The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-26, Page 16Page 16 The Times -Advocate, dune 26, 1958 News From Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Mr. and M. Tom Kooy were' Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Green.' EUriday guests with Mr, and Mrs. lee were Sunday guests with :W. Essery, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins. 'Granton. r. and Mts. Jim Barker, I MGary and Joan were Sundav` guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Barker. Gary observed his fourth - birthday Sunday. Airs. L. Hodgins and I1rs. Rd. Dickins. Exeter and M. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Sunday. guests with Mr. and Stirs. Earl • Atkinson. Mr. Frank Smyth, Centralia.' and Mrs. P. Dickins, London. called mi Mrs. F. ;Davis on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smyth, ' Mr. and Mrs. 1 -Howard Smyth, Mr. Doug Smyth and mr. p.FAMILY OPEN NEW RESTAURANT -•-- Opening of Rether's Restaurant in Exeter this Hopkins were guests with Mr. ° Friday marks the completion of a 530.000 renovation program and the celebration of and Mrs, Heber Davis Sunday g afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. .I3. the firm's twelfth anniversary. The restaurant is a family concern, operatedby Mr. and11z's. George Retllez Smyth remained for a few days, , left, and their Soni and elaugllter in law, 141r. and illzs ,Cletarge Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta E. Rether. --�C A Fhoto Rec.eption And Dance MR. AND MRS. MURRAY VENNER of . Iensall (nee Marion Desjardinel :TOWN HALL, HENSALL Wed., July 2 DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Provide The Lunch Mollard Reunion will be held in Swim Park 3 miles south of Grand Bend on No. 21 June8 2 12:30 p.m. D.S.T. We Salute Rether's On Their Anniversary And Re -Opening Box Plants 4 for X1.40 Reder's FLORIST Phone 761 'Exeter A" 11111111111111,1111111111111111111111111.1111,1)1111111 A Truckload Of 444444444 44444444 44a.u111.41..11 .• q and family were Sunday guests Farkhill. Mr. ('la)'Inn Kooy spent Sun.' day at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. ith Mr . and Mrs. John klodgins, F ar.khill, Clayton Kooy sett S in- home and Makes Double \Ir. Thomas Dickins of Corning, ' Celebrafion Sask. this past week. The fin.; Iln addition to marking the their high school education at, c,eorge E. Rether has been ac - neral was held in Prince Albert completion of a S30,o00 renova- SI-IDIHS where they were promi-,tive in Exeter Kinsmen Club and where his daughter, Mr. and i tion program, grand opening of nent in student activities, partic-' has served as chairman of a Mrs. Tom Smith reside. I Rether's Restaurant this 1 riday ularly athletics. Both boys were i number of important cominit- The death of Mrs. Minnie celebrates the twelfth anniver- stars on the school's basketball; tees including the Dominion, Day Johnston. Kindersly. Alta., for- sary of the limn. team for several years and later; celebration, fund-raising merly Miss Minnie :Nines of', Twelve years ago. on the were kingpins in the junior team i ects and, more repently, organ - Watford occurred recently. exact date of this week's open.- which won provincial honol•s. t ized the zone conference which Mrs. Janes Turner returned Ing — June 27 — the Rether George served as president of was held in Exeter. Donne an Saturday after spending :family two weeks in Ailsa Craig visit, restaurant from Gordon Lam- - Mal year at SiD S. .la,o is Lodge and is a member took possession of the the student council during his ` He is also an officer ofthe ing friends. • port. the former operator. Because his duties at the res... of Exeter Businessmen's Associ- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tindall Since then, the family has es taurant , revent it, the father of, anion. were Sunday evening guests of tablished an enviable record of the family doesn't belong to any The building which the Reth- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee unbroken restaurant service to local organizations However, he ors now occupy was established Restaurants Annivcrsary Lorne 11'eiberg. Relatives in this community • Mr. and Mrs. James Young, the community. Except for the is keenly .interested m town ac- as a -restaurant by James Lucan, spent Sunday with Mrs. occasional holiday, the eatery tivities and discusses them fre- Grieve' 1t was formerly the Jo' rRAJ' � Brod Davis. has never closed. fluently over lunch with his cis- sepia Senior photographic studio, Team, Speaker COMING EVENTS SCtr*?CCI t"auest BARN DANCE -- Silver Star Ranch ]tarn fiance at Jim Cirif- Seventcen members front Lelr- S'in's new barn, a niiies north o,t anon Forest Lode, A.IF', &: 11.11]:.' St. Marys or 1, 'tile east of paid a visit to. Tecumseh Lodge, Motherwell. Dancingevery Fri - Stratford, Friday evening of day 10 to 1. Alternating orches - last week. teas, Melody Ranch Boys and W.1\1. Bro. Ernest Corson and Andy Lindens orchestra. 5tfe his offieer•s exemplifier) tit" work " of :the second degree ill a man- BARN DANE, friday, July 4, ries that received commendation. Albert Wydoaghe's barn, 1 anile A banquet was served at the south of Mount Carpel. Admis- close at which. Past W.M. Uro. Sian 75e. Everyone welcome, W. G. Cochrane was the guest 26;z• speaker. ELIMVILLE United Church Sun - Parson (meeting a neighbor June S2910at 11ol ita.m. Anniversary, Sunday, speak- bringing home a load of hay)– er: Rev. Clarence 11. Ferguson, Wouldn't it be better if you at- R.A., B.D„ Christian Education tended services instead of work- Leader for Southern Conferences, ing this way? 26'1' 1.0.0.F, 67 • ecoration Service EXETER CEMETERY Sun., June 29 2;30 p.m. Everyone Welcome Roy Hunter, Noble Gi•and E, A, Howald, $ac,*Tree;. Neighbor — Parson, I don't.1111111101111111110111111111111IIlll„1111111„Il„1,111110111,1,111101111111011111111111110110,11111111t10ry- know whether it would 'be best to sit on a load of hay and think of religion or sit in church and think of hay: Thirteenth Annual WILLERT REUNION JOWETTS GROVE, BAYFIELD Sat., July 5 Bring Picnic Basket Supper at 5 pan. D.S.T. Sports — 1:00 pont. Evening Dancing President: AIRS. FRANK TRIEI3NER, R,R, 1 Exeter Secretary: MRS. ER1'IN LATTA, 116 Union SL, Waterloo George Rether moved his fain- ' tomers. lie's also an ardent ily to Exeter from London in; sports fan, particularly of "My husband has .flat feet? Can :PEAT PERFORMANCE 1946. Previously he had operated wrestling, and he knows person- 1 get a divorce for that?” • a restaurant. in St, Thomas, ally many of the officials and "Not unless his feet visit the 1zr. Rether says it's the last' stars of the mat game. He pro- wrong flat.” move the family will make, "We motet a number of matches in are here to stay — all of us like , the district recently. living in Exeter,” Mrs. Rether is a member of i • Mr. and Mrs. Rether have'. the Order of the Eastern Star. both been active in the business during the past 12 years, Now their son. George E. Rether, and his wife, Anne, are sharing the responsibilities in the family business. A second son, John, who was associated with the business for a number of years, has moved to Detroit where he is a sales- man. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Both George and John finished June 27 and 28 BARN DANCE Fri., June 27 BERNARD BENN'S BARN 1/2 -Mile South of Lucan on Nc,. 4 Highway ADMISSION 75r Old Time Music Everyone Welcome 11111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t Good Wishes To RETHER'S We deliver many of the fine foods you eat at Rather's. GUENTHER-TUCKEY TRANSPORTS LTD. Phone 25 Exeter 11111111111,1111,11111111011111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111,10111110' 4,Q 0101111001111111011010111111110111I1 10101011.11111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111x11), • With Pride We Salute Rether-'s on their twelfth anni- versary and the grand re -opening of their mo- dern restaurant. It was our privilege to install the plumbing. JAKE'S PLUMBING .AND HEATING 111111111110111,1,1,101111(111111111011111 I( 1 nu1n111111un,11+11111„II„1„lull/u1111u11,nnum11nl, /',l If ltltn n111b1u 11111111 t1 n/111111111.11I11111111111I1t1011 i11111111111101111Y1111111101 r111uri111MIII11111111uu N * Clint Walker Phone 463 Exeter ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Presenting All Season LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Dancing Saturday, June 28 Midnite, Sunday, June 29 Tuesday, July 1 Friday, July 4 Saturday, July 5 Starlite Drive -In Theatre 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road S Miles East of Grand Bend THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 26 and 27 "FORT DOBBS” Hats Off to _ Saturday, Sunday .Midnight, Mon, Rether's! We were happy to do the masonry (1n the new front for this good-looking restaur- ant. Fred. Bischoff 'PHONE 6-104 CREDITON 5 •z 040161t11111M1i111r1111MIAMI TM 011fit0 ORMI Mft0Ot11MUMMY 1 10111111111T111f11i1`I'Ii111111YY11111 tilifI0; Lrr 4 "JEANNE EAGLES” (Adultr * Kinn Novak * Jeff Chandler 'TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July. 1 and 2 "BATTLE HYMN” * Rack Hudson * Martha Flyer THURSDAY PRIDAY July 3 and 4 "BEAU JAMES" * Bob Nopo * Vera Milos TWO "$HOW$ NIGHTLY • A I.e 1 , 0 ♦: Y A DOUBLE BILL "RESTLESS BREED" * Scott Brady * Ann Bancroft also "LURE OF THE SWAMP" * Willard Parker * John Vohs MON., TUES. & WED. June 30, July 1 and 2 "AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER" * Deborah Kerr * Cary Grant Two Shows Each Nite 7:30 and 9:30 p.m, D.S.T. 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 011 yric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT, June 26, 27 and 28 "PEYTON PLACE" * Lana Turner * Arhur Kennedy •E.1,1A4tl This sensational novel is beau- tifully photographer) in Cinema - scope and Deluxe Color. MON., TUES. & WED. June 30, July 1 and 2 "NIG;-±T RUNNER" * Ray Denton * Colleen Miller and on the same program° "SITTING BULL" — COMING — Walt Disney's "OLD YELLER" 11001010111 llllll 11111,111111111111111111111111111111111111, DANCE Country And Western EXETER ARENA Every Friday Commencing June 27 Music by C-4 Ranch Gang featuring Radio and . Recording Artists "Lee" Diamond and "Codey" Elko. Admission 750 'or $1.25 Per Couple 1111111111111111111111111,1111111111111,1,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\ 01111111111111111111111111111111111t11111111111111,1111111111111111111111,11111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111, -Best Wishes. For Success TO Rether s EXETER SALVAGE Harry Joseph PHONE 423 Lee Sherman EXETER 'et lell• !III 11[oft x1111,1111, 011111111 /11111111I11f1111.11111111.1111111111111110 p111111111111111t 111 to ti l tlli111i1i1111q.� CONGRATULATIONS Gtatitie To Rether's Restaurant Ask for WISHING WELL with your lunches of Rether's ultra .modern restaurant .. , + Die's Drive-in Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 26 and 27 "REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE" (Colour) * James Dean * Sal Mineo (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) ONE CARTOON SATURDAY, ONLY—June 213 "PLAIN SAILING" (Colour, Comedy) * John Gregson * June Thorburn TWO CARTOONS SUNDAY MIDNITE & MONDAY June 29 and 30 -- DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE MONSTER THAT CHALLENGED THE WORLD" * Tim Holt * Audrey Dalton (ADULT ENTERTAINA1.ENT) "RUNNING TARGET" (Colour) * Arthur Frenz * Doris Dowling TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 1 and 2 "TRAPEZE" (Colour, Cinemascope) * Burt Lancaster * Tony Curtis * Gina Lollobrigida ONE CARTOON Congratulations And Best Wishes To Rether's Enjoy Your Favorite Hi Fi Records AT RETHER'S System Supplied By Moir's Music PHONE GE 2-8773, LONDON 1111111111,11111,111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1111111111IIt11„11111111111111I11111111111111111111,11111110: 01011011010101 10/111/0 0 010100111111111111111111111,111111111111110 0011111111111111111111111, 0111//11 . Best°Wishes To Rether's On the Re -Opening of Your Modern Restaurant. With the Compliments of Esbeco Ltd. STRATFORD, ONT. 11111111011111111,1,11111111111111,111111101111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111, Best Wishes eql To Rether's Scales & Roberts LTD. 1117 BRYDGES S1', - LONDON TO 4 RETHER'S ON YOUR Grand Re opening Av Ufi }1inq 11t�t1 wisoinG 60 0 ALONE OR IN ntil COMPANY We're happy to supply fresh fruits and vegetables for the fine meals you enjoy at RETHER'S . . Sansone FruitCo. Ltd. 240 WATERLOO t'rREI T LONDON • f