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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-17, Page 15
1111{41t1AlItU141Atd4E1111.1111111AU161.11AI!kiln.11J1111111U11g11gIn4tUtll1f1111g1141tllllt Leaking In. ` th 1,1z From Mish ash $ 1 gests Rescue By :ELIZABETH 'TQUCHETT,E 11S1111111111111111.111111111111111.1.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114114111,11.1111111111 Allen Blye, who is being lea- beach there," However, with Need .on Summer Showtime, is summer replacement shows a 21 -year-old native of Winnipeg, there are ea vacations and Andy This is his first network show seems quite content to remain end it's unfortmate :that the pro- in Toronto because of his net - gram is such .a turkey, work show. 1 wish someone would rescue One of a Kind bas the spon- Barla Franklin from the .miser- sots purring and it looks as if able nosh -mash of that show, it may continue through the too, I hear the musicietis are :as winter xnonths .if a regular time unhappy as they look about those spot .can be found. uniforms. Look for Bert Pearl next sea Tuesday nights to Sunday nights son .on CEIC-TV. it's very. likely In the fait so something • will that he will be doing some guest have to be done about Showtime. shots or possibly a regular, as Plans are not definite about GI1 yet unnamed, show, You can be Theatre being piped into the sure that he will appear without States but they still loots good. tine "Happy Gang" too, This program is going to be one Max Ferguson, who has been of the few survivals drama -wise radio's Rawhide for many years, next season. Studio One, Climax takes over as emcee of the in- and Kraft Theatre have all been terview show Tabloid on TV in dropped and On Camera switches the fall, Max was all set to to an off -beat type of play start - leave for England to attempt a ing in the fall. career there when the CBC of- Bob Goulet diel some filmed Iered him the job of replacing commercials recently before talc - the late Dick McDougall on the ing off for Stratt'ord and re - early evening TV show. hearse's of Beggar's Opera The George Gobei show is sec (which is cla'ssecl as a "some - lo return in the fall but it is un- what naughty operetta) likely that Shirley Harmer will Incidentally, Bill Yule, the be appearing since her Para- dancer who• understudied Bob in mount moivc contract allows her last year's Spring Thaw, and only two TV performances in the who had a lead role himself this States, It does not limit her year, is choreographing Shane Canadian appearances, however, Milliner's "Come Fly With Me", so possibly Shirley will do a few Early in August a trainload of guest appearanaces here next "celebrities"' will come to Strat- season. ford to visit the festival and to Andy Body, who is choreo- help the Actor's' Benefit Fund. graphing "Here's Duffy, tells TV fans are usually .at the sta- tue that he used to spend a part tion en masse when the celebrity of his summer holidays in this train' pulls in. Just by getting area at Grand Bend. "We'd all ''off the train you're classed as a come up from Hamilton," he "star" and I hear it's great fun said, "and we really like the signing autograph books. GM Theatre reverts front -p„111111th,I1111NIIh11m114/155t11111f11NN„»/11111/111ntm 1,11/1 IIt11m11ltlnlllll1t1/11111111111111111111111111111I1111111/ FRED HATTER SPECIALIZING IN ROOF COATING (Using the Best Brand Available) PHONE 224-J Carpenter Work & Painting EXETER Itll{nl,ft,1,„fhi1111M1111171},ftln,15/111/m11nI11f51f//111,11„NIIIII//1„11111/11111/,gltlmin, llll tln nOntnl 11111 .,,,1111111,111111111111„11111,1111,11111.1111„11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.0111lIllllll11,11111111111,1,1111111111, ALF ANDRUS — Oil Burners — Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW ST., `EXETER PHONE 719 >,I111111 t 1111,1111111,1111,1 n l l 11111,11111,1111111,,1,11111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111 lllll 111' •Nlllll h11111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111m111111111111111111111111l, llll 111111111111111111111111111111111111141 PHONE 144-W OR 144-J • SPECIALIZING IN Kitchen Cabinets and REMODELING KITCHENS The Cabinet Shop r Scheffbuek and Miller, Prop, DASHWOOD :g11111h1111111111111,111,1111,1111,111 a 1111 a 111111111111111,111111111 nn1n1111111111m1111111n nu11l 11111111/1111111111111111111141, YOU ADD TO THE VALUE 0 YOUR HOME WHEN YOU • o LENNOX • Modern, automatic 1.4nnox warm air heating just about the soundest investment you can make, It not only produces personal comfort, , is but its cleanliness reduces decorating costs; its efficiency lowers fuel costs. Most important, its presence increases the value of your ltiome--makes It worts more fin any real estate market, •••••••.0tiET' SET FOR. AIR CONDITIONING Ai NO EXTRA CBS, (Lennox Cooling units use same blower and duds as the t.ennox heating System you biiyl • eor Free Heating Survey HAVE YOU CONSIDERED Complete. Comfoit .J :for your home or office for the stlnilner months Y r . or Thr. all ;year ..” NOW IS THE MU. Don't wait. till later to make altera- tions or to install it new heating system. D0 i'I NOW. Thetiyou will be ready for both those hot, humid days and/or chilly nights, We carry tt complete lint; of oilburners, furnaces Anel air conditioning units. MI service work and installations done by experienced men. LINDENFIELDSLTD 'Itkitn4l E 6fde 7 • citifse Z:',40414 1„1 r iv*"..,;*, • 1 t rIi C '°� ' t i nicest' ."ep1t„t, 4.rr,,k 1,l.11jl' 1 ,.} 11. -. • DESIGN 271; A three-bedroom bungalow, this basementless design by architect Andrew Chomick, of North Vancouver, differs from most because it has a separate wing for the kitchen and utility space. for imensions are e c .erns .Clan Meet. --- At Exeter Ateter Par: The Hern reunion was: held in Riverview Park, Exeter, on: Sat- urday evening, with 70 sitting down to a picnic supper. :President ,Boss Hern, Zion, eon - dueled the business. It was de- cided to hold the picnic in 1959 the last Saturday ,evening in June in Riverview park. Mal- eohn .Spence was elected presi- • dent for 1959 with Beverly Skta.- ner as vice-president. Winners in races were: girls, •& to 10, Kathy Iler:n, Iris =_ 'Marshall; boys, Stanley McKeen, Vernon Hcrn; girls, 10 to 13, • Ilclen. Hern, Linda Westcott; boys, Robert McKeen, Brian Bern; young ladies, Helen Herr), Kathy Bern: young mauled. men, Robert McKeen; married ladies, Mrs. John Ifern, Kick the slipper, Mrs. Lloyd Bern; man's tie, Mrs. Harold , Bern; l0u.foot step, Allan West.; colt; break balloon, Bill Dixon, 'Alma Kern; minute walk, Mrs. Tom Iiet•n;: lucky spot, Alma Vern; shoe scramble. Allan Eve - Leigh; jelly bean guess, Mrs, :Russell McKeen Th! Times•Advoc tt! , Jul : ",, 1950 Page T$' M}141141$11/111111111100141111011114U1,11III M14141111411111M111111Vall111144$011A4114m11iMI11ln11Mi4441111110111 a 5 The total floor area of the house is 1,363 square feet and the extcri d 49 f et h} 40 fet, eight inches, Working drawings for the plan may be obtained at minimum cost from Central Mortgage and 1 -lousing Corporation, LEFT #IuusEi 1. 1.00)1100 SACK . - P, ;'. flit I..... 1) 31. 11, RIGHT Report From Parliament Esenhowers' Highlight In Capital By W. H. A: THOMAS The visit of President and Mrs. Eisenhower to Ottawa and the discussions he had with our gov- ernment leaders has been widely publicized but maybe we can filt in some interesting back- ground material. They visited parliament in the morning of July 9 and the Pre- sident made a speech to a joint meeting of the House and the Senate in the Commons cham- ber, while Mrs. Eisenhower watched from a gallery. They both look real well and quite fit. There was no apparent Letter From Brinsiey By MRS, CECIL ELLWOOD sign of the President's past ill- ness. He is beginning to show signs of advancing years but that is to be expected. His job soon makes even a young man I old. j The time set for Mr. Eisen- hower's address was 10 a.ni.. and all visitors were required to be in their seats at least 15 min- utes before ten. All regular ad- mission tickets were used for the occasion. Members of parliament were limited to one guest each and large sections of the galle- ries were reserved for special guests. The Senators occupied seats in the centre aisle. Mrs. Eisenhower , sat in the gallery with the wives of the cabinet ministers. She was ac- companied by Mrs. Diefenbaker and Mrs. Miehener, the speaker's wife. The three came in to - Presentation gether so quietly that only a few people nearby were aware of I1ir; and Mrs. Joseph White, their entrance and those few newlyweds, were pleasantly sur- stood up until Mrs. Eisenhower prised recently with a chivart at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dixon. On Friday night a. reception was held for them in Crediton 'hall. They were presented with a purse of money. Mrs. 'White was presented with a bouquet of flowers. Mr, and Mrs. White will be ;residing in Seaforth, Personal Items , Me, and Mrs, Harvey' Picker- ing and family of Chatham. visit- ed with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutherland over the 'weekend. Mrs. George Prost entertained the Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of the United Church on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, James Orr of Parkhill spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs, George Mor- ten Mr, and Mrs: Cecil Ellwood visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Odd ' of London Saturday evening. Misses Marilyn and Joyee V Mawson of Parkhill are spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutherland and girls. Mr. and Mrs. :Roy Itamilton.I ..and Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood! spent ,Sunday evening with ittt', i and Mrs. P'auI Schenk, o£ Credi-t ton, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wither- spoon and Mr, and Mrs, George ;gest, Billy and. itiebard Whit -1 tard spent Sunday at Bayfield, Mr. 'Toni White of Detroit viv-• ited with his brother, Joe, and' friends of the community re-! cently, Mrs. Darold Cunningham en- tertained at a Stanley product. party on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, 1)0n Suthcrlanrl and girls, byes and Marilyn Mawson a Parkhill spent Sat•! Inlay evening with Mr, and Mrs. George Mercer, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Scott i entertained a Dixon reunion Oh Sunday at their farm. 14r. arid Mts. t'"red I1"rniott . visited With Mr. and Mrs. 1-Taysel l Perrin of Prospect Hill on Sun• day. was seated, then resumed their seats. Some people in the same gallery `didn't even know she was there until afterwards. Everyone in the chamber stood up when the President entered and again when he left. He re- ceived a standing ovation when he began to speak and again when ho finished. The crowd was so eager that people stood up once on a false alarm before he came in and alt looked a bit sheepish when he didn't show up. Mr. Eisenhower was intro- duced by Prime Minister Die- fenbaker. He talked .for 30 min- utes about how our countries have been able to to -operate for many years in war and in peace, He discussed trade and also de- fence and expressed his firm , belief that our two nations would always be able to live together in friendship. He was thanked in `Tench by speaker Drouin for the Senate and by Speaker Michener in ing-, lish for the house of. Commons. The four speeches that ntornieg eould all be elassed as master- pieces in the art; of oratory. The emotional appeal was strong but was balanced in every case by, School At Shipka Lists Promotions fihipkrt Public •School Pupils are listed in the grade:. to which they :have been pro - tooted. Grade 9 — Wayne i4tellin, Grade 8 !!--! Earl Dietrich. ; Wayne Woods, ;Douglas Russell. Grade '7 — Ronald Sweitzer, Barbara 14tellin, Jacqueline De!!! Winter, Anis Van llalupe ty. (Ira de 5 ,lames Dietrich, William l:'linkheiner, James Swett-: ter. Grade 4 'Phomas Tlttssell,; Joan hair;, Barbara Swe'itxer. Grade l — Marlene Dietrich, I Robert Pinkbciner. Grade a - Iirernda Clarke. i Greta De Wittier, Denton Geiser, 'ferry Piekering, Sandra Sweit-,. xer. Hon L. 1'`inkbeiiler'1 teacher a generous injectinn of humor subtle enough to be thoroughly enjoyable, There were rumors go in g around that the American Secret Service Agents would trust no one else with their security pre- cautions, not even the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and insisted on searching premises wherever the Eisenhowei-s were scheduled to appear. The C.C.F, even raised the matter in the House as a grievance the eve- ning before the P'resident's ad- dress. As far as I am concerned, I didn't see any sten of anything of the kind although I watched as closely as I could, - There were plenty of Mounties about, but no sign of Secret Ser- vice :nen. How, of course, could one distinguish thein' It is my opinion that the: R.C.M.P., our • government security officers and the American Secret Service, all worked together to make sure that our :illustrious visitors were properly protected. I believe that the C.C.F. pro- test was at least badly timed, if not altogether uncalled' for, 1 l Magic Markers The slick sign writer for only $1,10 at THE Times -Advocate Your, Mufficr TrOihies • Are'Over Buy An .P. Muffler WITH A TWO-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE Get One Today, Hunter-Duvar 6t. Sons EXETER 111n1141111W11111111onfl mmo„immi11n11mllmunsou mOurnnlununnululli hh1h111111h1mmM014 Limited PHONE 38 Lou Bailey's one It Again! We Have, The Original lOne-Y ed One- 1 Horned, Flying 0 urple eople- ater We'll Sell It To You For Only §195 '55 Morris Minor $850 ,.o1) oxen See The Rest, Then Buy The Best From Lou Bailey Dresses aa.ti l2OfThe Cleanett Cars In Town eance :e Phone 459 Exeter Chiffons, linens, crepes, Drip 'n dry, cottons, pure silks, shantungs. SIZES .9 lo 19, 141.2 to 4'1-z and 46 to 52 \- a 4:;. '..: .:,�gt , - : .... .;-<<..-Cl;1d•u c5-511 t'''ti, ... :uo- ..:, -:, Coir#s Full length, :short nylons and car coats. , SKIRTS BLOUSES Special Sale! Girgnd'mere Smoothie Sweaters Sires 14 to 16 only " PULLOVERS ;Reg. ,$5,95 SALE ,» * • - $4.50 CARMGANS Reg. $1.15 AL<E $$,9S Rego!Made-To-Measure Sale Clothes Madetell T©�Measure Suit Sale 20 AFF PHONE 190 All made..to•measure suits, sport coats alio slaclts,. Shop early fel a good selection • Ol"FER GOOD U1'4111.. AUGUST AND S'�"-'N EXE`'ER 1