HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-03, Page 10PA -09 The Thres.AtIveeate, July 3, 1958 -* • Lucan • And District News 4_.(10111111e0.." Phone 1Q 10? Wagon Correspondent; Misa Line Abbott Happy Reunions iTwo Two pientlid congregationss Share 'Announce .'Protnotion HOf Luton PS Pupils The teachers of Ltican Piab- • lie School announce promotions in the grades which they 'teaeh. Mrs. COMO, teacher 'Grade 1 to 2 — Arnold Shia. -- ley, Arnold Norma, Butler Joyce, Carling Leslie, Cochrane Marie, Cooke GeoffreY. Crozier Jane, Currie Brian, Bison Peggy, En- gel Rudy, Hardy Andy, Hardy Gordon, Hickson Jimmy, Hock - Mg Billy, Hocking Gordon, Hol land Mat garet, Kehl Judy, Lip. !Four Win P At Anniversary 1 rizes Pert alichael, Parkinson Richard, 000 For Safety Work ,s,cebilit„ir,teNransel.ari, Skolly David, a. Pedder Ronald, Ribson Denise. The Lucan Public School Safe- Grade 2 to 3 — Arnold Bobby, club, has completed six months Arnold Marie. Cobleigh Daisy' ', last Sunday made June 20 aa ; e) . i arne oe tote snit e on a t,s• Patrol sponsored by the Lions F t I d well as Jane 22 a red letter etas Revington again, at the stag Crudge 'Corr, Haskett Bill ' II .. s, °c- hi Holy Trinity Church's 50th smorgasbord and draw at the -of splendid service, king Richard, Bridger Ronald Fear anniversary. Linen Community Centre. leek 'Mr. Don Ranting -offered a (Chucky), Cooke Geoffrey. A special feature at the morn.' Wednesday evening when Mr. three dollar and two dollar prize ing service was the return of 'Lyle Revington and Mr. George to grade 7 and 8 and to grade 5 Mrs, Allison, teacher some at former choir members Gates aplit the 81,000 draw. and 6 for the best essay on Safe. Grade 2 to 3 — Calcott Bina-, who sat hi the front seats op- - in aid of the Liman hockey ty Patrol. Mrs. Lina Abbott act- Cooper Barbara, Davis Norma, ed as judge Freeman jerrv. Hearn Marilyn, peaitm e the juor cheer and as- team, 300 tickets at Sin each The winners were: John Nellie Herbert Harold, Kennedy Suz sisted in the music. were sold. The first ticket drawn. and Nancy Watson in grades 5 anne. Kew Donald, Parry Pohn, Mr. Clow, teacher Speaking on a service of praise , belonged to Reeve Cecil Lewis Rummell Joyee, Grade 7 to 8 — Cobleigh Ar- end th.anksgivIng. the Venerable . who had his 810 returned to him. and 6, and in grades 7 and 8 Park Nano', H. F. Appleyard, B.A., L.Th. The owners of the 50th, 100111, Ilene Donaldson and Peter Prest, Thomson Carol. White Chris, thur, •Cochrane Ruth, Culbert Archdeacon of Brant iand win- 150th. 300th and 2.30th tickets New patrot officers to beGrade 3 to 4 — Bardawill ger- son Coralyn, Drennan Bonnie, gin Wilkinson Arthur. Wayne, Davis Carole, Donald- ner of the Military Cro.sai was drawn. each received 850. duties in September are—Cap- son, Cochrane Roberta.' Cooper Hudgins Joseph, Hodgins Wtird, the guest speaker. Mrs. C. W.` Mr. Clarence Haskett won the lain. Ward Hodgins; lieutenant, Dianne, Coughlin Judy, Daimeey Hussy Dale, Kennedy Joseph, Hawkshaw (now 85i• who played $50 pee -wee draw. Peter Prest; special patrol Ito Gardiner Donna i Hock- Neelin Marilyn, Parkinson Re - at his ordination service in Holy look after grade 1 who get out Ge°rge' sy. Davis Steve, Hickson Bob, Lewis, Douglas, Neil Karol, par. kthsonJames, Powell Kenneth, Ribson Jo -Anne, Rummell Lynne„ Smith Bawl, Young Lynda, Young Paul. Mr, !Swalek. teacher de Gralo 6 — Butler Peter, Cobleigh Margaret,. -Cobleigh Pa- tricia, Cochrane Loathe, Cooper Larry, -George' Ann, Hardy Bob, .Hayter Gary, Hodgins Wayne, Kennedy Russell, Lewis Larry, alosuringjohn Rosanna, alosur- ingjotin Robert, Thompson Che- ryl, Watson Nancy, Grade' 6 to 7 — Black Roger, Bond Harry, Coughlin Doeald, Frost, Ruth, George David, Has- kell. Nancy, Hayter Audrey, -Kehl Janet, Lankin jean Marie, Mat - hers Mary., Montgomery :Kirk, Neelin John, Park Barbara. Paul Randy, Pedder Kenneth, Ready Barbara, Schlueter Joan, 'Thom- son Judy, Thomson George, Whitehead Joan, Wilkinson Rose, Trinity Church in 19a0., played LI Bride early). Jean Marie Lankon, Ed- ing Sharon. Ken; jimmy, Knight bocce, Prest Peter, Reyington for part of the. service last Sun-, °me na Ryan and Coralyn Donaldson; Nelson, Lewis Min, Mathers Gary, Ribson Marsha, Ryan Ed - day. A telegram of congratula- j, regular patrol, Kirk mantgona. Cathy, Mosurinjohn Jody, Ped- na, Sovereign Patsy, Woodward tion from the bishop. was read. Simpson, re-. The f eaqing and mrs. ery, Joe Kenney, Ron \Voodward, der Susan, Prost Harry, Ready Ronald, Young Betty Ann, Young Ruth Cochrane and Dale H Ken, Revington Paul, Schlueter Gordon. Caaon Chris now home oiNtr. , WScene tired and living at Orangeville, alullin, alargaret St., Lu- Carol. Schweertman Bruce, nal- Grade 8 to 9 — Acheson Hea- ly Edward, Skolly John, Skolly ther, Black Beth, Chown Robert, assisted in the communion ser- • can, was the scene of a quiet WAS- ' Bobly Smith Bette Jean, White- Cobleigh Mae, Culbert vic. Mr. ChasTanner of St. wedding at 3 pan., Saturday.• Dana, The Jmeeting ,Tune of the Uhead nited ' Stanley. Culbert Marilyn, Darling 'WU- Martin's-in-the-Firld, was cruet- June 14, when the R.07. Wallace church W,M.S. was held in the ' e.' Ham, Donaldson Ilene, Eizenga i fer. McLean of Lueknow united in church parlors last Thursday Mrs. Black, teacher 'Vietoria,.._Emerick .Shirley, Has - At the evening choral evensong marriage Rozella Barbara Mut. with the president, Mrs. Alex aGrade 4 to 5 — Arnold.Lynne, It j ett , udith, Hickson Diane, Mila- y the Rev, J. F. Wagland, of Oak- lin and Gordon Edward Ard. Youne! in the chair and Mrs. Bridges Susan, Casimer Terry, . dMichael, Neil Victor'Run ridge Acres, and former rector, • The bride is the daughter of Wes ''Hodgins' group in charge Currie Linda, England Linda, : mell James, Ryan Alice , Ryaln. was the guest speaker and his the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry of program and refreshments. George Sharon, Hardy Kenneth, Kathleen, .Sreacy Paul, ThomP - choir joined with the Lucan choir. Mullin, of Lueknow, and the Mrs. Sheridan Reyingtoa read Hardy Tom, Haskett Brian, lien- son Erma, Thomson Donna, Mr. Wagland based his remarks ' gr000r is the son of the late Mr, son Sharon, Hickson Gayle, Hick - the scripture lesson. on the four requisites of a per- and Mrs, Alexander Ard, of During the business session it son Terry, Hussey Robert, Lip- fect building. !Wingharn. was decided to hold no meetings pert David, Morrow Lynda, After both services a smorgas- Given in marriage by her during July and August hut to Thomson Bruce, Thomson Terry, bord and -happy reunion was brother. Mr. Cecil Mullin, of Lu- accept Mrs. Harold Corbett's in- Traversy Gary, Weller David. held in the church basement and can, the bride was charming in Mallon to picnic at. the Corbett Grade 5 to 6 — Armitage Mar. pictures taken of the huge imi- a floor -length gown of white lace farm in August. ! garet, Butler Jerry, Calcott Pat. Wien birthday cake and candles : and nylon net, fashioned with Rev. Edgar Roulston spoke on which centred the table, 1 full skirt and fitted bodice. A . the different -types of steward- ' Personal Items .. Mr. Ian MaeGugan, of Den -1 fingertip embroidered veil oa ship. His address was followed Mr. Harvey H 3 a and Mrs. field, took a tape recording or_ French illusion fell from a small by a discussion. Blanche Hodgies, of Lotidon, and as ie the evening service. This with : Pillbox hat, trimmed with seed Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell Haskett, home movies taken by Mr. Clar- , pearls. She carried a cascade of Shower Dampens of Lucan, attended the funeral of ence Haskett of fast Sunday's red roses: roeessional will bring much Her only attendant was her er their cousin, Mrs. C. Northrip, pleasure to all, especially the niece, Mrs, Bud BitliiFestival on, of Lis- trnty nee Clara Morgan at Marlette, pI Mich., last Saturday. shut-ins, !towel, who was gowned in an About ensemble of light blue sheer v- 5.30 p.m. Tuesday a Mr. and Mrs. Art Hamilton, of Persenals lon chiffon over taffeta. at feat - ! /i ;passing shower spoiled out -door Belleville, spent a few days last Mr. Lloyd Haskett was badly !tired a bodice of softly shirred ' activities as well as decorations week with the latter's parents, crushed and bruised that week • net, 'cowl neckline and two float- for the strawberry festival of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ribson. }al Trinity. Though the Cen.. Bobby Seifreid, eight -year -01(1i *Ilea stepped upon by his hull. !ing panels at the rear. She car-,oly Mr ., and Mrs. Cecil Armitage . ried a cascade of pink carne oralla band provided music it son of inr, and Mrs. Vincent 1 1 WES WO damp to sit around and Seifreid suffered a sprained and family visited Mrs. Ken I dons.,a Thar in St. Joseph's Hospital last I Donna Mullin of Lucknow, tiny I enjoy IL right ankle jumping off the Bunday. 1 niece of the bride, M pink organ -1 Meanwhile in the church base- school steps, s Mrs. Richard Tate and son • dy, over nylon, with circlet of ' mein a large crowd enjoyed a Mrs, Wm, Dickinon Satur- ' Jack, of Dearborn, and Robert . white carnations, made a charm- good supper and reunion with day attended the wedding' of her granddaughter. Miss Jean Calk Spizzinni, of Chicago., spent a ing little flower -girl. She carried I old friends. few days last week with Mr. and I a nosegay of pink carnatioes. 1 Among the many visitors was :veil, daughtee of Mr, and Mrs., Eldon Caldwell of Shedden. Mrs. Cecil Hodgins. 1 Mr, Bud Biton, of Listowel, Mr. Cliff McGotin, of Montreal, ; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ryan spent Mr. Harry Hamden of Toronto I was best man. I son of a former rector. Business ' I last Wednesday in Seaforth, was a Thursday guest with Miss A reception was held at the ,brought him to Toronto. Having il where the latter attended the Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen Wat- home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil.received an invitation to the 50th son. Mullin, Lucan. A four -tier wed -1 anniversary he took a plane to ;13vOtp anniversary of the Staforth Rev. and Mrs, 'Weems Hall of ding cake, pink and white can- London, hired a car and came .. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Abbott of New Hampshire, who have been dies centred the bride's table. out for the supper and :had an be,yin olidaying in Florida for the For a honoon trip to 1 enjoyable evening renewing old Miss Line Abbott and Mr. and Edmonton were Thursday guests winter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. „Northern Ontario, the hridet acquaintances. of Will Haskett last week, and at- changed to a turquoise fitted I tended the strawberry festival dress with matching duster' andExchange Vows ' at the Anglican Church on Tues- white accessories and white car-, • . alay. nation cersaa(e. She wore an i I . - air. and Mrs. Orville! Law and Aurora Borealis necklace and in Moly Trinity f Mrs. Wilfred, IVIa.cNaugliton, of Arva, Sunday guests, Mr, George Strasser of Long Beach, California, is visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, amily. Mr. Cliff Law, all of earrings, gift of the groom. George Strasser Sr, Crampton and Mrs. Lloyd Bis- They will make their home in 1 Baskets of pink lames and pink Mrs. Warner McRoberts left sell of London were Sunday Wingham. and white, peonies formed the last Friday for Trois Pistoles, gu e st s of Mr. and Mrs. Murray, setting in Holy Trinity Church Quebec, to take a four-week Bodging., • Personal Items for the wedding of Dorothy Rose French course. Before leaving After over a week's visit with , Mr. Harold Brooke of Aurora , Holmes a n d Gerald Albert her school at Whalen her chil- . Miss Kate Bowyer, Miss Murieland friend from "The Holiday; Thompson at 2.30 p.m. Saturday, then presented her with a lazy - Turner returned home to Welland Ranch" and Mrs. Ronald Colo.! .lune 28, with the rector, the Rev. daisy tray. I last Monday. man of London were weekend i.l. P. Prest officiating. The June meeting of Holy Mrs. Murray Hodgins and , visitors with Mrs. Thos. Brotske. I TTrinity Ladies' Guild was hellhe bride is the daughter of Miss Vera Wasnidge attended a; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. A. Thomas" Mr. and Mr. Cecil Holmes, RR. in the Parish Hall last Monday counsellor training conference at M.P., and Mrs. H. 5, Stanley ' 1, Lucan, and the groom is the . evenisg with the president, Mrs. Five Oaks Christian Training , were Sunday guests of Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ' Kay Egan, in the chair and Mrs. i Centre at Paris last weekend. !Mrs. Clare StanleR.R.y. Thompson, 8, Parkhill. C. W. Hawkshaw at the piano. • The acrioure lesson was read Given in marriage by her i.) m' a F W Hovey will11111111111!1111111111$111titetri1111111111111111111/111011011itit011$114141,11111111111411lIttiClittittltIllit111111111111111/11),, I S : father, the bride was gowned in . ' -1, 1 a ballerina -length dress with01 while ! eight 'members: airs s Allan Ryan's *group, with had the largest i ! French tulle nylon net, a . 1 a ttendance. t featuring a tiered skirt, e b ! The president reported that li lero and long sleeves. From bo- A.Y.P.A. had conipleted the s I rhineLu stone - trimmed headdress : the„aAsY ,a„hi 1i. a I fell a nylon net. shoulder -length , g of the cupboard. f veil, She carried a cascade of! Most of .11be.. business session was spent In final arrangements i I white carnations, red sosebuds ' Ifni! the Strawberry Festival and AM stream cos. for, the rennion in the church Miss Louise Holmes, in a bal- after the Sunday i 1 servie, lerinaangth dress of blue satin, Mrs. Calvin Haskett and fam- a net and laee, carrying pink and tia y left on Friday for a mmith's 11white carnations, was her sister's ! holiday in the Jack Cummins” only attendant. cottage near Parry Sound. i I Little four - year - old Ruthann Mr. arid Mrs. Levi Darling of i i Hearties (another alater) made a Parkhill were Friday visitors slcharming flower girl, in pink nY- ' with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armi- i.Ilon and lace with ph* and white tage. velvet, rose headdreas. She car- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Seifried ried a .basket• of blue and white . celebrated their 17th wedding an. "--' cornflowers. nivarsary last Saturday enter- :. Mr. Clarence Thompson, of taining a number of their inoodatock, cousin nf the groom, friends., • Iwas best man. Messrs, Charlie Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Park of llohnes and Larry Campbell were 'Petrone were Sunday guests of ushers. afr. and Mrs. John Park. I Mrs, Clarence. Hardy, assistaat Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Haskett ' organist, played traditional wed- and Mr. and Mrs. II, 13. Lang Iding music and accompanied the ford were weekend guests of Soloist, Mrs. Hay Egan, ,who Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Butler of To - sang the Wedding Prayer and ronto, i the Bridal. Hymn. Mrs. Iniing Gibson, 'Ronald I At a reception held at the home Woodward and aof 'BillyDarling are ! the bride's parehts, the bride's staying at the Wilmer Jones I mother .received in a gown of , (arm in. Minton while the Jones' 1 white and gray rayon stik, with are away on vacation, corsage °I!' Pink earristiotts• She Anniversary Visitors IA was assisted by the groom's , Rev, and mus. a, F, Wagland I and in other in a PE vy white si? dS - I milv ot Oakridge Acres i il !flecked gown and pink carnation , , with Mr, and Mrs, M. Q, Smith. corsato. ge al ... 1 Mr, end Mrs. 14 red i -0 ord and .- L Pink and white peoraes, with , Robert. of Detroit with Mrs. 1 , pink And white streamers rtiatW trent, coney, the borne decorationa. Aasistantel misses Agnes and Roherta tat the reception wore Mrs, B. T, 'l'ox with Mrs, T. C. at claatlan e., I 1 Bond and Mrs. Fred Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. I i For a honeymoon trip to Niag- Ntr. Anti KrE, Chas, Fisher and 01111 F"', the bride ebsilged to Mr, arid Mrs. Fred Ninth all La peach taffeta ensemble. with of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 1 white accessories and red rose Sholdice of London and Or,. and 1"(1 white earriali" corsage. Mrs, Marvin Smoot of Ann .•r. 'rhe young couple will make nor with Mrs. Wea Atkinson, its Dobbs For Dodge Lot Us Rernember To Make Every Day A SAFETY DAY This tan Iso more easily carried out by buying ono of our SAFETY -CHECKED USW CARS TODAY! '58 Dodge Demonstrator 4 Door Sedail—Has gone only 3,000 miles. '57 Dodge "Royal' 4 Door Sedan—Mileage registers '57 Dodge Regent ki /I 4 Door Sedan -7,800 miles. F Cs% e ran glittwitoe thti ctrittd i110 -i on abote 18,000. 1 '56 Dodge Regent"" . 4 Doer Suburban—tias V8 motor. a CHEVROLETS, FORDS AND PLYMOUTHS OP OLDER MODELS, PRICED TO au t For pleasant, dependable ear operation, have our 11etrised meenanies SAMTY-CflteX your car. This Includes front,end alignment, open Every tilltIht 0011 9 p,m, for ?out' CoriVOrilanto their home At 00.11d Bend. mrs, buide avenger of wing, Relativea were present from ham, Mrs. Wm. Westney of West IWindetir,. Grand n ond, Hill, Misses Holly and Bell London, Dashwood, Morse% 13y. Martin of London with Mr. and ron, Woodstock and Lucan, s Nrsonal Ifenix 1 Mr, Bernard term 'held an. other steecessful barn dance last Exe tel' : -' - '' otor Sales 1 Friaav ovithihg. i Mr.! and Mrs, Art Abbntt and , .- t , . . i bunny and Miaa rtuth Ath WI, Petri •Dobbt, tietip, a fine wort Sunday guests M Mr, PHONE 200 NIOHTS 1,32N No. 7694 1 "AiNrs"TIVITY AC.Idrg"Artivod 1.. i Tiered TtlesdaY NM Vieteria onyonseaunalliflitUntifif$M011010011101101011111110MOMMOMISMIOMMNIMMMIliffliffiffititir l$illnaPital. Mrs, T. godgits. Cril, A 3. (Sandy) Ifodgins. and family with Mr. and Mil. IterOid Hodgins. Mrg. Norman Colbert of ton. don with Mr, AM Mrs, Wililain trowtite, . Mr. Harold' Butler .ti', has rt. ittetied home .after spending few days M TOrOin, .1116 AtiOgi of Mr, and Ws, .Gordon THEY WORK FOR SAFETY—These childrren are members of the Lucan Safety Patrol which plays a large role in the safety campaign at Lucan school. Back row, from left, Judy Haskett, Bob Chown, Mae Cobleigh, Bill Darling; middle row, Shirley Emerick, Carole. Davis, Dana Culbert; front row, Paul Steacy, Peter. Prest, Ward Hodgins, ELECTRICITY DOE$ 50 MUCH ...COSTS SO LITTLE 7.0 ••••eaSeSeekaa 11 ata you will be a happy homemaker ...a popular hostess with ELECTRIC to help you live better, the safe, clean, Modern way r041fArif PRA.,