HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-08-07, Page 3( ( p Traffic Crashes —Continued front Page 1 the cianeeSSiell road. Dust aPPa- rently ,obscured the vision of e following car driven by Herold. Willert, R.ft. a Siensall, which collided with the Koehler car. Mr. And Mrs, Willed were treated at Seaforth bospital, for facial .n- jyries and the three :Koehler chits -.rerl were•tQ South Hospital and released. Damage totalled 14,400. A 18-YearseId Stratford girl etruelsa parked car owned by Pearson Motors Ltd. at ;Sarepta Saturday when she pelted in to .a lunch counter and failed 'to stop in time. 'The Stratford ear, driven, by Frances Fitzgerald, suffered $550 damageand the parked car, 400. A late -mock -I station wagon, owned by Edmund Kopf, Kits chener, was found near RCAF Station Centralia- last week after JI had. been stolen from in front of Lakeview Came, Grand Bend. Pollee are investigating two telephone booth robberies .at Zurich and Dashwood over the hohdass Phones with. cash boxes. were torn off the wails of booths beside the hank in Zurich and the telephone office in Dash- wood. Amount of money in the boxes was not known but the tele- phones are worth $100 each, Damage amounted tonearly .$200 when cars driven. by Ruth Skinner, R.R. 3 Exeter, and Charles Montieth, Huron , St„ collided on John St. Thursday, July 31, The Skinner vehicle was pro- ceeding west when the Montieth car, which had been parked, pulled out from the curb, travel- ling the same direction. Chief Reg Taylor investigated. • 1- X 1,1 W.A. .1 11,11; 4.X.T111111 At X 1 ,11 1x 11111 ,101 , Exeter Councjl —Continued from Page 1 could not .agree- ea the best laces tion for walks .or on the method of providing for drainage and. felt it best to get professional ad- vke. Requested the county of Huron to consider Selling up machinery tohandle licencing of nursing and rest „houses in the -county. Approved a building permit for a verendeb, applied for by Ed- ward Mawhinney, Ordered the property of Systee, Koning. Wellington street, where fire occurred Monday, to be cleaned up, Coroner's Inquest —Contidued. from Page 1 said it had not been in good eon- dition when he bought the ear from a London dealer on July 3 and the cable had broken about five days 'before the accident, ' He testified he had not re- ceived' an affidavit from the dealer indicating whether or not it was in safe running condition and he was not aware that dealers were required to fur- nish sucli a statement when a ear is purchased. Wayne Mowat, London, a friend of Gibson, said he was travelling behind the Gibson car and had met; and passed two or three cars before the accident hen- pened, He couldn't recall, how. ever, 11 any of them had failed to dim its headlights. Witnesses were in agreement that the Gibson ear was travel. ling between 40 and 45 miles per hour, OPP Constable Cecil Gibbons, who investigated the accident, said he found bloodstains about 12 feet, from the travelled por- tion of the road in the south ditch. The Gibson car had come to rest about 222 feet east of the stains. Coroner Dr. John Goddard, who presided,. said the victim suffered a ruptured stomach and several other serious injuries in addi- don to the brain hemorrhage. Foreman of the jury was Ste- wart Webb. Members, all from Stephen t o w n s h i p, included George Wenzel, Earl Ratz, Colin Love and Lorne Hodge, 1111111,11111111111111111111011101WIMMIll tttttt litlYlltIIIIIII 1111111111111111111.1111111,1 11111111111 llllll WWI lllll 1111110111), YOU AUTO BUY NOW, From Mathers Bros. Exeter '55 CHRYSLER "WINDSOR"- SEDAN Radio, tutone, automatic. A steal at $1,895 '55 FORD TUDOR. Radio, 8 cylinder, in A-1 condition. ONLY $1,595. SEE THEM TODAY! e We still have some '58 models on ban-' • For the best deals.in town, bring your car in today for BIG TRADE-IN VALUES! . Let Us Service Your Car with e FAMOUS SHELL PRODUCTS e FOR WHEEL. ALIGNMENT • OR NEW GOODYEAR TIRES blathers Bros. Your Local Shell Dealer 1 PHONE 321 4/1 I Hum m I tilimmtimim it Ow II itti tti 'Mimi! im [town al EXETER "Ws good to •ltear your twice again, Son!" Someone you love would love to hear your voice,,, telephone, tonight* "Hit filitets teLEPHONt 601tiltiANN, or OANAbA ikttitig Distafiss bergeirs teter— WOO efese 6 aid an day &may Happenings In Bididulph Ay MRS. M. H. ELSTON 'The Times - Advocate regrets that Biddulph news appeared under he Saintsbury heading in the last issue. Sunday visitors with Mr. .and Mrs, M. 11 Elston were Alr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth, Ivir, Borden Smyth, Beverley am/ Jo- Ann. Peter Mason oL Belgrave, who spent the past week .with Ms uncle- and aunt, Mr. .and Mrs. John McAllister, retuned Mime on Sunday accompanied by Mr. .and Mrs. McAllister and boys, also Sir., and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of Exeter. David and Wendy Elston spent a few days the past. week with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Gibson, Exeter, and spentUie end at Joane and Danby Hedley oE ilderton are holidaying with their uncle and aunt, Ivir. and Jack Blair, Miss Berdine McFalls R.N, of Detroit spent. Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Alex Me - Falls, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. (Avis Fischer were Miss Joyce Fischer, Mr, Bill Varga, also Mr, and Airs. Lloyd Stan-, lake and family all of London.1 Mr. Bill Fischer and Miss Sylvia Zeigler of London spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer. I Mrs, Joe Mordush of London' is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, Fischer. Townopics . Items of Social and personal interest in and Arowld ,Exeter Ie k;', gl.er /.* WVOY$ p I co4.t.d. 10. pm f.b.roggr. 1.104104,.. WO ;PO 4,1ir Prosier* .nre .014OreOil.rd 70.11. WO Toot: Menem*. Phone ;7414 Miss Isabel Gatiton at Toronto, former member .of South Huron Distrret staff, was a visitor with Mrs. Charles Harris last week. Miss Ganlon will teaeh social t studies in Royal York Collegiate, Etobicolse .this year. Airs. W. J. Meer left for De- . troit on Sunday owing .:.to the cle.atli of her 'brother-in-law, Mr. ;Clarence ,Patterson. Mrs! Patter- ; son was the former • Blanche Quance of Exeter. Alr. Maurice -Quanse, Miss May Skinner .And !Air. and. Mrs. R. E. Russell at- tended funeral services in De- Jroit on Wednesday. Interment will be in Florida where they have spent the last four years. Mr. .and Mrs. John Schroeder, Ricky and Ronald are holidaying ui the West with Mrs. Schroeder's (Parents and other relatives. ' Mr. and Airs. E. I), 13e11 are ; holidaying in Ottawa for the month of August. Miss Jane Morgan, Calgary, is ' spending her vacation with. her arents, Mr. and Mrs, A W Morgan, Weekend visitors with . Mrs. Anna Ellis were Sgt. and Mrs, R. A. Ellis and family of *Shilo, Man. and Sgt.' Peter 'Ellis of Man, Sunday visitors with Mrs, ,Jessie Lews were Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Stewart, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Harrison of London and Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Lewis of Clandeboye. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chris Fischer were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Buckley of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Fischer and boys, Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomp- son and family, also Mr, Lloyd Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Fischer and girle. Visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson were Mr, and Mrs. Art Seabrook of Niles - town, Mrs, Dick and Mrs. Mabel Seabrook of Delaware, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratko and family of Toronto spent the past week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rolko. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Earhart and family of Strathroy, and Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Leitzel of Mt. Brydges spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Fischer, Jean Smith spent the past week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cronyn of Centralia. Mrs. M. H. Elston and grand- daughter, Sheila were guests of the Rev. Canon R. W. James and Mrs, James, Port Burwell, former Anglican rector of Kirk - ton, during the week. While there they were present at a birthday celebration given in honor of Canon James, Those present in - chided Dr. and Mrs. R. Fel& of Washington, D.C., Mrs. R. Hogan of St, Catharines, also Mrs. Geo. James, sister-in-law of England, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hamrey (nee Constance James) and fam- ily of Richmond Hill, Miss C. Johnson R.N. of London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeVries, Bart and Shirley holidayed in London and Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Case, Janice, Jiinmy and John of Newmarkel; are having holidays here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Case, and at his cottage at the lake. They are also visiting other relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Creech, Ann and Tommy spent i couple of days last week in Kingsville with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Creech and family. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bradley and fancily returned to their home in Thetford. Mines, Que. on Tuesday after spending six weeks with. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Biggart and Barbara. Mr. Brad- ley was on course during part of that time, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gage, London, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gage and family, Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and family, Kitchener, spent: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don South- cott and family, the occasion being the birthdays of Mrs. Rus- sell- Gage and granddaughter, Mary Southeott, Martha Johnson remained in Exeter with the Southcotts for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gravett holidayed at Beaumaris Lodge, Muskoka, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marko of Detroit visited Thursday with Mr. and; Mrs. Don Gravett, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.- Preszcator, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Preszcator and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Field, July and Janice all' of London and Mrs. Frank Bruce, town spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preszcator, Andrew SC Mr, and Mrs. John Henry and family of Toronto are visitors with Mr, and Mrs, W. G. Apple- ton, Marlboro St. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a, .111.—Morning Worship Union Service with Main St. Church Sermon Subject: "What We Believe Concerning Jesus" Soloist: Frank Johns A Warm Welcome Is Jixtended To All CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, G. J. Spykman, Blenheim, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship - (English) Mr. Bern. Zigstra, Exeter 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Mr. Bern. Zijlstra, Exeter THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter MAIN STREET The United Church Of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11:00 a.m, -- Union Service in James Street Worship God Every Sunday ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K. L Zorn, Phone 65 10;00 aan.—Suliday Schbol 11:00 asn.—Service 3:00 p.m.—Ulnae-int Decoration Day and Memorial Service with Rev. T. Luft of Kitchener speaker. • BAYFit-0 BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor.: v�r Bodenhani 045 AM. -s -Bible Scheel 11:00 Li,—Morning Worship Sermon Subpct: "Regulations of Passions' /:8o p.rn,—Everiing Worship Sermon Subjeet: ''TlieUtt. speakable -Gift" Wed . 8:00 p.M.--tible Study and Prayer Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren tie Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist g:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a an .—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 0111//11110 THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev, R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Afternoon Worship led by Rev. C. Schipper, of Wood- stock. 3:30 pan.—Sunday*School All 'Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs, Bob Pryde 10:00 ani.—Morning Worship Guest Minister: The Rev, L. T, Bareley, of Avonton, Nursery Lor children up to six years, , Air. and Airs. Percy McFails and Peter retuned Wednesday from a month's fotor ;trip in the West extending into the Peace River district and visiting with the former's uncle in Iowa. Mr. and Airs. Elmore Haas and daughter Mrs. Thomas Mau- reen and granddaughter, Helen of Buffalo visited over the week. end with Mrs: Haas' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ford, town. Hiss Mary Easton, TOrantO, has been holidaying with h parents, Mr. and Airs. Andre Easton and brother, Mr- an Mrs. Don Easton and famil also at Port. Blake, Essex, D Iron and Kitchener. Miss Greta Harness returne last week after holidaying fo three weeks with Air. and Mr C. W. Hall and family, St. Mary and Kincardine Beach. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavei attended the 98th birthday ai niversary of Air. J. A. Kirkb at St. Alarys, Sunday, July 2 Mr. Kirkby is a brother -in -la of Mr. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buswell, T ronto, visited with Mr. and Mr Robert Dennis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis and family. Hollywood, California are holidaying at the home of Mrs. Dennis' parents, Mr. an Mrs, C. L, Wilson and at Cour right with Mrs. Clara Dennis. Mrs, Richard Gibbons and fan ily, Ilderton, spent the holida weekend at the home of Mr, an Mrs. Willie m- Sillery, Alr, and Mrs. Charles Mille Huron St., received word on Sun day of the death of their brothe in-law, Hedley Unger of Stone wall, Man. Mrs. Unger and Mrs Miller are sisters. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Single ton of the Glencoe Transcrip were callers at the home of Mr and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers o Civic holiday, Mr, Simon Nagel of the Times Advocate staff visited in Niagar Falls last week. The. Peri • The 'Tirnes,Advecete,, .August 7t 195,8 Pegs Saintsbury Your Library ay MRS. H. DAVIS Mr. and Airs! Howard Clark. Shift?, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall. Air. and Mrs. Harry Noels, and Norma, Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll were recent guests with Aire. A. Walker, London. Mrs, Clarence Davis is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's hospital, London. Id:-. Gordon Washburn broke er a bone in his ankle and Leslie w Greenlee also has a fracture in d his ankle. y, Mr. and Airs. Jack Dickins e- and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ab- bott spent Saturday evening at d Grand Bend. r Mrs. Tom Ogle, Strathroy, as- s. sisted by her sister, Mrs. Jim 's Roweliffe, London, and Mrs. Tom Brock, Zion, held a lawn 's shower party for Miss Kathryn 1- Hunter, bride -elect (If this month. y Mrs. Earl. Atkinson, Airs. Earl 7. Greenlee, Mrs. Jane Barkes, w Mrs. Hugh and Mrs. Heber Davis attended front this coin- :). minty, s. Mrs: Lorne Barkes has been holidaying in Detroit. . . Mrs. Don Abbott spent several days in Toronto and. Paris re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carroll d and Mrs. Cliff Inge, London, t- visited with Mrs. Hugh Carroll at Pines Haven Nursing home, Lucan, and spent Friday eve; y ning with Mr. and Mrs. Harry d Carroll. Miss Heather Davis is visiting r, her cousin, Miss Gloria Meyer, - in London. r- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, • Lucan, were Monday guests . with their grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latta and family, Ballymote, visited on . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl o Greenlee. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Davis and - Michael were Sunday guests with a Mr. and Mrs, Harvey. Godbolt, Mitchell, Mr, Roy Carrick visited wit Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Prouty Dundas over the weekend. Whil visiting he went to Buffalo wit Mr. and Mrs. Prouty. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Desjar dine and family of London an Mr. Gerald Mason and Bonnie o Dashwood s'isited over the week DenedsiaerncitihncAir. and Mrs. Leesum Mr. and 'Mrs, Frederick an sons of Kitchener, Miss Mask o California and Miss Manville Exeter are visiting with Mr. an Mrs. Leesum Desjardine. Miss Olive Wood, Toronto, I spending part of her holiday with her father, Mr. W, H. Wood after being at Lakeview Rouse Lake Suncoe. Visitors with- Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gould over the long week. end were Mrs, Gould's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cairns and friends from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson. The 25th annual Cornish re- union was held on Sunday at Riverview Park, Exeter, with 90 in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cerson spent the ,holiday weekend at Snug Haven, Georgian Bay. Weekend visitors with Mr. And Mrs, William Horney were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and family, of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson and Ron, of To- ronto; Mrs, Robert Elliott, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter and family, of Hen- sel). and Mr. Edward and John Gackstetter, of Dashwood. Mr. and Airs. William Motz, of Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Horney attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Lottie Colwell in Cargill last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, Sar- nia, were 'recent visitors with Mrs. J. W. Powell. Mrs. William Post, Windsor, spent last week with her mother, Airs. J. W. Powell, Mr. Post and family visited on Sunday. Mrs. E. Nash, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hooey, Kincardine, visited with Mrs, J. 'W. Powell this week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ewen, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lusk and family, Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. John Johns and family, To- ronto, visited Stuiday with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell. The four ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fisher, Yvonne and Glenda and Janet Rowe spent the weekend at Gray- enhurst with Mr. James McCul- lagh and family. They also Visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. IFilieleartwthiorkazsapiee0ding the sum - Miss Beverley Whilsmith, Lon- don, is visiting with relatives in town. Mr. DPW Knight, ot Fullerton, alif., called on friends in Exe• er for a few days last week. Mr. Gilbert Horn, of Toronto. isited in Exeter the forepart of he Week. It was RI years ago tat Mr. Horn left Exeter for the vett, For the past six years he as been living in Toronto. .Dr. Hugh Creech of Philaclel- hia visited his parents, Mr. and Irs. R. N. Creech over the week. nd. Hugh has just returned from attending Hit International Cain ser Congress 10 London Eng. Miss Joan Batten and Mies ;tune tierling returned Thuesday frOill a six weeks' vacation in the British Isles and Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelson and family of Milton are vaca- tliming at Port Blake this week. Sgt. W. J. Arid Mrs. Low and daughter, Penny of Loegueuil, Que. are holidaying with Mrs. Low's mother. Sirs. T. At. Ditl- neV* 'Arr, Mrs. Rowe DiltheY and Patty Of Torohto spent the Weekend with Mrs, Dinney. Mrs, Jean Alair and &ugh - ter, Joanne, returned home 00 :Hey last after spending the st two weeks touring the Mae'. 'hes, They returned by Ottawa d viAlted at the home ot.FIO A. and Mrs. CA 1ln for feW ys. Mr. AM Mrs. Cann olid ughters Mary Ann, Cathy and ArIllirreilluorietideadvleMe with than Mts. A. L. t'erguson hob. Ying With her el Aught ere at hOrnberg, Clarkson and Wo- n, h Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford, De- f troit, and Mrs. 'Irene Coursey e visited on Monday evening with h Mrs. Fred Davis. Leslie Greenlee is spending a few days with his grandparents, d Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis, d en o j y REAL flavour f 5 CALVARY CHURCH F Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD tl Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister LI Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, August 10, 1958 h 10:00 a.m.—"Witht Jesus on a Lake Cruise" 11:05 A.m.—Sunday School ZION CHURCH •• 1 Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON 1 Rev, Glen R. Strome, Minister i 10110.10oyA.T1—ai.W.FIsdheisP Not" 11:15 Lli1,—Sonclay School l --.....-- I PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE NoTim D.v.t.s. is tines 111 ;IWO Monday to Friday, —each morning at 9 aam—all: children are weleerise„ Sunday, August 10 •la 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Weirship Service Igh 1:80 p.m.—Eyangelistie Service 8 pan,—Prayer Service ciA to VridAy—Christ Arnbassadoe set.: Viet hi Huron County Mae. I "Pew other :foundation can no Man lay than that is laid, which' is Jesus Christ." COM, 3:11 t6st�r: EVantri1 Witift.101(01e 110 Se in every flavour when you . r'. Issis.F.SS-eses—zes.s„ refresh you Mgr./ s 10.5364 --ContinUed Frem Page 2 pecially noted for his humor. Several. of his books are fotraid in your library, including "Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town," Lit- erary Lapses and a. newer book ;eetitled The Best of Leacoek," selects the best of his writings tinder one cover. :Keep in touch with your lib- rary. Bfide-Elects Sec The Albums of Ile INVITATIONS 4" SERVIETTES • MATCHES se COAST RS THE EXETER Save money by shopping aciS in The Times -Advocate --- ever/ week.. Us ! We're local people saving money (at good interest) and borrowing • money (at low rates) . , ,.Free insurance, tool EXETER & COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Times,Advotate+i Open lion,. 'Wed, Thins* :NIFItte Alain St* (I'pstairs) Opposite ro Empty Freezer? This Could Be A Problem. But It Isn't If you have an empty home freezer, filling it isn't a problem because we're here to help. More and more people in this community who have home freezers are using the services of our locker plant to save more money and to make sure their foods are properly processed. We're specialists in frozen foods and we are ready to help you get more out of your home freezer, We can supply you with high-grade meats at whole- sale prices. You'll like our professional processing which includes proper aging, chilling and cutting on the power saw. Your foods will be properly wrap- ped in moisture -vapor proof material and frozen at sub -zero temperatures. Drop in to our plant soon and let us show you our facilities for servicing home freezers. WE FEATURE BISSET'S ICE CREAM Half Gallons 890 Exeter Frozen Foods 5 1 1 sn554411.101611WW1811111itat 1 Phone 70 Main Street 3 Iolloolooloomoomoolonoomoommenunoomool000mool000thookom000m000llotnoollA DON'T FILE IT— Oxford PENDAFLEX® hanging folders For faster, easier, more ellicient filing at a lower rost—try Penclafitx. No new cabinets needed—simple frame fits in file drawers. riling changes from laborious searching to instant referente. Wt will 11;11011 d tr,f drttW6t imeney-bciek guatantets—,if you are not completely satislied. IT'S EASY TO INSTALL PENDAPLEX IN YOUR PRESENT PILES itemoVS isf6lollIrSve tram :rweo:se ersoser14 11 Nese Watts on fritiits Arraitps -'. Index twin for „.1; sissy' 11111sit ' arld beexeferiz6e'$-Attoocafe