HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-31, Page 3Ala the tai. Nt arr. a N .11 half tee- the ha. mer are. 1w aim • ios. arm ik.s wed dif- aon. .4- HT. one /td ion. aet- ess itch k of me. >Ors me• this rout tach Pm - 010 test 'n1- rtby aim he 111- res- sx- w ai- thed • a 1•t t•It, real the it be 1, •1 !t►. side 1 to ben and dies a of say cod, nest iron ree- 1 as tiee, Re- Tet - Is smo Ong IOW tb• t w ily las we .1st if a est. arty ttr.- All esa- mo d Ibis e a. h all this • ad be ISM tel/ les, leg. *me Call see, Dalwell yes seen hog met e►im, Ox- ipos and deg wefts it sg- 1rm- am- eMe thea teat left toll "n. few Mb - tad. bow e d, the w ▪ eeilly Ube toss )yd e tude dee 1• w I4borheod :-such conduct beteg both highly erim►.al aid Mryerma..-Parte Star. Coroners.'. Inquests..-It is a solemn and painful duty whoa ewe are called upon to dlsoberge, white aeromonad to esquire as to Awn sakes ad talkers • humane brag has ►..s saddest? deprived of lire. Yet it is ase of thus. duties which society requires to be performed-wbw!t our laws provides for, . J which bas the unction of Divine R..elatios. British law, at all events, jea- lously throws its protection over human hfa, and to dnisg so make* the man last sees to company with any person uofairly deprived of existence, reepousibls to • ter- rain extent. Now ifa maa lose his life by Intextcauos, why not enquire and ascertain who were those last te bis company, asd make them morally accountable for any culpable.eglect they may bare .born, as It regards the deceased. If men will give liquor to a drunksn mea, or drink to his company, and thio discover a reckl.esares as to what may become of him after, and tbat such • man lose his life by incapaci. y to care fbr tanner. society should bold such persons accouetable. Put should jurors fail to 'investigate end bring out all the facts reletag to such oeourr•oees, except only the fact of death, which happens to be well enough knows without any inquest, then are they Daly half performing their work. Weare very well 'aware of the mo lin Influencing come men to thus ending what ws deem to be • solemn duty. They thirst that it is invidious in them to unit, ekes the proximate ranee or 0.01511 01 death by drunkenness. Does not .neiety req•tire that the most 11srchteg invest ration take place in such 1 The weeping widow and the hitherto** children demand that those who were in any way connected with the cause of death be..pored and punished. While we thus write, we would not for a moment iesiouste that the man who sold liquor to Mr. Wilson, who was k:liad by falling from the stairs of the Seah Factory. or the men who drank with him, had any but the most friendly (•alcor• tnward the deceased. Indeed, theme fact of drinking . together forbids arty other opinion. But wo put it to our readers, whether, when any occurrence of this kind takes place, the very pablteite given to the feet, that the Jurors of our Qn•en find. that deeeaeed hoot been drinking with A B, or C D, or E: F, enm. 15 minutes ►afore be was found dead, wnnld net hate a good effect on communi- ty 1 There is no desire on our put to see any man suffer. by penalty or otherwise, for doing that which society has hrhertn con• ndered no harm. any further than protec- ting' to Kamen life make. absolutely notes. Gary. Bot if men will drink in company. or give drink to • man incapable of caring for bimesl( and that man get killed imme- diately after, then ere think such men incur • • degree of reeponubility to society, and to the deee.•ed man's family, of • serious description. 1.` Coroner's inquests are merely held to ascertain the immediate ease of death. and not to thoroughly in- vaugate all the circumstances, then may the reentry dispense witb such courts, saving expense and time. 1f only one ease such as that which oe- eorred fn our town last Thnnisy had taken place mono 0s, we would be jast.fi.d to writing es we do; but when several cameo have taken place within • few ?ears, we feel it oor duty to direct special at•entios to. the subj•et. 1f any additional argument were required to eoetain the position as.um and by the Temperance Society, than rho•e already pot forward, it will be found in such oeenreneea ae the death of Mr. Wil son. We agaie request nor fellow-citizone to seriously enquire whetter er not the, are done all that they *echo to do, to pen. mots strict sobriety ie the caretry. We weal/ not uncharitahly judge -we would net arrogate to ourrel,es any prates or ape probation for the selhdeeial voluntarily im- peoed oe erorselves; bot ws would not allow sub an awful eatutrnphe to take place in our midst, without endeavoring to ineolcate by it some 1e11on of improvement.-Sfs Calh.rrwss Journal. Drrrasaorns Oecu.asece.-It is our pdefnl task this week. to record the occur - race of • terrible and fatal accident, that has recently happened to our re.pected toweeman-T. R. Brock. Esq. Various reports of the Datum of the accident, and the manner in which he met with it, have been current : some of them rather con- tradictory. The following paaticulars have been given to ue, by one of his medi- cal attendants: On the afternoon of Thurrday, the 3rd Instant, (the day of the Guelph Towoihip Cattle Show,) Mr. Brock went nut to the wooded grounds in the rear of hie honoe, with two or three of hie children, for the purpose of amogieg them by shooting squir- rels, kc., and also intending to join hi• brother who had recently arrived on a visit and wu then angling by the river, some little distance above Mr. Brock's house. - Presently, getting sight of a squirrel, Mr. Brock jumped upon a log, probably to eono bee him to take better aim ; and being una- ble to balance lomat( on the instant, fell forward, stnktog the butt -a4 of the gun on th• ground, to save himself from falling on hie face. The trigger bmng full cocked, the redden shock emoted it to decend, there- by dissMsging the goo. Unfortunately the barrel happpened to be at the moment in a Bee with the (root part of his body, and the ..we* that the charge entered hie left breast, passing upward, tearing off the fleah from the upper ribs and Anally. lodging in the shoulder -blade. - Several shots passed between the ribs into the stomach sad afterwards came from hire. As soon as portable, after the acci- dent, he was coev.yed to hie owu boss•, and Messrs Orton M Clarke were immdi- ats!y sent for. One ne other of these gen... themes has been with hies nearly the whole time aim* the accident happened. On Tessiday ..ening, b. Mame 1s- deNrlatsm, fee Oa Ent titter., .d .pmt a very with the living name, all Ionians to het poor eight. He was • litlle honor es the renewsed temperance Waterer. He spoke inerea•ed Is the cow" of the lay. and d.- coesequenees atinlieg the traffic in epsr- liriom returned 'with increaood • Inteseity is 'tootle lignore, tad the melancholy end of tbesvosh., Hgerad for come how.. members of thea who idss elged to •Teo and aro "Hy . (Thor.day) morning, in intexieatiwg dnk.. After the Lecture. H. Name a wife and large faintly to mourn a considerable anther of old and young their terrible bsreavemeltt- His death will took (M pledge and a cnllsetion wee male, also be dimly deplored ky a large circle el 'remelting to £510 w►itA wee preesatd to Oasfiek Alvertiorr. Mr. Oougb for hie labnere is the came ver tsmpsnee.. Ile left yeeterd.y morale( Drsraast rso .ion FATAL Aoanmwi.-A for Upper Canada. We believe that op. hearty young lad, between 14 amd 16 years wards of a theesa.4 perms, took to tem, of age, sawed Res, rseidiag is West Dom -ed be*dlectures ei Dige eilleerty. Ush the subject Meth ares to Ns dmatb on Uloid•? furs- of his lectors' ie Qoobee, the G1>att& sf sees ie a very 'hocking reasoer. lie bd that city Me the following paragraph: - 1.m emit, with two yeeare Mere ad a "Mr. Omagh leaves es Mie evening for harm ted start, t• eelle.t hewed, aN fe rsstrial es hie way to the Upper Province, odeavouneg to duo., es ma the one •tout of 1►. Sart over several logs. The iso toueger boy., dr oldies as upon•, low (rots the cart, but the unfortunate sufferer sal still, and rawly tbe cart upset, throw. isg lbs hone also to the ground. and covering the deceased with Ute earl, who. however, was not injured by lbs overthrow, as be called to bits companions to rime rhe cart. and let him out. Th• lade were usable to do so, and one of them ran off for a.sistanee. Meaotime the horse began to struggle to get to its feet, and In doing so, suddenly heaved (i0 edge of the cart on to the neck o1 the unfortunate lad, and in this hnrriolo state he lay till assistance ar- rived. On lbs cart being raised from his body, the poor lad was not quite dead, but gave only one struggle with his lower limbo, and immediately expired. The grea- test sympathy has been excited in the neighbourhood for the unfortunate parents thus bereaved by so lavnent•ble • dopeo•a tins of Providence. -Gulf Reporter. Our glorious Indian summer will be here shortly, with all its tranquilizing and sooth- ing as.ociauons. The foliage of oar forests remain up to tbis date little altered, and the apples cling to the tress as tenaciously as though i1 were mid -rummer. Our sunsets aro re.p!endent with banner', and our moon and slap shine out with a solemn splen dour known only in tt.s northern hemis- phere. Our oven, studded with trees of Goo's own planting. flow placidly along to old ocean, and our lakes carry the produce of all noticing on their bosom. Our 'tardy yeomanry are busy gathering into baro, and store -Oases the ahundant reward of toil and labour. Take Canada u a whole, and it i. a country to be fond of -a place pleased with many peculiar favor.. The fertility of her soil -the purity of her at• mosphere-the varied char.etsr of the sur- face of the country, with her gram old woods, as well as her geographical situa- ',on. make it altogether a place where we might naturally enough expect, a considers bet amount of happ.nese. What, though ws eaonot bout of the ancient barrontat castle, we are uncureed with the remains of feudaluv. We may not be able to point to an ancient heraldry or the loader palace, we aro saved also from tie deeply humiliating .pectacle of beggary and want in immediate connexion with both one and the other. 'Ti. true we cannot take th• lover of the anuq.io to see our cathedral., and gothic remains of eeelea.tical architec. tore; but it is also true. that no man's pros party a over dmtraioed for tytb.. If Lords Spiritual do not mix in the councils of our -ounce?, so neither are we cursed with the 'teething blight of an E.ubhahed Church. There exists not on the map of our world, a country more blessed by Goo than Cain - da, or one more favorably situated for hang calculated to maks a people great and proepsrou.. Wo fist now look out from our sanctum on the Welland Casal, end Geo the propeller and the tbree- maaer-the steamer and the ecbonner, working their way from old Ontario to Erie, tonvsyiog along the produce of F.'irope, and of Ana to the far west. The patriotism and intelligence of unr worthy townsman and member for Uncoil), are written on this work to characters never to be effaced. - Stoll, it was madnn.s or chimerical in its proposer and architect: it could not bele. eompli.l;ed, and if it could, it would never confer the benefit, proposed. So argued the growlers some yeas ego; so argue our political tyros now, to reference to the poli- cy of Mr. Merritt. We venture to say. that • day will come when jostles will be done to the policy of the Inc. member for founts, and the practic.Mhty of that poli- cy be as clearly demonstrated as the bene- fits of the Welland Casal are now. So mote It b'.-111. Catharines Journal. ROADS. A great Public Meeting was hold in By - town lest week, at which the Corporation were snthnrized to take stock in the By - town sol Prescott Railroad to rho amount of £15,000 ! This is doing the thing handsome, and is a strong proof of the en- terprising spirit of the inhabitants of By• town. The Engineer appointed by the " Kings sten and Perth Joint Stock Road Compa- ny," has completed his surrey, •tad fixed upon • route. The Argus state, that there is every probability of the undertaking going ahead, and that, at all events, • good sleigh road may bei expected to be slashed out from Kington to Perth next winter. Go ahead, say we. Writing of roads reminds us of an .no (pity which we hear made almost every day, as to whether anything:has been done about the " Rideau and'Mu..u.sippi Plank Road," which created such an excitemeot about a twelvemonth sgo-•n enquiry which we have been unable to •nswer.- We were informed enure three or four months ago that the six percent was near- ly all pad in -if this be the case, why is not the Company legally organized , and operations commenced 1 A mile of the road, at all events, ought to have been made this summer, if for nothing else than to let the people see and feel the difference between • plank road and s mud one. The President er Secretary ought to satisfy, in some way, public .ngiry on this subject. - The inhabitants of other places can raise stock to make railroads while we cannot era make a plank road. ie fact, we were mfnrtn.d that some difficulty wee xperie0o .d • short time ago to get ,igwa/era to • pe tiuon for 1 gnvernm.nt survey of • leading road through tbu District from Bytown to lake Simone. Verily, thou., who will no help them.elves d...ne to stick is the mud .-B.fkrref Courier. the priacipal towns of which he to tends ,imu.g. We trust he will receive a warns r,topttoa in these plum, where ladeed there re nub seed of hie eel,leea. Mr. Dough's euccew 1m goatee 15 we Meltem, altogether unparalleled. During the whole week his lecturers were exceedingly well attended by all classes of people; but on Saturday sight the large Hall of the As- sembly vise literally crammed to overflow- ing, hundreds having ``one away unable to obtain admittance. On Sunday avaing, too, the Congr• rytuonal church was crow- ded, although may have coDaceenlrous doubts as to the propriety ofd15cussutg 1h• subject of tempsrsoce on that day. The effect on the people has been very marked and decided. Hundreds hen been roused by Mr. G.sugh's fervent appeals to consider the suhjact for the first torte, to he advanc- ed still farther it to to be hoped on the right road in time to come other. ate only hesitating as to the propriety of renouncing the use of it altugeth.r, while above 200 haro taken the rote which leads to safely, and have signed the total she'inenee pledge. Among them there are many to whom and and to whose families Mr. Guug', s visit will indeed be a blaring if it leads to their total reformation "-Montreal Transcript. A Rrq risition to the Reeve of the Towo., ship of Dumfries, calling upon h'm to .urn• mon the mh•bitsole of the Toweehtp to meet at Miidleton on Friday the 224 No- vember, to rote a tum of money for the con- rtruetion of too Great Western Raul way. 11 puhli.hed in another part of to -day's Re - pt -ter, with the Reeve's accession to the ▪ Regaisition. The Ives:ion will thus at once be brought before ihn inhabitants tor their decision. - In the cnnfl ct of opinions among a free people, much latitude must be given eon to caprice and cnn.titntinnal dislike to go with the mass, however rightly the masa may he inclined to proceed. But. In confe- tti, the right way will be chosen, to spite of •II such oppnr:tion. At any rate, the public hare to deal with their own money, and to lay it out In such way as will be most to their advant'ge. We are of opinion that no inve.,ment will ever present it.nlf to the Township of Dumfries more likely to prove advantageous, than the Great %Yesteni Railway, both immediately and co:laterally; and ,ke tryst to find that °piston general amongst the .Rate•payers when they meet at M:ddloten, to decide this important goation.-Gds Reporter. T.. LANs or THR FasR.-Waaa IS LrmaarT 1-A gentleman, to all appearance whoa skis is not as dark as some "white' free mon, called upon • legal friend of ours yesterday, ad acted that • short time wince he fled from the *lottery of South Carolina to the free hills of M hu.etts, where he was told that hs would find protection, and enj•iy liberty; but meet mots caused hum to fear his liberty; be learned the persons claiming him as their property, were en .esrch of bin; he wanted to know of our friend what he should do to retain and enjoy the liberty he len well loved. "Flea from Massachusetts, nor stop until your feet are upon the Monarchical ground of Queen Victoria, where you can enjoy freedom," wan the reply, "for Ma.sacbu. ✓ ens furnishes no legal safety for you." - Baton Bee. Yes, thank God, on the Weetere Conti- nent there is a city of Refuge for the perse- cuted of Afric'. sons. And yet tare are • perjured few amongst us who would seek to throw down its walls to the merciless slave hunter. Why do they sot issue their manifestoes now; the Fugitive Bill might afford them overwbetming arguments in fa- vor of Annexation ! Oh, high highly ought we to prize British laws; for under their Sovereign shield the fresmas becomes more fres and the oppressed of every land and clime find a safeguard sada home. -King.. ton Herald. RATNER E.TRAORDIJAST.-We (earn from Mr. John Irwin of Indiana on the Grand River, that a heifer of his only 14 months old bad a calf late) y. This, we be- lieve, is rather an extraordinary occurrence, and as such worthy of being noticed. Mr Gough gamble ranwell Lecture in the American Presbyterian Church on Tees Jay evening. The Chareh was crowded in every part -pews, pease/es, even up to the vary tup of the pulpit stairs, was jammed THR BRA NTYORD Porr.R T. -Among the many extensive manufactiirieg establish- ments which have lately sprung into exis- tence in this town, not the "least worthy of sole is that for the manufacture of stone ware, owned by a few of our moat .Dterpri- sing townsmen and Mr. Morton •o Ameri- can geotleman who has been for "many years engaged in the business. To this establishment we paid a visit on Monday. last, and through the kindness of Mr. Mor- ton were permitted to inspect the various operations (ram the moulding of the clay, which is brought from the United State., to the finishing of the ware preparatory to its being placed in the huge kilo in which the fires had just been kindled for the Ent time. -We were not 1111 pleased than as- tonished at witnessing the capacious asd well arranged buildings, the macMsery so full play and workmen (the qielf of whom is from the English pottere0.)) all actively employed in adding to the numbers of long rows ot ware of the finest patterns, ruing one above other. the smoking kilo and all the bustle usually found in a Targe factory when we reflected that but a few weeks ago the undertaking wan, scarcely contem- plated. A. we understand this is the only extensive factory of the sort in Canada, and as the ware will b., although mold low, second to none in quality, there ie a wide Geld for the enterprising proprietors of the Pottery to operate in. and community who will refuse to join us in wishing them and Weir ent.rpnse the most ample success. - Brantford He raid. Moo**RR. IN TRU RfvRR NAv,.aT1or.- We regret to learn that the steamer Welders .Hiller, belonging to Mears. Macpherson 4 Crane, in going down the river last week, besvtly laden with four, struck the ground near the Lachine canal. sad • ter eateries the Arm lock mink. We have net heard what animal of loss there will probably be. Tbe tug steamer Transit, the property of Meson. Calsus M, Cook, struck ripen a rock at the foot of (101 Gallop Rapid, and invemilately broke i. the centre. and filled. The Jam Mill, a mall propeller, is also • --groesd soar the Tnnit. The Mand ie std in the Gallop Rapid -not yet isjs We hear that tbaoyelamed ie e -grand between Brockville ad'Gaaeoogn.. in eue.equeocs of the ' Western Mtlier' beMg sunk in the i110411ee Goal. the mal • mor Hs l er ream.. at Moutm.I. -Presc tt Tetlegreu h. The calmed man vibe was impimeed at Detrlet roseetl , has been libsrmed, en the payment of by the *Wiese*. .d.eaday msr.ing ; bot lbs inflamatins for more than two hours on the dreadful ...i,...ir,.. ...... .... ,... . [OFFICIAL ) Notice so the Loco[ Seperi.te.dewts of Schools, .mid the Trv.i.es of District R n ENAININo is rbs GODLAICH POINT Grunmoor Scheele tA.orghewt Upper OFFICE, t.11. Oe.eb.r. 18/0. LIST OF LETTERS, TAB OTIC Canaria. ED/C*T10a Orris., Toronto, sib Oct , 1880. By the nth Peelle° of the School Act, 130 and I4110 Victoria, chapter 28, the Board of Trustees of the Grammar Schools and the Local Superiutsodools of Schools in each County or Union of Counties, are constituted • Board of Public lostrucuna for such County, or Voles of Counties; sod 'soder the authority given in the 36th Ha- tton, sad 5rel clause of mid Act, I hereby ap- point the firer mecttrg of each County Board of Public Inatructir, to be held on Thursday, the fourteenth day of November neat, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at th• place of the last meeting of the Council of aucb County, or Union of Coustie.. When once •rsembled, the law authorises each County Board to appoint the times and places of its oleo metier,. E. RYERSON, Chief Superintendent of Schools 111nrktto. U. C. GODERICH, Oct. 31. WHEAT, Fall, per bu. 3. W. -Spring. do. 3. to Of OJ. Flour per bbl. 18s to 20s 6d -Oats per bu. 1s Od-Pees per bu. 241 - Potatoes per bu. • 0.1 to Os -Pork per bbl 00s. -Butter per Ib. 5.1 to 7d -llama per Ib. 6d -Eggs per doa. 4d. Hay per ton, 55.. to 405. New York, Oct. II. Ashes -Market .teadv for Pearls at $5: Pots to fair demand at $6,12c. The salts reach '70 barrels. Flour -Our market u firm, with a fair and actio• demand for the lowrade of state and western, but easier for the medium grades •oil firmer for mien - nr grade.. Eaetero demand active, and that for export good. Buffalo, Oct. 21. Flour -There is a fair demand et Satin day's rates. Sales •t $3,878 to $3,90 for ordinary, and $5.95 to $4 (or fancy Miebi. gat and Souther• Ohio. Graze-Wbest plenty. B•syers eek • reduction, which holders ate unwilling to agree to; sales at 85 cents fur Sandusky, 80 cents for Wabash. Guelph, Oct. 25. Ws are unable to quota the price of Wheat this week -our millers either decli- ning to purchase, or, in Ito, present state of the market, to outs a cosh price. -Herald, Toronto, Oct. 22. A few small lets of superfine flour have changed hands since our lot, at 18s 6d to 18. ,9d per barrel. Moe -raga o, Oct. 19, 1850. Foram -Early in the week a fair busimese was dun at last week's rates, but for the tut day or two, the Market hu ruled dull at present quot•ttoe•. Superfine No. 2, Sae 3(1; do No. 1, 20a 6d a 205 9d; Fancy and sorra sop. 211 • els 6d; Sour 180 6d a 19s 6d; which show • deeli•e of about 5,1 per barrel in all quahtie.. W.IAT-A few shipping parcels of Up- per .Canada White and Mixed have been pieced at 4s 6d • 4s 7ed per 60 Itis, but to- day, it is dull at 4s 6d a 4. 7d. Lower Canada Red to firm, with moderate isles to the trade at 4s 66 a 4s 74 per minot. Asoas-have 11 ictuated but little, and we leave last week's price, nominally un- changed for Pots. and but ■lightly altered for Pearls; the Market being dull, tendency downward.; Pots, 35s 6.1 to 33. 3d; Peerle, 985 to 28. 611. Our market* are now abundantly supplied with all the good things of this life. Judg- ing from the quantity, quality, and prices of the articles our Farmers must bare had a irritating b t. To be sure money is .tires, (with poor printers especially) but then provistoes are abasdast and cheap :- with • little money • man eau purchase a great deal. -Kingston Herald. STRATFORD FULLING 4' CARDING MILL THE Subscriber in thankfully aekneel. edging the very liberal patronage bay towed upon bio Carding Mill this., ammo, begs to intimate to his triads end tb• pub - lie generally, that be is ready now (or Fulling, Dressing and Finishing all sorts of Cloth that will be left to bis care. His Fulling Mill, Carding Mill, and net of spp•ratos, is all of the most impro- ved and newest kind of Machinery, and wor- ked by none but skilful and experienced hands, and his Terms ,will be always the most liberal ad moderate known in the country. . • ._ W•,,.. ..11ss1.._ • • GEO. J. PRUSSING, For WM. RIBCHMULLER. Stratford Steam Mills, Oct. 16, 1850- 07` Always oe had a large and well assorted Stock of LUMBER, which will be sold at fair prices and on terms to suit cues tomer,. 3,37 3m Aaderaon Thorne* Miller Jells 1 Acheson Robert Maher Thomas Andrew Jame. Mertes Jo►• C Alcock Min M.lourb Benjamis Bruce IR Matheson Juba $iggsrt Joh■ Morley Robi Btu/rola J Miller James Berry J Morn.h Mrs Ann Beedford Mrs him Mc ilian 1) E.q Barry Joseph 1)uorao Barber John McGregor Nancy Ballet John McDonald Jame. 13511 Mr. Elizabeth McDonald John Blake Nut hew McNaughlpnJnhsena Booth Robert McIntyre Rubcit Coi I)av d McGregor I)ooald Cantle Sarah Ann McGregor Duo' Clendinotn John MrF.rny Mr Cation Willem McRae Duncan Chisholm Hugh . McKinnon Robert Casten Antoine McLean Edward Connors John McKay Arcbiba:d Career Ann Orr Jame. D•,deon Thomas O'Niel Henry De.cii. Martin O'Ntcl lleury Black- Doolilt'e Dr A smith Doreen B O'Grady John Dayton Thomas O'Connor Daniel Elliot Robert Park John Eliot Jame. Peck Leonard Fubar Michael Petition(' Samuel Fergusson Joh° Paper William Gibbons Jane Ann Proctor R..bt Guam Mr. Jane Proctor Ano Graham Charles Ross Alcor Gallagher Jame. Radford Ebenezer Howland 1V P Rutledge Andrew !links Harvey Rota Alexi Ilawkin. Thomas Ras Christina 2 Hillock John Smart Rnbeet Hunter William Jr Sutton William Hurley John Sanford Nathan Hay Capt D Simon. Jame. Henry George Sturdy Christopher Harris Richard Shea Darby Heffernan Miss E 8ehoebder Rey P 5 John.lone 11 E.q Swarson George Jones Mr. Fleur Stewart -Esq Johnston Edward Stewart David 2 Jones William Foci ShannonlRobert Jonson Mr Johnej Stacy James Kirkpatrick William Stevenson Robert Ktlty Thomas Thonupeon Joseph Knight Alfred Tboapeos J.hs Kemp Thomas Templeton. EI:w►etb Kerr Joseph Terwilliger C 8 Leafy Thomas Tierney Thomas Lark E,lward Treleaven Richard Mawhtoney John Van.toae John Montgomery A F W•Ilis Mr. Caroline E.q 3 Winter Mrs Sueasa'h THOMAS KYDD, Postmaster. LIST OF LET'T'ERS REMAINING to the Stratford P. O. up to October 6t11, 1850. Anderson James Johnson Alonsoo Asch Valeotioe Kenoard Thos Bullard John • Kiely Richd Brennen James Kennedy Aodoreo■ Byers Hugh Mair Littler A Brining Joseph Montgomery Jame. Broden Cha. Moon Mrs Dr 3 Boyd Mr (clothier) Mann Mrs Elizabeth Bremner Alex Merrifield Wm Black Thos Metbenll V►'m ('aahin Mrs Patrick Merrick Rat Catlin Jew McNamee Tko. Crowley Lawrence McNichol Colts Corbit %Villiam Mobley Jno Cunt' Monroe McWilliams James Coultas Richd 2 McDonald Jno Coulter Samuel McTavish Chas Cray 1 T McKey Jame. Douglass Tho. McDermott Terrence D• Pomroy Tho. ElouwDoodeneiGeo►ge Parker Thomas Elgie Matthew Roper Wm Fisher Geo FrederickRyaa Jno Fam August Rowland Mr. Grady Richard 8ackrider Jno Gleeson Cornelius Sullivan Patk Goetler Anthony Studer Henry Gallagher Joo Sebring Philander Hoffm.yer Jno Slava N.thaoisl Hamilton George Scott Joo Hewer William Terry F Hamilton Hugh \Nall Inorodk Hunter Hugh Watson Joseph Henderson Tilos Wbalisg Peter Irving Jno Ward Thos Jock Wm Willson Jamie A. F. MICKLF„ Postmaster. CAME into the enelneure of the iebecri- ber about the let of July, • ons year old Red and Vt hits homed STEER. The eerier is regoeated to prove property pay expenses and take bim away. JAMES WiLKIE. Hay, London Road, October 5815, 1850. ,3n37 L0S'1'. ON Wedaday the 23rd Om., heaves O.de- eerice sod Kueadi.e, • Netted COTTON PURSE with • doable bottom, coataisiag £6 9s {ld-all notes with the exception of M 4Rd la silver. Amy perms fi.dieg and leaving it at the Segal 016•• er with the seb.rriber, will be rewarded fel their trouble. NATHANIEL BRADLEY. Gederieb, Oct. 94, 1854. v3a38 $50 WAGER!! WF., the eaderigned, will PLOUGH, man foe in.., with .ay three arse. wlthia fifteen mile. of 8. Fryfogle•s, Esq. South &w- hops, for. WAGER °ILO) 10s. earreeey.- Amy hied of Meets allowed to be used. Ths gr11.d to be obese. wheel the Writer us takes .p. JOHN BURNETT. armer. THOMAS COCHRAN. Distiller. MARTIN CHARLESWORTH, Miller. Hamburg. tette Oet. 1810• 315-4 NEW - LINE OF STAGES aIT W IRN ALL poas latiAted to the lata Tarp et Wrre. F. • J. L. Gooding, sad oleo to Jup.r E. Goodin are requested to pay the mitre to toe, as ail dMle dee the abet. parka. have been legally w ro me.' ROBERT MODERWELL. Goderich, Aug. )50, 1860. t1.t3 PROPERTY FOR SALE. "ivILL be SOLD on the moat reaeonaWe Tepper, a TOWN LOT, situated o a the corners of South and South Wein air„ adjoiniog the Markel Square,•uderich.-- The Lot eontatos nearly ba an acre of ground, with a gond Frame Hotter, sed Fruit Garden nn it. For further particulars apply to JAMES CLEGG, Lightbuu•eat. Godortch, August 14th, 1650. 5631( 1'0 SPECULATORS AND OTHERS. -The.ebscril,er having had PARK Lars Nos. 433, 434, 433, 432, 431, and part of 4.19. n ear the cewre of the 7'owo of STRATFORD rerveyed and laid out into unr-luartb sere Law, would respetdully coil the •Mention of Parties wishing to become purchasers to the same. - Free and aninesiubeeed Dyads will be or.ne(d in those pa'chseiag. or bund lot Deed will he giro io those who cannot pay 1"r loop earls down, ■t e ach • length of time se nosy ie agreed apo.. For particulars as to Pnee, &c apply to Mr. D. 11. Loon, Solicitor. Stratford, with whore the plan of the Property is... W. F. McCULLOCH. S tratford, iPth June, 1850. 3r-022 1)117.S10.1, CO vie THE neat Dtvi,ion Courts for 11,5 Untied Couuues of Huron Perth sod Brsee, will be held at the times and places Inlluwing - lar. Division. -Court h0111•• at G.drrich,- 9J December. A. F. Morgan, Esq.. Clerk. 2d. Nhvisios.-Juhn Hicks'. faitehell,-3015 December. Robert Cons, Esq., Clerk. 3d. lh'oision-Woosl•. Tavern, Stratford, 31st December. Roby Williams, Erg., Clerk. 4th. Dirision-Quicka' Tavern London Road. 27th December George Cuter, Esq.. Clerk. Sib Dic,siun--Mr%enzie'a Ion,Rruce6eld 25s1 Dec. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk. 6111. Division -School house Si. Mery'o. {tb Feb. Jame. Coleman. Eeq.• Clerk. The Sittings of the Sevetal Coons will eem- mence punctually at 11 o'clock, A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. D. C. Goderich, Sept. Ilth, '50 3,-■-zal NOTICE. PERSONS desirous of settling on the Durham Road in the Townships of Glenel5, Beotiock, Brant, Greenock, Kin- 1*.s and Kincardine, must apply personally at the Office of the uoder.igned, and so lo- cations will be confirmed except such as are made iii accordance with this requirement. All assignmculs of interest in locations without the koowledge and approval of the Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of all right in the locate• or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. CROWN Laden Orme, Bentinck, County of Waterloo. March I4th, 1850. ,3n7 TO BE SOLD. -An Grccllent Farm of Land. BEiNG Lots No. t5 and 16. on the 14th coe• cession, Towaship of London, eosninia` 200 acres, 70 of which are cleared. The Land is o1 • Superior quality, and well watered. 1t is situated tea miles from ;he Town of Lomdoe, oil the Macadamized Road. There is • Frame Howse nod two Frame Barns o0 the premises. - It ie in the centre of • popetons locality. The place is wall adapied for • Store or Towers Stand. Thu Farm is well entitled to the at tee - lion of persons desirous of going into baroness. There is also • good Bearing Orchard on ill., said Farm, asd will be sold os very reesnnble teres. For particular, apply to Wm. McMs• bee, oa the adioiuing Lot. or to JAMES McMAHEN. Town of Gederieh_, July 3rd, 1850. ,3x21 GALT AND GODERICH THROUGH IN 18 HOURS' la eeswectiow rill the Stagesfrew Haetillen. COMMENCING on TUESDAY 1.t of October, a Stage will leave the Union Hotel, Galt, at 5 o'clock, a. m., and the British Hotel, Godencb, at 5 o'clock, a. m., every day (Stiedays excepted,) arriving at each of the above Towns at early body time, and will continue to run for the Ae• commodatioo of Travellers, starting puoc. tually at 6 o'clock in the morntng. The eubscnber hopes by paying strict illation to the comforts of the Travelling Public to receive a share of their supper*. Buffalo Robe*, 1;e*., furnished. Any complaints made of Drivers will re- cetve immediate atlentinn, and will be at once redressed as far as redress is practi• cable. Parcels sent by this Line will be eonv.y- ed with care and punctuality, and delivered at moderate charges. Persons traveling by this Line will not be deprived of rest as on the Route from Geode ncb to Hamilton, they arrive to Galt be- tween 10 and 11 o'clock at night, and leave in the morning for Hamilton at $ o'clock - sed on the Ratio from Ilamiltoe to Gode- rich the Paleogene arrive in Galt se they chose., at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon er 12 o'clock at night, and leave for Goderich .t S is the morning. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stratford, Sept. 96, 1850. 1,-te33tf HURON H()TE).. 1a1HR Bubeeriber begs lean to intimate to hie nomarons reepectshle eu.tnmerr. and the traveling public generally, that the extensive repair* end improvement. FOR SALE. which have bean in progress ne the floret, Hotel during lbs sours* of the summer, see now fully completed. And as he feels enol THAT EXCELLENT FARM dont that hie Nublsi.bmenlanow capable of ON the D.y6eld Road, Nis. wimp from affording meemmndatln, egnal to that of GODERICIL iced Titres from Bey0eld, any Hetet 1a OMs action of the country, he eoeel.ting of 190 Acres .f lo+d. 45 o1 ventures to hope for a entieneoee of that which ere cleared, tad through whseh rune liberal .n port which he hen reaiv.d during that.aeslleat M111 Streit., the 33 Creek. the period be has been in ►Piro.... For psrtlealare apply to Mr. NAFTRL, at IAMES GENTLES. (iederic►. B ' Heron Hotel, God.risb,!1 . tsmb.r 97, 1860. v3 -6321f Oeteb.r 1tBM.• .8 •S5 Da- NOTICE To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. 1111E increased demand for Snmemees. and other BLANK WRiTS, io cos- nection with the business of the several Di- vision Courts in the District, has warranted us in printing them in mucb larger quanti- ties than heretofore, and consequently ena- bles u• to all them much cbeaper-there- fore we intimate to the sereral Officers, re- quiring these Blank Forms, that f this date, Summ000es and all other Writs longing to the Division Court, wilhb. Sold at the Signal Office at the reduced price of Q Two SHILLIpea AID B1zra11c11 yea Novelize...03 Blank Deeds and Memorials, AND all hied. of DIVISION COURT . BLANKS, and BLANK PROMi8- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Signal office.: Every description of BOOK and JOB Printing executed with neatness and dispatch. ET Q UMMONRES required b, the 13.w Dis- rP ►7 triet Cesrt Act, andel) other BLANK FORMS need in the District and Division Carta, oe Sale et the Signal Offsee Alae, .11 kinds of JOB PRINTING ted ou the *hottest notice, ad on m.derste terms. Gnds,ieh, July 19, 1849. REMOVAL. JOHN ADAMS, TAILOR, BEGS leave to intimate (0 the inhabitants BEGS Goderich and its -,taunt?, that he h.s Removed bus TAILOR1NG ESTABLISH- MENT to West Strert, firet door east of M. D. Seymour lz Co.'s Store, where he will be prepared to make all kends of GAR- MENTS on the shortest notice, and nn toe moot reasoabl• terms. Cutting done on shortest notice. Goderich, Sept. It 1850. - r3 -11301f ,TRAYED from the enetnrnre of the gob- ''- scriber on the Kay6sld Road, rear t),., Town of Goderich, a large Red and Whirr Spotted RTEF.R. Any one gives Infor- mation 'roll be e,utably rewarded. EDWARD YEAMANT. A ngn r1 141h. Me. . .3.3* TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBIURG, Warea Imo. / lath Fehrasry, 1849. Tim Soho/color herehy into:tares to too a. (newle and the Travelling Publi- gene. rally, that he h.o removed from New Abor- tMen to the Village rel Straahurgh, and will n ow be foilin that well-known house for- merly see.ed by Mr. Jones, -where he will he rey and able to conduce to the comfort of those who may honor him wills their patronage. And while he returns thanks for poet (.yore, he hope., by strict W anting to the wants and wishes n( his rusbomerr, still to me11t a eoniianance of their patronage. JOHN ARE1. N. B. -Good STABLES .nd atggNve Gramme. v9-eetf 1 • '4t 41