HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-17, Page 3Interest Shows Here
in New Gov't Bonds
—Continued from Page It
bark On a new era of peacetime
prosperity far and beyond any-
thing we have ever known."
operation requiring the enthus-
iastic cooperation of everybody
Air, Diefenbaker .ernphasized
It would "clear the decks for there is no compulsion in the
ally increased private invest. bond'swal3 pian.
rneni rn our £utr, LUe urged whet It Ismlees
Canadians to• support the bond
eamPagn This is tahat it luvolves:
iwith atne sPiLtt
and Five wartime Victorworld s' Loan
determination shown in. two
In Toronto, heads nf invest-
ment houses, who have the task
of carrying the plan to the pub.
lie, used words such as "cour
eous, dramatis,. and construct- 14 1966,
MCI issues, all paying three per-
cent interest, are convertible:
the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth
and Ninth Victory Loans. issued
between 1943.45, they mature
between Jan. 1, 1059, and Sept.
to describe it.
The scheme. involves no
borrowing—merely a spreading
out of existing •debt.
But Mr. Fleming's •Commons
statement disclosed another fi-
nancing deal already carried
out; The creation of "new
money" by borrowing $400,000,-
000 for five months from the
chartered banks and the Bank
of Canada al 2 -percent annual
Calf It Inflationary
Experts called this step Mlle -
denary. But the plan is to pay
the loan off at maturity Dec. 15
with proceeds of the next Cana-
da Savings Bond issue to be sold •)
this fall,
This $400,000,000 is part of the N
Available for swapping --start.
ing immediately — are our till-
fereet conversion issues. They
range frotn three -per -cent boucle
maturing in 31/4 years to 4' -per-
cent bonds maturing in -25 years.
The government's hope is that
the switch will he to the long-
term issues the 25 -year bonds
and another issue of 14 years
bearing 412 -per -cent interest, An-
other seven-year conversion issue
bears interest at asa per cent.
Holders of all five Victor
Loans may change to either th
4 -year or 25 -year issues,
The seven -veer and the la
'ear bonds will not be availabi
o holders of the Eighth an
inth Victory Loan bonds, Th
le -Year bonds also will not be
$1.400,000,000 in new borrowing 3
which Mr. Fleming said in his a
June 17 budget speecli would be
needed this year to help finance
government operations. Counting b
some earlier borrowing last May
15, only $700,000,000 in new bor- a
rowing remains to be done, .Au-
thorities feel this will be rela-
tively easy to get later on.
Mr, Fleming railed the Con-
version Loan "a tremendous
Items af Social and Psrsonal Interest In and Around Exeter
d The Exeter Titnea-Adruente lx alloy plenxed fe pohneit the ite Items.
• We. and our renders' nre Interenied in:Ton and ,,,frur telentle, Phone t'7O.
T. Ph
C •
4 .:
6 hn Featerert 3'1,ti Veer,' 1;!lat-4 trt•41‘.644.
'ipeklang of vacationfi—the last two weeke n .Au.
gust you .may move your desk nearer the window."
Town Topics
vailable for the Seventh Vic
ory Loan bonds.
The new conversion issues will
e dated Sept. 1, when their in -
crest rates take effect. But all
pplications will be accepted una
til Sept, 15. The public sales
campaign will get its main kick
off August 5.
Besides higher interest, the
government .is o if e r g cash
bonuses ranging up to $2 foi
each $100 bond converted. For
example, a holder of a $100 Fifth
Victory Loan bond maturing
next Jan, a will get $1.99 cash if
e converts to a 25 -year or 14 -
ear bond, The balder of a $100
ighth Viet r, Loanb *
g in 1963 will get a 50 -cent
nus for the same conversion.
Accrued interest up to Sept, 1
11 head'
• Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wei
Laveks Northern Ontario,
Mrs. W. Higgins
Dies In Clinton
Mrs. 'William Higgins, the for- y
mer Grace Oke of Exeter, died F
in Clinton on MonclaY, July 14, in
Mr. and Mrs. Higgins fanned bo
near Exeter before moving to
Seaforth and then to Clinton, r.
Mr. Higgins died in Clinton my- be
eral years ago,
Mrs. Higgins is survived by ; ca
one daughter, Ferrol, Mrs, F.; an
B. Pannebaker, Clinton, and sevd ho
eral nieces and cousins in Exe.:Lo
ter. ,ve
The funeral service was con-
ducted front the Beattie funeral
home, Clinton, on 'Wednesday th
with interment in Clielon ceme-. in
, $50
r a conversions
fore that date. s
But some conversions will not
rry the cash bonus. For ex-
iple, there would be none to
alders of the Ninth Victory
an, maturing in 1966, who eon -
rt. to 14 -year or even 25 -year
Except for the 31a -year bonds,
e new bonds are being offered ,
denominations ranging from I
to $100,000 each. For the 314-;
ar issue, denominations run
from $1,000 to $1,000,0no,
418e4+4' alr. 7/Me '57
Reg. $1.50 Spray
Reg. $1.25 Cream 790
Johnson's OFF 890, 414?
7 oz.,. reg. 947t‘ ElOt
FREE( 75c size of Egg Creine
Shampoo- with each purchase of
Hudnut NEW QUICK home per.
ma non' . $2.00
Message From
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Morley of t
Monteville, Northern Ontario!
called On relatives in the coaa-'
munity last week,
Mrs. a Reis, loronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherwin and'
Mrs. Keith Beavers, .London
visited recently with Mr, anc
Mrs. Wm, Morley Sr.
Air, Walter Gunning, Exeter
spent a few days last week wit)
Air. and Mrs. Laverne Morley
are holidaying at. Grand B
Sgt. Don McGillivray and A;
tion the Ontario School of 'Embalm -
Ms,' Alas. H. C. Rivers spent the;
r of Mrs. Harry Whetton and daugh-
who ; ter, Brenda, Hamilton is visit -
end,! ing Mrs, Charles Harris, .Gidley
les.. street.
I 13oh Fletcher 'as successful
Irs. in passing his examihations at
spent Monday with Mr. and A
Frank Taylor.
McGillivray, of RCAF Sta
Portage la .Prairie, are balk
ing with the latter's pare
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bailey,
Grand :Bend.
Norman Walper recently
tended a Tip Top Tailors' c
vention Toronto.
Mr. Donald Ralph, of, Al
Street, is rd •
daughter in 'Winnipeg.
Mr, and Mrs.' Jack Carr
Mr. and Mas. Preston Dear
motored to North Bay and sr
a week fishing and sightseeis
Mrs. 'Mice Holtzman of P
Lac, Mich., spent the past w
with. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Tas•
and daughters. leer son, Mr, a
Mrs. Maurice Holtzman., a
their son ann wife spent
weekend here, and Mrs. Ho
man returned, with them.
Mr. and Mrs, 'William. McK
and daughter, Aldeen, of Nant
Alberta, visited. this past we
with Mrs. Lilian Blair and otl
'Was Jean 9'aylor, town, a
Miss Diane Ford, Detroit, a
'holidaying for two weeks
Boston, Cape Cod, Albany, N.
and- other points.
Miss Meta Salter and Mi
Ann Creech are holidaying.
Kitchener with the forme
brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charl
Salter ;and Jane,
Miss Ann Hockey return
home Monday after spenclin
two weeks with her uncle a -
aunt, Mr: and Airs, john Kci
at, their smuttier home at Mi
lay- ing, Toronto, in June,
at I weekend in London. with 'Mr. and:
, Airs. Charles Smith. t
at-' Mr, and Mrs, Edgar HomeY,:
onsI Ridgeway, visited over the week-;
end -with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.,
ain; H.orney.
. , I
us, Mrs, George Braithwaite and.,
' .sister and Douglas, Carol Ann
aenndt fug
friends in Exeter today i
aurnIdnrij,stdid.av:y)o,f Hanover, visit -
ung ,
g' Air. and Airs. Howard Ince .
on- : •
have just returned after spend.;
Irr I 4'-g a two-week holiday in Prince.
Edward. island. They travelled;
nd ' by plane.
nd. . . ;
the, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire at-'
na.., tended the funeral of their l
1 cousin, .th.e late Charles Hayes, I.
w Brantford, on Wednesday. . i
On, f MISS bois Tinney, of town, is
ek ; spending this week in London ,
ter; with bet friend, Miss Shirley!
Coleman. l
nd , Mrs, Ralph . Batten visited in,
re: London last week with relatives ; •
til i and friends, 1
Y., 1 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Erode.:
rick and Robert are on a trip)
SS:lin Northern -Ontario. , c
es,/ Mrs. A. Tennant is: relieving!
es , at , the post office during the,
holiday season, I t
ed " Meesra, W. (3, Cochrane, Wild ,;
g I liam, Cann, Ernest Cerson and a'
mil Ha.rvey Pfaff are attending Ma- ; 7,
lip, sonic Grand Lodge in Toronto.
n-; this week, ;
Buys Liquor In Exeter
y . h Pa ys.
: Fine
A Stratford man, who told 0.! of the motor cycle was hospita-
bee be purchased his liquor I lized for a clay and a half.
front an Exeter bootlegger, waSt George Snell, of 6erifortia Mar -
fined $100 and costs in Grand shall Collez, of Grand Bend, and
Bend court Tuesday for illegaitslames Prout, of I.lsborne, were
Reid Simmons, 19, refused to iaellsafinderrilvitIg0 arnhdare;st.8 on
identify the bootlegger for care -
P0') Gerald Deajarcline, of Ailsa
lailesleo‘l*vtin7d, ootiltieer$259, et1h7rse $ t 8werein, : forara; elagrf,:aaa ittrill'agscafliooripPerre!'el°10vf and his xcelot9e65:7:
Liquor Control Aet.
for similar offences under the , '""'
tr'alltfireee vfooluattliiosn
ifoaig•earaitaing disturbances in cot- Robert W. Pearson was
arertehrefaenedmofroer ,1.113a $3 for making unnecessary
sesaed 35 for treapassang at
' Two Merges ender the Can- RCAF Station, Centralia.
ada. Shipping Art, for driving -
boats at excessive speed', were'
:Open First
Exeter Court Convictions
Bend, was fined
Willis Wainer, 21, of Grand ' H
for careless drivi34,0' ianndine4sits! (0--S1 Yard
trate's court Wednesday morn- The hast. hog assembly point
ing. Ar. Wainer was involved
Grand Bend on June 21. 'owned by the Ontario. Hog Pro -
in a three,ear accident north of
ly opened in StratIniel by Ferth
wa"slifiiinaend $1S0VeabnbderCos°1s1, a:F;sxaetie'er: (cioanyntyme‘n'airn`gh:n The eno°4seraMtioan•e"
suit of an accident July 1 nn rents assembly points in other
25 -
Highway 83 when- his ear seas on les
struck by a motor cycle while '
making a left-hand turn. Driver • Bun' at a east of about $11,000
. _ the new 40 by 110 -foot sheet
• metal building will be able to
I handle upwards for 1,500 hogs a
; day. It is situated on Linton Ave.
4 , I Bog producers attending the
ends Gifts opening were shown methods Vote other people are buying their ''":"'" tdvi:iggheedn."
While you may be buying your iraiee,
children bathing sults, camp top t h e hagatheareloa
and summer shoes, thousands of ; „id
tattooed, and placed. in lots to
children Christmas presents,
Yes, it's Christmas in July for , Official greetings were trough
Atte thousands of Americana and from Perth, Huron, and Oxfor
Canadians who have financially . Hog Marketing Board and th
counties and from the Ontari
"adopted" needy children over-, co-operative.
seas through Foster • Parents' , .1, Fred Edwards, Id.?? fo
Plan, whose headquarters in , Perth, stressing the advantage
"B", Montreal, P.Q.
CanadaBox 5, Station of co-operatives, said 'it. is nee
i essary that we band together fo
Reeently, Mrs, Lenore Sorin.J success."
associate director, of Foster, Charles McInnis, Dundas coup
Parents' Plan, returned from a ' ty, president of the Ontario Hog
tour of Plan's European head-: Producers Association, termed
quarters and reported that it the marketings st 1 "
takes from three to four months tirely democratic program."
for packages to arrive in Europe,' "There has been pressure
Korea or Viet Nam and a fur-, brought against the hog -market.
ther two months for the over-ing supporters," he said, "by
tribute them.
seas Directors to sort and dis- , people who are not hog produ-
Foster Parents want to he "You have heard of huge funds
certain that on Christmas morn— being gathered to curb the ac-
ing their Foster Children will not: tivities of the hog producers and
he- disappointed because they, their program," he added, "but
want them to have the joy of; we must realize what they are at
opening their presents, The most, tempting to do."
popular gifts amongst the Euro -1 "Legislators have recognized
peen children are cowboy out- • the needs of hog producers in
fits. and dolls whilst children in marketing for some time," Mr.
Foster Plan
The TonepAdvooktit, 4y1y 11, 1t$0
rm Rights
t Stake
Vote "YES"
For Hog Marketing Mon
-)r Wing of figiency and better prices are credited to
the Cop.
* Progressive 'rm-e hi Huron atupporf; the Hog
Markoling Plan.
Facts In Brief:
used to assemble the hogs for
WHEN? --Friday, July 25, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m,, local time.
d WHERE7—In the township hall of' the township b which
o ' you reside.
✓ WHO MAY VOTE?—Anyone whose name is on the votere
✓ WHAT IS THE QUTiONI---"Ars ifou in favor of filo
Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Plan?"
Korea and Viet Nam are mosta MeInnie Said.
pleased with paints and crayons.' "We must come together to
Most of these pathetic .little produce strength and influence,
hildren have never owned a, and become a force and factor
Ingle real toy in their lives.: in marketing our products," he
Their utter poverty is such that' said.
hey play with things like clis-{ Greetings were. also brought
aided wheels, a piece of wood by John Burnett, president of the
r a stone. Mrs. Sorin even Perth County Hog Producers As-
oticed that one little Italian sociation; R. E. White, agricul-
irl held a inaf of bread iil her tural representative for Perth
rias and played with it as a doll; county; Mac Young, R.R. 2
Mil she had to give it to her Thamesford, representing Oxford
other for the family dinner! county; and 3. R. Kohler. Toron-
Over the past 20 years since to, general manager of the On-
lan has been in operation, it I tario Hog Producers Co•Opera-
as been noted with surprise by!tive,
oster Parents that these des., :Melvin Becker, Ayr, zone 5 di.
te chiidren never ask for rector of the Ontario Hog Mar -
eclat toys or gifts as our own .keting Association and Co-Opera-
ildren do. -They have had an tive, was master of ceremonies.
and Mrs, jack Alliso
and Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. B
[ Carroll, Billy and Carol, all
Sarnia, visited last week wit
Airs. J, W. Powell,
Mrs. 'Powles of St. Thom
returned home last .week afte
visiting with Mrs. Powe
for a couple of weeks. Air
Powell returned with her fo
a few days.
Mr. and' Ms. John Burke ar
in Toronto attending the 'funera
of the latter's mother, Mrs. Des
mond Barker. •
Airs. Fred Delbridge visited I In
11 last week with her sister, Mrs.
ill Anthony Steels, at Parkwood p
of Hospital, Landola,
h Mr. and Mrs, Carey .Toynt, of;
Bethlehem, Pa„ are visiting with ' te
s the latter's parents, Mr, and ap
r Mrs. Archie Morgan and otter eh
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson
and family spent Sunday at Por
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Foster
and Mr. Melville Lief, Hamiota,
Manitoba, also Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon .Foster, St, Marys, inotor-
pd to Niagara Sunday and spent
the day.
.Betty and Gayle :Duffield are
spending this week at 1pperwash
with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Duf-
field and family.
:Douglas Squire is holidaying
Rae, 77`s a • s'il; this week at Sauble Beach, Aud- to
rey Kinkade of Stratford is le
TONI HOME PERMANENT spending this week with Mrs. is
Cecil Squire,
$2.00, with applicator . , 12.29 Mr. and Mrs. Milne 'Pullen and
Donald attended a sfamily picnic sin
11 relatives in Hensalt and comlit
s• munity. no
r • , • ac Riatzel, Maurice w
and Harry and Maurice 'Renney,
e Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo; ve
1 With T' lug, visited on to
- Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wes ; At
Wit m er:
Miss M.argaret Rogers, Color- dr
ado Springs, who has spent the; in
past six weeks with Mr. and! an
Mrs. William Sillery, left Tues..; ne
d tovisitfriends in Detroit . Fo
before returning home. ;set
s Mrs. William Sillery attended: yo
r the funeral, on Tuesday of a i'Ge
e cousin, Mrs. Andrew McLachlan, rea!
of Cramarty, a .former resident Pa
of Exeter. Mrs. McLachlan was; '1
- the former Caroline Scott and eta
is survived by her husband, one , sup
daughter, Mrs. Carter Kerslake.; Ou
Hibbert, and foursisters,cei
Edgar .Allan, Mitchell; Mrs, rig
Ruby Routly, Kirkton; Mrs. Oran ma
Francis, 'Woodstock, and Mrs,; clo
Kenneth McKellar, Cromarty. cei
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stone and gra
Mr. Ed Stone attended the fif-a and
netts Stone -Biters, reunion in: by
Ingersolleon Saturday and spore
the weeke d
tle in their lives that they do ;
know what to ask for but
hatever they receive — he it Boss: "Jones, 1 understand
rge or small — they are so you've been going over my
ry grateful to their benefac. head"
rs in far - off Canada and • Jones (meekly): "Not that 1
nerica that they would not know of, sir."
earn of asking for more. Boss; "Isn't it true that you've
Since 1937, mare than 600,000 been praying for a raise?"
dividuals and groups in Canada
d the States have helped
edy children overseas through
ster Parents Plan. At the pee-
n time, more than 11,500
ungsters in Greec, Italy, West
rmany. France, Belgium, Ko.
and Viet Nam have Foster
rents in Canada and America.
nese Foster Parente contri-
e $15 per month toward the
port of their "adopted.' child.
t of this sum, the child 01.1;e1:
t es $8 per month as an
In cash grant with the re
inder uaed for food and ncv
thes, The Foster Parent re
ves a case history and 'photo
ph of the child he is helpine.
monthly letters translate,
A Complaint
—Continued from Page 2
Is this issue too "hot" for yo
handle or will you publish tin
Iter and show -that your Pape
here to be of service to th
ommunity as a whole?
As concisely as possible 1 wil
ate a few of the many corn
aints which disturb so many
We believe, if (he poliee offi
rs are to be respected and en-
rce the laws, they :must be
ore :reproach themselves.
1. We believe that police
mild patrol the town in the
enings enforcing la,,v as they
, instead of standing inside
e movies while women and
ung girls are being insulted on
e street by drunken teen-age
ys driving ears.
2. We believe at midnight and
er on Saturday when drunken
CAMERAS at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alorgan's, PI
/ Brownie Holiday Flash ; 5•9° StAti'-rAsi.aliaY-iisn'tiSeinAldlaa13:dlin and Fred, of
Wesley, Ma, and. Mrs. Emerson re
• Gunning, Mitchell, and Mr. and so
we terry a complete range Mrs. Clarence Knight, Woodham ab
_HAY FEVER REMEDIES visited recently with Mr, and
Mrs. Alelville Gunning. sh
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, French and ev
family and Mrs. Olive Frederick .go
'ere Sunday guests of Mr, and 1.11
Mrs. Russell Brock, Chiselhurst, Yo
Mr. and Mrs. J, Finkbeiner th
and girls were at Sauble Beach bo
Sunday attending a family pic-
nic, also celebrating their 17th lat.
wedding anniversary. Airs, Camp-
Phone 50 bell and Mrs. Pinkbeiner, List-
owel, also spent the day with
These men know IL
4 4 r Huron. & Erie. Canada 'trust
Debentures and Trust Certificates.
On units of $100 or more both these safe
investments pay 3q1% to 4,%, interest
for periods of 1 to 5 years,
VIty not call in and ask for details?
Itt.k13 etizItt ticIllsAlt/t1
b1.66161: 11.611:6itittittit.Sd
td:Lob to. odt.-1/6Amt, ttiVtitAtt41 tz).
Ittpatov, ItitiveALt1 W, t,b'ettItt.A10:1, ItXtL4,1.-A1
tit N, s.tkii.lti;tre,
h:ttt144 ett,t, LA.tickittiMV,
teen-agers run riot on the main
street racing each other in ears,
blaring horns, slamming dors,
cursing and using obacene lan-
guage in front of cafes, that, our
police officers should be on duty
at these spots and /more import.
ant, that they take effective ae.
3. We believe that something
should be. dole to prevent the
throwing of beer and whiskey
bottle a on lawns and private
premises along Williani and
Carling streets and also breaking
bottles against buildings near
the Main street on Saturday
Webelieve that these officers
should be pleasant and friendly
and set an example ta the. Youth
of this town se that they will re-
spect the law instead of rich -
outing it, Also that they should
speak pleasantly oh the street
to all citizens, not Just a few in.
fluential ones,
You have a nice little town
here. Why not keen it nice and
eliminate the hoodlum element
so that proper acting teen-agers
do not have to go out-efeent Of
an evening to be among nice
I. ask all residents of this POITI-
:dan o
ity to hold an inspection. of
n St. (espetialry Main and]
e St.) 011 a spetified Salm%
night from MOO io 2100
sufiday bandit.% together
he big group for protettion
or it is about the only sem,
.airtotrely, d
kintious ittaidetit
you will havo
authorize The Exeter
ocate td XhlY 11A1116 t6
raspehtible Person Who 1'-
n t relatives.
Linda Webber, Varna, is holi
daying with Jae and Barry
Mrs, Myrtle Thon Saskaion
spent a few clays with her cousin.;
J. L. Kydd and Mrs, Xydd, :
New OAC Hall
Benefits Visitors
Aleeting facilities for the more
than 40,000 farinets who annually;
,iNit the Ontario Agricultural Col
lege witi be among the. benefits
provided by Jim OAC's new pity.;
sleet education building when. its
many facilities become avail.:
Able, stales Ron. W. A. Goodie.;
low, minister of agrieulture for
"I hope this building will serve
as a community hall for rural
Ont a tin," Says the miniatet.
"The benefits of the building can
extend far beyond; meeting' the
physical education needs of the
studes of the Ontario Agricut
tural College, Ontario Veterinary
College, and Macdonald tristi
lute, important as that function
to addition in ilie usual array
of physical education facilitis
enuipment, locker rooms ---the
hew buildilig eontaitis skating
and entling' rinkg, a bowling al.
anuasit totting, a rhhhig
00111, and seating and partitlett
trangenients for converting the
yuiliasitim into an auditorium
Recently Many of the build -
nes tatilities are being used
Y the neatly 260 rural girls at.
Continued Prom Page 1
Ever since, the couple lived
on their farm at the Saintsbury
corner and attended Saintsbit*
Anglican Church.
" my I've worked hard all life,-
says Mr. Carroll,
Ironvehie; •nces meet with his ap
He admits some of the itoder:
' 1, With a e luck e. he in
dicates he likes to watch tele.
Mr. and Mrs, Carroll have. four
children; Mrs. Cliff (Ada) Ings,
Lntidon: George, Detroit: Harry,
on a neighboring farm; and Al.:
vin, London; four grandchildren i
and Our great-grandchildren.
ending /be itinittal 441 home.
halting elub bere tenter-
raeiliti,os of the building will
not. It Is expetted that most of
ready for use When the stn.
enta of the three colleges 'MIRA
tit fll..
Th' — Light bill, water bill.'
phone hill, milk bill — We've got,
lo cut down this wild spending.;
it figures
as lw. as
For full information, read carefully the litratur,
which will be brought to your home. Don't be afraid to
ask questions.
If You Dont Vote
Then What Happn?
If you vote "YES" the
farmer' selling plat: will
We Now Hve?,
1. The cheapest and most
efficient, marketing system in
North America.
2. An opportunity to work
with fellow producers m a de.
mocratic organization. to solve
our own problems.
1. An organized group selling
2, An equal opixirtu4ny fog
all packers to buy from our
3. A staff of skilled. livestock
formation at their fingertip
formation at their fingettijas
to act for us.
4, Our hogs sold to the place
of greatest demand and to
bring the best return.
5. The peace of mind that
price, weight and handling are
in the care of people respons-
ible only to us.
6, No hidden cost.
7, Prompt settlement at low
cost due to large volume and
efficient office staf,
8. Checks payable without
bank exchange,
9. The Toronto Market Pries
11 all districts.
10. A $2.00 premium for hght
CWS under 280 pounds.
11. Buyers bonded for fin-
ncial security.
12. Irregularities h a n dl e d
promptly and aggressively and
adjustments made where pos.
13. The right to change the
program if farmers wish.
1.f you veto 11NO4b. 01$
feityers' IIt pte"Atil
We ThnHvm
1. h. *arketing condi** 4#
the mercyAf he Wei*
. IVO OPPirtiaqtv istv week of*
out own probietng fot eat Ind&
ual benefit.
Whet haw ow sett
of .
You will not heve another ghettos for two years
by reoulations fa vats Haig (sr any other kind
a marketing plan into operation
The Exeter Huron County Hog Producers
Tii-nes.Advocate "RT
The Pririe, the Rockiest the L. Cntithiol.; doily train.
Ike 111111M
ter infatioitiOn gni 14.4iieViti6iiit eliatatitt,sated