HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-31, Page 4Ft
"t7(143 EUROPRAN N E t' S.
Thirty perass. bas bees eeensessd to ma
manly t fur Wing saeoasted la ibs
>Mrbas sits.
The vast s6tatM of the Earl of Mount.
coshed, in the caremy of Antrim, are mow is
the market, and weal b. set up for sale is
four diatom's, on the gtb of November.
TM Encumbered E•ta'es Comml.uoner'
are about to pi_c. en'tber large prop••ery
` to the market, construnkr of the finis name,•.
Of V a l 0 •rl, roomiest 1n t'. 1 d„
amble or the enuntTr of (i,l*.,.
The D1*Ntn Evertor P',.•0,.,,, of Thor..
day, .tate. that Henry G. Hotfoot. F. q •
has been appointed Solicitor G.•nrral, ,0
morn of Mr. Ilatchell. Ile b a Catholic,
end hold.' a high poaltioo at the Chancery
Twgntaro r
the elle of es
salsa have been lodged is the Encumbered
Commission Court during the last week, un-
c!uJing oo. from the trustee• of the late
Earl of BI• aington, making a total of 1229.
The ennatitnene• of Cashel have ►•goes/
led Sir Timothy O'B71en to retire front Par
ltament as their representative, as they are
convinced of his tnefiSaency, and comsegnent
ineligibility, to represent them.
In Wexford harbor, 2000 acres of mod
have just been converted into eactltent land
tinder the management of Mr. John F.
Redmond, and to tents and complete the
whole, 1000 bands are wanted by the Mme
The Repeal Association met on Monday
et Conciliation Hall, Mr. P. O'Counell in
the eh air. The rent for the week was •n-
■ onocsd by Mr. Jobs O'Connell to be £18
1111. Thi. included £6 16.. received from
Bo.ton, America, and LI from Scotland.
The Dublin Evening Pnet exp
confident opinion that the Pope will not
denonnce the new Irish Collegea. "The
Pope h u acceded to the French system,
and it is simply riihralou• to preirnd that
the (lead of the Catholic Church will repu-
diate the much more Catholic system of
India continues tranquil throoghont
The civil war in the Nixam's territory lune
been terminated by this revolt ofa battle
u.dlet*1-Nute.t ...d term WSW Mrlad w
Iaw ten
eM t►ttay ,. ace 1., .s sl q.1 ,.1 th- yewruts poo tied ter . hen'. .mid, tasi•IV.
ereretwd foto •. The toilsome oil the 'wrier lr1s, •Id N; "
' ftO'd "' ee'"V Ig S11 .
messes ' ire vl the wrenwow , sod an N r time was lust to d ire bM toe Ma
tsturalist meld desrrib. the prnyort n,nv el en. Thor tray road. • a) base veer 04".
tate woodevfwt;mto o•eter clearer or more lie them u M I..w. ra
rewu Firraes, te h. Q meat'
tit nrnala..au of T.rw re, g1e.aly Q.eee
fore Ms imam flew teese
e.rrployed by tho
rude ch hares of 'Ours."
A gen tient .n named Travers, not "Royer
." et that alk, ant "JI're a Travers, 1.1
.utenanl. Co4.t (ieard,•' it a tetter to Ile
CorkEsewi.er, tilos blows to the entitle
all the fables 11 1 • sea erpeoi s visit to
r,eded , s 1 s.g er ti say that •.or u' v
"Sir -i unJe and that a corrr.pnndeel
o(y0r$re has lore the. s• a seri ant ("rho war
n o ron.fr.ctgding as to throw ,n hoard hi.
boat • few shell 8.h for Lett.) end 1• at wl
batons to confer with Mr. Roger W. Tri.
v.•rse, •aid •o he of his.rllage, ohne* nam.•
ham figured tm the (institution ort the Moth
of Augnes Anil 8th of arp`.udwr, 1 beg to
o reuro you that there a nu such person so
'ger W. Travers residing to this part of
Yacht e 1 tf n o per -
so vis • t e r weed by •
mon of that Christian nam. -nn skin n, scale
has been left at the Cast Goerd Detach-
ment near Horn It `ek, nor have my sten,
or the fishermen along the cgs., heard et
or seen such a moo -ter. 1 am gory the
public and the editor of the Cork Consols
lion should have been so shame:oily homed
by persons from Bandon, whose tames are
I am, Sir, your obedient servant.
Janes MIAVRaa.
Lout. Como Guard."
Nearly 40 years ago. and during the progress
of the las: war. which raged with unabated fury
• IOog the whole line of the Nug.r* frontier. Brl-
felo au mien and hunt by the British-Tnroo-
ro captured and destroyed by the Americans. -
The former was then an moored of trade and ee-
ilizatiuo at the foot of Lake Erie, from which
stretched an •Iron• unbroken weld•roes. east-
ward to the Mohawk and the I1O.•os-the latter
under the nen'. 01 York, or more f.mtlioly known
■ ■ •` Little York," the embryo capitol of Upper
Btioeh Aorerieeo sties. We had .ierw 4g.t-
ten to eoeati..i that toe ledle. d Reit. *me
',v. -sewed .mr.g.t the violater. The Earl sad
Count.", of E leia were ammo at the hall asel
owner which followed. u were elan all the mem-
bers of the cab.set tied kgialgt are was wee. Own
to inns.
Neat day the visit.,s were trea•ed with • re-
view of the troops is the g•r'i.na. In eh* evey-
mg they .tleti4ed • few rhs...ada prepared fro
thew at Elms'w Villa be the Governor General
A t r.pe•t was laid enders apsrio•a tent,
ro ieh the romps., ..t down et eta ..'clock
his Excellency pr.•idlag. Th. waste of the
Qneea • of ih• President having been agd,n Iia.
pnrd of the Ooveroor O•a.r.l gave Ilse ••i.a1iee
d Rrlraln," which c.11e,1 for Dom • Rud+lo^.-
me, who, in evolving. did sot ...dark the maty
•lament qualities of the '•R.ffdo gala," the
muter er toot of he •. Ln lie. n(Toros rn." Then
followed the '•CI', .1 Redtlo." propnrd by hi -
Excellency and responded to r
was shnut to given retorts the ''Curt tit T•wnn.
'n," when the little d•ueht', ..( Lord F.IsSe sod-
denly appeared hrrween the flmw.olthe 'wncoon.
tries. ooh wh ch rho tent win d•enett.d, which.
so a Iona omen. pr. durrd r.th .n rff^rt epos the
worthy wool, that he prOpnr•rl h.r ranter in.r..d.
to the great .atie6ctinn of Indy Elgin. Flr.•
weeks and rhfoidg co°cluded the fenivies of the
Neat day the visitors recrossed the lake nn
iheir way home, escorted by th• d•pnuti.n,
whieh met them a Lewiston. And the ended
this plr.r.ingineii.ut, e'mirot.n pl •sing to tbn.e
who conumpl+te i1 frnm a dinance. a. it, 'he
portion more immediately ennornee. Some retie.
rn affect to feu, that • succession n( nerh eirib.
'ties might pan the way 10 Inn•tetion. Rot
whilst the incident is goe.tion haat do much oh.
jots, it cgs have no each modem -v. The reset,
of •eels 'item would he to *often those asperities
0f f•,line, oriel ,ally 6ecasi..ned he mutual i•.j.'-
ries, and since kept ■lie. he • 0erv•sioe of li'er-
stan, to which • portion of the o•ein-!ieel mem
nrdortureteie lends itself to this clay. 8hneld
they h•eom. Im.gn•nt, they would do mote in •id
the tens. of ,n moron peace than eon'd be ef-
feeted h► ill. mere teaching. of philnnthrnpv nr
BEG m lentos» se the tehat„uses of the
1 Townships Asdaneb. Siasky ctrl C.4 -
'mute. that soder • wooer of Atte,.., tn•w the
BARON DE TUYLE. dared she Win April,
1.49.1 ate aothortsed t.dep.r. ef 6w LAN DM
Ian .hew Towsdyr-. awl to gross Tito D.ed fro
the sine -sadists• to ,olleet •11 Mev gs* hiss.
•..d ie (mot Du charges for the some 1
ierebr rPgreq .11 pe►.res isdabied to the sad
INrou de "ley le forthwith to mole so !heir way
.eytive debt,.
tioderieb, &6 May, 1tl)0. 3.-.15'f
BEG to i•uitate to all that it may eooe.rs,
OM 1 Mee ander • power of Altorsey stout -
.d to \V1I,I.IAM STORY, athonxed him to
r .thea oil m ase• dee nit either by Nut/ of
hand or oih•rw.te, nsd ergot dtoeh.ree• for the
Int.. Aad I hereby r.que•t all proems indebted
,u ma totthw.tb 10 mole the same mid save
Goderieh, With day May, 8511. .3n17
rP II E Subscriber hermit been appni•led Agent
at' in' mates, that he te prepared to retrive Sub-
-e,ipnnns for Stock in the Proprietary Branch.
arra •i,pneatioms for I..omaee• In the Mutual
Branch. and so give e.eb information on the
*object as may be regalred.
Goderich, 26.h Sept. 1849. 2•-a34t.
FOR S`.4 L E.
• the Lake Shore, and a' 8, 8 and 18
til es from Goderieh, with email Farms at
tnrh A. Also -ONE IIUNDRED Molding prior a.snruo.ni 01
LOTS in the new laid out Town Plot of TINWARE Of every description.
Wicklow, on the 18 mile River, and on ti's Thr sob•etlher IIkN lhl! OpiNrriunhty Of relur•
•rain road from G-.dench to the flourishing ning his sincere thsoks to the Puhlie for she awry
ettlementa to the new county of Bruce. literal patronage he has received since he bin
Terms -One fourth of the purchase mon been in business in Godertch, and hnprs by tit rirt
ev down, the remainder in Four instalments attennnn to business, and moderate prices, to
with interest. Apply (if by letter post- continue to receive a .hereof the public patronise,
I I 11 I
AN excellenot opening for • good Ws
Ren frisker wall et permit he (mod in
he riving village of Clinton, situated at Me
poem., of the roads loading Irons llawdtom
sad Louu.iun In Gtolerich, and being ter lee
tulles duiant from the. latter. This mane
le surrounded by t1,e moat pro•peroos
'leineni 1n the Iluro° Tract, and already
nromt.es to become • place of MUMS minor
t' lure. Thera are now several tradesmen
In it, and • good workwao an the shove
U e 5111 a.euredly meet with liberal en-
For wither particulate, •pplullIoo may
he made to B.rrlay lavlu, Blaclsnoth Clin
u who. will chti•rlul:y give ausial.ssco 10
the person w'ihtng to continence • *aeon
..eking sin the above named villig••.
Clinton, 23rJOct., 1880. ve1-636
1►i 111
i i
f1 J 0
✓ HESuboeriberbeestoioformihelohahilw,
1 of Guderieh and us •icioity, that he hu re.
ceived a Large Sarply of the LATEST IM-
which he offers for SALE as very
The &thee,fher also keeps on hand, as usual.
n his 01.1) SPAN D, a LARGE and very Bo•
pard) to the propnemr' ti PAPER tied BELT. HANGING colied
Canute, neeopv,ng • lonely ere oo 'ha bank. n( philosophy. It i• beams.. of chi• that we wish JOHN fiAWKiNS. ZING.
n large shallow hay. on the northern .hors of to sae th. ezarnple followed, and •n glad in find on as heretofore. WILLIAM STORY.
Lake Onl+ria etre mirneel.,od the rhaR• hal, in imiueinn of what M. taken plste.Mnnt- Goderich, March 18, 1850. 3t-n8m6 Ooderich, 6th Sept. 1849. 9.-.3ltf
• within that short period of time ! The deter, ...I and Wyman ore ahem, in interrhenge civili-
ha now become peopla•1 and Western New r,N L.aden (Eaglets. Doily New.
y,,,k i• now nue broad cooants of cultivation, AND SPECIFICATIONS.', TWO GOOD FARM S
dotted with ri-ing eiii.nand room. and interfere -FOR SAI.F..
d ll directions with cans': railway. and ANOTirFR DREADFUL STEAMBOAT THE Subscriber bete leave to inform the
It In ■
gnat lines of common road. Tho northern shore EXPLOSION AND LOS-, OF LIFE. Inhabitants of t s District of Huron, ONE within 9 miles, and the other with
which the Nlzatn's troops utterly defeated air. The forest hes. to a grrat'mwtor., diap- Kett. Fleminty Captain Dnnhatn from Louie
fought at Akute on the 20th of July, In of the lake hits undergone ■ minder m•amnrpho. PADUCAH, KT . O •t 7. -Thr eteemhoat and this ntighhnnng Districts., that he has in about 3 males of G
- 1..T
e nd hspersed those of the refractory Nawab peare.1 from its hanks-rvery ■visitable huhoar tulle for C•Iro horst both 'hoe tinders on Established himself in Stratford, Plot. The Bret ie 10 in 1st Concer
Sion, Township of Gnderieh,
oderich T
- 1(Lar6 9
CA N bo consulted at all hoary, at
Nee. Nan. F Gooding-',. flew-5ia
G•derlch, Sept. 1 Slab. 1848, 59 -
HAHItI$TFtt, $tlLl(ITOH, &c.,
General Agent& C'onveysrccr
Ort. 1, 1849 1.111
Solicitor is (looter!. C
iia, his office In Weot Street, Godericb
Goderich. Zed J•nnary. 1881E 2''-049
and Conveyancer',$elieft r fan CkinamrJI
Has hi, office i• formerly. in OtnlfrrN.
Si wrote, 2nd January, Ws. 9.-041
N. B. -Mr. Stilleben. ref the late Mm..
Strachan k L`zarr, continuer to set as
Agent and Counsel for Mr. Lipp in all
mar:•rr referred to him from Afn
i)IXIE WATSON of Underfelt,
ARRIST£R AT LAW. &e. !e. and
Ire of the firm of Herter. Weller ,ad Williams.
Rarriet•n, de. Tomato. heels, chis day watered
'inne ip, in the Practice. sled Pres -
'inn • f LAw. Cna.cee• •ad C cute,
will in future keep their OIRee. at Gaderieh sad
Stratford, re.pelively, soder the same, style
mid firm of WATSON sed WRudiui.
1)1x1. Wormy,. O.,'erleh.
Guises W lutea., atestf.rd,
24th Deremher. 1849. 9,-•47tf
Someday at noon, and afterwards burned to and it prepard tri give Plans and Specifica-
lized character of the district, bee occurred •d by a mu me e . am t The accident or -cored near Walker •Bar, Nil. 1 Dams, e. ,
*3 A:ipnre, in the itmnedtnte neighborhood de °, end h, s e.iltnq 11-.t wish m 'nnnete equ.l a here she had grnnirroi halt had got off' the superintendence of such Erections, on and at the other by a Public Road, -and
of the
Slits; It nri¢inatrc in some Sepocs 'o that of.oma n(aha mean . sts is of Eurni.. the most reasonable terms. the second is LOT 8 in 8th Concession,
9n .meetly have th. magas 0(rnmmaniratio„ when the ball rang to slacken her speed.
of the Alipore Mihtis (off duty) having got been improved that the twin capitals of the tar end instantly ifter, the examine took Ilia thorough knowledge of his profession Colborne, \\'•Division,
a well-deserved thrashing from the tnh*bt nn„h-win We sow •ecrseihle from Liverpool m thee• - It a thosght--Ibat the seeident Was and hie practice a B'a'lder, qualifies him for CONTAINING 100 ACRES,
tents of that locality for1Ma11ia[ a roep•'c; as short • time as that in whi,h they could for- caused be the want. of- water. any undertaking in the line. Address post and is /situated at the Junction of two Pub -
paid, PETER FERGUSON, Tic Roads.
Builder, kc.. k.e. Stratford, C. W." For Particulars apply to
wnnnArl"unnn,yt them the Captain an Stratford, March 8th, 1849. 2v-n7tf JNO. McDONALD, Eitq.
Goderic6, 12th lues, 1849, o9 -if
IV ¢.•rnu•i v, and nineteen are reported as badly OTICFf-The undersigned by power of
Captain Denham *n•1 •tyro others were 1 Attorney darer' the 27th day of Mag. 1850, CANADA LiFs ASSURANCE
oat the hurricamn deck at the tune. and wer. even him by Thomas 0. W110dliff, to eohecl
hlow-n several feet int • the air. Some fell I all n usundtnq dells doe the Ire Firm of Stiles C t) .51 1' A.V Y ,
and Woodhff. and biotechp.rennally-r•gaert ■n
".n the wreck, and others into the water. I immediate settlement of the same or the, will
The (Neter raved the,n.elveo by •wimn,ieg• i to given to the Clerk of the Division Coon for
The .,(e containing a largo amount of ' collection, .e.£NJ. PARSONS.
money helon¢ing to the hoot, and the de- I - Gnderich, June 12th. IaiO. .3.19
on its of the pa-.on¢rre was lost, but it ie
thought will be recovered.
Dr Jones and other physiciano left this
city thin mammy, to render assistance' to
the sufferers..
A NneiRL RActs -A rvt'tcr • novel rare,
which we were unable In roti'• in our tet
'sae, toiok place on the Kingston Conroe
on lami Saturday. The rare mer between
e man and s horse. and the he, which was
taken no by Mr. Henry Armstrong, of this
rat,, • native/of the .porting county of
Frrioan.gb, which by the way is celebra•
t -J for its productions in the way of men
and horse., wee that the hone eboeld rue
200 yard. whsle Mr. Armstrongran 100.
A horse remark able Ire his guie Mart, (i
go'..? paint in a rare .if tri• d•rertntinn),
war firm -tired from the Prince F 'ward Di.
trim. The venal having been choatn, the
cempetitora etarted, the borer, leading.
The race, however, one clot -elle w..n .hy
Mr Armstrong, who made excellent time.
hooting the bone about 20 yard.. As it
woo not generally known that such a race
.os to come off, the spectators were few. -
The Argus.
fn outrage,
which i' proem• w now the Ina ofa 5g plough-
An onlrage, most Jisgraeerul In the eivis 'rade, alt it• ran -e lonely +sten are berg pal Doth rhe water..dgo. trans of Public or Private Buildings, Bride- I A of .r ems o! Ili• hottest hu- bull D k kc ke and wall take Is bounced at the
one end by Lake Hurnn.
table woman of th.ptere. The Repays deli m.ry he nsched from New York For many Ten Perera• aro repotted to have been
to their lines for as*irtanee, whereon Ihatr acus after'hr peace the reminiscences of the kilted o► ml.•iN(: omen or eight were
comrades turned out, and proceeded to treat win kept olive in both commoner.. the ...neerba- d
Alipore and Its inhabitants ea if It had been tion «1 ("olio( in which in incidents gore rise:
p enemy's town taken by storm. hot the mon. trequent and bundler mi•rrnor 'of"
TIhe chert of iog'siry •ppmn'ed to report. lite ren ha. hear grsindly .ffacing all unfa-
on lbs eondnel of the Sikh Vale prisoner. r"bl. Imprrrioee, ad the occasion *bleb
''''•.•(•asws Intuit '1" -"""instils was the crowning art
at Ailohabad, rare come to the eoactcrt••n ,hair reconciliation.
that a p101 existed for this rescue of theAt• On •pri.hi morning in the month of Attesat
tarns 81,da,e. 8 I Were were pro hut a apodal train left Buffalo, taking the dir..c-
ducted, which showed that • correetdoedenee tion of bake Ontario. Tn reach the lake it had
had been kept up between the Ranee Ctomer..nnds to tomer.. nearly the whole 1
of ihr Nag -
at Nepaul and' the prisoner ever since they an River, anti as it pr0r..d•A alunq 'hr A neri-
bsd suited at Allarb+end, ran bink off -the scream, ih• gamily e•.mpaoy
whieh 11 ermined hod ■mDl• nppnnoni,v o(n•
THE SEA SERPENT CAUGHT. dert,ng o m all!
P1nline hi•toro i,n id•nrs 'nf
The Cotk Examiner contains the follow• whieh, like all eih.r hont.r en,ntries, dist (rm•
log scampi of the rapture 01 lbw Sew Ser- tier had Men the scene. On •tern.,,. t',ey hod
pent at Youghal, which has been furnished e• their left. no the Canadian shore. r.ppneite,
to that jo'trnal by Mn. William Linehan of FortF.r'v, memnr.bb from this imp -intent pan
the drainage wn,ki: which It played in th• drama M. the lair war. A
&taTbe mighty monster hie been at length hide further down. and Rleekrork, on their own
Seemed. For the last throe years a work o'de, angge,ted t t the'► mind r.rneni.c•nrd, paer• of
of rest magnitude hal been carried on here. Ili. evate"°"1-N*., IA.nd wit• anerais•
Drier the Drainage Commie.ieeete, which ed. (*Mona as the- lase resort of the Canadian In-
sorree'ion: after which mime Sehl-wet, invested
had for its object the recovering of a large wish hi•,nric cri.hrit• by the horning n( the Car-
t►ael of land frnm the enema .cbmatN n( the olio.. It w** wnc.ly prawn. ere Cnrppewa, nn
msg. Hundreds of mea, of horses rind don- the CeL•da birds. mealier! the r•cnit'rmtnn$ of
key., have leen employed there raising the win. A few miles further dews. and Mr.'
• from both ends an immense mould which the mists of Nisesrs might be disr.rord, on the
Was la meet, and b. stetted at the centre, ram. bank, Londi's Lane. the most desperate!,
Inc the told exclualon tit the waters. Iest enneea.d field of the conflict, th- errand of the
grew cataract i'i•if ha•ing been drowned in the
terly lbh ha. been drawing to a ti'r'e cennud.d• of they f•arfol night Mr.11 further
down, n4 on ib• nm -r ren hank, we• 'h.
Drv,l't 11.1e." a deep yawning chem in the
pseipitnud hanks which nvrhaig the (amine
tepid*. and Where brave men fighting together
were hurled honarods of bet down late the
channel, and the rush of the w stern through
It et each tide was really terrtfl Roi'n
going op the river hove been *holed into
it with a vio•esce that de6•'•t all the eget.
tions of the rowers. fab Sstnruay Inst all
was 1111 reechoes., for the final clu•mg of theI preen,.i' whorl, the whole •ron••d 'ray roe.!
g.p-planks, piles, hosts. an I rafts, laden I war i l•nt6-d with the moat stirring a•.ociuti••n•
with beavv stoner. As Lr. Larkin, the
superintending engineer, was standing on
the 'gimes tteoued, ordenmg the me., a
mighty animal was men moving op Ibe
harbor, Its head about ten feet erect above
abs surface of the water, and its tartar
eyes touring quickly in all directions- it
was the famous gra serpent. On reaching
that point of the channel npp--gate the work•
(It wa •then nearly high Ude) thus animal
seemed to feel and to like the rol:ing cur•
rent, and it glided in on its surface through
the gap with • majesty w h ch no words can
aiicq ably describe. The man working
there were, for some seconeo, struck dumb
with amazement, and those at the extreme
points near tho water felt the q t ck into.
puce of an electric .bock as the animal gel.
Jai hy. "C b,tyr,' said the engineer,
after reentering hts presence of mind, "Ips
n• push on the work, and the lad is serum.'
Night and day, and even Sundry, did they
labor incerrently at filling op the gip,while
the mangler was performing strange evoltr-
none in the still water inside. Then was
tea large sluice opened to let not the cnnfl
nod lake ; and gradually were left bare the
scaly sides of the serpent. On Monday
mornii(, the animal was dead on the dry
pleb, end the mon of the stoke carried it off
in pieces to Mr. VerlinA s e•tab:i.hment,
*her' it is at this present moment bring
nov.rt.dinto oil. A'•d thus the greet sea
wrp.nl is no more. Should any noes amu'
he troth of the above statement, let him but
mei, this plate, and he can convince him
self. H. will enol the gap el'wohh the Ira
MAIM' strand perfectly dry; and that part of
it where the serpent died rill beanag the
deep marks of the monster's last fearful
it would snpegr, however, from the fol.
lowing enmmnniestinn, addreraed to thb
Waterford New, that there most be anew
mistake it the above eircn• stannai detail,
as tie tea day after the monster is seated to
have hems converted into oil he in seen
'•spertimg his Ogura" in the Waterford
,•W'b.re,wrdoobts may have Moth hither
to ewte►tained regarding the enttenrs of
this Oreng* anginal, hg sudden and unmis
takable apposennee in nor river places the
meow beyond ell controversy. He was
seem oo 1' 'why I..t et that Slip by • pair
'(reaper., who is then aezfety to escape.
6oeg tb.ir brogues end wallet int. the
w•let. Toe pews fill&wg were terribly
-sher..wins ic.reely a ser alone the line fr.tm
Lab,. Ere to Lake On,aa which woe 'ant 011.
nen to come conflict or 0l •r domini 'he ion 1.
sal yeas of ihr war. The company who. 011 the
eeeseino alluded to, tse,sed this him•nrle
ground, were the mayor and corporation. and ■
,»dy reereatoteAon of the c'Mzene 01 B.dsln,
whit were on their wee% on rho Hot invi•ati .nor
the mevor, cinnamon, and a i,z•ss of Toronto.
and of ihr memh•rn of the pro„^eia1 legiah'ore
then in P•.un0, to r•'nrn a ermrp'imenary visit.
which bad. • short tint- preeinaty, bete paid
them from the Cenedien e•piul,
At Lewi.vin they were met by a Jepuntins
from the corporsiion of Toronto and the Ureas
of .\.rtrnhv. flow difbrent wan tho scene Isom
that which, in the recollection o(m•ny thee pre•
sent. the tame *pot heti 'witnessed less then half
• century before Opposite woo the f eadien
town of Quern.tim. behind which onte that fa -
mem Qn-rn•tnn bete'. is; . wht•e the Arnm,esas
fourth* with • curette worthy of ihair blood, and
E.:glani .ocrificeJ nn• of the bravest of her n18.
cele to v'ctory. The freer end the ner*•inn
were worthy of tach other; the lofty mnnam.nl.
entad nn the heights in the memory n( th• pI-
lant Brock, looking down upon the spot where
the representative* of the Ion renple nnw met in
plttite airtime! friendship and in mutual obli•inu
.f firmer irtjnria'.
This parr nroreed-J down the rivrernm Lew-
iston in a fkitieh *reamer dirp•tehed for the or -
minion. The lo.er ts e* meet, mewls led es is
the npp., pert of the esteem with the incident,
n( the wit. of which they talked as • h•rberiiy
which w,.nl.t not Iyer repetition. A. they enter.
t,d from the tient wpm L.k.O•t.o i, they p•nr-
ed between the °ppnrito (extreme. of Niewvie
and Fort Georg., eb,'et half ■ mile apart, from
hnh r.f whirl, they wen saluted, and neer which
8tet•A no Inert, in mre.l de8.n.e het to
friendly ria ery. the ostio.al emblems of the mo -
starchy sod the repeMie.
After sourly awe hon' .to*miag crew the
lake, the hew-Ivisg rhnre se (`•noel• loomed upon
their ,iso. On ',redo, it met tni►riet rhe hay
of Tortola. they fon-d ihem..lve• still werroaed
with the mom^.iM of I pest wrote* OA 'h•
point of the long tongue et I.e•1 while's shelters
the M, from the Iske were the re.deins .! e
'•hHme►hewn.,"• species of •nempnri•..f fortress,
better knows 19 Anwneon rho, F.onpeaa war.
fire. ()peewee, 011191, m•Inhlnd she RwRalnei-
as were pointed set the Wm of the old fort on.
der whieh, om,tli► •ppreeeh of the Aeneemo., •
miss wee Mone, toy 'ht Mrmtiee RAti.h. whts
'hs rep.tlina general permeate by the •epinsire
The Americas nnw esn•rieseed an equally
warm. thnu,h • Atl(:rett ksA d reeep•iom : few
rh•y wart mot in the_ My by sinister.. veektq
mad Meiling eel ft of rill ileal., al whited from the
Owl es tear emote their W., •p in ihr city. no
the 'say* they were met by thrumsndt of the
papdstiss, who weltonw) them with shoats as
.woman ss 'boy wen orrteffewn. A preemoims
1' IIE ouhrirnber offers for SALE his
▪ GRiMT and SAW MILL, situated ID
the Town.hip of M•Gillitray, on the Big
Sable, within three miles of Flanagan'•
Corner. The Mills are now in nperatlon,and
newly built. The Privilege tr the beet o0
the River,. and sitna'ed in the beat Town.
shin in the County of Hinton -well settled,
and Reedit opened in all directions to (weer
it. The Machinery and materials are of
the eery het Anality, and pat up by the ve-
ry bee( Machinists. For Puticul•rs in-
quire ofJamer Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap-
ply to the .nb.rnhor.
M*-G'1!ieray, 111th Jaena►v, 1960. 2v50tf
e'7'Tbe Galt Reporter will insert the
shave motel i.rb.d.
Woiru Iit.anD RROATTA.-it wilt be
seen nn reference in nor orlon'', frog eo'mmn•
shot the Wolfe [man 1 Regatta ram.. tiff
on Thur•Aay. the 24th instant. The pries
to he contended for a e rrnoeually large,
(tmm.nting in all to £105). and strong
eompotiIinn may he exsected. We per
Novo it is timer to this wnriA. On. Amer.,.
Callfriends from Sarkett'n and Oswego ere
expected. and no d.n•ht alert the anreo.•fnl
enmpl'titon from the Montreal Regatta.
We rhmnld b..d.hghteh to see Rotnud•on
from Toronto. and the two Thenen rowers
of the Rif.' Rrigsde, otmtend mor the Cttsm
pioeehip.-From the management the
Regatta ie tinder, fair play may be expeel-
f. •
• h'
is our Telegraphic Report of Monday eve. -
Ing, it was stated that a diepas had arisen
amongst some coloured people while discesang
the Fugitive Slave Law. and that it had been
attended with serines . The New
York Henld of Mo.dav manning got.., how-
ever, • A linyeit ,Prainn of the *tory. A power.
fel hlaeh wilnr, aimed Peter Howlange, wen
had bees confined soma time i° a luneue •sylose
had recovered so far as to wanly' the physician,.
ordering his r -• •- •td shortly afterwards.
whether from the effee•• ..1 pints or some ether
caste, his malady retuned, and he stacked
some .hipmetes, sad armed with a bedpost, b•2t
definite* to .11 tip- hien. He was fioatlr
k,oeked dews awl tweeted. Ogre mw we, killed.
another is et ..n • in • t he life is d.•
soared of Ow female. awl aewtsI of the
pone., were ales ken. Unwisely ie said is he
a native of the Seendwieh islands, and was a
sil.w o• hoard the prig F.Iir le' arrived
fa New York fay a few weeks Weer. -Glia
Ma. 0000i n Tone...pt.-From the .1....,
eleveripiite .AieA •11 the Metiinal pigpen have
lately gime as of the power esti pathos of Mr.
Gnegh. as • I.wuprro.ee leetsrer, ear eileeM
may look forward to a treat Mosadisory ehuae-
rer, as Mr. G.. will Hetes ie Tessera a
Ne rvwiag.1 Wodoeday. He is as tawprie
rod so.rw.sg sivweem et the waw he ha.
.ros..,-d..d dt'evewSsre be pea, his leveret
prowl ata .tt/esdee .ad sA , 109S0.-
Godtrieh Mills. 5th December. 1ri49 4C -1I
T the Godeneh
FRANCIS FiSHLEIGII bets to iuform•his
friends', and the public generally, that he he•
eetabliahed himself 1a the above Village, red
hopes by strict attention to the comfort lead eon-
ven'itct of Travellers, to merit • share of their
patronage. Gond Stabling and as attesetive
Gomm ie sitendenrr.
Mitchell, May 15th. 1850. 3.-e15
THE Subrriber having been appointed
Agent of tho
is prepared to receive proposals for Atom -
ranee, and will be happy to afford to any
person the nece.enry information, W to the
principles of the fontitntino.
Gnderich, 31h Jnne, 11449. r v2n 9tl
(Near Mkt Wharf Coderich,)
TETE above Hotel han gn.•d accomodation
for travellers, Stabling, kc., Lc.
The Packet Mary Ann will leave Gn,le-
rich (wind k weather permitting,) regular
ly twice aweek fen the Kineardine-8.tt:e-
meat. For freight or pae.age apply to
Capt. Rowse at the Kincardine Arum.
Go-terich, March 2fioh. 1850 ,i8 -T3
• t$RIP? ?II)e IL••).
-Th Mhsenher harms pitchout] the tater-
rat n( Mn. C. J. Vi Mann to the •b ave
tibll.hn,el'i, to about tU COn.IDll. lee Bo•• -
nee on hie own rc•poonh'I:tt. In returning
thanks t., the publ'c for t Ito very Lateral en
couragement received by One k SVtison.
he begs to intimate that he wilt coneto°il,
keen on hand an •e.ortment of Superior
('A•T19es, consisting of C O O K I N G
Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer-
ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs
of the moat Imaroved Slnold.,-hlaf.T
Rf)LGi;1iS, Turning Lathes. .wears
Rollers. 4-c. THRASHING MACIlINg..-
of a *opener description to a:iy hitherto
introduced, and hotter adapted to this coun
try front their lightness of draught, a A
strength of eonstructlon. A call from in-
tending porch is regnerted before pow
cha.ing et.swhereThe above will be sold
at Low Rates for Cads or Trade, orateor
wposding rates on approved credit.
A. B. ORR•
Stretford, 90th June, 18110. 2v -n20
rro BE SOLD. --An Expel-
lant FARM. being LOT Ne. 12, MAIT-
1..1ND CON C ENS ION, Township of
(; .dertch, contai.ing 100 acre, -30 of which
i. cleared. The ,and is of a snpcnnr quali-
ty, and well watered. it i•,ituated exact
le nine mile. from the town ofGoderieb on
hos flume Road, and at the jeectien of six
different reads; e. -d a• it is in the eeotre of
• portions and proeperoue locality, it Mee
ealiemlly fidgeted for o Tavern steed or •
Store. 'Chea farm i, well .atili.d en the
%ftestionof presnne doirows of so elfglW
•,matins for huanese, red will be sold on
very rseeowahls tense. For particulars
apply to D. H. LIZARS, Lad Agent.
()alerts II, Joni IO, 15511. ty-U90
Aad Gement Deal.• is Grncen's, Llgeon,
Pekoe, Oils, N•reids's, Dye Beds,
Hardware, rte.,
Preseriptioes di•peesed with accuracy red
prnmpri•nde. 3..e15.
W 'i.1. attend SALES in any part of the
County os r.san.able Terme. Ap-
ply.t his Rosaries, Liel't-House Street.
Goderieh, Aeri1 41b 1540. v -9a
Thaw doers Cast .f mks C.w.d. C.',. (Pct.
August tt7th. 1849'.
BOOT and SHOE Maker, one door West
of Mr. George Videad,, Blacksmith,
Eton t sores t. G••derlch ,
Apr': 26th, 1850. vie S
/royalty erotic,
Ovmmissinner Qttrrn's Bench,
l TI.RihFn
inrimat. in the iababita els o
v' VV (;nd.rMi, h •end the ,o're.°di.e cooairy,
'het he has commencer busily,* at Cnsvey
Grneril AReat and Accountant. wed hy sonde -
nee anrnlion, oratory and modems chargee,
hnprr, to be ur(ul to such as may r.geire bb
wr,ueta. Thou wishing to employ him is say
tit the •hoer branch., will please call at 1011
Repis'ry 41m, .. Lithihno.. Norte,.
Goderich, 13th March. 1850, vial
TM MO me a nidal a.kbrity *rasa the. ere-•min•ell
llediei'w. M,w manned for their in.rM►l. ese.ry to ell
Use hear. .loch iaay 10,1. 910 tore. Aar moaned the
mai preens. of pmaqma oily ry. ►w. ounce.
thy of Ire.. They are ►,e.* by their fruit : their good
.vrb, twufr far town, end they t°rird BM by tea (aa► el
the **YM*.
1111 ter its - - t3 ami MD JIM MN
'd 4.TI131I. Iu'UTR end ('HRU]IC anEUWATIn*,
4ri.•'TI4,. s of the .LADDER .d K INNS. rt:
le tee meth mad neer. whew tie., d,r.m perul. 1y/ wM
be Mod timetable elatwe. 00.... and elem. who mos
Nis (ben Imes.. .alt •,•w Onward. be without thaw
PlLhUOt .:HOCK, *d RERUU* Lte+n.w• IMLBL
O• .TIn&NtRR. Ci,LDt • l'UI'N ii it. CIhuL•r.
COnreMPilt 10. Umpd mit g01 teem to lbw uisss.a
DTIipIrSIA. woos war tale anomie, i
am, a►.M deer mai 'ham.edbw•-. mrdrtd,•
IRUPTION:I of the N•U, ,1111YdIP(LI,. ,LITU
VII WWII sod Aot'e. M this sawn. ream two
Mn ►rami./ 00. o..dwrr .tel r roam a rfe. nw.19. Md
Missy ,trill. Marg warn.* boa the from Wm, a *
Monte Ir s nim by the. Mh.ir ■ eerweaaat-
'l$Y THaaa. 1' Rarsmnsn. A`D RE CURED.
rritLNEA, 'd i:u.WPL(XIIIN•
LItlU>t 0O111PLAIlg'I'/,
M V.MC VIrlAL DI'6AmRa.-
11oem hale is .eedlea wriest, all .Mei td. 4 Mar err lea
* WV ruse ern Nan ,me. 1.1 .ra'1 i-nwr,ikv'.1 Wrelwnlle.
P I L M 8• The n.rewl WMNem of ila•w entre e
lose Pond 1PM1M1.w.srdneMIraaflees Lies
.lade__ err.
'JINN M th. bae mid1. hal. tree. Bier. sal .tieaae.
R H R V II A T I, A. 1t.we wthetei oma ibY
Wei. 400....e le sower wed be 1.5 Md.t■e.m
NSM .'RAD, ,cvs
t/Lru'ar, aw1LLINMI.
0CtnnILA. m !Illi•/ MTIL, tar
.iter Raw V L C s R L d ears Re erbitn.
WOR 111118 , 1.n art& are eeterrb ii lid M
Mee Mmielre emote volt de mess whim
w an ohm sn.rmw . •00td NMI anter ran..
'11 LIVE P11115 IIU P116,11 BITT[ti
And thus remove all disease from the system.
A trial will slam the lift PILLS gid
PNO:NIX BITTESIrgadwrr•sa.fem.,r
Woe ti the .whmlks 1 .,dry palmar.
filo somber .( (boa w.dkle•• era me pmt ep la *VAS
wrappers .d labels, 111•119***, rge.. 00 . pamphlet. i
14.16e1 ChM
0'•M..40/dereriwiag tea dirwseroe a.,
w Mak► lea *miss e( N.wadwmy Item Wall retia wirer
(!esti, by sole erreng►n •Mtfieg that sty ma very many
and M The wrapper, sal .a.aw.r aro egyefghM
tbw.w..bw .1. powers 00 wire whit* wryer...as
M wawa in they am gdalaa M anM ab awl
hay 0.s oris frame emery.l aai it yw tee bo ..Iles,
Iain M sews Sheer Nes we es bra were drew.
117- Prepared ad afd h
ale. WILLIASIt B. 1111OTFAT,
sm Broadway. ammo 1 Aar. Out., New YwL
It sate 17
Sole Afro.
(loderich, Jae. 58, 1848.
July 31. 1849.
ifOr .'7 AND SIGN PAINTER. 4't•.,
0.8. 05, 1842. 4v.38
TiT.1T two story Frame Dwane, Hogs
lately occupied h• Jodyy. Arland. wed in-
.mAin.le .,i.i"-'t• hi. prone reude•ee. For
term. end .father par'ienl.rs seely 10
ALEX. M. ROAR, N..ih At.
Godereh, May 23. 1850, v3mlSd
• Salm 9 prerred t%u attend Salin 'ninon of
the United Cocotte". on the meet memo -
...le term.. Apply at the Registry Oftk.,
Llghthaaee tree,.
(iodench, April 11, 1850. v3-0 0
r,yF(E anheeriher hav'r, RFNTFD the
ing to the Me. . D.veeport, of obio place
hos ert•hlirh.d hin..elf ,, a
roaw4Rn15 Aril) COMMiaPIOi smansoPT•
Any ordera or commts.tnn floe. the Myr-
ohm's of Godencb, will receive rnorpt
.11entlnn. JOHN lIcEINAN•
Wind.or, Marsh, 1849. .11e-7atf
Godele$y Sept. 14, 1580. v1l..30
(hclniet an a Mrn gaiet,
!sly Io5e). ARB
NEWMAN. BRYJ1D. CAtlr-t,eiumff'a
e mid Pt.Tar Neat+ i !.oar Deet of lie
Cased, C.mp.•y's Office, tit -street. Ose •
Coaseiie, e.pr.mhe, 94. 111110. i>N
Farmers' Mutual In*nrlrnce Co.,
CAPITAL $1,000,000.
TRA ROPKiNR, Haoltt.L Afogri for
a -a'1.. Corvettes of Waterloo sed Hero'.
Angnre 97, 1050. 8118
1108 PRI N1 LNG or .wrrr rt..Itir4MLeo iW
Dtad see r y .a...i,d si this