HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-24, Page 11BIKE SCHOOL .ORAPI4ATES—Director Stanley Saucier, left, and teacher Lewis
Gingerich presented diplomasto, four graduates of the five-year-old vacation Bible
schoo1 spopsored by the Thames Road Mennonite Mission at the program which con-
cluded apttrties Friday night. Three of the graduates — Audrey and Mynie Verkett
and Brian Illibetard — are shown above, Donna Heywood also received a diploma.
This year's school attracted a record attendance. —T -A- Photo.
World's Top Trouble Spot
About The Size Of Huron
Lebanon, the world's trouble country was "one .of the most Department of Agriculture. They
spot in the Middle East, isn't beautiful I've ever seen," the also heard an address on fertility
I much bigger than Huron County, youth stated. • of pastures, given by Glen An.
a junior farmer revealed at the Lebanon has a population of a derson, of OAC, Guelph. Delbert
Huron Soil and Crop Improve. million and a half, half Christian Geiger, Zurich, firstvice-presi:
ment Association's twilight meet- and half Moslem. Main buildings dent, was in charge of the tour.
ing at Clinton, Friday night. are of stone and "the craftsman.: The ladies were addressed by
Dave Barrie, of Galt, a past ship is wonderful." • I Nancy Conger, of Canada Depart -
president or Ontario Junior The fertile valley produces ex., .ment of Fisheries, Who showed
Farmers, described his visit to cellent fruit crons. I methods of using .fishin sand;
the. Mediterranean country last During his visit in the country, ; wiches and salads. Miss Shirley
year when he represented Can- in 1957, he saw no indication of; Patterson, Huron County home
ada at a world conferenCe of the revolutionwhichhas brought , economist, was in charge of this
rural youth. He was guest the world to the brink of a thirdsection of the program,
speakerat: the meeting which major war. Robert Allan, president of the
attracted an overflow crowd of The Lebanese were excellent association, WAS in charge of the
500. hosts, he stated, describing the; joint program which followed,
program which was presented !Speakers included Warden John
Lebanon, he said, is only 120
miles from north to south, and 35 from 52 he and delegates fro58j Morrissey, Stephen; Reeve clay.
from east to west, about the size other countries in the world. He ton Smith, ITsborne, who Tenre-
ofHa.stings County, and slightly illustrated his talk with color I sented. the Huron County home
larger than Huron in total area. slides and , modelled a typical' committee; Reeve John Deeves,
costume of the Arabs I Goderich, and Boyd Taylor, past
A valley between two mountain Other features of the program, !president of Huron Junior Farm.
ranges running the length of the held at the county home, °were' ! ers, who introduced the guest
the election of a county dairy I speaker.
queen and inspection of the , Harvey Johnston, superinten.
county farm. I dent of the count Y home, de
Men ‘vere taken on a tour of ! scribed some of the operations
the rod row test plots on oats and 1 on. the farm and gave examples
barley, by Charles Kingsbury,: of the foodconsumption of the
field crops branch of the Ontario ' 100 inmates in the home.
School Fetes
First Grads
First graduates of the vacation
Bible school sponsored by the
Thames Road Mennonite Mission
received diplomas Friday night
at the program marking the end
of the fifth annual school.
The diplomas were presented
by Director Stanley Saucier to
Audrey and Mynie Verkerk,
John Brian Mustard and Donna
Darlene Heywood. Each had
successfully completed four years
at the school, including grade.
eight. study. Their teacher was
Lewis Gingerich.
Director Sander, in his annual
report to a large crowd of par-
ents and friends of the children,
revealect this year's school has BIRTHS —
been the most successful yet. Of
the 175 who registered, 108 scored
perfect attendance. •
Average daily attendance
reached a high 151.
Bi Ohs NoCharge
Marriages and Deaths . 7S0
(Marriages and deaths are reported without charge
in news columns. This charge applies only to listing
under Announcements.)
Cards of Thanks,' Engagements 750
In Memoriams (4 -line verse) $1.00
Extra verses, each 250
CHAB,REVSE—Mr. and ;Mrs. An-
thony Charrette, Hensall, an-
nounce the birth of a. son, John
-Pant, at 54outh Huron Hospital,
July 19, 1935 — a brother for
Mr. Saucier said, children of 12 and Robert.
denominations attended the amno — Mr. and Airs. William
school, AS well as some who in.
dicated no faith.
Secretary Asa Steekle gave Ike
financial report.
Children of each of the gradet
Ln the school presented a portion
of the program:, consisting main-
ly of religious songs and Biblical
recitations and a review of class
work. One group under the direc-
tion of Grace Erb recited in uni-
son all the books of the Bible.
The program was presented in
the garage of Exeter Coach
Lines, where a considerable
amount of Biblical craft work
Was on display,
Baird. (nee. Norma bra.ser), Lon-
don, an.nounce the birth of a
son, Stephen William, at St.
Joseph's Hospital, July 17: 1555
—firs( gran rl ehIld for Alr. and
and Mrs, Thomas Bah•d, Ora nd
Bon, and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Fraser, Parkhill.
.NCKEL, — Charles and Bernice
Nekel oleo Fergi, flensall, are
pleased to RD nnunce• the birth
of their son. Douglas Wayne,
at Clinton Hospital, July 14,
K T 1.,LEEN---11/ I:, and AI vs. Ed T)1-
100;;. 230 Andrew St„ Exeter,
announce the birth of a son,
Jamee Allan. at South Huron
liospital, July 22. 1955—a bro-
ther for Don, Mary, Brian and
It takes_people
Jack MacLennan...
...to give you good telephone service
Your Bell Telephone installation man --‘vhatever
his name may he —is a lot like jack MacLennan,
Ott the joh, his Skillful work reflects his careful
training. But more than that,7e like- to think that
a friendly smile and unfailing courtesy lend a
pkasant touch to li brief visit.
We try to encourage this friendly spirit all
through the business. 'You'll see it when. you 1•181r,
the ilusiness Office, You'll hear it in tile operator's
oice with a •smile",
This fidpm, Men tll y spirit is one oldie many ways
lit which we try to give you good telephone service.
Th. Timei-AciVocat , July 24, 19511 Pop 11
°urn Vote. To og ese arg.:pins:
2 5 words or less 70c
More Then .25 Words
It Per Word
200 OFF"
if ed Paid with order or ItY
Saturday following the last
More than 25 Words —
PAO Per Word
Semi -Display Classifieds
(Restricted to one column)
First Insertion $I.40 Per Inch
Subsequent Insertions
51,25 Per Inch
Minimum One Inch
. • , „
1;1;rtntiom surri-.;,, 3111, drop leaf 1 ATI;A--.500 erres. Quite modern
111hir. 37.: dinette suite. buffet, barn with fine home. Water
1,11!le and 4 (•hairs, $15. 2s Vic- Preestire systems In born and.
toles, St. 11%, phone e59 Reeler. ilotiSe. A lot of machinery whirl/.
24* could, be. bought with farm. Large
. _rile. Possession es arranged. Near
1iti av r vine horns ,and
110. Ailsa Craig 621-r-:.' . good barns. Near Exeter.
2:: i;4111-111)era.Modern eq
-.hae10le11Ousan;tarns. ln-nod
1:t 55 1'i(81NTrty.veation. Best of la d. Wr like
a ‘I'eitgi ()nit h Praettiesrn. nactlfer.a8tleerg lsot (84,P11,1annl Pt miod tt; p tabuaynerl.. an
Ito.A Ventralia.
24c A Int of other properties in this
sectinn. tVould jile tn meet proe-
Pete eteitese, 30 to .se pminds; evolve bite ere and sellers. Phone
a 1,0 ge e ereeners, Leo Boyle. 1 or n roe Morley Wass, Grantoll,
etonere, 24c agent for R. ILHarris, London.
17tf n e
. . .„
SKINNY MEN, wolsgs: Gain 3.
10, 15 lbs.: new, Pep. Try Ostree
Tonic: Tablet it. For body skirtny
because of appetite impaired by
lark nf iron. fi-daY "get -acquaint- eelieneeee Iteinee
ed size (*eels little. Or bile ---•'-
eronomy !site Aim save yott. All NO'rE: Sale will .atart isharp 62
druggiel si 17:24e Tine p.m.
with epringe and znattrevel -dre0e-
sera and commode$: 2 steel bott...
steads; bedepread,i assortment of
;dishes; silverware and .glaeswaret
2 bird lionses; lawn mower; gee
of 1 ea.m work bridles; pony ea.de
dle. breed nee% and .otber ntS
SCOTT'S ANTI IIAT Haile n n e No reservee-everYthixig 1:
imparts natural e lOoLing colour
and lustre to gray, streaked and
faded hair. Net a e•,% nnt a tint.
white. greaseless cream equally
effeet 155 on all sbades of hair.
At Johnstonug 's DrStore. Exeter:
and Wilson's Drug. Reese II. 240
TERMS' raeh.
351) N4U81',flfl2, Proprietor
ALVIN WALPER, Aurtioneer
Of Household Furniture '
11.11' Amend Lee() bales rimier,. TRANSPORTATION to Saskatche- 2 Bloeks East of Supertest
!,ifaira and timothy hay. t
belt I melte rine, phone 41-r-7 Rens- elderly citizens, is now open .. at
i reel farm, 212 'nitre! west, n f
I,:, tine n 0 Tbiirsdav
Hensel II. pie pee be ie. Apply 1.1,_ EVIeNTIDE VILL.t, a, Imme for
0 rt N.S.7,.. '1,1, i /Ti MISCELLANEGUS —
.. pwhaonnafo4r5d_onn_e2. zupxetteor. .kugust 241; Gas Station, on Sanders St.
WEDNESDAle .1 I. LT e9, $.950
244 eu enema ., ee el. e 1:9tia • . - -
General altlleictlrie.1).17i.g; kitchen
Classified ads accepted up till is under the manageinent of Mrs.
strix e., coal no wriod. rangette, 2*
1111A1111 110I,STEIN COW, 3-) ear- L. Desjardipe, Exeter.
nil.t.1r111 Reered it erl In ThR 1;iitiat ft Of
Wednesday noon. Auction sale1 a nd -cave' n -
in your Edward Henry Weltin, (sleet rie 'Master. new ; Linoleum.
plate: kitchen table, chairs;
copy should be •in Tuesday at ",;`,;;;,;41."PL AP,f0;r1LP W18 IV 9.° "RAT
Ilea d, plet(i1e les'irkt0n1ril. 10...n.elea,rnes barn this summer when you can
be free of them by spraYing your deceased. teem: small table; large quantity
of dishes, enme ant iquet mirror;
cooking utensils of all kinds;
BEST 111' V! - Saturday Evening garth, Exeter, Phone 266.
wee, le, issues, only $4.73, b-
si2i4e building. with E orlan. For infor-
11 hot 1 it call 1 V .leo- • h I h • 1
77501. The Times-Advocat
24e 24 :70
4 inch $ 53 per M nerd GRAIN s 16 PATEAT011, Torana, 24-
ss per 11 Der il is. need 3 yenrs. Grind as new.
e(ti ii riti il It
110 per 11 Derd Paint still on pulleys. Apply
..„ 141 per Al Pi'd tlerilon Hamilton or Herald Glenn.,
S ineh .....................„ 171 per el Delel Hensia II. 21*
T's, Y's and Elbows in Stock KT I: AW — A quantity of straw
Prices for 10". 12" and 14" front l he enmbine—to be picked
on Request. tip immediately. Jaelcson 'Woods.
left. 3 Exeter, phone, liti-r- 3
1.,1111.ITE le 11 t f ri D .5 t' 1110 N ALESK featherweight
Elgin field Phnne 393 "mean Spc•ncers on sale at 13e, discount,
Inc par t i e u 1 a es call Ars. B.
OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Tread- 11' ends, rt.n. 3 Exeter, phone
Querters for :Royal typewriters, 1< Illi1011- 101-r. 24*
Victor adding machines. We can
save ;you money! Exeter Times- 1111.1 / 1rr''t en' irdri.V.;;Iplili.AseTt ?Inv; 01(10 liP int.e tifett .11;
Arivorate, phone, 770, set: tri -lamp: 2 twin beds and
80110 DE KALB PULLETs—Healthy, mattresses: three-quarter bed and
well raised, vaccinated for bron- ln,en r"se rennet' washer; 14•11.1).
c111115 and NewcAstle: 12 ;weeks electric' Inotnr; odds and ends.
old June 21Ith and July Ord, Die- 169. Col 11 m bia Dr., ncAs, l'nn-
colinta on large orders. Free de- 11';I Oa. Phone 6e0 -1V -3, 21*
livery on all orders of 2011 or
more. 'Jasper:Hon invited. EnQuir-
Iri ecrrl.P1Priip 1 yb I a0v ric .v 1(11 1 rel.° aRn o 1 1S-iln"gPs-.
les promptly anewered. Call or
r-31, .
Fame, Oland e bnye.
write "eloore's Poultry
:Rel. 3 Seaforth, Ont., pho7:162.t7f;
A/1 persons haA mg Pf dreseer. Us ean—al made
against the est ate of Edward pine; Linoleum. exln: pine clothes
Henry wotin, late of ibe Village hoe Waterman washing machine;
of Zurich. in the Celerity of Ile- wash stand and tuba;,small
ron, Gentleman who d ted on or bed. springs, mattress: Linoleum.
about the 4th day of June. 155e, Mx le: buffet: parlor stove; dine
are required to file part imilars ing room table, 5 chairs; arra
of same with Fell Sr Lange/eon, rhair: ebesterfield. 1 chair; oce
Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by easional ehair: " Done Jampe: 2
Ii e e611day of July 1918, after criff4 t a blee, bo-nk rack; 2 table
whIre dale the estate will he dis- lamps: 2 pair curtains: vacuum
tributed having regard only to Meaner; cushion and. pillows; Line
tense elate -is og which notice has nleurn. 16x12: lawn mower: car -
1 been received. pet s and mats; wood stove: S
t ohs: pine cupboard: Pair deallest
Bell & Laughton, elishionst 500 lbs. cnal: pine chest
Solicitors fzoxretlehr:i 0Andtministrator,
1f1:17:24 tt nitobraii 2,g eared;
rf,ofr f alinocIVnAshi neoal;s:2 3aforogte aqtuoclarari
&es ,t "Is;
onion scufflert
step ladder, weed cutter; buck
noT.kriv CUTTERS. New Ser v is,
will full so-incit eut 15-ineb.
516E TEE' NEW Surge. Buelcet drop centre rims. Ideal for eu t
mincer with the "Ionkieg glass- tinF r!astui.:P,54 and ',ern stalks -
finish on tis inside". New r`t•lee :twinning pre fiPlirerY ster-
angle milks low, uneven udders ‘Acie. ;:10115,11.1cline. eftegd•ue,Itaaii•Irseta)01,..$820,41110r,
better. Coniaei LoVel I McGuire,
bleat on -op nr enn tact Fruit ed Co -
phone 393 Winghate. Surge Bur-
s, syphon .makers, p 1, 10 8, onnra 11 S of Ontario, 35 Oak St.,
Stalls, 'Wash Tanks, el 0, 240
1V est nu.
ABOUT 2.000 BRICK'S. second -
Mend. Apply :Box "B" Tien -
vorat e. invite
Blacks and Montmorencies
Bring own containers and pick
your own,
Jim Brown, Forest '
Portables or Standard
M A G A 7, T. Is7 lil BUY -;•-• "America.n
Home" now -selling at 10 issues
Kt:SS—Mr and Mrs. '37. ;T. /cuss, for 32.00, half the regular rate,
111. 'Parkdale Ave., RCAF Cen- Subscribe now at The Times-
tralia, announce the. birth of a Advocate, agent for all Magazines.
son. Kenneth John, at South 17:21:7:14c
}Wynn Hospital, July 21, 1985—
a brother for 'Valerie and Dan-
LANCS.; — Mr. awl Mrs. E, M.
Laece, 22 John St.. Exeter, an-
/101111CP the birth of a Ron, „Mur-
ray Ross, at South Huron Hos-
pital, j uly 35, 1958.
'MASSE — 11r. and Mrs. Clare
Masse, Zurich, en hounee the
birth of a daughter at South
Huron Hosp I ta.1, July 17, 1958.
RAD PM — r. and 'Airs. timer
leader. R.R. 1 Daeliwond, an-
nounce 1 he birth of a. (taught el',
'Dianne Shirley, at Smith 1-111
Hospital, July 15. 1958—a sister
for Philip, Douglas and Jimmy.
Mrs. Orval 'Res ver is entertain-
ing' 51 a trousseau tea In honour
or her (laughter, IrPrie. On Satur-
day, Atig•ust 2, from 2 to 4 in
the afternoon and 7 to 10 in the
evening. 24*
Mr. a-nd 1Irs. 'Harold Hunter,
11.11. 3 Exeter, annottlice tht en.
gagement f their d g h 1 or,
:Kathryn jean, to Mr. William
rry Vvingblut. Son of Mr. and
Airs. _Ivan Yungblut, Zurich, Ont.
HAY—For immediate draw in g, 900
bales of alfalfa, and timothy bay:
cut, haled and stooked in field
(no rain on it ). Apply Tom Sher-
rill', phone 091-r-3 lien sa II. 24c kard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Ex-
immedla te possession. r. A , fle-
eter, lit fe
Di NETTN SUITE, 6 -piece, ill gnod
cnnclition. Apply at 24 Waterloo i
St„ phone 1157-5V Exeter. A P.ARTATENT—One or the better
--!ic, Part-furnIshed 4 -room apartments.
Large. airy rOonis in priva ie• home.
'Bath and het wa ter. Central lo-
va tion ; aclulte: reasonable reel.
'Possession Aug 1. Garage ava 11 -
Able. 313 AndreW• Ste Exeter, 24e
W 16 A N I,: a Inas, ter. Apply
Russell Fieeber. Daeh wood. 24'
LA m ES' BICYCLE, in good eon-
i2a2,5 .A I gon qu Dr -
S. P. 10) COAI BINE, Allis Chill-
itornp1ote with all attArh-
rnents and piek-up, gond entull-
I ion, Phone 164-r-14 PasltWood.
PRY HARDWOOD, bnth body and
1imh. We ifeliV1,1% nil SOME, in
when w ea t her is dre. Phone 21-11-
1 Te Moon. nn No. 83 HighwaY,
.1a mr,F W. ri,Lro 24*
BEAN MACHINE with wooden
frame. on rubber wheels, in grind
enndit inn. Apply Lloyd Lynn,
phone Lucan 40-11, 17:21.
CASE THRESHER. 2(x47. on rub-
ber, equipped with Ebersol grain
thrower and shredder, 140 -,ft,
belt. William Stanlake, '111. 1),d 1
Exeter, phone 590-W-2. 10:17:24c
APATITAINNT. furnished, 1-bed-
room,1\pihos;ealTi.psa bl..11 re ussytarld. pp trpsly.
0011FOR.TABLE I -bedroom apart -
meet with gond livine space arid
private 3 -pie'' hall;. separal
entrance; rental 335.ou per month;
"Who broke your window,
" "Just my husband, dcarie. He
John Kellett, 68,
Elimville Resident
John Kellett, 68, life-long resi-
dent of Elimville, died Friday,
july 18, in S,t. Joseph's Hospital,
His wife, the former Elizabeth
Gould,. died in January, 1952.
He is survived by two sons,
Laverne and George, and one
daughter, Miss Verda, all at wzr,E-:Briur brick house with 3
acres of land, on edge of Exeter.
The marriage will take place ElinlVille.
Saturday evening, August 10, 1955.' T1,. 1.1Xec le . 1Tidy riea. t i o ti -with township
Church, Exeter, Ont. ;me ducted by Rev, Alex Rapson at
.....,... funeral service was con-
T.A ("1E, 2 -bedroom, bright,
at 7;20 in James Street Unit enbarn.
the Hopper -Hockey funeral home modern kitehen, 3 -piece bath..17x
on Monday with interment in tn, bedroom space a‘ arla.ble. Full
Exeter cemetery. basement. Prit'f; $4,500.00. Slightly
higher on v ery easy terms,
ODD JOBS, carpentering, painting
etc. Phone Exeter 408. 5:Stfe
C. V. Pickard
We have clients wishing lo piir-
chase Exeter homes. If you wisb
to sell, see us.
l'We are offering the following
amd ether properties:
Mr. and Mrs. Darold Slinpsolt,
Exeter, aro happy le announce
t he engagement or their (laugh -
t PI', Gwendolyn Alice, 40 Mr.
urrae H'. Coward, son of 11r.
and Mrs. John Cowerd, 1Vond -
ham. The wedding. will take nisei,
Ilgt1 st 13 at 3:011 0,01. in Caren
Presbyterian Church, :Exeter. 24*
Aly aincore the like for the many
acts of kindness shown me dur-
leg my stay in St. .Toseph's Tins -
nit al, London. Thanks kindly.—
Doreen W. Spencer, 240
AVe wish extend oni• heat•t-
fell appreciation for t he miteiy
kit/devisee and inesea gee of syrn-
pa 1 by end. fOr e beautiful. floral
offering rpeel 5(1 from kind
neirshhours, friends and relaiiVeS
rill Ping our recent bereA vermeil in
Hie lose of a, dear husband and
father. 'We thank the Rev. (Ma s,
Daniel for htst gritelous !elitist ry.
he pallhea rat's. And a 'Spec Is I
h ;mks to all (11055 1010 1V0 VI, SO
kind. A South Heron Rosp ita I. --
The EA rcother family. 24e
w ish in 1 hank ell my friends,
eeighbours tul r 515 t Ive tor
reirdst, treater aed vieits sieve my
Accident AS A. patient in Fit. .lo -
501,1;'s 1400pit al and SIIIVP return-
ing' home. — Larry Gould, 24*
1 55014 Id like to expreee my•
f•M`P lhanita And appreciation fo
my 108(19' frieeds and real AN et%
W110 visit eti me end, sent rardS,
treats and flew ere while 1* VCRS a
5111) 01)11 111 St, Joseph's He:MIMI,
Leedom Also many 1 ha nee for
the beautiftil gifts reeelverl for
Hie baby, Speelal thawka to the
elth le of 1, r e 1 Presbyterian
Chimer! and to the W.e1.14., aleo
Atelier Tleheicali bodge. !rho kind.
11084 nr all wr4.1 deeply atter-telex
ed.-11re, Harold C. n'en. 24*
Mr, Henry Devil/0 wishes to
I Mink all hist neighbours and
friend e for their kin rInees, ("artist.
effete, 1 reate Anti elophone en -
(wiriest du tee g ett reeeet 111n
A epeeist] th anise Mensre. Le w
re nee Malcom Emerson liestiar-
dine w ttli the 'CHAIM Pend 11(1,21.
5100, Bev, Trolley, Dr. Bee ce Sled
11re. Stanley Gill, 21c,
T W1/111 10 thank my kind ne ig II -
Metre, friende AIM relatives. Mr.
Wainer and Mr. Hicks feir earrY-
riti my recent rnmo 15
Wit Ile 1 woo A Ile tient lit Smith
He roll nottpItat. -- A rine( Criers -
land. t1.10
Time epeeds on, one year hat
cortNisrir-58::: lnving Memel Y
rOrni,a, whn passed away
nne year ago, July 24, 1987.
Sines death ILS g100115, 118 3113'imy
Within our henue, Where alt scent-
ed bright
And took from Ms A :Mining light.
Her viteant place there's none to
WC' tniA171111;hat light and over will,
lert ten here /ye mourn, but ent. in
Ve in,
:For up in heaven te e will meet
remembered bY 11 si be 11 fl
11 0 FILOCK—In loving IllernrcrY nt
elOar linAband ra hOr,
.1011 erInek paeerel 1/ aY
Our lienrt Still itC110 till Aad -
7 yea.rsillort8gm•o,, uly 27, 1951.
As secret t rare Atilt flew.
What It mosin to lose him
NO 0110 Will er knew.
leach time see hie elinte.
He soma In Smile anti so.
Don't 1VN5, i'm nely sleeping
We'll meet Agate snme 489.
—lever remembered by les n ters,
eon end daughter -In-law. 21c
P011' feLL-111 I nv leg ntemorY 4)1
a deer hue hand and tat her, Z.
•W11118 weer passed away
rine year ego, 1987,
'.t`hough his smile. Le gnue force er,
Arid his hand wo cannot I
Still We have AO many memorlet
Of 0110 We loved en emelt
His memory our Itrepsahr
Vrom which we earl 1151 et. Pert,
God lifta torn in nig I:Peeing.
We have him in 0111' heart.
--.Aliria‘rtitnogn,1:tt remembered 11V hig
wife Gertrude and dallgiltnr
V14NNT111--'tit loking nientrir of
fhe lair, Atra, NViltiant Venner,
who pitelked A tlet y !ex )1"AP:4 Agri.
Iclke falling leases the ,‘.ears Alin wl b •
in baying or solhog toe lo.
Put menmriert ot her 511)11 timer ,,,,
die, 15Artfl PAPSONS, 111101Nt 507
And' trben olrl ti 111 It'S 25 dm 1 nee 11 " .,....,.... COLE, 4,.....dklir.i jor r
Tr* Ih0n *0 telee her 9060 of MI. J3 ttED reit/1N le isePt.it
.-I,I•cor relileletbered by Misiba err. Sa1e6mori
ri *II* ii r 0 r. tot16-111-1a6 and
grandchildren, s:Pr 17tic
BRANT/ W 3 -bedroom lintee,
CollinietelY modern thronghout.
Garage. May be purchased for
low cash price or on easy ternis,
871 OP r5.1 ArAriTArENT—riona in -
Cation. Su) tablet for e frier or
shop. Very comfortable liAing
quarters. Can be purchased on
very easy terms.
2 -STOREY Bniew—Th is is a well-
built home wet) geori reef: nil
burning fun/ave. Would aceoire
modat•e large famlly or lend It -
:telt to conversion. Mtn two cowl-
fOrtable apartments. Terms.
3-11E111100A1 1501'91E, well Iciest
ed, Modern kil eh Pe and bath-
room, good hen thin' eel:inn/en( :
Para g 1. 1.nw prier,. $1 ,One,en caali
will handle, Elbert( 1 terms en
balance.. 2.fr
other properties.
To buy or sell, 504 (.1. V.
PI Cie:A.111:e Bean nr, and Goner:0
Insurrome, Mem St., Eiceter,
pbon 103- rind AM 6:3tre
2 LOTS IN IIENSAT,L, 65'3222",
tee r :Irene, now pla ed in polo -
toes. Exeellent Inca t inn for new
Cash or ternie. Apply Ler-
Supterteel, phone 963
01 0*', 10:17:24e.
W. C. Pearce
8 ANNii; ST., EXtTER.
Phone 435
•GtNritikt, INSURAN'cl
l'arrns-3 Aere'S to (1,0 acres
Houses-0Mb to WM()
Stores—$5,560 (0 $23,500
MA N'S GOLD 'WATCH with lea -
11P7` band; youth's sterling: signet
ring with Whets ' on a
gold tap. Left by lifeguard stand
10 Riverview Park. Apply Airs.
W. C. .1 ohneton, pbone 441-ei.
WAITRESS. short order, night s
and weekends. Simek Bar, Week'
Station Centralia. 'Apple Box G.
Times- Arlx oea te, or pho»e 721.
Loval 241.
Ole SEKEEP nt ee for
elderly gentleman. Gond home,
Apply Box 51, Arlsa. Craig, Om.
Of Modern, Valuable
Household Furniture
North of Evangelical Church
in the
SATE 11.0 A, 17, L L 20, 1005
nt 2:00 D,S.T.
Plnder instruet ion received from
Geor''e Stevenson Itie will sell'
Norge heavy dirty electric stove;
kitchen table And ,'hairs: wash-
er: Dutch cupboard; lamp shades;
bread box; radio; mirror; Piel'-
tric saws: 2 lawn mowers; garden
tonls; garden chair; dnor: tennis
net; ci‘oquet set; cooking wen-
sils: odd dishes: sealers: 2 -piece
ehest erfieid suite; rnom
chair: combination writing desk
and book ease: vacuum cleaner;
electric Jocomotive: washing ma-
chine, several small brnnze smok-
ing stands; tables; gallon 'thermos
jug; 5-riay clock; floor lamp
with shades: quantity of dishes
and many other ankles.
Owner moving to the West. Has
sold his property. Every article
will be snld Lo the highest bidder.
7so reser% e,
T rash.
'WILLIAM A. SMITH, Auctinneer
crediton, phone 77-111. 17e
-HOUSER' PIEPER — companion for.
eldet•ly lady in Exeter, Apply
Box P, Times-Advorat P. 24*
WOMEN' — Make. money at home
assembling our items. Experience
unnecessary. Lee Mfg., 400 S.
Robertson, Los Angeles 45, Cal.
TA E NOTICE that he Mt. NT -
(IPA!, VorN0G, of the Town nf
nixeter intends to pass a By -Law
af its•regular meeting on the 4th
day of August. 1955, authorizing
the Clerk nC the said municipal-
ity 10 apply to. the .1 udge of the
nt y Court of the County of
Huron fnr an Order to close a
road allow a nce as shown on Lot
Number mt. Plan 20, for the
Town of Exeter and beteg mere
part ieniarly deseribed AA follows:
A pareel of land having a, front-
ag•e from West to East of Sixty-
six feet 1(6') and a depth from
North to South of Three Hundred
feet (300') more or less commenc-
ing t a point in the Northerly
boundary of Lot Number 3e4 at a
distance r One Hundred Frrs
f PP ( 1 05.3 measured Easterly
from the North-west angle of
said Lot.
that unless objectinns are former-
ly made to the sale Council by
any person AV'11 realms In be. ad-
versely affected prior to or at
t he regu tar meeting of the said
Council on the 4t11 day of August,
1952, the said Connell will pro-
ceed to pass the said By -Law nn
Of Dwelling House,
Household Effects and
Miscellaneous Items
On (ho Premises.
Tent 63, ela in Street. in the
The rndersign or! A tint ioneer is
regard only to the objections
the aforementioned dale, haying
t inn on
instructed to sell by Public Auc-
then received.
yEris xoTi cm is given pursilant AA -TI npAY tvE„ 3t•I'Y 20, 1035
In the Alunicipal Ac•t 711.11.0. 1550, CDonwt7inmetnit:TINngo• nFri071.1.0s01,7ItLm.,, ., osn1 I:11;1ns
(ha.pt or 243, Section 472E1) and
of one - stnrey frame clivellini,•*
amendments thereto.
with .2 bedrooms, dining and liv -
DAT ED at Exeter. Ontario, this tria
tonne kitchen, srnall pantry
71.11 day of July, 195e,
and ittility room, Also wood eh exl.
.C. 1'. PICKARD, 12's2,1'._ whieh can be sold sepa.-
Munieipal Clerk.
TERMS OF I/ WE LI. ING — 1 5 re
rale if desired.
nn clay nf sale. Balance in 30
days. Sold. subjectl tn a reason -
le 011. A ITT TriCtAL 1 NSTM1--A - Leh:ill 1 ili:Ve trove dbe bairdr,anngeeind ("d'aajl* of
TION serviee. er more informa-
tion, telephone Gm Waterloo cat - e
tl Breeding Association reflect at Te (WS le le OLD EFFEruSex-i;nr'soinni-1
Milton lir" 2-3141 between 730 eists 01 dining ronm
and 9:80 a, m. week days. enavsaniiril rtial. ab:er : rs ;12k itcleihnei:gto:;:mdrnepheilerrie;
for service on Sunda.Y.
S pen. on Saturdays. 1/o not cart etahzi,ai r6,a.bkitliteetLianetihtlaUjers;Phreupn.f
beat on Sunday can ohne. iAlroenndai ny-.
boards; 2 centre tables: flower
bulls of t he Holstein.
Irilt,esd a uspapyys f a e t n ri I y
eeree),., robe: 2 1 Apestry 'rug's, 9):1•2; you.
service to 105 (411014-0, stands: large ball mirror; ward -
horned i, Beef Short horn t polled
Ayrsb ire, Guernsey, grown swiss, igzialliteobt:eenr.tinnir•:oigek.heor9rixk72; minavatIcske;terroff,,e.ailciipablipsrr::
Red Poll, $lereferd hiollert and
leliloco,,k : ooto i a
ticks; phonograph and records,
new: electric: radio; k it eh en
awl beetled i. a nd Duel Pti rens'',
vacuum cleaner:
Short horn, Anglis and (Me rola is i floor polisher; roneh; white sew_
barns or henhouses white washed
EThvielts'obsint gist:71'm v e 7:2t14itelll: : ill g 111 Itch lee : pictures: rireniaret
t. ric lam
.1k., rxe ey (01 sx,
elettric 'heater; malt wagon with
12-ineh wheels; high (emir; rinse-
ea.11 Bill Watson, Phone 37-r-19
ps: roal nil 'lamps: 2 ini-
Dashwood. .Also grain or corn ,
spraying. rufric Lot sets; 3 oak. beds. complete
saw: pas and pane of all kind;
2 small tables. euptmards; wash.
holler; quantity of sealers; many
other articles too numerous te.
MPIll inn.
TERMS: Cash.
FRANK TAYLOR. Auetioneer •
Of Real Estate 'end '411
'Under instruction received frord
file Executors we will sell br
Public Ante inn in
$AT RDAY, A1(+1 ST 2, ' 1958
id 1:30 pen,
the following:
REAL ESTATE—In the Village
of Cred it on on Main Street, 1q-.
stnrey brick hnuse, 7 rooms, 2,3.
acre of land, barn, 40x20. never.
failing well, cistern, nice loca.%
lion. Sold subject to a reasonable
reserA e 1114.
CYLATTE — 7 rocking chairs:
kitchen table with A chairs;
emu ohos : wash tubs; baking pans:
sauerkraut crocks: 7 dining room
ch a ; sideboard; sewing ma-
chine: rook strive with pipes•,
leaf table: Quebec heater; chop
7x:I: 2( lawn mowers: 3 beds
with springs and met tresses; tot.-
Idt set; wash stand; 2 dining room
tables; rug, 13x1): 2 Congoleum
rugs, 14x3 and Sx9; kitchen diS11.
PS: pictures; sealers; pots and,
pans: pump: jack: garden tools;
100-111. blacksmith anvil; nevr
wheelbarrow; 3 trunks; tea, Izet.
De; 2 hot plates; eupboard: wash.
luh: 3-sect1on harrow; cultivator
points, and many other miscell.
anemia items.
TERAfS: Chattels, cash.
Terms nf Real Estate made
known on day of sale,
The Est at P of the late lir&
WILLIAM H. SMITH. Auctioneer
Phone 77-3?. Crediton
Open Mon„ Wed., Thurs. Nights
4071/2 Main St. S. (Upstairs)
Opposite Post Office
FITRIIT:3ST CASH pytic.ms for 540.k. , ,Ineeennireimoriiiiiiimirormiorimurrimitimarintrinurimoirinerimilimunimmilitirimitimimisiti
rinwn or disabled horses and -
com-s. Dead striek at value. Call
Prot:Italy; 7' -day Week serviee.
Cali Ed Andrews, Collect, 651-13.-
11 Seaforth. 9:25*tfc
FILMS r)nvntorr,r) ill IC hours.
Exeter agent — Russell Electric;
fiensall agent - - Fink Plumbing
& Heating, Prompt photh finish-
ing. 7:10-8:21*
SEPTIC/ TANES pumped. Mimed, -
hi I P. Seri' ie e. Butler Bros,. Liman.
phone 1:10-1V or 101, 7:10-9:4*
01,51'015 COMB I XING with SP 90
Massey -Harris ni b 10 0, Annie'
Norm. Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-
1V, 1 tfe
CTSTOM S EVA THING and co tub in+
ing done: 2 S.P. swathers; 2 S.P.
fin rombln OS. grain 5101 ill gran-
erY. Apply Carl J. 'Walker, Crorrt.
art3•, phone 12-55-15
r.rwriot. ooNtnistxri• Either
swat e d or standing., with 12-
1001' set f-prnpellort combine. Rea-
sonable priees. Contact 1.4't, :vont -
gollierY, 11.51. 1 Clieton, phorr,
S41 -r-31 Sea{ orth, 24 •,c
• •
VII: INC; 111114A 11337PAI1ATORS—
Sa1es and Si,VVI00. Repairing a
apecialtyl Basil O'Rourke, Th•iist.t-
field, phnne 11F 2-9131.
WOA1EN ars now 2110
prowl nn•tiers of riresni poseee-
sloes Such AA deep fretsZerS. RUM -
11151 lAtindrietit, 110311'
eti all because they decided to
sell .5100 nroducle 115 their ectin
mune let, 5O11 toe can See 3.•our
dreams veine true, Ent. info/et/a-
hemwrlts :Mee. Lotimen (Preen,
Mellager, ;BOX 281, 14a n
over. OM. 2.11e
. .
'WOMEN 'tyke need .6/0 re, 111(1 105,
:VW rePrettieraillit OA 0115 Making
530.00 ni• 111011e weekly represent-
ing Ayon t'oametita. P,xeitno e
terrtioriea 051(11 14 Solon Herne
initial sere tont. Plaeee 'Writ e
Letirion Gr(et), Dietriet 5111115ager.
liox 251, Hanover, Ont. 2.re
EXETER -2 -bedroom house, Waterloo street, kitchen,
living room, bath, hot. water, Oil furnace, garage
14x20, taxes $72,00—$4,C00 Down.
EXETER—New 3 -bedroom house, living room, bath,
full basement—$4,000 DOM Terms arranged,
FARM—Exeter arta, 100 acres, good barn, house,
running water—$10,000.
GRAND BEN1)-3-bedroom winterized cottage, on
river front lot, 3 -piece bath, living room and
kitchen, good water supply, ideal ior boating—
$2,500 Down. Terms.
firm, rttroxs dual nortoso, Exotee 24
401)1441, n11111s10 nArtit'• atArttd. .--
14105111tir erne% nroteet
mem, Plenty dayotel Amet 14'0
tirralnetion, nti-keetn. eltrIer
net ober-Not ember broilers. .ktent
arsea.dden, T,xeter. thorie
1644.14 'Dothwond
.PhOtit Eitotte.
14G -TV. 210 Veortimmanyoutomerdemoniminuorramonidominimaimmenomoutiemuntriminue