HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-14, Page 14Pao*, 14 The Thnes•Mvocate, A.ygust i•4 195
Persona 1 items.
WS. Cecil Robb has returned'
home after undergoing surgery
At St. J'oseplCs Hospital', London.
Air. and Mrs. Ira Carling .and'
family spent the holiday weekend!
in Kincardine, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Walpole.
Airs. Wes Atkinson last Saltur-.
day evening .attended a shower •
held at 'the home of her sister,
Airs. Lorna laholdme ot London,
in honor of Miss 'Patricia Me-.
Lean whose marriage to Mr.'
Fred Dobbs will take place Aug.!
„V in Toronto.
Happenings In
ns ard
Miss Joan Hodgins. of Granton.
spent Friday with Miss Linda
Alias Ann Parkinson returned
home after spending the past
week with her cousin, Tomins
Parkinson, of Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Wallace
.and Douglas. .of Toronto. spent
a few days last week with Mr.
And Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson.
Mr, and Mrs. George Nan re-
turned home alter spending the
past five weeks in the Western
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson
and family spent Sunday after-
noon at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mossey. el
Oshawa. spent Friday evening
evening with Mrs. ;Inn Massey.
Jimmy Mossey spent Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey.
.Mrs, Walter Jones. of .Glen-
dale, spent Tuesday with Mrs.
Cecil Mossey,
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
and family spent Sunday at Port
Bruce and Port Burwell.
Mrs. Lottie Jones, of Crediton,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. William Jones.
Mrs. Lottie Jones and Mr. and
Airs. Witham Jones and family
epent Sunday evening with Airs.
Alvada Hopkins, of Mitchell.
Carl and Edwin remained for a
few holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Art Bien and
Marie. of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Thom-
son and family. Cheryl returned
with them after spending the
week with Miss Anne Thomson.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thorns and
111r. and Airs. Herman Paynter.
of Kirkton. spent Sunday at
Teeswater, Kincard in e and
Barry Thomson is spending
this week with his cousin, John.
Bion. of St. Marys.
M. crab Watson has been pro-
moted to assistant manager of
the meat division of the A P
store at Cheapside and Adelaide
St. London.
in spite of a sign '"Closed Aug.
4,9" many inivanites rattled the
Mayfair Bake -shop door during
the week and in spite of the
heat had to go home and do
their own baking "One doesn't
i s the w te till the well goes
S a r
dry." But bakers as well as prrn.
tars need holidaa's
Mr. Keith Frost has secured a
position on a dairy farm. at
The m e sford.
Mrs. Cecil Armitage spent a
few days last week with her par-
ents Mr. and Airs. Levi Darlina
of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brownlee.
LI Bop'
And Disfrict News
correapen.dent: Miss :Una Alahott
Surprise Party
For "Speaker'
Last Tuesday night Mrs. John
McLean was invited to speak of
her work at the –Anne :Grafton
Gage Home for Elderly Cid-
zens" to her group of the W.M.S.
of the Visited Church
and Mrs. Wes Atkinson spent net was her surprise on en -
Sunday DI Brantford the guests tering 'the parlors to fird some
of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Woods. 60 friends and neighbours ga-
Mr. and Mrs. James Loft of thered to do her honor.
llderton were Sunday guests of Before going to Toronto to
, ; Fred 11 , 1 , work. after her husband s death,
an. and .
lis. la at Ina.
• !Mrs. McLean was a faithful
his hand while working and later worker in the 'United Church as
• blood -poisoning set in. He was . well as a ]eader of the "xi.,
able to take the Pentecostal; Mrs. Sheridan Revington pre -
service last Sunday hut still has sided for the evening's activity.
a sore arm. ' which began with a f sing -song,
e s al . . is.. -
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ache- , Lean gave an interesting talk on
eon who was involved in a car t • • Fld a • C"
• Clifford Acheson, 15 -year-old.
accident when the accelerator
Invent°. and an account of her
duties while there.
pital hut is making satisfactory Mrs. Harold Hodgins 'thanked
recovery. • McLean not only for her talk
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins but also for the years of service
have returned from a trip to
.Lo Liman United -Church and Lu. -
Richmond Hill where they wine
ean•eniumunita.• and asked her to
the guests "t Mr. and Mrs', A. •' accept the gifts presented by
F. Elson. On the way down they! Mrs. Earle Young, before she left
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Til'« for her new duties: an initiated
bury at Brampton.
After a week in St. Joseph's ‘a"l'k ese2cend bag, a travelling alarm
a powder blue banlon
Hospital Mrs. H. T. Bond arrived "`"-
sweater and a black hand -rade
home last Thursday. morocco purse-.
While Mr, Cecil Armitage was ; The members of the CCIT
stuck is still in Si. Joseph's HOF -
There are more than 700 pri-
mary textile mills in Canada,
spread across Canada's 10 prov-
inces, and until recent years the
industry was the largest single
source of employment in Canad-
ian manufacturing.
7e11111111111111411,141111110M11.1011 lllll IIIIIIIIi111111111111;
Phone 156 Grand Bend
./*". `;'!",'
I\ s •
When Uncle Sill and Aunt
Mary come to viait—or you
visit them—tell vs about it.
We like to report the social
activities of the folks in this
Phone 770
Or your local correspondent
on vacation he and his family presented her with a wallet to
visited Mr, and Mrs. Ken Thar :match the purse.
of Byron and Mr. and Mrs, Clar- A social hour was spent to-
• ence Rogers of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. George Chambers is able ; gether,
to be home after a week in St. Wrestling
• Marys' Memorial Hospital and Though the holiday midnight
Mrs. Chambers was on the sick ',lance was a flop yet there was
list at home. ! a good turn -out last Thursday
Mr. Calvin Baskett spent the evening at the Lucile Arena to
holiday weekend at the Jack sec the TV midgets wrestle.
Cummin's cottage near Parry A splendid attraction was the
• Sound bringing home Mrs. Has- so pound wrestling bear which
kett and the children who had • took on two leading heavy -weight
• been holidaying there for a wrestlers,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bardawili
and family who have been living
in Mrs. E. Etnerick's apartment
« have moved to Ailsa Craig.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
of Riverside are holidaying with
the latter's parents, Mr, and
Airs. Sheridan Revington.
Topics From
Mrs. Ben Rade of Kincardine, Mrs. Lloyd Webber is a patient
Airs. Angus Mackenzie and Mrs.
James Bawtenheimer of Sarnia
were recent guests of 'Airs. Baw-
tenbeimer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil Robb.
The Story In
Mr. and Mrs, James Earl spent
last week at Port Elgin.
Mrs. Ross Hern, Detroit, spent
the weekend at her home,
Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock
visited Sunday evening with
Mrs. Hector Taylor, Exeter.
Mrs. Tom Brock assisted at
Miss Kathryn Hunter's trousseau
tea on Friday.
Air. George Earl is spending
this month with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Hern.
LeRoy Hern and Graham Hern
spent Friday with Leslie Dyke -
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern
visited Friday with Mrs, Hector
Taylor, Exeter.
Billie Brock spent the weekend
with Air. and Mrs. Bert Morgan,
St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman
and boys were Saturday evening
visitors with Mr, and 'Mrs. Jud
Dykem a n
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques
and children visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques,
(Intended For Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller,
Elsie and Karl, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifton Jaques and Yvonne spent
Sunday at Hope Bay.
Mrs, Margaret Thwaites and
Dawn, of Toronto, and Mrs. C.
Jaques, of St, Marys, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Jaques. Dawn stayed to speed a
few holidays with Shirley Jaques.
Dalton Jaques spent Sunday
with his grandparents. Mr. and
Airs. Cecil Dobson, Kirkton.
Emily Dykeman had a birth-
day party on Tuesday afternoon, Buis, the dependable brand
and entertained four little girl name products advertised in The,
friends. Times -Advocate.
Locai Horses ,Mrs. S, Cooey
Stay On l
• • Top
Monday night at Toronto Wood-
bine Meadows* Arts Lady owned
by Hardy Bros. von a first, Paul-
ine Volo owned by Hardy
a second, Granola Express and I
Miss Legal Gratton owned by
Clarence Young, firsts.
On !Saturday night Howard
Roseeroft owned by Sheridan
Revington and Bud Gilmour set
a new Woodbine recorcl and mon.
the special invitation pace for
$2.500 in two minutes one and
ane -fifth. seconds,
Hodgins -Family •
Attends Reunion •
1 Spine 65 descendants ot the
!late Eli Hoagies attended the an-
nual Hodgins picnic' last Sunday
at Springbank. Guests were from
Toronto, Paris, London, Park-
hill, Deafield, Merton, Saints -
bury, Thorndale and Liman.
Airs. Chas. Grose of Lucan
and Airs, Bob Hodgins of Ilder-
ton,were sports conveners. Win-
ners in races were; 5 and under,
Karen Grose; 6 to 7, Sandra
' Hodgins; 10 to 12. Marion Hod-
gins; tAll participants received
h 1 b
Kicking the slipper, Mrs. Law-
rence Hodgins, Mr, William Ban-
, ulster; walking the string, Airs.
Austin Hodgins; balloon. race,
Mr. Lawrence Hodgins; drawing
a house, Mr. Vincent Hodgins;
youngest baby, Wayne Hodgins
Hour months; stocking race,
Airs. Vincent Hodgins;. peanut
bunt, Mrs. Oscar Hociams, pea-
nut scramble, Joan Hodgins.
The 3959 picnic will be held
at Poplar Hill, the third Sunday
in August with Mrs. Austin Hod-
gins and Mrs. Lawrence Hod-
gins of Lucan as sport conveners,
Ex -wardens Picnic
The sun shone brightly for the
picnic of the ex -wardens, their
wives and friends, which was
held at Chet Corbett farm last
Sunday with' a good attendance.
in Victoria • Hospital, London, Personal Items
where she underwent on opera- Mrs. Harold Cunningham and
tion last Thursday, two children spent a weekend
Monday visitors with Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bud-
- Thomas Bell were Mr, and Mrs. son,. •
Robert laveri and family, of Airs. Alm McLean who has
London, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew been working in Toronto is holt-
Houston, of Seaforth. Mr. and daying at her home here before
Alrs. •Fred Cole, of Exeter, taking up her new position of
'he grs a ten ng nee a ia assistant o ma ,
" 1 t di MI h deanf Al College
Camp near Goderich this week St. Thomas.
Joanne Miners, Lynn Otis, Mar -.1 Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Fletcher
a e
garet Johns, Frances and Anne : end
i of Richmond,. Quebec were week -
Johns, Shirley and Marilyn Johns guests of Mr, and Mrs. C.
C. Bradford and Miss A. A,
and Miss Sandra Waiters, of
Winchelsea. -- Howse of Granclhy, Quebec, is
• • Mr. and Airs. H. J. Wolfe, of spending two weeks with them.
Valley Miss Ilowse is a High School
re Miss s Frances Skinner
Stream' New York, left teacher and two of her pupils
early Tuesday morning for home are Campbell and Bryan „Cul -
after visiting the past week with bert, grandchildren of Mrs. My -
the latter's mother, Mrs. Thomas ran Culbert of Lucia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Miss Air. R. W. Westwood of Lon -
Ruth Skinner ad Mr. Laverne don was sthe guest speaker al
Skinner spent.the weekend with Ho y y churcs 3.
Mr. Elgin Skinner at Grand
Miss Janice Morley, of Whalen. Pigeons Cop
and Miss Brenda Skinner, spent
last week holiday with Miss Joan
Mrs. Delmer Skinner and Fran-
ces, Miss Joanne Miners attend-
ed the Mary Hastings Housewife
Picnic at Springbank Park on
Saturday afternoon.
Bibby Finkbeiner, of Shipka,
spent a few days with Edwin
.111r. and Airs. Reg Ford and
family, of Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ford visited on Saturday
with Mr, and Mrs. MelvilIe
Miss Carol Ano Bell spent the
weekend with Miss Shirley
Jaques, of Zion.
The August meeting of the
Elimville W.M.S. and Mission
Band will be held at the church
on Wednesday evening, August
20. There will be a practice at
the church for the Mission Band
members on Monday afternoon
at 2.30 in preparation for the
"W$2.35 4x24
O/1/J/ Less traci..ht allowance!.
by. 4G100110PitlEAR
A .4. «4, .4.A A * A
--s! !meliersiiiimeimeamemeemieenisiasii.at
ace Prizes
Native Of Lucan
Sirs. Samuel Cooey, 76, Lon-
don. passed away suddenly
Thursday, 'august 7 at Wiarton.
She lay at rest at the Need-
ham Memorial Chapel, London.
till 2 p.m. Saturday, interment
in Woodland .eemetery, London,
Aire. !Cooey, the former Ethel
Katherine Stewardson, was the
daughter of the late Air,and.
Mrs. John Stewardson of Water
St., Liman. She was born in Lu
van and spent the early years of
her life here. Except for rupees
and nephews her only survivor
is her husband.
Vacation 'School Meeting!
AVacation School meeting—
the last before school opening
on August 18—was held in the
tainted Church parlors last Mon-
day evening with a splendid at-
tendance. In the absence of the
Dean. the RCN. J. P. Prest and
the secretary, Airs. Murray Hod-
gins, the RCA'. Edgar Roulston
and Airs. Frank Hovey were in
Personal Items
Mrs, Ansley Neil of Exeter
spent a few days last week with
Al rs. Thome s Brooke , Other
guests included Mr. Grant Ford
of Byron on Wednesday, Mr,
John Pollard and daughter, Mrs.
Greta Hodgins of Exeter, on
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton
and family are holidaying at the
cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Strasser at Pori Franks and also
at Forest and Brusseis,
Miss Jean Coventry and Miss
Vera Hutchinson, Ingersoll, were
Thursday guests with Mrs, War-
ner McRoberts,
Dr. Ken Butting of Port Huron
was a recent visitor with his
brothers, Messrs. Don and Billie
Miss Nancy Watson is holi-
daying with her aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred: Dixon of
Dr. and Mrs, Walter Rice of
Stillwater. Oklahoma are visit-
ing Mrs: Rice's pother, Mrs. Dell
Sprowl and Dr. and Mrs. Edward
L. Blevens, who had been visit-
ing Mrs. Sprowl have returned to
Lucan pigeons participated ,,in
four races on July 25 and made
a splendid showing from the
In race one -500 miles from
Grand Mere, Quebec, open to all
Ontario—A. Arndt, of Kitchener
came first flying l358 yards per
minute; Clarence Hardy, seventh,
743 yds.; Frank Hardy, eighth.
722 yds.; Clarence Hardy, tenth,
668 yds.; Clarence Hardy twelfth,
620 yds.; Norman Hardy, thir-
teenth. 617 yds.; Frank Hardy,
fourteenth, 609 yds.
Race two -600 miles from Que-
bec—Clarence Hardy, fourth, 694
yds,, and fifth, 659 yds.
Race three -500 :miles from
Quebec, Forest City pigeon rare—
Clarence Hardy, second, 745 yds.;
Norman Hardy, third, 742 yds.;
Jack Hardy, fourth, 763 yds.:
Frank Hardy, fifth, 722 yds.;
Clarence Hardy, sixth, 668 yds,;
Clarence Hardy, eighth, 620 yds.;
Norman Hardy, ninth, 61/ yds,;
Frank Hardy, teeth, 609 yds.
Race four -600 miles from %:e.
bee, Forest City race—Clarence
Hardy, first, 694 yds, and second,
659 yds.
Race ODD had 59 birds 'from
25 lofts; race two, 19 from eight
lofts; race three, 48 from 10
lofts, and race four, 17 from
seven lofts.
Personal Iteti
Happenings In
Personal items
Mrs. William Naafis and fam-
ily of Richmond Hill are boll-
daaing with Mrs. Eillant's par-
ents. Air. and. Mrs. Gordon Ban -
Mr. and Airs. Lorne Mohr and
family spent last Sunday at
Hamilton, guests of Mr. and
Airs. (lens Roaniussen.
The Reales Organ Co. have in-
stalled a new organ in St. Paul's
Anglicaa church. at Lindsay.
Air. and Airs. Benny Saulnier
are holidaying at their cottage
alMi3isasYfilPilecsi sie Foreman or To-
ronto spent few days last week
with her sister, Mrs, Mitchell
Haskett and Mr. liaskett.
Airs. Bob Coleman has retun-
ed from spending a few days
with London and Port Stanley
Airs. Joe Leslie, Mrs. Evan
Hoagies and Airs. Ainctell Has-
kell were among the 2,300 who
,uart;t:ancyl,ed the lath Mary Hastings
picnic at Springbank last Sat-
MissMarilyn Brownlee is va-
canoeing at Archdeacon C. J.
Queen's cottage at Kincardine.
Air. and Airs. bob. Drennan
and family have returned home
after vacationing for a week at
Turkey 'Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy
Bob. Tom and Gordon spent the
holiday weekend at Penetang,
the guests or Mr. ' anti Airs.
George Leckie,
Mr. and Airs. Frank Anderson
of London spent last week with
Mr, and Airs. James Hodgins,
Mrs. Warner Me -Roberts at
tended the birthday celebration
of her sister, Mrs. Mac Lainond
of Cromarty, last Sunday.
Lueanites and former Lucan
the late Mrs. Samuel Cooey, the
former Ethel Katherine Steward -
son included Mrs. Edgar Me -
Falls and Airs. Jack Mundy of
Lucan, Mr. and Airs. Richard
De Coursey and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Lang De Coursey and fam
BY and Miss Helen De Coursey
of Dearborn, Air. and Mrs
Frank McGown and family o
Montreal, Mrs, K. McCown o
London, Mr. and Mrs. Ear
Bonwell and family of Windsor
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Rice o
Mr. and Mrs. IL Ritchie Sr.
Mr, and•Airs. H. Ritchie Jr, and
family of London were Sundaa
visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Calvin
t Mrs. J. IT. MurraY. Mrs. H. 13.
iLaugford. Miss C. Norman, Mrs.
:Harold Courses', Mrs. Edgar MC -
:Falls, Mrs. Warner McRoberts
t and Mrs. Dave Park .attended Perirenal _Hama
a .desert euchre at !the 110010 af ass. and Km Orville Dixon
• Mrs. Jack 'Murray in London last. spent Thursday .evening with
Thursday. Airs. McRoberts Itting• Mr. and um Fred Fenton,
ing home the aprize.
guests with Mr. .and
!Mrs. Harold Mau. and Mrs. Ross Utley and chit,"
After a two-week visit with
jiacll0! London, Mr. and .Alir
ek Arss:
i her at -int Mrs. I. D. Orme, Miss Ruth Watson, Mr, and Mrs. Len -
Dorothy Wildera .of St. Cath- nis Callfar, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
arines returned -home last Sat- Callfar and son of 'Kitchener
urday and Ales. Joe Orme of To- and Ms. and Mrs. 'Carl 'Prevent-
ronto arrived on Monday for a ick, Paul and. Terry of London.
: nsit with her sister-in-law.
• Ne
Air. and Mrs. Charles Cough- Aiis!ei,ldguests.GeenorgeAievrelitil
erw-1\011;•.and m%
alin are limy to announce the and Mrs. Robert Barr and Air.
birth of a daughter, Karen Anne, and Airs. John Campbell and
in St. Joseph's Hospital, August ,children of Toronto, attending
1—a sister far Cathy, .also the Mercernioulahan wed -
Miss Hattie liodgins and Airs. ding at Mount Carmel on !Sat-
Nkitairsti:riag7folll o!aGlatebilieds-' 111:!aduRaYd' ay guests with Mr. and
ed the Hodgins picnic at Spring- Mrs. George rarest were sir.
bank last Sunday.
Mr, :Charlie Has,,,ai 01 the and Mrs. Manson of Enthro and
; Post Office is on vacation.
Miss Kale Bowyer has return -
cd home from a 12 -day visit at
• Woodbridge and Si. Arms, Out.
She attended the MuQuoid-Garrod
Letter from
By MRS. !Cecil. 4‘L,WoOD
Airs. Marion Cunningham of
Air. and Airs. Cecil Ellwood
spent Saturday evening with Mr,
and Mrs, Will Haskett of Den-
• wedding on July 25 at Wood- field,„
bridge and remained over for Decoration and Memorial Sari'
Personal Items
Mr. John Pollard and daugh-
ter, Mrs. Greta Hodgins of Exe-
ter called on Mr. Ern Hicks and
Airs. Priscilla Mack on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Christie of
Edmonton accompanied by Mrs.
Bob Elston, St. Marys, were
visitors on Monday with Mr. and!
Mrs: Mervin Elston. Mr. and
Mrs. Christie are leaving by
plane on Thursday morning for
their home in Edmonton.
Misses Sandra and Brenda
Dickins of London are holiday-
ing with their cousins, Sheila.
and Wendy Elston,
Mrs. Jack Blair and girls
motored to Milan, Mich. and
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Blair's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. John Gray. Janet re-
mained for holidays.
Sunday visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Fischer and boys
and Mr. and Mrs, Ray Fischer
and Wayne all of London.
Bradley Gregus of Exeter spent
Sunday with his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek.
mr. Will Isaac formerly of
this neighborhood who has been
a patient in South Huron Hos-
pital was able to return to his
home in Lucan and is making
Mr. and Aire. Fred White and
family of Wilton Grove spent
Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Linda and Marilyn Smith are
spending a few holidays with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Esti Campbell, Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Atkinson
and Robert spent Sunday eve-
ning with Mr, and Airs, R. Heck,
, Visitors on Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs. Mervin Elston were
Mrs. Harvey Godbolt and Miss
Maxine Godboil, Mitchell, who
has returned hone from a motor
trip to the west toast visiting
with relatives.
Dr. T. A. Watson of Lucan
and Mr, William Walker of De-
troit have retailed front a fish-
ing trip to Key Barbour, where
they report the fishing was good.
Mrs, A. E. Reilly is back on
duty at the post office, after a
two week vacation at her tottage
at Plitt Bay and a week's visit
with her daughter, Aire. Earl
Heist and faintly at Ridgeville.
Mr, and Mrs. John Howe and
Jackie, Mr. and Mr. Carl Howe
all of rreiiton spent the holiday
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. 'A,
A, Simpson.
Bryan Sreith, Steve 'Davis, 'Da-
vid Goddard, PhiJip Lewis and
Kee Beady wet 10 days at the
Iluton Church Camp At hayfield.
Mrs. hose Atkinson attended
the funeral of her uncle Mr.
Walter 13thornfield le Parkhill
last TtlasdAy.
Th t "Twinatte Wady Shop”,
Kificardirie, operated by the
twins, Misses Sherry and Tel'ty
Walpole, who aped last year
With OW grandparents in Lu•
tali, is proving sueeessful, The
twins are pleased to have so
Many tf their Luean and onion
Wends, as customers,
week with the bride's parents, ice will be held at Ebenezer
' 511. and Airs. J, Garrott, before drealyn.etAert3:,guseton1c7essinoenv.4 RonouiSsutoni;
of Lucan will be guest speaker
and music will be furnished by
the junior band of Ailsa .Craig.
going on to St, Arms where she
« was the guest of Mr. and Airs.
Genrge Cooke.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Duplan are
• happy to announce the birth of
a son. Edward Gordon, at Vic -
Lorin Hospital, August 6—a broth-
er for 'Susan and John.
Mrs, Harry Noels of Spring-
' field spent a few days last week
with Airs. Will Plaskett.
Mr, and Airs. C. C. Bradford
and Miss A. A. Howse saw the
play Henry IV at Stratford last
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Kew
• , and family have returned from
'• a holiday to Rochester where
. they were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Rain)) Wood.
Miss Clara Norman of Kilmer-
1time, formerly of the Lucan
High School staff is visiting Mr.
and Mrs, H. B, Langford and
other Lucan friends.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilcox of
• Owen Sound spent a few days
• last week with Mr. Fred Armi-
iMorley,, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Miss Margaret Crombie and
friend of Toronto attended the
Mercer -Hottlahan wedding on -
Miss Mary Amos who. suffered
a stroke some time ago is lin*
Say you saw it in The Timea-
To -day
r Clearance
sis Tots Dresses — 3 to 6 Years
is Girls' And Boys' Bathing Suits
is Tots Playsuits & Sunsuits & Shorts
is Women's Bathing Suits
is Boys' And Girls' Summer Pyjamas
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Women's Summer Blouses
sis Halter Tops — Shorts — Bermudas
is Summer Gloves
+ Summer Handbags
sis Surnrner Jewellery
sis Women's Summer Pyjamas & Gowns
is Beach Towels
L can
ry Goods
They've added
employees—the plan designed to over the fidifference in rate
I to Ontario al Insurance
This man's employer is one of over eight thousand Ontario employers
who have selected semiprivate coverage through Blue Cross for their
, 4 new Blue Cross service effective Jamiary 1,
can be made lo cover both Mans.
between standard ward and semi.privale care for an unlimited number
of days.
Individua1s,. loo, on enrol for this completely
your Ontario -Hospital Insurance—one payment
15a, Add Blue Cross serni.private coverage to
give CroSS Pia ti to Hotpilol Core--
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