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Let's Talk
Sports Editor
1141111111111111I4n1/nn4111111Wn41M M11/11111411U11111114111111111111111,I11111R111111
One of the main reasons why the Dashwood,
Tigers are giving Mitchell Legionnaires such a head-
ache 111 their current Huron -Perth baseb 11i semi-final
series has been the aggressive hitting of Jimmy Hay-
ter, Hayter, a veteran stalwart of Dashwood teams
• through the years, has
been murdering prac-
tically everything that
is dished up to him
by rival pitchers. Last
Monday in the Civic
Holiday doubleheader,
the hard-hitting catch-
er who sometimes al-
ternates at third base,
was no exception. In
the morning game,
which the Penga1s
copped 9-7, he crack-
ed out a double and
single in three official
trips to the plate. In
the nightcap. the
stocky athlete tripled
in the second, belted
a grand -slam homer in
the fifth and was just
robbed of a second
round tripper in the top of the tenth when. centre -
fielder "Link" Rohfritsch made a last-minute des-
peration stab at the ball to pull down a high line
drive that would have easily meant the ball game,
Although Jim got off to a slow start in the hitting
department this season, he's certainly making up for
it at the present. To us. it's good to see him belting
the ball again at a healthy clip as he's one of the
better athletes still participating in the league.
Another reason for the Bengal stand at the
present is the ability of Raymie Wein to come forward
in stellar relief roles and with the bat. Raymie saved
the day in the morning contest on Monday against
Mitchell and also chipped in with some, timely hit-
Jimmy Hayter
Steve Mitro has been a tower of strength on
the mound for Dashwood and it amazes us how he
can keep going for so long: The Tigers chiefly rely
on the right arms of Mitro and Wein and credit
should be given to the pair for the way they've per-
formed all through the season.
"Link" Rohfritsch, coach of the Mitchell Le-
gionnaires, tells us not to be. a bit surprised if his
club knocks off the highly -rated Zurich Lumber
Kings. "We've given 'em all they could handle in
our previous meetings and with a couple of breaks,
things could easily swing our way," said Link. There
only seems to be one drawback a', the moment, Link,
and that's getting past the Dashwood Tigers!
• • * •* •>i'• ar
Jim Proudfoot of the Toronto Daily Star seems
to be quite impressed with the way district horses
and local hockey teams keep the town of Lucan on
the map. Recently he wrote the following article:
"Between hockey and harness racing, the
Western Ontario village of Lucan (pop. 900) is on
the sports neap constantly. In the winter, hockey
teams like the Lucan Irish Six and the Lucan Lepre-
chauns have brought the hamlet trans -continental
fame. The pee -wee Leprechauns even appeared on
the Ed Sullivan television show a few months ago.
"However it's in sulky racing that this trans-
planted chunk of Erin has its biggest moments. Last
night. for example, a Lucan horse, Miss Legal Grat-
ton, owned and driven by Clarence Young, won the
Gratton Royal Pace at Woodbine raceway. The mare
v. second to Josedale Minty -Lou in the first heat,
Te.-ersed that finish in the second dash, and was
named winner of the souvenir blanket on the, basis
of better timing.
`'Rumor has it Miss Legal Gratton is for sale
with a price tag that reaches five figures. A possible
customer might be Sheridan Revington, a spender
in the standard -bred field. He and "Bud" Gilmour
are partners in owning Howard Rosecroft and also
own chunks of Bimbo Chief Can, Floating Rhythm
and Governor G."
It certainly is good to see that the vicinity is
making the daily sport pages throughout the country.
* 7k• * it
CUFF CLEANERS --Congratulations to Don Southcott
,s _. GrandIlh1�hole-in-one
4z at the GBend Golf Course last
Monday, Don's ace marks the second one in the
family golf parade. Mel Southcott performed the
dream shot some time ago , Lou Boudreau takes
over as manager of a 32 -lane bowling alley in sub-
urban Chicago after ending his season duties as
sportscaster on WGN ... Anyone for golf? Ruben
Gomez has been turned into a links sharpy in only
two years. Ile shoots consistently in the low 70's and
has gone to 68 at Phoenix, A pro down that way
taught hint the game in a month! ... Last year at
this time, Yankees' Bullet Bob Turley owned a 6-3
win -loss record. To date, the New York fireball is
leading both ieaguos with a brilliant 17-4 record
. We hear that Don Joynt of Hensall fired a 71 over the Bend layout recently . , . Things
on the hockey front have been the quietest since
our arrival in Exeter" some five years ago.. .. Ex-
eter's softball team under coach Blake Gifford is
continuing its exhibition schedule. Last Tuesday they
dropped a close one, 8.5, to London Life in the late
innings. The locals have received a by into the
WtDAA playoffs . , Hensall Bantams are on the
prowl for the WOAA Bantam "1)" title. Wouldbe
nice to see a good crowd an hand Friday night in
Hensall when Atwood pays its second visit of the
aeries there. Gallie time is 6:15 p,m, sharp! .. The
Toronto Maple Leafs (hockey wise) got their first
bad bre3k of the season when Bert Olmstead, who
they recently purchased, got into a serious ming
and will be forced to miss the majority of the 'S849
campaign,„ . We'r'e calling this One the laugh of
the week! be you ever° think that renter will ga r
major league baseball franchise?
Mitchell Cops
Lads Dashwood In Semi
ome Run
The Huron-Perthintermediate `.continuous rains ;forced the can -
baseball league is in the midst cellation. Instead, the two teams
t declaring a ring a” G representa- rresenta- will hook upThttrsday d c a i� 1 day and Pri•
a'e forthetBaseball As- day ' necessary
ti Ontario if n ss1 todeclare
ba win-
socia on playdoarns. i ger.
Already Mitchell Legionnaires'`Plenty of action is prev'ailurg
hold a 21 lead in a best -of -five in this tight playoff ,series with.
series with the Dashwood 'fibers' A1lkchelt .and Dashwood as the
as they downed the Bengals hy
. three home runs. seven doubles
scores of 6-3 and 12-11. Dash.:
and a triple indicated in their
wood, who are doing; everytliing' last game.
hut give up, hauneed hack to Double trip the Mitchell entry 9.7 in a I n Tenth.
Civic Holiday morning game in
Dashwood and remain in the`/ J
thick of the race to see awn williYe Y Lead
advance into the finals against ; On the strength of "Buses"
the power -laden Zurich Lumber Brown's tenth -inning double that
Kings. scored "Link" Rohfritsch from
With this semi-final series la-' second base, Mitchell Legion -
belled as a hest -of -five set the' 'mires scored a 12-11 victory over
finals with the Lumber Kings Dashwood Tigers in, the nightcap
and Dashwood or Mitchell, who-. of a Civic Holiday doubleheader
ever it niay be. will be played out : in Mitchell Monday night to grab
M a best -of -seven affair. a 2-1 lead in the best -of -seven
The Dashwood -Mitchell series semi-final playoff series.
must be concluded by August 9: The winning blow was one of
so that a winner will be ready to 26 witnessed by a large holiday
tangle with Coach Tom Rawlings' crowd as the two Huron -Perth
Lumber Kings on Monday, Au -1 teams put on the biggest slugfest
gust 11. All games in the series of the season for the paying sus -
will start at 6 p.m. sharp. tourers.
Mitchell was slated to play the i Three home runs, including two
fourth game of their series in grand stammers, seven doubles
Dashwood nn Wednesday night and a triple sparked the evening
but the weatherman said no as 1 performances of the two clubs
Hensall bantams Lead
Championship Series
The Saturday heat wave didn't However itdidn't take long for
the picture to change completely
as Hensel] came up with three
in their half of the first on only
one hit. Walks to Larry Jones,
Jack Chipchase and Bruce Hor-
ton, with an infield error by
shortstop B. Coughlin, set the
stage for the three -rule rally. The
only hit of the half inning, and
a timely one it was, came from
Bill Shaddick to give his club the
lead which they never lost.
Before it was over Hensall
added three more markers in
mean a thing to a run -hungry
band of Hensall Bantams last
weekend as they pounded out. a
seven inning 10 -bit attack to de-
molish Atwood Bantams 15-4 in
Hensall and go one game up in
a hest -of -five final series for the
WOAA bantam '•D" champion-
Steve Kyle. a young fieee-wheel-
ing righthander, went the dis-
tance for the winners. He chalked
up a total of 12 strikeouts and
scattered six hits over his seven -
inning performance. Kyle gave .the third; four in the fourth, one
up three of the six safeties in in the fifth and four more in the
the first inning and then settled seventh,
down to allow only single blows The combined efforts of W.
off him in each of the fifth, sixth
and seventh frames.
Although Atwood Bantams
came up with four glaring errors,
it is doubtful even without the score hy Inningsl RIFT r;
miscues, if they could have held scorend __ .. -.- Inn 1115 1—R4
e 4
on. This showing belonged to the Henaail-_....:._ .3na 410 4-15 1n 1
Steve kyle and Jack Chipchase;
W. Harrow, C. Smith (31 and r,
Harrow. Winning Pitcher—K.y1e:
Losing Pitcher—\i-, Harrow,
Harrow and C. Smith on the
mound for Atwood recorded nine
strikeouts against the victorious
Hensall club.
Hensall nine.
Backing up the Hensall Burling
performance were 10 big hits,
four of which were belted for
Shortstop Bill Shaddick paved
the way in the hitting department
with four safeties in five tries.
Two of them were -run-scoring
doubles in the fifth and seventh
innings. Jack Chipchase pounded
a lead-off double in the three -run
third inning while Larry Jones
placed a two -bagger into left
field in the seventh.
Jones and Chipchase each col-
lected two hits throughout the
contest while the Hensall bal.
ling spree was rounded out with
single blows off the bats of Bruce
Horton and Bob Mickie.
Believe it or not, Hensall
trailed 2-0 at one time in the
game. In the top of the initial
inning, Atwood broke loose for
three singles and a walk to score
their first two runs of the game.
R. Harrow started things off
with a single and was followed
by W, Harrow's walk. Successive
back-to-back singles by B. Ache-
son and B. Coughlin brought the
base runners home.
The fourth week of the play
ground was called "Old, Fashioned
The special days were Thurs-
day and Friday. Thursday was
backwards day with each. child
wearing their clothes backwards.
Friday was another big day.
Church was conducted by Rev
A. Rapson.
King and Queen of the play-
layground at Kinsmen Park, were
Don Wolfe and Barbara Whiting,
They were crowned by Shirley
Merkley, Donna Wells and Ber-
nice Strang, At 'Victoria Park,
Brenda Brintnelt and Bart De.
Wiese were crowned by Eleanor
Heywood and Bonnie Doerr, while
at Queen's, bonnie Gifford and
Nancy Gifford were crowned by
Marilyn Jory.
We concluded "Old, Fashioned
Week" with a big parade down
10 the Library. Each child was
dressed in an old fashioned cos-
tume. The children sat in front
of the library •and sang songs
for a while, The -costumes were
judged by Mrs. I, Srnith and the
supervisors. The winners were
Kathy Wells, Mark Heywood. and
Danby Laing, This concluded the
fourth week of the playground
activiti es.
The fifth week was known as
"Penny Carnival Week," We
spent the week playing games
but mainly getting ready for the
Penny Carnival on Tuesday aft-
Church on Friday was conduct.•
ed by fhe supervisors and reerea-
tlonal director Larry Heideman.
Karen Heywood and Donnie
Wolfe were crowned Xing and
Queen Al Mu 'Playground by
Eleanor Heywood Marilyn ,tory
and Shirley Merkley, while Hort•
no' We11C and Bernice Strang
crowned .handy 'Tiernan and Joan
Campbell at Victoria.. At Clueen's,
Bonny Doerr crowned Pattie and
David Moffat,
an !!ridgy afternoon, about 1.50
children •turned opt for the Benny
carnival., Draws for an airliiariee
and doll' wore won by Joan They..
wood and frOrdolr Page,
There eras a great variety of
booths fop the chitdrett Where
each paid a penny to trarticlpate.
With Wet full and enlply jock•
eta, then'; Children went home
intermediate "C" Semi -Finals
(Bast -of -Five Series)
East Week's Scores:
Dashwood n, Mitchell 7
Mitchell 12, Dashwood 11
:Mitchell 6, !Dashwood 3
'w 1, P
Dashwond - __» _, 1 1 2
!Future Gaines:
T—:ditchell at Dashwood
S--Dashwnnd at :Mitchell
(if necessary.)
(Best -of -Five Series)
Last W ieek'.s 'Results:
Hensall 18, '
Atwood. 4
Hensall at Atwood ppd. (rain)'
feature Genesi
7—.Hensall Al Atn•norl
S --Atwood at Hensall
it3est-of-Threw Series)
(Group Playoffs)
Last !leek's ire,lulfst
Seaforth 2, Exeter 0
Future Games:
7••--Seaforth at Exeter
1,F.AG ret
Final Standing*
Rrinsley 11 2
West Corners... _ •" Il 4
Ailsa Craig, 11 4
Sylvan s
Parkhill_ _ 3 7
l.leury µ_. 2 S
Playoff :Dates
(Best -Of -Three Series)
11—Shan vs. 'Rrinsley
12 --West ('nrnersi va. Parkhill
Yid ---L fleury vs. Ailsa Craig
13--Srinsley tis. Sylvan
19. -.-Parkhill 1a. ','est Corners
20. -..Ailsa Craig vs: Lieury
who went through a real see-su.
battle for ten innings before th
\viunc was decided.
Starting pitcher "Whitey" Mal;
elle paved the way for the artil-
lery barrage in the second in•
Hing when he cleared the bases
with a blast over, the right field
fence to push Mitehell into a tent
porary 44 lead, Kenny Saxton
Murray Colnlhoun and Harold
lleinbuck all rode glome on
-Whitey's" first grand stammer
of the season.
Dashwood's Jimmy Hayter, who
gained credit for a triple in hi
first plate appearance of the
night, duplicated Maicho's lea
in the top of the fifth when his
club was trailing by a 6-1 score
He blasted a long drive over the
left field fence with the bases
lammed, Bob Stormes, Steve
Mitre and Raymie Wein coasted
home on the big blow that pu
the Tigers right back into the
However, the home 'run barrage
still wasn't over even though the
fans saw eight runs cross the
plate on two round trippers. in
the bottom half of the fifth, Mit-
chell's "Porky" Wallace poked a
solo shot over the right centre -
field fence for the third home
run of the game,.
Dashwood Tigers rallied for h
pair of runs in the top of the
ninth inning and looked as though
they had their second victory of
the series sewed up but Mitchell
bounced right back with two •18
their half of the inning to force
the tenth. ,
The door was opened to the
Mitchell club in the bottom of
the tenth. when "Link" Rohfritsch
reached first on a Dashwood
error. From there he was sacri-
ficed to second by Doug Smith.
With the base runner in scoring
position, "Buster" Brown teed
off on one of Steve Mitro's pitches
and sent it for a run -scoring
double to end the 23 -run, 26 -hit
Benny Saxton, Rohfritsch, Mal-
ebo and Brown each cracked out
doubles in the winning cause
while Raymie Wein, Steve Mitre
and Jerry Martene connected for
two -Naggers for the Bengals,
Jimmy Hayter for Dashwood
and "Porky" Wallace for Mit-
chell, picked up a triple and. home
run apiece for their respective
Score 1/y 'innings: R H F
f'ashwnnd .„ nln 5112 nn2 0-11 12 4
Mitchell _. 042 012 nn2 1-12 14
Stpyn :Nitro and Soh Meharg:
Whitey Malcho, "Buster'. Brown
(3) and igen Saxton. 'Whining
Pitcher—Prolcn; Loser—Mitro,
w' out two safeties. Wein himself
e contributed
singlesthe ie ' ' t
and eighth innings. .One of the
Iwo hits picked up by Jimmy
llayter and.Bob Storines were
doubles which came in the first
and third frames respectivly..
Tiger Catcher Bobby Moberg
slammed: a double in the sixth
for the Tiger's third double of the
game to rouird out the 11 -hit as-
In the Mitchell cause, playing
coach "Link" Rohfritsch lest the
way with three, all .of the single
s variety.
Backing up their coach's hit•
t ting j erforinanees were Ken Sax-
ton and Wayne Pauli who each
socked two safeties. One of
Pauli's was a first -inning triple
while Saxton came up with a run -
scoring double in the fourth.
Singles off the bats of Murray
1 !Noble, George Coveney, Charlie
Westman and "Jo" Wallace ac-
counted for the balance of the
Legionnaire's 11 hits.
Wallace and Bob Sadler shared
the mound' duties for the Mit-
chell Legionnaires with Sadler
absorbing the loss,
Score 1, 7'nnrn);•ro1 1l. 1f p;
Tigers Even Set
With 97 Triumph
Thanks to the splendid no -run
pitching from the fourth inning
on by ace reliefer Raymie Wein,
Dashwood copped the first game
of a Civic Holiday doubleheader
in Dashwood Monday morning
hy a 9-7 count to tie their best -
of -five series with the Mitchell
Legionnaires at one game apiece,,
Wein took 'over the pitching
duties in the fourth from starter
Bob Stormes who had allowed
Mitchell to take a 7-6 lead. The
Tiger reliefer, who was credited
as the winning pitcher, breezed a
third strike past two potential
Legionnaire batsmen and al-
lowed the visitors in T.igertown
park to gain a mere four hits off
him in the balance of the five
and one-third innings.
Flits were a diene a dozen in
this three-hour contest as each
club produced plenty of power at
the plate.
Backing up Raymie Wein's re-
lief job for the Tigers were Steve
Micro, Bob Stormes, Jim Hayter
and Ray Webb, who each belted
n h
0 4
11111'heli 21111 Sn0 non. _7 11 1
Dahwon,j 4(12 003 511x-9 11 2
a\'allaee, Sadler (5) and Saxtoni.
Stormes, !Vein (4) and Hayter,
Winning Pitcher—Wein,
Mitchell Rallies
To Win Opener
Mitchell Legionnaires wiped
out a 2-0 third inning deficit last
Friday night in Mitchell and
chalked up a 6-3 victory over
Dashwood Tigers in the first
game of a best -of -five series for
the right to advance into the
Wonder Who
Sneaked It •In?
Don Southcott of. the Exeter
Golf Club, scored a hole -in -one
at the Oakwood Inn Golf Course
at Grand Bend last Monday.
The ardent golfer scored his
ace on the par three • 170 -yard
17th. He used a three -iron on the
hole as he hit his shot into a
stiff wind,
Playing with the editor of The
Exeter Times -Advocate were Jack
Southcott, Toronto, and Don
Knight of London .Highland.
finals 2
Huron -Perth finals,
"Buster" tt
B ster 1 worked Brown vo Ices 1
i 1 le
inounct duties for the winners
ed in the seven•iiniing game,.
t chalked up four strikeouts
while allowing nine scattered
Steve Mitro allowed the Mit-
Midgets Lose
Seaforth Midgets anon .a thriller
from the Exeter Kinsmen Midg•
ets in Seaforth on Tuesday night
when they sclueezecl ottt a 2.0
decision to cop the first game of
a hest -of -three playoff in the
WOAA Midget "C" playdowns,
Second game of the series will
he played in Exeter on Thursday
The Seaforth club won the play-
off opener in fine fashion as they
halted what looked to be a sure
three -run eighth inning Exeter
rally, A sensational catch in left
field by Campbell saved. the day
for the Seaforth nine as Exeter
had two runners on the base
paths at the time. Peter Ravelle
was robbed of what could have
been an easy home run when
Campbell. pulled ,off a phenome-
nal catch to end the ball -game,
Bell, playing shortstop for the
winners, collected two of the
four safeties picked up by the s
Seaforth club. The others went
to Dale and Patterson.
In the Exeter cause, Gordie
Strang led the way with a second
inning single and a foprth inning
double. Other local players to
connect for singles included 13111
Heywood, Lloyd Moore and Frank
Seaforth scored the only two
runs of the game in the sixth
when Bell led off with a single,
After Elliott grounded out, Pat-
terson came up with a timely hit
for the second safety. of the half
inning given up by Pete Ravelle.
Ravelle bore clown and got Reith
by the strikeout route hut the
next man to face hint, Seaforth
catcher Dale, drilled a sharp
single to scare the two base run-
Score by 1"arog•H4 3d H 71
Exeter 0110 non 011--5 5 1
Seaforth .. _ . 000 002 nx 4 0
Pete Ravelle and z,1oyd Moore;
Reith and Dale, Winning Pitcher
—Relt.h; Loser—Ravelle,
.shell club only eight safeties
throughout the, seven n ronin
s he
worked and sent four down via
the strikeout route.
Raymie Wein and Bob Stormes
paced the Dashwood hitting at-
tack with tr•o hits each while
Wayne Pauli and Murray Noble
led the Legionnaire artillery,
Pauli and Noble each produced
a double and single in the short
Dashwood ,opened the hest -of-
five series playoff minus threes
of their regular players. The
Tigers were forced to press a
midget player from Clinton., wlio
happened to be at the game,
into action to fill out the nide
man lineup.
Mitchell scored all of their
runs in the fourth and fifth inn•
ings with three runners erossing
the plate in each of the innings,
Score lly I,uti.agsl 1t 1M Fr
Dashllnnd- _. 0112 non 1•--.1 9 1
Mitchell-' .gnu :'in x--11 3 1
Steve Mitro and 11nh :lder,ara ;
"Buster" .r;rnu-n and lin,tny Sax-
ton. Winning Pitcher — Bron n;
Loser --:Nitro,
S. C. Bowen,
Who has been appointed
general manager of the To.
ronto Better Business Bureau,
He was recently elected '1ce-
president of the Canadian Ass
sociation of Better Business
Bureaus. Arthur R. Haskell,
former general manager of
the Toronto Bureau, has been
retained as a consultant.
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