HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-10, Page 8Pape3 The Time4AcIvocate, July 10, 19.5$ Report from Parliament Canada Day Session Sparks Hot Debate By W. N. A. 'THOMAS A very' timely :su.bjeet for this week is Canada's 91st birthday -.celebration on Parliament Hill - A first class .debate developad' the last day -of June over a gnr- Minya, motion lo sit on July 1. Whenever the house has been in session during the summer sea- t On it has been custontary of late years to sit nn July 1, and to mark the anniversary holiday by suitable statements from the prime minister and the opposi-; Hapneninos In Biddulph By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Morenz Farnil -111"41cnic G Berry I.Huron Clerk $'1) The seventh Moron 'rennin • - was held Sunday, at MitchellJohn Berry has been ap- Park. Around 100 were present pointed country clerk -treasurer, raves: siteceeding the late A. H. Ers- r 4 and under. Dean Smith; boye.lone. on a !temporary basis un - 5 and O. Billy Jeffery; girls 7 .til the Nurenther session of 11u- Hewlett falnitY bare been living Pastor Returns II. .„,,,,,„„,„„„„„„.,,,,„„„„„nm„.,,,..,„„„,„.„,„„,„,„4„,..„„„„,„„,„„,„„„,„.,„„,,„„..,,,,,,,,„ From England ALF ANDRUS 1 - oil Byrn. Pastor and Mrs. G. T. Hew- t•:" lett and four children are recent 1, Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work visitors of Mrs. M. Hewlett- Smith, town. i 403 ANDREW ST,, EXETER IA il i u i : '4' "4111:1011.1111111111111111111114111MMIMIWIMMIR111111/111111111111111111111MIUM111111111111111111111111111MIUM114 RHONE 119 and 8. Marion jefferY; beYs,n•on County ;Council. This was. the :Bristol. 4°Ornemotttlt, PlY• Brian Fisher; girIS 9 and 10,Iriu.in- inn ctv mouth and Watford, England Sharon Alarm; boys, Bradley, -ouu" where pastor Hewlett has been Markle: girls 11 to le. Lynn Dot:1.i met in :special session recently. serving Seventh -day Adventist son: boys. Donny Banermann. Mr. Berry has been assistant churches holding -evangelistic seivices and teaching. Young women, Carolyn Rhode; 4•'"ultl's eler"'"nwer• married ladies, Mrs. Itoss Cor -j ll'allico Jack Morrissey, -ex. ;Lion leaders, to sing 0 Canada The trooping of the colors is bett: ;married Men, Loi•ne ware; pressing his regret at the need both in French. and English and a wonderful ceremony at any three legged race, June More sz for the Special meeting, said the before proceeding to the ordinary was more so than usual. The Lorne Wolfe and Phil La Co lk; ''' , tune.But on this -occasion it and Gloria Adams; wheelbarrow,! county of Huron had lost a great administrator in Mr. the national anthem in English, business of the day. v green lawns, the flags and other shoe scramble, Donny 'Bauer- Erskine and an -officer it would The -WE group this year ob- decorations around the build- mann; dressing -contest, Marilyn be very diffieult to replace." He jected to the house sitting on t.lie , loge and grounds, and the bright; Rhode,. Ken Snlith. ilence lu his memory, meat's- s , asked council to observe a ma - holiday and moved an amend- r uniforms of the Guardsmen. .Special prizes went to the °kn.! ment to kill the government no made it an .outstanding occasion, est lady. Airs. Bill miner; okiesi, Council excluded the press as tion. They argued that it was un- The :troops must have been, inan, Mr. Ed Morena from it went auto c ouvroittee•of-tile- patriotic to sit on sueh a holiday plenty warm because it was a Marine City, Michigan; youngest j wohiolinnettnt oeonneseidvenr wthnerminienry Tarpe.: and would set a bad example ;hot sunny day and they were out baby, Terry Alarm, son of Mr.!pn to the rest of the country, They , in full lintforrn, complete with anti Mrs. George Alorenz, )3eant.rwartha, of, Clinton, said there eta°. urged a holiday for the sake ; great black bearskin caps for ford. youngest mother, Mrs, i might, be statements made dur- of the staff of the House who the members of the band, They George Morenz, Brantford; ling the -discussion which would have t rem -ale tm duty when it on a wonderful show. ' youngest grandmother, Mrs. Ed "be better not publicized." The the House sits. Governor-General \Invent Alas.: Fisher, Seaforth; oldest bacbelor, I:appointments- were announced The government defended , sey was present in frock and Mr. Ed Morenz, Marine, City, I at the end of the ineethig, their position by referring to , tail coat, striped trousers and Michigan: largest family, Bill 1 Mr. Berry will receive the precedent that has been set high hat to honor the occasion:, Jeffery's from Stratford; people 1.ary of $8,400 acting in recent years and argued that , The ceremony of the trooping coming farthest, Mr. and Mrs, ' treasurer, many of the members live so far of the colors is an old ceremony Frank Morenz, front Detroit I At aid Personal Items ri away that they can't get home that dath back to the days when Sunday visitors with Mr. and for a one -day holiday so might regiments fought on foot and • Mrs. Chas. Atkinson were Mr. as well be getting on with their on horseback. After each day's and Mrs. Jas. Eagleson and work in parliament. fighting their flag was put away family of Greenway. The government leader, Hon. safely for the night. in the Bradley and Jimmy Gregus of ; Howard Breen, accused the morning it was brought out and Exeter spent Saturday eveniag, CCF of playing politics. The Lib- paraded through the lines of- sol - with their uncle and aunt, Air. orals hacked the government. diers so that all might see and and Mrs. John Spaeek. r The debate, though short, was recognize their own flag, This Mrs. Freida Francis of Chi- I one of the hottest so far this was important in olden days be- cago, sister of Mrs. Chris ! session. There were interrup- cause the flag was always kept Fischer, is visiting for a fewitions and catcalls and much desk beside the Commanding Officer -days with her. ;thumping, and served as a rallying point Mr. and Mrs, Wm. E. Steuer I Personally,. after listening to during battle. The flag in each cd North Tonawanda spent aj both sides of the argument, 1 regiment was very important to feW days with the former's is. think maybe the question should - them and was always carefully ter, Mr, and Mrs, Chris Fischer. 1 be given further consideration guarded and greatly venerated. • David McFalls celebratedhis before the house sits again on first birthday on Sunday. Guests I JulY 1, present were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, On July 1. the minister of na- Davis and family and mr, and I tional revenue, Hon. Geo. Now - Mrs. George McFalls and Joyce. !Ian, announced that at 4.30 p.m., Mr, Erwin Fischer of Dunn.! the new microwave TV trans- ville spent the weekend with his mission system across Canada • parents, Mr, and Mrs, Chris:from coast to coast, had been Fischer. I turned on for the first time. All Mr. and Mrs. M. Cox (nee 'provinces are now served except jessie Washburn) of St, Peters- I Newfoundland and they will be burg, Florida were guests with ! connected in a short time. lie the latter's cousins Mr, ,and t made an interesting and inspiring Mrs. M. H. Elston on Thursday, speech about the progress Can - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair, ae_ ada has made in our 91 years companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo of confederation and when he Flannigan: London, left 'Seam- had finished Mr. Pearson for the day morning on a motor trip to Liberals and Mr. Herridge for British Columbia, the CCF, expressed pleasure at David Elston underwent atir, the announcement and extended gvry in South Huron Hospital, their gond wishes for the sys- Exeter for the removal of his tem's success and for Canada's tonsils last Friday. future. Mrs, Mervin Elston, Accom- panied by David, Sheila and The Story In Wendy, attended the Highland Weekend visitors with Mr. and Scotch games al Embro„July 1. Zion Mrs. John McAllister were Mr, and Mrs. Emery Motz and boysi Ey MRS. JUD DYKEMAN of Pigeon. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denham and family and Mrs. en amSr. o irl,ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Males and . spend - Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Skinner, Exe., ,icnhgildren, of Toronto, are ter and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skin. a week. with Mr. and' IrIrs.' -alsoNorman Jaques and family. ner and family, Mr. Roy Air, Marvin Streich -preached ;Motz of Elkton, Mich. A family 'his farewell sermon Sunday picnic was .held on the lawn. morning, Rev. W Mr, and Mrs. Sam Skinner, herein, of Alvin, will be the new minister on the Karen and Gary attended the Woodham ebarge, beginning next Pym reunion which was held on, Sunday. Sunday in Riverview Park, Exe- 'Mrs. Lloyd Lynn, of Clande- Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD ter. • boye, is spending this week with Miss Jean Papin, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock. Mrs. David Thompson and daugh- • Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Jaques er Kelli and Mr. Billie Steuer and children were Sunday evea. of North Tonawanda spent Fri- ing visitors with Mr, and Mrs. day With their uncle and aunt, Allen Eveleigh, Kirkton. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ;End Dykeman were: Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, Billie, Marion and Ethel, of Ayr. Emily Dykeman is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman and children in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hero and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hern, were guests at the Schaeffer -Dobson wedding in Kirkton, on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haw- kins Kirkton were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern, Margaret Brock spent ilia past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, St. Marys. Mr. George Earl is spending this month with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock. Zion School Picnic Zion School held their picnic at Ipperwash last Friday. A picnic dinner was served at 12 o'clock by Mrs. Elson and her pupils. A =Tiber of races were en- joyed and the rest :of the after- noon was spent swimming. Mr, and Mrs. Chris Fischer. Family Reunion Dinner d supper were served by Mrs. Chris Fischer and her committee to the' Steuer family reunion which was held in the Lucan arena on Sunday when there were nearly 200 present. Mr. Gerald Fitzgerald of Strat- ford acted as M.C. for the °c- c,. ion. Michael Snell, four years old, of RCAF Centralia was the cen- tre of attraction (impersonating Elvis Presley). Guests were present from Ton- awanda, Chicago, Detroit, Wind- sor, Sarnia, Staffa, Dashwood, Dunaville, Fisherville, London, Port Dover, Lucan, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Mt, Brydges.' Officers for the year 1958 are president, Ed. Steuer, Dashwood; vice president, G. Fitzgerald, Stratford; secretary, Mrs. Abbe Mueller; sports committee, Ray Fischer, T. Thompson, London, and Richard P'eckham. -1-, South End Service i i it Used Car Buys 57 PONTIAC SEDAN-tutone. This car is in Perfect condition. It's a real buy for someone! 54 BUICK SEDAN - radio, dynaflow, nevi paint, ▪ excellent condition. 53 MONARCH SEDAN-tutone, radio. 53 CHEVROLET 11/2 TON TRUCK dual wheels, I stake rack. I. 51 CHEVROLET 1!,;2 TON TRUCK * single wheels, steel box. f50 CHEVROLET MOTOR • '30 MODEL "Aft FORD-excellent-colourl 5 Wanted 0.000 PW).- '.501$1 AUSTINS ! South Enc! Service PHOtile 't$f the BOW Thom 'Now Wed, tare Rus t & thutk Snell MORE 328 tXEtk Birthday Party On Thursday afternoon, Mar- ion Glen entertained in honor of her thirteenth birthday. Her guests were Bonnie Watson, Al- ma Lee and Marion Rowe, Birthday cake, which was decorated with thirteen candles, and ice :cream were served. Personal Items Mr. and Airs. Roy Hamilton and Gerald of Lucan spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, Miss Audrey Darling of Red Deer, Alta., is spending a few days at home prior to going to Toronto for further study of music, IS1r. and Mrs, Wes Watson. spent Sunday afternoon with. the former's mother, Mrs. Lin Cra- ven, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Etue and son of Detroit spent the Ameri- can holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd of London spent Sunday with 'dr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Sunday guests with Miss Mary Amos were Mr, and Mrs. Wilmot Gould of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Amos of Lucan, Mr. Toni Prest of Goderich and Mr. J. W. Amos and family, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn Steeper and son spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper, of near Grand Bend, Sunday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh and Mrs. James De Finney and Debbie of Ottawa. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan land family of Guelph are spend- ing the summer at. their farm home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr and Mr, and Mrs, aim Bennett of Toronto spent the weekend I with Mr, and Mrs. George Mercer. Comments About Crediton East By MRS, W. MOTZ Dr, and Mrs. GUIs G. Truett- ner of Strathroy and Mrs, Doug- las Taylor, Denise and Stephen of 'Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McKee on Sun- day. Fie Wm, AlcKeen after spend- ing two weeks here with his fam- ily has returned to Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. AfcKeen and son, Bradley have accompanied him for a month's vacation. Mr, Windsor Matthew of Lon- don. called on Aaron Wein last Saturday, Ronnie Motz of Zion is holi- daying with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrs. Wrn. liatherlay of Un - don spent a few days last week with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrg, Wm, Moir. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith and son, Alan of North Bay spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. 3. Nedaa and Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Hill and called on other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Edwards and son and Mrs. Bella Ed- wards of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, IT4 Lewis, 1Vliss Marcia Smith of Exeter is holidaying with her grand iriothere Mrs. Sam Bayttham. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Clan. vine Sr, of the Manitoulin Is- land are visiting with their sons J ile sources oflanada s 1957 $151 billion labour income were: agriculture forestry, s )1.1 n g, ctrapping and mining.. St billion; manufacturing $4.4 Nikon: OM. struction $1.2 utilitieS, teetrepertillinin tOMMUnientibti, Aterage and trtrje, blinOn; finaltec and services, including. governMent. OA billion; supple.- rrintary labour leittotriei $311 ,' same RS a sal- clerk - time, council ap- After attending the recent world conferenee of Seventh -day adrentist held at -Cleveland, -Ohio,: Mrs. Hewlett with Dar- :::tasn.d Carol -Jeanne travelled to Wineipeg, Man, to visit her The Exeter -reared clergyman has- accepted a pastorate in Ra - eine, Wisconsin and is due to take up responsibilities there on July 24. Until then he with his two sons, Teti .and Paul, are visiting with his mother. pointed Mrs, Eleanor Erskine, daughter-in-law of the late Mr. Erskine, as temporarary deputy clerk -treasurer, Salary of Mrs. ;Erskine, who bad been secre- tary to Mr, Erskine, will remain unchanged at $3,300, $tudio 'Closed For Vacation July 14 To 26 Inclusive Open ,Mondy, July 28 -0a/ti3 PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE 343 EXETER •RESSURE SYSTEMS'RUNNING WATER CONVENIENCE AT CANADIAN TIRE SAVINGS ROTARY 4EAR PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM Sell -contained, compact -.only 17x6x35" high. Direct coupled 1,4 h.p. electric motor, Pump Ls stainless steel and cast aluminum construe - Hoe with one bronze and on nylon gear. Air Control Valve; Heavy Gauge galvanized steel tank. Operates at 20 to 40 lbs. sure. Capacity up to 300 gal. e.r hour, 64-cyc1 res - e ...- 71 a95 CONVERTIBLE WATER SYSTEM Convert from SHALLOW Well to DEEP Well in a few minutes - at any time - at no extra cost! This approved r/4 h.p. CONVERTIDLE AUTOMATIC WATIP.IR SYSTEM .is coMpact. -. can be installed under sink or where space is restricted. Jet type: Convertible from 22 -ft. shallow to 50 -ft. +Jeep well. Automatic switch starts oump at 20 lbs. ' pressure and shuts off at 44 lbs. Pumping capacity varies at 20 lbs. pressure from 511 gals. per hour on a galvanized 2 -gal tank. 19x15x7" high. Complete • parts are balanced and designed making it almost; . noiseless. % h.p. hall -hearing motor. Rot -dipped heaVy 7.11, lift to 350 gals. per hour on a 50.11.. lift. Moving IMP GEAR TYPE Rotary Pump Extra Special Value 1 „ Vertical suction lift '22- .1 ft. Compact design. Well - cut gears and stainless steel shaft, with oilite bearings and grease cup. Compact design. Open- ing 2/2"; capacity 300 gals. 14.45 • • a-- ).1.„ Mar7271VangaRie.z ot • Flexible Plastic Water Pipe EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE .c E'or an cold water installations -including .j4 plumbing, irrigation, etc. LightWeIght flexibie, use only a screwdriver and hack - to ]ay below the djamr.-* 7n o, t5a.W to Install. No need ece.r .f.* frostline. nig 100-11, lengths eliminate" the ''',3"u"'MINA, number of Sittings required and sneer' up , 1" diameter 12.85 installation, Mao Plastic or hietal Couplings, Adapters,..Tees and Elbows GASKET CEMENT -Makes a perfect seal. 3 -oz. tube 4,49 PLASTIC SOIL PIPE -4" diameter, 8-11. length --. 3.69 STRAP IRON -Galvanized, %;" wide, 3041,. length 1.69 • .98 .14- cfians,,, e 10f,NGS4 '1/1" Malec Drill ' Lightweight, sturdy and , low coat. For farmers, mechanics and hobbyists. Aluminuin alloy rustproof frame. (Ante bearings. Universal motor, No-load speed /600 r p Tn.; full -load speed 400 r p m. nand- tite Chack, II" overall length. 1235 Portable Electric JIG SAW 7 saws in one - Crosscut, scroll, keyhole h a ck, rip, band and coping saw. Uni- versal AC 115 -volt rnotor. 3i/Z lbs. c= 24.95 POWER GRINDER With 4x1/2". wheels. With tool rests, oil • wells, 2" pulley and belt guard, 8" threaded spin - d 1 e. %" diam. With wheels. 5.85 Portable ELEC. SAW - 42.95 vigagnioqKer.ft,m.1..!,.4 rif!aiWE 2 -WAY WINDOW FAN Pivot -mounted. For refreshing breezes er as a kitchen exhaust. -4-blade a" fan. Sturdy wire gUard. Pits windows from 23 to 30" wide x lg" deep. 60.cyclo 10.95 • M"M8s • „. FOLDAWAY ELECTRIC FAN .Adjustable angle, straight blow type. 11" four -blade free -running fan. Chrome guard; grey base, 60 - cycle. Handsome 4 '‘ Nest of Saws Caulk* Gun Interchangeable pistol grip handle, plus crosscut hand, metal cutting, compass, back and pruning s a v, Iandies wood, metal, etc. 1.29 Set Cartridge type. Ratchet ac- tion. Easy loading with car- tridge listed below. 1.69 Caulking Compound Each .49 X.r.-5E.01.MIPKWArt,:.• Elec. Saw. SY*" size. Aluminum die,esSt housing. Trigger switch and telescoping safety guard. Ad- justable ripping guide. Instant release safety slip 42.95 , clutch t08 Cup :4 COFFEE MAKER Polished alu- Slack plastic handie. Detaehable •rt 450 -watt base .4 has many other uses. 4,49 .01' Heavy Duty Electric CORD SETS • 2 -BURNER • Electric Hotplate 429 With quick -cooking open -coil elements; single heat snap switches. 660 -watt elle* Ments can be used separately or Le* gether. Size 17141x9x5" high. 2 -Wire Cord 34irire Cord, Sets: • • , Sets: 10-1L 15 -It. 3.25 • 'ft.259 2641'' . 4.49 rtrt l 0 -ft. 4.59 304t. 6.98 PIECE --- ALL-PURPOSE Screwdriver S regular, 2 Robertson sq. point and one Phillips screw- driver bits in 1.98 handle CAIIIPENTER'S Comb. Square With level and scriber. 12" rule graduated in liths, 36tha, and 32nds. Wen made and accurate. top *IMAM 1.29 'Sleet Shook CLAW HAMMER Robber cushioned, thoeit abaorbing handle. Oren forged head. 16 -es. bead TUBULAR ttAcnsAw with natural grip haadie and thumb rest. Takes bladed 8 to 10". With 10" 1.69 blade 4 -PC. WRENCH SET Sizes 141 1 isie 6 -Pc. nettish $11te 3.15 Wretielt Set tilimmorommummomunimmortmomma*,.; E SPECIAL 1 Set Of 4- : ifg Floor Mats . I burble Robber 1 . 1 a r r*,r NAIL WHEEL. Attattes to wall or under shelf. molds 36 8.6z. jars. Con. venient visual 3.60 storage 30 -amp. Capacity Switch Box 110120 won Size 7x5x3" 1 blade 2 blade 1 fuse 2 fuse 2.49 3.29 (2) WIRING SUPPLIES .;i„ CO Exterior Gooseneck 2 -Wire Elbow For service wires to cottage, etc. WIWI intulatoconnector 1.89t r and (2) Saddle Type Strain Insulator -2" diem.; high; 21/2" screw. Porcelain.5413. Each (3) Weatherproof Spoilamp Holder Fry medium base spot or floodlamp bulbs. I Use around borne, cottage, etc. FILI; regular 4" Outlet box. Swivel adinst- ^ ment. Alttininuin. Z,98{ (4) Portable Outdoor LamphOider -- Cast aluminium; adjustable spike. For me- diwn base bulbs. 2.98 'Each Super -Suction Canister Pieces SOCKET SET Itteluderr most needed sorarets and t0016 1/2" and 14' aitea 365 Set .95 EASY TE RMS nstes tight alongside OaniaT ter vacuum cleaner% Selling; , at considerably nigher prices, Even the desirable smooth gliding neater Coaster 15 In.' eluded for y o r greater ilatldfing Ca8C. Riga vowet • % has. moor. liandatnne tWo. toner, Color styling, chrome Complete with tools and 5 Dispbsable Raga. Fit. ter belga. Enjoy the ctinVent. thee of s higher priced mo- del at a Save Safeist pried. snirrinerre un era rt netrenteerreramorrierrit • 436 Main St, .Exeter Phone 4i MDbn R 'UAW 1 SPECIAL :soft, Pliable 1 2 Chwoat t Mh 80. 10 S 29c 1•90101MIntiliMunWIWIMMIWIIWWWW:Yitirk.