HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-07, Page 16i,-AIPA4r077, Pa 1' 16 The Tioos.Advecate, August 7, 19S8 Centralia :Comments Dy MRS. FReo BOWPEN Personal Items Mr. Wm. NVond of Exeter spent last Timraday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. tieorne Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. linen Love au- eempanied .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Orel) to South Bend and Kohamo. Indiana. for a few holidays. :Miss Dorothy James 4,)f Toronto and .11Irs. Harold Willard ot Lon- don were luncheon guests of Mrs. 1. -Grit and visited with Mrs. Robert Dennis of Hollywood. California who is holidat Mg at the home of her parents. Mr. and'Airs. L. Wilson M. Exeter. Ali's. K. 114)+7:ma. Keela ath- erine., and Tony Aquitina furnish- ed the hand music at the Dirt. tion service in the Satem ceme- tery. Following the service Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and Nlariliay ted with. Mr. and Mrs. C. M Robert and Jean Laintnie sann a duet darliva the children'a Hour over CKNX Wineham on Saturday. iche nuisie pupils of Miss tireta Lammie, ilensall. were entertaining, Mr. and Mr'. H. Foley and family of Windsr who spent a few daye last tveek with Mrs. Sholdiee andfamilF are visit' ing with fernier s parents. - .Mr. and Mrs. F. Foley in Durk'''. Falls. Mr. Anon Shobiler An, emnranied them on the trip. rort Miss Beverley Smyth is boll-, daaing with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. IL Theander in London. Mr. and N/ra, Garfield Hatn! rink and fatally of Toronto were 'weekend visiwrA with Mr. and lira. William Haddock. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Smale of Strathrny were Sunday vi-i Over 150 Attend! • Pfaff.Oescil Feiv 'tors With Mr. and Mrs. L. 1,3. Mr. Andrew Ilichs observed a birthday on Monday and. on Sat- ' urday evening he and Mrs. Hicks \tem dinner guests at the horm-' of their .on, .Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hicks. Miss Bette Lou West is holi- d*ing with relatives M 'Grand Valley told Guelph. Hodgms will appear on the TV talent enut shoe over • ehannel 8. Wingham, on Monday tat -rant, August 11. pLiff rateatt menial pna Me was hilt on isaisulay at , erview Park. Exeter. ap_ pro'imately Ian a;te:t. k SPOrl 'acre taainaott ail ani eleetilAt t oilieera :vita lend with Bert Falter meant ;is neann dent for 1inan Itenn.-1! vice-president: Mrs. Tont hale, seeaticas Mitt- than, a Sam Oeseh, Bab Veil and Haxhard, sov,rts eop4rife,, mrs„ Gerald: Scliern. Nina. tln7aat Pfaff. and airs. Helen Paret, table eimuntuce. The filen Sunday in Anew!. ma., the date set tor in,. -ono !to be held at. Riverview Patin Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock. • Mr. George Baynham and Wayne; Bat tinain attended a family re (mon) at Lieury on Sunday. Warner MeRoberts of Ian can eailed un Mrs. E. Abbott un - sande!: et ening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson. tint! Mr. and Mrs. Win. Skelton f London were Monday et ening inators with Mr, and Mrs. L. llotinnon. 111,bert Laramie sang a solo .T.aring the service in James Street Church. Exeter on Sunday morning. His parents aecompa- :Mat hint to Exeter and attended the :sem ice. Mrs. Wm. Bowden, who has been receiaing treatment in St. 'toseph's boapital. London for' the past few weeks waa able to leave the hospital on Sunday and is now with her daughter and sun -in-law. Mr. and Mrs, R. Smith in Toronto. Your husband, madam," said a doctor. "is suffering from voluntary inertia." -Poor. dear Robert." came a rather dazed reply. "And I ac- cused him of being lazy." Acclaimed DET!IT'S best... Our Canadian friends like the U . , $ Hotel because ,,. 1 • Free Parking (in Parking Lot) O Economical Rates O Family Rates (No Charge for Chikircn i2 or under) O Cafeteria and Coffee Room IP Radio and Television O Air Conditioned Rooms in Season 800 ROOMS with bath from $ FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK DEEM; Ty MICHIGAN Harry E. Paulsen General Manager -earnm14 X.HOTEITULLERf; e,Typrt On Thames Road fl Mrt'S. WILLIAM RHOPB Pornenal 11.ernts. Mtn ea inleam. of Bryant; t- With h4T VOUS a t :anti:ter. me. nrelAlian Wanner o ennunn Ttiehey nta.1 antes. nerunibi • , ' L. .1 . oat n'any hUniflfl m Sumfaa • tt,-, line. Ernest l'aen L:. t't Sean had tin of, finearstakex en a !ey and was a pa ia innit. 1, al far air. • al.( Mrs. Carey joynt o Benneltein. Perin have been vis ne,eitirant in honor of their -35th .•fling imniversary. Mt. Charles Hodgert wiabed, • R. vkluph, many more years of ta,pien married life and pre- ', :elven a gift On behalf Of those e-eneet. Mr. and Mrs. liodgert e nimilted the group and invited ; !nein to spend the evening at 'tu r home on Andrew St. inose present were Mr, and • 1r.. James Iledgert, Mr. and Victor Kestie of Exeter. '1 tie. and. Mrs. Charles Hodgert Iroquois, Mr. and Mrs. Milton of London. Mr. and. mrs. Arnold Cann, Mr. and Mrs. ness Hodgert, Mr. and. Mrs. Reg 114 11'a.. mom Letter From ran:its, aiti Mrs. Archie isj Lt.. Letter From. Creci:uton tan an.1 family of London, Miss; :Vtaratti. of Calgary, Alta.! Brinsley By MRS. J. WOOL Sundt* with Mr, and ilIrs.ti By MRS. .0 CIL ELLWOOD Rev. G. S.rome ane1oic-,1 Mite Anaeel mien Allan 'Wanner I camp of Go(14-rieli Simitner Sneant. Nlarltvn Ttickey last week v here iit. antn ke: a. oi er1'. and Mrs. Ernest counsellor. Ina,. ; .an: Jann 'peat •Stindan Rey. II, J. S'nell Eactor was 0 in en w h Mrs. Norman in charn. tit the moran: servne, Kinn 01 sa in 1114.) hrre 14" Pi 4i1•,.•••4. aiorriaon Cas-. is selling dultig Re% • ii4:'.:".•4)-4'.• u ,taary Pais:swore, vtwation Period. A ('.'4.! tt tie. nnat 'ter 01' Brantford plaaed by In nelas tit:noway t' - ,anend with :lir. and Dont.,71as Lialitfout etas ennPa• mina-. Mr, and Nirs. (*ninon! 1'•'4.-,,..,. and sons. Joinint- anti -Ayrns•.`"tj.`nyilt`i., hat e returned Iront •Air. and trip to tim •7ti nty ne attended and son silent lost weeL at Nten Alia and Airs. lara-a van,- , .14.0„;„ Linn, • ▪ :nettaena on sitmlity. an Heightn. Mr. anti Airs.. llartln Merlocin .c! 1?„:10 ls 4:,Thmulingt a i of climph vi,itt,41 kith1 L4 n;..;y, here (luring the eo wkenii. Mrs. M. Faint spent lad ,.,,,,,,,,%. ...,.:a tied :arn. Leonard Cooper ; with Mr. and Mrs. Letv'n Fano. a! V, ital.:an, '..'r. end Mrs. Cael and family in St. Thomas. •,,,nn... ,;.,,,,,,t (a 0 \. "s on a trip Mr. and Mrs. fluent - si ev en, ' le to.tel .a 1'71d Bin: idi Columbia...1 son left by motor on IV ellnandat i 1 , la -a, on Sne,lay with Mrj of last week for Letlthee. Al, 4444 rrn V. niam Lampert were. Mr. and Ntrs. Elmo Morgan of Sarnia spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. lfred Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and I nralyn and Bob McLeod of Louden spent last Sunday with nr. tind. NIrs. Earl Dixon. in.. and Mrs. Harold Whittard not Jeanette of St, Catharines halal:I:nal with Mil, and Airs, t nen Ellwood. • tie. and Mrs. E. J. Dundas of ileaitit, visited with. relatives of the tammumity last Monday. 'dr. and Mrs, Earl Dixon plc inend with the latter's sister and Lrethernn-law, Mr, and. Mrs, Les ilonland of Detroit, in Port Ifin rtlil r(cently. alias Whittle Keogh returned to her position in Ottawa after spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.' Andy Ect,igh. berta. Where they will rt1a ai Laine art, 'Mr. and Men; Audrey Dailing of Red Deer, Alberta is holidaying with with their sun, Mr. Allan Ste- 1? es. I% !limn elinnizie and venson. crate :4 In otor, Mr. and M her parents, Min and Mrs. Wm. . r ns.;,11)yarslit111;ered a stroke has been ' Mt. and Mrs. Ross ITall,A l'Z'i+7.- Lbtaipir';, GUY le, Kevin and; . • ' and family have tanen pa.nea.; Innennan ..nr. and Mrs. Edwin,' aiisn Mary Amos who recent- . cion of the home -00 King :ti It ' J.! 1.i!l. Jr...ly and Brian I recently purehawd from Mr. anti ' i '- .7..'eana, atn, nnn .Minn Charlie italien to a London hospital. Mrs. Stevenson. ; Inenel, tn Pry, Dinn.en and Joan, ale. and Mrs. George ,Prest Mr. and Mrs. Ed. In.:It'Y MIA . 2,712.--.; 1.:tlih P;!-Ni,tirill. of To.' f and Billy, Mr. Marwood Prest Murray visited on Saturday vrth r,...). .4. awl 7Me:4. Nelson Lain. i and boys spent last Sunday with tohrtheformer's parents in Strat- pert, l'n.,0 :tea Dale of Crediton,11';ir. told Mrs. Jose Cunningham, f i .l.!:. and 'li.., :rant Amos, Ross, i Clandeboye. Mrs, R. Molitor attended the. l!t,,.;y, .1.1i,,•:.arel, and Billie di Mrs. Tom Kooy entertained a Ohara -Symon wedday4 at: W:..,:i.- .:‘, a Cr:11.'.I Stailley product party last Fri - ton on Saturday, Marie Symon ; i I I,. n Javan II e we spent a few - da v evening with twenty-eight was formerly a teacher in Cre..!, (lir. s. nyently with „her uncle and ; ladies present. diton Pune Selk•el nr'l 1i Ir._--inllit, i'dr, acvl :Mrs. Amos War- Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Morgan tinnily visited with friends here. tinen et 1 on urt.n. of Sarnia called on Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bra.m of in, nv : :,, ; 1t4.10 a number from this elm- Mrs. Cecil Ellwood last Sun - Mich. is spendinn, some time 11,11.1,:p aday atlet-:1 a hall game in d. with her brother, Mr, A. Moriocl; ,Dti;:ia • last Sunday, going byl Decoration services at Eben - and other relatives. Mr. anti Mrs. M. J. Sansinte Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Jeffery; of Hamilton visited on Spnilwo.:;,ited 101 Sanitay with Mr. and with Mr. and Mr4. Woodall and !Mrs:. .1. N. Ratcliffe of Strath -11, ezer cemetery will be held on Atienst 17, Special Music by the Anna Craig Legion Band will be iv e n also a special speaker. called an many iriends heee. .ro(4'. i Mr. and Mrs. ((!Id Fic.i.:nd. .Hrs. Yellow and Tom, 11,Ir, and i and family of Parry ,-.Toili,i ,,;u••iit 7,,b.. Ray Coitle. Mr. and Mrs. the weekend with the formel"s!Willi;un Rohde were guests al parents, :Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd i',44:,-; ow Roq:i-lliiCl•ee wedding and I land. Mr. and 'Mrs. il,,::it S:Aucd,!y. I rr-N,p•Itel In :,lIziffa United church Mrs. E. Gunn, i L. Kipping and Mr. 3,4,,. :num! Mr. ant Mrs. Ewer!: Pym of; spent the weekend in Detroit. I E:-.( tcr., Mr. and Mrs, Ernest ; 170 and Mrs. Itoherl Pal Mel' ; P,111, •i?Iil: Smiday v.1111 Mr. and and .daughter 'Beth of Bri%hum, i Mr:•. Allan Wanner of Sarnia. accompanied by the former".-: : Aiks E, ih Pastimore returned parents, Mr. and Mrs. Altdinee ; home from tn. noaenh's Hospital, , Palmer of Ca ?entry spent ate:- : Lerettai mi Sunday. ; eral days at the home of Mr.ikik(7.7....7nno Anniversary i and Mrs. E. M. 1...ohrier. f•Iltr-I On Wednesday evening. July 2:1, ley Palmer, who had spent some ,11r. and Ars. JaIlleS lIodgert of Bride -Elects See The Albums of O INVITATIONS * SERVIETTES O MATCHES O COASTERS THE EXETER time with bee grandparents, re- iinnner were given a surprise: turned home with them. Ian:tier party at Armstrong's I Times -Adv cote{ THE SALE - of the YEA .,, WOMEN'S Dress Pumps Assorted Colours Values To $7,9$ SALE 1 PR. $2.88 SALE 2 PR. $3.00 WOMEN'S BLACK Kid Oxfords Arch Support Values To S9.95 SALE WQM E N'S Work, Oxfords Brown Leather Walking Heel Values To $5.95 SALE $4A4 NA'rURAL.IZE R Dress Pumps Broken Lines Valves to $14.0 SAL $8.88 Tho $1160 With Tho Beautihtl Pit WOMEN'S Dress Pumps !Hugon and Spike Heel§ gook!, TO VAS tALt $3.88 Thurs ME DAYS Come- from West IQ' Attend Picnic Attending from a distance the 33rd Chalmers reunion at River', side Park, Mitehell on Sunday, July 27 were Mr. Harvey Bor- land, Regina, Mr. and Mrs, Carey Jeynt, Bethlehem, Pa., Miss Alma Borland, 'Toronto, and Mr. and 21rs-0. Boddy and Bruce,. _Kitchener. The oldest couple of the 95 members of the elan uresent were Mr. and. Mrs. William. Moo- die, Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Miller and Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Miller were the park and tea tommittee; Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Allison, Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew liamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gill, the table committee and. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Morgan, social conveners, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Miller .and Mrs, A. W. Morgan were named presidents for the 1959 reunion to be held in Riverview Park, Exeter. Mrs. W. R. Sillery president. Aunt Lucy: "Will you let me kiss you if I give you a. penny?" Benny: "A penny! I get more than that for taking castor ail." I 1 14 E ' -",- 011 :Burners I. Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work i e 403 A' NPREW ST.I EXETER PHONE 719 51M141411111.1111111111111111$111141411111MOIMIIIIIIM111114111111WWWIMIIMMIIMIIMM1111114111.111011111 ,,, 111.11.104 ALF ANDRILIS .a4.• 40 • before You TDP[and..filake.Sure You .11ave:Adequate Automobilel6uranCei JOHN BURKE plioNg: 863 .0eneral Insurance 534 Main St, S. EXETER P07.1.."..501071XTZLOWL9‘740,11.1 7 n n /1. rth nniversary FAST F 1.4 11 1110 reay, ug. 30 US SELLING HUNDREDS OF SHOES ON DISPLAY, PLAINLY MARKED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. COME EAR TO MISS THIS MONEY.SAVING EVENT. EXTRA CLERKS TO SERVE YOU. OUR MOTTO: CLEAN PRICE. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING VALUES WE ARE OFFERING. LY, COME OFTEN. YOU CAN'T AFFORD HOUSE EVERY YEAR REGARDLESS OF Children's SCHOOL & PARTY SHOES Assorted Colours Regular To $4.95 SALE $2.88 Children's SCHOOL SHOES Black and Brown Regular To $5.45 SALE $3,24 Children's Black Patent Pumps Boys' Brown Oxfords 1-51/2 Men's Low Rubber Boot - Laced Women's Black Strap Arch Rest $5. Women's Pumps & Gores. een-Age SCHOOL & DRESS SHOES Suede and Leather Values To $6.95 11 „,,,On • SALE 41T400-V.I.•141 $2.88 $2.88 .99 $4.88 Boys' WORK BOOTS Cork Sole Regular To SALE $4 A 4 ge SPr4IAL 2 PCE. MATCH SET $1995 Boys' OXFORDS Black and Brown Neolife Soles Values To $6.95 SALE $3.88 HIGH SCHOOL Boys OXFORDS Beige Black Brown Foam Soles Regular To $7.95 SALE $5A4 Women's Moccasins .Ass't Colors $1.44 Women's Flatties Ass't Colors $2,88 Women's Black Suede Flatties $2.24 Women's -Sandals - Ass't Colors $1.88 Bedroom Slippers Assorted Colors .99 EXETER ONTARIO 10,0 OFF ALL NEW FALL MOWRANDISE Mewling LUGOA611 You Cannot Afford To Miss This Sale -.7,71- • MEN'S Work Boots Cork Soles Values To $6.50 SALE $4.88 MEN'S Work Boots Cork or P a nco Tap Soles Regular To $7.95 SALE $5.88 YOUNG MEN'S Dress Oxfords Wont° and Leather Soles Values To $9,9S SALE $588 111 MEN'S Dress Oxfords Black and Brown Values To $6.95 SALE $3.88 MEN't Dress Oxfords 1.11,6racla Leah' ot�s Black and Brawn Regular 1"6 $14,95 SALE $7.88 '1 , . , Victory Bonds . ,... when converted become _.. A Better Investment Than Ever The new non -callable Conversion Loan Bonds, which are now available in exchange for Victory Bonds, have all the sound investment qualities of the 3% Victory Bonds, and in addition: -The 1983 maturity provides 50% increase in income. - This income can be had for a period of 25 years, - You pay nothing extra4 but get an immediate cash adjustment. We urge all holders of Victory Bonds to convert their Bonds into: Canada Conversion Loan of 1958 41/2% Bonds due September 1, 1983 or alternatively 414% Bends due September 1, 1972 Vti% Bonds due September 1, 1965 3% /fonds due December 1, 1961 • • ,. , -; By converting their Victory Bonds, investors maintain the value of the investment they made during the war years, and at the same time contribute towards the Government's' efforts to curb inflation and stabilize the economy. Send your Victory Bonds lo us for exchange. The cash adjustment will be forwarded promptly, ,.. WoOd, Gundy & Company Limited Local .Represemative: W. A. Finley 466 Virginia Avenue Riverside, Ontario • Whitehall 5.2395' . . . . .... .. .. . .. P07.1.."..501071XTZLOWL9‘740,11.1 7 n n /1. rth nniversary FAST F 1.4 11 1110 reay, ug. 30 US SELLING HUNDREDS OF SHOES ON DISPLAY, PLAINLY MARKED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. COME EAR TO MISS THIS MONEY.SAVING EVENT. EXTRA CLERKS TO SERVE YOU. OUR MOTTO: CLEAN PRICE. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING VALUES WE ARE OFFERING. LY, COME OFTEN. YOU CAN'T AFFORD HOUSE EVERY YEAR REGARDLESS OF Children's SCHOOL & PARTY SHOES Assorted Colours Regular To $4.95 SALE $2.88 Children's SCHOOL SHOES Black and Brown Regular To $5.45 SALE $3,24 Children's Black Patent Pumps Boys' Brown Oxfords 1-51/2 Men's Low Rubber Boot - Laced Women's Black Strap Arch Rest $5. Women's Pumps & Gores. een-Age SCHOOL & DRESS SHOES Suede and Leather Values To $6.95 11 „,,,On • SALE 41T400-V.I.•141 $2.88 $2.88 .99 $4.88 Boys' WORK BOOTS Cork Sole Regular To SALE $4 A 4 ge SPr4IAL 2 PCE. MATCH SET $1995 Boys' OXFORDS Black and Brown Neolife Soles Values To $6.95 SALE $3.88 HIGH SCHOOL Boys OXFORDS Beige Black Brown Foam Soles Regular To $7.95 SALE $5A4 Women's Moccasins .Ass't Colors $1.44 Women's Flatties Ass't Colors $2,88 Women's Black Suede Flatties $2.24 Women's -Sandals - Ass't Colors $1.88 Bedroom Slippers Assorted Colors .99 EXETER ONTARIO 10,0 OFF ALL NEW FALL MOWRANDISE Mewling LUGOA611 You Cannot Afford To Miss This Sale -.7,71- • MEN'S Work Boots Cork Soles Values To $6.50 SALE $4.88 MEN'S Work Boots Cork or P a nco Tap Soles Regular To $7.95 SALE $5.88 YOUNG MEN'S Dress Oxfords Wont° and Leather Soles Values To $9,9S SALE $588 111 MEN'S Dress Oxfords Black and Brown Values To $6.95 SALE $3.88 MEN't Dress Oxfords 1.11,6racla Leah' ot�s Black and Brawn Regular 1"6 $14,95 SALE $7.88 '1