HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-14, Page 12Pipe 12 Tli Tunes -Advo o, Aelgus 4, S$ . 0 om* 0 1r0141.1110miu.Unuutun1ni11l0ulu1nnuulutnitto mortun tutolotullmeutt0U iumiettottituutu, zi {nfnffRe[WfPoWI. Built On A 'Good FOUNDATION A house is only as good as its foundation, the experts say. and we can assure you that the 11'III,- STAN MODEL HOME has a solid base that will last for generations. Our years of ex- perience and expert know-how went into the pouring of the foundation for this home. See The Milstan Model Home During The OPEN HOUSE SEE U$ FOR EXPERT CEMENT WORK Ted Stanlake PIioii 90•W AND SON Grand Bend ',4'Sin111111ni11111utut1tutuututtltu 11m tntnIntum111tmit1111ttitti 11111111 ultttututittutummtu11111/1111,, rty, mwelune !room 1111111mu tiumminu mulieu11tienowiliimmumlmut Holli ummel1111 z; See The Fashion Furniture IN THE KITCHEN AND ONE BEDROOM of the Milstan n Mode` Home Provided by Happy -Hockey Furniture For The Latest Fashion In Furniture, yes Hopper4lockey FURNITURE PHONE 99 EXETER ens turda r !lament .Reportlo�n .Parliament .Ba BaUPIayingfs Enjoy Fellowship , The last of the two-day supply • motion debates provided by the ' rules of Parliament was. finished' , last week. The opposition, who are responsible for choosing the wpGTSMN �wwaVwdi§]',i'. k'JR,ro .First nubile showing of a “model 1 home in Exeter lakes place this weekend and all next week. Milstan Construction will hold open ]rouse in tine of its new N.H.A.-approved, low down ;pay- ment hones on Victoria street, • west of Carling, mro.;l:t a=.e M.w nrr a 1 tflttIMUttttutl1011111l1uluantutuu.uu111MIlut1111IMU111111411t.Iliet1111111HI lUIBIUtlltllt“tlti111tilln F 2I ode' Wirt w • l R '' 'rhe home, completely furnished by local merchants, will be .open 1 for public inspection Saturday W'WSundaynd og anevenings during the �Y W, H. A. THOMAS legislation which was forecast in' Tlie secretary-general, In his the speech frons the throne. They .after-dinner speech, recounted are in a hurry to know what the :the activities of this organize - new policy will be end they tion since its inception during don't intend In let the govern-' World War n. It grew out of sebicict for debate, decided to Ment forget that the country is' several conferences of common- ' challenge the government leaf on the c to enl;e h A , nn leak" of a confidential economic ' review for 1938. I This is supposed to be a eon- fidential report which was pre - walling. ; wealUi pas lraitteniarians Gnat Judging from the debate, all. were called to provide a better parties agree that Canadaneeds understanding of the practices the CBC and that" the C13C will : andprocedures followed in the have to he heavily subsidized.' various parliaments. Such int• pared by the experts in the The majority feel, however, that prnved knowledge, it was be - Department of Trade and Com- a new regulatory authority is re-' lieved, would help to promote ineree for the guidance of the 'quirerl to regulate both the CI3C: better co-operation among the government in “taking up their and the private stations. At pros.: ;commonwealth euntries. These budget. ens the C13C not only competes • conferences later included repre- C'ertain newspapers published statements which they claimed were taken from such a doeu- ; ment. The government spokes • - : man refused to either confirm or deny that the newspaper reports were true. . Messrs. Pearson, F 1 e iii 1 n ;;. 'Martin, Fulton. Chevrier and. Diefenhaker, in the order named., took part in the debate. As an t oratorical contest it was a good } show and well worth hearing, but: 1� ! it did little or nothing to further the work of parliament. We are now on long hours. There are three sittings most days, for six days a week. Good progress was made last week and the "brass" still feels that we have a chance to finish the ses sion in August. Sports are not a major item . around parliament hill, but we do have an MP's ball team that is making a name for itself. There are, in parliament, a num- I ber of younger MP's, some of ': whom are experienced ball play- ' ers. A softball team was organ- ized and two games have been played so far. The first contest was between the MP team and the Protective Staff. The second game was Witii the parliamcn- tary newspaper reporters. in both games, the 31P's were easy winners. There i$ talk now of a game between the MP's and the RCMP. Slttetttltl UUHIM uut111tnet111110et111011MUUlt 111110ttnU1tlilltttitull“UMIHetlttttlretelettt1111tm11II111111th •{ Ituutfli ttutlnlltnn11110uelltH11nnlmm/tint1110/n1t111111/11H111n110,11MU nnllnnlllnuun1111metln 1 1 5 See The Beatty Won er atic Dryer ON DISPLAY IN THE Milstan Model Home DSS ANYTHING THAT'S WASHABLE • , .. at any temperature you wish. VAST 'BREEZE -WA? DRYING • • protects clothes excels the sun HANDIEST DRYER TO "USE • easier to put clothes in and take otit $Eg THE BEATTY CF±;OMATIt StAINL ,SS STEEL WASHER. AT THE MiLSTAN' MODEL HOME, TOOL FISHERS HARDWAR with the private stations in' sentatives of the U.S. Congress. • broadcasting. but regulates them I, Each participating parliament as well. This is considered not I had a local study group. There only unfair but unwise. The new I were six of these local branches legislation is awaited with inter-, in the 'beginning; there are now est sly all concerned. 168, including several in provin- The Conservatives and the Lib- • tial parliaments. erals ganged up against the eights After the war, with interest in CCF members last week to ex-; was the organise aiti tt c easing,ge 1t tend the hours of sitting teei council to co-ordinate the work. Friday night and all day Satur• , day.. 1t is !toped by this means i Thiswas accomplished at a meet- to finish the session by the middle ing in Ottawa in 1949 and a Cana - of August, than, Senator Roebuck, was Most of the CCF members live elected the first getier.al chair - so far froth Ottawa, that they man. The constitution calls for cannot get home on weekends. I a meeting of the association every Since they have to stay here any -C second year. how, it was thought they would' The various member countries be favorably to this extenslon ef.take turns acting as host, The the sittings but their attitude was last meeting was held in New completely hostile to ,it, They ' Delhi. India, in the autumn of staged a hot debate for most of 1957. and the next one will be in half a clay and forced a recorded' Australia in 1959. India last year vote, The result was 163 Con invited seven members of the servatives and Liberals voting federal parliament and six pro - for (he extended sittings and vincial members to their code - only the eight CCF members `renes. The host country pays all voting against It. Parliamentary Grdup expenses of the conference. The U.S. congressmen and ors are en:thirsiasla Our readers may be interested porters of the organization. Their in a brief resume of the history delegation. last year, made a and functions of the Contemn.' 36 -page report to congress in wealth Parliamentary Associa-; which the Commonwealth Par - tion. • Iliamentary Association was des - The secretary-general of this , eribed as one of the most con. - organization, Sir Howard ('Eg-jstructive and fruitful organiza.- ville of the United Kingdom, tions in the world today. spent the week of July 21 in On the local front these days, The team members and the Ottawa. The local Association ;the 864 question is how long the game officials are from all three composed of senators and mem-I session will Last. Most guesses parties in the House and include hers under the chairmanship of are for late August. There is lynchers. The cotnra.deship and tainted him at a buffet dinner in !bate and three 'private members' informality in the present pariia- the railway committee room be- Mondays left. This would make ment is striking. Maybe parlia• !ween afternoon and evening sit- five days in which. little or no ment has always been like that , rings on Thursday, July 24. The , progress could be made on gave i but. at present there is certainly i Speakers of the senate and the! ernment legislation,. or estimates. i a great deal of good fellowship `house of commons acted as joint t These days are set aside by the in spite of the seemingly hot and' chairmen. rules ofl.he house to provide pr.•i- sometimes bitter exchanges that take place in the chamber. The agricultural committee last week was assigned the task of examining the annual reports of the Canadian Wheat Board and of the Board of Grain Commis- sioners. The officials of both boards were brought in from their home offices at Winnipeg to present. their reports and to answer questions. Both reports were found satis- factory, and the wheat board report was very encouraging. According to latest reports. the crop prospects on the prairies are much unproved since early July. Areas where the crop was considered a total failure now expect to harvest some wheat. If exports continue as good for the next crop year as for the last crop year. the glut of grain ort the prairies may be cleared away to the extent that there niay be room enough in com.mcr- dial channels to permit. the re- moval of all surplus grain from western farms. New CBC Policy As pointed out in a previous report, the rules of parliament allow for six two-day debates ou motions to go into supply. Last week we had the fifth of these debates. There is one more left. These six debates collectively a .mounting of twelve days, are one of the three main opportuni- ties provided for private mem• hers of the government and opposit.ioit to express themselves, The other two of the big three opportunities are the throne speech debate and the budget debate. 11 is customary to hold each of these six debates on a Monday • and Tuesday, The technique is always the same. There is a government motion that the speaker do now leave the chair for the house to go into commit- tee of the whole to consider • supply. The leader of the oppo- sitibn.thelt moves an aniendinent providing for the house to con - 1 sides some other matter of national importance such as tin employnlent, northern develop • - nient, or something of the kind This constitutes a want of ccinfi- denee »lotion and if carried, it would cause the government to resign.. the CCF group niovcsi alt arnendnient to the amend, molt to show their lack of conal-, dente in both the other parties. The Amendment and the aittenddment to the amendlneot are debated for two days :or until the .Liberals anti the CCF run but of speakers, which very seldom happens. 'Voting takes place at the end of the second day. moth eneend3Aaenls are voted cdoWti and the motion to g'd Into supply is carried. The house .tarns. itself into 'a attpply committee for about two minutes, then changes hack into regular session for adjournment, This procedure may Seein silly • but it is one of the safeguards of the right of private members to raise _ their grievances• before voting money Cor government tad, Last: week the grievance raiser! WAS the :CAC. The Aopbsitidll complained that the government lies fined to bring I'ii the new cabinet ministers as well as back George Doucette, M.F'„ enter-; still a two-day supply motion de- following week. Although the'model home Is A Ilow-priced one, glisten points out it's not the only type that can he erected in the firm's sub• riivision.:Some 63 plans, approved by Central Mortgage and Mous- ing Corporation for erection un _ !.ler N,H.A., are available. These designs will be on display der- : ing the open ixouse. i Features of the three-bedroom, 35x34 model home include: Smart brick veneer with part siding at the front; A four -piece bathroom; Hot air fuel oil heating; Tintawn and tile :flooring; Built-in kitchen cupboards; Stainless steel sinks; Plaster on. inside walls; Fuel basement with laundry tubs. Furniture and appliances for the open house are being pro- vided by Dinney and Hopper - Hockey Furniture, Snelgrove's and Fisher. The borne alas already been purchased by Fd .Burke, man- ager of'the The Burkley restau- rant, who will occupy it after the open house. A similar honne, constructed to the east of the model home, has been purchased by Air. and Mr's. Elmer Gack- stetter, who moved in several weeka ago, Partners in glisten Construc- tion, Milt Keller. and Stan Whit- ing, report they already have a number of buyers .for whom. they will be erecting homes this win• ter. John Burke, representative of L. Cosby, London realtor, is the exclusive agent for the firm, Tradesmen who worked on the model home include Al Pearce, plasterer, Garf Thomson, elec- trician; Alf Andrus, plumbing and heating; Ted Stanlake and son, cement work; Bruce Dixon, excavation. Materials were supplied by Dashwood Planing Mills, whose pre -fit windows are featured; and Centralia Farmers Supply. For A Model Home Electric wiring and fixtures in the MILSTAN MODEL HOME meet N.H,A.. standards for safe,. ty and efficiency, We're proud to. have been chosen to do the job, See Ws An All Your Home Liphtin9 Or Electrical Noocls Garf Thornson PHONE 232,M EXETER 4qui111110M111111111111“11411111111111111,111111111111ut111,111111111111111t11111111111111ulllllllllluu.u,llnlllltlllllt teat!. a lmlllpmuttlimmuu11141tm11 Ittilltull1111111111tllelimslnllllllll W tn1111111111111nuuumulluunnU1PIU MON!' 94 /01 MAIN t,TktFf SC)tITf1 FXF1ta REVOLUTION IN POULTRY PROCESSING — One plant today processes as m'any chickens for the market, as did the whole Canadian broiler industry in 1949. The Sky - Line Farms, north of Toronto, have evolved a system whichis rapidly being copied in the U.S., whereby 25,000 birds a day are killed, cleaned, chilled and packaged for market. Time -saving occurs mostly in the chilling methods whereby the birds, on overhead shackles, as shown here, are carried into chilling tanks where agitators lower the temperatures of the chickens in less than 30 “minutes. With the great saving in time spent . on processing the birds has come an equivalent reduction in price on the store shelves. itIt1111W,,11u“llit0Mtuififith utlt Bltu1W11un“1'1011 W1011tii 0HOH“In MfliIlmnlitlial1 Ufffi ly_ Ornamental Iron enhances the beauty of the MiItan Model Home Enrich your, home with the :sculptu 'ed beauty of metal work those“ frau our latatty designs. • Vi>rni d h i3tid Moir ibiiiinot * W ou ht Iron t:anifi pasta * Aluminum Nott ehd Windbvtie 'FREE ES'tIMATES' Eckert's Metal Work Ph a l.oritlolti E 4404 tart,, salt, v%iiliirfitllI1111iiPimmt1tlulufft offs mtellntmti41mouoimoo trri'ir1' "0,mrn'rPr0."0 lil“t1iY7tY1A1i Excavating And Le,velIin� for the Milstan Model Home :ll_�1 • +:9^:l `—SLI by BRUCE DIX•N Expert Work PHONE 629-r-13 Reasonable Rates R.R, 3 PARKHIL.I. 6t11IIt11111uIi$!ttititi“t1111 nnttnnnuntilti ttt11111111t111e111111titI11t1111null,ll,tlltltltll“Iltln“,ntt11n11t1,IR. t n“ntnnttinnnitl tt“slitlunnlnitttlt“Itllttlullllett“n111motinutltutltu“ttmllu1111i111111t11eli,lltlllily vete members with an oppor- tunity to introduce matters of importance to their constituen- cies. It has been announeed that the government will “love to use these three private members' days for government business I and to begin on Friday, August 11, to sit mornings as well. as afternoons and evenings. It is expected that the standing coin -I niittees will have finished their work by then. The committee on agriculture has. been making a study of farm credit. An interdepartmen- tal eomn,ittee of experts has been set up to gather informa- tion both from Within Canada and from outside sources. In view of the changing conditions in our agricultural economy, im• portant amendments to our farm loan legislation could result. from this study, See The And The .DASHWOOD PRE -FIT WINDOWS installed in The Modern, N.H.A.-Approved MILSTAN LH ME We were also pleased to supply the PLASTERING MATERIAL, INSIDE DOORS and TRiM for the Model Horne. PHONE 90 DASHWQ00 9,11111111t111111tt▪ 1111111,,1“,,“I,,IIt11,1@ I, 1,,,11,1111411“Iltl“111,,1,1,,,,1,,,1111,,““111,,1,,,,,m,11,,11,,,1111111111,i; See '50 `Sheer Look' Appliances In The Milstan Model Hei'ne: Kitchen In Beautiful Colours Of Charcoal Grey And Sunny Yellow! DELUXE Y1THRIF`rY THIRTY” RANGE * FASHION -NEW IMPERIAL ItEFRIGEItATOIs, 30 Inclines of Sheer Cooking Magic plus Golden Anniversary Features! For the finest in refrigeration with out-of=this-world convenience Displayed. By: PHONE t4 s nelgrove� IT'S THE NEW SHEER LOOK , r , •I'LtJS! keep; you in style and in stop with the future! Ste Frigidaire --- I3uy Frigidaire ¥foUt Frit"idaire' botilei' It SCI T"gl';; V