HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-17, Page 12Ilrfr'`,.""'""'",e4r0e0e0ro00,,a,.
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TitneS.Advsgate, MY 11, 190
Co -Op
affects the
+ 70,000 farmers in Ontario
+ 3,000 in Middlesex County
their wives and children
250,000 Canadians
9,000 in Middlesex County
Are you in Favour of the
Ontario Hog Producers'
Marketing Plan?
Yes X
ur Place
oiling Is:
EIDOULPH TOWNSHIP — Township Hall, LUC0.11
Me•GILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP — Township Hall, West
EAST WILLIAMS — Municipal Hall, Nairn
WEST WILLIAMS — Township Clerk's Office, Lot 7,
. Can, 15
e Sure to VOTE
own To
Gordon Greer, -president :of the
E. arth tune announced Friday that the
.. Ontario. rederatiou of Federation executive has been
5 tuthring the judginent banded
15y P. 1. 119QPEIS down by Alr. Justice it. Fergus
In his jedgment, Mr. justice
. Fergusori had ruled that some re -
Yes? .N o? gulations .pf the hog marketing
plan •were invalid because the
g. nbv
Yes or No—that is the $64.0e0!emerged a -wiser and stronger re ulationsha`d ot een oted
on by the producers involved.
question, This is no T.V. Qlla.,Illation, eWe are gratified to hear the
but it is causing just as much1 llas the co-op done anything?
1 interest ,and can MORA as much) Yes. It has collected many announcement by the Isionotir-
to eey individual fanner as to i producer dollars aud Passed. able Wm. Goodfellow at Tillson.
I any contestant on the $64,.0091 them indirectly back into the burg en July 9 that the. eoverns•
1. question 'reconomy as a whole, it liaepub- ment will appeal the decision he.
- The pros and. cons are many.11ished many facts re marketing fore a panel of judges in the
1 Aluch has been said and svritten of hogs It has brought to the , Ontario Court of Appeals, Mr.
on both sides. Some from stub- notice of many producers gov-IGeesifeliew also said that the
1. t hornness and much in clespera-; eminent statistics. available on 1 gwerninent stands solidly be-
e: tion, The stubbornness is mostly ' request FREE from government' hind its . legislation," stated Air.
Greer. "This means that •the
1., on the opposition side. but has offices..
1, ;become almost desperate by :the ' Has the co-op increasedd the e,overnment supports the. belief
e. desperation of the organizers. price of hogs to producer? held by the ()FA that this mele-
Within the past fortnight a T,,heyclaim yes.
Iselin legislation s extremely
' a
; Supreme Court ruling outlawed now:. importantand necessary for the
1 the Ontario Hog M a r k e t i n g Because the overall picture- of farmers of Ontario." ,
L Board This rulingin spite pork has been rosy for the past: "We feel the decision of the
, of
SI ] support by provincial legislation 2 2 years. Amerman prices were
:Competitive good, beet lamo.' niers to join together to co-ope-
, 'tgl;3;tertrietgirsT:grinensalistlf4VeYs
from Queen's Park, ha $ forced high Consumer demand . good,:
2 : the desperation of the organizers
I poultry also enjoyed this: rativey sell their produce is
of the plan to new depths. Many and
ef prosperity. , right and proper."
qualms about the security
position and. the securitDid they give a greeter net re- i '"r he OFA will continue to lendy of fie
-turn to the producer than 'any its support to this principle of
L Lure income must be keeping
, t many employees awake atnig a .
i e` • other maneer?
act came,
• marketing," said Mr. Greer
' '
-because we in the federation.
s , Wondering what? Will the farm- Since the compulsory .
i., ees of °ataxia rehire us on July into effect, no measure stick has and member bodies believe it is
s (
been available Some producers , the only -way.. that. fanners Can
have been avoiding the compul- . have a voice in toda.y's markets
▪ Yes, they are your hired help. sory co-op and claim geater nele and their rightful share of our
They definitely are not your
• nothing more than employees of ,. e . 4,- .- " . '
m soundE me e, pipe dream.
Co-operative marketing in the- gl'•c)will.g ec"°111Y'''
e . elected representatives.. They are
( a public limited co-op which is ' or'
Everybody is eating higher and 7urich 4.H .Club
shidingby what 'we were led to higher on the. hog eccorchng to..1....
I believe was valid legislation. '
OFA Lauds
Gov't Stand
I the information published in the . *
I from competition. Due to this Rural Co-operator this week. In Discusses Cattle
fact this co-op is not forced to a short time if all promises are
it aim for any high objective. Ite fulfilled, , we, the producers, will , Types,of scattle was the topic
s is not forted by competition tol no longer be wearing dungarees, for discussion at the Zurich 4-H
Fe operate on a confined budget or sweatshirts and rubber boots. We calf club meeting, held at the
f obtain certain returns for cus- will be driving Cadillacs, drink- I home of Melvin Elliott on Ally
Miners. Its service can become i me champagne and eathig cav-,R. a convenience for the co-op—riot —
far, not pork. . Tickets were distributed for
the customer. True, like in all election cam-; the 4-H trip on July 16.
Perhaps you gather that thispaigns, you believe nothing you Quizzes were conducted Iv
co-op is nothing other than an-
_ how read and only half what you leader Anson AlcKinley. Dan
other commission firm
right you are. It deals solely hear, but we will say this. s Rose discussed the supplies and
one commodity—HOGS. In any
A central marketing plan, with instruction given to members.
business with oeles one line itthe sole purpose of controlling, Appreciation was expressed to
must be either foolproof or lucthe
price is feasible. 1 hosts BW and Jean Elliott by
rative. Since the 'farmers were A central marketing plan on Ron Thiel.
not so stupid as to pay exhorbit- truly voluntary basis Would, if
ant commissions and thus arouse it proved more efficient than the
public sentiment on their side, types of marketing, recetve the
the organizers hid behind a rid- whole -hearted support of pro-
iculous vote (1945) and passed ducers.
(the word along, with backing July 25 results? We don't pres
from Queen's Park (political vote. It's your privilege. Exers
gain of votes) that all farmers else it, but first look at the mats
• must sell their hogs through this ter from every angle.Weigh the
pros and cons carefully for to -
This .is what struck in every day and the future.
1 red-blooded f a r in e r' s craw.
1 "Compulsorr. Most people who
'board will be, o we understand, sGov't Offers
vote against the m a r k e t in g •
i voting against "Cornpulsion".
i faHrintehres oitlaen%epitionhadfifeivee 5n,er
theas Check Plan
ago te say whether they would
try a marketing board instead. Ontario dairymen who have
of compelling them to use the been unable to take advantage
1 *........
•services of this commission firm
of Dairy Herd Improvement As-'
I there is no doubt in our mind sociation benefits as a result of
that on July 25 the fanners insufficient numbers to form a
would have voted overwhelming- group, will now have an oppor-
ly one way. tunity to check the milk produc-
If the farmers by experience tion of each cow in their herd
had found that the marketing Hon. We under a new plan announced by
OL griculture.
A. Goodfellow, minister
I co-op was abk to pass along
,.1 other system of marketing the "Ie these days of high cost of MIRACL
larger net returns than any
a compulsory c 1 a u s e could be production it is necessary for
F. thrown out, But like all fanatical every inilk producer to be able
I socialist organizers they could to spot the low producing, un -
not afford to let one she
ep straY profitable cows in his herd,"
from the fold. That stray could said Mr. Goodfellow. "With that
perhaps beat their time con- in mind we have set up , a
sistently and eventually, except "weigh -a -day -a month" plan un- .im..
tamers no longer existed. This Liv.e Stock Commissionei. The
' ' ' '.se , Great iffuels
1 for a few die-hards, their cus- der the direction of the Ontario pv
I has been proven hy history plan provides a relatively 6i111- . '
.1. down through the centuries. In Ple. yet accurate method of de;
.1 V 1T'S
0910$5 for Dodge
mmesaimi77.7,.,,,,,, THE SALE 15 ON
''' ...
'V See&
s eise,tirs,
'51 Plymouth4 Door Sedan - gren
'51 Plymouth 4 Door Sed. -; blue, white
'50 Eresoto. 4 Door Sedan - green
50 Chevrolet Tudor - ween
'50 Dodge Tudor - gref
'50 Meteor 4 Door Sedan - green
'49 Desoto 4 Door Sedan e
1"8 Dodge 4 Door Sedan
h e
Open Every Night Until 9 p.m. For Your Converiionce
1 otor
Fred Dobbs, Prop.
NIGHTS 732-W OR 769-M
OW! . 'An Entirely New Way To Buy Gasoline
From Stmoc.
World War II, 80,000,000 were tei mining th. mllk production q
greedy supporters almost ruined *pants."
wrong although utornati co if
, each cow in the herd of partici
me man and his .
the world, i Mr. Goodfellow said that the
Would the hog producers go!method of computing milkpro-
broke if there were no co-op? iduction on the basis of one day's
Oefinttely NO! 1production during each month of
Chaos always exists when a the lactation had been thoroughly
Li s new way of life fails. Chaos, tested and had been found to be
I ,
in" g the defeat of a socialist . duction on Weights taken each
existed in Great Britain follow- , within two per cent of the pro- ,NE pum
11111111111MMIt1511311=1:11111111111112t11111111112M111/11111111111141tIMIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIMIllt111111111111/11111ffill govern/nett but from this chaos day.
"Ceetainly any plan that will
measure production with such a
high degree of accuracy will en-
a.bie dairymen to cull out the un-
eirofitable cow," said the min-
Sponsored' by the Middlesex Hog Producers' Assoc.
— •
!ended y
We're Going On Our Annual
July 26
W. P. Watson, Ontario live
stock commissioner, said that
the new plan was deficient in
one respect, in that it did not
provide for the taking of butter
tet tests.
"However, fat prodliction is
highly heritable with the result
that dairymen can protect them.
selves against the possibility of
suffering penalties an account of
mw testing milk by using hulls WHATEVER THE MAKE, AGE OR MODEL, THERE'S
Rz‘444e. "
eekeeser sss
Ws the BIGGEST NEWS in Gasoline History!. Sunoco's
Miracle Pump fits the right fuel to your car,. avoids
wasting money for octane your car can't use. Automatic,
accurate . it provides 6 great fuels ranging firm the
highest octane anywhere at regular as price toothe
highest octane anywhere at any prico.
tracing to high testing ances-
tors," said Mr. Watson, "As a
matter of fact, low tests are not
the serious problere they used to
be due to efforts of pure bred
breeders, most of whom have.
been selecting for high butter
To avail himself of the new
program any Ontario dairyman
con enrol ill the. monthly weigh
plan by, completing an epplicas
tion form obtainable from his
agrisittiture representative or the,
August- amen Buildings,
fintarli.st Live Stock Branch Par -
The completed form must be
forwarded te the Live Stock
Branch along with a fee of $5
per herd pet year,
The dairyman must provide an
approved set 61 scales designed
for weighing milk,
Under the, plan the dairyman
hiust wolgh the milk of cad
cow. morning And night, on tho
fifteenth of each month and en.
ter the figures oft a form sup.
plied for that, purpose. At the mid
of each Iletation the figures for
the ,individual cow will be for-
warded tothe five Stock :Branch
which will compute the record
and issue to the owner a state.
mtrit showing the lactation of
A representative of the
parttnent of Agrieulttire will tall
on each Applicatit mid itistruet
him as to the erocedure to be
followed ftt weighing and recOrd.
ing %Mega,
No Edition July 31
See The Miratle Pump At