Huron Signal, 1850-11-14, Page 2This i. may •.seal sew of ails.. part..- LAUDABLE WBSRALiTY. WI, grim .. etemid•e rhsI 11 Saler. is a cow • wo due bee4.m amid it we eget •arra • los gemedI lie ere. the whole Inmate of Progreso, 1 old ra�..l.Y� tam fame. nom employ every fir ort e.d.aree, •.d .a. possible °air u.. 10 N U R 0 N 81 G N A L. peer'^ the 1....r a^�r ter ole • S I.er- rel ekettae}-by e...M's� teem 1s 'h.rk • sod noire for rhr.rrl.n. r...lr they trete properly islet - NOVEMBER 14. I03O. '^•d is 'hr priottp4s sl R.h.rin--d they we'. i.- eir.ted it ne palmy or neassrea required by tee LET US PREPARE.prewet eheautemese of the eooatry, sat, above _ s11. if they c ..lJ be taught to sad°nusd sad ay - Teem a aches, se i pshl'epoorerpoorerra- preemie their ewe per Soil rmporasco, they 'Misters homes esedect which fvsukes mere s..L4 murrdly l.er. to, nres itb• mwho wnsId pri..am° io drat, rheoimeai to us .bleb regret for tire mmalut, °r is which • •reser fixi thio °b..Id .o• n(bi, or ob• o f b....., ....robe+ pe asipla u dbylo yid th.. wo.ld ,..eek.. •:IA 11.0 ,iniale• of their owe Is aearl electors. Oe every such occasion. f..dgmenl., 1 y 511. mylin, pro °°tore their ”d"t through the Amnia -able medium of eatery, bribe - 1a every a cw'ry whets a remits, °.fir..° a e•- pry se laim,datirr. t.blired. oat, bribery, eortao nus. i.dmidati., sad absolute despotism, are poi it, ► egaleitim, sod brooms the commie •place .ism SOON FOR itETRENCHMENT.-CN.3.) sha°ry Mr warping the judgr.s.ta sad rotes, tog 1 N DIVISION CnU•T ACT. the eroticism.. of tb• groat. simple and Gordo - . Aged commsO.ty. la (act. we who was • wron- ger to ths usual proceedings oa such mesal one would suppose tbai ibe acus yeses were mem wbo baJ abaadesed or sold their own a .ose.ea- tioue prne'ples, mad were resolved to e•,abiteh • system ref the most abject modem, b, .abjagelag .h• o.saeio.ee• of their fellow -mese The chi.( eases of this ystrma'k demoralise (Ma is ignor- ance. It is • melaneholy fact that the majority of mankind ,r• yet Mr Ire.n bets( eahghtened- they m igsoraot is p.lil•eol flowers. They have no elver perception of the policy really mei t• ed is the ela"ag circumstances of the coos try -they are'ocapabl• of detecting the eophmuy of thew who. actuated by the basest motives, are eodea•eriog to make merchandise of their con- sciences aid political privileges at the poll, and they are wally .sensible to the fact that a mole - item of eo5.cteses its political matters. tor io ten - defies a vote, is, to all imitate and pas ,ioees, a, •io:akioa of the prise pie. of God'* mord law. - Bet, Out media' neves thaw who aro the active e geot• e( tb., public calamity, results also from Igoorasee. They may be shrewd, clever, or what is smelly called intelligent men -they may ■ derstad the probate results of the principles and Toru demoted by the different political parties, and may be adepts .e the practice of par- ty 1001105. Nay, they may emu have matured sad perfected their aophiary w folly, that •n the., own nii.do it may have produced a kind of dim ..enol belie( that a politics' irsud,or • po- litical lie is something very different from a .sal lie-wmelhio( s'tngether ventel, end not incl., ded is that clow devises called morally wren. Thus far they may bts enlightened amid well in- formed men: but they certai sly casino be aware that their eeaduct is sebvorsive of she beet Otter - este of society. A peculiar species of pride and setisfactisn arises from cherishing • good opla- tn. of oar fellow-meo. Every reawoable man Wit hose frrqu.'ntiv alluded to the Division C.,urt Act of Inst So moon, as one of the trine% v■tootle meleerre that had become !awn W. are SI111 01 tbe same opioton,but, at the sa:1.5 time, tie can see much room for tenhro•en:Iril evro in this valuable Act. Improvements • hir h. in fact, meat be made, otherwise the beneficial tendency of the Act will be neutralised. There is some danger that the Division Court may shortly become • Court of Li w, brews* it must be admit lad that if a Lawyer only goy is his little finger, he will soon make room for kis whole hand. And as the "profession" will hencefhtb be practiced in the Division Court, we say there a some danger that it may anon become a Court of Law. As the people, however, have the power of prevent tog this ail, the foterferenee of the Legislature is not ea much required. But em cannot help thinking that the bestial/is, tore is loudly called on to remedy some oth- er defects of tete Act, in order to make the Dieieioo Court the "poor man's Court" in reality, that'., a Court That will afford him justice or redress of his wrongs at a cheap rate. In the first place, ws think it lea ve, ry serious •rror io the New Dtviaion Court Aet to allow the office of the Clerks to re- main an the gift of the County Judges. lo many instances even under the too -pound jurisdiction of the present Act, the income of the Clerk is greater than the salary of the Judge, the fees of the former amounting to three, lour, or perhspe even five buodrsd pound., while the latter is paid with a sal ary of two hundred and arty or three hun- dred pounds. (eels that he is to wme extent involved to the mg - By the new Act the jurisdiction o/ the veggie honor or disgrace of human nature, sod hence be is always disposed to pat the most fa- Court is raised from tea to twenty-five terabit construction on the •- I. and intestina• of pounds, con.oquently, the income u( the ether ms. If this view of henna 01110re15eor- Clerks will be doubled. And without ID rent. it may be presumed that vert few will be in- ab.ed to msppose that those political agents who sisuating anything against the honesty and mart 50 undue ion over the eeoseiesees integrity of the County Judges, we do sod the judgments of the lees intelligent class of electors, conscious that they are airbag s had think there is something improper in allow- esaw, are also conscious of the real event of the ing a ma to have the patronage of Officers sail they are committing. The most overflow - lag charity can hardly suppose that then active, .hos* salaries an much larger than his clever men, err laboring under the (ales eon•la- own. Human nature is human nature tion that their came is good -this would to an We understood that the Canada Compa- n y, with that seal foe the welfare .1 their truantry which uniformly that segues corporation, have purchased 1000 copies of the October number of tb• Canadian dgricalta►a/ist for distribution 'meaty the lessees of the Huron Tract !- There is solbi.g gives us mom enteric, also tba. Stoat.( Agricultural periodical' liberally scattered among our (erm.re.- They require information, and this es en ex- ample well worry of tontines, clad one which we trust, will be duly appreciated. - The Company we understand, have also been at Ilse expense of getting 1000 copies of the following complimentary notice, struck of :• their own Office, in Ooderieb, ✓ od have neatly stuck a copy of it on each ropy of the Agriculturist which they intend to bestow. THE CANADA COMPANY 11 EREBY call upon the lessees o1 their Lands to di•cbarge the arrears of their Renta isamediatdy, as the Company ars de- termined to piece all such claims as mal be in arrear •flea the 31st December neat in Om bads of their Solicitors for collection in the moat summary way pesnb.. Their Solicitor hes already taken the requisite steps against all purchasers from the Company who are in armor, and all I are pow urged to pay their Renu forth• with, to avoid costs amid other trouble. Canada Company s Office, Godericl, 51st October. This little friendly hint, answers the dou- ble purpose of drawing the Lessee's particular attention, to the contents of the pamphlet. and of r.miod:ag him that a " Solicitor" is the necessary counterpart of "No MONET WAS aagvlaio WW1." (I7' A geotlemao who has just returned from a tour in the new County of Bruce, inform. us that the settlers are really in ■ moth better condition than we could hate expected. Industry, improvement, comfort and prosperity, be says, are visible through- out the settlement. In the village of Kin- cardine, Mr. Patrick Downey has enlarged his premise., and now keeps a tavern afford- ing accommodation much superior to what would be enmmonly expeeted in a new settlement, thirty miles north of Goderieb. 17e Ws have bean informed that Mr. Werke of Hamilton, and another gentleman whose name we have not heard, have united with Mr. Daly in keeping up the Opposi- tion Line of Stages. And although the fate between Hamilton and Goderich u now reduced :o seven shillings rod .ix pence currency, we are glad to leers that the determination of the public to patronise the Opposition, and to show their apprecia- tion of enterprise and public sprit, has hitherto secured the Proprietors against pecuniary loss. even in a Judge, and the most certain EXTRACT ler.tiosal liberality; because no clever man can possibly suppose or believe that Torment*, in le- gislating for the benefit of • small minority -a partie.lar clam, or the members of a special pal- try seeteriasism, can be good. W• my 09C e.- or oete•- er ma. it the exercise of his reewo, Sao powt- bly believe that Ilse came of Toryism .s a good ease*. it •may. therefore, he presented, with safety, that thew active, clever, camomile( a- geat• of Toryism, are aware that they are aiding • and advancing a bad cause. Buis, as has already hem mid, it can hardly be supposed that they are folly aware of the necessary conaequeone of this nidi.`/ ad abetting. Charity and a respect for the ehmet.r of our ow,, specter, forbid the sop - position that clever, intelligent men would for a own /elfish cons'dera.ioa, strike at the bonds and moral obligations that hold 1001.ry together: and, beset the reaaoneble •.pposi.ion is that the can- vassing agent of Toryism 1e ianoaat of the tm- p.r10nt feet, that in employing his sophistry to Indolence Ms ignorant fellow elector to violate his own con•ictioue by voting as he isstract. him. sod by •odeavoring to soothe and smooth down tie ref ilys of ennxieoee, by making distinc- tions between political dishonesty and common dishonesty. Is furnishing the ignorsat roan with �o inmates to moral delinquencies in fotere,and wlykas apology for throwing off all mord obli- get,n to, all regard for ha own character and coo- aterency, and all sense of his'encial duties and relations. Such, however, is the nevem..Ty ten- dency of this tempering with the conecionos of ignorant men -they are altogether unable to per- eeive any dilieratee between political dienone•ty and any other k'od of dishonesty. and .'hen they are induced by the example and art/entente of mea more enlightened th•o themselves, to vio- las a plain principle of morality by voting against their own eneviet'nns. we can scarcely avoid the emelusion,Mat thiamine dereliction of duty -this Ink of integrity will, to a very om- ens *rant, influence them in their (.aerel deal. tags with their fellow -men. Nothing, perhaps, enntribstes more to the coc- oas of thew clever political canvasser', than the (act that though seam' Elections came. almost modernity, at regular stated periods, yet, they may Is. mid to come on th• mos of the people as it were by s.rpti•.. The mellow!' generally ken. the an election is at hand -they are Infor- med .f the day os which it will take place -bat It is only en the very eve of the eromsl, or per- haps atter the eaten hs. Segue. that they learn •..n the nem.. of the clnd.dstee-they an in- formed ,bei Mr. So..id-ar is • great favorite .f Squire Sewetkiag. and the Squire is • mar eon of a familiar and friendly man, amid he has revolved i. give all hoe toluene to So-ased•se, and is ..ry •nsiru. to wenn hie election. Per- haps the Noire bolds certain some .t hand, or aortal, boss aseesau-perlapa there are Serino .mam of rest .►'Sh it would be difficult to make op at the t'...-yrhaps he beti estate form. to 1...• ne 16 roll. sea tt is therefore desirable to b• o. roil rerme with hien, or, perhaps ems Inde e el of tind.•N or friendship hes already bares time tint 4.,.evs • gnuo.l a.k.swledg.mem.. Them. or e.eh like 1,8eese°s. held by the Squirt. rhe Lawyer. or the 8tos•k..per. ere the growls seas whose ib. eajeviry ed ib. Mown. Fe -end• em ase eleeld M Eleatharee et ear Cseadien 1.•- et.hi.re. A try Targe properties .f 'lotion ke*w .otbag of the *aa for whom they ..t* - T1ey Itmew maim' of hie prieeiples .. pokey. amid they ere Maim tomlly f mead. .f obre ee«• erne... tariM . ff to bre i(. or hem hoard .hem *epsomite' fee Me ire out. by himself. the beotiege. 1s Mer,. the elecnea. sod 1 r.m. .od hie lawns mm all mom os thorn en arena 'Ary are wetly .npepar«( earl Mem - Id. of fwmi.lg a cornet mimeo of their merits. None* beamed. even so effort es prepare them. mid boss. they *m the eater ere" 4' *tory 'rose af r.panwy, std det•l'elly- .se es.•.iy whet the sett. 5.5.5. 5.,• a- ymwe.Y wish nem to b. : mitt. ener lh. *Moles the ebe.M be p-Mtaa54'd In role/mos .1 Mode ty the min.+•• br swim' .nein W Mea : le Mi M tumm hate m_- w ,Or` L,owyw, w IM Item the O.M. "A PATSIES AMONO ITIS CHID DREN ." - The R... Darnel Merpby, a Yieeiesery of the C►snb of England is t►se Province, has been ds..b mid from connection with that denomtsatlw, by John Tomato, mainly, as we refer, 1.r recogstofag 'Amman rum " as Cbnslr•e b etbron, sed )pinta, wilb them is worsbippiig God. This may appear te- rnddbts, but it it even so. The official let- ter of Joh. 'i'oto.to dtsmtsst.g Mr. Mur- o►y, M e. follows :- (corr.J 8.roww,fl4tb Sept. 1849. Rev. Sir,-ia my letter to you of the 19th dilly last, 1 mentioned the different articles ofcomplaietagainst you, and told you , that if proved, they were more than sufficient to justify use io withdrawing my hcease ap- poIntieg you Travelling Mu•tooary of the Victoria Dalrict. Ample proof has now been furnished use of the truth of three commu. S:ncepiathen, other matters, which are in- -onnsteot with your ueafuliess as a Clem gvman of our Church. and which implicate your attachment to her principles and Integ- rity, have bees sub.tastialed-much as your attending protracted meetings of dissenters, end permitting your family to go to dissep• tore places of worship. Add to all this, you appeared before me without any clerical baba, not oven band., and had only gee cosfirJatioa in your a: - 'melee Missies. Taking all these thiege into menders - tion, 1 have come to the conclusion, that your eo0Unusece in this Diocese u not for the benefit of the Church, and that after the Ittb November next, your appointment of Travelling blhsionary of the Victoria Du. Wet ceases and terminates, mime sootier relieved. I have the honor 10 b., Rev. Sir, Your obod't humble .ervasr, (Sigsed] JOHN Toaosro. The Revd. Daniel Murphy, Bellev.l.. And we have farther light on the point,in the following extraet from • letter of Dr. Bethune of Cobourg, to Mr. Murphy : "The bad example yourself and family have ret in attending Methodist Meeting•, has served to withdraw the confidence of Churchmen from you; at theism* time that your offiei.:ting without say of the Metie- guisbiop marks of a Clergyman, has (ailed to realise the object of your appoietmeet- the setting forth to Dor scattered people the genuine claims of our Apostolic Church. "As for your dwgbter's not liking the preaching or reading of Mr. Grier or any other Clergyman, she ought to have been taught long ago, that eo do not go to the Hottae of God on account of the reader or preacher, and that tt is schismatical and sin- ful to attend the religious meetings of those who are exercising an unlawful ministry and keeping up diwisins in the Church. " In these 1 ways, you lost the con- fidence of Churchmen, god incurred the re- buke of the Bi.bop." Joy, Toronto, iefending biss.elf in the Londin Record of tib August last, thus eu- logized bis own Episcopal administration : "Tho Bi.bop lives among bis clergy, two or at most three excepted, as a father a- mong his children, in harmony and pease.- • EnW Treatise resliea oo Book -Keeping If there be a few shades of difference is r ; equal to oboes repaired of Probationer.. opinion, they are held wftbont biturlaeae o► Board's Mensuration, Sections 9 sod '7; Satisfactory Genflealea •(character ad urrharitabl , and in hie ni bitleimaynanrse with Oxalate of the Method. of Teaching : conduct will be required of all Candidates. • them be makes no dfstieeliewo, but looks to Whatever Agricultural Claes Books Amnia/ of Education, the right.usnaea of their walk in life, and may be hereafter published or sanctioned by their cos cisetious dihge•es it the discharge the Board for the use of their Schools. 'PATRIOTISM. QcaLirrcanON or 8ncoao CLAW.TaAcssae - They will 1.e required :- Love of country bar at all times been 1. To write grammatically, and with ear- considered one of the noblest Passions of PROGRANNE or RXAMINATiON AND COURSE OF STUDY POR THE TRACHERS OF THR 1*18H NATIONAL SCHOOLS. (la oe...xss with the fsss(M•c we teak mit will prose useful amid 1•texesusg to 112111 tri tb* following for the purpose of redere000.-re. J. er E ] Qo.uncanoas or Paos.nomar Thaw sae. The Candidates will be required :- 1. To read ad with correctness, met, sad atelligeoce, any peerage selected a the first foga lasso* Books. 9. To wnte a bold, fres band, area exhi- bit • knowledge of the enamels. of pen- inaubip, mad of the rules for teaching wrt tong. 3. To write from dictation, with correct epelhng, any passage read slowly from the LemonThird Leon Book. 4. To be familiar with the riociplee of the elementary rules, and with Proportion, and be able to work, with felicity, seal mese em and accuracy, sums to the rules, and to Commereal Arithmetic. 6. To parse any abort, easy sentence in s. pro,. and to .:hibit a argon ntance with the Elements of Grammar. 6. To be aequsistd with the general outline of the greet Memos of the Globe. b The female Candidates will not . re- quired t. know Cemmereisl Arithmetic. QOALInCATIOA1 boa TWO TUMID CLASS. The Candidates for promottoo to this Claes will be required :- 1. To read with ease aid expreseion ; and be familiar with the principles of Road - log. and with lb* prisciplee and difficulties of Proounetation. 3. To write from dictation, in a neat, free hand, with correct spelling nisi punctu- ation, any passage read from the National Lesson Book. 3. To know, in addition to the rules mentioned in the course of Probationers, Fractions, Involution, and to be acquainted with the rules of Mesta! .Arilhmetie. Female Teachers will net be repaired le aver ed beyond Practice to qualify this Claes. se 4. To parany sentence submitted to them, sad to analyze words, giwiog the roots, prefixes, and Olives.T1 Fiwnlr •.Aealer, teill sof be examined to the same extant in the latter exercise. - 6. To knew the elements of Matb,mati• cal and Physical Geography, the Geography of Ireland, and the general Geography of w pe thd fee the Clow se Meese heir. OBS to whin nap Anna to Weaned. QIsaiwaL Calmness. The east-- ef peneslss.y tof.lted ei the Teachers dean Ch1. Is stated is Ib. proceodtyy programme. All newly appi.ttsi Towner r who boa set previously eusdsetd MatteottiSe►eeiti are ennstdud as bs opr.tf..re. •.d mart remain ss such for at Mut nes year, et t1. 44piratte. e, of which time, they 111/11 he Mir- blo for cla.ol6eatio., .mid may be presort.' d,eves heron Mug trained, to tun Clan n. apt the Arm : if promoted, they .111 socio. 1114 /DUam.sat of B�'i s. tehieA M•! may benne tatif/sit, from e the Sommenema •J .f the seemed year their writes seder (j. Beard. All Teachers most remain at lent OM w yeis any 1.wor (bewail a any Clam, h. fors thew are eligible for promotion to a higher amanita of the sante; sal they most se remain two years 1. • lower Clobefore they aro eligible for promotion to a higher Clawba . TRegnlatlo■ does not apply to PUP. botiouary Teaches, eon to Teachers who may be promoted on the aimof the Professore at the t.rmiaatien a alts coarse of training. None but Teachers trained at the Nor- mal School of the Commissioners are eligi- ble for promotion to ..y ditisiss *f A. .first Class, and only upon the mammon.dation of the Professore, of a Board of In- spectors. Examination• are to be held. at specified times, by the inspectors, with the new o1 0romoti•g meritertone Teachers : while themewho fogy have conducted ihenwlys* improperly, or in whose Schools the atten- dant. has considerable dee►eesed, will be v liable to b. depried. No Tender will he odaoiteed to examina- tion with a tiers to prems .ties, easbest - School a decidedly unfavorable repert Air Leen made by tits District &erector Wal is Kd t reone year. Teachers will not be eligible for promo- tion, unless, in addition to eaUsfactnry 0e. awen.r in the course pre.ertb.d for the Class to which they aspire it appear, from the reports of their respective District le, /paten that their Schools are properly organized and well eonducrod,.l►at ads. goats enunciate have been made by them tof, keep up a .ncient average atleadaees ; that their jonlor Climes aro carefully taught and that a her properties of the Pupils of the higher Claim., besides beingd Europe. proficient ie the ordinary branches of Ried- e. e• e. To be sego•int.d with the principles mg, Spelling, amid Writing, are meowed of Book-keeping, and the mode of keepi•g of • respeetable amount of knowledge in, Farming Accidents. at It. Gnmmar,Geograpby and Anthem - 7. To b. .eq isibted with the Measure• tie. Needlework. isslsdi.g sewing, krnt- went of Plane Surfaces. ling, and cutting -est, he gives to all girls es 8. To be familiar with the improved modeapa►Lmoll it. sethat they ozbibit o`Teachiog, and with the Rules and Regu- a due proOeioney in this department. latione of the Commissioner.. It must alio appear from the report. of - `9. To be prepared for Examiaatioas on their Iepoetore, that their School Accounts the .ubets treated of in:- have been regularly and correctly kept The National Lesson Books, to the Iib that, their Schools and Sehooleand School ioclueive ; premien have been preserved with neat - Easy Lessons es Money Masten ; nom and order, and that cleanliness in per - Introduction to the Art of Reading, let .on gad habit• has been indorsed e• the Part ;• children attending them. Spelling -Book Superseded ; Nose can be appointed as Assitta. Geeg amaharanees Gener.lized, fins 8 chapters ; Teaeben whom are sot method of enabling a man to sustain his From the Mints of a Msiien of Hann Die'. of their ministerial duties ; whim thee* are honor and integrity, is to put as few tem •los Na 1123, eo.. n( Tempera.cs. held at blameless, he feats it easy to extend charity g p p- their Division Room, oa the 14th Oet. 1550. tattoos in his way as possible. Every Gnomic*, 14th October, 1850. to minor points, for be patronizes no party Resoled. That we vires with comma the extremes to Du aoeees• reef spelling and punctuation, 111, subotaoce the mind, and the patriot, when distiogui.h- Courty Judge in Upper Canada Ma the .coorse adopted by the National Divines of the The Bishop 6.de it easy "to extend eba• of an easy lesson read twice over. ed by end, ability, and du'nterwetadneas, appointment of from six to note Division Sores( Temperance at their late Session held at rity to minor points,"-euch as the preach- 2. To know the General Geography of is sure to have bas name respected amid M. Court Clerks whose offices on an average, Boston in the mos.h of Jene Iasi, is •.firming lag of baptismal regeneration -but if one ofthe remaining great divines, of the Globe memory revered. But, as is meet other will after the Bret of January ansa, yield an ihedecisios of the Grand Divi*ise N rho Bate.f "bis children" dares to attend s Methodist the Geography of the Betties Empire, and cases having reference to good ho, en Oh'o, en the 'Mita from that body ,e Ihe Na- sthMeeting, or is so atrocioosly poor as to be of Palestine. are many leen who lay claim to the title of emolument of at least ono hundred and fifty tional D'.is'os, concerning the case of John 11. " without any clerical habit, not even 3. To hs acquainted with the outlines of patriots without possessing the seeeesary pounds. He has the appointment of at Dar, • colored perm°, where's they eustai• the bands," -think of that, 'bot even bands!"- general History. q.taitficstione, and there have bean tyrants decision of said Grind Division and declare that least an equal number of Bailiffs, whose it is improper tial illegal to admit colored people when he presents himself before this dainty The Female Traders will be Erasion who endeavored to hide their ambiti.e emoluments Inc or will be greater than into the order. magnet a of priestly craft, the 'good Bishop on Alental.riImetic, and oppressive spirit beneath the mantle those of the Clerks. In short every Coon- That a eommitt.. be appointed to eommwnt- has no charity to instead, but mcmmanly 4. To poises. Some knowledge of the el of this glorious name.-L'ke other virtues nt. with the On■d Di•isiea w the eabj.et sad cute him off and forbids him to preach the ementary principles of Mechanics. Hydros- which mall forth the admiration and •.teem ty Judge will hold more official patronage to 5131 epos it is oh. weave/ mapper, the rte- Gospel. What a meek, charitable prelate It tabes, Pneumatics, Optics, and Phvnology. even of the vicieue. patriotism is respected in the County over which he presides the t email! of immediately remoeentieg with the is -bow like those Apostles from which - 5. To know the First and 2nd Books., bty those whop action. are directly opposed is held by the Govyrntnent. We m•v here Natio..I D,i.ton on the Monies sad celpab'li- (but for his Prosbyterisn baptism) he would 6. To be familiar with the role. for te to it :they HnDnt bet admin iR otben ty of web as enaetmeet. persuade us hs ie deeeendd ! Weeder how M of Sold., the pnseiplea on what they are unable to practice themselves mention that one of the best Lawyers in Tbat we regard :oh abhorrence .ash as at- Paul would have treated one of those fists- which these rules depend, and with the e!.- through selfishness or corrupt iaflu.nce ; the House of Assembly asserted to a ter- tempt to trample os the rights of o*r fellow men, amen of Galilee, coming into his presence menu of Land Surveying. they •fleet to pity when they fan would tato committee to the House, and since so that erbile we W all d . del•reece is the 6 1th 'Y t 1[h and uiiu'd . bo eine • ol without "a clerical habit;' -without " even 7. To know the elemrnury rules, and be praise, had the tongue been *offered to a:o rte°still fir cut only o e , •loot power bands!" What would Paul have said bad able to solve Simple F nation.. press what the heart feels, and though they our own presence that the fees of the Divi. we will firmly islet to Ihe uamnat of nor power heard f abrother Apostle worshipping I B he p d forA t o 0 the 'nay *Min crushing the morons mer who 'ion Court Bailiff in the town where he n- all S.eb towornaable rod iniquitous legislation. be ear ng To preparee:anise in n This th. Reeorda hi Scribe transmit the above the same God, the same Saviour, with Meth- • .u.ets emoted of to :- Soon forth boldly to advocate that teen - aides, amounted, last. year, to upwards of six hundred pounds ! We may presume that under the new Act they will be in- creased to at least one thousand poysds.- This is surely • very handsome income for the lowest officer of the lowest cobrt in our country. The patronage of such ofBceq should not be allowed to any one Individu- al ; and we feel confident that many of the County Judges would be well pleased to be relieved from such a heavy responsibility - we soy responsibility, for although we are not aware that the Judge* are really res- ponsible to any kigher authority for these •ppointinents, yet, they are responsible to public opinion. And should any Judge be guilty of "jobbing," or 'raking mereh•ndiee of the patronage, to the prejudice of the public interests, and such an oeenrrenee IS n ote. all impo•*►le, every right-minded man would feel grieved to see the high and honorable once of the Judge thus brought into contempt. 11 is, therefore, • duty which the Government owes to the coos. The civil war continues to the Comma 11 1 - 'a tend g prars meetings for insertion to the Temperance Advocate, Nue- odut "di/motors 1" Would be have tried Fifth Book of Lessons, Sec. 2, 3,y 4;•• try's rights, the email still •glee of ems - total, and .e the Horan Siena! and Loyalist, by such " points " his brother's fitemes to fatroduetion to the Art of Reading, Par t science will ever be heard whispering within ROBERT B. REYNOLDS. R. 8• preach the Gospel? Ob, the unutterable ii ; their breasts in terms of self -condemnation hypocrisy of that "meekness" and 'charity" • Geography Generalized and reproach. ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA. which prates and preaches of hie fatherly • Epitome of Geographical Knowledge, But what are the attributes of a patriot, love for its "children," and condemns one of Book iiI, and Period VII. of Cook IV.; and bow is he to be distinguished from the The Africa arrived at New York between the flock to ruin because 11 has sot a bit et' • Board's or Tbompeos'e Treaties on demagogue sod the cunning politieal spec - eight and nine yesterday morns'', with muslin dangling from its neck ! Arithmetic ; Seaga 1 All nen profess to love their cotes - Liverpool dates to the 26th ult. The following remarks on this subject are • Thompson'. Euclid, Books 1. and Ii., try, and mairtair that its happiness would The Niagara arrived out on the 20th Iron the Brockville Statesman, a Church o(' with the exacters* thereon ; be beet secured by the tarrying got et their g -England and Orange paper : • Thompeoe's Algebra, chap. 1, 3, 4 k 8 , political and social views. How are we to and the Atlantic on the 24th. "The Rev. Daniel Murphy, • regularly- • • Bo.r4'• Meswration, /Election 4, 6, 6, discover who are sincere, and who are not 1 The news Isom England is not important. ordained Clergyman of the Church of Erg• and 11 ; Men's .Mtn.' furnish the beat, the only safe The general state of trado throughout land, has beep dismissed from his charge, as • Lessons on Resenting, Parts 1. to II.; index to their intentions, and it is by their England has not been .Iter.d since last • M'*aionery of the Church of England in the Vtetori. Diarist, near Bellevdle,because steamer. his family attended Methodist meetings ! The prol negation of Louis Napoleon's and he had bim*eff appeared before the Hist - Presidency for 4 ysrs,ia calculated on with op of Toronto without beads ! ! eertairty. "Some of our readers may not, perhaps, in Spain the ministerial crisis lar rub- helev. that is these day., amid io a church Ps calling itself Prote.tast, an exemplary sided. clergyman could, or would, be degraded for The German dispute still coatippee.- web an ofinee-gime we cannot call it. in Schleswig Holet.in continue the ' But each ie absolutely the inti, as eon- Affairsvsyed to 741. Murphy in a letter from the some, hot both parties are preparing for • Bishop, which bas jnat been publtehed ; in remittal of hostilities. which the Brehop tulle kis very pl.inl) that ' t n o cud of 415 - try. and to the Judges themeul►w, to take this extensive patronsge into its own poe- session. it is not alone to the patronage that the public have a right to objeel. The amount of the emolument is ridiculous,. One hun- dred pounds a year is rarely a sollic.ent re- muneration for the retahfirsttons and tale•t ✓ egi red in either the Clerk or Itaihf of any Dt•teion Court in Canada. And were this euro taken as the mazomnm, end reduced in proportion to the amount of hostess peafae through the Courts in the Jiffereat Iceel1- 1.es, may thooeasds of pounds .sell be meed t., the public annually -the Oak of territories. Then is an ieserreetioa in the sea1ers, and pormittisg his family to go to on eat with f hi Southern Provinces of Chins, the object o/ diweatt.g planes owonan ineosniat. Ja usefulness as • Clergyma,and which ie to overthrow the present Emperor. implicates Are attasbmeet to the pnn.ip(w het - LIVERPOOL MARKETS. and i tegnty of the Church." And (unher, October 18th. the 'ohne of Termite says is the mime ht- dessllelasse. Cottee has Odes I .( air, Add to tris, you habit, appeared before w .itbeet say clerical baht, not evon he. te,, American. Salm for the week i8,�90 He is forth*, informed, ie a letter from the bales, of wbieh 1 1,630 were for specolatioe. Rev. Dr. Betbeso, Arebdeseon of York, .e Qooiations for fair Orlame Si; fair Uplaod (ellowel "11"1/ lad uample yoorself and and Mobile ed. family lave eel, in attesdtsg Methodist meetings, bas served to withdrew the eoid- American lobs without ebange; lower donee a Cbsrchtseu from yoo. And as for deeeriptieee of old sour ham old at 17e !N yogi, dasgbter'd not hkisg the presehing or • 18.. Coed sweet Western 81at. !g.. re.disg a Mr. Grier, (the Rector of Belle - 2L so; obese. Csssdias 9b old a the.- ° Mlle) er say ether Clergyman, she might to (oafs cors held firmly: best Amato's be'~ be*. ta.get long ago, thea w. do net ge to the Hese at Ged es seeonst .f talo ju.hee wo.Id he more faille end bossily yellow ani wbfu 30• per 480 lbs. Wheat rater Of peeseber, amid that it b mAiemate- attained, sad the rho •los Court would thea ifs" IW'-rytoie_ es/../ ristfoi N arisen the religiose ewe Ise the "poor mat's Court" M real r nags of !hese wile are sxorcisi.g aslawhil pea A yen" weave a Lowestoft, mere than muistvy, sad keying up divines is the Ws hope the 11 .'A'4. Sebeilr, Iiw.wsl twenty yens d.g., has W.ewtl to:trocW Cherish ! ! ! " (roe bei .sent lmnt Ia.eNea. �t 4°°°81,•• Y'Desald will mote m she A•-., .4•11 a news6"▪ the were white sbe wa dtrio; Ib: .:.►I desk a Niki, s� , begrime,a whin Perinneat. oh. bee N guns w. sto • Professor M'Gaulev's i.ectures on Nat- ural Philosophy, Part 1., Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and the first 98 paragraphs of chap. 10. QUALiTiCaTlors or FIRST CLASS TRACHEAS. They will be required :- 1. 'to wafts a .bort *may os a giver sob. jeer connected with the organisation and maoageme,tt of Schools, and the general prinetplea of education. The Female Teaehere will be ex•miled on the 3r4 Section of the Fifth Book. the Geogratby Geserelo•ed, and the ird Book of the Epitome of Geographical Knowledge. 2. To know the Third and Fourth Books. 3. To be aequaiat.d with the resolution of Plate Tna.gls. and with the no of Loghm'. 4-aritTo know Quadratic Equations. IL To have a popular •rquaistasse with the Laws of Heal, amid the structure of the Storm Esgiso, and the elemesu of Cbem- 1 st6 To be prepared for examination en the 'objects ed of to :- • Fifth Lemon Book, Section' 1 sed 5;6 • i.ee.os, on Reaeoe.ng. Parts 111., IV. and V.; world, and to .*amine thane mbaron to the • Thompson'' Euclid, Books Iii. nod IV. reversed. its supposed by try that with Exercise* tbereos ; the first Idlers .f wars dad.eN • Tbempssa'a Alg.flr.. CMpt.rs 3, 6, t, hem the w►mim.fos of ehildr.. t. th*r a4 9; Mrneu, tebie g alu.Ily oitwdd iM ltmiu • M'Gasl.y'. looter.. se Niters' P101. 1111 the prsrttel ey. ss ern. fe.udsd, whin 000phy, Part IL. Chapters 6, 7, fin 1, it 10: eesm'ted Is the 'Mastery .sbjeMios of • • Join'er's Catechin of Agneoltoral tribe er else to the rsl►sg authority of • Chemistry or ally other Treatise es the elite. Whoa thew tribes berme i 1 same sehyset whieb the C.mwM.i.sws may rose they est.rsUy lessee iselese Odom p.Mtn ec .wtM.. *tnw.sbesgth amid wenn, it thea it MW - The Feesa. Teener, will sot be regeir- pined that war emerald lees the tt'Mldr Ai .d to be prepared ea the se►j.st. marked That a Intro for nommen was Mlsisl lit with an • set.etsh. rho hart of ties. ls/Itifir•I pnwss. who Tb. emptier, wheat .f the pretest imp is CsN1M•er f.o p sw.11ss ergot be pr.pa• sass M ish. Its* M .IM♦ Casale to estimated at 4,800,000 WNW. rad for esswinetle s soy el the sehjeets 'time% tlhll hellos bed owe. 1111 imitations. that we should judge them. - What matters it to society, to the ermutry, what may be the interlines of a scan, if hie conduct be such as to mens mobile eo•- fiJenee ! What eas a person have to attri- bute ulterior motivee 10 thew who do well -who serve their country -who give proofs by their sou that they are .ice.rs 1 Why impute futentioes to them wbieh aro not to barmesy with thew real, sod from which such nets could net is the rstfwal order of waw and Abet he wppeod to (rllnw. The mon, therefore, who does a rueds service to the .amatss.ssith Is *pa- triot, is the trots nese of the word; be has a claim to the eon*duration std esteem of hie fellow-ceantryrn.a ; posterity will refer to him as a public benefactor, sad bto same will be quoted as an example to oxalo oth- ers to follow is ba step. There are dat'aet elasew of patriots, equally worthy of ser sdmiratfes. t►w greatly differing to ebnrsstsr ttN ties. T. utd.ntand this diettuetfes h 1s Deese - story to bier to the markups systems age - 'stoutest that have existed ibroegboat the