The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-07-03, Page 3..y,... • ,. ... _ .:,.. IP ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS.T B1 1.1. ---Air. and Airs. liarol4 :Hell. i1,1.. 2 jiensall, are happy tn. announce.• the birth or their (taughtet• at Sl. Joseph's J1ns- 9t 3l, l,onrion, .Frid a5', June 21, 0.‘14.1) WEI.1,--11r. an d \Mrs, i4ar- nid Val ditell, nee Wilma, "Kyle, 'Henaali. are 'happy to announce the birth or R. sou, Jamie ,K YIP, net ht S. ibs. 1.1 gas, t In ' ion hospital, duly 1, 10,5. .11n- 009"1.1.Ii--Air. and Alt's. rose rot - tie, lilt. '1 lV'nedham, announce the birth of a sup, .lames f.a- %erne, al South Enron, J-loypilal, lul.v 1, 1055. Al.\ ltSFi l l 11r, and \it's, \\'i liam "Snits.," :Marshall (:irand. Rend alillnl111CP the both or a sun, l\'illiant llarfipjri, .tt Solt tit Huron .Hospital, .1 MIA 26, 1034--- a brother for 1)annte, Ad\7rE.F.nS --- To Air. and. Airs. Dale Matthews, 1047 \'intnria Park, -1.re,, Toronto, a son, llnncan at South Huron. hos- pital, .Jung 26, 1056, !Baby died June 30, 1056, '1\ c.CR.1NGIt-j c1n'ard and Pauline .nee troll telt l are JcaI,P 10 No, nnunce the birth of their son, Bruce Cd ward, .1 tine 12, 1iSS-- g hr.)? her fel* JIM. What's Doing?? Read This Page CARDS QF THANKS ' 1 wish 10 express my appi.ecia- lion 10 all my friends antineigh- bours for cards, treats and flow - ors while a patient in 111. .10- sepll'a 11o8pltal and since return- ing home. -Airs: Lloyd Lynn. 3* 1. would. like to thank .all the ! friendsand neighbors 1llat sent rte cards and gifts while a 11a- tiP t St.Joseph's. n Lt )' . 1 1 $ HAI Fll Ito t l 1 since returning home. -- Sharon 1aynhant, 3e 1 w ish to 'thank ail my friends, relat it es and neighbors who so kindly 1'entelllhem' lite with cards. flowers. treats and visits during' my recent 111ness.--.±,dela Oke. 3* I wish to express my shivers thanks to my friends a,nd rela- tives for c'ard's, gifts, flowers and visits during Inv illness in St. Joseph's hospital and since re- t rn ing e-turning• home. -Airs. John Leatnp- be l 1. 11* I wish to thank all those 'wltti so kindly remembered ate with cards, telegrams and flowers tvitll.4 a. patient In :Rall ('linic, Ilxcelsier Springs, Missouri.. Spec- ial thanks In the members of the :Kinsmen Club. -„try Ina Armstrong. 3* We wish to extend nur heart- felt thanl.s and appreciation for the arts and kindness, cards of sympathy and beautiful floral 1t'ibtu es received from Irlends. relatives And neighbours in nuc recent bereavement. of a beloved ll a n h ter and sister. Special thanks in Rev. Wilson nt 7'.Ilatnes !toad and 1)r, Munroe of St. Ararys: also thanks to pallbearers. flower bearers and to Marriott's Funeral Home, St. 'Marys. \tarry thanks to the ladies who helped in l'bP hone, --Air. and Mrs, ton McCurdy and fancily. 3* 'rhe family of the late A. -\, hred1 t,arrcI1 wish to thank their friends, neighbors and rela- tives for the kindness and sym- pathy shown Thein in their recent 'ad 'bereavement, Also for the beautiful floral tributes, Special thanks to Airs. 'V, At. Hussey and etaff or .Pines 14aven Nursing Dome De. F FI. Pal terson, Rev. I. .1'. Pi•est, rtes. '5, Al. conk, the 1[u rdy tune ra1 hom.e•and all those ivhn helped in any way. 3c 3�1 t11n„nllln,l„114141111(1,mI, ntIII 1m 111nnlnla II nnn1n111,11n11,11nn 111 nl.III, l II lln,111 III III :Moult nl1n11/, LSMFT '57 FORD HARDTOP - automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. This one has the works! $2,800 '58 FORD SEDAN -V-8 engine, only 12,000 owner deceased: $2,450 '58 FORD SEDAN, 6 cylinder, 7,600 miles ..,$2,600 '56 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP Automatic, power steering, radio $2,095 '57 DODGE SEDAN -a steal $1,900 '55 MERCURY HARDTOP -automatic, nice $1,800 '55 PONTIAC SEDAN V8 engine, overdrive $1,595 '55 FORD SEDAN-tutone $1,595 '35 METEOR "NIAGARA" SEDAN 1$1,495 '54 NASH SEDAN -radio .. $1,200 '52 MERCURY TUDOR HARDTOP Overdrive $1,200 '54 METEOR "NIAGARA" COACH -radio , $1,200 '54 CHEVROLET BEL-AIRE SEDAN -nice $1,200 '53 NASH SEDAN -radio ,. $ 995 '53 FORD COACH $ 995 '53 FORD SEDAN -automatic, radio $ 995 '53 METEOR COA/CH-a nice black $ 950 '51 PONTIAC HARDTOP -good! $ 850 '52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $ 750 '51 FORD COACH $ 450 '47 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN . $ 125 '47 DODGE SEDAN $ 125 • '48 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 75 '40 CHRYSLER SEDAN $ 75 SPECIALS The following units to be reduced $10 a day until sold: Thurs. Price • '56 FORD' CUSTOM TUDOR -good $1,680 '54 CHEVROLET SEDAN -black and white $ 980 1 '54 STUDEBAKER COACH -six cylinder $ 980 '53 CHEVROLET TUDOR -very nice!' $ 880 '53 PONTIAC SEDAN -she's O.K. $ 780 '51 MONARCH SEDAN $ 530 '51 FORD SEDAN ,.w.......,,., $ 530 '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 480 '50 FORD COACH -a. good one! ,..,.. $ 430 '52 PONTIAC COACH -poked in the rear .... $ 330 I TRUCKS '56 FORD F.700 DUMP -choice of tw:o $4,000 '55 DODGE "K" DUMP I,,.,,. $2,500 '55 FORD F-600 DUMP -a steal $2,000 '54 FORD F-700 TRACTOR - Fifth wheel, saddle tanks, vacuum to trailer $2,000 '54 CHEVROLET 3 TON STAKE DUMP , ' A steal ' $1,200 '53 , CHEVROLET PANEL -very good! ..,....,.,$ 600 '47 I.H.C. K-7 CHASSIS & CAB - ,.. , $ 550 7 x 10 COMBINATION DUMP BODY ,.,,,..... ,. $ 400 ''52 CHEVROLET•PICI<UP-it ran i11! 1 i x '54 WOODS PICKER $ 550 '51 FORD COMBINE -motor driven $ 600 '50 FORD TRACTOR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $ 550 i '48 CASE V.A.C. & SCUFFLER .,..,,.,....$ 500 USED 7 -FT. I. 14. C. SPRING TOOTH i CULTIVATOR t $` 75 I HAW.OADER-Choice of two Each $ 85 TRACTORS Larry Snider W.otc"rs Pord+Edsel Dealiilr `• PHONE 4M, Siles end Service EXETER iatAlititithaititnlitoinfi iiiinrhYVrVrrttiTllfilinainto inintilifi YRYrtin7iYvihnftnillnnftii'WYi ttinfinfune WINS OPENING PRIZE -Top prize in the grand opening and twelfth anniversary celebration at Rether's Restaurant Friday went to Bob Skinner, Above, George Rether makes the presentation, .Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter !1'he .(;zetel' ''line's-Adyoente Its uJ,,'au, plettned to n1001/fit these item. We tlnd our render,i are Infere,ted in Son and Tour friend's. Phone • O. Mrs. J, A. 'rraq.uair is a pa- Mrs. H. Powe, Mr. and Mrs. E, tient in South Huron Hospital, Mr, and 1\Irs. H. Bieriing moved on Tuesday. to the home on Huron . street they recently purchased from. Mr. and Mrs. Len Dilkes, Mr. and Mrs, Audrey Dougall, highway 4 north will shortly move .into the home on Main street vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Meiling. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Bosnell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kearny of Toronto, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley ;Johns, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Martin, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wesley Johns and Mr, and Mrs. Howard. .Johns, Elimville, were in London on Sunday owing to the death of a cousin, Miss May Thomas, a na- tive of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Abbott of Edmonton, Alta., .visited last week with their cousins, Mr. and Simplon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones and Mr. and Mrs, E. Powe, Mr, Grant Sanders, Montclair, N.J., visitedrelatives in town this week. Air, and Mrs, George Andrews, Wendy and Robert, Port Credit, were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Johnston, John Street, A landlord (to a prospective tenant): "You know we keep it very quiet and orderly here, Do you have any children?" "No." "A piano, radio or phono- graph?" "No." "Do you play any musicalin-' str, ulnent? Do you have a dog, ! cat or parrot?" "No, but my fountain pen scratches a little sometimes." CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 9:00 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m,-Morning Worship Sermon Subject: ' "The Boy Who Stayed At Houle" Nursery; for children up to six years. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K. L. Zorn, Phone 65 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Service ,, 2:00 p.m. -Church Piqnic Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, July 6, 1958 110:00 a.m.-Holy Communion :11:05 a.m.-Sunday School Vacation Bible School -July 7 to July 18, 9:15 a.m. Why let a burn spoil your holi- day? Tan in comfort with one of these topnotch products. Bronztan $1,50 Sea and Ski Tanning Cream .. ... ,, 89t, Coppertone 00 and Cream $1.50 Spray Bomb 82.25 Noxzema Suntain Lotion . 550, $1,00, $1.50 Noxzema Suntan 00 .,,. 450, 75411 Noxema Suntan Cream Nivea Creme ,,., 3S', 63h, $1.10, $3.00 Skol 600, $1.00, $1.25 Spray Tan $1.95 4 oz. $1.50; 65f, 89t', Bathing Caps Seiberling .. ................ $91', ,90 Viceroy Junior Miss ..... 89¢ Viceroy "Wave Saver" ,.., 980 Howland Caps - "Hair Dry" If Swire Caps in moulded rubber designs $1159' tither Caps 694', 9gt' .. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School 11:30 a.m.-Worship Pastor: Stanley Saucier, Exeter JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH •Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W,C,M. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:15 a,Jn. - Union Services in Main Street Church Centralia Comments By MRS, FRED BOWDEN mothers and ,the Mission c f 1.a t their regular meeting Tues. 1Llay "afternoon. July S. Mrs. e Ralph Batten Of Exeter will be - Ifine guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer o.f, Mahon spent the holiday with t and Mrs. Mr. A s d .RaY Lammmie. Mrs. Myrtle Thon of Sa4ka. loon, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Itay Laramie for Hie past few weeks, is spending a few days with relatives in iensali. Personal Items AIr. and Mrs. C„ corge4,ehte .o lnapel'ial Beacim, California, wer recent visitors with Miss Mar garet Cook. Mr. and Mrs: Harold Lighfoot Gwen and Don left on Saturday on a trip to the West where they will visit with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, :Cpl. and ars- Carl Stuekless and family. in Macdonald, Manitoba. A1r. Jack Price .accompanied them as far as Winnipeg and will visit with LAC and Mrs, 11. Stock. FIL and Mrs. T. Gates and son i'ommmy 0f Camp Borden visited fora couple of days last week with their parents, 14r. and Mrs, R. B. Gates. Miss Margaret Clarke, R.N., of Bella Coola, B,C•, arrived home last week to spend her vacation with her parents, Rev, J. T. and Mrs. Clarke. Miss Fl or e nc e Clarke of Sault Ste Marie incl Miss Odeyne Clarke of Brantford have returned from their teach- ing duties for the summer holi- days. Mr. and Airs. K. •Hodgins, Ileanor and Keith attended the gl'a. luation exercises o" t,te Woodstock hospital School of Nursing in New St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Woodstock, on Wed- nesday of last week, Miss Anna Hodgins (the former's niece) was among the graduates, Mr, and Mrs. .Reg Hodgson and Kay moved last week to their home in Waterloo, Mr. Hodgson, who has been superin. tendent of. the Sunday School for the past few years, was,present- ed with a Holman' Teacher's :Bible. Mr. George Baynham, Mr. and Mrs. William Haddock were in Windsor attending the funeral of their brother, Mr, Harold Baynham, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth :Tod - gins attended the Martin -.Morris wedding in • Central United Church, Barrie, on Saturday. The school term was brought to a close on Friday with the teacher and pupils enjoying an appetizing smorgasbord lunch- eon. Miss Eleanor Mae Hodgins has accepted a position at Grand Bend for the holidays. The W. M. S. will entertai t the babies of the baby hand and their COMING EVENTS BARN DANCE - Silver Star Ranch Barn Dance at Jim Grif- fin's new barn, 5 miles north of St. Marys or 1,4 mile east of Alotherwell, Dancing every Fri- day 10 to 1. Alternating orches- tras, Melody Ranch Boys and Andy Linders orchestra. 5tfc BARN DANCE, Friday, July 4, Albert Wydooghe's barn, 1 mile south of Mount Carmel. Admis- sion 754. Everyone welcome. ' 26:3'" BARN DANCE Friday, July 4 . ZION CHURCH ALBERT WYDOOGHE'S Evangelical United Brethren( BARN CREDITON I 1 Mile South of Mt. Carmel Rev, Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Worship Rev. H. E. Roppel 11:15 a.m.-Church School THE BETHEL REFORMFD CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 7:00 a.m.-"Temple Time" Reformed Church Radio Broadcast, CHML Hamilton. 2:00 p.m. -Worship "Life Everlasting" 3:30 p.m. -Sunday School All Welcome THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Brett de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, July 6, 1958 8:30 a.m.--Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.,-Holy Communion MAIN STREET The United Church Of Canada Ministers' Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11;15 a.m. -: The Service of Worship Union Service With James Street The 'Church School will meet with the congregation and with- draw during the second hymn. Worship God Every Sunday 'BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenhan 9;45 a,m -Bible School. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Service 7:30 pan. -Evening Service Wednesday 8 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Service Weieonme To All DRUG StOR''E 1 mom EXETER Phone 5 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, G. J, Spykman, Blenheitr, Minister 0:45 1.h1, -Morning Worship Mr, A. Zijistra, Ei(dtdr (Dtlti+l) MIS p.m. -Afternoon "W(irsl iii' Mr. 14 201s'tra, Thteter (English) ,`lctlo,p.M.-Sunday Sehty'Ol Admission 75 EVERYONE WELCOME Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. July 3, 4 and 5 "THE GUNFIGHT AT O.K. CORRAL" * Burt Lancaster * Rhonda Fleming CARTOON COMED .' Ali Week, Starting Monday July 7 to Saturday, July 12 Matinee on Saturday, July 12 at 2 p.m. Welt Disney's "OLD YELLER" plus an added featurette "Portugal" Lakeview ^ • Cas1no. Grand Bend Presenting AI( Season LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchesfre Dancing EVERY WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Until Labour Day COMING Wednesday, .fury 30 Olen Milleet Orchestra Wethiesday, August 6 Tommy Dorsey'.s' Orchestra The fanner had just shown the new hired elan around the fare. and .explained to him all the jobs he would be expected to do, "How about clearing the snow out of the driveway and from around the house?" .asked the hired Jean. "What do youmean?" asked the farmer: "there's no snow at this time of year." "That's true." replied the new hired hand, "but there should be plenty of it by the time 1 get the rest of those chores done:" Decoration Service KIRKTON UNION CEMETERY Sunday, July 6 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: REV. A. RAPSON, EXETER Special Music By The Paul Family If weather is unfavorable, service will be held in Kirk ton United Church. Fred Doupe, Chairman Frank Routly, Sec,-Treas. Starlite Drive -In Theatre 8,5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road 5 Miles East of Grand Bend THURSDAY & FRIDAY July 3 and 4 "BEAU JAMES" * Bob Hope * Vera` Miles SAT. & SUNDAY MIDNITE July 5 and 7 "GUNFIGHT AT O.K. CORRAL" * Wyatt Earp * Burt Lancaster TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 8 and 9 "MY MAN GODFREY" *David Niven * June Allyson THURSDAY & FRIDAY July 10 and 11 "BEYOND MOMBASSO" * Cornet Wilde * Donna Reed 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY Kr III. Tho Times -Advocate, July ,3n 1951 Pogo a Bend Boating Continued !coin Page 1 issued to the offiee this summer. Police were ,called to 'iandle .a number .of other minor , dents. .t'lae police boat received eon- siderable use over the ltoiiday. It answered two calls to K over- turned sailboats, rescuing one and assisting the other. It also. searched the lake for a boat which Was reported adrift be- tween 1pperwash and. Grand Bend but none was found. It's believed the report was a false alarm. BARN DANCE JACK DICKINS' BARN 5 Miles North of Lucan Fourth Concession Fri,, July 4 GOOD MUSIC Admission 75¢ Everyone Welcome .111111 /III II tl Itn10111111t1llltl! l II111InnIn11111nt11111111 "How's your vile .doing witit her singing lessons?'" "kine ---my nest -deur 1teighl returned the .oilcan he hpr'row44 ;last summer." Aldon rh4....., tr Grand send THURS., FRI* * $AT, July 3, 4 .and :S "BERNADINE" (Color) , * Pat Roonit * Jerry Moors MONDAY & TUESDAY July 7 end .8 "THE SUN ASO RISES" (Color) * .Ave Gardner * Tyrone Power WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 9 and 10 "BOY ON A DOLPHIN" ( Color) * Man Ladd * Sophia Loren 2 SHOWS EACH NIGHT 7:30 and 9:30 III11111nn11I11It.n1n11111nIgnn P, Il....I. Unit nn 11114 Boys And Girls Don't Forget EXETER SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL July 7 to July 18 Every School Day - 9 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Director Stanley Sauder, Phone 973-J Exeter �•Illll.lflllll lt.l.l n,111, 111 III .11.1111111111111111111.1111tY 1111,II,.II111111,n1111111111111I111.1'Multi lltlllllllll lt1l111tn1111/�/ 11111f111llll llllmin llllll illnitlll nlllnl Mitch In 1111111111111 n/1n 11111. 11.11!111/IIIII.IIIIIIIt111111111111tt 11111111+1111/j' DANCE Country And Western •EXETER ARENA Every Friday Commencing June 27 Music by C-4 Ranch Gang featuring Radio and Recording Artists "Lee" Diamond and "Codey" Elko. Admission 750 or $1.25 Per Couple 1111111 women ..l.lengem n otnnInson.11eminium wwin wow l nn iontiu I11t1 mit1menet in1,1111111111Itn�/ n/.....memo Mown....I.......III n1,1111,..111U..... ltlln1011nllla 1111ltlll 1111.11.111.111 mon rimmalmmi lit,• CLINTON KINSMEN CLUB 3 r $2,200 Cash Bingo CLINTON LIONS ARENA Wed., July 16 . 1 Doors Open at 7:30 p.m. DST -Games start at 9 p.m. 15 GAMES FOR. 550.00 EACH 3 SHARE -THE -WEALTH GAMES 2 Specials -- *500.00 5 Door Prizes -- $25.00 each ADMISSION: $1.00 Extra Cards: 25e each or 5 for $1.00 Special Cards: 50 r each or 3 for $1.00 CLIP THIS ADV, • Bring this Adv. to Box Office and Get Extra FREE ticket on Door. Prizes. 41414404411144444144444141 4111 It It 111 l ltllnllt ti if ll.Ill ill whim 11111,1 I1[ttl 11 l tl IWI el l: t1111t.tlltta11III n..n 11111 Iltlntll, ltllttlinnntn 1,11111n 111't1 HEAR THE Anderson ..:(11nd.) College 'Trumped Tri� Church .,01 GIc71'Idtef1d