HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-17, Page 8Pane
h. Times•Advoc tea ahly 1953
80t4it 10'
COMPLETE 4,000TH MOBILE HOME — General Coach, Hensall, last week completed
production of its 4.000th mobile home. Group leaders are shown with the unit shortly
before it was shipped to a Toronto district dealer. Left to right, are Claus Van Wieren,
Murray Maker, Harold Parker, George Parker. Manly Jinks, Bill. Baker, John Baker,
Mike Hodgert, T. jBerends, Roy Srnale and Garfield Broderick. —Jack Doerr
And District News
Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs, Archie. MacGregor, Phone 146
Rec Program
Opens Monday
Hensall recreation program
Top Fiddler
Reaches 94
To Tour Europe
During Summer
Aliss Betty Mickle left Salute
opens Monday, ,lily* 21 for the
WilliamHyde, resident of Hen- day for. Montreal with her par -
children of Hensall and district sail for •the past 38 years, and a eats, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
and will continue for four weeks veteran violin player and prize- and family. She sailed on Monday
9 to 11.30 a.m, each day. Chil- winner will celebrate his 94th for England on the Homeric to
then will register at the arena birthday on Wednesday, July 23. spend almost four months in the.
at 9 a.m, opening day. British Isles and. on the Conti -
Program includes crafts, Mr• Hyde was born in Blan- nent, Accompanying her were
games, basketball, shuffleboard shard township and spent 56 Miss Jean Corner, Miss Shirley '
And volley ball. years there before moving to Ann Stephenson and Miss Joan
Chairman is Jim Taylor; rec- Willison, of• Toronto.
reation director,Robert Rea- He started to play the violin They will tour England, Ire -
burn, assistants Dianne 'Rennie at 11
of age and first land, Scotland and Wales and
and Gwen Chapman. started playing at contests 31 while in Scotland see the Edin-
years ago. Since then he has burgh Festival.
IBinge Winners won 68 firsts and 11 seconds. The first week in September
Winners at the Legion bingo Following the celebratioe of they will cross the English. Chan -
Saturday were Mrs. Fleischaurer, his birthday accompanied by his net for France, Belgium, Holland.
Zurich (2); Mrs. Wes Venner:wife, son and daughter•in-Iaw, and Denmark. They will attend
(3); Mrs. A. Foster; Tom Kyle ;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, he the World Fair in Brussels and
(2); Mrs. Cowan, Exeter; Clarelwill motor to Carmen, Manitoba are planning to visit Switzer -
Taylor, Exeter (4); Mrs. Carlisle Ito spend a vacation with his' land, the capitals of Norway
Wilkinson; Mrs. Glen McKenzie daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and I and Sweden, West Germany,
(2); Roy Pepper. .Mrs. Alfred Vier. Italy, Southern France and per
Jackpot next Saturday will bei haps Spain.
*70.00 in 56 calls. T. C. Farquhar They will arrive back cin Can-
ada the end of October,
Lost Pigeon
house, Stanley, on Saturday eve- Thomas Charles Farquhar of A white pigeon is bining care ed
q number 55-8535CU is being cared
ning when around 80 neighbors Hensall. died in South Huron Hos- for by Gary Triebner of R.R. 3
gathered in honor or Mr. and pital, Exeter on Saturday, July Kippen. The pigeon had evi-
Mrs, William Aikenhead and 12 in his 72nd year. dently lost its way because it
family, who are taking up reel- He farmed in Hullett and Stan- light on the hall window up -
deuce at Beaton, near Camp ley townships before moving to stairs of the Triebner residence
Borden, where Mr. Aikenhead is Hensall nine years ago where he several times. After dark Gary
stationed with the RCAF. was caretaker of the Hensall captured the pigeon Thursday
Progressive euchre was played Public School for several years. night and has it in a cage,
with. 10 tables in progress. He was a member of Hensall
During the social ,hour Mr, United. Church and a member Personal Items
end and Mrs. Aikenhead and of Huron Lodge A.F. & A.M. Miss Brenda Noakes is enjoy -
family were all presented' with 224 Hensall. ing a week's holidays with her
gifts, Mrs. Alex MacBeath read Surviving are his widow, the aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
the address and Mr. Howard former Emma Consitt, three Jack Peebles in London.
Lemmon made the presenta- daughters, Doreen (Mrs. Walter Leonard Noakes, accompanied
kions, Spencer), Hensall, Dorothy and by his sons, David and Billy, en -
Mary (Mrs, Edmund Knox), To- joyed a fishing trip to Silver
ronto; two sons. Aubrey of Kip- Lake,
pen and Ronald, Toronto; two
No sisters. Mrs. Maud Lambert and Hodgert Reunion
Miss Sophia Farquhar, Hamil- g
>s ton and seven grandchildren, H e I d At Stratford
respassingFuneral services were held
front the United Church, Hensall The 23rd annual Hodgert re -
Tuesday, July 15 conducted by union was held en Wednesday at
Rev. Chas. D. Daniel. Queen's Park, Stratford, with an
Interment was in Exeter cem-
Personal items
The .Biuewater Danceland, eight 1
miles north of Grand Bend, was
nesdav for Air, an Mrs. n`'
l'oope trtee C'aroledRiursr s�oni ' ,fit. A►)drew's 'United Church,
The couple were presented with hippe� . 1�cld their anrrttl 5uirtlay
a well idlest purse of moire;;', i Bayfield. Thursday,t att s .edov y
;Harry Armstrong doing the attended by
honors. Des.iardine orehestra; t e children and members 01
provided music for the .dance, the congregation,
Personal ltem�. I A full program of sports was
held under the direction of Mr.
Mrs. Laird Alickle and Betty and Mrs .R. D. Elsie and Mr.
spent Thursday in ' Ridgetown G and Alis. J a.ck Cooper, Jr. A
visiting Aiiss Miclle'.s grand. number of races were run off in
mother, Mrs. Geo. T. A1ickle. i which the children participated
Airs. J. W. Bonthron acme,- and were given prizes. Other
Ipanied by her sister' Airs. J. M. winners were; two relays, Mr -
Hall of Pittsburg, PA, wlto •has: and Mrs. iohn C.'•ooper, Jr., Ai t•,
• been spending the past few weeks; and Mrs. Itay Consitt; guessing
here, left Wednesday ,of this number of mints in jar, Mrs T.
week for Southhampton for a Reid; ncektle race, Jack Sinclair,
month's vacation with their sis Airs Robert McGregor; back to
ter, Mrs, Lillian Peppier .at her back race, Mr. and Mrs. William
summer .cottage. 1l'olcman, and Dandy scramble
Mr. Ron Griffiths, who is At. ' for the children.
tending summer school in To Mrs. J. W. McLean captured
rooto, spent the weekend with the prize for the oldest person
Mr. and -Mrs, Mrs, E;d. Tbiet, present.
Mrs. E. Chnrcirill of Toronto The table committee was Air.
is visiting with her brother -in- and Airs. Lloyd Lovell, Mr. and
law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. R.1 Mrs. T. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
E, Shaddick this week, McMurtrie.
IKippon. Church
Farewell Party
An enjoyable evening was District Farmer
spent at the MacBeath School -
FISHING Hensall Bantams defeated New sports was conducted. by Mr.'
OR SHOOTING Hamburg 11-10 at the local park; and Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert and
here Friday night. i Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, fol -
On Or .Abound Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle, :Mowed by a ball game.
Charles, Bob and Ann spent the Winners in the ,races were:
weekend in Montreal and from Children, 3 years and under,
there are driving to Ottawa, to Scott Hodgert; 4 to 5 years,
spend a few days. They are:, Tomm:y Hodgert; girls, 6 to 7
planning to go through Algon-:years, Audrey Hodgert; bays,
quin Park and as far as North Bryan Hodgert; girls 8 to 10,
HENSALL Bay to spend a short time on Susan Hodgert; girls, 11 to 12,
Lake Nip.issing. Margaret :Hodgert; boys, Paul
+nnttrennuarunnrtunnm,vrrm,numrrrnn+nuunuuauunrr,nnnunr,ununnnunn,,,at,urr,n,r,rrar,� Hodgert; boys, 13 to 14, Brian Hodgert.
Young ladies, Janice Johnston;;
Becure And Buy 4 young men. Brian Riodgert; mar-
R rlArnoldCann;
married men, :Reg Hodgert; kick
ileo ladies, Mrs. Arnol
the slipper, young ladies, Mar.
garet Bray; young men, Brian
l!odgert; ladies, Mrs. Arnold
Cann; men, Don Geiser; three-
legged race, Ross and Kathleen
Hodgeirt; minute walk, Kathleen
: and Milton Hodgert; patch race,
Mac and Helen Hodgert; baby',
bottle contest, Mae and Helen'
Team races: Paper bag
' whack, Margaret i3rey's team;
dress the doll, Kathleen Hodg-
ert's team; gum rare, Margaret
Bray's team; pillow race, Mar-
garet Bray's team,
Wife finding husband, . Mrs.
William Hodgert; husband :find-
ing wife, Ross Hodgert; costume
contest, Don Mayo, Maida Gais-
er; scramble letters, letrs, John
Bray; guessing beans, Janico
Johnston; mystery box, Mrs,
William Hodgert.
Oldest person present Was
Archie Hodgert; youngest persot
present, Janet Elizabeth Bray;
family eonting longest distance,:
Mr., and Mrs. Kings -ell flodgert
and family, Milwaukee, 'Wier
Officers elected for 195:1 Were
`en. president, Archie :Hodgert.;
president, Kenneth Hodgert;
seeretery, Allen Richard; treas.
HensaiItrtir,il.tlySalesnhittee Mr, ,our Mrs. ,ia5, Hodg-
ert, Mr, And Mrs, bonaid_ Bray,
Katherine tray and Wilma
Coates; Sports, toritt'nititre, vlr.
and Mrs, Mar 'ftnclgett, Mr, and
trrrmrrrrrrrorcnrraromrnrrrrroitorarrnrarGrrrmuto rrrrrnrirnrm~Re rrerruv-rrnrr mirmtlitov turrrktst MI'S• P10111( HafliriltON
attendance of 73 for dinner and
In the afternoon a program of
Bell's Farm)
Stewart Bell
Hensall Motor Soles
V.6 engine, automatic, whitewall: tires, Fpnrtwtone
colour, very low mileage, A good car for a re-
duced price!
Irt excellent condition, very sharp!
lit excellent shape, tuts ne colour, radio, A real
la'OXiD "CUSTOM" COACH- radi.
Tom Certo*, Prop;
H N5AI '�
the "Setting for .a reception lved n�Qy i r1i .
Mr. and Mrs, Jas'r'tlktns, .of
yoming, visited with Air. and
IWAirs. Wilbert Dilling over the
A1r. and Mrs.Garry Corlett
and son, of Toronto, were recent
visitors with Mrs.-C"orlett's par.
ents, Mr. and Airs. N. E. ,Cook.
• Mr. and Mrs. flay Reid and
family, of Owen Sound, were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Snell.
Guests last Sunday with Air.
and Airs. Sam Rennie and family
were Mr. Band Airs. Fd. Gascbo,
br Zurich.
Miss Debbie Gooding of Park -
pent the past week with
i her
grandpa; tuts, Air. and Mrs.
Edgar' Munn.
Mrs. Lorne Chapman and sons
•.and Mrs. Albert Shirray and
`sans enjoyed a holiday caiitping
et 1pperwa.sh.iast week.
Air. and Mrs. Jack Tudor and
son of St. Marys visited recently
'with the foi'ruer's parents, Mr.
I and Mrs. Stan Tudor.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Avory of
Sarnia were weekend visitors
with the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Joe Flynn and Joyce.
MacArthur iart
Meets At .Exeter
' The annual McArthur retie'rn
was held at Riverview ;Earl;,
[Exeter, With fifty present from
, Owen Sound, London, Toronto,
•' Blenheim, Tharnesford, ingersol,
• Exeter. Email and Zurich.
.j Sports were conducted by Mr.
• and Airs. Bob Bell and Mr. and
1 Airs. Gerald Bell. Race winners
were; Boys, 8 and under, Ater-
' vin Bell; girls, Karen McArthur;
boys, 13 and ander, Brian McAr-
1 titer; girls, '13 and tinder, ,loan
• Elliott.
`Taking off clothespins, Jean
Alanzar; kick the balloon, Roy
Lamont; guessing wife's waist-
line, Jack Tractuair; oiling coke
bottle, Earl and Marion Bell;
gum and oven mitts, Jean
Snell's team; ball between knees,
Margaret ;Elliott; putting on ny-
lons, Margaret Elliott; paseing
belt, Don Rigby.
Oldest person present was
Ales, Jennie Manson; anniver-
sary nearest picnic, Dave and
Mavis Hall.
Officers for the 1950 reunion
l'ereene l I toms
Mrs. Mac MacFarlane and sots
-of Forest visited during the past
week with Mrs. nicFarlane'a ,
mother, Air's. Minnie Sangster,
Mrs. Ann Rlopl,ins of Chicago:
is visiting this week with her
sister, Airs. Mary NeMurtrie
and brother, Mr. Allan :Cochrane.
Airs. Guy :Bedard, Ricky, Di•
ane• and Pauline of London spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Stew-
art tell,
Mr. .and Mrs. ilpn liaison of
C'lticaga were recent visitors
with the latter's :parents, Air,
and Mrs. Milton :Bussell,
Mr, WM. Dougall was in
Guelph last week attending the
weed inspector's convention held
Mr. and Airs. Robt. Coote and
Carolyn, and Mr. and Mrs, How-
ard Scane, Mary and Katharine
are holidaying at Sundr'idge.
Please Turn To Page 10
to be held at Riverview Park,
Exeter, were: President, Bob
Bell; sepretary-treasurer, Mrs,
Hilt Laing; sports committee,
Mr, and Mrs., Don Rigby and
Miss Donna Rigby,
FEATURE! Libby's Deep Browned
FEATURE! Libby's Tomato
FEATURE! Libby's Fancy Tomato
• Libby's • 42 -oz. tins
20.oz. tins
•FOR 341s
Libby's Famous
Fresh Fruits
Fresh From
The Farms
Of Ontario '
Potatoes 10
Tomatoes 2
Cucumbers 2
Honey Dew
Beans Yt'LL17w
f: q I4
E'At 1-I 39c
2 LBS, 35c
FEATURE! Libby's Rolling Cook, Cream Style
FEATURE! Libby's Fancy Quality
FEATURE! Libby's Mixed
a ti
FEATURE! Libby's Hawaiian Sliced
15 -OZ. TINS
15.0Z, TINS
Save 1 bp! 20-o.z. tins
11 -oz. bottles
' Savo 70
4 ; 59°
Save 120
15 -oz, tins
Save 160! 20 -oz. tins
e net Corn
Minced Ham 59
Sirloin Steak .79t
6 -
• it