HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-26, Page 14Pepe 1k The Tinies.AtlYsgete, Arun* 26 TM
Friday Wedding
At Mensal' UC
White gladioli and snapdrag-
Dna formed the setting in Hen-
sall United church on Friday,
June 20 at 6:30 for the marriage
of Carole Anne Richardson,
Hensall, and Robert john Doug-
las Cooper, son of Mr. and Mra.
Duncan Coeper, Kippen.
Rev, Charles Daniel was the
officiating clergyman and Miss
Greta Lammie, church organist,
played the wedding music.
Given M marriage by her
father the bride chose a Door-
' length gown of silk and nylon
• net over taffeta featuring a sa.
brine neckline and long tapered
sleeves. A crown of seed pearls
and sequins held her floor -length
veil and she carried red roses.
• Wearing identicaliy-styled bal.
lerina-length gowns of yellow
GRADUATE AT WOODSTOCK—Three from this district were among the graduates
of the 'Woodstock General Hospital school of nursing who received their R.N. degrees
in a ceremony Wednesday. From' left, are Marla Jean Howse, RCAF Station Cen-
tralia; Anna Hodgins. Parkhill, and May Schroeder, Centralia. All are graduates of
South Huron District High School. —Barrett Photos
Society At Caven
Area Girls Rebekah Soc;a1
At Guelph Ends Activities
Honors Member
At the meeting of Caren Wom-
an's Missionary Society at the
Home of the president, Mrs. Al -
yin Moir, last Wednesday Mrs.
Wifliarn Siliery was presented
with an honorary rnembership,
the presentation being made by
Mrs. Nelson Stanlake.
The topic "Light in Darkness"
was taken by Mrs. Frank and
Mrs. Arthur Whilsmith showing
bow the Presbyterian church in
Canada is working with the
church In Korea. Mrs. Harold
Simpson sang a solo. Assisting
Xrs. Moir as hostess were Mrs.
a. Kydd and Mrs. Sanders.
The next meeting will be held
ern Thursday, August 21.
For Latest Styling
Elinor Wasnidge
Darol Tuckey
Singing, humorous contests and
Mary Skinner of the Elimville asuccessful penny sale high -
club and Carolyn Oke of the saillighted the final meeting of the
for rride of Huron Re- 1
Hurondale Jolly Jilts are two of bekah Lodge Wednesday night,
the six girls from Huron county June 18. s
who are attending the Girls Gordon and Eunice Smith
Conference for 4-H Honaemaking rendered several duets, with t
club girls at Ontario Agricultural nlenGordonproviding accornpani- 1
ti, his guitar.
College, Guelph this week. Mrs. Ruth Cole directed a s
They left by bus Tuesday ar- humorous contest, won by Mi s
riving at Macdonald Hall for Betty Coates. Mrs. Garnet Hicks
registration and a get-together won the mystery gift. s
and sapphire blue nylon chiffon
over net and tafetta fashioned
with floating panels at the back
the bridal attendants were Mrs.
Gerald Flynn, Hensall, as ma-
tron of honor with Miss Judy
lert, Zurich, and Aliss Blanche
Rollings, Clandeboye, as brides-
maids. They carried bouquets of
Yellow roses and blue carnatips.
The groom was attended by
Gerald Flynn, Hensel! and Wayne
McBride and Keinneth Richard-
son ushered.
A reception followed for 70
guests at the New Commercial
Hotel. The bride's mother wore
a black and white sheath dress
accessories in ‘thite. The
groom's mother chose orange ice
heath with beige accessories.
For travelling to Northern On.
ario the bride changed to a
ight green sheath dress with
matching duster, white acees.
ories and pink carnation cora.
The couple will reside in Hen-
party that evening. Two visitors were. Mrs. G.
The 200 .girls from all over Warburton, P. N. G., Oakville,
Mission Grate .ul
Ontario will be billeted at Mac- and Mrs. C. Saigics, St. Thomas.
donald Hall and on Wednesday A summersocial will be held
morning will make a tour of the at Mary Gardiner's c.ottage, Pop- For Group's Gift
lake part in discussion grOtips, 16, with. members meeting at Mrs. '1'. jolly presented the
demonstrations, exhibits and the hall at 2 p.m. First meeting message at the •meeting of the
recreation with the theme "The in September will feature a pot Pentecostal Challengers held at
Club Giri in Today's World." luck supper. the home of Mrs. Milford Prouty.
Thursday evening will he high. A enmmunication was read
lighted by a banquet with Dr.
C. D. Graham, deputy minister Teachers Hear from R0V. and Mrs, V. rich, Japan, acknowledging the
of Agriculture as guest speaker
arrival with thanks of the par.
and special guests from Trini. T A, Columnist eel sent by the Challengers.
campus of the 0.A.C. and will tar Beach, on Vi'ednesday„Tuly
dad, Formosa, Bahamas and In-
dia The devotional takenbv
- Marilyn Hamilton and Mrs, Rob.
days returning home on Friday. in interviewing television stars ducted the -meeting. Mrs. Stuart
The girls will spend three busy chette described her experiences ert Ostler. Mrs. Prouty c013.
Should A
Home •
Definitely YES! We think1
the housewife should be,
fully aware of the cover- .
age on her home and the
benefits provided by the
policy. We're always
ready to answer quest-
ions or give advice. Ask
us for assistance.
W. H. Hodgson
"The Insurance Man"
pHoNE 24
to the Exeter Unit, FWTAO, at Triebner gave a missionary
its banquet Wednesday night; at reading,
She also outlined some of the
work which goes into production
of TV shows and incidents be.
hind the scenes at CBC studios,
which she visits frequently to
get materia] for her column and
magazine articles.
Mrs. Cliff jory presided for the
banquet, during which a dona-
tion was approved to the Helen
:Keefer Memorial.
Velma Baikal, and Betty
Gowdy sang vpcal selections.
Donalda Adams and Mrs. Ron
Heimrich assisted with the pro•
Sing While You Drive — At 45
mph; "Highways Are Happy
At 55 inph: "[in But A Stran-
ger Here, Heaven is My Home."
At 65 mph: "Nearer, My God,
To Thee!"
At 75 mph: "When The Roll is
Called Up Yonder, I'll Be
At 85 mph: "Lord, I'm Coming
Beauty Salon
Marg Coward, Prop.
Live Better For Less With A
•.•1;.' • .!
You can use every inch
Less to own; less to operate
Eye-catching beauty
For food protection
Easy to operate
Must be latched from outtride
13, i1, 21 tit, ff.
Lloyd Ballantyne
P1464 602-R.23
Happenings In
FESTIVAL OPENS — Glamour and glitter of opening
nights invaded Stratford this week as the Shakespearean
Festival season began. Among guests at reception and
dinner which preceded first performances was Mrs. Griffin
Thomas, Grand Bend, left, who chose a cerise print dress
with a harem skirt. With her is Mrs, J. F. Morine, Stratford,
who wore a black dress of pure silk fashioned on sheath
lines,with red fax stole, —B-H Photo
By MRS. J, M, S.
The Health League of Caned
has just issued its annual war
ing on summer health hazard
We quote, "Summer is a wot
e ands muld
enjoyed, However, summertim
is full ot dangers which cab b
a v ' d "
Aiming these dairers
a recipe, especially when they
1- try a new one and like it. Mrs.
s. .Archie Morgan has. given us a ,
1- recipe for Ritz Pie, which was
e sent her by her daughter, Mrs.
e Carey Joynt, in Boston, She has
e served it to some friends who
were quite enthusiastic over it.
Idduiph pasteurized milk, :Aost Cana -
Ritz Pi
diens assume. that all milk hi (Mrs. Archie Morgan)
fay MRS. M. H. ELSTON Canada is pasteurized. Only 14 Ritz crackers
wo provinces Ontario
and Sas-
katehewan, have province -wide
Personal Items laws forbidding the sale of un-
pasteurized milk. ln. rural areas
Mrs. (Rev.) R. J.. Merriam the unwary holidayer will let his
of Toronto spent a few days with whole family drink unpastcur-
Mr. and Airs. George McFalls ized milk in the belief that "just
and visited 'with other friends a little bit won't hurt."
in the community, Unpasteurized milk can carry
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ford of undulant fever, diphtheria, ty.
Detroit, Mich. accompanied by phoid fever, bone tuberculosis,
Messrs. Allan. and Bill Hicks of dysentery and many other
Cho, Mich spent the weekend crippling and fatal diseases. One
with Mr, and Mrs. George Me- drink of unpasteurized milk
Falls and attended the funeral which carries any of these
on Monday of Mr, Ford's sister, germs is enough, if you are in
Mrs. John Pollard.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Ross Maas vere
Mrs, Artie. McFalls, Mr, and
Mrs. Alex McFalls, Mrs, Bob
Liley, Barbara and Susan and
'Miss Helen McFalls of London..
Mr. and Mrs. George AleFalls
and Joyce spent Sunday with
Mr, Ern Hicks and Mrs. Priscilla
Mack. •
The members of the C.W.L.
of St. Peter's Church, Biddulph
presented Mrs. John Spacek with
a gift since her returning home
again from Czechoslovakia.
Mrs. Wallace Fleet and son
Wally of Belleville spent Satur-
day evening with the former's
uncle and aunt, Mr, and Md.
Chris Fischer.
Mr. and 1111;8. Lorne Hodgins
and family of Luean spent Sun-
day evening with Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Smith,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mrs,
Arnold Cunningham and joyee,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Fischer
and family, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Thompson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Morclush and Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake and family,
all of London, also Mr, and Mrs.
IA Fischer and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Fischer spent Tuesday
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.'
Chris Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang-
ferd and John vent Sunday
with Me. and Mrs. Fred Patti -
on, Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson
visited with the formees mother,
Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Wroxeter, on
It'S 6 friendly oeitture Co re.
port the visit' of Weeds or
relatives in The
Advotete. Whenever you have
lutists — or when you're
gucst •sanether hbeile ak fell
us about it,
EXOTER �i your. total terresoanderof
an area which has no pasteurized
milk, it is very simple to pas-
teurize it yourself.
Heat the milk iea kettle or
double boiler to boiling point and
immediately cool it to 45 degrees
Fahr. After the milk is bottled,
.ice may be used, or the refriger-
ator, to accelerate the cooling.
An important point to remelt -
her ts that you must not put the
heated milk into unsterilized
bottles, or your efforts will be
* *
We have some very good
friends who share with us their
3 cup nuts
3 egg whites
tsp. baking powder
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla.
Chop nuts and crackers to-
gether. Beat egg whites until
stiff, and slowly beat in sugar
and baking powder. Fold In nut
and cracker mixture with
vanilla, Pour into a 9 -inch Pyrex
pie plate well buttered. Bake In
Beauiy. Salon
314 Main St, Phone 349
Open Monday to Friday
Tpesday and Friday Evenings
real LErno
a 1323 degree oven for 1:5 minutes.
-Cool and refrigerate for f.‘,4 hours.
Just before serving fill with
ice ,crearn and cut in wedge«
:shaped pieces.
One, ot the advantages of this
recipe is thatis can be made •in
:advance. Here is .another for a
colorful jellied salad made in
three layers as delicious as it
/fib/on Latif
2 pkgs. orange flavored
gelatin, or 1 orange and,
1 lemon
2 cups hot water
.cups cold water
tsp. salt
2 cops chopped celery,
• grated .carrots„ chopperl
.olives and green pepper,
mixed. together
• 3 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tip. grated itraca rtad
thanive gelatin in hot water*,
Add cold Water .and salt.
Firs/ :Layer
Arrange vegetables in a Axa x
5 x 3 -inch leaf pan. Carefully
pour 1 cup gelatin mixturq over
it.,Chill tili firm,
5econd 1-ayer
.Add lemon juice, to remaining
gelatin mixture. Measure 1, cup,
of this mixture and add lemon
poel. Chill till partially set. Beat
with rotary or ,electric beater till
light and fluffy. Pour over first
layer and .chill.
Third Layer ,
Chill remaining gelatin. till
thick, Pour over whipped layer.
Chill until firm. Limnold
platter and garnish with parsley
and ,carrot _curls.
Can You Knit?
1Ve need ladies whb are handy at knitting. Well buy
everything you knit and supply the wool at whole-
sale. Turn your "at home" spare hours into dollars,
Easy, clean, relaxing pastime. Puts those extra dol-
lars in your pocket. For a free home test, without
obligation, Jill in coupon below and mail to: ,
Name .............„... .
(If Rural Please Give Directions)
For Play
On deli
Swim „Suits
Jamaica Shorts
.Short Shorts
Sleeveless Blouses $1.95
Summer Cottons '5.95
Iust riciht11
When you use 3e11.0 Lemon Pie Pilling you know you
have a hit on your hands! It's full of true home-made
,goodntss — makes 10111611 pit a family favorite, 'You get
golden smoothness .
real lemon flavor ,
never -fail multi W A
You add your own fresh cgg yolks to
Sql1-0 Lemon Pie Pining for Extra
richoss, Then, just whip the whites
WO a fluffy cloud to crown the top
of your pie " glorious!
.IttEloti IS A oiradoirtntb
thicee mAAK -690,1te,144tANA
All you
• could wish for
Lemon PIE Mil