The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-26, Page 8Pepe 1 The Tirn •Aeluacato, ,hone 26, 19$8
p� man, Alr. •4feorgc Troyer; filen
` roger Reunion with most colors nn their .shirt,
A . e Brower; ladies with•
Held. At 'Grove most calors on their dress. Mrs,
Myrtle Carnoehan, Sandra llugill;
''Tie annual Troyer reunion was ladies shoe scramble, Mrs. Fran -
Sold at Jowett's Grove, els Coleman, Sandra l ugil1;
Saturday with a. good attest• : men, Mr. (George Troyer. Al .
dance, An interesting line of •
Jahn B raver:
t Ladies nail driving. Mrs.
sports was prepared by the cont• t George Troyer. Mrs. ('evil Oke;
xnittee, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; Wren, A1r. Ernest Talbot; boys,
"Talbot and Air. and Mrs. Francis' Lorne C'udmore: biscuit outing
oleman. ' contest. Mr. George Troyer;
Winners in races for pre•sehool [ ,�jzer'sthteantife savers, John
Children, Sandra Coleman; .girls' Oldest person present was Mr.
6$ Betty Uoggart; boys 6d1. Wililain Hyde. ,
Jerry L'olem n Harvey llo art; ; A pienie supper was served in n School n ._ . ... s ^t e
girls s- Karen T lb t. Sandra' charge of thelunchcotnntittee, 11•' 1
l;i 1., a o a ,,.
Alr. and 11rs (eoz•^e Blo^^art 3
' l
10 l
�Clarence nd enter-
a s tez-
• .. t • z • . the officers were � ��•� .11.
after th ch a cr 4�' � � �/
Dolznage Lorraine Talbot; stow • � � X
'a ne Doimatte. 1 President J. Mr. John Faber, The daily Vacation Bible School home on. Saturday zsk honor of chief, addressed Iazppen
Ladies' kie s1 e slipper, :Hrs.! Ileizsall; vice -President, AIr. will be held for two weeks of her daughter, Lolo, bride -elect of Womc'ns institute at their
1~ h pp Harold Blugill. Seaforth; secre July 7 and July 1#. next Saturday. Airs, Volland and in^ for which Mrs 1 selection, Bryan Smillie, accoin of the 1Ctppen arca, and a coin gar Lellterland. of Auburn were
George Troyer, Barbara Cole meet „ t i.. lac.
man; men, asa, Francis (sole. tart' - treasurer, Airs. Gordon Three groups twill be held: her daughter, Lola, bride -elect of Sinclair was hostess at her Monte panieci at the piano by his sis- sin of Mrs. Faber whoa. she held Monday will. burial in
Troyer. Hensall; sports. A1r. and pre school, 3.5 years; primary, guests assisted hy the groom's on Wednesday with Mrs. Win- ter Sharon. has riot seen for lwenly fire AIaitlanclbank cemetery, Sea -
years. Lorne Dawson. Seaforth; 6•8 years; juniors. 9-11 years. mother, Mrs. Dale Nixon of Sea in Workman co hostess A Short 1 ell lh 1 f. years. The visit was a surprise forth, Mrs. Letherlancl was a
Mr. W. A. Kerr, Barrie, spent
the weekend at his home,
—Please Tuna To Nage 9
And District News
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone
Mrs, Archie .MacGregor, .Phone 1:94
Tl:ugill; boys, Bill iloggart. Rus Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 0olmage,
.o Bride -Elea'
sell Talbot; girls 12-15, Eileen' be
12 and over, John liaggart„ elected for next year. tamed ata trousseau tea at her Bohn 1 . Scott, sensual
WI Hears
Fire ..�� of
w e �
Mission :society
Host To Babies-
Mensal', .'nited Chureh lovely
with spring flowers was the set-
ting Thursday afternoon for the
iinnual Baby Band party when
Mothers and children of the
Baby Band were guests of the
11'onlan s hlissinnaz'y Society.
s:rss1t1a1 Jlsma p
The Henault {Girl Guides Aso .Mrs. R. Nelson
elation conducted a. successful A'
hoose -made candy sale on Satur-111" Native .. Area
'1 S delivered. by' The i tY$, Clive ed
candy •t
the Guides and Brownies who ran Alrs.11 aY nelson; of Kincardine';,
out before they eauld call on died MondaY eveawing in Victoria
everyone in Ilia village lloseital, London, in her 29th year,
Hensall Legion and Ladies' $11e had been a patient to the hos.
AAuxiliary are holding .hair picnic natal three weeks.
iliary a Grave, Bayfield, is The former Deand a Jackson,
will off
she was .barn one altd a hot
Sunclsv Sllorts ter be rim
o south. o£ .Uensall on highway 4,
Sent -Over sixty ehiidratl were •,pre- from 2 to 4 p.m. is. charge of d•. ghta.r of Mrs• Trig Jackson, and
sent. Airs. C'. D. Daniel presided, sports are William Brown, Philip• dla tate .o Mrs s Je
Kathy Slim read sacred pas- McKenzie, and assistants from. the Stu''?tying are s'",,`',.."1,°„7.,-,„,./1 ,, .ape
sages, Ruth Ann Traquair, and Legion, Mrs. Howard Stltalc :and ,
Roddy Chapman gave the Mrs. Williatu Aikenhead for the:.daughter, Dorothea d i years, her
prayers. ii.eeita:tions were given Auxiliary. lliotlrcr .and one brother, Donald.
hy Gary t'lomcnt, Javlsie Sims- Beth Troyer. little daughter of i''uneral services will be held
neons. Anne Keyes,. Katharine Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer bad from Knox Presbyterian. Church,
Christie, Caroline Cook, Albert her tonsils removed at Clinton Goderich, Thursday, 2 p.m, Burial
Corbett, Beth Cook, Paul Munn, B p wilt be in Hensall Union Cesue-
Aliehael Davis, Brenda Noakes; AI 1, 1 1 P I
•duets, Donna Jean .Bell, and Ca-
rolyn Lorraine; Katharine Ale -
Ewan and Katherine Munn; Sept.enaber, were guests last visiting this week with her
• ,e Douglas Mock. Arlene Chip- week with Mr. and Airs. UarrY gr=andparents, Air. and Mrs. Stew -
Lass chase; piano selections. Jimmy f"a.ber, Mrs. Paulson is a (laugh- art Bell,
Just Traquair; Sharon Smillie• violin ter of the late Alex McDougail Funeral services for Mrs,. Kd-
June ,
F os pital last week.
Rev and• rs. Edward Paul-
son, of Saga, Japan, missiona-
ries home on furlough until
Personal Items
Diane Bedard of London Is
s summer's smartest fashion!
Free figure analysis shows what
four own individually designed
Spencer Foundation and Bras-
sieres can do! Mrs. Pearl fayn-
zam, phone 171-W, Hensall.
'11111111111111111,11111$1,1 lllll11111111111/1111111111111/,11111
Park. Goderich on the third Sun -
I day in June, 1959,
Mrs. Harold Hugill; lunch. Mr.
and Airs. Cecil Oke. London;
Mrs. John Faber. Hensall.
The pienie which is an annual
,.. 1..,. M,.1.) .., C1.,. 1......
,11111111111111111111111111111 W 1Blut111111111n111,1,
Be The Owner Of A
'58 DODGE DEMONSTRATOR—low mileage, auto-
nlatie. sportstone colour, .whitewall tires, V8
engine, in top condition!
'56 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN --- one owner car,
very clean, a. good buy!
'52. PLYMOUTH SEDAN—very clean. You can't go
wrong on this one!
'51 FORD COACH—radio, clean,
Wanted !
Good Used Cars
Enjoy Your Vacation
With vacation time right around the
corner, make sure of many pleasant
motoring miles throughout your holi-
days by letting our experienced
mechanics check- over your car from
bumper to bumper. Remember, It's
Better To Be Safe Than Sorry!
Henson Motor Sales
Tom Coates, Prop.
The program will consist of forth. Members answered the roll the Baby Band was given by Mrs.
Bible lessons. stories, games' :Hiss Lynn Nixon of Seaforth .a1 with "What would you grabG• bless, The missionary ur-
c can o f p
and songs. Helpers are needed was in rhar„e of the register, in case of Elie?" Airs. Eldon Jar- pose is started in Baby hand
for this Bible School which is !louse decorations were pink and roll commented on the suotlo" through the mite boxes and in
being held in the l'nited church. white peonies, orange blossoms ss one tree can n ke win, this way the c1111d is taught I1oty
.a a m- 1Am11luuluunu,nlupp Ul4unu,unuu11111111u11um1111momm1m111uu$ 111N1mInumiumml uimi i111111o,
Contact Sir. Christie. Mrs. 5. and red roses forming a floral matches Brut ane Match can des -
and to share and how to enjoy giving =- v
1 Rennie or the minister, Rev. lraekground• tiny a million trees." Current and sharing. She said "Sunday
Chas. D. Daniel, 11 D I enton of Se f tl t e d b , q .School and Mission Band is not a
sail et s r
Over 1 QQ ,Attend Brucefield poured tea for the , Ten dollars was voted to the ' put away like new clothes only
afternoon and evening. Display- Canadian Cancer bund, Miss to be brought out on Sundays, It
;Rowe Gathering ing the bride's trousseau were Margaret A1eKay was appointed should be in constant use in our 3
i The 49Th Rowe family reunion Nixon of Seaforth. !Plans for a picnic at Seaforth and in so doing, can we truly
was held on Saturday at the ; Serving in the afternoon were , Lions Park in July were dis- says Sunday Schools and Mission g
home of Alt'. and Mrs. Earle the Misses Leota Johnston, ; cussed• Bands are really worth while." =
T, Rowe, Hensall. , Brucefield. Shirley 13e11, :Hensall,1 Mrs. James Drummond and Graduating from the Baby
1 Over 100 sat down to lunch at • Marian and Rose Marie Krugal, lights of Russell tse D st ice gave
a' Annual heldg- graduating du11110 the
cere Mission
sionny wBrn di id
' 1 p.m. and after. the president, , Alonkton. i
called forea }ootton, of minute of silence in n Al sl t zBarbarath 7 Taylor,
Vag nae 1 recently:
.to he group
Royal, Ktake a atherinerles ecMullin Paul er; Albert `Munn;
• remembrance of the family Bliss Dorothy Doerr, London; !Guelph, March 1959. Anne Keys; Roderick Chapman;
' members who had passed away assisting were Mrs. Leona. Parke, I Miss Joan Sinclair sang gird Donna Jean Bell; Jackie Sint -
during the year, followed by .Bliss Louis Taylor, Varna; Mrs.: Mrs. Bruce McGregor favoured mons; Katherine AIcEttan; Doug -
prayer by Dr. Thomas Wearing,1 Harvey Hyde and Alrs. T, Kyle. i with a piano selection. Mrs. las Mock; Caroline Lorraine;
Woodstock. Rev. Charles D. and t James A1IcNaughton extended John Taylor; Gary Clement;
Mrs. Daniel of Hensall expresser!. aingo Winners !courtesy remarks, Luncheon was Marilyn Johnston; Joe Rcaburn.
n , , 011 e tyor• i o
great-aunt of Mrs. Stewart Bell,
At the Legion Bingo held at
Clinton Thursday night Mrs, Cia.
re.nee Reid won $.16.00.
ate a . s were zetz we A s
and Mrs. ',Acton Johnston of lames Drummond. 1 hing to be folded up and
'the Alice Ann and Gene public relations representative. homes every day of the week
thanks for being included in the' !winners at the Legion bingo; served by the committee Mrs. Mrs. Laird Mickle contributed
gathering. Remarks were also . Saturday were; Mrs. Glen Me-; Ernie Whitehouse, Mrs. Wilmer piano selections preceeding the
made 11y Mr. Wilfred S. Rowe ; Kenzie (2); Mrs. Wes Venner i Broadfoot, Mrs. James Me graduation and Ann Mickle sang
' (historian) of Guelph. Rev, Al.1 (3); Ed. Corbett (3); Mrs. A. Naughton and Mrs, Glenn Sia -
P. Snaith, Toronto and Mr, Park' Foster; Alrs, L. Hatter; Otto j vin.
Harwood, Art. Clemens, Mich. . Smale; Mrs, Norman Long; H.' Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe of ' Evans; Mrs. L. Mellis; Mrs. J. 1 ,
Beacltville conducted the sports. ! Aikenhead; Alrs. C. Wilkinson. i Al) and Mrs. 7 at Flannery,
Prizes were given for the oldest: Jackpot this Saturday will be' Terry, Jimmy and Ray, of Ko
and youngest members present, t worth 255 00 in 53 calls. i moka, visited this week with
! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith.
and were won by Mr. Sam Rowe,! Personal Items Mrs. C, Cook spent a few clays
Burford, and baby Carrie Mac -1 Alrs, Jessie Tra.nn, -Winnipeg, last week at her summer homy
Donald, Toronto. i Man.; Mrs. Helen Dalrymple,' in Grand Bend.
The 1959 officers aro: press "Alt. and Mrs, Frank Layton and Airs. Wilbert Dining returned Band superintendent,
dent, Air. Preston teen, Wood-'
1Ir. John Pepper, Clinton, visit -Thome last week front victoria Shower for aside -elect
stock; vice president, 11x. Jack”pComplimenting Miss Lola Vol -
Arthur, on Sunday with Mr. Walter': Hospital, London where she was ,
Arthur, St. Marys; secretary -•Fairbairn, and Mr. and Airs,'• receiving treatment,
treasurer, Mr, Earle T. Wilfred' Ross Love. Mrs. Trawl is a sister Commencing Sunday the con- land,vebride-elect of Saturday,
Hensall; historian,Mr. Wilfred l { seventy relatives and. friends
S. Rowe. Guelph; lunch commit- of Mr. Fairbairn and Mrs. Dal -1 gregation of Carmel Church will honored her with a iniscella-
tee. Mrs. Frank Blake, Mrs. rYmple, Mrs. Layton and Mr. , worship with the United Church neous presentation held in the
Eric Loveys, Cys, Mrs. (Gordon liar Pepper are neices and a nephew. ' for five Sundays concluding school rooms of Carmel Church
Mr. P. L. AIc\aughton attended July 27, Be'.Chas. D, Daniel Tuesday evening,
rison and Mrs. George St. Clair;
sports, \Ir, and Alrs. Robert the Grand Lodge Sessions at the twill be in charge of the services. Decorations were in pink and
Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Royal York, Toronto, Wednes high School students have ac white, ivilh decorated chair over
day, Thursday and friday of cepterl positions for the summer
Francis Oliver. last week. 1 months: Miss Beth Goddard, with which suspended pink grid while
Personal Items Miss Mildred Forrest R.N. on' Al's Supersave 'Market; miss streamers and balloons,
The Young People of the Nen- the staff al Brantford General Gwen Spencer, with Wilson's An address was read by Mrs.
salt.-Chiselhurst Union motored to Hospital, is vacationing with her; Drug Store; Miss Jean Render- George. Parker, and presenta-
the summer cottage of Rev, and parents, Mr, and Mrs. William', son at the Sunset Hotel, Gode- tions of the many gifts were
Mrs. C. Daniel at Goderich on Forrest, I rich, by Patricia Parke and Miss Slrir
Sunday afternoon for a shore Rev. J. B. Fox of Windsor, 1 Mr, and Mi •. J. E. McEwan ley Bell. Miss Gladys Moirs was
1 h former rn 1 n 1 s t e r of Cartncl tUended tl e L J 1 ton rc in charge of several contests and
the graduation song,
Alrs. W. B, Cross and Miss M.
Ellis formed the reception com-
mittee; decorating committee
were Mrs. Mickle, Mrs, S. Mit-
ellen, and Airs. Hess; lunch com-
mittee were Airs. M. 'rraqu.air
(convener); Mrs, N. E. Cook,
Airs. N. Jones and Mrs. H. A'Ic-
Murtrie. Mrs, Hess is Baby
supper followed with a vesper 1 1s • z owe- o �ns
service. church, Hensall, has been newly 1 union held at Lions Park, Sea- Miss Shirley Bell read a humo-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kiper' appointed secretary -treasurer orforth on Saturday. rous poem.
spent the weekend in Windsor the Windsor Council of Churches,'
' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shupe and Miss Shirley Bell and Miss
. where Mr, Kipfcr attended the Mr. and Mrs, George Jackson, Sarann of Selfridge, Mich. were Gladys Moir arranged t h e
Essex Scottish reunion held at Clinton, were recent visitors 1 weekend.guests with Mr. and shower with Mrs, George Par -
Windsor and Mrs. Kipfer visited with Alt. and Mrs. Clarence ! Mrs. Manley Jinks and Air. and ker and Mrs. Robert Sangster
Iwith friends. I Reid, ! Mrs.Ross Jinks. assisting.
will be
Open Monday
June 30
Closed Tuesday
Dominion Day
Open All Day Wednesday
Hensall Chamber Of Commerce
ervice An
A Personal Message To Farmers From Jim Bengough
We've been asked the question: "Why did you go
into New Idea and not some other line?” This is your
For the past 30 years, we hr e been repairing
various machines front infancy to the present day. In re-
cent years,we have been contacted from other companies
to carry their lines but our interest has been centred
around New Idea. Those who had New Idea liked it but
more or less wondered about the service.
In our travels around the country, we noticedfirms
that good, we thought, why wouldn't it be more reasonable
have New Idea machines to attract attention. If they were
that good, we though, why wouldn't it be more reasonable
and practical to sell New Idea exclusively.
That's what we decided to do. We disposed of what
we had, fumigated the place and started from New Idea:
We have the answer: As the company puts it: "Look
at New Idea Before You Buy,"
We have heard people say: "New Iclea is good
machinery but it's higher priced. "Listen, friend, it's too
soon to talk of the price the first time you hear. it. You
can only value New Idea by using it day after clay."
The New Idea people really stand behind their pro-
ducts. Many times we've heard the company say: "Our
machines must do the job they're intended for,"
Many times we have repaired machinery of other
makes, and we mean new machinery that should have
been under guarantee, but the user had to pay the bill.
Our slogan is "Service is not our motto but our
business." When we sell New ldca machines we carry out
our complete obligation.>
,:. A,.:, .s .•
OUR DISPLAY AT HENSALL SPRING PAIR --=Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bengough, Billy uwcl Joey, William
Smale and A, W. Shil'ray are seen in front of the fair display, We wish to thank the Agricultural
Society for making it possible for us to display our new line of New idea farm machinery at the fair,
We Aim To Please You The Customer
Our friendship does not end when we've made a
sale with you. Even if we've never met you before, we're
eager to satisfy you and make you feel you are a part
of our business.
If we are all pulling together, we're going to go
places with less strain and more satisfaction. ,
`Wiitibni st ale
t4ttliiinlai 'W*Grath
At this time, 1 want to thank all our good csutoniers
for thein royal patr'oitage, We are proud that they have had
confidence in us, to stay by us and use our line at)d believe
in our slogan: "Service is not. our motto but our business."
Pr Opwiitot>
A, `W'» ,blest'
A ststaiit SAID
• . •