HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-24, Page 8Page The Timos4Advo MI77.1 77 to, July 24, 195,1 Hold Stephen'T ax Rate, Pay Fire fighting Costs Tax levy in the Township of Stephen will be tip three•ctuart;ers of a mill this year because of a similar hike in the county rale. There will lie, no increase in the general township rate set by - council at its last Iw elin ,. It was held at 8.25 milts, the len levy. The school area board's Message From Greenway rate also remains at the 11)37: level. For the ftret tine in the history '• of the township. I:n11ncid has agreed t i .ihsorn ftre fighting !costs as a it ent iA,.t4 expenditure. rather than assess individual ratepayer. ct'h.>; rtteatre the sery ice; of a breeehiee, VAttriVil dam te 3 111000n t authors, -33.4 s t.:meet; of all tire tails trent tete ee:teral fent. This will he reeeea.eziee ea Januar!. 1. in :lee . c ex et of a :are i. a partttfilar tart' E:.as ;yt: ^ ,: t..;a'ed to the Personal Items • ,ts ' - `" R n;.;.. :ter. and .111i's.:Law'rence L'urts era i,*trtaet.con of visited with Mr. anti Mrs. Lewis ,1`i* •: "e:Fc awarded.' Doan and Cynthia of London on t F,^ki* •«trey tiraiir' tiracn for . i.*!: the Mr. ['laude Dettloff of Detroit . pg; Is spending his vacation with mereee,..ee aunt, Mrs, Albert I" 'olloek. Mr. and .Mrs. Dean Thelon rt ti� na' nag visited on Sunday with Mr. ac*,I e •• t •,* ; enteedle on 11It s: Erwin Thompson of I n ua ; , D,> t ,, to 13, :ee and s Mr. Bnh Steeper. Miss .Tetnt •te K ,e 4 -eine after • Steeper and Miss Marion Wood- „Neve. t :eete,eeen %% ere declared burn w• ho are attending Sumint r e;eeee, School in Toronto spent the week- el;`n„ e„ee ee„e •.,eco presetee ----- end at their hones• 111r the ince: i.;. and ail cuun The Curt? families :attended. cillos -were present. the Lempke reunion in lliehigen • an Saturday. Mr. Bruce Woodburn bad his ankle broken and a bad cut in ;his le last week at the tile yard at Elginfield where he was work- ing. He returned home from the PLAYGROUND WINNERS ----Major winners for best decoration in the "On Wheels” parade at Exeter playground Friday were, from left, front row, Danny Laing, Fred May. Janet Squires, Dart DeVries: back Janet and Susan Davis, Joy Seldon and Ronnie David. Over 100 bikes, trikes and doll carriages were decorated for the afternoon procession down main street.---`.l'-A. Photo • A . Mrs.Carl .ir. and Pollock id ar family of London are spending their vacation with relatives; 1] ere. The ladies ,of the United Church; met in the church basement a couple of evenings recently and made over 300 cancer dressings for the London and Middlesex' +nit of the Lancer Society. Decoration. service at Salem' cemetery wild be heed on Sunday 1 at 3 p.m. C p��.���� Public P ro Usborne Native Dies In Victoria Wesley Id. Harvey, a native of L,b in, .i orn hip. died at the age of 84. in Victoria, B.C., on Tuesday, July 15. Ile was the last survivor of a family of -3 children of the late Hr hard and Mrs. Harvey, c , Thames Road, Mr. Harvey was formerly a member of the Saskatchewan parliament, His wife, also of this commu- nity. ftm -mtv. died two years ago. o. 1-te is survived by two sons and two daughters, all living in the West. • Dashw.of Closing exercises were held in both churches, Calvary E.V.B. and Zion Lutheran, Friday eve- ning. 'Calvary E.U.B. Church children presented a ' brief pro- gram in which each class demon- strated the nature of the work studied. This was followed by the annual summer Christmas tree program centering around a pageant entitled "Lights all over b the world,"presentedy the school. Five classes were conducted MEIN, ymoscuseVaemmturtzmna, 2(% QFF MEN'S, BOYS', LAMES' MISSES' Summer Sandals etc. at Big Savings SPECIAL VALUES SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE Save '1.0 In Every Men's Sport Shirts Summer Straw Hats 25% off! DRESSES 25%' Off! A Few Left At Only $6,95 • 25cito Off Blouses, Skirts Sun Suits, Shorts MORE SUMMER SAVINGS! AYLMER. CATSUP 11•oz, bottles ..... . KAM 12 -oz, tali ........ STOKELY PEAS 15 -or., tins ..................... 2 for 150 SHREDDED WHEAT Packages 2 for VO FLUFF(' SHORTENING 3 -ib. cannister 2 for 35O ,6,616.,.. STUART HOUSE WAX RARER t00 -ft, rolls ................. ........... 230. SIESTA INSTANT COFFEE 450 8 -oz, jar, decaffitha.ted . $L29 FRESH PITTED DATES Price 2 lbs. 290. WH +LE FISH CAT FOOD Dr. Dallard's .. 2 for 29¢ WHite SWAN Tissue 950 # Price 8 for 99¢ ULD irrEN'SATUMEDAY WOW'S. 'tit, 10 O'CLOCK EXETER rams Climax le Schools during the two weeks. The four the weekend with their uncle and and five -year-olds studied "My aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Rader. Book About Jesus," with Carole, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and Sehade, teacher; the six and children, of Buffalo, spent Mon - seven -year-olds, "Stories About day evening with Mr, anct Mrs. God's Friends," with Shirley Elgin Rader and family. lcnder, teacher; the eight t aid Miss BrendaBeckcr, of Credie nine -year-olds, "What God wants ton, spent the weekend with Miss us to do," with Joan Guenther, Jane Resternayer. teacher; the 10 and 11 -year-olds, Mr. and Mrs, Jake Ellis, of Hanover, Penn., visited with Mrs. Dan Weber last e.. "The Teachings of Jesus," with Mary 1 ne Hoffman. teacher, assisted by Connie Spellman. Fay Ford taught the 12 and 13 -year- old scholars, studying "The Life of Paul." Total enrolment was 46, with an average attendance of 42.7. The pastor, Rev. W. F. Krotz, was in charge. Several classes of the. Sunday School furnished the children with ice cream and chocolate milk treats. Zion Lutheran The vacation Bible school in Zion Lutheran Church reached an enrolment of 100, with an average attendance of 84. The main theme "Let's Learn About Gocl" was under the direc- tion of Rev. K. L. Zorn. The first four days' lessons portrayed God as the creator and preserver of the world. The last six lessons Results of races: Pre-school, showed Inch as the One who Beverley Becker; 6-8, girls, Diane gives unto men all good gifts, Becker; boys, Eugene. Becker; both temporal and spiritual. The program included crafts, ♦ athletics, singing as well as Bible study. Junior and senior classes made prayer lamp shades, paper mothers spot race, Mrs Henry mache planters and plastic wall. Becker; grandfather s time race, classes William Beireling; bumping hal- mottoes. The prim.axy made coasters, paper weights ;loons, Mr. grad Mrs. Clifford Sal- , and paper wall mottoes; The be- I ! mon; ;inner classes made a different }} Wheelbarrow race, Alex and take-hom.e project daily. 1 Eugene Becker; shoe scramble, I Approximately 160 attended the • Ilelen and Jean Becker; pie -eat - closing exercises' in which the ing contest, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ehildren sang several hymns ; ence Kimpel; throwing ball, taught them, and also viewed the Sharon Lightfoot; soda biscuit work of the children, whistling, Bob Becker; elimina- Teachers of the school were:.) tion contest, Helen Becker; Beginners, Miss Jane Reste• Youngest baby, Peter Edward Ruth Anne Salmon, Datars; oldest man, William mayer, Miss I'iiss Ruth Restemayer; primary, Beier•ling; oldest lady, Airs. Mary Miss Ruthanne Rader, Hiss Carol Marlene; coming the farthest, Beckers Mrs.. Kenneth Zorn; —Please Turn To Page 15 junior, Miss Elaine Devine, Miss Brenda Becker, Miss Marian 'Rader; senior, Mrs. Lorne Klein- stiver, Miss Shirley Haugh and Miss Pauline Becker. Assistant teachers were Miss L1cis t 3 D a Martha Becker and Mrs, 'I'ed Nielson. Music teacher and die s rector was Mrs. Lorne Klein- saver. Assistant superintendent i was Miss Marlene Keller. Ath- i retic director was '!dr. Ronald Merger. Baptism Rev. and Mrs. C. B, Carr, of Arnprior, are vacationing with Mrs, Daniel Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ?Biller and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Rein. hold Miller, attended the mar- riage of their nephew, Rev. Ronald Miller, in Cleveland, on Saturday. Becker Reunion The annual Becker reunion was held at :the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Salmon. Albert Becker, president. wel- comed all, and Wallace Becker and Emil Becker conducted sports. Secretary was Ed Stire, with Mrs. Ed Stire, Mrs, Harold Stire and Mrs. Cliff Salmon in charge of the supper. 9.11, girls, Helen Becker; boss, Peter Kraft; 12-14, girls, Barbara Vern; boys, Bob Becker; ladies rare, Marie Salmon; grand - Two babies were baptized Sun- day morning in Zion Lutheran Church by Rev. K. L. Zorn: Jeffery Steven, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hayter', with Miss Barbara Koehler, sponsor, and Lorayne May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth. Keller, with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Keller, of London, sponsors. Personal items :ler. and Mrs. Arthur Koessel, of ,Lansing, Mich.. and Mrs.. James Koessel and Frank, of lio11, Mich., attended the 00th birthday celebration of Airs. Susan Kuntz, and visited with relatives, Miss Theresa 'Limiter, of 'Moose Factory, O.nt,, is vacation- ing with her mother, Mrs. Harry Zimmer. ide, and Mrs. Einer Deters Arid Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dears spent Sunday at Kitchener. Mr. Gordon Kraft, of .Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Mr. Siegfried Miller, of Water- loo, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Muller., Mr. Peter Kraft is vacationing at Waterloo with 1)r. and Mrs, Fred Moriock. ' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter were Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Koehler, Bar- bara and Anne, Mrs. Robert Iraytcr, Sr., Rev., and Mrs. K. L. Zorn, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Brtice, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Beavis and Barbara, Detroit, Mr. anct Mrs, John Snyder, Brant- ford, Mr. and Mrs. harry Ilayter and family, and Mr. and Mfrs. James Itayter and family. Sunday evening ;dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth t<eller were Miss Martha c,oss- rna r and Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Koller and daughter,. of London, Mr. and Mrs. ltd Koller, and Factor and Mrs. 1<, L, Zorn. Miss Donna Baker, of London, spent last week with Miss Vaterie. Gibson, • Mr. and Mrs, L rvirt Itatler, Attearii0s tied by Mr, and Mrs. Niel Walker', of C,urieh, spent cast week in the Georgian Bay and tlttawa district, also visiting friuitdaat 'Dees 'Riva'. David and Nut Raderr{stwt n 1 The Story In Mor. By MRS, ,IUD aYKEM,AN 1,66 �AkU.1rt1rtrAttltlitfirOUIItIAIt!I IUM11111110110111M11UIII1401111I,UUI.!eIMIH 1 IWIIIUIimMuIItuilit lt{IN._ Mr. and Airs, Norman Jaques and family attended the )'oeder re -union in Stratford on Sunday. 1 Mrs. Lloyd ('ushman. 'Michael - and Stephen, l xeter, visited on Thursday with the Dykeinans. Air. tinct Mrs, Wellington Brock returned home Friday from, a trip to.Quebec. ;Ronnie ,,'hots spent a, holiday with his uncle, Air.. William Matz, Crediton. Mrs. hector 'Taylor is spend- ing this week in the cominunity and is staying with Mr, and Mrs. Warren J3roek.. ?jr. and Mrs Orville Snell and children, of (lrinisby, are spend- ing a few days holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriant Hern. Airs. L. Kyle, Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kern. A number from the commun- ity attended Mrs. Taylor's sale in Exeter on Saturday. 'rile Sunday School picnic will he field on Saturday at Seaforth Lions Park. A11'. and Mrs. Warren Brock visited ed 1 cdnerda evening with Air. and Mrs. Smulders, Crum. - lin 6 rum-lin. Mr. and Airs. Roy Dykentan, London, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dykeinan - and Derek, Crediton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family. Dont Bevy Any It it's "cheap" insurance you 1i'a'nt, don't buy ANY at all! Then you won't be fooled by a sense of false security which could get you into trouble. Be sensible, Bu:y the BBST— it's the most economical and satisfactory in the long run. We sell it, according to your individual needs. - W. H Hodgson "Tete Insurt7,1[C Mehl" PHONE 24 EXETER 94lt1111111111111111111111111{Intl lllllllllllllililllllll llllll Nll l{IUIIIIIIIIII{Illllllllll lllllllltllllAll lltll 11 1111 llllll1111111111 listen To The Ban s For An Evening Of Fun, Attend Exeter Legion's Second Annual Band Tattoo Friday, August 1 Exeter Community Park TWELVE PIPE AND BRASS BANDS TO ENTERTAIN YOU Space Contributed In The Service Of The Community By John Labatt Limited LABATT'S CRYSTAL LAGER BREWERY LIMITED s Of Sale f OUR GRABf BAG DOLLAR TABLE INCLUDES TERRIFIC VALUES IN Ties — Swim Suits — Sport Shirts Summer Straw Halts — Boys Shirts Socks Belts. . Pants (3 for $1) — Jewellery Sweaters Come Its. To Sets What You Can Buy for A Lonely Buck! You'll Walk Out With A Bargain! LADIES! If you manage the household budget, don't miss these huge savings! Work Jeans —taps 1 Free Draw Every purchase ol! $1.,00 entities you to a free chance of TWO PAIRS of Made-To-Mea+;ure TRc usERSI 20%0 D1SCiJUNT t SPORT SIIfl TS * PYJAMAS * T-SHIRTS * SOCKS S R IM * SUMMER STRAW HATS * SUMMER CAPS * SUMMER JACKETS HANDSOME TIE gt HANDRERCHIEF SETS Free T$S . in WITH EVERY PAIR OF PANTS 1'! Phone SI ers Men's Wear 11ARGAINS li+l' soieti cLotHiNe, tom Exeter