v thew me4hA.us .11 be 11...1 a 1151, q.dp. seg serur. ,8..51. Orber wwli...Jesw iY meow ..leeerle niers d Ma dime•. -a rare ase Mee mediae* * p.r.amaL- TRY eaten. Ss SATmTTOD, AND K CURIO). FOULNESS r COMPLEXION. •1111inf&L » PIL2?��Z��) Or 1UT, GIDDINESS, ORA rtL, MCI D4C11U, e1nw5 ChM. INWARD FEr0R. INFLAMMATURr RRR0MA 77I1f. IMPURE $L000. JAUNDICE. LOSS er APP1. TIT& LIVaR OONrtAzig?1e LEPROSY, L00ewZBR M RRC V Rr AL DIaRASZS.r- Never *il ea eredeare .05.04, M IM ibis 0I' alswm. oia WWI. owner *hen Ow met pn.w511 weewsWe her Immo.ei` MONT ...EAT.. NRRFr)v. n*.Iurv. PIERrou$ COYPL4INI* d at Iatdb, ORGANIC Ar►ECTIONN, PAcr1TArION wag HEART. PAINTER'S GRIMM. P f L B 1. The mierw tingeneer 1 fibres .diemie wan moot of ►a•• at IS yore ...Alta M Ire e. d Pow td51 lee isiw el me. PA INE on the bud, wade, bre. Robe, paws .hA wows ws R M id IT RATIO M. Th.e. anneal web (W *web roes. win be era of .ref b, tis ug, 110140. RUSH eel •L0011) to eke MUD, 800*rr, 1ALTRRRUM, IWELLINO., SCROFULA. es ZINO'S avis., bib wenn !woe (IL C E R R, el/ e.nr deeeper . W 081934. den Lind.. am •a.r1wn11, .mdnrt M '5,•r M«Lrme /.thee err de anew Wwwwn thew, ware. over l5.0.1wtewr w •i...w.d. Reber e,le M eeo.s. turas, 1)i:. P. A. Mell()UGALL; • • CA N he committed all \nett' 1 Abe. - P• Goodi.A's, Frost -914„,, Gtderteh, opt. 730. 1848. til - I. LE II' I S, HA RR ISTBR, SOLICITOR, &a;1 June, 14444. OODFRiCII. r ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Conveyancer (ruLLZCTOR OFACCOC'NTE, tfe. 4.. GODERiCH. Ort. 1, 1949 4_443 JOHN S'I'RACHAN, BARR1tITER AND ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Solicitor in Chaecery, CMeeyaseer, NOTARY PUBLIC, Has his office ffi a in Weal Street, Goderlab Goderich, 2n4 January, 1850. 2t-849 DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oud Conveyancer, Solicitor in Gianeery (Pc., Ilse his office se formerly, l0 Stratford. Stratfntd, 2r4 Jo leafy, 1860. tr.-849 N. B. -11r. Strarhen, or the late firm e. Strachan k I.izara, continuer, to act se Agent and Cortnrnl for Mr. Liters In all matters referred to him from Stratford, WA'l'S( ►N & WII.I.IAMS, PIXIE W.9TSON of Coderick, BARkINTER AT I,AW, &c. &c. .tail GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Stregrerd, lama( the firm of Hector, Weller sad Wilhama, Barristers, &c.Torsals, levieg this day entered intoeo-panaer.i,ip, is the Practice, and Prof,,. ries rf LAW. CRuca.v zed C zea. will in future keep their Offices as (ededeb.s4 Stratford, respectively, under the same, style and firm of WATSON and Wite.tess. Diriit WATvo., Goderieb, Gunnar Wrt.L,An, Stratford, 24th 1)rcember. 1849. 2v-a471f it. %% 11,1.1 AMS, '& Co. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. And General Dealers in Grneeries, I.Iq.era, relate, Oda, Nanierhee, Dye Staffs, Hardware. etc.. S T R A T F O R D. Pre.eriptioos d,'peased with testae, and promptitude. 3r -s15. J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, W 'LL attend BALES in any part of the County on reasonable Term*. Ap- ply *this Residence, Light••House Serer t. Goderich, April 4411 1849. .. v_911 DANIEL G()RDON, OABINE'°T' MAKER: ♦o ore Eai ej ate C.s.ds Co's. Office, wEs•r-'PFR E F T, • OODERICIy. f►npet 1114*, 1849.. 2v -n30 R. YOUNG, BOOT and SHOE Maker, one doer Wert of Mr. George Videao'a, Blacksmith, Frost street; Goderieb. AprC 26th, 1(430. van 3 JOHN J. E. LINTON, 'NOT A a T ria 1.10, G)mmiissioltcr Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATF'ORD. 'DAVID H. LJZAR8, {RTIRHF9 to intimate to the iahsbitesb o Y Goderieh zed the surrounding- comity!, that he her enmmeoced business a Coneyaneer, General Agent wad Aceom.tsnt, and by aid.- elm attention, seemrsey, and moderate charges, hopes to be useful to sae+ se may require his services. Those wishing to employ him in any of the above branches well please call at the Registry irmae, Lightboaee street, God.tich, lath March, 18511. v3 -n6 •Dn. -JOHN Ill DE, TUB LIFE PILO,. ANN PBStRIX 1111'ri:,t PURIFY 'THE 81000. And throe remove all disease from the.ynem, A oink Irbil will pleas the 1 1 1 1 PILLS • PMff IX BITTER: heymdrheness.r... tNhtr la M• .011,0)1.5 eery pollee! Tire ,ve.lne Olinger roar ere e . pet rap in ✓ e4em •wad LOMMee .f0 • feriae, we "Pio Goad a. 4sa ••eeahlopbdrow t•., a)s , tiM1..iavrbg•1e•deey free. .11 weer me. (0e.. try .501• weeps. ,4.40(0( IM • ii>l M n ..,y ....11y Md w. '*0. ppers sod 00alrMu. tea •.pyvljMM� **rime these mbe pewee the. .40a veepOn be •werad that 51�syf •n peewee •4 bar sense rite Meow *wpm; bel M lse b., be msairl Wei they awe X44800001, ahee es, ea dobe week hos. m•AAr••1lefs eschew *est. Heir Ywb,' r•. Ors. by BENJ. tAIEI,ONA, Haft igest. Goderich, Jan. 211, 1848. ��y({{ p.mp.mPROW ttrVJIO. tttt I111C1��Vt ID II W Lia 1171&11a� Jcl 31, 184 STRATFORD. y 9. •-a26 Wat. REED, HO CSE AND SIGN PAINTER. etc., Li(:1IT-HOUSE 8T. OODERICH. not. 23, 1849. 40.38 TO LET, TIiAT two 'miry Frame Dwelling Reese tritely occupied by Julie* Aelesld, and im- mediately oppneile his present reatde.ee. For terms and farther particulars imply to En\ 8t. Goderich, MayAi.43,X. ]'130. M. ROBS, Nev3a16*f DAViD H. LIZARA, A UCTIONEER. IS preesr.d to attend Sales in any pert of the United Counties on the meet reason- able terms. Apply at the Reg..try Office. Lighthouse "treat, Goderich, April 11, 1850. v3 -n 0 NOTICE. THE S"bieriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF heloog. ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this place hag e0rabliehed himself air a IOIWARDRa 41100 COMMere10N $E.CnA1r?. Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Goderieb, will receive prow* attention. JOHN M•EN All, Windsor, March, 1849, .Ib-7stf HURON HOTEL. OODER1CH, BY JAMES GENTLES Goderleh, Sept. 14. 1450. v84ep. STOKES, ihcmia a n b iDrn aiat, WEST -STREET, GODtk]Cfl. July 1850. 20•41 L. THE OLD BAKERY. Li NEWMAN, DREAD, CAt1 Csit•'s' and Pa.tay Rasta, fret dem et II rhe Coesda Comp.ey'. Oa" ' WhM-ddert, 044e- rwh. Oodtrriek. 8eptrs,ber 84i N---Mi292,..0 WASHINi�lb.'. 1 ,,,• sea.. er Farmers' Mutual In(aksamse i:,' CAla1'I'AL 91,000,000. r1 ZRA HOPKT A'bs Afoot for LA the Contain of / Flgnare August IT, 1850. 4�'�'�� JON Prl1NT11M 1.. S sed sfibie 1lperwbey Ili,