Huron Signal, 1850-10-31, Page 201 Thai a Beek. to be celled the a Postale
Bill," shall be hest . a seem to he
vested the " Private BSI Oft.." as Marsh Beek
.sshisefy is snwrly aurae., ese•pt lee the n-
dl..M.* perpss' d peskieaiee semis aurae, in
M heat, e.eemmiss or 1s.makttee that ham ei•
shall be entered. *1114 Chvt •ppsiated for the ..... seed/ lima. pff••med,. ether pelta al the
shies. ad 081, were t..eraw em
.a/t.m sod
houses* of rhehe s OS... tsame, &eerie too sod MIK Where the Marisa mmanewplwity to both a
plass .f reuwd
de., the pastas* aunts' ler the 11 U R U N SIGNAL . •' •d preu•.bl. I.kiag to .d
Bill, or then swat, sad all the pr«ledags these.• hem' gelded by eemawa-ecus,. sae the a.eol
.., hem sir Penn... to the • d the ere• 11150 1Maus sed legsiressum est c.estry.
Ws, d THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1850. ieeteed of tedsl5 .g to emeeiee, ad
each miry to specily brivfty rub preesedi•6 is imira,Ie( the mom elpwlv0.yvteme it edsm-
the Huin say Committee to which the ROOM POR RETRENCHMENT. Ne 1. eros that bene been adopted by the .Idse1, erelrb-
tot, sad meet populous cesaate W the world.
Bill .r Pelieon may be referred, rhe der o. which - then is • probability that we might sleet a eery
the Committee is spools ed to pit, and the •.mr Tis emotes of cheap Governwo.t is one on sa•i•g i• the E4•ealia.el depart •
of rhe'Commhtee Clerk. Such Bs,► to be epee which then ms be little difsreoee of opiates a- meat weboot isapsieleg iie emeieasy, aeon a the
to the pal lt. ioepesuos daily, during Odin. smog hone"' roes. Tire tow idb i.idsawho slightest degree. TM 'tura i., that Dr. Ryer-
we • .111110.• M wisdom hie favorite 1yenem d
Lours he by tepees," methods of na•.•e'i.g the pub- Edoceties into Upper Ceseda, e the same 1001•
8.1. That the Clerk of the Pi lest* Bill Office lie bootees', that is, by recet0ag selari.e ler 11 •eel* en which u so established is acme the
M prepare, daily, lists "( all Primate Bill., and doing aotbiag, or by filling office. which
wealthiest 8ttes"(th* .. ghbe.iag Uaie,oren
Petitions for Private Bale. upon which sod (•um- could profitably be dispeo•.d with, may did•. .sat aboral m.04 M.iat y It wont hew far
tab Ololr.. sad iBetbewotised lotrulwea to for
m,llee a spp.t.ted to at. rprcdying the time •1 loon the CYmalou *pluton to r.fereace to mese- the we .f dislikes whir were easy begiaatsg to The Anis arri.e d et New York, between
meeting, end 14e room where the Committee my a the public expeaditurs. But. thew tacit- leen the elpbhet. 10 and 11 yesterday (or.000e, with date to
.1.11 sit: •ad iia MOW shall be hunt up to the ,ids.b are to few i• amber compared with the Tbroa•tesnhs •t 1.014. et even the sabered 19th October.
great multitude who pay leap, that their matt- pasta of Upper• saws, deserve, The Ario brought out 156 p•emegers,
brce-(seethe of the wbef. s'nlrmesi. i►a. tar and the steamer City of Glasgow about the
0o should only he reworded s* ib..1 11.1 reenit under 1h. spends• of the N.w Behest Aet,).re, tom. somber•
BALE OF TIIE ROADS. 01 imdi•tdu•1 .lfish.... It may, therefore. be comparatively.peekiag, not mere the half a Arbe costume) verykegs Pule, 34s;
'mourned that the necessity esti junco et adept- remove from the common wildereeee-they ars y
W• •eeire,oiate the eovalry ea the ►di.f•tog the cheapest method of cedeeiing the pub -
which the Provinwal exchequer has obtained by lie busiom., a one question on which lh• inept -
in of all parties are agreed -indeed, it noty be
viewed as • puts* of laennnilr o1 opiates, sad
hence eery member of the House of Assembly
ntey safely conclude that is •ade•vuring to di.
tannish the public expe^dtate, he is carrots" sal
the honest wishes el his eoatitueeta. Os emery
other questions he may have wee difficulty is
determaiog es the course chat will plesee the
greatest oumber of those where he repres'ats,
but, on the question of Retreschme.t, he eat
ha.e no ruck difficulty. His course is clear -
Economy is the doctrine of the enlutode, sod if
he wishes 1e become popular, by being • profita-
ble servos, be must adopt Economy u kis text,
and alias to it
The very eatenaive di•cowi•s to which the
doctrine of Atte/echoes' has bees •objected du-
ring the last few months, io Canada, Mpg. •
doubt that the subject is ba partielly todert.od
by the people, air! either not sndentoodat s11, et
cunningly mystified and shirked by their Repn-
eitatives. Or, to my the least of it. the view
which Las hitherto been taken el the esbje.', hes
been extremely narrow end of comparatively lit-
tle importance. The diseases■ 11 s' hr as we
recollect, has beim almost exclusively emitted tb
the reJuetion of the Governer Geseral•e salary,
and ilia salaries attached t• some few of lhe'itigh-
e.t public offices. Now, In ibis cavalry where
there are necessarily few high salaries, it must he
obvious that any reduction which could be deo•
ted io thew few, would in reality be • '• mere
bagatelle" Supposing, for instance. that all
salaries of oo• thousand pounds aid upward•,
even including the eatery of the Governer, Gelato
sal, should bo reduced time half, it is prohibit
that the who!. ..slag thus afTeeted,-breeld net a-
mout to twenty thousand pounds. And ibis is
certainly • small matter in the public eapeedi-
ture. The smallness of this amount, however,
is no &rammed against the practicability and the
justice of oo a large scab.
The objrcuooabla.xp.os'e of our Comedies
Coeromen* do not chiefly eoas:N in high 'ala-
rms, but in the eatr•vapnee of the eytem-tbe
employing twice the quality of inaehnery that
a nreeeeary for the accompl•dme•t of the ebjee t.
And if the people, towed•of arguiog and quib-
bling about the amount of the selary,woald begin
to eoquire into the milky of the .Rice -if they
wild endeavor to 1.c.,iatt whether the office was
really necessary, it is parable that • system e(
Retrenchment might be dioeover•d that would
be really felt as ■ benefit to the coatry. Belle,.
The disturbances and excitement eo0se• ins that popular educatios is the first subject
quent on the burning of the Parliament which should 'nage the tteeties of • Gomm -
buildings in Montreal by the Tories, and meet -the educational deperime"t may be take"
the insults offered to the Governor General, as as illastrtio• of the practicability of Re -
led to the formation of Reform Associations tnoehmemt is Canada. Whether F.g-moo Ry -
o "
this and otter Districts in Upper Cana- e
•°° should receive fibs hs•dred pounds or four
hunde; Oct step was one in the right direction, de tdreofdEduc■tion,and arm sly oonds asC.1 a very perchildish
and If followed up would have produced question with which to occupy the time and eel -
much good to the country and the cause of este of • Legislative Awmbly. Such a silly
Reform. Similar associations have worked question might be tolerated as •subject of debate
between two old clow -fisted Scotch farmers, hot
it becomes extremely ridiculous when di..ossed
by the "concentrated wisdom" of the Province,
and at the public camera ! indeed it requires so
extra amount of charity !o check the •.pi-
eioo that such • discu..loe ie merely d•oiped te
avert the discussion of the real question, viz.: -
I• the office of Chief Superintendent of Commoo
Schools needed? This is the question which
the people should ark. And although the di•-
e5ssao on the amount of the salary evidently
takes for greeted the smeltery for mach as offs.,
and a' hough the Mumble the Inspector Gene-
ral, in one of hi..peeehes on the subject last 8es-
sion,'teemed to assume that no mo
would dipole the necessity and entity of the of-
fice: every reasonable man will differ with slits
aeamp'soc of the luepeeror General -will dis-
pute 11111 utility of the office, end will by a very
simple process of reawaieg ueviaet himself that
the office i. of •o essential beoe8t to the ease
of common School Eduction. Let every res.
unable mai make the enquiry is reference to the
locality in which he resides. Let him ask, have
the Common Sebools or the Common School
Teachers of his owe neighborhood been rendered
more •6icieet by the duties p.rforiped by the
Chief Suomi otesdent1 Have the labor. of
Egerto. Ryerson and hi• aaalta.t. removed Ibe
tl is. that .iemseetbs ./ the losetfte..s twee 01
Upper Cassis this tido
see 01 a sits Asa. tad M els see 00.4,0..
0100 Ileal w114 tweet hem deerit. Bet ed-
tt..d t ousels of eves the beet bisede el 1►e
rause" Admissvts ties. htr..t the /set, w•
think More ere few Mae will ages with the
Maass &tar le essides •'peal el the
U• W. edwsy Melte w e►..e the best
d two o•ile, tt we meet memeinly deem see
.f the mew Ad .erai.iy, the mil to be •ppn-
heedd from rhe ie6....e eI e as like the Ne.
Mr. L"(sest.. Is mase when cultured with
the evil wars► wee4 aroma, ,.salt hem the
t.b..•.. .l Bieh•p, emoted Ibreapk
the .alter of HIM Chaise Tray,mm A.d we
8.1 .wry is b•It.i.p. Wee • repeal .f the 1(IM•,
at peeves t, woad leen Upp.. C.aads so eller
. i-,..'',.
r the sale of pert of the unproductive public works.
f1. Tuesday the Roads and Bridges about which
there as been so much discussion, were sold at
sashes. i. this city, et Hamilton and •1 Kings-
ton. We give elereber. • sketch of the pro•
aedinge at Toronto, and we ha.e obtained the
resell from the other Anion. The several works
were poi at the apeet price of £168,100, sod
wen sold at £IF9,700-or • profit u• the prices
at which the Count!. Circuits were offered
them, of no Ins* than £21,600! The following
Mao exact statement of tte•mles
Upet Amount
Pricy. sold for
The Toronto Roads.... -£75,000 £75,100
Whitby llarbor, and Road
hooding thereto 20,000 20,100
Pert tinge and Rice Lake
Road 4,500 4,600
Rued betweee i'smitten
end the Boundary line of
the Couty of Went-
worth, and Brantford
Bridge .......... 36,000 27,100
Red between Hamilton
and Caledonia Bridge6,000 7,700
Road between Dundas ted
0.1 16.600 26.000
Loudon and Brantford6,000 6,100
Harbor of Port Dover• 5,000 7,600
Kingston & N•?ales Road, 10,000 15,600
£169,100 £189,700
The expenses of managing the Roads in 1849,
exceeded their whole revenue by £8,309. sod
the interest on the money obtained for the works
sow sold, will be nearly £10,000 a -year, so
that the people of Canada will be relieved of
uxati.o in consequence of this sale, to the large
•m000l of E18,000 a -year. Clear -Grits may
g rumble aad bargai°-seekiog County Councils
may rage -but we h.mbly conceive that the
Government hese effected so excelleat operation
for the country, sod that the tax•p07sn will my
w .- Glok
well in the old country, indeed they are
■ Imo.& temperable from Representative
Government. The opponents of the Re-
formers in Canada, although by no means
the most numerous, have always been able
through their effective organization to
pan(a the labours of the Reformers, end
to ear s• far stronger opposition than they
could hats dont, were they not well united.
It is of course a (act that cannot be denied,
that the Tory party, although io the'rnuno•
„riyy,.,bevo frequently obtained and kept the
reins of power and governinent of the coun-
try in their hands for a long period of time,
chiefly by means of this organization. -
The Orange Society was the nucleus which
produced this arrangement of the Tory
party, io a great degree, and it le really
wonderful that the intelligent Canadian
Reformers, with this great feet staring
them in the face, should so long base
neglected to profit by' the tactics of their
opponents. They did not •o profit, how
e ver, and it was -not until within the last
eighteen months that Reformers commenc-
ed to organize themselves in earnest. -
Having commenced to du so, one would
"oppose that the good work wot.ld have
been continued until perfected. This has
not beta the care; for after the excitement
wt have alluded to Lad somewhat abated,
the labours of our friend' were proportiona-
bly relaxed, until we really believe nothing
has been done towards completing our or•
/anis+tion for some months past. This .re j isi u indiffereat to everything belonpas to
should not be: for should a new Election ' ate cause of education, except the .open.. of it,
take place shortly, or any great political as they were before the detrod.etiai of Mr. Ry -
event regnire the party to put forth its emu's system. it is true that the system has
strength, It could not be effaeted in such • been let • short time ie vertexes and Canon
Ivey •• to prove successful. We tall on
reasonably be expected to ae preen its efiiei-
all our friends therefore 10 tote no time In ""y to produce rd. We hae• no faith in the
completing what has already been 00 wept- rsre
rrynetter of un'platas dm u i do.. sol p. a,ly b.
r tuuely commenced. We have the .1.m- long te the question which we wad to diwrus,
pl. of the pat before u•; we know that our w• ,hell •0ppomTor the present that the Com-
Rdoetaty ha• contributed to the •uccese of moa School Lew of last Session ie a good Act, -
the party wherever it has put forth it. that it is good in pnseiple and in its provisions
efforts. To the Reformers of Heeling.generally. Then inapposite, that all hued, of
Trotted -
particularly, these Reform Associations are L0•tructioo, all Munieipahties, Clerk*, Trcaar•
almost absolutely n- y. We avt a ere, Trustees and Local Sopenotrod•ats(•irhf.l•
well organised party opposed to use on •I' I) discharged the doom imposed en them by the
nccsetons, and their °forts can only be met Ari. (merle/ of snare, their official eorrcn
and defeated bysimilar means. We have pnedence with Mr. Ryar•en,) would them defies
est b. jut es elnshl. asd u effeemal if se
the material in this County to make (harm Chief 8operintend.t meted 1 1e the *daee-
Ae"ociation• out of, and it will be the foul' iios.l filed increased or hallowed by passing thro'
n( .,ht leaders if dives means be neglected.
W'• do not regard thee" Reform Attends-
' ions as formed solely fnr the purpose of
balthng the Torte.: they will eerie to, ea.
press the strength and tie opinion of the
pert', on all oceatone when rr.gnire4; and
rate 'tali In the Government i,f the day that
• dric• and atatenre winch may be deemed
neeerary. There aro vitriol.. dream...
when it is desirable to obtain the nnrnion of
the ee0.litoeeer, end tht can only hedone
Ay means of these A.neutione. W. say
then to the Reformers of this Coon'', pre
pro to eomplett that •yt.e which has
ben so opportunely commenced. for ymt
!sow not when it may be ser to put
ft into operation.-Haeliegs C'kru,iefe.
Coroner's Inquest.-An lnquest has
bete held on the body of Patrick Nowlan,
late of Camden, deceased, before Mr. Coro-
ner Benson of this city. The verdict re-
turned by the Jury wee, wilful murder,
egditet John hogan-Mertes Arrau
titan inhabited, and the mapriy a ties settlers Pearl* 30..
are togging sad milts" to *ware food. and •.es Lard -Considerable business duo* at
the andel &apply ofeletbieg sed edee.uoa Is, gond price ; 400 tomo, 34s 94 to 35s.
their luoilies Ad oro easddly smk.wledge No improvement in Jomand for b..f.-
abet we cased prwnr, either the jimmies or the Pork very Si',., bot little doing. Baeoo
*drummed of eaddlnag meta a each etrcursuu• stead•-fu'I prices. Shoulder* reedy sales,
ms, with a School 0701003the mow IJva•
oaed and at aatnm. prices. Hams neglected.
eapeise Chet has been adopted a the w.oltbi• Che.. eomiog ltforward ; ready .1.. for
vet countries in the world. Medal Schools--
Normal 8eh..lm-Clete! Bnperiaadesu sed gOed q°stis•
Edoestieoal may all be try ..11 Tallow -Donned steady at farmer rates.
adapted to the rniditi.s of the people is the Catton atnd7 without change.
B sit of New York, but itis doubtful if shot are Wool -No change io pries' ; firm and
t all suited to the pretreat Cesdtu.. "(Cased". improving.
Aad when we hr., of the Legislature..ih.i- Flour -Fine sweet Americas brings 23e
sing the edp.editure two hundred pomade to 241 per brl ;'our 19s to 22e.
s -wear to percheuog drawing, sail plow of White whet 6a 6J to 6s 8d ; red 6s Id
8chefl Howes, in • eea.try where the majority to 6.. Core in moderate request • 281 to
"( School Section' have ranee dillies ly is get-
ting up eve" • dessert leg Omni, for a School !be far 480 t►.. The grain trade has ben
Hesse, we sea only cone. this eetnesseeee generally dull, and bot,, little doing se any
with the reedit imprudent bust of Dr. Ryerson, article.
to the effect, that's.' you, education mist 1,101 The steamer Asia 'rowed from Liven
man i• Upper ('awd" esocdp heirs se mush as pool In ten day• even hours, .rod the Pe-
wee paid by the iabebiant of the mere wealthy rifle is ten days twenty hours.
Bute of New York ! The *amities is Canada The Queen had returned to Leedes fres
b eenaiely act importer to that el New T.'rk, the Highland..
• or use th 'each"' bettor pit bec, the "*sant An effort is about to be made to form •
is, that tame qua f • onion of people is Ito. of •uamshi of scat power and les-
Cuaditb.e te *import the seine weight data- p g p°
chimer, that ie eapprtd br .Ars* aulana ( saga-, to rue between England and Canada.
people is New York ! Assuredly this p.sdr.s. The experiment will he tried by taking
faadiaery affords "room for rmrs. stesd.'r passenger/ at $40 to $50 per heal.
THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. The official report of the beard of trade
for the mnotb ending the 6th, ba' been pub -
Is env last Wane w* milit- ated• sammaieaties tithed asd is satisfactory, although showing
a felting off compared with the eatae mooch
from the conductors of the Jotermol qj Education, tut yens.
untended sea •o.tradietios of some statements The Queen of the B.Igiase ie is s hope -
which we bad copied frost the North American les condiliou, getting weaker ovary day.
nate the Signal, of the 10th isuet. The eh- The French President mems le be ad-
feetieable part of the noel* is that whereto the fencing step by step to bis ambitious career.
North Amerman charges Dr. Ryerson with pock- He continua bowleg moat .plesdid reviews
meg 5,:36 dollars, *nst'g f..ra the eeapelaory of the troop". The latest, at Champ tl.
or Act -"(-Parliament sale "(the Journal of Els- Satory, of Cavalry, 25,000 strong, took
dittos. We received this atemest as a sults 00 aa 10th,
um! km. tad the e.ndseun"(Juristthe Jurist re- ,..lace The i. A expedition to Cube was to
pal the charge with the very astounding assertion .oil en Ibe 15th• Gesenl Cos:ba "bed
the whole labor .f eesdeteg the Journal d not to est out 0011 the .ed of the ma",
"bas been veluotenly performed b1
thou connected with the Education efBcwaSeso but recent ioteIIigeuce from the United
afergiwg's" ,This aaeriioe map Sta'a hastens the departure.
be orae, but we ***feu that if ams. we memos Th. failed in she attempt to
*Mintiest' how items be hones. If it Mislead- take the tows of Fr.drrok.tdt. Thi. re-
d '..cert that all the labor d Editor .d Pah-
hither is performed gratis, sod slat mill, ssoiody
profits by the pnblieattos, the tea tbiok it is not
true, and if mean* that the labor was performed
by those co s,cted with the Edueatis. Office,
sad that the publisher or wmeotber Pres pock-
eted the profits, thea. it i* oqt bent, bot jesuit-
ical or equivocal. The doused of Ed.catireo,
like other jounta's, is filled chiefly with selections
from ether psblimtioas. The original atter
contained is the twelve a.mbere that are pub-
lished annually, is neither, is q.astity sof quali-
ty, .rpefler tithe erigiel matter vinallpeoatai•
.ed is twelve numbers dam .rdio*ry Newspa-
per; and yet twelve soothers of the Journal d
Education cost exactly as t.0.ry-sit
numb.nef the Newspaper. The Joerial .tEd-
ueatioa colt• fully twice as mock es as the News-
paper, arid we are aware the' the Editor of the
Newspaper is paid for his services -the proof-
reader es paid, the person who address*' them for
the mail is paid. sod eves the little boys who fold
them and carp them through tows an paid, and
still w are told that ell these things ns Noboru'
in the Edocatios Office "without one farthing'*
remseenuea," and yet nobody basal pecunia-
ry profit by the Journal of Edaaties ! Sorely
publishing a comm.. Newspaper must be • prof-
itless spwcslaiis. It may be true the: the Jeer -
oat ofEducation has hitherto, like mail other
pulse was moot devolve : at least 600 were
killed, and their b.aigiag gunp lest. It ie
said that Frame, England, Austria, and the
German States, have pourt,.ly deeded in
favor of Denmark, and that the Duchies
will be informed that they must refrain from
further bmtihtie., and await the award of
the int dog parties.
Groat Britain was visited by s meet e
.ere gals of wind on the 6th mid 7th inst.
Great amount of damage ea the coast ed
inland, and mas7 Yves were lost.
M . Wood and Reid, of Port Glas-
gow, ham contracted to build anew steam -
or to replace the Vic.rey,-Iately lost oe the
coast of Anilines. They were the builders
of the mail steamer Europa.
Advice* from Electoral Hese • to the 6th,
state that affairs are fast approaching to a
cbaotie conf.ioo, for the civi. fonetionari.,
to whom General Hayman seeds hu orders
firmly thrum to obey them. The troops
are gloomy sod deapiritd. Orden b0011
hese issued by auditonal to the upper Mili-
tary Court for the of the per-
son of Gemmel Itemise, until be has bees
tried by an ordinary Court-martial for tree.
periodical publimtioas in Canada, been • profit- mos.-Clo►e.
les* enterprise. We have oto knowledge of the
et.ot of its eircalniea is lime. peel. But the - '- - .
North American is peaking d the forced eine- THE•iNDUBT*IAL EXHIBITION.
Ilio• gives to the J 1 by the present Sehoel -
Act This forced cire.ltioe is estimated at up• The Exhibiti.. has ew baa opts two days,
word. d Pm which will "mourn t. and has been visited by the,eaads of pesos,
mere than twelve hundred poued.-asd we 'hist with machsatidaciiou. it is universally admit -
the coodseters of the Journal -in confining their ted. we believe, that the display of Canadian re -
remarks to the put years, before this freed el,- sources, iadestry, sed i•eensity, is d • highly
cannon earu letr existence, are not meeting creditable eher.eter, Had then beum mon tame,
ignorance from the minds of • very largo prnport , the objeetine with that eadour which the public the colleetioo wo.ld snde.btedly have b... ter -
'son of the Common School Teachers of Upper have • right to .meet: We do mot. by soy ger aid more diversified; w. hese •hoodoo' res.
Canada 1 Or, rendered them better goali6ed for mesas. write these remarks with the intention of see to b. ....maid, h.w...n, by the real, 51
the importaot duties which they are expected to d.precitiog ,be salon of the Journal .f Edina- this experiment. which will sere to .os.i sae ell
di.eliarg.l Or, mode eduesti.a cheaper or more ties. W. use mach pleased to see eeh a p.bli- pari.., is the flatted Staten sad Esglawa, ae
generally spprreie'ed r Crustal' ant. A large cation in the eo.try, arid wield ems give our well'as is this courtly. that we are very fur, in
porn.. 01 the Tesebtnm just the same pedno- vote te appropriate at least one-half .( whit is present, from. state"(" mita and decay" Oar
tie, ill-natured, ignorant and harsh tyrants that sow 'speeded oa the publication ef the Official movement ,o altogether progressive, mad will e.•
they used to be, sad a targe portion of permits Casette, to the pebliding sod drsirib.ti.g, drat- tines to be so, etwishetasdeg all that the
is, tb. Journal of Eduction. But we are err- croakers (sow, bappily, • rase well sigh .a-
ltaly sot pleased that Sebnol Sections, True- 'sect) may alleges Must.
tees, Teacher., or of any other man er body ei
men should be *impelled by an Act of Perli•-
mwot to read or troy for a periodical, whether the
proeeede go tato the public ohms or into the
pockets of • private individual. Them who eon -
doe' the Journal should be paid for their labor,
and wo ukoewledp ear belief that' they will be
Asadsomssly paid. For awithsuodi•g that the
eoaduetoe declare
" That the officers of the Education De
prlmeot will derive no pecuniary benefit
from the Journal of Education under soy
eireumtanews whatever, and that as long
a a shall continue uodee its present mass
*gement, the amount of subscription• will
he expended in defraying the expenses con-
nected with the mechanical department of
the Journal, and is adding to the value of
its pages.
the hands of the Chief Reperiteadent ea its W. •re tterly internale .1 m..serving Mw
teal (sera the ch..' d rhe Rect•er General to twelve hs.dred poultice sea sit Misdeed puede
the several County Treasurer■ throughout the a ver, meld psaibly be epee, in impr.eug the
Pro•inee 1 . Few will M dist w0J to answer Ilei. mechanical departure' of • sixteen morsel en oath -
latter gemtinn in the .ifirmiti•e, ands' the mea- ly periodical ! Soeh an ides is utterly prep.. -
111,7 pen n/ the buaieem is the meet imtaera•t ieroea-sod we feel enefideet that it will be •
P^".'"of Mr. Benno'• dada. it 5107 ye" long time boron the refits Siad their way M the
seely be concluder. that the office "(Chief 8e-
perinrtendent is stily superlative As to his pbltc chest 1
;ebnn to es'shlishi.g a ■nifnrm method of teseh•
Inc and in deciding who shall teeth, and what Ova tat.eupe,.ry"( the Mirror, .ya-
pirneel.r books shall M uniformly u.ght-we "The Herm Signal met bare been wretchedly
ohjmet le tote. Ni, sock adermin of.7al.m hard .p fat spy," bteaise a our iose of the
1hrou.hnnt 1h. whole Provisos, tad each soiree. 17th ibtant, we copied feint the Nverolk Y•s-
mite of Snobs an predate ay nal b.aefit, as
regof a artiste heeded "The Lower Can14i-
i., therefore, ant elt("a a51
eeahle. It le a51iee
of the Demon ',kith never 'hostel be allowed to aim." We .spied ibis Messenger's artisle, at
env tine men. Ceery bt.•nip,l C...c•l oh..ld bemuse it 1ea11155 sea cdisie reworks es
in renerellan with the Loral Sipent.sdet, M the /reser, for, d ibis we were sot aware at the
better 1.alieed whet Mr. Ryer.oe to deeid* es tile. we banded it to the pricer, bet bemuse is
to book* required for then 0.11110001117. gl•eieg eery tori.dly eves it, esti ..w it wee
After getting t i t of the Chief Siprntedrmt dulag with en opiates which has 0.5.14 moth
and the ery esuoblehm..s called the regret sad deseatidasties sm..g the it.11igmt
"Edeeati.. Of lee," it right be foetid expdi• mea "( both pelitisal parties a C•.da-wr
est to throw mode fell, ...Await all the re- mews the opiates "(ate pnpedentt.g teatimes
woisisg aeheery uiwbedled is the memo oldie F1eM petty i. the Iwgidatew. This
BMeel Raw A very leer pspe,lie d able *else may sae may net be aerreel, het et/Mi.
men, let as leer at this, .d be ashamed .t Me
wean. 4 seed we aae•.l1 make. a. Week
paw hes misanr Bs, seed psis, .ad
moat se them e. What buss, d the
greeter pert dues., wed to w, a theyl.Y t. 30i....?" T►ia M. very
peruses teen ry, as/ thteoc ...asid.esti...
la N. S-" Canalise Weeds." stere are 711
Iota The boot prise fee Blstk Widest Yeses,
Me bo.. Misdeed te Meseta Reed ♦ Mathies,
of tkle city. Then Is . 8e* .psalms. of Bud's
Eye, teem Q.bee.
There .re 53 Isis is No. 3.-•• Cattiest
Work." T►te is • very uterosti•g part of the
Eabietu... Mawr. Road & Meekie hew •
Targe amber d articles, dlsplsyia4 tame sad
skill, smug whir& ere the chairs, dor the 5.-
tigas, i.te.ded fes Her Majesty,* wpm" sofa,
• richly eared 'Mimi, tad saber .pelma•..
shiedy is black wake'. .II which stent cos-
siderabte .11.51ee tad ars rots► admiral. Mr.
Hilaes has sons tee magai6oent lett-s4sess is
block wales", mad moms elegant rain. The
woe fee the beet cute* rot►1e woo awarded w
Mr. Maoism, and that fee the hat bedstead, is
black walsst, to Mr. Moira*.
Several table, .ad ether articles, made el piss.
end pauid by Yore. R.m.•y ad M'Arth•r,
is im".uod of sar►te, sad of different tied. el
wood. were the ehjrew.1universal prefer. The
remetel-piess were, .desired. es motel.*
• road table, covered with • deb of lirmmtose,
well polished, sed painted is imitation "(Maisie.
Claw C-"A•taI"
don. for Feted, O.I., Leather. Wool, As.-ooa-
tai.s 192 Iota The supply ofpronisio.•
y, which ie 1e b. regretted. The samples of
butter, te, are few is .amber, sad some s( them
quite ukrio, is viably: perhaps this is owes
to the muse, dm dormers* of soiree, r other
eireemtaie.., isjsrioealy affecting the mea•
feet! at tats partiealar unto -because itis note -
now that Ms Cuadiase our make prime butter,
if they try.
Three ewe of soaps sod candles, comas.
fine. tad (agcy, from the a.dutory of J.
Mathieu & 8e, .f this city, were pronooapd
used to may thing of the hied tint 1. imported.
A similar remark was made 1. reference to same
palest leather -we did set tibial' the maker's
Ne Soh were mc,-• eirosmstuoe which
could sot bet be repotted lipecim.aoptebl-
ed trout, sa1m.., here.,. and mackerel, ebeald
brae forwarded to E^glaad.
Several eases .1stuffed animal., many o(th.m
might i• the District 01 Mear•al, and of L1 rd.,
from the same Dlurlet, formed • ple•sieg sad io-
str.elve variety is the Exhibition. There are
also muses of Caseates tweis: three of them are
thea labelled-"eelhotted, prepared, sodmrn.ged
by Muter D'Urba•, aged 14 years:" another
tesatat5g C5.tJiu osionfites, .p►iacer and
mote*. are entered as preserved by Dr. Gib►.
wbe• a bq d ari( 14 yes age, .•d re-arrupd,
sg1. s, D. Nr. 1.-" M50hiaery'•-tartan
50 lets; but with the examinee of the Fin Es.
g lees and the Platform Scale, we share aolh•
ins prtio.terly deserving •anti... Mary
uncles .f Mechiaery, a•ti•.d is the published
Prise List, .re w50i1.g-
Then eri"99 Is, is Ne. 2.-" M..sfaetures
fa Metal." The aim an capital articles, emu
Mr. William Belts. may new be satiated that
Csesda os previa* hereelf with aces, sad bas
e eeoet.5 to be ed to the United 8Mtws
is order to obtain that,ee(al•aruele. The mows
from the awfetory of Meson. Cheney dt.C.
..mbiai aliliy with ornament; to separates
Mr heating sad tress Is as 15(55 0e coin veeee.
No. 3.-" Farming Implements," -k.. 50
lots. Th• " Core Sheller" is as rffntie ad
speedy operator. The " Manors Forks," de sot
appear to a to be 'tree' .aosgb. The
•' Scythes" are good. There ie no •' Rummies
Apparatus for Parmi•g gawps...," era any
Thrashing Machine." This Department ie
set es will fonts►d as meld be desired.
In No. 4-" Spectates, of Mechasie•1
Skill," 57 is number, we moat met omit to
beet sttestin• to the Gold asd Silver work
exhibited by Messrs. Joseph Savage dk Ce.
1t recommend' itself.
Class F,-'• Wordless, Worsted, Lien,
Cotton," ice.-prep.sta, in 210 lots, as 1 a.
Meosa mutely of useful things, optimally
adapted to this country and climate. it is
impossible to enumerate them. Ameng oto
such that is good became it is useful, we
eau only advert to the blankets bearing the
name of Mr. Patterson, and manufactured
for Mr.' Gamble, as surpassing, for llghtsme
and warmth, any tbnog of the sort we have
ever Nem, either hen or in the old country.
Clot. F, No. 1-" Nanuf cture• is i.ea-
tb.r,"-eentain 32 lots. Thews include the
splendid doable -tare..• made by Mr. Robt
Morrie, and said to be worth £50; travelling
trunks, combleiog extraordinary .tresgth
with elegance and coseinieee., for which
Mr. Irwin ha nbt•ts.d the first prise, arta
Mr. Deane the second -and a noble Mime of
Hose pipe, by Mr. Perry. All the. were
5aeafsetsnd in Mostrl.
No. 2 snot. ea bat teemamiss*., but they
are mostly gems. The stogie sleigh, by
Messrs. Maclean and Wright, the double
sleigh, by Mr. O'Mara. and the close ears
nage, by the Lame, will compete stucco..
fully, we have no doubt, with similar
manufactures 1e any part of the world.
Claes G-" Plastid Art --Sculpture, Carv-
ing Wood .mgravieg, Printing," kit°. - fur-
nishes 138 lou, many of them very lett/treat-
ies. We ootiee the followtsg:-
A marble bust of the Romeo ('atbolio
Bishop of Montreal, a child's head, In re-
lief, by C. Bullet, of thin city; -
Design for a new Provincial Coiesge, by
Mr. Duncan, of Montr..t;-
i.ithographic Portrait of a child, by Mr.
Hoppers Meyer, of Toronto -and several
Oer gratification weeld M,• been greater• we portraits in water color. by the same artist,
mut coafese, if the French Ct•.di•ss bad taken ezgmmlely fitsb,d, -
mere iterot in the Eabibiti.., and Punished • Specimens of Seal engraving, by M►.
larger amount of samples 054 epecimess of ani- Matthews, of Montreal -various specimens
elm peculiar is that portrait .of the Province of lithographic printing by the ane --sod
whish they chiefly iebsbit, earl illustrative ofthe also of printing " frotn the Lithotype, • mew
existing eircemstoors and modes of lib cheese- invention, by Georg. Matthews." The cuts
meiotic of their mgrie.lteral popalatie. interest- .ihibasd "were executed by s chemical pee-
ing and ieitmotie.4411... to the Orem Show cess from the pen and ink drawing, in
would have bees rhes supplied. We may hope than one hour. The bleak checks were
that on DOWN future *cease** it will be mentfe.t
executed bythe reeds and io about
thatthenergies which hie lug leis dormant heel" same precut,
bees thoroughly reined by the F.chibitien, and
ih. same time, from impression taken from
that the French Cased's. inhabitants of Canada • c°Pla-P1.1.•"
Fat have determi.ed to takea fell Mare of the Several specimens of ornamental Letter.
boonbl. rivalry. Press Printing, of various merit. Thom
The entire somber d entries for the Exhibl• executed by Messrs. Starke k Co., appear
tion, we u•denu^d, is 1360: but as may as of to us to be d.eidedly the best; they mat be
them iselode, respectively, *event articles, the pronounced as at once nest, elegant, asd
amber of mtn.les may be fairly estimated at typographically a kin
swirly 5000. Pm R. Perfect-beeasm
(e slams A-" One. Metal*, F-.rthe," &e.- they will bear a close inspection.
then are 247 leu, Melodist"• col-
lection by Mr. Logos, of whteh we hep t. be Prodoetion"-emoag which aro fine spun -
ewe t* f.reld . No tad seeress seonut to a mews of oil palettes by '• T.henolon," •
sehommsi tae. The •.ortmeal of Imo arid self taught Iodise. He should be .eeou•
copper era appear" to be complete, asd most b. raged.
viewed with greet iceriet. Then M a spie•did is the lost, or " Miecellsseoue " Class,
ormolus a Msg .slim, freer pert..• ...I0151 there are 58 lots. This elates iseludes mo -
83 per ...t "( ear►onate of 'Wm.a. Th. areal instruments. Mr. Warren, of this
Litt.gespti. 1*m1 of Cae14a, whet is admin• arty shite a perm, w. ohms. fen► •
b11y doptd for the parporo of the •ru.t, • u
pears is the nigh state. as well as prepared for M..0o•
em, and se ..gnat.( Is exhibited eut.151.5 Thlodu gea.ral ek.teh, is connection with
the wp•Meeof all the O.versors d this Pro- that liar" in our lam. all arra. to anal
Mem. Thee then are wboulesa, differ..' to our readers at • dit•nee some ides of
tied. "(gams,, ultra*, pmt, •d maim oilier this gross; Exhibition. We must n.em
wbleseea.1great eeo.erose elect till another urns the reflections whisk the
Seeds, Proles. @torch • A1C 1,rep O occasion suggests, and will cone'sby
107 Ila. Tbe sample"( wheat an oaeuiefyenpyinRR the desenplies of the dotage ler •
sir Prize D,a, by Nr maniere rile/nibs of
W her ebotia.d sem* inrmr.slsg pniotlere Tomato, who obtained the premium for It:
tst'oe'isg other artistes ,. tat. stems. Is, whirl " Canoes, the metre Grum with • chap -
we einem bed r•..1 ro-day. We met loot,.,, 1st .f maple lave weeirting her brew,
!stews►. a •saes w►ieh a platted seder • lies peessata a laurel leaf of iNutty, the
soak dO•ta It ism renew,--" Brssber Per- 'Ogdeet /ere is tica frrerrwead, with a
r.t to her head. Camila is soippoortml `
Wisdoms sad Jogai% lei loch Isis•try Oman • M _
lief MwMlggg
Heleece, Art, ad Masa/Mtapen. Coo*
asmi um tact ib* Imams sbowfd aspire
sea reap aloe the rewards M la/astry, les,
1 **miry to smelt the sues,
dooms of her red shildree. &lS.. seal.
.4 .. the .lode, ....leeks eke allatto
seeds forth rays of Hop, ed O ta too►.
industrious ed iot.11tgese d tat
About 7600 por.uue vialMtl the Ezhihliles
oa Timothy, and swards d N N yeeter•
day. -M.. ,'.el "W.
The vessel of state is Ably besslmad.,.
11 we /adept an oeseieel new "( 111
r.tirem ist ed the H•,. Istpeter Osse,al,
and the probable diereplas of this Cabia.t
10 . of .ante dark, mrated.
rtes di.clooure o/ intentional usworthittees,
w• may my that .11 things political are w
stale wad gat as *wad be. There seems 1.
be • see -saw disposition manifested be all
men wad all parties. The Ministry are half
persuaded to take ground on popular ..a -
sures and thyself/CUM their return at to
ext *lectin, sad again they are hall tootle•
tel to play the coward, desert their former
(needs, and retire into private life, or pre,
.1de themselves with • eomfartable seal em
the shelf. Tbie haltfog between two opts -
1os, however, will sot be of long derelicts.
The prompt calm oval► betokens the .tors
at hand, and when the first breeze strike.
the Intl.. sale, MI hands will be required
to stand firmly by their posts.
In the reform rank+ there are mums of dif-
f rove which 1t will take some time to recon-
cile. There are great principles sod lead-
ing 5050.»8 upon which the party is dirt-
d.d. For instance the Clergy Reervs
quetioo. 1t would he fully is us to hope
&bat the Pries Resolutions .hoobd be looked
upon ae a final settlement of that question.
It is only staving effa difficult matter-eet-
*lemesl it rennet be. No arrangement eau
ever be looked opens' a settlement, which
falls *bort of satisfying the great bulk of
the people of tele province. Thea mimes
the Usury Law., than which • mem impor%
taut chat's is not required for the promo-
tion of the femoral prosperity. On this
question all parties are divided, sed until
eoorietioo reaches some of our .low•coach
polnteteun, no hope of aboli.bmg the p►..
seat mess oppressive and barbarous law cart
be entertained. Next tomes that greatest
of all stu5bli•` blocks -the elective fran-
chise the Mflot. However the weethy
Atiors.y O.s0,11 West may disclaim
agsiest elegise restitutions, of this he
might mot assured, that very large emcee -
mons are needed by the ceuatry to this res-
pect. The elective franchise must be ex-
t.aded, •o that .very mac who is s rest.
dent householder, and bears a unblemished
reputation as a good subject, shall have a
voice in the government of the day. That
must degrading of Semon., that mere pelf,
or, is other word., the poo esioo of real
estate, is e.mstial to qualify 0 man for the
"moretm of the elective fraschi a most he
abesd.sed, and intelligence recertified, at
keel to • gnat eztest, as a fit ba.i..1 the
franchise. le *bort, men .bsold be nude
to b.1 that they hae a direst lathiest to
the government of the country, and then
might we leek for grater preeperity sod
e ued.r laws. Add to them the
of ram., and the eos6ictieg iaiereoto of
Brite seetieae of the ',einem', to say
sothing *fibs factious sad di.ppemtd,
and we have before us the muses of meow
threatens and .ubdivisio n. Is hie Estero
On the ether heed, w. Ssd that Conserva-
onserv•live or Tory party a much disjsietd 50
ever. After near four year, is .ppo.ltioa,
they a more ►rotes frost than R. -
formers. In see mese, skie te to be regret-
ted. and is c.rtsisly atter el erpnes. 11
e to be regretted, le . far so the wtol..e
check of so besora►le o jp.ittee M Westin
and it is atter of termites so far .00p1.
is concero.d. 1t geserally hippies that
the hreder of the eppoettios an mere shell,
. marshal btelorees tae trema this bed a.e
administration ; but in the prosiest day we
have a powerful opposition rendered feeble
by this want of s leader, and the lack of •
leader is plainly traceable to want of prisef.
•. Ass patty, the Coawervative party
have so policy-oo pnecipl..--sed eaoo-
qu.otly they are powerless as • party. All
thus -things only go to .how bow 00omos-
ry it is that politicians should rally roved
gnat principles of government rather titan
rest content to follow in the wake of rms.
Willits the ext Mx months, we shall
have • g I duties, and is view edible
It behove. the electors to cat &rowed
then. When dm day ani,p, it will be
s.ed.ary to vote for or mateot some ase,
end common caution and prud.oes wool/
dictate a mammal pr.p.ratios. Lot your
lamps be trimmed and your lights bathing,
lest you be again imposed upon by *one
office -ember, or political noodle. Cell
upon mea in whom you have confidence.
and let them go to parliament set .517
willing to your views, bat well
knowing what those views are. if you
proera.uoate, sad thus lose this presoak
opportunity, the reeposibility of oaddlieg
on the country an imbecile
will be your own.-Dumdaa Warder.
On the 18th inst., Dr. McCo.h, of Paris,
one of the Coroner• for the County of Ox-
ford, Was handed a requisition, callisg area
him to repair to the village of Casing and
hold en inquest on the body of one Mary
Anne Gallagher, who died eon a six w5wb
sine*, ander suspicious eircumeirises. Is
appeared from the evidence that the deems -
ed had lived with a Mr. Henry Taylor, farm -
mer near Ceasing -that she told bier as.
ter a.d mistress and two others, that she
was is the family way end that rather the
any of heir mistime should me bet to wash
a state, she would drown hermit She left
the service, of Mr. Taylor, being unwell
est the time, end went to stay with • Mrs.
Wetberwas, where she ltd, after a few
days eiches's. She denied to Mrs. Witte -
erect mid others, that she was is the (easi-
ly way, .ad their evidence weal to show
that such could not 1. the ergo-ledesd,
the testimony was en eentradictey, that the
Coroner thought it peeper to haus 511 b 4y
exemed, white it was examined by these
sedieal redeems whom 1,54...e filly
corroborated tke etatenmet made by lb*
deseeeed to tie Taylor family, sad prs$sl
that shortly pone./ 1. Meth, eN mad
tem had an abortion, Verdict -s Died
from natural moms, •eeetlerated ►p NOW
&beetles, het whether aalsnl cm etberwb0
there is as widen** babes the jar/ tr.
e ke.."
This ease it is boged, will pate stet h
wades i01sr*I'4BO, qst MtM 11 AM
l iq
to, I
e lse
10 1
✓ oes
t h •
WI ti
his I
in a
of t