HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-24, Page 141.
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A�IX��a � July
CUA LEADERS -- Under the leadership of these three
yocing ladies, Lucan Cub Pack has increased its enrolment
to 41 during the past year and activities of the pack have
been stepped up. From the left are Miss Barbara Marshall
(Balooi, Mrs, J. 0. Andersen tAkela), and Miss jean Hod
gins (Bagheeral,
.Former Pastor
Qies In Milton
Rev..1. A. Graham. 57, former-
ly of Lucan died suddenly in his
home at Milton. Funeral services
were conducted by the Rev.
James Taylor assisted by the'
Rev. A. ?\oseworthy of Toronto
June 27, with interment at Aloote- '
kie is survived by his wife,
three sons and five •daughters:
Rev. Byrne! Graham of (Ottawa,
John and Paul at home, ,lune of
Toronto. Doris t Mrs. Gordon `loll- ;
low Hamilton, Pauline (Mrs.t
Eizenga) Lucan. Katie ( Mrs.
Robert Dempster) West Hill and
Lorraine at home.
Mr. Graham was pastor of the'.
Luean Pentecostal Holiness'
Church for a number of years
before going to Milton. It. was {
through his untiring efforts and
faith that the Lucan church was
built. Ile himself did much of
the work,
Mrs. Graham, Lorraine, John
and Paul have returned to Lu -
can and are making their home'
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizenga.
And District News
109 Locan
r"eriespondent: Miss Lina Atiiaott
Itll�s.. Horace Hardy oi' Canton
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hardy and Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Cronin of Toronto. were
aveekend guests.
M. and Mrs. Roy ie:1111ton
and Mr. and. Mrs. Eldon 'Voting
attended the races in Toronto:
last 'Thursday.
Mr. Chas. Windsor spent Tues-
day and Wednesday in Cass City
bringing home Mrs. Windsor
whOE had spent a week with her
sister, Mrs. Ralph Loney.
Mrs. Ada Jennings who has
been a patient of the Tines
.,...- . Haven Nursing Home far the
• • • past 10 weeks has returned to
Rev. and ars. Harold Dickins
onstruction Act' h 1
Evening Auxiliary Picnic
The Evening Auxiliary of Holy
Trinity Church held an enjoyable
picnic last Thursday at the
Clarence Baskett cottage,. "The
Highlands", Gr•and. Bend, with
Mrs. Haskell, a former president. t
as hostess. Eleven mothers and
twenty-eight children were pres- •
ent. Swimming, races and.
games brought happiness to the;
children, while the parents en-
jjoyed races, guessing games,'
contests and home movies,
I Personal Items
ClandeboyeThe Pentecostal Sunday School
held their annual picnic at Fan.
shawe last Saturday.
United Church News
At the United Church on Sun- I
day, the Rev. E. MI. Cook
B. Th., of Lucan, former pastor
took the service as the Rev. E
J. Roulston is on vacation. The
services for July 27 and August
it are withdrawn,
St. James' Church News
On Sunday, the service in St.'
James' Church was taken by
Mr. K. Bridle, lay reader, of
Clinton. Starting Sunday, the;
services will be at 11 a.m. and
during August. i
On Sunday, Mr. Ernol Cunning-'
ham, B.A,, lay reader, of Glen-,
coe, will take the service. Mr.
Cunningham, is the son of Mrs.
Omar Cunningham and the late';
Omar Cunningham. He was a
former member of St. James'
Church and lived in this com-
munity. He is now principal of
Glencoe High. School.
Ritchie Reunion
The Ritchie reunion was held
alt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Ritchie, near Parkhill.,
the old homestead of the late;
,Joseph and Mary Ellen Carter.
Mrs. Ritehie passed away in
January of this year.
Those attending were Mr. Carl
Ritchie of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. i
Jim Johnston, Tim and Sandy of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Don
Lawrence and Mary of London,
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning-,
Ilam, Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs,
Arnold Harper and Joan of St.
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn,
Pauline, Dorothy,' June and Ger-
ald of Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Brock and. Karen; Mr. and,
Mrs. Harry Hern and Ivan of
Aro. Ql1t. Yil J. t.1G1C 11111:1110 VL
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. John
Eagleson, Michael and Julia of
Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Ritchie, Glen and Dewayne and
Misses Sandra and Sonia Ritchie
of Parkhill, Miss Joan Guenther
of Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hunter, Pat Anne and
Paula of Niagara -on -the -Lake.
A party was held on Monday
• evening at S.S. No. 3 in, honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNair
who were married recently. The
evening was spent playing euchre
And dancing.
Mr. Don Mclntrye read an ad-
dress of best wishes and, on be -
to all
suppolrteci e
v n : he
ro ucer
..o p
half of the friends and neigh -
hors, Mr. Bob Armstrong pre-
sented the young couple with a •
purse of money. The couple will
reside in Cargill.
W. A, and W,M.S.
Mrs. 'Wilmer Scott was hostess
for the July meeting of the;
W.M.S. and W.A. meeting of the
United Church. Mrs. William
Darling presided for the
Mrs. T. Collins gave a paper,
on stewardship. Mrs. Rupert
Williams gave a report of the
Presbyterial meeting held at
Brinsley when Mrs. Arno 1 d'
Blake, Mrs. A. Macintosh and'
Mrs. T. Collins led in worship..
service. j
Mrs. Wilmer Scott presided for
the W.A. meeting.
Plans were laid for Mrs. Ar -t
thur Simpson and Mrs. W. Scott
to be a committee to get prices
and details for a communion'
table and report at next meet-
Personal it
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins enter -1
rained in honor of her daughter
Laura's sixth birthday on Thurs-
day when 12 little girls helped'
celebrate the occasion.
Miss Myrna Jane Logan, of
Thorndale,. spent a few days last
week with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. 3. II. Paton.
Sgt. and Mrs. Max Bloye,
Cheryl and Susan of North Bay
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Bloye's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
If. Murless, They will spend
this week at Ipperwash. Last
week they visited in Ottawa and
Algonquin Park.
Mrs. Fred S 1 m p s o n, >tiIrs.
Laura Henry and Mrs. Emily
Tomes left on Sunday with their
sister, Mrs. G. Maines, of Dor.
Chester, to spend a week with
her at the cottage at Kincard-
Mars. Ralph Lynn and infant
daughter arrived home frofn Vic-
toria Hospital on Monday. Mrs.
Lynn Sawyer and son, David, of
Petrolia, are spending a week
with them.
Mir. and Mrs. Ernol Cunning-
ham of Glencoe visited on Sun-
day with the former's mother,
Omar Cunningham. taking Don-
ald home and leaving Patsy for
a week's holidays.
Miss Mary Northgrave, Lucan,
spent Thursday afternoon. with
Mrs. J. 11". Paton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton,
Clare and William Allwright,
with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Lo-
gan and Myrna Jane, Of Thorn.
dale and Mrs. Harvey Riehl,
Veneta and Bob, enjoyed a fam-
ily picnic at Stratford Park on
Lucan Personals
Mrs. Eleanor Enterick, who
underwent an Operation in St,
Joseph's Hospital, was able to be
brought home last Sunday.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Herold Whyte included Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Armstrong and.
Mary, from Dundas, Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Whyte, Rick, Bob and
John, from Bothwell, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Whyte, Harold, David,
Peter and Mary from Dartmouth,
N,S, The latter family, (he hos-
tess, and son, David, left on Mon-
day for. a holiday • at the Whyte
cottage at Calpoy Bay,
Mrs, Herman Young spent the
last two weeks with relatives in
Sarnia, Petrolia and Courtright.
Mrs. Warren Flannigan .and
infant babe arrived home from
St.Joseph's Hospital las Sun-
day, }ler mother, Mrs, Bruce
Abbott. of London is staying
with Mrs. Flannigan tor a week,
Mrs. Ben Rutile of Kincardine,
who is taking a summer course
in London was a Friday guest of
Mir. and Mrs. Ceeil Robb.
Miss Rowena Abbott, a clerk
in the George :Paul's store is on
a two week vacation, one week
of which will he spent with her
grandmother, Mrs. Jncho Abbott
at Southampton I3e�clt.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff' Abbott of
Saintsbury and Mr. Clayton. Ab-
bott, manager of the Paris Bank
of Montreal were Sunday eve-
ningguests •o' rand Ms.
C Mr, Mt
henry l od ins.
e I
y t;
Seven-year-old 'Peter Tleving-
torr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Revington spent part of his va'
eation with his grandpareits.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan 1tev.ing-
tett. •
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ylodgh'is
and family of Toronto were week-
end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wil-
son il'odgins,
Please Tura TO Page 1S
Pines Haven
Marks Year
Next Tuesday, the Pines Haven
Nursing Hoine will celebrate its
first anniversary,
On July 1, 1957, Mr. Eric ,
Hussey, a well driller by trade, I
purchased the old Stanley resi-;
dence, previously owned by the',
late Mr. G, G. Chisholm. Mr.
Hussey continued his well drill- i
ing in the Petrolia district, and
Mrs. V, M. Hussey began the!
task of turning the historic old
home into a nursing home.
By July 29, she was ready for
her official opening. Her first pa-
tient, Mr. Harold Allen, front
Lambeth, arrived .August 21.
Since then she has had 17 pa-
tients, nine being the most at
any one time. At present, Mr.
and Mrs, Donald Neelin and,
family have an upstairs apart -I
ment but they expect to have
their own house ready by Octo- i
ber, when Mrs. Hussey will have:
room to expand.
One of the biggest renovations
inside was a new heating system,
Outside improvements continue.;
Grounds, which years ago had.
been beautifully kept, had gone i
wild, necessitating the cutting;
down of many trees and shrubs.;
A new two-way sign has lately
been placed on the front lawn
informing the passing public that;
Lucan at last has a much needed
nursing home,
Mrs. Hussey herself has a very
kind, sympathetic bed -side man-{
nets making all her patients feel
very much at home.
Four Hospitalized;
In Severe Crash
Returning home to London
from the funeral of the late Rev.
J. A, Graham (where the men'
were pallbearers) Mr. and Mrs.
Allan. Eizenga and Mr. and Mrs.
George Eizenga were involved
in a serious car accident at New
Hamburg, that sent all of them
to the Kitchener -Waterloo Hos
pital, Misses Tena and Margaret;
Eizenga (the men's sisters) ,bap-;
pened to be visiting Miss Bever.;
ley Stanley near the hospital at
the tine.
The two men are now out of ,
the hospital and at their parents':
home in Lucan. George is still
on crutches and Allan iselsuffer-
ing from facial and hip injuries,
Both wives are stilt in the hos-
pital. Half of Mrs. Allan's face
is still paralyzed, She also has
concussion and a broken shoulder
blade. George's wife is still in
a cast from the waist down with
a dislocated hip,
Matthews Clan
Enjoys Reunion
Some 60 descendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Ben Matthews
celebrated, their second annual
reunion at Springhank last Sun-
day. Guests were there froth.
Sarnia, Hensall, London, Byron,
Ailsa Craig, Clandeboye and Lu -
Sports were in charge of
Messrs. George Phillips, George
Hughes and Gerald Parsons.
The hunch committee comprised
Miss Alma Hughes, Mrs. Archie
T -'arsons, Mrs. Charles Little and
Mrs. Joe Carter.
Winners in races were: girls,
10.12, Betty Prestly and Gladys
Carter; boys, Joey Phillips;
young ladies, Betty Prestly, Ber-
nice Carter and Edith Carter;
young men, Jack Prestly, Harold
Parsons and Gerald Parsons;
married ladies, Mrs. Jack Prest-
ly, Mrs. P•at Prestly and Mrs,
Joe Carter;
Wheelbarrow race, Miss Alma
Hughes and Mr. Jack Prestly,
Betty .Prestly and Joey Phillips:
throwing ping -gong balls, Mr.
Donald Parsons; kicking the slip.
per, Miss Edith CarteN; driving
(he nail, Miss Verna Linden;
dropping elo(.hes•p!ns into bottle,
Miss Mary Lou Wilkins,
President for 1959 is Mrs,
Austin Matthews, .Sarnia: viee
president, Mrs. Albert Hughes,
Byron; secretary, Ars, Wilson
fl'odgitts, Lucent sports commit-
tee, ldr. George liuihes, Mr.
Ceorg'e :Phillips, Ailsa Craig, Mr.
Gerald Parsons, Ifensall: lunch
committee, (Miss Alma I•lughes,
Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Archie PV.
sons, Ifonsall, Mrs. Charles Lit.
Ile, Merton, Mrs, lack Prestly,
Ansa Craig, Miss 'Veerna Linden,
Dettfitrict, and Mrs, Joo C ertnr.
Clandeboye, The I;)ili picnic will
bis" 'held lit Sprite bank,
Building activities in Lucan
are prevalent in the Lewis sub-
diviston district and on No. 4
Highway south-east of the vil-
In the former. contractor Cecil
Lewis has the foundation in for
a new home just north of his.
own home.
(.contractor Ralph Lippert who
has .completed three new ranch
M T. Culbert
Active Here
After a lengthy illness, Mr. Mel
T. Culbert. 38, died in Westmin-
ster Hospital Sunday, July 20.
He lay at rest in the C. Haskell
and Son funeral home, where a
Masonic service was held at 8.30
p.m, on Tuesday, a private serv-
ice at 1.30 Wednesday, July 23,
followed by a public service in
the United Church at 2 p.m„
with the Rev. Edgar Roulston
officiating. Interment was in St,
James Cemetery, Clandeboye,
Pallbearers were Bob Murray,
Harold Whyte, Dr. C. H, George,
L. Blair, Les Woodward, and
George Lackey,
Son of Mr, Myron Culbert and
the late Mrs. Culbert, he' was
born about three miles north of
Lucan. In World War H, he
served in the air force from 1941-
45. Before and after the war, he
worked for E. J. Cossey, Dry,
oods, London, for five years.
Ten years. ago, he opened his i
own dry goods store on Main St.!
Ile was leader of the Cubs from
1953-57, past president of the
Lions Club, past secretary of the
Lucan United Church Men's
Club, and at the time of his;
death, president of the Lucan
Business Men's Association, a
member of the Board of Stew-
ards of the United Church, and
a member of the Irving Masonic
Lodge, A.F. and A,M., 154.
Besides his wife, 'the former;
Mary Patrick, he is survived by,
one son, Terrance, two &ugh-
ters, Dana and Mary Jane, all at!
hdme, and five brothers, Clifford
and Merton, of Lucan, Kenneth, I
of Granby, Quebec, Ivan, of Lon-'
don, and Earl, of•Kitchener, and
his father, Mr. Myron Culbert, of
Hedden Picnic
About 50 descendants of the:
late Mr. and Mrs. William Hed-1
den, gathered at Woodstock;
Park last Sunday for a family'
get-together. Guests were pres-
ent from Brantford, Woodstock,
Exeter, London, Crumlin and
Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. A, M. Hedden, of
Lucan, and their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Elgin' Hedden and family, •
of London.
David A, Youngson
Mr. David A. Youngson, 63,
died suddenly at his late resi-
dence, Queen St. West, St. Marys,
on Thursday, July 17. He lay at
rest in the L. A. Ball funeral
home till 2 p.m, Saturday, when
funeral services were held. Inter-
ment was in St. Marys Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Annie Whalen, of Lucan;
three sons and two daughters,
Gerald, Jack, Leone and Mary
(Mrs. Robert Conley), all of St.
Marys, and William, of London.
Ladies Spark
Mrs. . Ih. Elliott, Graham end,
Robbie. .of Barrie, spent the.
weekend with Luean ,and Clande.
boye friends. The two boys fit,,
tended the junior ,congregation
at JIoly Trinity Church where
they were League of Loyally
members awhile their father
taught here in the Lucan Public.
Michael Atkinson, son. of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson,: .af.
London, is holidaying Avitit his
grandmother, Mrs, Wes Atkin
Alt'. and Mrs. Bernard idurle,
of London, were Saturday .guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James Iiodgins.
Bryan Smith, son of Mr, and
Mrs. J, W. Smith, is spending
of Rochester were Thursday
ay part of his vacation with Mr.
and Mrs, John 'reciter, of Hills'
type houses an Duchess Ave. renovating the 'United Church ghee burgh.
has two more hattses well on the basement. 1-(e has 10 to 15 ertt Bob Coleman, and other Lucan Mr. and Mrs. Art McLean, o01
way just north of the Lewis sub-ployees, relatives. London, were Sunday guests
pitting the building of the cense Les Woodward reports, thug].) Those attending the funeral of Aar. and Mrs. John Faris.
i ter•y chapel at St. Jaines, rc�•much of his work is done in Lon the late Itev. J. A. Graham from Mr. Herbert Bridle, of Clinton,
ports that he ]las the job aat cion et since the erection of Lucan were Mrs. Meige 1'aizenga, vwas the guest speaker at Bob
division, In the latter district his hew shop work there has Airs. hied Thomson, Mrs. Harold Trinity Church last Sunday. Mr
is of the Jatier's sister, Mrs.
the Lewis t'onstruction is build-
ing a house for Glen Haskett
and a 11'''x58' barn for lies
Ole -Melon
increased Inn';. At resent 1te Butler, Sr. Aar. and Mrs. Jack Bridle spoke en world condition.
has four employees. Mr. Wood Eizenga and Misses Lena and of today. Services will be at 9,3t
ward specializes in windows, Margaret Eizenga, next Sunday.
h doors and specializes
•(lie had Marilyn and Jimmie Hearn are Mrs. Harry Atkinson, of Lon
Contractor Les Wood+varcl Itas 'ab of irtalsin all the ru holidaying with Mr. Roger don, is holidaying with Mr, and
A Corbett.
J g cup
Brown, , Brown, of Carlingford. its. Harold �,ot et•
Russel .and Sons are buildingof Harriston, spenta few ave
heir• third home farther rant.A' A.
the roof on a 1eshence for 1. boards for the Anglican choir Mrs, Douglas zing and family, Miss Boxie Matthews and Mist
11e1 Culbert and the Frank Van From September to December t , d , , Elsie Sweetman, of Detroit
1957 he made 900 storm windows I last week with Mrs, Annie called on Mr.
.10 vrog
Up until a year ago, Lucan
Cubs and Scouts both met on
Thursday nights, but often meet-
; ings clashed, so the leaders of the
Cubs, Mrs, 3. 0. Andersen
(Akela), Miss Joan Hodgins
(Bagheera), and Miss Audrey
Marshall (Retool, asked, permis-
sion to change their day to Mon-
day evening. Since then their
enrolment has doubled with a
present enrolment of 41.
Scoutmaster Harold Whyte still
assists for signalling, knot -tying
and 'passing of tests, but the
three young ladies are doing a
splendid job of training the young
lads of the village,
tlride.Eleet Feted
Miss Moyra Brigid Markin,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thom-
as F, Markin, R.R. 3 Lucan,
prior to her marriage to John
James Trainor of Ottawa was
guest of honor at two miscellan-
eous showers before leaving
Ottawa where she had been work-
ing. Hostesses for the showers
were Mrs. Duncan Hagerty and
Mrs, Charles Robertson.
The bride elect is a graduate
of St. Michael's Hospital School
of Nursing, Toronto,
Personet items
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Flagg(.
gan, nee Mabel Abbott, are hap.
py to announce the birth of a
daughter, Karen Laurie, at St,
Joseph's hospital, Itionday, July
Miss Audrey Copeman of tel.
mord and Miss Marie Levi of
St. Marys were 'Sunday guests.
of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Andersen.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Marshall and
7t1iss Barbara Marshall are spend-
ing a week's vacation at lnver-
Mrs. !Slitter of
trilled On Miss Lina Abbott last
Friday evening,
Misses Tena and Margaret
i izetlga have returned hone
fiesta a Vacatiatt at Kitchener
and Paris.
Mr and firs, :hill 1-foruk are
h. o at1 nuf est the b`
a t tt birth '
slit iir.'ysr n, Nicttolas Boger, born
in St, Jeeeph's ffnspitah Julie
2.ti. R brother for Willie.
and Mrs
besides other work, Simpson .last Sunday.
In the north end of the village
Mr. and Mrs. Al Bromwick are
now living in their Kernohan
home,. The owners of the Pines
Haven :Nursing Horne have sold
some lots off the south and east
end of their property,
Cecil Lewis who is now eons•
Irish Race Horses
Win Three Events
Pauline Volo owned by the
(hardy Bros. and driven by Neil
McMann of Clandeboye won a
first last Tuesday evening at To-
ronto Woodbine.
Floating Rythm owned by Mr.
Sheridan Revington won a first
at Hamburg last Saturday.
Lena's llope, owned by Mr.
Lyle Revington won a first at
Toronto Woodbine last Saturday.
W.I. Film institute
Among the 120 members of
Women's Institute branches in
Western Ontario, who last Thurs-
day attended the one -day Film
Institute at Huron College was
Lucan's director, Airs. Cecil
The purpose of the Filin In-
stitute was to educate members
of the Women's Institete in the
use of films and slides for a
Netter knowledge of Canada and
the world.
Delegates saw various types of
educational films followed by
panel discussions on their use.
They also received instructions
on the operation of a projector,
Personal (tents
Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Attwell
and fancily are making head-
quarters with Mrs. Attwell'a
father, Mr. D. A. Ashworth
while Mr. Attwell is taking a
summer course in London.
I Fairies,
are pleased 'to announce that
Box 10, Lucan
Telephone: Lucan 16
liar been appointed our official agent for the exchange of
and sale of the new
As our agent, he will be glad to call upon you with
complete details and assist you. in the conversion
of Victory Bonds or the purchase of the new Loan.,
Versatile Chevrolet trucks often
offer P.T.O. openings on both
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Widens the range of your truck
EASY! Virtually ends manual
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retarder controls speed, saves,
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on many Chevrolet heavies, the
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newest, most efficient power
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SAVES 80% EFFORT! Makes ma-
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Highway travel is actually relax-
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Optional 011 all models.
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