HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 18no Cage 16 the `rirnsipAdvocate, .lune 19, 193 These inn i l can relax in confidence frr/Sv They know their sating. are .safety invested in Huron Erie- Canaria 'frust Debentures and Trust Certificates, Both these forms of inaes.tnient earn XV:" to 4',;. interest nn ,,,;111(1 11' ❑sure for periods of 1 to wears, ' ou can sate with confidence t1111, with . Huron & Erie . Canada Trust 11F:•t11 tli'toI( P: -' 1.(I\I1(E\, (11T1I(lo I1Is(ri,•t itt•,lre ivll(nttUM L7G01•1) 1t. 'r ont.'tO\, 1'1:'1'rit U.1 id 1•'.1311\- '1`bI[i(t"1, 1t'\&[ t,; 'tl. i.. (•n(•ItII ‘\I: 1:\F:'r1.t(.I if. %V. ft4.RE12I:n, ZI 1114 ill n. 11, Flt k'+1F'rt':F31 I3F:1,I4 sC 1.131;111(1\, 1; is:11:11, jHuron ousts 1 Secret Ballot The secret ballot, as a means of .electing; .a warden in Huron, ; was ,given its death•hlow by • Huroncounty ('ouncil, Thurs.. day. • Taking a good look at its own rules of procedure. a majority of councillors decided that tlu' counts has been in error, for many years, :in its way of shoos- ing a warden .each ,January. By a vote of 20 to 13. council- iors decided to change the rules of procedure,. so that in future the warden will be elected by 1 open vote, with each eottncillor• I declaring his vote in public ses-1 M sion. 4N,IIu11i1111111I11111111,II,,11111Iu,I,1111tI111,1,111,1,1111,11111111lt11I11,11 I1t11111,II1111t11I11111111tllitlltl lll111111111111111, Neighbor YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT WUERTH'S, EXETER • NEW MACK S.HQES .. from .$14.95 Wear a I)ack for real solid comfort. SPORT SHOES FOR DRESS OR THE BEACH Colors, shag. winterwhite, brown or black; all with foam rubber soles. WHITE BUCK SHOES .. from $6,39 BATHING SHOES, rubber, only $1,65 WORK SHOES From $4,95 Terrific Specials •--.:t'ark, Foam Rubber, Neolite, Panco and Leather Soles ---Light as a feather and they wear like a pig's nose. Nylon Work Sox pr. 79c ROLLER SKATES -- WP have them for glen and ladies. Wooden er plastic `wheel. WP can change wood to plastic or vice versa. Toe stops installed while you trait. • GYM SHOES for men and boys, Canadian and Hong Kong. Leather and Rubber Repairing Promptly Attended To WUE T 1'S EXETER The natter was brought be-' fore (. ouncit by its warden's com- mittee. Deputy Reeve Nelson Trewartha, Clinton. noted that the custom in Huron of secret balloting to elect .a warden, ap• peered to be contrary 10 ()n• rano statute law, which requires open voting. "We've been getting away with it. Deputy Reeve Trcwartha observed. "Nobody has ever ob- jected to the secret ballot." The committee thought it proper. he said. to let the whole council make the choice between the custom of secret balloting. and the statutory requirement for open voting. Orval Taylor. reeve of East \t'awanosh, voiced the opinion of 'the majority, when he said he believed Council should NO. the example of obeying the last and that if the law required open voting, that should be the method. Enlarge Road Committee After upsetting a custom of king standing in the way of electing a warden. Council pro- ceeded Thursday to snake more rule changes, which will alter the way of choosing members of the county road committee. Again by a vote of 20 to 13, Council decided to enlarge the road committee from three to five members. By a vote of 31 to two. Coun- cil decided that in future, road committee members should be • elected by open Voting, in public session, just as the warden is in 'future to be chosen. By unanimous vote. It was decided that the enlarged five - man road committee, which will become effective in 1959, is to consist of three members from rural municipalities, .and two members from urban municipaI- ities. Usborne Couple !Area Rod ds in Program The biggest road program in the history of Huron County. (.calling for an .expenditure of !8800„;000, was approved by Huron. , County Council. 'Thursday, 00 aIle recommendation of its road t committee, •of which Cecil Blake, reeve of Ashfield, is chairman. The county's share of this • road budget is to be provided by a rate of six mills, to be levied in addition to the county rate ;of 7.4 mills for general purposes. Paving work in the program includes four utiles in Usborne township, three miles in Stephen township, and half a utile on Brussels streets. Major road -building and grad- ing projects are to be carried out on five mules of road west- ward from Walton, two and a MARK ANNIVERSARY ---Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wass, of half miles of road in Hay town - Granton. recently marked their fiftieth wedding arnivers- ship, two miles in Stephen town- ship, and hall a mile in 13gGode- i tt)\rth afan11tieelebratrnt Dczshwood Cornrnents By MRS. ERVIN RADER o\,Ld Rader Reunion The annual Rader reunion was : held at ,lowell's Grove, Bayfield, on Sunday. The register was • signed by 1311 of the flan. • Ray Rader and his committee conducted the sports. Winners were: girls. 11.8. Sharon Waiper, Sandra Richardson; boys, 6.8, Richard Willert, Ray Taylor; girls, 8-1u, Barbara Willert, 011 , Richardson; boys, 8.10, Wayne Necker, Douglas Walper; girls,. 110-12, Donna Richardson; boys, Wayne \Vieberg; girls, 12.15, Carol Fischer. i Young ladies' race, Marg Wil - 1 son; young men, Lloyd Rader; married ladies, Mrs. Glen Wal- ; per; married inen, ' Wendell Gamble; shoe scramble partners, 'Bob and Marlene Bell; wheel . barrow race, Wayne W.i.eberg i and David Rader; three-legged race, girls, Donna Richardson and Barbara Willert.; boys, Ray • Taylor and Bruce Weiberg; sink ' the :'hip, Lloyd Rader and Marg Wilson; break balloon, Helen Rader. i Several relays were played. Guessing contest was won by Airs. Wendell Gamble; most jewellery, Mrs, Ross Richard- son; special prizes, oldest man, William Rader; oldest lady, Su-' I san Willert, youngest baby, Nancy Rader, two months 'old , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George iRader, of London; most recently married, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rad- er: youngest grandmother, Mrs, 1 Ross Richardson; largest family, . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willert; married longest, Mr. and. Mrs. !Irvin Willed; coming farthest, :IMr, and Mrs. Garnet Wieberg, .of Waterloo; registered No. 53, Barbara Willert. , New officers are: President, Glen Waiper; vice - presidents, Clifford Wiedo, Earl Rader; treasurer, Glen Wiedo; secre- tary, Mrs, Glen Walper; table convener, Mrs. Lorne Rader; sports convener, Glen Koehler. Church Needs Courage The church needs hien of ; courage, Rev. W. O. Rathke, of; Waterloo, told the annual con -4 vention of the Ontario District! Lutheran Church (Missouri Sy- , nod) held at Peace Church, Windsor. Ile statccl that there were t>oo million Christians in the world and these could do great things but too few rally to the call.. He reminded the 100 pastors and lay delegates that Gideon's band of 300, facing 35,000 Medianites, had the odds balanced because they were on the Lord's side. Present at the convention were • Rev. K. L. Zorn, Dashwood, and Mr. Arnold Becker, Crediton, as delegates from Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood Congregations were urged to ! organize Bible classes, consider ' Christian day schools and to 1 establish parent -teacher associa- tions to establish good relations l i hetween homes and the Sunday ' School. ! 'I'cd Luft, formerly of Dash- ' wood'and now of Kitchener, was one of the delegates named to • attend the convention of the Federation of Conference Luthe- rans at Winnipeg in September. : Baptism Wed 25 Years Relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Selves, tsbornc. Tues day evening to surprise them on the occasion of their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. j Cards were played with win- • ners for ladies: Mrs. M. Elliott, St. Marys, Mrs. John Selves, t'shorne; men, Ed kink, llcnsall, 'It PItft111111111111111111 Itllill11111111,11111111/11111111,11111111111,11111111111111111,11111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111 Lewis Kirk, k xeler. One eighbor DRESSES Rack - Regular Values $6.95 to $19.4; 5 0 OFF No -iron Shirts BROADCLOTH Rag. $7.50 $5.95 NYLON TRICOT Reg, $9.95 $7.95 Big Savings! and family, of Waterloo, spent Saturday with Air. and Mrs. L. 11. Rader and Mr. and Mrs, Fred \\'eiberg, Mr. and Mrs. Hefiry Becker, Shirley, Martha and children and .J1r. Don Glanville, . of Cr'ed- icon, spent stutday at Waterloo and Kitchener with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Merger and family, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemay, ey and Edward spent Sunday at St. Jacobs with Mr, and Mrs, Art Miller. Randy Arthur, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller. of ' Exeter, was baptized on Sunday • in Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- wood, by Rev. K. L. Zorn. Arthur Miller, of Zurich, was sponsor. Miss Anne Taylor. of London, spent the weelu nd with her mother, Mrs. Leith Taylor. The pupils of Dashwood Public School, grades 3.8, enjoyed a bus trip to the Ontario Agricultural !College, at Guelph. The teachers, Mrs. Leila Taylor and Mrs. Bttsehe, accompanied them as well as MIs. Syd Baker. Children's Day was observed at Calvary Church last Sunday. Musical numbers, exercises and recitations by the children, were directed by the junior teachers, Personal Items Mr. 811d Mr's. Lloyd Rader and Darlene spent a week at Wasaga Reach and point, north. Miss Erma Wein, of Clinton, ,pent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Pedersen, Cpl. and Mrs, Bud Durdin, of Aylmer, Cpl. toric Pedersen, of Clinton, and Mr. Chvis Anderson motored to Cresco, Iowa, to at- tend the filidt-Vokaty wedding, Mrs. Pedersen remained for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas, Drake, Mr, and ;\trs. Garnet Weiherg Hi NEI HTIOR FOOD SPECIAL CORN RELISH Wagstaffe's 12 -oz. 250 FIVE ROSES CAKE MIX White or chocolate, 15c coupon 27g 1< Ll-OGG'S CORN -FLAKES 12 -oz. pkg 251,( TOILET TISSUE Interlake 2 for 230 BREAKFAST CLUB JAM Raspberry or .strawberry, 24•oz, 430 PHONE 474 ULD CUT GREEN BEANS Dew Kist, 15 -oz. 2 for 20g SNOWFLAKE SHORTENING 3e off, I. Ib. , 240 APPLE JUICE Allen's, 48 -oz. 290 PEANUT BUTTER Club House, 4y1 off 350 COHOE SALMON Iced Seal, 744 -oz. . 350 OPEN SA(TU, t AY WORTS lit, 1* O'CLOCK EXETER , s rich township. Major bridge -building projects include three bridges, all close together, in the 10th and 1111) concessions of ilowiek township; .a bridge on the Huron -Perth boundary, in the sixth conces- sion of Grey township; the re- placement of a railway bridge near Blytlr. "We must not relax now," said Reeve Blake. "There is I still far more work to be done than there are finances to do it with. We should have as our 1 goal. the paving of every county ', road." IProvince Helps The decision of the Ontario government to make a "develop- ment road" of 14 and a half miles of road from Dunlop to !Myth, will be a big bele to the !county road program, said Reeve 1 Blake. • 11111111111111(111111111I1111111U1111111111 milli11111111gt1111111111111111111ttUlllIlii(11111(11111111t1111111111n11111111t1-Q South End Service Its,ed Car Buys '57 PONTIAC Sii DAN-tutone. This car is in perfect condition. It's a real buy far someone! '50 METEOR 0R iHi)AN --• .automatic transmission, til tone. Better Thall New! '50 METEOR TUl)O1{. - new tires, fastest thing on wheels! '54 BUICK SEDAN -'•- radio, dynaflow, :tutone, new paint; excellent condition, '50 CHEVROLET T SEDAN -it runs! '53 CHEVROLET 11/ TON 'MUCK - dual wheels, stale rack, 'S1 ('HHVROL11,T 11 'T'ON TRUCK :single wheels, steel box. '40 CHEVROLET 21/2 TON TRUCK -delivery box '50 AUSTIN MOTOR '50 CHEVROLET MOTOR. South End Service "Home of the Better Than New Used Cars" Russ & Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER R iI,1111mt{11tHtuititmit111titmmint111111i,illliilnlllllllt1111111111 tnitiinti111itutu111111tut11till iii111111not tt1i lel Paper Bond Carbon Tlhitt, IDVCjCA1' op value In General Elec-bri» ter_ PPllah Oee • ail1LEA RAN E ALL � etTM LL • ices vvE Y down to clear fiat" hew fall atlia:0043:74,,w1 4 -Burner Electric Autormatic oven Control Regular Price 219,0 C ''CUS DAYS ICE, ONLY 16 ELEPHANT UP SAVINGS On All ARpgiaonces Phor sell G -E Circus Days And Hi Neighbor Week Go Together For A Big Sellebration At RUSSELL ELECTRIC 13 Cubic Foot i1a rigerator it 67 -POUND CAPACITY FREEZER •*' SPACIOUS REFRIGERATOR WITH EXCLUSIVE REVOLVING SHELVES G -E Straight -Line Refrigerator with SPACE, SPACE, SPACE for all the frozen food and fresh food you teed! Roll-out drawers for vegetables, butter and cheese compartments , . . and exclusive revolving shelves to put food at your finger tips! ORDINARILY $399,00! IT'S THE GREATEST SHOW. ON EARTH Free raw• TO BE MADE LAST DAY OF G -E SALE Nothing to buy! Drop in, fill out the coupon provided hi our store. 'You can win a valuable prize during Circus Days! MEP TREATS FOR THE K)D$1 BR.JNG' THEM! EIE ctrii Your G.E D►caler Exeter { Ir .1 - off 'i! . P: yl m. m; ..;