HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-07, Page 8„IL 1 Pae 8 The TimesAdvocate, August 7, 1988 ...44.18.9.F,TRSORRSMS.0.4 ttttt Carol Starkman .011 Duffy Show By ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE. 7ion At Picnic Zn suthi, annual plow. az Seat.oaa 1 , Park last satura", 1 80 tor dinner aint lie ler sap- per. Winners in rat's 'kV; ' St`11001 for VI t‘l: pre; hoy,.. 7 9 t; !Let Drott.. Gordwl u.crn; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.14 ,mar1is roe, 1e, task 11 A note front Carol Starkniaril Priseilla Wright who has been 1.12).);$! 16(.1"a'l saya that she hasrm 1 1)0I'll signedn to; sineing on Holiday Ranch niter.. girls, 12-11, Helen Heaie.a.ea TIPPNIF "off and on" Othe ;lately with Venda King has also ; Hen': "Beres Duffy!signed a reeording -contract, with Y""g l"',1.,°"• , ;‘,1,!'"" ,1 l'r." "I'll he appearing in a. sLettis . Twentioth Centory„Fox Rocords. youin."; 111E41. lain:1M 1r41 and doing a on an the August t Priscilla, who is 18 and goes to k""the'''I'll'vr'• 11"r''‘'' "t%i'':'; 9 show. The eang 4111 the i /Indy ! university in the fall, has just ! nwn' Is ivis`l; 0'''''1!!':•)''' F'''''' Show are a terrific rimp to work , laall signed for three years al- I er; tilryrIt.'"'"'d r"".• with. It hardly si'ettes fair to! though the record company 11 ant,' and (;cr"l'i "ern.' '!'•i'';';;I:.' ''''''' Fr. take thm e oney fur having stall! ed a fivered Mille1),•reeti 1;:' -year contract. Her s pamd time." ; lather who handles her eareer;"htr. r'ive! Durotty and it,..rat i It seems almost a sure bet that ! didn't want her tied up past the' ho° ssr"../NiY,.,:12.",1 111,!!.1. ...Here's Dulfy" wail continue as • aflo of tli, and aiarearm ia",,ea. le, re i vanan King is making top semi two relay races viith .1: el. la en a winter show. ''One of .a Kind's has already ing "words one of which she'll; and ""alii 11°11 as 4"'I'isalI!Iss been sig,ned for the winter sea eine la 4 11'\V 1 tnk a roll movie." Personal Items fail as Ave predicted earlier. 1 Cliff McKay has surrounded! mraa Harold iicn „0,11! Pasts Lewis. 11 113 113g ben ap.• himself with good talent this sum- 'dass fast week aath peering on "Country ChM" goes . mer lint it still seems doubtful! !qrs. Loh nem la ate.; ,,,, aC. to Les Angeles between shows t that his 5110W. 116 it stands. will , Harold 11(111 itial l!!!. 110;-: le ei. soon to etu four monis. If all ! he on the an: this fall. Rumour . spent Sunday wilii ,mr. ,;sii.d :!,;N gor't well they'll be pitted up by , has it that Billy O'Connor might ! Ilob Hem and Mrs. 11.i. .t Dern a major reeerd eeinaahy. tel en tefee over the blIOW. ; 11'111.111id 1101110 la•ith !,iii. Seeiiking of reco1(1s„1 (Ian Fair- i Noreen St. Pii rre. who guested i A number „f 13.:,,iht., i4 I.,,, • fp% tONS me that lac upset eon- on Country COM last week,i -s community traeriIed lin" feneeel periling the records she cut in that show s script assistant. Dur- ! the spring for mt,rotry wus uv tilt' fall she Wa5 script girl on ma, mai tauthar! „al ja,!, Hit Parade. Noreen is a fine Mrs. Gibb. Exeter, ye -eta !a; biggest diaappointmem" M her! -career. "It's such a lone inuilved talk singeF and has appearedin , week withiind Mrs.9 s. story it would lake me hours to clubs Toronto. By the way 51)0 ton Brock. tell it." she added. also snares an apartment with, air, ana Mrs, leirne jellee ;eat e' hajustsigned a eomract Barb Franklin of Summer ShowSu - children vieuad on ea,..iv saaal ;roan s . Mr. and Airs. Orale $p -t' Woodstock. Suntiay vialtors with 'alr. Alrs. Jud Dykeerain and men; were: Air. and lire. 1 law eisi Miller and Merton. Mr. and Mrs. Rey 1):.!...ani11. Lan- don and Air. mat Airs. raid Dykoman. Crediten. Miss Muriel Here is spend- ing some time with Airs. Dial Fenney, St. Marys. Mrs. Weill/I:Oen Ill'Oek 44(141. Airs. Tom ltrork at!ended a shower on Mendes' for 'midi!, elect. Miss Kathryn Hunter, at the home of Mrs. Tom °ale, Strathruy. Mrs. Hector l'aylor, Exeter, ' spent the past week visiting in the community. Alr, and Mrs. Garfield Nixon and children. amnion, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- • la(7 14. 700d Comments. By MRS. ERVIN RAPER !etre, ea!, ,;• Merrier, who ,t , ease. :tele r ..1 t ,-.1!`1', has returned to '1 lisT 1 • Cilrl Ilesle, 1*4 i. 11.a. 'lined With .; Alert:era auel v• 1' 4.. .' ; .1 ames Baty. 01 t ;• visaed with theta Kraft ant 'f. i:4 V. !iv 1 111'e(1 ,Nlerno; ; •','. Ale, and Airs , • • ; nit Mrs. A. N. .1 attended , -ail weiidina 1.1 1) :a a 1 . • ." ! Aliss Afar; !de. spi•nt the !. n tilt re1ail:1'es i '11 11pin. te I ea; N. NVIlittiar .' 11f Pee...rime°, are ae' i.• :qrs. Ilerb !! of 1., !ita IN cm. of Sudbury. • ern, , V eie Clinton. fetal with Airs. lieeh ‘,. 414 I: - 1.! Iteralialiie. of Lon F' %lit)). Air. .ales. l'araoki, sit!. ima Vies. Weibere. Mr. and Mrs. Herb-, ert Weiberg and !daughter,. Mr.: and Airs. Irvin Latta, Mr. and Ars. Gordon Weiberg, all of Wat- ...eon, visited with Mr. and Airs. weiberg during the week - " les Barbara Becker and trivial, of Kitchener, spent the a...el:end with Mr. and airs. V. L. livelier. Airs. Lena Cook'of Camlavide, is visiting with .111r. and Mrs. t red Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Laub. et Exeter. spent last ;Sunday with Ale. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krelzmane of Detroit, spent last. weekend with .Mrs. Cora Geiser. Mr. And Mrs. Robert Rankin .11a1 family. of Tillsonburg, spent aist Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Sal Baker. Mie and Mrs. Milton Webb, Indy and Bob, and Air. and Mrs. Thomas Nunns, of London, spent the weekend at Sauble Beach. Miss Selma Eifert, of Detroit, mai airs. Frieda Homebaek, oi rennin), are vacationing with As, I' S. Tillie Restemayer and ether friends. Nis Douglas Hamather and .1.1r. Peter Irwin, of Landon, were weekend visitors here. 'VOLKSWAGEN DELIVERY VANS POPULAR poit + Economy • Versatility • Manoeuvreability Volkswagen can be loaded with its sides up or down, top on or off. on Its spacious FLAT floor. Volkswagen will give you 30,mile-to-the-gallon economy and will solve your parking problem. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY TODAY AT Hunter - PHONE 38 vt" uvar & Sons Ltd. EXETER welh General Artists Corporation time. of New York. They handle some of the biggest names in show business. Selves Reunion "This will be a season of taeulars on CBC.'" said loan, "ard 1 will be appearing in soy- Held At Home eral of thoae as 711 as on the ate Wayne and lahuster Shows that have been signed." Summer Jewellery SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE; Buys From 39� Up Jack S17 -pith CREDIT JEWELLER Phone 510 Exeter The annual Selves picnic woes held at the home of Bert Selves on Sunday with a good attend- ance. In the sports program winners were: under 6. Wayne Corbett, Linda Hero; 6-9. Douglas Web- ber. Dennis Lambert; 12 and under, Marlene Webber, Marilyn Lambert; bunny hop, Marlene Webber; all enjoyed a peanut scramble. Most names from letters of the name, Mrs. Bob Hero; guess- ing most articles on tray, Glen Lambert; !guessing nails in a jar. Glen Lambert; most knots in a string, John Selves; tooth- picks and raisins, Glen Lam- bert's side: beans with straws. Bob Bern's side; toss the plate. Margaret Webber; ladies kick the slipper, Margaret Webber; men, Ed. Corbett; ladies clothes pin race. Mrs. John Selves; men, Lee Webber; lucky plate, Robert McNaughton. The picnic •;s to be held next year at the home of John Selves with Mrs. Selves elected presi- dent and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Jaques, secretary -treasurer. 1. yoq EAST 44- ald Hem and boys. • Message From 11 -1 irkten By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting' of the Kirkton 'Women's institute was held at the home of Mrs. • Glen Alien. The Kirkton 4-11 Club Girls were guests at this meeting and: presented a skit entitled "Veae-1 tables Go To School." This had been put on at Achievement Day. Miss Pat Marshall gave ari ac- count of her recent trip to O.A.C,, Guelph. The draw on a gilt was won by Rosemary Smith. The re-; minder of the evening was spent in sports with the presi- dent in charge: Personal Items Mrs, D. Hazelwood is visitin.1! with her daughter, Airs. Balfour, of Kitchener. Miss Muriel Switzer spent week at her home and accom-: 'milled Miss Elaine Gaffney a! • Stratford to Detroit for the! weekend. Muriel has accepted a position with Eleetrohome Co.; of Kitchener. Mr. and airs. Eta Stephens! and Mr. and lies. ("1144^1-0:±! Stephens of Anderson; Me. and! Mrs. Cliff Stephens at Owen! Sound visited Sunday vvith ;dr.' and Mrs. Dave Shandliaaa Mrs. W. E. liewins of Niagara-. Falls, N.Y.. spent the weeltend eee with Miss E. Copeland and airs. H. Copeland. .Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Gray visited Sunday with Mr. and; Mrs. Mitchell and family, Stat.! fa. Mrs. Joan MeCormiek and Bernard left Sunday to visit with Mr. and Airs. John Ilanniman and Bob at Spanish, Northern Ontario. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Macklin^ were Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Eairbairn and Dianne and Ruth Ann Henry of London and Miss Wendy Blackler. Sunday visitors with )Jr. and Mrs, Aliller McCurdy were -Mr. and Mrs, Harold Henry and Mark of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Julian, of Clive. Alicia Mrs, George Allen and Miee Kay Allen visited last weekend at Dundas. Ward Allen was en- tertaining there. Smithey visitor; with Mr. and Mrs. Come. were tJr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, of cromariY. Mr. and ;1Irs, Gemeee Hall. Modern, automatic Lennox warm air heating is just about the soundest investment you can make, it not only produces personal comfort, d but its cleanliness re uces decorating costs; its efficiency lowers fuel costs. Most important, its presence increases the value of your home -makes it worth more In any real estate market. con HAVE YOU CONSIDERED C42 kite Comfort 0' GET SET EIIR AIR C01101110*Illt AT Ntl EXTRA CDT (Lennox tooling Netts use seme blotter and duets as the tattoos heating system you bay; . roe Heating Survey for your home or office for the summer months . . or for all year .? NOW IS THE um% Don't wait till later to make altera. tions or to install a new heating system. DO IT NOW. Then you will be ready for both those hot, humid days and/or chilly nights. We carry a complete line of oil burners, fnrnaces and air conditioning units. All service work and installations done by !experienced men. UNDENFIELDS LTD. Phone 181 iXater • Make yaw home as FRESH as Paint - AH-RuDroar, Handsome ,F.17 Self -Cleaning Pews While Longer Repaint your home 3TI. just ONE COAT with superb Super-Lastic STAY WHITE House Paint. Cuts painting time in half . . . and you save on paint, too! Perfect for previously painted surfaces in reasonably good con- dition. Exceptional hiding quality. Stays gleaming white - for years longer. Worth $9.45 a gallon. Quart 1.69 Gal 6.40 LOWEST PRICE OVER - on Mat' -)i 44; Front nnti Twin Re.ar 4 - Mit u Mat Sri. Jet Marls .turdv mtternetl. Pro - ;1.1 t14,s:;4:,;; your ear's in- t. 1.07 ITED orANTITY -- at tisk catty recita:-.-Al price. Order early 771.1.1tC1*01''T;TtE 9 PE:It-LASTIC 123X One Coat! EXTERIOR' WHITE House Pallit Save $2.00 a Galion SUPER-LASTIC EXTERIOR The Wax Polish with BUILT -1N Cleaner CARNAUBA WAX -SILICONE BASE CLEAN -WAX and Weather - seal in 1/2 THE TIME 34?5,,iw.)4•141,1•-• ' i . ./..,,,,. i,,,,4i1;1,41W1-.2''!"-....0 ,''"•,,•ii!„,„.',;;;;Xw.f,,i•R!!,,i.,,,....?eii, .. 4!(11 :_.,„,ske, ^R;‘,. 4, ...1,..„ ..,...71 ' ., ., .., s ''f''''..::::s.;•:' *,•:,•:4;:::';.4.;r,".4.411.r..4.,,; itt i'a..('• ' '' • -...aaae.,ta saa-e,!..ea at..i.ee , ,,,afaa:iaaa::::'ili!atentitaianif;aivire'e.-AK!':''-:.••ess.... , ........- • . .,.,, ..... ..... HOUSE PAINT - 96 RICH COLOURS Quality -tested, Super-Lastic Home Decorator House Paint -in a wide range of most, wanted colours and smart tones. A rich, full-bodied finish that resists wear and wea- ther. Greater coverage gives extra savings. Make your home the smartest on the street -with Super-Lastic Horne Decorator House Paint. Canadian Tire Saves You $2.90 a gallon. Quart 1.59 Gal. 5.65 TINTING TUBES - .131° .72 SPECIAL COLOURS - Outside Glees Whites Shutter Green and Bright Red. Quart 1.69; GM. 5.98 11 14 • 11 Mrs. <T. Met 411141 Bernard' and Mrs. A. Pearann Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rev-. ill Pearson, at Collinewood. A. Pearson is slaying at CoPiwt!.; wood with her son for the stun - The Xirkton rowirlri played hall at Lieury last we:.k, wionirri with a score of 2O to 5. GLASS Mrs, Viet Or SO tV, or. of 11 ramp-, ton, spent thi"; with her • °•"'"`"4"'" Mr. and Mr:. Jim Beatty and bran.. sister, Mrs. Ella, Urquhart,. family, of Brampton. 111,' weekend with Mr. and Mn. aid Paul. Mrs. Beatty and family . sprayer „i remained for the vatek. • Gsossar ' eCt!NODI Worth 2.25 20 -oz. Liquid ar 8 -oz. Paste Type Armor -Sheen Wax Polish -homo- genized to creamy smoothness! Gives , "professional" hard-shell solid wax protection -. at the same stroke wipes off dull road film, dead paint and grease. Deposits a por- 'eclairs-like glaze of CarnaubEt.base Wax, plus weatherguard silicones that stop color fade-out. Ariner-Sheen Guarantee --if you do not agree, after us - 1 n g ARMOR -SHEEN Silicone. CornuWax; Pont!) with built- in cleaner, that it is the easi- est, longest - lasting protection that you have ever aPPIled .10 your ear . . simply return the UllUSOd 00241041 and we will give you your choice of any nation. ally advertised polish we sell. absolutely GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE Contains "Titanium" the Lang -Wearing WHITEST White '1'ARMADA Thrift -price House Paint is made from the overspray and residue of expensive appliance finishes (as used on refrigerators, automatic wa- shers, etc.), and is scientifically blended with "Titanium" . . . the longest -wearing "whitest • white" known. A very satisfactory finish at an exceptional saving for low-cost home, cottage and farm protection and beauty. Attractive Colours, too ALL AT THE SAME LOW PRICE ARIVIADA. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT -Your choice of cream, bright red, tile red, medium grey, dark green, dark brown, alu- minum. Flat white, tinting base and primes'. Quart t3 Gal 3.39 Mr. Arthur Wclrler, of Vey - ton, visited last wik ;with hie cousins, Mrs. IL Copeland moll Mr. and Mrs„ Maurice Illitelaer.! Mr. and Mee Harvey Gray visited'Iast Ai:nudity with lir. aryl Mrs. Melville Gray, of lklillbauk.• Mr, and Mrs. G. 11, left Sunday on it trip to the: eastern provinces. IfOpeful Harry: (telephoning): "Say Mabel, may 1 come over, tonight?" Female Voice: "Sure, eOrne on over." Harry: "Why, this isn't till." Female Voiee: ii.n't Ma. bet either. But what the heck, Cottle 011 over," ROAD TAR Upholstery REMOVER CLEANER WITH BRUM-I- V o (151 t P omefl. sor boot rovers and is. holsterY .89 tt-02. Max!: tar and 1D11 oll 111121 to tor lin. 9 Genuine Leather Worth 89f! CHROME WHITEWALLCLEANER POLISH IteStores white - Removes r 41 51 wails to gleam - and tarnish in White nes' restores hrItIL. appeetence, mice and applies UM- prottetive tie 079 eoating. sprayot19 3 -Piece BRUSH KIT Pine bristle benches lJ the most needed Sizes 1,", 1" and 3". Brill ties etc securely vul- renized in rubberGet the Sot for only Car and Utility SPONGES netts sootors- pn. able ceilillose. Standard 34 size 'ft Largo size ,,,,, 1.'A"F size r attmh. 59 1.29 Spray ENAMEL Anyone can use 441 pdTeirlotrathtbonr:1017Wgtdea --. caster and more range of beautiful , 1.39 Speedy AUTO WASH Cuts ear washing time he helf - removes dirt and grime. nries witholit streaks, no wiping off. Powder or LIqutd tgPa 4.44 4' .29 436 Main - Exeter Phone 451 Milton R, itobbitit SPECIAL! Superfotie Auto Radio Includet Aerial