Huron Signal, 1850-11-14, Page 1• TBN SHiLLINGS 1 r •DvA NCw, VOLUME III. dirt 1uron Signal, le e111BT•D aaU ►eaLtieZD !VENT iRVkI1 AT BY 'rltOAl*l1 31.ell'QULEN, $WToa AND rWralrTDI. Og1Ca IIAPLKT bQUAwa, OODPRICII. 's' Beek and Job Positing, executed with aeateeal and dupatcb. Tsars or rex 1('Roe aioi t.—TENBIIIL. LiNOS per a.r tont if psi 1 strictly in vintner.. r• or Twscvs A.D Jtx PEND' Willi the expiration of the year. No paper discontinued anti! a are paid up, !ales, the publisher thinks it his advan- tage to do so. As, individosl i• the eosetry becoming re- sponsible for sic sufcrlbers, shall receive a seventh copy gratis. ET ell letters addressed to the Editor must be poet paid, or they will not be taken out of the post uftite T mics or ADvraTtiINe Six lines and under, first ineertiou Each subsequent insertion Ten lines and under, first insertion Each eubaequent insertion Over tea lines. neat ineertion, per Each eab,egeent io.rrtion, IIT A liberal dieo.aut made t advertise by the year. "THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER UODERiCIi, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) TIIURSD.AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1850. AGRIC 131,T(1 R t?. SHEEP AND WOOL. TWELVE AND SiX PENCE AT Tlla tulO Or Tet Vaal. NUMBER XXXIX. of Mr. 'Tainlur when dropped in J iivary 1.10ENSE LAW. the clum•iuee• n; the details of e' u • "t DIT. STRANCIIAN A\I) HIS PROJECT - last, amt are consequently seven mouthe — tl.oir meaeure., hove fleepened the ronvir- EU SECTARIAN UNIVERSITY. old. The buck will weigh 'about 190 lbs., A friend placed in our hand& a few day" and •otno of the Vermont wool -growers — ea:cc, a copy albs Vermont hairnet, coo- w M, have roan him, think he would shear I taming the ahbjotued communication now 10 Ibe. The ewe is a perfect specimen - which we wrlhegl♦ peblee for the benefit of her bread, and is greativ mirrored. They cf rurh of oar re.Jera a• aro Interested in are vastly superior to anything i hat before the Wont.trede. Our American neighbors and superior to any I had etc,- amen. I con - are sit f ural r( "trill storm ;' that we bare elude, therefore, that by judicious crossing Dot Ib. utmost confidence in J S. W's I admit soon be in po■ee.sion of a Bock of as- sertion, : however, the truth of the matter s':e-i that will prtaluee more and better could easily be tested by correeponJ'ng with wool, arcording to their weight of carcase the Editor of the Jurwal, and if too •tate- an {tae food they consume, by about fifty s menta regarding Ihe,.e sheep be totted ear. rest, we weir recommend the President who hasnrtthe same kind. per cent., than throe of your Randolph cor- respondent, or of any other wool -grower, of the County of Oxford Apr cultural So - £0 2 G cisty to procure a coup!. of them at once I remain very truly yourr, , •• 411471 for the benefit of the Rociel Too much J. S. W.' 034 Y' .. 0 0 10 pains Cannot be taken 10 improv. the breed Facers WORTH ATTu..,no To—TRRAT- Iine, 0 0 4 of farm Stook, and although we have, as 0 0 1taRP1T To DAIRY Cowl.—Accurate trials e those wnu yet no very, exten'evo wool -grower. ro show that warmth and caro in feeding, ex-. Canada, the introduction of such a sup.rinr ercise a moat important influence on the 3l' -ti 1' breed of Sbecp would undoubtedly induce rerretlon of milk. A herd of cows, to pot t t°1) a many of nor farmers to engage in a huei. which water is usually supplied by pipes nitre which would be, at once profitable to From the New York Evangelist. themselves and beneficial to the Country THE SELF -FREED. at large : 1' CL.*ttlowT, N. if., Sep. 30, 1850. !T ww. OL %VD BOURN,. r M. EpuToa :—I find in our Claremont No peter held to ,,,„ie, or labor in sot Eagle -of this week, two short communise - State, under the lawn thereof. creeping into trans token from your paper on the subject another, shall, iu consequence °fatty laws er re- of wool and ehcep-breeding—both of them gulatious therein, be dtecharged from such eer- ',ice or Wier, but saA1.L ■z nettyaaae sir On claim of Output, to whole ouch service is dee." [.Coatiinoon of the United Stites, Art... IIi., See 4 ] 'Then *DOT Nor ne'.trra unto Ilia meter, the Bernet who ie eeeA;ied from his master unto thee: he shall dwell with thee. even amoog you to ,hat place where he shall ehenee, in one of thy fates, where it hkedt him beet: thou shall not oppress him." [neut. zziii. 15, 16.] Iva' at my door no an rte in Spring. When the day with its toil we. e4r, Ant 1 listened and heart me children sing - The hrmn 1 had often sung before: The full rooted mnoe was past fighting the sky, A. it rose on the distant hill. And the stars looked down with a placid eye Oa the hamlet whose'emstes were still. The hrmn had died net on the whi■perlog breeze, And Inst wee the sweet, tuneful moaod, While the shadows that fell from the tall poplar Irene Were stretching along on the mond; %Vhsn there stopped at the gate a mao weary and worn, tVno !-.nod on the wicket and spoke, As he ..ked for a plaee where to sleep till the TOM • — 11. would gn ere the neighbors awoke. ile took off his hat and he heaved a sigh, As he akedYor some bread to eat, And my bosom swelled apo I could,scarce tell why, - For my heart with its sympathy heat: I bode him walk in—i would hear his We— Ile should eat abd rimy Cher• for the night— So he left his old at.ff leaning on by • nil. And a bundle just pushed oat of sight. Ile held his tore hot in his hand ma his knee, Aod he seemed very feeeela(arap. - Bit he saw of a friend he wa eertaia ii ire. • And he odd me hie tale. e'en the worst; • ile said—" 1 have come from the Land .f the Slave— Where the waren of Ocmaleee tnlIed— And I'd rather Ile down even now in my grave, Than go back to the South to its sold." Wish a prayer in his pa.. studs tremulous voice, He begged me to help him along— And i told bim to cheer, in hie eon: torejone, Por i hated the Carle and the Wrong: I would show him the way asd send him to friends Who w•'uld help hire for Freedom to fly. Where the free air Anglo and the free anti heeds To the Author of Freedom on high. My hart swelled up with a holy jay, A.I looked at rite toil mien meet, And 1 hide my darling girl rad hay Stag a hymn ere they west to rest: Ansi they west • d conk of their little orate, And nut of their heart they gave. And we thanked our GOD that we had still more in lore for the flying slave. 'Tia the Lew of Goo is the hornets enal— 'Tb the I.aw in She Word Diviner - it shall live while the earth in its coarse shall roll, iT SHALL LITZ 1• THIB MDpi or pieta Let rite law of the land forge ire bond of wrong! i will help when the self -freed crave ! For the law is my soul, brioght beaming and strong. Bids me succor the flying slave and truoglle in the cowhouso where, from an obstruction in tho pipes turned out twice a day to the water. The milk instantly decreaoed, and in three days tho decrease became eery considerable. Tho pipes were mended, the cows received a supply of water in the cowhoose, without being ex- posed to the cold, and the flow of milk reo of the '• right stripe." Chet ie evincing a Epi- I turned. 1n another • eaeo the person who Vit of . and a commendable I had the principal charge of the herd was pride in the result of the efeorts of the wri- ters. Veer Randolph correspondent, however, who aceording to hie own statement has a obliged to leave home fc: a couple of days; the cnwe were placed under the care of n youth with strict charge as to their feed- ing. This he neglected, the yield of milk remarkably good flock, goes needlessly out immediately declined, and during the rest of his way to regret Pie read:tees of his hrnther farmers 10 adopt anything better yet Now instead of his handsome fire pound fleeces, would it not be obviously bcier to raise sheep that will sheer, the STILdx Cental.—in no ■rlccle of farm ewe. 18 and the bucks 20 er 93 Itis, *sell ? predaetion ins Cseada made great progrese nor is there any of which it hes more rea- son • to be proud than " Cheese." A few years ago, It would been impassible to pro- cure in the whole of Upper Canedt, a /tingle pouod'of cheese fit to cat, although Ameri- can cheese, of tolerable quality might be had. Now, however, the dairy prndoee of this province is folly equal to any thing on elm other side of Cie Lakes, and ,n many instances far superior. The Stilton cbereee 18 lbs. apiece, the avcrge weight of ear- of Mr. Parsons of Ooelph, is a case in carcase being 126 lb.. This included 27 point. Mr. P. hie brought this art els to 1 lambs note ten months old when shore.— unrivaled perfeetion. Cofnititsately, a Use! The snulIest, a lamb, sheared I3e lbs. and of cheeses, which..hie forwarded to Niagara the largest, • .we Three yeses. old, 253 tbs. ! far " the she w," met Wntb an occident, Wharnys Mr. Mo►roy ? which proeleded him fromeehteiting ft, not it ehn,i!1 be added that Ibis wag uewa•h. eoneequ.ntly from demise; she pregie e ed. Deduct one peed to . it,. for rivet whit** pp Jag eikejgyd ea.dneme washing, and it gives 14 B -B lbs.' emelt e( '1'be paw. *cit. ir.. , ,riy memos* floe, anft wont. Tao breed are remarkably will shwa esheeee hie whole stock : halt hardy. and seem especially adapted to our climate ; the etre, generally yean ' m Jane nary. Are they not beyond all que.Ijese the most profitable sheep in the k.owe world? it i, true Mr. Editor, that the etre and attention bestowed epos "beep, and all olhs er stock. from the time the yonng are drop- ped tial they are matured, has very much to do with the appearance and 'sloe of the animal. if a careful and peinsraking hree.lcr ahnnld •elect ■ dozed of the best ewes he could find ; breed them earrfelly ; Rammer and winter : discard every .beosiag time all the poorest lambs and remove them entirely from the enek ; seeking ennetaet- ly for precisely the gnalities foaod in there Tannin". sheep ; follow this with unremit- ting fidelity during a reasonably long life : of the reason it never could be restored to its original quantity.-Tintes' Commissieu- er. Thiel iii the actual yield -of the foil crowp "'Painter" sheeP, of rather I should call the RRat. IRrA*Tr►Do Spaa,Re Saul,, froom the Rarnbonlet flocks.( Praeee—for such they are. if the wool -growers of Vermont wish to hear the particular. of these sheep from one of their owe fraternity, i beg 10 Mer them to the statement of Aun.zo Blwenaw of Cornwall in the July Albany Cultivator. Eighty-three of these French .wee averaged After the lot day of February next each t.nn of the aueereity of such a ctwree being Oar reader are •were that Dr. Strachan end Municipal (;uueeil ie Upper Cseada, *1;16e a,l^p'ed. If the edtuinietrahun hese any his cnnlederates ere no looger permitted to pro- tested with full power over the We're, reg- regard for flake op nine, of any tit sire to moles e. at public cost, (heir peculiar dogma • ulataun, limitation or tektite! of tavern It within the wall, of the Provincial Ifni 'ty.— Irgtaltte .ecnrdtng 10 the w..h a er the The illy, are past ton when Or. Strachan could I ceases. within its respeehye jurisdiction.— p,,,i,i„ yhwv will we are pern,r!rd, accede " hnnnw 'the (uncle of the University for his R e -laws will of denim re -Titre In he tea - awn ori..'. purpneel In fact, rhe Univenite YP to air. propnsitinn eo reuonable anal joet.— ed, embodying the necessary regulate'', bird we. preuv well plucked. Tb• Dr. tbero- They here depended too much on their own 'o -r Maul hi i win to invent enure sew line of I be(nre the IIMe .1 which the low will come innate aMlry and rernnrcee, wilhnnt slooppeGcy Pince it ■, peered probshle chat the into force. Prom this new license law, ju- int• to ask their employers what is the na- Ttienntn l!nnersiry e o $ no Inngrr he cnnrinnrd dicinnnly worked, muchgood will duubticss • •arra aura •y of sec+so accuc, a rival t„,,,,,„..ei lore o/ the measures they wash them to pro- tin° must be crestal: •o accoMplieh this object result. That, unaided by the infl 1pnee of net led mature. This ho been et rcat Dr. S•ree'i.n ••i to work to, -ti la. usual Energy. 1 g of the H.a flet:ane ahnot the "in6.47a del" t footing, re, moral means, it will exterminate ioterpper- evil in the history df. Canadian governments of the Torootn University, on ii, present taming, once, it were nen and delusive to hope.— and legislation. We hope the time hap werr invaatrd, and ei enlared through the ex - Intemperance ie a moral evil, for which terseiv..rd efficient m.rhaoery of a clerical club, come, or at least is near for its removal.— known ■. the '' Ch'urc'h Sueiety." hlnnt•y he - there will not be found an adequate cure a- The people are, in our opinion, sufficiently sin to pear in for rhe parpnse of ernring s fund part from the employment of morel mean.. sdvineed in intelligence, by this time, to for ,he sapper' oft, new sectarian 1Tnivereity. The new license law will be a great ouxilia- direct and not be led like a nock of sheep, prerenrulw lrs.ihe nprfuth les ofh llut hStrechd to ry; hut as a full and complete cure it can- when rnleresta •o important to themselves pay moth benrr than his cart -off Prnbyterian- not be depended upon. A municipal repo- are at stake. Dad the Ryerson School Bie 1sm. The ('parch newspaper hlasphemnn•ly de - tattoo, the control over tavern licensee is —the moat important government measure much better and will be much more effec- of last Session, been submitted to public tire than any Provincial regulation could opinion before its introduction, the admin. poesibly be. The prohibition of licenses by ietration would, in all probability, have seen a Provincial, from the necessity of its be- how unpopular much a measure world be in ing general, could not in the present state the country; and helve had an opportunity of thirge; with the existing boeial usage° of remedying its defects, before making it • and the prejudices growing out of them, lee law, and bearing all the odium that now enacted cr any thing like effectual if it were rests upon them for such an obnoxious enacted. But wbat cannot be done goner- measure. The alteration submitted to, ally may bo done in particular localities.— when before the Douse, by which a secta- The limitation of prohibition in particular rian character was given it, was condemned instances of licenses will have the advan , at the time by the Reform Prete generally, tago of being supported by public opinion, eren rho Montreal Pilot and Toronto Globe from which circumstance It will derive a raised their voices in accents of blame ; but moral power which it could not possess it was tno late, the Bill bad become law.— were the regelatione opposed to the preva- Then tho Prussian character of the Bill, by lent opinion, custom.' and prejudices of the which almost all power is mode to centre in public. In this consist its aptitude, it's win- ane. individual; and that person ftr. Ryer- dom, and its prospective aeefulne•e. Were eon, is another dark feature in the Bill, and the advantages of municipal regulations of this mature over general or Provincial—ta- king things ate they are—at all doubtful; the history of similar prc.bibitne laws, applying to a whole people. would settle the point. Take the earn of tobacco for example. On must be condemned by every man who has a correct idea of the evils of centralizingbr.thern shall rnntlnue tet put their hands into the perkeu of nn unwilling prople. If the power in a party, wbo 1a beyond public npin. I)r.'a object had required the ereof nol other than ion and the control of the people. We (sir means—it he could have afforded to diepeow with hsmhne. theta ie. no saying how treat his might have had a measure that really a mtlJ rnec.a. might cite base been. We hope that the Dr. will take •this into consideration, and resolve hereafter to resort to another then honest means to carry est his sectarian plasa.— Ezenaiwer. elated, in • veru solemn way. that the eontribe- lmee to the "Church Univerelty" fund formed a capital " investment for time and for eternity." Senn after this. contribution, were announced from various quarters; and, when the lund had swelled to a respectable amount, Dr Strachan, with that rnmm,ndable energy and alntol.r ss- .ursnee which have ever characterized him, set off for England, where he again took up the eti1c cry of " infidel University," end imperiled to the breeches. pockets of English Churchmen, of whom a few zealots echoed his notes and drew out their cash. it would be an encouraging epeeist -le to ere the Dr. calling to his ltd the eontemoed and anathematized principle of eolun- ts.ryiem, if the hard necessity of the cane did cot compel him to resort to misreprepenu'ions. That necessity is a lamentable feetnre in thecae. It seems, however, that the little triellt, of the Dr.. ouch asejaealaring"infidel" and "robbery of the church," have had the desired effect; for the Dr. has just returned, having succeeded, it is slated, in raising snbeerprions to the amount of Shout £16.000. Now, this should teach Dr. Strschao that there is virtue in the voluntary principle, and that it he were to coma before the public with clear hands and a fair car, there would he no necessity for hie persevering in the policy of insisting that he and his elerieel- have been a bleeaing to the country, had the intro•Juction 01 tobacco into rho uldl the administration consulted -1300;c opinion world from tem continent, its use was all rather than Dr. Ryerson'. scheme for ob- hut universally prohibited by governments, tailing a power and influence by which the as a was violently opposed hy.the churches. -whnle Educational irstitntione of the ennn- The re:gnlag Sovereign of Eeglanu, gneen Elaabetb, published an edict against it.— Her outcoswr. James 1., not on ly adopted her policy, last with his pea produced a ee- ry earring "eettnterblast• to tobacco," whet the dangerous effects of its use arc still considered to bate been slmoet ridieo- owefy 1. An import dnty,i.tend- cd to be p-ebibit:re, of Gs. 8d. per pound was imposed upon it, tad its cultivation was diseounged by an enactment restricting its proei.ctioa to 100 lbs. to each planter in t1Ise Liam sew colony of Virginia• In .t lreeesel siertiele was mado andnuntinued, es lewg as royalty iteeil, a royal moaopyly. Pepe, anathematized its consumers, and one of toot•re spiritual functionariep, Innocent Xii. .aes.mm.ssested northere for indulge tag a rhe new nee. The opposition of tent church was eerried so 'IT in 1635, vs.*+eg sm. pro.lbit.d, as an unnatural sad ieywi,groes enotom, under pain of death. I. 1..ssla the Grand Duke of Moscow was set more tssreat to else devotees of this new Yet: be pr.et►ited the entrance of tobacco tete ►. dem.mnes seder pato of death for thee/weed off nes, the knout being app'iod te too first case of disobedience. io some pores at 8.11arlaad smokier( was roads a r•raae. seat wa e.ormity alter adultery. it 'e tete fete of ewatoaaa which are strength. erred y she summers of i i' to tri- umph. Ro a mss Is threesome. Bet in the case at the ase of iotoxacatimg drinks, the Preeinetai Parliament has attempted no such impowi►le crusade: and it bee dime - fore provded agsrn.t the failure that, if M. - tory he any gout', would probably have fol - we uoder/Med heves tfpreg greet attars• to be wet; is advance M mixt ....o.. h the way, w• cermet, aemeri nmarkirsg here, the very superior T astrty of time beret" a.J buns cared by the seise (oedemata —Peo errata Tee eau or tis ?warn ..ra leeway Limier rural Coweimr m Pbdsdelrhos wee ye.terdey by oneti.., at Ow Cb.eet street theatre, p.v.Sadt to ..4i... 11. Thee man le 8..s elimetmg as the The theatre wee thronged wit► people se all kinds a lsrg. mai 'vo v, bawev.r, hew, ofthe ..aseet alas.. .1 what webs Ye meta;iy composed. The first ticket we* p,roheeed by M. A. Rent, ' , , SG25. Thieve wet but little coropetiUon for it. The ►..t of and entail the flock and the tame esre of the tickets were sold at prsmtsws Prem them open his succeserne, and his graodson I *IJ to 95 cents a mem and the •merles would probably have eoato sheep egeal or ended without all the sewed tier tickets "'Tenor to these. They were produced by exactly this system. Sneh a system will produce magnificent animals of any kind.— Bat by taking animal, already bronpht to Feigners A,t,Avp.—The Fugitive Slave this state of aupetlority, and crossing them law has •4mok*d out" from 'hew plsess of with our beet, or even by the slower method r"fygs in she free States so alloy runaways . being sold. The sale soon loot its inter- est, areal the great crowd which bad weer - bled In the theatre and outside of it, gradu- ally disappeared. The Tickets number about 1700, and the proceed" of the sale ao.o..t.d to about *19, - that their value to estimated a sateen m'll- o(hnee, .ng Niem pore, we arrive at the de- 000 ; the average price per ticket bring ion of dollars. W. have bo.o infnrmed of sired result by a ranch shorter and easier I $7. The purchuters of the tickets were ■ deatgo, op the part of "embers •lavehold. process. - meat democratically composed of all clauses ers, to through nth. See ist tied tart' of Stateumake •• del. Two yeses eine "gr' 1 bought 20 ewes, of merchants, trailers, leo., Mt • member of mend on bet Majesty's for the wool, from a large fleck which sheared by tickets were bought by music pehli.bees to return to the United Mateo of the black fee- average abnut 24 lb,. The ewes i percher. sell again. - gitives wbo serape tato the British North ed were Tether better than the-rivetage.— American provinces'. W. know that Eng- They wore put in good feed. Their Iambs lame PeacTroat. Wer. --A Tipperary land has mstataiad that • slave, whim ate toughs", be, soil, becomes free b., obis tb iuccesdisg pang were Migerten sad Rockets weds a latter of edifies to •.sigd point:low .Iwey• been eestrnverted by esy7ligbtly, and w re kept growing- through fir, about tabus, a e vLeib pewee of land statesmen. and the contrary e"usrt ed in the lflp estenn, tadt rough the winter, and that or letting it alone ; and end. with ibis celebrated eases of tee Comes and Kelm.. the earl o • .beat pithy 9.esiina : "Weal's tit• whet. world prise. W. know net whether reclamation I g ed nix peasds 10 a man if its yUi w e wdw .e will be ioai.ted upon, but earl■in it is, that each cif Ass nuked wool—whit. the owes paw* of the lees of making ae i...s its thea point i. themselves bad increased their fleeces to 44 ttul !weeny fe s.,—D' itt wearing tried fpr P" Hite. . ettt& , the h wm a e r•emyed will favor b)) tees who have g,voe lbs. seek, mad A' g teethe, crop of hmb.. para( elite. L.'�,• flit», with whom be It coend.ntiea.—W1* 11(1un cappella All the grain the had wile • peck a dee, axil eras eonvtk+�►et'Troy, and mitten• ssA Pvrru SA Pon,—Tb re the whole floe , of egos! para of core card to i mentk.111Mde��ff"'t�h Pgeiteotlary, and N k Co � wN ttMtw �..d they Itred Ib IN none geld, ase s e h i k r.fia �q1 e J se lror p � "MU He~. BM of Karek 511 ao aecwinl of a Mw n eats 'w114•16' wan e • bill lying to the test, with • easter - exposed to a ,tlyt g[alely d.etroye 4k hie Neste Ys .i. pad 1.11.». Th. 6Mtot les fN telly *wimp a day with hay. R.» ►net r 4, wbqa y wap pill ivy elle *egg, 'uteric was ea " mars keePisg,* TM,neining""pgp*et, tai the roo.Nr tarn* .et 'reproved cowtuU reply seising frotp the p y+ led were a1.NIdMes ei a aloof f* the spying. he had hems *treed. i have w book and a .w. Iamb perekosed y Irish with.. �hlli� , a.keri i< be met *mesh bo.pttaliy to 1lellsed, Molted he was to lee lre.petel nearly all Ibe ire comgstito,. *An elle* ie f!bpe» which the coo ld Meer Ni and Owe he was therm st�s/t.r ,pie ►fel..• a sw..l,rhrt MM�r which wsa a running brook. ill, nal andt The Wasttegtow IitteNfg ,cep, says that the British Oo,ernmeet has withdrawn all ttedemand. fee psrt..d.Ner duty. from 'the harbour of San Js.ekFicarigua sod the neelgstitr. Of that nettle ?feet and the lakes cOel(et.d will 11 are fully open to Ameri.a 'starlet's. ADVAPTA.RI Of EARLY TRAINING...Tba try are directed by his sovereign will. The ! following dialogue is reported to haver taken evil is more aggravating still, when it is I place at the Queen's County Assizes, bet- coneidered the want of confidence Reform- ween a medical witness and a barrister:— ere exoerienco toward Mr. Ryerson—the j Mr. ileves (the barriefer)—"(f a pergola suspicion with which they are led, by hie ! Trim on wet rtraw, were deprived of all former political conduct, to look upon eye- ! the comforts or neeessanes of life, would it ry morn he maker'. We know that this not hasten dratht' Dr. EJge—"That objection is met by the saying, that " the wnteld" greatly depend upon whether be office irr non -politica( and that his former had been seeestnmed to them." Mr.. political acts ehoald not be mads • pretext Mayer—"Do yea mgas 13 toll os that if a for removing him ".;The feet' of the referee Demme lived ie a twee peed it wo.ld let he ieen►ious le him?" Dr. Edge— "i think wet, if ballad lived s z'y or *treaty years lick w being non-politieal does not •trip its in- cumbent of his political ebereeter. 'Dr. Ryerson is the ante wily potitreten t$u br- evet. reren was, he loves power, and knows how to use it to advance his own perpo.es. 1f it was thonght prudent *0 continue him at thehead cf the Educational Department, a check rein ought to be put on his seta, tee DewedThom/roe., M. P. P., woe alarm- isg}y ill emit w•.b:- beet we see tapper to teem dream a lend permed that he is meet bet t er.—C,eseseer. Thanes. Howe Ob.we d bee saw ewe that he wou'd not have had the opportunity w'Ih a ,.'ter '. 4666n(• /ori.tel "eras of "" of rioting at wi;l. Ile needs to N wll tb0 tirts.b A.se•+ewo P.eereee..—Er. watched. The heed officers of the engem- A .epery he. bene .I'rW th.i le. ti... merit need watching; but it will be fruitlee• ..1w Casa.v.s ea. rased "se "se t.s [awl. Ttas,. w oe d•aob w bsl,we. .1 cnleee the'.. people can bring some rester tee seaway d,b,m ,r,ee.—ts influence to bear upon them, sod erose them Cnray r remes ted to bend to puSlic sentiment as .spreesMl ekes bpi. Sg•ragge ,s a. bo Me. Jar rssss'tr throat h- the' Prete of the country.—ileith- rreeswrw, .ad least Wr. Gwymee r w he west Courier. Ilse new eater —Le. NOCTURNAL Vletro.e.—At night, se i ,lay'dawn, 1 heard a laoo roar to the "trimly of the camp, bttl soon 1 was asleep. in a few hours i was awoke by an unusual doe turbines in the camp, and ratsing my bear!, 1 saw the Bechnanee standing close togeth er round the fire with their fares outwards whsle they shrieked and talked with sm.- usual volubility. i guessed at once that (owed any sick attempt. Though .oma a lion caused the rumpus: and i was ugh, mite think :1 bas not dura much, en hum- The doge were barking loud and angrily. hly conceive that it has done list what it and kept melds( hack oeetarunall• to the could do w,aely and effec'ively. It has done Me, ss if pursued by some animal. The no violence to paNae opinion or popular night was pitch dark. so that Bothe* prejudice. Oa the contrary it has enlisted eo.Id b. seed; but Mcllyenn told me Haw both on iia side; for tee whole mattes rests s Iles sad a leopard were prowling routed Spon a vomiter Tote of the municipalities.— or, .aleavnnng to obtain the rename of the Through this means a medium has ben zebras, which bung in restos, in the trees opened for the t and maturing weeder) us; sae next morneet I heard the of opowon. The fruit will fall just as fan voices of both, for lbs ilea roared and the se it npeea; it• culture require. the ..e of leopard ■hrieked wildly u. they .prang after moral foresee Upon the mere external the dog.. At length thew beldame. i.ereas- force, that Mads up the font as it epee*, ed; the hon chased the doge with angry too nautili r.tlaoe.may be placed. Its elite growls within tweary yards of where we though most valuable, most be preceded— stood, and the leopard actually sprang into se it has already Imre is many islrtaecee— the e.are of my larder beside the fire, and by moral m•an...--Ere miner • was making off with a Ipge fragment of riMti when the doge went gallantly at bim. The n.ce..aty of the country bring early He turned upon them, and se terribly informed in Meranos to ab mlasu»s t6o lacerated two that they wits after diet! how administrationprgpo.. is4oiscieg to tl), their wound.. We now .notched op Targe Legislature, is hPeer iiag more sari m.m ape flaming brands from the ere, sod, meting parsed, so that Ube Prow by dismissing their the lion as he advaueed, we meet them fir - merits tray boon .0 opportunity .f (meg mg as hie face, when f faecy he mud* ng. the Administration an idea of wbl trould 1 feared to use my lie lest i she.ld shoot tweet the damatwle of the ennntry. We the d.ga. Tie horses and exec, alahosse bint.d at the d..irlbllity of this before the much alarmed", did net ende.rnr to „r• .1 r ,•.ponding month Tal poor, mooting of rho recent &fusion .f ahatenet hong still eery mneb fate j ei! tr.n- t' r tit, alleegh Ctas the Mrdabipn they bri un• in -Cue-roes,l'a oea, MnwScL—Tit• ,ma es +. later*: it emsaming s Adsrat'sres is Sin• ai Afnee. .1.,•••collected at lb Mestresl Clemens backed op red tsedecsed by M• Globe—the Deese for t' -ie pearls /seders( Nile October t or an Thr drseatldeetiee It is said that en laws than 111200.668iw 18efe £78 576 and for tee saws period g wore staked in Cincinnati on the Irene of this year £99,840, being an increase peer t►st is felt at tbm essolt of lb Iessiee, sari lbs 1.t, eleetien. , I g to of C11,261. Mr. Gogh, dorms kis "toy n Tenet.. nbta,a.d 1 ee0 mgsss,., . M tea Tempawsc. ['edge. Of the somber. 1411f wosg.d to t tx .+tltbrr. a,d lee wove yee.w.l... Mr. Gongs he., mise leotr.g Tommie. bora Ierteanr ,n hlemtltns. whore be bob go.s great .—r -t. Tem Li. Qt. t.VCR .v Tine' 1 sorsoaaa.— At • n,ecor'+g of the tae:on et Ca'"btrige. lately, relaters le a .bike at St. Ivies. .we Otter .peakeve metal:—' • W bat we ask ler is p ewe., immortal and rrn- maenlri►! winch, thnwgh all the guilty pies, ehnnld Ways. wnetd rise above ria. Warn pile web • t ogee dowecy feather ruffled by its fierceness!' Many eves lac m„eh lir beteg too ram. mnnreartte re herr matters .4 ►nnnrse.— The rivet leemere phrineopber, lthirke, aays• " Keep ,hndy ; and if Toe wee • anarter on tee ground, put your foot os 1t.' A Lenora Eyas.—"1 11.. to Julie" eyes," aid an mA -.ted dandy, i* Coleran'e h. ring. " i emit wonder at 11," replied George. " eine. 1 obeerved she had a stye in them when 1 saw her last. "Oh, my friend," "mil a Dr. C--, to an frith patient, "be enmpoeetl—we meet all " An' it's that Terra me," re- - nted Pat ; " if 1 enuld elle hilt a dorm trmr•, I'd trot care a ha'penny skeet this now." A friend writing from the gnhl 'mice., says he has slept for the lot six morehe on a bed etoffotl with broken bottler,. with nothing Nita erll.r door for a blanket. N. change, eat .hurt by two eiongl•.. Moss i'ttamrs.—The amulet of theft. tabledonetone re -n in Philtlelphia by Jenny Lind was *3000. The receipt, Inc ps.senger trefee n. the Atlantic avid Rt. I,aaweewr. Railroad, 1.r the month of Angiset 1860, amnnnt• 10 ar 1 471,43, I ,..,, neer'y *1000 over J?