HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-07, Page 7Brideutlects UR The Alum of 0 INVITATIONS 11 SERVIETTES .MATCHES 9 COASTERS Times.Advocate Garage Sunday And. Evening. Service • Open this Sunday, Wednes:' day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Graham Arthur Motors 111111111111111111,11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Pentecostal S$ Conducts Games The Pentecostal Sunday School picnie was held in Riverview Park, Exeter, last Wednesday. After a picnic supper games and' races were conducted, Winners in nursery class. race, Betty Jolly, ,balloon was given to each; beginners' OM, Donna Lutz, with a sucker for each; primary .class, girls, Donna White; boys, Gordon Paget. jun- ior class. boys; Nell Hamilton;. young people's elass.,, Wenda Mc- Laren. Young men, wheelbarrow race, Harold Blanchard and Neil Ham- ilton; young ladies, kick the slip-. per, Marilyn Hamilton; men's spider race, Harold Blanchard;. ladies, driving nails, Margaret White; walk and stop. Mrs.. Id - gar Cudmore; egg throwing, Al - yin .Cuclmore and :Harold Blan- chard. Canadian tourist in Switzer- land was somewhat disturbed by the•esthetic enthusiasm of a local guide who took him moun- tain climbing. "Be especially careful not to fall here," the guide warned him, "because this is a mighty dangerous place. But if you do fall, remember to look to the right. The view is extraordinary. Swift's Fresh Pork Loin Feature Rib Roast 3/z LS AV Loin Chops Loin RoastAv 3Y2 Swift's Eversweet Rindless. Bacon 1 LEI, SEACED PKG. Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Pickle & Pimento Loaf r49c aR CB. L. YERJR CHOICE, el -OZ. DELLO 49c 75` 59c 694 Sugar Canada White Vinegar IT L4'.STS 100 Off Giant Package Lux Liquid 8.50 GA;LL:ON 'JUGS DETERGENT, 73c 69c Pillsbury's CAKE MIXES Angel Cake Mix, 16 oz, pkg. Orange Cake Mix, 16 oz. pkg. 490 290 Doug's Market Monday to Thursday — 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Saturday 9 to 10 PHONE 860 FREE DELIVERY South End Exeter , • r. 4,1 rAW W . r. Cromarty Comments By MRS, KEN AUKELIAR Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsclahl and Connie visited on Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. John Chessel, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs, Doug Gale, Mitchell, and Mrs. Clara Haeknoy, Exeter, spent the week- end in Detroit. Miss Alice Walker accompa- nied by Mr, and. Airs. Jack Mc- Ghee of London and Mr. and Mrs, Roy McGhee and Connie, Staffa is enjoying two week's vacation at Bancroft, Ont, Mr, David Chalmers, London, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Burns of Rexdale were weekend -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dick. Mrs. Jas. Howe, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hoggarth. All the members of the family of Mr. Frank Harburn, now of Mitchell, called on their father on Sunday to offer their congrat- ulations on his 84th birthday. Among those front this district who attended the Ballantyne re- union in Lions Park, Seaforth on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Will Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Kerslake and family and Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cadick and Donald, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Sharon Grace, who had been holidaying at the home of her aunt and uncle, returned home with her parents. The church service next Sun- day will be in charge of Rev. Barclay of Avonton in the ab- sence of 'Rev. S. Kerr who is on vacation, This Week In Winchelsea By MRS, F, HORNE • ,,,,,,wW*•*,,,,•***•••••/. The second Williams family reunion was held on Sunday in the Lions Park at Mitchell with an attendance of 65. Members of the clan. were present from Buckingham, Que.; St. Thomas, L o n d o n, Ingersoll, Cooksville, Byron, Birr, Blyth, Guelph, Kit- chener, Exeter, Listowel, Mit- chell, Woodham and Winchelsea. Mrs. Freeman. Horne, Kath- leen, Ruth and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey and family and Mrs. H. Ford. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ford, Mrs, B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil - Hams and Sherry attended from this vicinity. Mr.Roland Williams was ap- pointed president; Mr. A. C. Whittock of St. Thomas, vice- president; Mrs. Harry Ford, secretary - treasurer; Messr s. Keith McLagan and Wilfrid Roy, entertainment committee f o r next year. Oldest person present was Mrs. Ben Williams and youngest, Ag- nes McLagan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLagan. The picnic will be held at Mitchell the .first Sunday in August in 1959. News Budget From Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE CIE‘AfAR Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bovine, of Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Baker last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Christie, Edmonton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston and family. Mr. Jesse Elston, Mrs: Robert Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Christie, and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur vis. ited in Hamilton last week, guests of Dr. Elizabeth Bag- sha w. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker and Mary, Georgetown, visited with Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dewar, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills and Miss Mary Faulkner, of Omemee, were weekend guests of Mrs. Toni Doube and Russell. • Mrs. David Belch, of Omemee, is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Tom. Doube and Russell. Mrs. Caceiotti, of Capreol, and Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly and Edward, of Sudbury, spent a week's holiday with. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Brenda. Elevator Operator: "Here you are, son, tenth floor." Old man: "Don't call me, son." Operator: "Why not, I brought you up." SOUTH END SERVICE GO011in'EAR RUS 'AND CHUCK SNELL PHONE: 328 COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE 1 look for this high sign of quality NYLON ,SAFETY AT NEW LOW PRICES! 131141.-w GOOD" EAR 34 NYLON DELUXE .SUPER,CUSHIONS $. • 95 • for 6,70 x . With trade.ido. Alt Nylon fires are io tilikal Only aoo-clydatlstylott islwIDNYlottspecially tempered .(likesteel is tempered) for -greatest sttretigth and 'resiliency. You get ttit5te blowout and DUO -tete pretatio"ii than ever before" 43' Mr. and Mrs. John Hocking had as their guests on Sunday Mr. James Mc Clennand, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McClennand and son Lyle ail of Norwich, and Mr. and Mrs. John :Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller, John •and Margaret of Si, Patti's, Quite a number from this dis. trict went ta Stratford on lday to see Princess Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Ramsey and Steven ,accompanied by Mrs. T. McIntosh spent the weekend with relatives at Georgetown and and Acton. Miss Laurena Soren. son of Georgetown returned with them for a visit. Mrs. Harvey'Sparling and son Stephen, of Willowdale visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyce, Mrs. Jennie Wilson, Toronto is a guest of Mrs, E. Moore. Mr, and Mrs. Ferg. McKellar and sons visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay McKel- lar, Mr. and Mrs. John McLach- lan, Seaforth, visited last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Will Miller. Mr, Frank Stagg spent the weekend W& friends at Ipper- wash Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Miss Alice Sorsdahl were guests at •the Rhode -McGhee wedding in Staffa United Church last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, Munro, visited last Sunday eve- ning with Mr, and Mrs. George Wallace, Mrs, Ed. Chappel returned home from St. Joseph's hospi tal, London, last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. 3, E. Abbiss, Georgetown, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carey. The annual Sunday School pic- nic was held in Lions' Park, Mit- chell, last Tuesday with a good attendance, Hensalt — Con'i7ne'1 From Page 6 • Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Hamil- ton were weekend visitors with the lattees parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavender, Mrs, Archie Noakes who cele- brated •a birthday •on Monday 01 this week, in a pleasant surprise on Monday evening received con- •, gratulatory messages from her 'daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leaton Siemon and little granddaughter, Kristena, of Gam - boa, Panama Canal, Mrs. Noakes said that the reception was quite clear. IErie Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carnpbell, left Thurs- day of last week for a three iweek's vacation at Lake Louisa in Quebec. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Archibald of Exeter. They motored through 'Ottawa and will return by Mon- treal and the S. Lawrence Sea- way. Mr. and Mrs. Vie Stan and ,,Timmy of Red Deer, Alta, are i vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. 'Leonard Noakes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flannery and family of Xomoka visited over the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs, Alf Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, accompanied by their three youngest sons have returned from a week's vacation at Sauble Beach. Mr. Cecil Van Horne, accom- panied by his daughter and son - ii -law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Flynn, are vacationing at Smith Falls. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Gibson and son returned to their home in Sudbury after holidaying with Mrs,' Gibson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Duncan, and Air, and Mrs. Glenn Me - Naughton and family, of Toronto, were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Mc Naughton. The. Time*Advocefis, Aliguoll' 7, 19$O Pigs 7 obody :ogth End Service. WHEN IT COMES TO Tire Bargains LOOK AT THIS! , Brand New, Fully Guaranteed Goodyear Marathons ONLY, '9.95 And Your Recappable Tire (Add 500 If Mounted) ACT NOM—This is the hottest tire value we've had in 15 years. Trade in your tire troubles and drive away on brand new guaranteed MARA- THONS by GOODYEAR today! Remember: They're.fully guaranteed. LUCKY DRAW WINNERS—Winners receiving 10 gallons of gas in last week's lucky draw contest were Marilyn Ryan, R.R. 2 Ailsa Craig; Bill Coward, R.R. 1 Woodharn, and Mrs, Ron Swartz, Exeter, Draw was made by Don Gravett, T -A Sports Editor, SOUTH END SERVICE PHONE 328 Russ and Chuck Snell EXETER Here are the of' • about exchanging your 3% wartime Victory Bonds 1. What is the Canada Conversion Loan of 1958? It is an offer to replace all unmatured 3% wartime Victory Bonds with new 25 -year 41/2% Canada Con- version Bonds. (Other bonds of shorter term, bearing interest rates of 43/4%, 33/4% and 3% are also available.) 2Why is the Government making this conversion offer? In order to reorganize the national debt on a longer term basis and thus reduce the volume of Government refinancing over the next few years. There is widespread public and business agreement that this is a sensible idea and will help protect the soundness of the Canadian dollar. 3. What interest will 1 receive on the new bonds? On the 25 -year bonds the interest rate is 41/2%—this is 50% greater than the old Victory Bond rate, The in- crease on the 14 -year and the 7 -year bonds is also substantial. 4. As a Victory Bond holder, will 1 be required to make any additional payment? No. On the contrary, you will receive an immediate cash adjustment. 5. Doi have to convert my Victory Bonds? You may, if you wish, hold your Victory Bonds until maturity and on the due date you will be paid their full face value. The Conversion Loan offer is open only to Victory Bond holders; and the "right" to convert gives VictSry Bonds a special value until the offer expires. This is because there are many people trying to buy them in order to invest in the new bonds. 6. What will be the total of my cash adjustment? It will depend on the type of exchange. For exaniple, a $500 8th Victory Bond exchanged for a $500 Conversion Bond paying 41/2% will give you $8.75 in cash im- mediately. This includes earned interest. 7. Does this offer apply to Canada Savings Bonds and other Government of Canada Bonds? No. This offer is limited to unmatured wartime Victory Loan Bonds only. 8. What steps should 1 take if I am away from honie on vacation and wish to take advantage of this offer? You should write immediately to your bank, investment dealer, stockbroker, trust or loan company, requesting literature and application forms. 9. Does it matter that the Victory Bond I hold is very small? Every holder of a Victory Bond, even though the amount held may be only $50, should take advantage of this offer, It is in his best interests as well as in the best interests of Canada, 10. How long is this offer open? Until September .15, 1958, but it is to your advantage to convert as quickly as possible and have the benefit of the immediate cash adjustment. 11. Where can 1 exchange my Victory Bonds? At any bank, investment dealer, trust or loan company; or through your stockbroker. don't delay --convert today EARN UP TOON THE NEW CANADA CONVERSION BONDS 4