The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-26, Page 1• a
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YEGGS .CRACK HENSALL SAFE.7,-- OPP Constables Hank' Reid, right, Exeter, . and
Morley Groves, Ooderich, inspect scene,of robbery at Hensall Saturday morning after
thieves escaped with. about $100 in cash from the safe of A. Spencer and Son planing
mill. The yeggs, who used tools taken from .a nearby CNR shed to open the safe, left
most of the firm's. records strewn on the ground. r, —T -A, Photo
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Eighty.Second Year
Price Per Copy Too OM*
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-.Need Addition It 1960
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BY LAND, SgA AND NOW AIR — Peeple who flock to Grand Bend by car and boat
for relaxation, were joined by those who travel by air this weekend when the London
Flying Club held its first flyan at the RCAF practice training field near the summer
resort. Forty-four aircraft brought 120 people from. 13 Ontario centres to the event,
which :featured a beef barbecue, above, Checking the cooking are, from left, Ti Noble,
Ottawa; Robert Ivey, London club secretary, who was host to the group at his Oakwood
surnMer home; Bill -Paris, secretary of the Royal Canadian Association of Flying Clubs;
Mrs. Ivey, Jack Ramsdell, London club president; Cam and Al Taylor, two London club
officers, )3elow, picture shows contrast between. old Tiger Moth and new Piper
"Apache", two of the traft which flew in, Noseworthy,
List Grade Nine Results
Over Eughty Per Cent Pass
!Eighty. WO Percent of this er,' Lawrenee. 11
Regarth, Helm% I
Marshali, Grae
Xeith Morley, Ba
Year's grade nine cless has been
promoted, Priricipal Is, Slur-
gis announced this week as the
fitst of S111)118 lower school re.
lulls- Were released,
The grade nine percentage
Was slightly higher titan the
eVerage for four grades in the
tehokt, which wes 80.67. The
principal deecribed the resulte
fle "Mean",
One htfridred end sixty-three
sttideets Of the 108 in grade nine
ere Meted hi the promotions
irAgend '1'6 Ninoilill0,
Minot honere, T 6'7, Jar ever;
wood tom, oe Tete! third
AO to a7t,%; credit,' GO to
Pint Ogee Nowt
Man Davis, Evelyn Denomme,
getty Dixon, John Ethetifigtele,
Artil Grayer, Kristine Ottlelle,
tethetifie Hedgitit, Carole Hai&
ell, Blanshard Systems
Seek Increases In Rates
Notice is given this week that
the ananshard Municipal. Tele.
Phone System has applied for
increases in its rates to sub.
scribers and renters.
The increase is a modest one,
according to Mrs. Marion H. Ur.
quhart, secretary.treasurer of
the system. lt will amount to
aPProximately $1,00 a year.
Reasons for the/ increase, as
cited in the notice in The Times-
• Advocate this week, are higher
costs of material and labor and
improvement of service.
Number of lines into Exeter
and St. Marys has been increased
and party lines are 'being split
to provide service to 10 or less,
Along with the new rates, the
commission will put into effect
a quarterly collection system. In
the past, subscribers have paid
once a. year; renters, every three
ewer& Carole ley, David O'Reilly, alargeret
Iumphries, Bon I Oke, Illeaner Pra rig, Patricia
e MacKenzie)! Rowe, Mary Shaw, Robert
rbara A, Mor. Schroodee, Sandra Snider, 13ar-
„ hara Swearior, Jane Syrier, Wit -
Ham Systin A, Judy Tennatit,
Settle Vancierlaste, Helen net -
Setonai Ciaas Honours
Sheryl Ailey, Paul Antaelier,
Sharon Brock, Ron Deiebert,
. Doerv, Andre Duetted,
12 Theresa Ducharnie, Barry Grain -
13 ger, Ruth Horne, William
16 vey, Dine Rieke, Dianne iohne,
2 Bob Johetteri, Illehard Klapp,
16 St eve Xyle, Margaret Knight,
11,11 June Loraine, Mary A, tostell,
14 0 A r a r MeDonald, Gerald
Peterson, Peter Piantinge, Mar.
ion Pepper, Ruth Resteineyer,
Ruth A. Rader, Ann ,Saul, Carol
Smith, Jaek Stephen. R.arry
Swanson, Ferite Swartealltruber,
--Please Turn to rage -3
rind If
Church Notices '
teining Everife
retro News
Lookino hi With .
Liken 'lit 15, 18
SOOrta 6,
Want Ads 3
Zurich . 4
m onths. 1
With the exception of eU.Sto•
mers the Medina exchange„!
rates will be $2.50 a month for'
10 or less party serviee Red $2.35
for 11 or more party service for
subscribers. For renters, corree.
ponding charges will be $2,70 and
Customers on the Medina ex-
change will pay 10 cents a month
less because they do not have,
free aeeeSS to as many tele-
phones as those on other ex.e
The. Blanshard system. operates
exchanges at lairkton, Geanton
and Sebringville, in addition to
Application 'has been made to
the Ontario Telephone Authority!
to •make the new charges effec.:
live July 1, 1958. However, re-
presentation may be made to,
the Authority on or before July
John A. Stephen, former reeve
of Blanshard, chairman of the
Bell Appli6s
Second Time
Increases of 10 cents per
month for two-party residence
telephone service in Exeter and
Crectiton and of 20 cents for .one-
party residerree lines are pro-
posed in Bell Telephone's ap-
plication for revised rates filed
in Ottawa with the Board of
Transport Commissioners f o r
Canada, according to W. W.
Haysom, the company's area
The proposed increase for one-
party flat rate business service
is 35 cents monthly and for two -
Thieves Wasted Etior leanrIt•sy mbounsitgyss service it is 20
I .1 A comparison of present and
Hensal I e n oc e ;iiLioiai7i,e,scwcfsa:gsf,,oxretricavdcl&sescris_
Thieves who used a sledge
hammer, crow bar and 18 -inch
screwdriver to open •the safe at
A. Spencer and Son Planing
Mill, Hensel, early SaturdaY
morning, worked harder than
they needed to, according to
the owner.
"The safe wasn't locked,”
said Walter Spencer. "The door
was sbut but we hadn't locked
it." ,
Thieves carried the 250.pound
safe some 100 yards from the of-
fice to the lumber yard where
Crediton Dog
Big Winner
Mrs, Lloyd England, Crediton,
whose Doberman Pinseber, Tan.
lane- Aldebaran, scored major
wins in Canadian and U.S. dog
shows last year, appears to have
another outstanding winner from
the s a me • family.
Aldebaran's full brother, Tau.
taria's Beau Bromeau, won best
puppy. in show ata,two Toronto
competitions this month, • in ad-
dition to best Canadian -bred
puppy in breed and other puppy
awards. In one show, he defeat-
ed an American champion.
!These victories by the- seven-
month -old male mitch the ones
scored by Aldebaran. last year
when she was of similar age.
At both of the Toronto shows,
Aldebaran went beet of breed
and placed in group second rnd
group first respectively. She was
also the best Canadian bred dog
in a Sarnia show recently.
From the .two shows in Toren.
to, Mrs. England returned with
two silver cups, a rose bowl and
a coffee carafe from ter win-
With Beau- trOmeau's vice
tortes, Mrs. England continues
the outstanding success she
achieved last year as a. novice
'breeder when her first litter pro.
cluced a ch.ampion, a feat some •
breeders ‘vorle for decades to
they pried it open with tools
they had taken from a MR shed
eearby. They took about $100 in!
cash. left the office records and
documents strewn on the ground!
in two different arees.
The yeggs weren't, greedy —1
they left about 40 cents in silver
the cash box.
The thieves broke a window in
the CNR, shed to get the tools,
then kicked in a side door in the
Spencer mill to get the safe. No
other damage was noted.
Foot prints and finger prints
were taken by OPP officers
from Mt. Forest, investigation
by PC Hank Reid is continuing.
b k -i a discovered
hy, Roland Smith, an employee.
at the mil, around 8 a.m. Satur-
'We never lock the safe," said
Mr. Spencer, "because normallY
we don't keep any money in it.
It just happened that 1 was away
Friday and hadn't removed the
cash." The owner uses the safe
principally to protect his records
from fire,
This is dee second time the
lumber mill has been robbed.
710heyeafirrsstagtoh.eft occurred about
Residence Present Proposed
l -Party iine 3.45, 3.65
2 -Party line 2.85 2.95
telephone 1,00 1,00
1.Party line 5.85 6.30
2 -Party line 4,85 5.05
P.B.X. trunk 8.80 9.35
telephone 1.25 1.35
In Hensel increases of 10
cents per month for tro-party
residence telephone service and
of 15 cents for one-party resi-
dence lines are proposed.
The proposed increase for one.
party flat rate business service
is '30 monthly and for two-party
business service it is -15 monthly,
Residence Present Proposed
2.Pereva 2.75 2.85- •
'As !Huron Buying Power
1 -Party line 3.30
A five or six -room addition to 'year's enrolment would increase
SHDHS will be required within -from 575 to 630. This will necesa
the next two years, was indi- sitate the use of the sewing
Wed at the board meeting Tues- room as a classroom and lexvi
day night. !the cafeteria. as the only ace*.
Estimates presented by Prins , incelation left in the schoel whith
anal H. L, Sturgis revealed en.: would not house a regular class.
rolment is likely to exceed 700 Facilities in tbe library which
by 1960, and two years later will is already being used as a elaSee
be over 800. I room, will be rearranged to I'M -
Mr. Sturgis said he had anti-; prove accomodation.
cipated a five -room addition but Eighty Percent Pees
one Department of Education of.: principal Sturgis reported that
ficial felt it should be increased • 80
Chairman Larry Snider said examinations.
!grades nine to 12 passed their
t f th tud ts ija
to six rooms. percere o e s
the board will consider starting! Highest percentage was, in
plans for the addition early hie grade 12, where 85 percent suc-
the fall. ceeded. In grade 11, 84 percent
At a previous meeting thisH passed: in grade 10, 74; and in
month, Mr. Sturgis said next' grade 9, 923.
Approve Siek Leave
An, accumulated sick, leave
plan introduced by W. F. 13 -
el a cLaren, chairm an of the
teachers' com mitt e e, was
Gib Dow, Jr., local dairy- adopted by the board. The plan,
ming among his talents, too. It will give teachers credit
enpst ern°.
at Grand Bend, and fledg- v,,b,aiusedcolnoen inrteoco;emeetnadnat
the Ontario Trustees Colincil,
man. "captain". of a cruiser
ling pilot, proved over the
weekend he can count swim- ber 1 of this year.
He easily won a bet by previous year's unused sick
each year for 50 percent of the
swimming a measure mile leave allowance, Teachers ars
at Grand Bend in 40 minutes. allowed 20 days leave each year.
Friends had bet hire he
couldn't do it in two hours.
He swam from the edge of
the north pier at the harbor
along the shore to a point op-
pnsite a marker at Beach of
This. Fellow's
In The Swim
Maximum allowance was set
at 200 days,
Approve Requests
At the request of officials
from RCAF Station Centralia,
ines. the board agreed to, accomodate
Stakes for the wager were up to 50 students from Huron
not disclosed. Park in any one. year. This was
Besides swimming over the. t•he number of students from
weekend, Gib took part ,in PMQ's who attended SHDHS
the fly -in at Grand Bend this past term. and it is felt by
eponsorecl by the London Fly- RCAF officials that it will he
mg Club, where he is taking the maximum number.
lessone. He also took time
out •to enjoy. several rides in
the cruiser which he trel
four friends purchased this
Board approved purchase of
four new typewriters and $100
worth of hand tools and a bench
grinder for the agricultural de -
spring and have docked at pertinent.
Grand Bend. Applicatien of Simon Nagel,
And he helped look after Exeter. to enrol at Beal Techni-
the herd of Holsteins he and cal School, London, next terra
his father keep on their farm was approved.
here. Chairman Larry Snider. pre -
Busy fellow. sided for the meeting.
Business •1.00 15:
Well Above Averoge
1.Party line 5.36
2 -Party line 4.35 4.50
P.B.X. trunk 7.95 8,40
telephone .1.25 1.35
Application seeking approval
to increase telephone rates was
—Please Turn to Page 3
(Special to the Times-Advocate)i
Despite the present state of!
business, Huron County stands}
out as a richer market than
most, according to a new survey,
of buying power, made by Sales!
The. copyrighted study, con./
• ialmng detailed figures on in-!
Urge Lagoori Project covers every part of Camada.
comes and consumer spending,'
For Sewage At Bend
Construction of a lagoon sys. operation of septic taiiks. He felt
it might be adviseable, however.
to construct mains large enough
to serve all of the village, even
incorporated in the system at
Lhe beginning.
tem for sewage disposal suggest-•
ed in talks with the Ontario
Water Resources Commission,
will be proposed to Grand Bend
council Monday night,, Reeve J.
H. Dalton said this week.
The reeve indicated he and
Councillor Bill Cochrane will
urge that council approve an
immediate start, on the projece,
"I honestly feel that this
could -be the solution to our
sewage roblem at Grand Bend "
the reeve stated "Our sittietion on .
"I .think it's a Wond er f ul deal
for Grand Bend," he stated.
Provide Docking
New docking facilities for
hoats visiting Grand Bend her.
bor leave boon completed by the
Shepherd Boat Co.. Forest. The
firm huilt 400 .feet of dockage
f lar or
feet on the
smaller ones,
the PVC plans
outlets on the
use ol visithig
is acute, particularly' on the vessels and 300
achieve. ' north side of the village—there s south side for
, no doubt about that," under contract to
Within a week,
to install hydro
north side for the
Lay Charge
Reeve Dalton said eionstrue.
lion would be financed by the
OWRC, which. Geand tend would
repay OVer a neriod of 30 years
Over Crash patereactid.nterest rate of about 411.i
Charges are pending as a re-, tar to facilities provided al
1 The proposed system is shill-
sult of a trash Satur-; Ipperwash carnp. It consists of
day night 'on No. 2]. highway, + a large pond, dug into waste
one mile north of Grand Bend.!land, into which sewage is pump -
which caused $500 damage, ' ese No tteasmere+ is riecessery—
Cars driven by Budd LeveY., nature's forces do the disposal
26, London.; Cleude Poulin, la, + wore,
RCAF' Station Clinton; and Wil- There is no odor problem eon.
lis eValper, 20, RR 1, Grand sleeted with this system, Accord.
T3end, were travelling north in .ing to OWRC, except perhaps
that ()der. The 'Levey ear when the ice on top of, ihe pond
eloPPed ,inake a left hand melts in the spring and this is
turti into a driVeNVO.Y. Poulin Only telnpnrary,
stopped behind him but the Wal. The proposal was euggested
per vehiele bit the Poulin ear to Iteeve Dalton and Ceuncillor
which rammed the Levey ye- Cocbraim last week when the
hick, two officials interviewed Dr. A,
OPP . Constable Cecil Gibbons E. :Berry, OWRO secretary. He
investigated, indie,eted , a, number of .sinaller
gull Weathers Crash municlalittes in Ontario wore
using tie system with success.
. A btill .ewried by Ed tamport, The vitiagt .wouid. be obliged
RR 1, Centralia, easily wort a ie hire cOnsillting engineer
to draft plans AM to purchase
the waste land for the pond. If
the ptoject went through, how.
ever, these costs would be add-
ed to the debentures financed by
a der was travelling smith ingiltelvsr6obPeanlet"wassa to.' lie p 11.)olgist:
when. the bull eame out 01 the seweeeee, for the north skin of
diteh. The Animal's head iho resort white is eat up to
crunched the frobt feeder of 1hP tbe extent (het there len't
Car atid the tinned swung the enOugh Thud to allow tor proper
rump around MO the rear
vf708diriesPra.iCodo.nstable Harry Reid in.
Youth Nits Pole
A ear driven by till Heywood,
bout with a car driven by Floyd
Rader, tondo, Viten the twO
eollided just berth of RCAF Sta-
tion Centralia Sunday at 10 pen.
The ter suffered $2,00 dam-
ege but the Wing wasn't in.
th Ad talivghlii sWeItioluidnedd hlyn
Bobby Singe tt On VdngfaS
tstg tekt taittlitydarto sotonictlialyd: Tinhaehibitsatreheata 'areite1gidideelaroetvgimigts.
eeasiag about um. damage leg With the number 34-00048S.
The youth Iost tontrol of the AU*
ear as he was travelling east
rid it veered Into the pole ne
;hie% is Bo Heywood,- Exeter,
the north sides Owner of the ves.
ell Witte.
Polite Chid TOW eald
charges have been latch-
Earnings were at a high level
in Huron County during the past
Year, it shows. Local residents
had a net. disposable income,
after payment of personal taxes.
of 846.316,000, as compared with
$43,903,000 in the previous year.
What this amounted to on a
per -household" basis was deter-
mined by dividing the dollar
total by the number of house-
holds. It came to $3,216 per
household as against $2,947 in
IL was a 9.2 percent improve-
ment, which was more than was
achieved generally in Canada,
.6.5 percent. The Province of On-
tario rise was 8.2 percent,
With incomes high and with
the feeling of vonfidenre that
iprevailed throughout most of
'1957, county residents spent
As a result, retail merchants
had a good year. Their sales
volume reached $50,387.000, top.
ping the prior year's $47,434,000.
Although most retail line*
recorded gains, a few especially
in the heavy 'appliance fields,
did not. Soft drinks, In general,
did better than hard goods.
The report shows, through a
"buying power index", the ratio
between the amount actually
spent for goods in each com-
munity and the amount that
could have been spent. The in-
, dcx is a weighed figure, based
on population, income and sales.
I It bets Huron County. with art
;index of .2752, as able to produce
iitheasts.percent of the nation's busi-
• Since more than that was done
:age year, .3427 percent, it fol -
,lows that a considerable amonnt
,of the local business comes from
'outside the county,
An upturn in the nation's
economy is expected in the early
fall by many analysts. By then
the counter -forces to recession,
will have made themselves felt,
they say. Business inventories
will have been depleted. forcing
an increase in production, This
will boost employment and re-
store eonfidence. People will
forget their fears and start bur,
ing more freely.
PUttLIC SCHOOL ACAtitiVild WINNERS—Vim Huntley, president of ttiteth
Home and School Association, presents pins to three t xeter Public School: students,
who topped their grades this year. Jimmy Carscadden, left, Wag the grade six viinv
ner; trian taytharn, grade five/ and Linda Wolper/ grade seven. Presetitatley: tfotilt
place al the Friday assembly. Pnrits