HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-07, Page 11NO(1....N.:'EMENTS
111;3301T --31r. and Mrs. :1. P.
Pr,1nfl. :;elle );Iver, annnnnee
the hit tlt of their ann. .1ocep11.
Nnr1, at South Huron Hospital,
July 28. 1958.
1)1'Gf:E -.. fir. and Mrs. :Barre:
Dug re, 109 Emprese Ave., limon
Park. Centralia, announce the
birth of a son. Paul, at South
Huron Hospital, July 26, 194.
FL1•E:\.r..--To Air. and Alts, Nen.,
eth Pinar, Lnndbn, at St. :In-
sepli s , !Hospital, London, Sun -
de y, 'July 20, a son. stillborn.
1\71:11SI'--C 1. andMrs.
•s Iver-
sen, 305 Algonqin Br.:ddt'Ale
Centralia,announce the hirt h
of a. son. Douglas Kirk, weight
6 lbs., 7e, nes., at South Huron
Hospital, Jill) 23, 12:,8..,
D1 UI1.i.h;TT--Cpl. and Mrs. J. Z
Maiileti. (Willie, are happy to
announce the birth of a daugh-
ter, August 9. 1259, in Orlllia
(general 1-lospital---a sister for
11E0 -Him -Air. and Mrs. Alvin
Reeler, R.R. 1 Dashtrond, an-
nounce the birth or a son. Ter-
rance Gerrard, at South Huron
Hospital ;July 24, 1959--a hrn-
tler for Carol, Cathy, Paye and
Viet ter.
S.\ SOM -F/0 and. Mrs. .I. 11.
Sanson,, 231 Carling St., Exeter,
aennunee the birth nr a .Sox,,
Mirhaet David, at Snifth Huron
Hnspita1, July 27, 195s.
T11.1.TET•-•24r. and, Airs. fermi Til-
ley, ,t$xater, annnunee the birth
of a daughter, in Small Huron
:Hospital, on August 6, 1955,
Mrs. Harold Simpson, I'lxeter, Is
entertaining al a trousseau tea.
nn Saturday, August 9. from l .to
5 14 the. afternoon and 7 to 9 in
tie evening. in honour of her
daughter. Gw•endnlyn, whose mar-
riage will take place on Saturday,
August 16. 7•
I wish to thank Allss elaypnle
and the staff of nurses for the
kind GttdLondon
pr prompt s frvten; Dr. Rest
1 td 1 and t a, pearl o
Exeter for their skill and ser -
tire: heti. 'Harold. Snell. Ilev. Alex,
Manson and the many friends who
called while 1 was a patient in
1011111 Huron hospital, and also.
three sineo : came home.••• -•51.r. I'.
Ogden, 75
We 11.1s11 to extend our alnent'e
thanks and appreeiatinn for the
many kindnesses and messages of
sympathy, finlvers and cards front
ail the friends and nnd,^;hhnrs re.
vet vett dut'i 117 our recent sari be-
reavement in the loos of a tl.early
beloved husband awl father: also
all those that remembered Lad at
the hospital with finders, cards
and visits Special thanks 10 those
who made it. pnssihle for ra0 10
visit Dart by b looking after
e lm her while he was in rhe hos-
pital and also to attend the fune-
ral ser\•ive at. Gore Bay; also Rev.
Halley and Alr. Hoffman, The
kindnesses of all are deeply ap-
preciated, - Airs...Edith Turnbull.
Mrs. T. D. Orme. Imran, wishes
to take this opportunity of thank-
ing her many relatilns and
friends for letters of sympathy,
floral tributes and many kind-
n esses 9hnten to her and her son,
\ err5y, during his lnn5 illness
and death, Special thanks to the
Rev, FErtgaI, Roulet ea and the
Alurily Fu neral Home. • 74
We wish to extend our heart-
felt appreciation for the many
kindnesses and messages of sym-
pathy and for the beautiful floral
offering's received from kind.
neighbours, friends and relatives
during our recent bereavement in
:lila Joss of a dear husband and
father. We thank tate Rev, Harold
Snell, the pallbearers and a spec-
ial thanks to all those Min were
so kind at South Huron Hospital
and also Dr. Pletcher. Many
lhayl;s to the neighbours who
helped at home, --- The Penile le
fancily, 7e
Mr .and Mrs. Lorne. Passmore
and Beth would like to thank all
Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy E. Patterson, those who so. kindly remembered
1,t:!i'. 5. Mrmunre the engage- them with yards, treats and gifts cc
while a • p a tient. in Joseph's J
et St. J e s
p Leis
meet nt their daughter, Sh]rler 1 „ t Eve
Hospital, :London, 10
I arida In thank the many
friends, relatives and neighbors
who so kindly remembered me
with cards, visits and 1reats CLASSIFIED RAT.E�*.-
while a patient in let. Joseph's
The Tune;•Advocrnt4, AuSU
7, 1St S Pgss
lief With A ' ool' Want -
Hospital and: Sheep rP't+rening
home. -Mr, Law a'enl a Hirtzel, 7e
I wish to thank the many
frle.nds. relatives and neighbors
whq so .kinil IY remembered ole
1vilIt treats, flowers and visits
WIMP a patient in Snuth 11 [iron
Hospital, tit. Joseph's Hospital
and since returning' -,51-re.
Lavine 1•iern, 75'
We wish to express our heart-
felt thanks and 1' t,pri't'Ial 1015 Inv
the arts. 0f kindness, tarda nf
sympathy and hrantifn1 floral
1ribuIPs rPl'Pned from friends,
relatives and neighhn1t•s Irl ottr
reeent bereavement of a beloved
father. Seeded thanks In RPV. A.
Rapsnn, the staff of Snit th Herron.
and: St. Joseplee Hospitals, fir.
Fiet,Pr and I)r. Hossein, t11P pall-
bearers and ladies who helped in
the home. -The family of the lat'r ,
John Kellett. 7t"
iI,M/C; In 1111 hog merlin•)' of
Percy W. Elsie, w hn passed
away AItems( 10, 11156.
This month is here with deep
It brings hack a clay we will
never fnrgc't.
lie fell asleep without saying
But memories of hint will never
--Lnvingty remembered by Rife
Grace and family, Lois, Jerry
anti Timmy, i"
AfeDONAX.•rl -•- 111 hiving' memory
of a kind .and loving husband
and father, Josiah Meftnnald,
who passed away six years agn
nn July 71, 19,.5'2, Always loving -
1y remembered h5• lits wife and.
family. 7c
Whalen Man
Person, to Wiiliam james len, Toe he famiil^ of the late Mel (''ul-
11I1 of Mr. .I antes Atr.t#.71ister and
the late Mrs. AleAllistor, Zurich, beet, Lncan, wish to extend heart.-
Ow "Irlo, The 'marriage, to take felt appreciation to all their rela-
roree August 27 at Dunsford taws and -friends for the kind-
s ed Church, Du nsford, Ontario, Messes and messages of sympathy
ee and beautifulfloral tributes dur-
Ing the loss of husband and
fir. and Airs. 11. Russell Hopper father. Special thanks 10 the staff
a nominee the engagement nf :herr of Westminster .Hospital, the 'Rev.
1Edgar Rnttlsinn and the elide of
the Luean 1711ited Church, the
Masonic Lodge, the Legion and
Boy Scouts who took part in the
services. -Mary 1;, [Culbert, 7e
1. wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all my
relatives, friends and neighbors
for their many letters and. beauti-
ful cards during rimy recent. ill -
110s5. Special thanks In the W.M.S.
of Woodham united ('hurch, IFF. A.
of St. Paul's Church, Kirkton,
Rev. 'Wer•eha m and D1•. Mowry
and Dr, Fielcher,-Bars. Lawrence
Mills. 7*
Mr, and Alts, Horave Delbridge
-- wish to express their sincere
thanks to relatives and friends
fits the lovely cards, letters,
floater's, treats and visite while
Lavnna was a patient in Victoria
Hospital and for the many acts
nf kindness that were and are
still being done. All is very great-
ly a ppreciaterl, 7•
ynnnger slaughter, Patricia Ann,
in Robert Slott F"letrhpr. son of
hr. and ,lire, M. C. Fletcher. The
its wings. will take place nn Sat -
urea v, August 17, a 1 2:39 n'clncit,
in Main Street Cnited Church,
Exner, 7-
2•". and 111'x. Harold Skinner,
101' 1:xeter, announce rhe engage -
me nl nf their daughter, Marilyn
Au to AI.r. Kenneth FErlivin Wood,
to son of .\lr. anti Mrs, F,rleel n
\\'r ,1. of Lomleshorn, The wed -
din will Ial; e place in Main St.
t'n!• "•d ('burst, Exeter, Saturday
Alt::est S7, at 4 p 01, 7•
Lotter From
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fenton and Robinson Earthly
children attended the 'Knapton
reunion at Springbank on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton
visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Gor-
don Banting on Sunday also at-
tended the twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary reception for Mr.
and Mr's. Alex Crockett of Lon-
don at the home of their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hardy of Granton, Mrs.
Crockett was the' former Eliza-
beth Cook and was raised in this
community. Several others of
the community attended.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. George Prest were Mr, and
Mrs. Bob Armstrong and son,
Mr, and Mrs, Tom Morgan and
children .of Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs, Matt Duncan
and children from Petawawa ar-
rived home on Sunday for a few,
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hamilton
attended the Shaddick reunion at
Springbank on Sunday.
Gathers At Park
The annual reunion of the Ro-
binson family was held last
Sunday in Riverview park, Exe-
Winners in sports were David
Robinson, Robin Blair, Patsy
Blair, Bonnie Blair, Wendy Neil,
Douglas Pratt, Tommy Prout,
Steven Robinson, Judy Blair,
Sheila Willett, Larry Willert,
Jimmy Blair, Jimmy Neil,
Wayne King, Jean Neil, Edith
Willert, Russell King, Earl Neil,
:Don Blair, Bessie Robinson and
Glen Robinson.
Arthur Robinson, London, was
named president for 1959 reunion
with Mrs. Arthur Robinson as
secretary -treasurer, Glen Robin-
son and Earl. Neil., sports com-
mittee and Alvin Willert, Jack
Blair and Harold Robinson, table
1" J1111111111111111111111111M1111„Jl llltllllllll mit111111,1111111111I1I111111111111111111111I111111111111111a1111111111111nn111„
III10114 114141111111441 4444414434414 1 411111\1041411114141114114114141141114111
1410444144141141MO. 4 4444111144
Holiday Bargains!
'56 Dodge Suburban
4 DOOR—a 'one -owner car $2,095
'55 Dodge Regent
4 DOOR SEDAN—one-owner
'54 Dodge Royal
4 DOOR SEDAN—one owner $1,395
54 Meteor
,.,,,,,r„1,1,,,,, $1,395
4 DOOR SEDAN $1,245
'53 Dodge Regent
4 DOOR SEDAN—green ... $1,0.95
'53 Dodge Regent
4 DOOR SEDAN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $ 995
'51 Dodge Regent
4• DOOR SEDAN—iti good condition $ 495
'50 Mercury
4 DOOR SEDAN ---a mechanic slleciall Has J3
good body , r $ 150
Exeter Motor Sales
Peed boribs1 Prop',
'PHONE 200 NIGHTS 1324/ OR 1604
)sftit�n�r�rftr(tfirtinlrrr�i`;rfnnntrnntrrrirrrrrnrt(rrrr(rutinlrn'1�rnYrr(tviiritfrnlrftrrttr(rfetanorllr'irirfryo s
On Friday when Mr. Ray Par-
kinson was working athis binder
a spring flew and hit his eye,
necessitating the removal of his
eye on Sunday at the Stratford
hospital. His condition at time of
writing is as well as can be
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs. Don. Marshall
and. family, London, visited Mon-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Mr. John Massey, St, _Marys,
visited during last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Mr. and Mrs. • Glenn Froats
and Paul, London, visited Sun-
day with Mr. George Arksey and
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen
were Saturday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning,
Exeter, the occasion being the
eighty-fifth birthday of Mr. Gun-
Sue' Ann Squire holidayed due•
ing last week with Mr. and Mrs.
F, Squire, Prospect, and also at-
tended Bible School.
Gerald Flannigan, of London,
holidayed last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Squire.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Baillie were
at Mitchell last Thursday visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Clark Switzer,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dann,
Wesley, visited Friday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Morley Sr.
David Brock, of Kippen, is
holidaying with Earl French.
Janice Morley holidayed re-
cently with Carol Foster.
Mr. and Mrs, William. French
and family and Mrs. Olive Fred-
erick, Mr. and Mrs. 'William
Morley Sr. and Mr. and Mrs.
William Morley Jr. and family
attended a family picnic at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins, Clandeboye.
Happenings In
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Me -
:Ewen. of Palgrave, Mr. and Mrs,
Edgar Baker and family of Zion.
spent last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Thomson, Faye Me -
Ewen returned with her par-
ents after spending the past week
at the Thomson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey,
Mr. and Mrs. W..B Young spent
a few days recently with cousins
of Mrs. Mossey at Collingwood
also toured Muskoka, Algonquin
Park, Haliburton and Toronto.
Mrs. Jas. Mossey spent the
past three weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Martin of St.
Marys while there visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Patterson
of Belton, Mr, and Mrs, Hobbs
of Granton and Mr, and Mrs,
Wes Jaques of Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
and family spent last Sunday at
Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Writ. Jones and
family were last Sunday guests
of Mt, and Mrs. Bob Grover of
Mrs, \Vol. Jones and family at-
tended the Bryan re -union at.
nlN"FYl'7'l1E 7"ABLFE, chrome, and I
Poplar Hi.11 last Saturday• chairs, apply 130x "I4", Tin1Ps-
Mrs. Alvad Hopkins of M:it- Advocate, 7'
Jess wods.or l..
More Than 23 Words.
20 Per Word
200 OFF
if ad paid with order or b
Saturday following the last
More 'than 25 Words. -
I'M Per. Word
semi -Display Classifieds
(Restricted to one column)
First Insertion :$1,40 Per inch
Subsequent Insertions
$1.25 Per Inch
Minimum One no
Classified ads accepted up till
Wednesday noon. Auction sale
copy should be in Tuesday at
4 inch .....-.----_ 1; 1i5 per M nerd
:mth 85 per 51 Del'el
6 inch 110 per M 1)el•d
7 inch -
inch 14111", per BAt DalL ficial
8 . per
T's, Y's and Elbows in Stock
Prices for 10", 12" and 14”
on Request
LIMITED 11 tin
El;;'infield Phone 193 Lucan
quarters for :Royal ,typewriters.
Victor adding machines. We can
save you motley: Exeter Tlmes-
Advocate, phone 770. litre
91109 DEKALB PULLETS-Heaithy,
well raiser!, vaccinated for bron-
chitisand Newcastle; 1- weeks
old June 26111 and July 7rd. i)is-
cotntts on large orders. li'ree de-
livery on all orders of 2011 nr
more. Inspection iliviterd. 7Enquir-
iea promptly answered, Call or
write "Atoore's Poultry Farm”,
R.R. 3 Seaforth, Ont„ phone 647-
,.-31, 6:12tfc
t•1)Atf 1.1;'1'1': SET at Speeial coat_ .811-1ne acres, Quite modern 01):1) ltrS arpentering, painting IOT-A CAFEFP :it tai
exciting +osnle sic bu$inesa as.art.
tI,011 repreeel at toe. Unllied,.
opportunities !or advancement.
1. z; e l tl s i v e territnries open :p
South Huron rurat sections, :please
write Mrs, Lourten Careen, District
Manager, Box 2S1,. ;Hanover, out.
m):r, 1a1 teat honks. dined' tnndi- barn with fine h0ttte. Water cis•. Phone lseter 40 ,. R:9tfc
11011. A ala• Mary :Skinner, !lone pressure $yIitetn$ 111. barn and ...
1{irb.lnn 1»l -R-11. phone
Roust, A Int of rna,•ltxner;v wlliniti , ........,
- _ enuld be bought x6111 farm. Large i ---Mis. LLANEiaUS
„ „ silo. Possession as Arranged. Neal - -• • .. -
t'1.I.I;\'1S1(aN ;1.T, .1 stre44 o , I.1r>ENTIDE VILLA, Monte or
Armorat, 1978 model, :Apply 44,-, Nirkk n 1v , a f
Alain *1, photo 716-4 Exeter. 7e. F'A1131--•Inn acres. X'ine lint" and' elderly eitizeu$, i$ now opAn, at
e good !tarns. Near :Exeter, ' 0 Seeders St., Deter. The Villa
:m i,ll"1 ,' C^' t',A 1l --1.00 acres. Modern equip- 1 is ttnsier ills xttan$gement et hits.
LI, Y1 ,4 Altniy in Harry i 1. I p l,. 7)elmor4tne :Exeter. 1t61tfo
Shermarel, phone Dashwood 164-r- pelt hoose and barns. 1n gond Io- , .. WANTED__
3.. 75 ration. Blest of land. \Fnuld like 1 WHy' 1.01,jerteale Fulls in your
10 sell Wildetncnts and any live- 1 ba.l•11 this smuttier 1111e11 )nil e;til txfAjN'-.,41iopt 880 tons ut 41001.
sloe wanted by buyer, I be free .nf them by spraying 70111' heal? oats nr raised grain. Apply
A Int of other properties In 1hie building 11it11 Korlan. ienr Infer- .,Sandy B,11int.pltnne 416 Exeter,
ewer inn. V. milli like in ]rivet prose I matin .abo,t it tall L. V. Ho. Its
peer ive Ino sirs and sellers. 'P110115 1 Barth. Exeter, phone 286.•
1 or write Morley l\'a4s, Granton, 24:7c hIXX.Ifititr
COW, quiet holstein,
agent for Tl, P.+.Harris, London. . preferred being used. to being;
17tftt r ; , band -Hulked. Clare Paton, Clandee.
SERVICES— hoye, phone I.uean 161-R-1.
i 7:1404
w • �
/ YYIN. 10 ACRES ()F' LAND adjoining, APTIFT(.,TAI, ]NSE\1I\.-.
Exeter nn Highway 4. Apply Herb I ,1"..i2.).,:".11. `
);room r,nx i1 l vPi'Pr. 7:14:21e l sorrlrP nr 111010 infoxnla
I)EARBO1tN COMBINE I i1 Breeding \ssnciatinn enllect at ^ �"''"'
t'tinlnn Fil' --.",411 between 7:30 • BI01.S1;KL1•;P1s'l---Companion. for
and '1.30 a.m, week days, 6 and'' elderly lady in Exeter. Apple
C. V. Pickard;C • Ya. _) not. call lana r. Times -Advocate.
• p.m. 011 ..aturda, . I n n i to
for sere we nit Sunday. Cons in
le:CCM ft
hPiit 00 Sunday , an be in entin-
\"t's have clients wishing to pur- sled t+atisfartorily nni Alnnday.
to sell, see us, Chas' F;xeret• !tomos. It ou wish \\e supply .seryire to top finality
EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT y bulls of the Hfolstein Jersey,
R. D, Jermyn, Prop, liens
Ayrshire. Guernsey. frrBrown Su veep
t\'e are offering' the following' Red Poll, Jlerefnrd (pollen anvil
Phone 508 ,Exeter and other properties: horned!, Beef Shorthorn limited , WAITRESSES --»full time- Apply
1c C O 1'TA r, T;, 2 -bedroom, bright, anti horned]. anti 1)uai Purpose t Reller'e Restaurant. 'a
- 1 Shnrthm n, ,nngus and L'harntaitt
nvldnrn•kitchexi. ".piece bath. FES- breeds. The cost is and, 7:21t fn
Ill'HeDING, '14x24, 1 be moved tea bedroom space asai1.1tio. Full
basement. price s4,5no.n0. Slightly
from premises. Phone 1 Crediton. higher on \er)' easy terms. A\T'Zts zsishing to hare their
barns or henhouses white washed
BRAND NEW 3 -bedroom home. call Bill Watson. Phone 37 -r -1D
PIGS. 5 wee],s old, .Apply J. I'• Completely modern throughout. Dashwood. Also grain or i:nrn
r'tPjnnP„ phnn5 462-n\'-12. ,• Garage. May be purchased for spraying. rufnc'
low cash price or on easy terms.
1550 %'t' r • ,.3o- HIGHEST CASH PRICES fnr awl•:.
AIT. 1.()s. ..\1;. in good tut slim, Al':t.1:T:1'F7NT-Gond kJ P & 1
ning vomit Bon. priced reasonably cation. Suitable fnr office or down or disabled horses and
for quid,: sale. .Appal x;;fadss'yn shop Very ,:nmfortahls living cows. Dead stook at talus. 4:all
Hooper, Hirktnn, phone 115-21. quarters. ran be purchased an promptly; 7 -day week servtre. Experience Preferred
me very easy terms. Call ltd Andrews, Collect,. 9 1 -Il -
11 Srafnrth, 9:25{tfe Phone 461
1,04711 ti.\Y, 300 hales. Phone 149- 2-S'I'OR'1 F B1:IC1%-•Thus is a0 we11
t lir•nsa11, 7c built home with gond roof; nil
burning furoate. \Fouad accom- ric,
('H1:S'I'1Rr'11::1.D S1:ITh7, W1115.nxodate large family or lend it- Hensel' agent -- Fink Plu,nbing Exeter's Most Modern
Any reasnnahle otter ar.cepted. or scif to conversion into two com- • Heating. Prompt photn
agent -- Fussell otn finish- Restaurant?
trade for propane gas stove nr fortable apartments. Terms. ing. 7:109FEleet-:2�'
piano a't•ol•dtnn, Phone 880-J-3. a:12tfo �
with motor .and all extras.
The best one they ever made!
Make 'Us An Offer,
1inn, telephone 1 b Wei prison Cat -
WOS11:.3: --- 'Mahe mnney al stoma
assembling our items. Experience
unnecessary. Lee Slfg., 466 S.
Robertson, f,na AngPIP s 48, Cal,
GIRLS' Bre' Vetere, C.('.M,, in ex-
eellent condition, Wit carrier,
kiel, stand and lock included.
Minna I,u,•en 46-1. Te
129 14 13 t.' 1, A FURNACE, used.
,\rateable Immediately. Apply 40;
Andrew St., Exeter, or phone Alf
Andrus, 719. 5e
sEF: TI•.E NEW Surge Surlier:! FOR RENT—
milker with the "looking' glass!
finish 0n the inside". New lid (C)511 (3[i'1'AEI,F. 1-bedronln apart -
angle milks low, uneven urldel's ,,,int with gond 1i1'!ng space and
Con et Aove! McGuire,+ riga e ince bath, sr. r to
bet ter. onta t n ( 3 p 4 a pa a
phone 593 Wingham. Surge 73110- I entrance: rental 537.110 per month:
kcts, Syphon .Milkers, :P a r lo r I imniediatr possession. 1', V. Pie-
kard, Realtor, 394 Main St Ex-
eter. TItfe
Stalls, Wash Tanks, Pic.
:i11:M24: 1e
,A1301;'r :000 BRICKS. second-
hand. Apply Box "B" Times -Ail -
coyote. tort fn
:1 GEDFOn,\I HOUSE:, Heil total- tat
SEPTIC TANKS pumped. immed-
erl, modern kitchen and hath- s serrire, Butler Bros. Lucent
(none, gond heating equipment: phnne ' nr 309. 10• 4"
garage. Lnw price. 51,000,00 cash (`d'STO\f CO1IEISINC: with SP 9n
will handle. Liberal terms on Massey-Harrlet 0 0 in h H n P. Applle
balance. 24r, Norm Whiting, Exeter, phnne 155-
CFENT1ALIA - - rine 2 - hedrnom \l'. 17tfc
home. All modern ennvenienres.
Wonderful cnnditinn, Garage and
rt''STOM SWATHING anti ('0mhin-
a good lot. Moderate price, S:7 ing done: 2 S.P. swathers: 1 S.P.
99 combines: grain put in g•ran-
other :properties, er •, •Apply Carl .1. Talker. Cron:-
y, phone 11-11-133Dublin,
To buy or sell, see C. V.
PIC1KAI:D, 'Realtor. and. (leneral r1'5TOM COMBINING - Either
Insurance, 394 Main St., Exeter, swafhert or standing, w itlt 1'1-
phone 1115 and 625.
"tic font self-propelled meinhino. Tlea-
smtahle prices. rooter: Lyle Mont -
BABY CHICKS — ;ornery. R.n. 1 cunt on, phone
41 r 31 Seafoeth. 24:7e
.\P.\r,TMIINT-One of the better PROMPT' SHIPMFENT Bray chichi*. \I'ZING t'1'vEA.AI SPEP.AR.ATORS-
t •P 1l tots. Sn P
part-furtiisherl 4 -room apartments. dual purpose, m x d, T i] m Sal re and service. Repairing a
started. Plentiful supply .Ames
(high prnrluccinn, env n1•erhpad). spe01a11^ Basil O'I,nurke, Brure-
Orrlrr Oeinbet•-\ovenlbrr broilers field• 01101)0 131' :-21:11, _ .-
now. AGFEN'I' - Erie Carscarlden. ,•, (- S T O M. FARM D'1tAINAGE
Exeter, plume --46-AF. 7C Corti act Alex Irvine, Seaforth.
NOTICES — Ont„ phone era -,1, 7:11,
Large air?• monis in private home.
hath and hot seater, Central lo-
. Dation, adults; reasonable rent.
• pnseecsinn Aug. 1. (garage avail -
Typewriters ahlP 3in Andrew- ,til , ley et et•. 7-
11',\PiM1:NT, 1- or 2 -bedroom.
•Portables or Standard furnish, a or -unfurnished. .apply
m1's. Gladys Henry, Ward Ante.,
THE EXETER Phone 345 1txeler. 7e.
'GIMES ADVOCATE 11'rrF 11 .\P.AfSTSIENT, furnished.
prints put ranee and bath, frig
1%tfc and since; couple only. .Apply 109
Huron SI, hast. 7•
MAGAZIN7 Bur — 'American , 4- ,3 9 1 40
16 e
APiFI'rMT'7,r, $ 0, 1 and d
forHome" 52.00, selling' e
for half the regular rate. ]ler month, with one soca two
Subscribe now at The Times- bedrooms. Phoria general 2-1731
Advocate, agent for all magazines. London afte ' p.m.7r.
] :1t:7:14n SMA LL APAPTMi.NT, furnished.
PUPPIES, black, German Shep- brighi and ro y, suitable for tsvo
herd. .Apply Or vi Ile Holltng:5, people' E:1.) par nlorth, xEllint
(.lanrlehoye.21:5- ApaNinon t5, ptlnne 476. 7r•
CASE THRESHER, 25x47, on rub -
her. equipped with Ehersol grain
thrower and shredder, 140 - f1
belt. William Staniake, 1 ,11, I
FIxeter, phone 399-W-2, S:7tfc
HOUSEWIVES, Home Canners:
Hang on to tills ad for i1 1ill
not be repeated. From .August 15
on until the end 0f September we
will he selling' peaches at reduced
prices due to eircurnstanees be-
yond our control, All varieties
52.59 a bushel for No. 1 pearlxes
and, as always,. culls and tmder-
sized peaches 'will he selling at
Just 51.0ft a bushel. Containers
extra, Armand Pe Cler"q, the
farm with the 2,5(10 peach 1rem
is easy to find: 1 milt south of
Forest, 500 yards off Highway :1
on 12111. of Plymptol. \Fateli for
the sign, Phone Forest 600-13-h11.
'RADIO and record player, P.nrers
Majestic: chrome kitchen suite;
ahiid's desk and. chair; 2 single
beds with new mattress: all -chan-
nel TV aerial, Apply 139 Colum-
bia Drive, RCAF Centralia, phone
650-\A'-3 7'
Space Heaters
Goad Selection
From $25 Up
Phone 181. Exeter
11) PULLETS, Rhode Island x
Sussex, 5 months old, started to
lay. Phone 40-1.-4 Da almond. 70
P141i'T.1:C,SRA a'OR, 01 it e 1' Inn d51,
excellent, condition; floor lamp:
lerord ca bill et and IP1Pphnitr
bench, Apply 94 Simcoe St., Phone
790 Exeter. 745
P.113r C.A.H. Ari]„ grey. like
new. Phone 397.W or 195 Ann Sr .
1 eeler, 7e
cheli spent a few days last week
with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thom-
son and is spending this week.
With Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Thom-
Barry Thomson returned home
after spending the past week
With Mr. John Rinn and family
of Paseline.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Pattison
have moved to their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Roenllnele,
Dennis and Brian of Cat'mangay,
Alberta spent a '.few clays with
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson,
Walter, bonnie, Carl Langford
spent. Iast week with their grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. Tre-
wartha of .Ifolltlesville, M1'. and
Mrs. Kenneth. Langford spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Tre-
urartha, the boys returning home
with thein'.
Mr, and Mrs, Leonard. Thac-
ker and family and Ails, T.
Waugh of London spent Sunday
afternoon at. Port Stanley,
Mr. and Mrs. Daviel Parkinson
and Tommy of Trenton spent a
few days last week rvith Mr.
And Mrs, Xonneth a :Parkinson.
Ann returned With thein for a
week's holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar.
tin, WA. W, P. Young. • tof St.
Malys, Mr, and Mrs, t. Ste.
::hubs tar Atnflt+rso0 Mt. and Mr's,
Cecil Massey and Mrs. hints
Mossey spent Sueday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wes Mossey, in honor
of Mr. Mosscy's birthday.
Miss Kathleen Mossey, Wing'
halm, spent Friday with 111r. and
Mrs. Cecil Mossoy and Mrs.
Janes Mosscy,
Miss Marie Sisson attended the
Anderson'Y.P.'U. picnic at Fan-
shawe on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William ,lodes
and family, Mrs. Lottie Jones of
Centralia. spent Sunday after-
noon at Port Franks,
Misses Vei'vl and. Jeanette
Hooper holidayed lest week with
their cousins, Morley and Eddie
Facey, at Wellborn.
Mr, and Airs. Jack "Thomson
and family spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. "Kenneth `Pacer.
Morley and Eddie were Sunday
evning guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Gladwyn ilooper.
Miss Anne Thomson spent a
few days with her Cousttns,
Cheryl and Marie Rinn. London.
Mrs, Herman Paynter, Kirk -
ton, spent Wednesday with Mrs.
Fred Thomson
- Ile: It says here that a•, fa-
ther's eleveriness is infirm a
Mumbling block sty his son.
She: flow filet, dean". le thunk
we won't have to worry about
2 APA R'rS1:NTs -- 3-ronnx apart .-
nent, heated newly decnrated: 2-
hedronm apartment, available Sep-
tember 1. Apply At Weld's Store.
Crediton. 7n
W. C. Pearce
Phone 435
Fauns -3 acres to 300 acres
Houses -$3,000 to $11,000
Stores -$5,500 to $23,500
When buying or selling see us.
TAKE NOTICE,fE thet i r
(IP AL COTT: C1l of the Town nf. I LOST -- TOWN OF EXETER
Deter intends 1n pass a. By -Law
at its regular meeting 0n 11)' 4th I _ SA1LIt11A.Y, AI GIST !1, 1130 P.M.
day of Augest, 1959. author izin> I �� .ELL THE PERSON who has the
the clerk of the said municipal- wrong cover fox' a. plastic con- Double cot and mattress; Miss
its- in apply to the Judge of the retort from tie r'halnera Gnu»inn Canada wash5r: kitelten table and
('Dunt (`Hurl of the t_ount7 of mv .1ttly 27 kPnrlly rntltaet Miss 8 chairs: .1nling room table and
s •e n a c9 - 111 chai,'t+: coal and vrond Stove:
T3urnn fnr an Order fn Close a Alargar t 1?rolcn, ph n- ..6 Jrti
• road allowance as shown on Lot I diet. ,, white 1.itrhen cupboard: 9x10
floor r
Number 591, Plan 20, for the nrnrinc: 4.1-p tee(' Chester-
Town of Exeter and being more TAN. 13ILLr'OLl7 with the initials field Suite: New Home sewing
part 'elderly described as follows: "n•BM.H." Quito a, large sum of • nna.ehine: buffet nal; stand: dres-
.A parcel of land having a, front.- money. TTrwa]•d, .\ppiy lira. F're't' err: Jinn leunt. 17x1_: Carlin: rag
,eke from 'West to :f6ast of Sixty- Hatter, phmle '_'21-.J. ,•' size bed, springs and mattress;
six feet 166') and a depth i from • pier tires: lamp: 2 asst tray stands;
J 1 bran erne!.: 5 cookie vans; dry
North to Soutr of Three Hundred'NOTICES TO CREDITORS
feet (300') more, or less roiundre- nine; 11. ash
dust pan: ilxanxh h
ing' at a point in the Northerly purl: nasi) tub and Ismail wash.
bon let; tnilt•t plunge:'; ironing
boundary of Lot Number 59.4 at a In the Estate nf
distance of One Hundred Fire 1•ereal dishes sugar howl
foot (107') measured Easterly Herbert Ralph Butlerand creampitcher: dipper; candle
from the North-west angle of I holders: candy dish: flour sifter;
said Lot. NO'eu'rE ie hereby gtrrn 1114.t all ! nater pitcher l towel raek: large
r r t o c til tit hake pan: oil dont; child's tri -
r d i r and O els +- eye] e: kitchen suit. e. table, 4
\Nr1 'F'1'PkTHER 1'.AI;'hE \()TICFEiclaims against
the state of Her-"
that. taxless of ectimxs err former- beef Ralph Butler, late of thel011airs and buffet: combination
ly matte. to the. said Council b?" T n w n s h i p of Hibbert in the ;dem, ^' ] li"x6' lir'; 3 small tables;
any Person who claims to be ad• County nt PerIb, Farmer, who ; high ,•hair•: medicine cabinet; ra-
(hers' affected prior to or at I dled nn Llie 19th flay of .duly, 1978, d> talon mower: ext elision tablet
the regaJar meeting* of the said are required to forward their•, a foil small articles: kitchen
16179. i an the 4111 day of .August, claims duly proven in the [ander- 1 sable: large hall tree: curtain
19. 9, the said Council will pen- signed nn orbefore the 16th day' drapes. trunk: va.heo; wardrobe;
reed to pass the said Py -Law nn nt August. 1955, Iptclurc frames: 4 enamel mugs;
the aforementioned elate. flavin ' \Nn NOT.i('17 is furrier given bread earl; 5 assorted saucers.
regard only to the objections that after the said elate the Exe-1 Th:11U1S: Cash.
then receivert' tenors will proceed to distribute:
THIS NOTI('F6 is given pursuant the estate having regard only in i This is a
community AutaiolS
10 the'Municipal Act R.fi.O 19:10. the Claims of whiclll they then 1 Sale, Anynno wishing to put any -
DON'T LET a lack oh' funds eausa
n lack of vacation fun this yeast
Classified advert isine• van 11Plp
you. Sell "don't wants' fnr vara -
tion dash. Phone 770 fnr Ad -taker"
And Typists
Required for Department
National D e f e 11 c e, Centralia,
Ontario. Stenographer S alar 7
$1860-$2640. Typist Salary $1860-
$2550, based on Experience and
E d u c a t 1 o n. Send application
forms to Civil Service Commis-
sion, 388 Dundas St•, London,
Ontario, before August 15, 1958.
Of Household Furniture
In Frank Taylor's Back Yard
Chapter 243, Section 4,9(1) and shall hare 005105,
amendments therein '1. at Exeter, DATED at Exeter. Ontario, this • of del?,, 1918,
7th day of July, 1059, W. G. Cochrane,
FRED COLE, PHONE 544-R C. v'. 'PICXiARD, Exeter, Ontario,
Salesmen Municipal Clerk. Executors` Solicitor.
17afc I 7.14.21c
DATED t �.r, this 24th day
thing In can do sn,
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Say you saw It in The Times*
When you convert
42(1/' Victory Bonds
Via Melt 01 allAD1441
Your nearest branch of
the Bank of Montreal
'Q'n -4'e au crib
644441 9o44 s
A Higher Invesfl'neni.
• Imn,sdis+e Cash
• Nei t urge for the
Bank's services in
1xcter,l3ranch: . CI•Ir-1,11L`IiS SMITH, Manager
Ccntea.lia (Sub-Aeleitcs•) : Open, Tuesday and Thiirsdiis•
Grand Bong (503 -Agency): Open yton., Wed. & Fri.
Crediton ran ell C't.ARE IRWIN, 1<lanager
(C)pen Tuesday, Thursday and nn pridav 4.30 ' a 11,06.)
t)ashvnod (Sub-Agenct•)': Open Mon Wed. A: Tri.
ilensall Btaneh: KENNE1'If CIIRtSTIAN, Manager
i.uoai6 l ratich: TACK STEAC)", Manager
Zurich Btench: 101 -IN BANNISTER, Manager
1w C�
.. ,, Lt< C t` t1I dINO'L` Lft4t
� � I N tIi WITH- +� a� 1V 11, W! t A N :4 ) M E°V° l� fx 'i+` 'WALK