HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-17, Page 14Placa 14 Tho Times•Advocatc, July 17", 195$
I Dorothy Smith
ur ►nV1'ayes Picnic Herei111 d ire Tri lit
More than 124 persons attended Mrs. L. 1' ang. Zurich; wrap
" , Exeter. and William James Boyd, 1
at Riverview ieww Park, Exeter. tinkles. jos. ,L tnkbeiner. Creditoli
Tuesday, Mrs. J. Hamilton. I throwing •plate, Mrs, Thos. Hum
Tbedforcl, had charge of regis-'phrys; grapefruit relay, Mrs
ter. Guests were present from! Gerald Edwards`, Thedford,
Atka Craig. Belleville, .Brock -1 team. won; knuckle down. Mrs.
port �' Y.. Clinton, Crediton, ten- i L E,00y and Mrs. G. Edward's
tralia, Dashwood, Exeter, Ilam -1 sides tied.
Ilton, London. Thedford, Zurich,! Aprons: full apron, Mrs. Rnc
eaforth and Kippen. Morenz, Dashwood; fancy apron,
A silent auction table and pick; Mrs. R. Wright, Thedford; sack
pocket lady were the means of; apron, Mrs. Hartford, London.
xaising funds to further thel Children's :races: 6. and under.
rework of the unit. ' Penny Schroeder, Lois Edwards;
Special prizes were awarded " a and under. Barbara Gridzak,
to the oldest Lady. Mrs. Brier.' Allen Edwards; 10 and under,
ley, Exeter;lucky registration.. Robert Bannister. Gerry Fink-
14fiss Marlene :Xing. Crediton: ' heiner; 12 and under. Patty La
birthday, Mrs.E. McLachlin, • Diane; kicking slipper, Dalton
London; lucky spot, Mrs, B. De Noels, Gerry F inkbeiner,
,Tong, Exeter, mysterious house-'
wife, found by Mrs. W. Col-'
Clough, Clinton; youngest baby,•AA
Brenda Marlene, daughter of Mrs. , • rant
1blrs- K �'4alper,. Exeter. •Native
Pairs contest, Mrs. A. Wein.'tr
the picnic ol° the Huron Waves 'ping parcel, Ma's. E. Appleton
branch of the Mary Hastings club kiiaekin ilpp peel passing art cies
! Dorothy .Charlene Smith, laugh-
' ; ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith,
EN 'For Latest Styling
Elinor Wi nidge
f�arol Tuckey
Air -Conditioned
Beauty, Salon
S14 Main St. Phone 844
Open Monday to Friday
Tuesday and Friday Evenings
Mrs. Joseph Grant, 50, the
former Florence Helen Walter, of
Exeter. died in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, onMonday, July 14,
She was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Walter, of town.,
and attended Exeter schools.
Surviving besides her husband,
are two daughters, Joanne and ,
Helen. at home; one sister, Mrs.:
Claude Blowes, Preston; three
brothers, Stanley Walter, Tweed;
William Walter, Crystal City,
Manitoba, and Thomas Walter,
The funeral service will be eon• '
ducted at the Needham Memorial'
Chapel, London, on Thursday. l
ruly 17, at 2 p.nr. Interment will:
he in Forest Lawn Memorial
Gardens, London.
son of Ars. p'h, Ills Boyd, Paris, I
exchanged marriage vows in,
Ti'ivitt Memorial Anglican church,
Exeter before Rev. Bren de
Vries at 3 p.m. Saturday, 1u1y
Robert C a rn -e r e n, organist.
played traditional wedding music
and Mrs. Tom McPherson, Bien-'
heim sang "Wedding Prayer"
and "The Lord's Prayer."
Given in marriage by her fa-!
ther the bride wore an original
gown of white pearl de snip iea,I
:Wring a fitted bodice with ''s,-
' bring neckline and lottg silos:. s:
and skirt panels of intri 1•;e l j
lace taken from her mother's:
wedding gown. The gracefully
sweeping skirt was 'softly pleat-
ed to form a butterfly back ex—
tending to a chapel train, She
.Q 1111111r111IIIIIIIIIIIIrllltltllllll!ItlllllttlStt!}tn!tn1n11tI11I1r11lI IIllllalg11111411111141;1'.111111lnlllnl111111111!I llllltt
. Wor.. In Lepers
� ,
Aux is ry Topic
At the July sleeting ,of the
A f t .e r u .o on Auxiita r:, .of the
W.M.S. of .Janes Street 'United
Church on Thursday. Mrs. Her.
man Powe gave a talk on the
Mission to Lepers telling of its;
founder, Wellesley Costly Bailey,'
and his great work amongst the
lepers of South -East Asia+
His work spread to other .con-'
tinents and many countries and
as the work increased the money
carate in as needed in answer to:
Mrs, Lloyd Taylor spok of
existing condittans in the near,
East. Mrs. Powe in her .report
on 'United Nations described a
typical village in South -East:
Asia. Mrs. Wilfred ktunkin sang
a solo accompanied by Mrs, Beg
Hodgert who also played a piano
!carried a white prayer boot: PRINCESS TO SIGN INDIAN BIBLE --.-This Queen
crested with w • ' � t1 Anne
stephanotis and ivy.
So Q,
a white orchid withl
Bible, held by Hamra roman, 14, of the Six Nations taken by Mrs. Valeria Arm -
!I The devotional period was
Her attendants. Miss Edna 1 eeel v ation, will be signed by Princess Margaret d • i'1 stro A•• Al -
as maid of hon- her visit to Canada. A delegation of Indians will take the n s. R. Shipton, Mrs. Arm-
or and 'ilrs, Kenneth Boyd. Paris Bible to Niagara Falls clurii the brief 't strong presided for th
as bridesmaid were gowned alike 1g 1 le visit of the Prii'�CeSs a program.
Times -Advocate v
Can You Knit?
We need ladies who are handy at knitting. We'll buy
everything you knit and supply the wool at whole -
a sale. Turn your "at home” spare hours into dollars.
Eery, dean, relaxing pastime. Puts those extra dol.
tars in your pocket. For a free home test, without
E obligation, fill in coupon below and mail to:
Mann ..,.,..-
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Ii<Slln111111111n111tnnn1111n1nlingglnan1nt11lignI11111111111n1filll1111111n1111111I1ln1nn11111111111111111111M6 Ca
tl A
in white eyelet over blue taffeta sere on August 1, During the business conduct
ed by president Mrs. C. E :our -
with blue cummerbunds and
bows with braided head hands
and cascades of shasta daisies,
blue larkspur and ivy. Flower
girl was Debbie McPherson.
Kenneth Boyd, Paris, was hest
man and ushers were Herman
Smith and Ronald Durand.
A reception was held at Arm-
strong's Restaurant, Mrs. Smith
received guests in a turquoise -
nylon chiffon dress with white
uunuunwuuuwu111aumumnwnululnnn,Inlgp,llP,u,1,1n11,1111111111111„,,,,,,,,,,11nngUlnnt111111 bl'rgg it Was reportedthat a bale
consisting of six cartons of quilts
and used clothing valued at $408
•had been shipped in June to To-
, rooto for overseas relief. Mrs.
f L. Kyle reported seven and three
quarters pounds of used stamps
had been nailed recently for
sale, the proceeds to be used in
mission work.
Ey MRS, J, M. S.
accessories and the groom'sJuly is salad month, and to I. Chicken Salad
motself ribbed worerobin's
ttvith •bite blueaWeek” g itlrtl o 31 to climax,
la ust "Salad9 w 1 her•a was also a chicken salad i
cessaries, he celebrated across Canada. fray which we begged the recipe.
For a wedding trip to Florida As the salad habit is beneficial f i cups diced, cooked chicken
the bride changed to a white in health terms, and there is an ? i; cups diced celery
imported brocade ensemble with abundance of fruits and vege• ] cup mayonnaiseated peanuts t
black and white accessories, tables available now at reason- cup
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd will reside able prices, we are , : 1 tspbl. lemon juice
1 t ,giving a few ;asp. salt
in Paris. salad "shorts". or hints in salad •Mix
making. 1 chicken, celery and pea
� nuts in a large bowl, Blend;
Salad Hints mayonnaise, lemon juice and. salt `
Salads are an excellent way of in a small bowl,seasoned
including more fruits and vege- dressing over chickePourn seasomixture
tables in the diet. , and toss lightly. Chill. Arrang.e
A salad may he an accompani. tomato wedges and cucumber
ment to a meal, the main course slices around the edge of salad,
or the sweet ending. The salad maker suggested('
Weather Forces
Reunion Inside
The fifth annual Hunter reunion
let. at Riverview Park, Exeter,
on Saturday but the weather was ; All salad fruits and vegetables eluting tomatoes from top to
should be crisp, 1 1
cool 0
i such that they moved into the clean, within a quarter inch of bottom, ;
Chill both salad ingredients, into 5 or .0 wedge-shaped sec -I•
±Exeter Legion Hall for a picnic; dressings and serving dishes. tions. Salt and chill..Pull wedges; AIR COND.tT1oNEo DRYERS
supper Eye
pp r to which about 95 sat appeal is a keynote to a apart to resemble petals of a; PHONE 750-W.1 EXETER
down. 1 perfect salad — avoid a fixed flower and fill with chicken salad.
1 President Bill Brock conducted '= look. in a salad. Keep the garnish Did very well at the picnic,
'th s'ness. Stuart Griff Lon• i simple and edible •n c?
eauty Salon
e bu i Serve salads either in attrac- don't you thl ]
don, was elected president for ,I tive bowls or on individual plates.
the 1959 reunion which will he i Serve fresh fruits and vege- �
Iheld again on the first Saturday •;' tables whenpossible. At other
lin July at Riverview park. titles use canned or frozen in
A program of sports was rain' combination with fresh.
off including races and contests l Combine ingredients lightly.
for the children and a contest . Toss with two forks — do not
for the men who fashioned a sack' stir or mash. Do not overrnix
;dress from newspapers and' the salad.
I toothpicks. Bill Brock won with' Taste before serving. Judge
his partner, Mr. Apel, Galt. I the flavor critically. There are
i Prizes for the most graceful', many .seasonings other than salt
i walker went to Mrs. Myrtle I to give your saladflavor appeal.
r Thon, Saskatoon; coming the far- Pile your salad high and
these distance, Mrs. Wilbur Hun- lightly, Isere is a chance to use
t ter, Salvador, Sask,; largest fam- - all your artistic talents. Attrac- i
ily, Mrs. William Dickins, Lu f Live color contrasts play a big
can; oldest person present, Mrs. t part in eye appeal.
Frank Coates, Exeter, Mrs. I The economy of salads should
Coates, Mrs. Lew Tebbutt, Sea-
ea :not be overlooked, Serving salads,
forth, and Mrs. Everett Skinner,"may save both time anti money,
Elimville, were the welcoming; Garnish with. style. Orap word
#committee. ± of caution. Just as decoration nn
Attending the reunion were j clothes should be used with re•
members from Saskatoon and, straint, so garnish on food should
'Salvador, Sask., Springfield, be used sparingly.
I Galt, Ailsa Craig, Lambeth, Lu-, How do your salads rale? The
n, Seafnrth. Granton and sur-; 4-H Homemaking girls in their
unding district. garden project toldus that a
good salad is cold, crisp, eolor-
! l ul, pretty as a picture, piled
Western Y isitors ;lightly on a plate or in a bowl !
t and tasty — fit :for a king. •
Attend Reunion There is a tin restaurant in
downtown Montreal which has
The Hicks reunion was held 'become a favorite eating place
in Riverview Park, Exeter on ;101' hundreds of health -conscious
Saturday with SS in attendance, : people. The owner, a nutritionist,
Attending the reunion. for Um; says
lvedth in re niaki.ngo salads rat
first time were Mr. and Mrs.' home. "Vegetables should. be
William McKay and Aldecn of ; coarsely grated and they should
Nanton, Alberta and Ronald ; he prepared at. the last minute.
Tranter, Calgary. !The reason for grating them
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil eon- coarsely is thatthey force you
vened a program of sports which to chew and the reason for pre -
included a peanut, scramble for paring theta at the last minute
the children five years and un- is to avoid oxidation which, it'
der; races for girls 6 to 8 years-- allowed to continue over a period
Wendy Neil, Bonnie Blair; boys, of hours, will kill precious vita -
Douglas Fletcher, .Karry South- mins.
Cott; girls 9 to 11, Sharon In a well-balanced salad
Fletcher, J u d y 'Blair; boys, plate of raw vegetables and fruit
Wayne King, Jimmy Neil. You get almost every known vita.
Young ladies, Kathryn Hicks, min and mineral" says this
Marilyn Hicks; young men, Ron nutritionist, who believes that.
Tranter, Ernest Greenwood: people should eat as much un- Head
married ladies, Mrs, Ross Hod• cooked food as they do cooked,
gert, Mrs. .Murray .Selves; mar- Al a family picnic nn Sahlyda,v,
vied men, 'Ross Hodgert, Don we tasted' a macaroni and tuna
Southeott; agricultural r ace , salad which we thought was
Mrs. Robert Blair, Mrs. William •sunPLer " By dint of a few rlues-
McKay; men's hog calling, Gar—
net Hicks, Melhurn Greenwood; gave us the recipe but wishes to
three-legged race, Wendy Neil, remain anonymous,
Bonnie Blair; orange race, Ross Macaroni and: Tuna Salad
Hodgert and Kathryn Hicks; 2 cubs of elbow macaroni
thimble racer Ross Hodgert; cooked ni boiling, salted water.
lhon drained and rinsed with cold
running water. Add 1 7 -oz. can
of tuna, drained and flaked
coarsely, 1 cup Thinly siker)
cele.rr, 1 eup diced (uculaber, 3
hard cooked chopped eggs, 2
this. parsley, 2 tsp. grated onion,
2 tsp. salt and enough salad
dressing to moisten. Garnish
with tomatoes and radishes,
Summer- Fashions
Assorted Patterns
Reg, 03,95
Sizes 8-18
• Marg Coward, Prop.
International's Album
• Wedding Invitations
+ Gift Ideas
+ Personal Stationery
The Times clvocate
A II IInl1111111 t,1,11111111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,14
Scott's "Anti -Gray"
If yell,. bait. 18 fatted anri gray.
streaked. but you don't want to
Use a. tint or dye, here's gond
A ns v' pt'od#u•t, developed in \1l-
an11, ;Florida,' i5 a revnlul#nunl•y
new method of rest nrinl+ oat n rot
looking- color 1n grey hair•, for
melt and \4otnon,
This greaseless, 'Whitt. cream with
a pure Lanolin base is now avail -
a hie 1'•
#n •agar•..
nada at leading Drug'
I to '
�and Department ;3tures. '�
'('111s new f ((('110 u t a is ,'•tile"I
8<'O'rrs AN'l'1-r;11A1• IlAIli
I't7NF:, and Is available in two
511e8 -•- $ 8, rill and $i,.uo,
xc'O:tis A1P1-UI1Al .I:LATrt rONi;
is a lalnlatl•1 nomads that wilt
not wash oft nor stain, and will
not rub off on clothing nr pil-
lows, It is not a tint nor a d?•e,
and there is a. money -back 5(084'-
This beauty aid for the hair is
simple to use; just rub #t in every
day far two or three weeks, and
then only as required. Yon will
lone ',von urger, with more lustrous,
giow#iv1t;' r'hair--so why not . start
now, for a "crowning' glory" ig
ale months ahead.
Availa111e st Johnson's Drug
Store, Exeter; and Wilson's Drug,
Maple Leaf, .Sliced or Piece
ok ,gna La 35c
Maple Leaf—Bulk
ien rs L. 45
Maple Leaf Minced Hani
Meat L6, 69c
Carrots O.N.G.10c
Did you have ;i pleasant trip?
Our readers would like to
know about if, Tell us about
the etetivities of you and
yair� friends',
Phone 770
$r your local correspondent
carrying beans, Melburn Green-
wood and Mrs. ,Tack Paris.
r'rizcwa for oldest person pres-
ent went lo Mrs. Harold Peters,
'lilchell, 85 years of age; farth-
est, McK<iiys, Nanton, Alta.;
birthday closestto reunion date,
Marian May,
President 'Don Southeott con-
ducted the business. It was voted
to meet in, Mitchell next year
on the second Saturday in July.
Robert Male was elected presi-
dent for 1950 with Earl Neil
vice president and Mrs. Murray
May, secretary treasurer. The
table committee is Mrs. Lillian
13Iair and fancily and the sports
committee, Mr, and Mrs, rack
Paris and Mr. and Mrs. Moss
"Are your fattier anti mother
In?" a caller asked of the 8111511
boy who opened the door,
"They was in." said the child,
"but tiow they is out."
"They was in! They Is out!
Where's your grantiitar:►'"
"She's welit upstairs to lay
down," .replied the bog,
Lettuce 2.19
Reel Haven
Peaches 2 Les,
New Green
Ca bbage
Dole's Pinoapple
6 -oz. titins
23 c
Swansea's tfes#f, 'Toekey or Chicken
Picnic 12•oz, tins
Free Delivery
You'll Enjoy S o t f g At o EL
Kellogg's Corn
A & H LOW PRICE! Aylmer Boston Brown
A & H LOW PRICE! Old Towne Sweet Mixed
A & H LOW PRICE! Sealark
Fancy Tomato_
A & H LOW PRICE! Maxwell Hou e
12 -oz. pkga.
1 5 -oz, tins
Lpi' c4fs-oz. jar
48 -oz, tin
• 1 -pound. Bag
A & H LOW PRICE! Red Breast Fancy Rod Cohoe 7?/n oz .tins
A & H LOW PRICE! Rog Food—Gov't Inspected Meat, 151)z. tins
David's Asst'+. Cookies
Kotex Regular
ALLEN'S NEW .,Vitamin C Acltto
PKG, tlF' 12
Orange or Grape Drink 418'02. Sic
Fab %-P
rice Sale 2 PKC;.^a.63
Nescafe Ins't Coffee
1s� I -OF