HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-14, Page 15.i 4 IJ It Oas:hwo..oc1 and Tattoo Wed., August 2Q ENJOY THC MUSIC OF GOOD. EAND5 Reception, crd nonce friday, August 15. MR. & MRS, KEN FISCHER LUCAN Community Centre Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Aldon Theatre Grand Bend FRIDAY & SATURDAY August 15 and 16 "OKLAHOMA" ' (Color) * Gordon MacCrea * Shirley Jones MON., TUES, & WED. August 18, 19 and 20 "SIERRA BARON" (Color) * Brian Keith * Rita Gam * Steve Brodie THURS., FRI. & SAT. August 21, 22 and 23 "A CERTAIN FEELING" (Color) * Rossano Brazzi * Joan Fontaine Town. Topics Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Mcfostle, North Carolina were visitors with Mrs. Charles Harris on Monday,. Miss Bessie Taylor, Nelson St., spent Sunday in Landon with Mrs, Alex Reeder and visited with Mrs. (Coster Taylor who is convalescing after a serious operation. Down. To Earth —Continued from Page 111 mission. Most farmers and other dwellers along the roads give permission for ocld hushes and trees to by cleared once the flan• ger is pointed out to then, but now it seems we have to think a little further, Apparently the crops we plant are now a dangertoo. but none of us have given it a thought --- township officials or owners of the land or motorists. Not that • anyone was actually to blame in this accident -- it just hap- pened, .But all .of as who grow crops of grain, sorghum, corn, etc., that grows to a height of eye level or above should stop to think a little, either when planting or later when the fruit of aur labours are getting to the danger stage, On most farms there is prob- ably only one corner to worry about and that could be fixed by slashing with a scythe for say one car length across the corner. Some of you might say that was wasting good grain or corn, but would it' Everyone of us has some animal that the green stuff could he fed to, and who would appreciate it probably. We would all have as hear an accident -free career as we could make it, a sense of doing all we could to help our neighbours and our- selves, and fine less injured per- son in hospital, one less family weighed down with fear, and one more car still in good condition instead of being ready for the k heap. lea t• While we are putting the cor- ner farm in order we can corner our laneways too and in that way give ourselves the benefitat the same time. We are always hearing on the .radio and TV, ways and means to avoid accidents; maybe we ran look around and find new ways of helping out ourselves. It would be a lot easier to do that than sympathize with the family which has been involved in an accident. While the farmers are doing their bit maybe the townspeople • could look at_their corner gar- dens too. A lot of them have high hushes and useless green- ery studding corners which would look lovelier • to pedestrians, motorists and themselves if planted to low flowerbecls. or a low corner wall if they wished more privacy. ' Let's all do our bit to keep each other alive. D,I.H. ''0111111111t11111111111111111111It111t1Ig111111m1111111111111,g111111111111111t1ppt1111111111111111111p1111111u111u1111111111111a: Exeter Lions aper rive Wed, Au;ust 20 1;00 12,m, ROLLED AND BUNDLED PAPER • Please Put Your Paper Out Securely Tied '— THANK YOU EXETER LIONS CLUB 11111111111111ttiniti11111"tninhillinilt11111111111111111111IInti1111t111111Iuntitutit1111111111111111tti111111111t111111111t1114N Buy your 0. Western Fair Tickets NOW! Only Advance Sate llakel holders are ,eligible la draw on these free ears. Tickets must he In by 9:30 p,m. Saturday, Sept. 3, to he>.Ilglble for drew. Draw Will hs Made of 10:30 p.m. in trona or grandstand Tack Ticket admits t adult or 1 children i PONTIAO 1- lour door Siroto•Chiol . r AAMIILER - lour door deluxe sedan • METEOR Nioara 3116 RAPID HARVEST OF TURN1 P —T urnrp lifting, tradition- ally radatoi.ally one of the most back -breaking chores on the farm, goes .forward in a hurry on the farm of William Hill, at Willow Gr,ove. Using a new turnip -picking machine, bought this year, the turnip harvesters who started to work last week to lift the first instalment of the 1958 crop, can harvest at the rate of 500 bushels an hour. The machine plows the turnip out of the ground, shakes the loose earth from it, cuts off the top, and delivers the turnips by conveyor belt to a truck or wagon moving alongside the machine. The manon the machine is Russell Hill, 11,11. 4 Mitchell, father of the machine's owner, The Hill family this year has 93 acres.in turnips. Attend Achievement Day Calndeboye 4-11 Homemaking Girls (The Variety Girls) at- tended Achievement Day at Arva last Thursday, They included Marilyn Eaton, Janice MacTn- Cosh, Nancy Scott, Rosemary Hall and :Helen and Sharen Kestle. For completh:ig two projects, certificates were .received by Janice MacIntosh and Marilyn Eaton. Janice Macintosh also received a county honor pin for completing six projects. The girls took part in the skit "The Vegetable Plate" The hone economist, Miss Beverly Duncan, commented on the ex- hibits. Plan Road Work, The County of Middlesex plans to start work on the county road south from Clandeboye to No. 7 Highway. It is to be widened and have a black top road sur- face, Clandeboye Comments By MRS. .1. H. PATON Mrs. Bertha Carpenter Funeral services were held on Monday atfernoon, August 11, at 2 p.m., for Mrs, Bertha Car- .penter, widow of the late Ross Carpenter, at the lvlurdy funeral home, Lucan, with the Rev, Edgar Roulston, minister.. of Clandeboye and Lucan United Churches officiating. She was in her sixty-third year. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Bruce (Dorothy) Needham, Mrs. Maurice (Fern) Needham, of Ilderton; Mrs. Earl (Lorna) Whiteford, of R.R. 1 Clandeboye; one son, Clayton Carpenter, Thorndale; also three sisters, Mrs. Maud Springett, Mrs. Alice Carpenter, London, Mrs. Myrtle McGuffin, Arva; PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE NOTICE — Friday, August 15, 8 p,m, will be the closing exer- cises of our D.V.B.S. All are welcome. Sunday, August 17 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelisitc Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Heary Welcome To All as for Pie and my house we will serve the Lord." —Joshua 24:15 B Pastor: Evang. L. Winn•Butler CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9:45 a,in.—Morning Worship (Dutch) Mr. Bern. Zijlstra, Exeter. 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (English) Mr. Bern, Zijlstra, Exeter. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth ,0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11;30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter MAIN STREET The United Church Of Canada Minister': Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11:00 A.M. Union Service in. James Street Worship God Every Sunday ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K, L. Zdrn, Phone 65 EIGHTY-1`IF`rH ANNIVERSARY OF CONGREGATION 11:00 a.m,--Ttay. L. Higenell, St. Catharines 3:00 p.m.—Rev, W. Rathke, of 'Waterloo Ail' Welcome BAYFIELD' I3APTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bederthem 9:451 a:.rri.—bible School 11:00 a.M.—Mor:ring Service 7:30 p.trt.-Evening Service Guest speaker at both set, vices: Mr. Eric Cleve. Wed., i3 poi -- Bible Study and Prayer Service A Welcoiite To All ..... 1 .... IL41, .- .... ,-.....,_...� W , ., ,..,. x.1, « .:� ,.u.,.= :1,, a:;.r�::.aPL., THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 7:00 a.m.—Temple Time, Station CHML Hamilton. 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) "The Profit of Godliness" 3:30 p,nn.—Sunday School, All Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 10:00 a.m.--Morning Worship Guest Minister: The Rev, Geo. Lamont, of Mitchell. Nursery for children up to six years. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Kroft, Minister Mrs. Kin McCrae, Organist Sunday, August 17 10:00 a.m.—.."With Jesus itt the Country" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev, Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship "Making Haste in God's Way" 11:15 a.m,—Church School JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rav, H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrehere Wahl, A.W.C.M. ie:04 s,1rr.—Sttliday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Union servioes with Main St. Chuteh Sermon Subject: "What. We Believe Concerning Worahip" Solo: Mist. 'Clare Creep 1 A Went Welterht! Is Extencl±d To AlI two brothers, Milton Cooper, of London, and Fred. Cooper, Ilder- ton, and eight grandchildren. . Mrs. Carpenter was born in Thamesford. After her marriage to Ross Carpenter they farmed in London Township where he passed away 10 years ago. Seven years ago she came and made her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiteford, R.R. 1 Clande- boye, Following an illness of three years at home and two weeks in South Huron Hospital, then two weeks in Victoria Hospital, she died Saturday, August 9, Interment took place in Mt. Pleasant cemetery, London, with six nephews acting as pallbear- ers, Grant Carpenter, M. Car- penter, Ray Springett, Bert Springett, Vic Springett and Ed- ward Cooper, all of London. St. James' Church At St. James' Church the ser- vice on. Sunday was taken by Mr, Wellesley Westwood, Lon- don. The rector, the Rev. J. P. Prost, will return from holidays and take the service next Sun- day with the service of Holy Communion at 11 a.m. Clandeboye United Church At the Clandeboye United Church the minister, the Rev. Edgar Roulston, returned from holidays and conducted the ser- vice on Sunday morning at 3,45 a.m. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer of Petrolia spent the weekend with the latter's family, Mrs. Emily Tomes. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Carter were Mrs. Aubrey Martin, Bob and. Brad Martin and Mrs. Dick Wyatt, all of Lon- don, on Thursday; on Sunday, Mrs, Prout, Mrs. Jessie Sinip- son, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Car- ter, all of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walden, of Chatham, who returned from a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. John Hew▪ itt are entertaining their two grandsons, Jack and Joe Hewitt, of Oak- ville. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins visited her mother, Mrs. William Mor- ley Sr., of Whalen, who is a pa- tient ,in St. Joseph's Hospital, where she had an appendix operation on Saturday. She also visited Mrs. Emerson Paton, of Kirkton, a patient too, en Tues- day. Mr. and lvtrs. Alex O'Neil of Aylmer spentseveral days last week , with Mr, and Mrs. Karl O'Neil and other relatives and friends in this community Little ilii5s Laurel l4odgln, daughter of Mr. .and. Mrs.Btner- son Ilodgins, of London, is visit -1 ing her cousins, Laura and Pat- ricia Hodgins, this week. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna Jane Logan, Thorn - dale visited on Sunday evening: with the Paton 'family. On Sunday, August 3, Mr. and: Mrs. Arthur Hodgins held a rant -1 picnic at their home. Guests, were Ivir, and Mrs. William Mor- ley Sr., Mr. and Mrs, William Morley Jr,, Mr, and Mrs, W. French and family, of Whalen,' Mr. and Mr's. Howard Morley,1 Hazel Park, Mich., and Mr. and:' Mrs. Russell Break and .David" Mrs.Chiseltiurst. Mrs. `Tl.uperf' Williams, con- venor of historical Research for the Ctalidehoye Women's lOatit. WC, 'Wooded the workshop nreet- , ing at Beechwood recently, when' the guest convener, Mrs. Polled Walker, of St. George, .front the I Convention Area, iaid' plans for; each branch to work tot' a more: contulete history ot their corn- rriunities, Miss Cerra r tkinsort refuPnnd i. hirnre tilt Sunday with Mr anti t' Mrs, Charlie David after spend -1 flit a Wiek with her sister, Mrs.; lylrri, alid iltf e Ylynn, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. David Kestle spent a few days with the for- mer's sisters in Detroit and Windsor. Misses Mary Jane Hall and Rosemary Hall have returned from visiting relatives in Detroit for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Don McFarlane, Gary and Bruce have returned 1 from holidays spent with the former's sister in Vermont, U.S. Little Miss Heather David of London is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flynn. Misses Sharen Kestle and Jeanette Blake have taken posi- tions at Grand Bend. Kestle's Apiary in the village reports a fair honey crop, which is a good sample. "She told you I was a musi- t ciao!"' t "Well, she said you were al- ways blowing your own horn."' • Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING Every Wednesday Friday - Saturday LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Some say this is the hest orchestra ever to play at "The Bend", Have you heard them— Really Sweet! Plan a party and dance in a ballroom where nice people meet. i,u rust 14, 144 Paw 1 Town Topes Mr. and Mrs. John Bost>ell .of ll'ort hope, Mr- and Mrs, Allan 13amsey, Brantford,and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matthews of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns. Mr. Don Welsh, Kitchener. :and Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Roberts, London, have returned after a two week motor trip ,to St, Petersburg, Florida where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hurst, nee Fern Welsh. Mrs. Elizabeth. Batten accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. W, .A. Burns and Helen, of London on a trip- along the St. Lawrence Seaway this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Stone are holidaying in Muskoka. DANCING Bluewater Danceland EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 1i Mlles North of Grand Bend Dancing 10 p.m, to 1:30 a.m. PESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n Roll Square Dancing Admission 750 Lyric Th ea tre THURS., FRI. & SAT. August 14, 15 and 16 Walt Disney's "PETER PAN" Bring the family and enjoy an evening of fine entertainment. Matinee Saturday at 2 P.M. MON., TUES, & WED, August 18, 19 and 20 "THE SHIRALEE" * Peter Finch * Elizabeth Zellers Cartoon Travelogue COMING -- "RAiNTREE COUNTRY" • Elizabeth Taylor * Montgomery Cliff 111111111111,1111111,1111111111111111tt1111111111111111I 11111111111 Brownie Clinton THURS., MON., TUEE..& W P., " August 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 2.0 "THE .BRIDGE QN THE RIVER 'MAI" (Colour, Cineniascope) * William ,Holden. * Alec Guiness * stack lia.wkini Advan,:e Price ......... $140 4hildron, under 1Zin cars, .Fr+ S Starlite Drive -I nThelatr, 8,5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road 5 Mites East of Grand Bend THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 14 and 15 "JOE BUTTERFLY" * Audie Murphy * George Nader SATURDAY & MONDAY August 16 and 16 "SAD SACK" * Jerry Lewis * Phyllis Kirk TUESDAY 81 WEDNESDAY August 19 and 20 "THE 7TH CAVALRY" * Randolph Scott * Barbara Hale TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY -- Coming --• "PETER PAN" "TAMMY AND THE BACHELOR" "TEACHER'S PET" 1111111111011111111111111111n1111111111111, 1111111111111111111111111 Band • Tattoo Friday, August 15 St, Marys, Ont, FEATURING: WOODSTOCIC IMPERIAL TRUMPET BAND DANCE AFTER TATTOO Hamilton "Main Streeters" Orchestra FEATURING JACK KINGSTON Star of Radio, TV and Records 1111181111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 11111111111111011111111110111111101111101111111114 nwpwastaiwartariftiratosme BE SURE TO ATTEND Goderich Trade Fair Sponsored By The Kinsmen Club Of Gaclerich 4.- B.IG £AYS 4 August 20 - .21 a 22 - 23 Official Opening Wednesday, August 20 h'7 p.rne CHILDREN'S PARADE -- BANDS FUN FOR EYERYONE • .MONSTER MIDWAY RIDES GAMES OF SKILL --- BINGO 0 DRAW FOR $100 A MONTH FOR 1 Sat. Night August 23 Variety Show $00 p.m, Piro Works Display M SiDE SHOWS 1 YEAR Entortainrnent lrl Arenas. Thur, And Eri" Nights SEE THE EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS AT GObERICH ARENA AND AORItUL"TURAL PARK 1 0