HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 17Lucan Personals •� Continued From Page 16Mess cKirktc.n At least three Lucan. ;fathers. celebrated their birthdays on .• lAy MRS. ':HAROLD DAYS I.'atlrer's Day -Air. Iditc]ielt Has- kett, Mr. Ira Carling and Mr. ;Roy Hamilton. Pat Egan .and David Whyte, lave Luean Scouts, have been accepted to take the Silver Ar- row Course at Duncan Lake. They recently :received their. second class badge as did Paul Conlin, Air. and Mrs. Harold Whyte and David and Air, Jack Whyte and sons of Bothwell spent last Weekend at Colpoy Bay. Saturday guests with the Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Roulston were Mr, . and Mrs. W. R. Backing of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shipley and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn !Campbell of W:adlacetown. Mr. Ted Brown of Bervie is Spending a few .days at the rec- tory and lending a helping hand on anniversary preparations. Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. Maur- teeis n A Do old and Helen and Mrs. Wm. Dickins attended the Dickins picnic at Springbank last Saturday. Mrs. Galley Johnston, who has been a patient for some time in St. Catharines Hospital is able to be home in the care of a companion, ' Dr. and Mrs. Harvey liming - ion and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNaughton and family of London were Father's Day guests of Mr. Wes. Revington. Mr. and Mrs. John Park were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art McLean of London. Other guests included Mrs. Fred Mc- Lean and Mrs. A. K. Hodgins of London. Mrs.•Janies W. Thorne of Lon- don died in Victoria Hospital on Saurday. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, June 17 from the Evans funeral home, London with interment in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Among the survivors is her granddaughter, Mrs, Clare Stanley of Lucan. Rev, and. Mrs, J. P. Prest last Wednesday evening attended the induction service at Trivitt Me- morial Church, Exeter, for the Rev, Bren de Vries. What's Doing?? Read This Page Strawberry and Hem Su er BRINSLEY ANGLICAN CHURCH Wed., June 25 6-8 p.ni. Admission: Adults $1.25 Children Under 12-500 GOOD PROGRAM Reception and DANCE MR. AND MRS. EUGENE WILLARD (nee Carol Kading) BLUEWATER DANCELAND 8 miles north of Grand ]3end, 4 miles northwest of Zurich. n Wed., June 25 Desjardine's Orchestra Everyone Welcome S.S. Anniversary The .'United Church observe their Sunday School anniversar Sunday morning with their ni inter Rev. Elliott in .charge. The children of the Sunda School sang two special nun hers and :the Senior .Girls cho sang a hymn. The eburch wa decorated with flowers. United Church W,M.S.. The W,M.S,. of the U nit :e :Church met in the .church echo room last Wednesday evendn with twenty one in attendant Mrs. W. Doupe .conducted th worship service and Airs. son•n , Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. McCurdy d and hostess.. y AIr. and Mrs. John Hanniman ii.:and Robert of plat Lake snt pe the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. y George Hall. ni- Air. and Mrs. Chas. Wyse and it Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howe .of Don- s don visited Sunday with, Mr..and Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Mr. and Ars. Roger Urquhart • visited ,Sunray' with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Anderson a Str.at- (g --.Airs. Clifford Scott, Jo -Anne e and Rickey spent the weekend r_ with Mi•. and Mrs. Wm. Ward of Monkton and attended the s centennial service of Knox Pres- • byterian Church, Monkton. Mrs, F.rl. . tthill spent the r- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. e Charlie Atthill of .Exeter, e• Mr. and Mrs. F. T. WilTams and Gail of Woodstock and Mr. e and Mrs. John Williams motored e to Grand Bend on Sunday. • quhart read the last chapter o the Study hook on the crisi that Japan must meet as sh faces tomorrow. Mrs. E. Watson gave an inle esting report of an executiv meeting � g o f the Perth P iesbyt tial. Roll call was answered by th presentation of a flower and th bouquet was sent to Mrs. 0 Roger who has been ill. Sunday Visitors With. Mr. and. Mrs. Herman Paynter; Mr. and Mrs. Fre Thompson of the 8th line, Mr and Mrs. Ray Paynter and Da yid. With Air. and Mrs. Junin Doupe and Mrs. W. Doupe, Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Yake of Lon don, With Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Scott AIr, and Mrs. Bert Gordon. o St. Marys, Mrs. T. Doupe an Russell of the Base Line. With Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tufts Mr and Mrs, Gull :McIntyre alu Gail of Waterloo, Miss Reta Swa of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Tufts and family, Mrs. T Tufts and Mr. Leroy Tufts o London, Mr. and Mrs. L. Funnel and family of Woodstock an Douglas Parsons of Chatham. With Mr: and Airs. Fred Roger, Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and Rosemary of Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace and Mr, Donald Brine of Wood- ham. With Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eve- leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donald- son and family of Clandeboye. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Davis visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Will Hagen of :Kitchener. Miss Helen Bailey had her d tonsils removed in St. Marys . Memorial Hospital last Monday. Mrs. Bill Waghorn is a .pa- tient in St. Marys Memorial Hos- ✓ pital at time of writing. • Mrs. Fred Roger visited with " her aunt, Mrs. Wes Switzer in St. Marys Hospital, London Mon- day afternoon. f Quite a number from Kirkton d attended the Presbytery picnic held .at Bimini Camp Sunday , afternoon. Mrs. VeraBalfour,L i cu of London do n spent the weekend with her mo- ' titer Mrs. David Hazelwood. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hamilton spent the weekend at their home Funnel in Kirkton. With Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Routly, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Roger of St. Marys. With. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Mills and family, Mr. and. Mrs. Leon- ard Mills and family' and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dann of Hyde Park and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Youngson and family of the 8th Lounds, Breda, Eindhoven, :Hol - fine. land, and Shannon, Ireland. Fly - With Mr. and Mrs. Russell ing by TCA Super Consolation. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Sam Burnham sent Mills of Exeter, Mrs. Floyd :Prid• Sunday at her home here and ham of Russeldale, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Levy and Lynn of returned to London again where Comments About Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ Returns From Trip To Belgium Mrs. John Nedza returned home last Sunday after spending two months with her parents in Brussels, Belgium. She saw many changes in her home town after eight years absence. She attended the Brussels World Fair, visited the Canadian Pavilion and found it very in- teresting. She also ♦ isdted Paris, Prance, St. Marys, Mr. and Airs. Reg she is recuperating at the home Morrison and Lorrie and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Morrison. With Mr, and Mrs, Jack Rob- inson, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Robin- son and Ross of the 4th line, Mrs. Archie Robinson, and Miss Marilyn • Brine of Woodham. With Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Switzer, Mr. Harold Stock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stock and Wanda of Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, White and Joyce of Avonton, With Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rich- ardson of Simcoe. With. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone, Mr, and Mts. Donald Web- ster of London.' With Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mar- shall, Mrs. Beecher Hanson and Mr. and Mrs, Newton Gunning of Granton. With Mr, and Mrs, Everett Doupe, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Doupe and family of Science IIi11, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Prid- ham of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey of Byron. With Mr. and Mrs. G. H. 131nr- gin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prid- hani, Judith and John of Russel - dale. With Mr. and Mrs. J. Blackler, r. and Mrs. Les Fairbairn and lane. of London. With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swit- zer, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Kemp of Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Kenmp of the 8th line and Mrs. G. Sherman of London. Personal Items The Ladies Guild and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Theron Creery Thursday evening, Mrs, Alex Irvine opened the W.A. meeting. Mrs. Win. Blackler read the scripture, passage. A chapter of the study book was given by Marion Creery. The Guild meeting opened with the reading of the minutes. A business discussion followed, Mrs, Maurice Blackler conducted a contest, winner being Mrs. Dymond. Luch was served by Mrs. Sis- Lyric Thecitre THURS. FRI. •& SAT, June 19, 20 and 211 "DEVIL'S HAIRPIN" * Cornet Wilde * Jean •Wallace PLUS ADDED SHORTS Julie 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 Six Big Days At Regular ' Admissions "PEYTON PLACE" k Lena former * Hope Lange * Arthur Kennedy Restricted Entertainment. No one under 18 echnitted, The most talkedd hut picture from ilio most talked about book of the year. Strawberry and am S. ., _ e r GREENWAY UNITED CHURCH Friday, June 20 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Admission: Adults $1.00 Children Under 12, 350 Sponsored by the W.A. ,�1 i11u1111V11111, 1111i111YnId1111 i11t111N IIlil111111111i1i 111 i114il IIt1i1111iinflr111tI111i1i11t11111i11Ytili li utl ltltit11111111111,+ DANCE Country And Western 4XETER ARENA Every Friitely COMMOntino June 27 by , a c11 Music �:� Ranch Gang fe0tt11'ing �,atiio' 811d Recording Artists Mee" Diamond a1id "Codeyu Vito. Admission 7$0 ,or $j,2S P t` Covpj Leielrrrrri int mnuimnnnuninir4uw11uuurnuuinlruuulrlrnuu11llunuuunnrnuuumnurwnnutl of relatives since her operation. Mrs. Alec Hamilton of Grand Bend spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. The Story In Zion ' By MRS. JUD DYKEMAN Mission Band The Sunshine Mission Band held its June meeting Monday at 4 p.m. in the Sunday School rooms. Graham Hern and Bill Brock had charge of the meet- ing. Helen Hern gave a reading. Mrs. Tom. Hern took the study book, and Mrs, Clifton Jaques, the worship service. The next meeting will be with the W.M.S., July 2, and will be in the evening. A picnic was planned for August. Quilt, blocks were worked on. Mission Circle Zion West Mission Circle held its June meeting at Joyce Dickey's home Sunday evening. Doris Brock had charge of the meeting and took the study book. Joyce 'Dickey gave a reading, Business was discussed and plans made to attend the next meeting when the W.M.S. en- tertain. A social hour was enjoyed, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Jaques and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs, Racey in Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and Edward, and. Miss P'.hyllis Vern, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Alma Dobson, Kirk- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern are spending a few clays this week with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and children in Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs. Mary Hern drove Mr. and Mrs. Hern to Grimsby and returned home on Saturday. Judy Bern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Miss Hazel Stewart, of Byron, is spending this week with her Sister, Mrs. Warren Brock, and Mr. Brock. Mrs. Ward Bern, Mrs. -Norman Jaques and Mrs. Warren :Brock attended the W.I. meeting at Elimville Hall last Wednesday evening, when Mr. Fred Dobbs, of Exeter, spoke for the Cancer Society. •Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jaques and children were Sundday 'visit- ors ors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dobson, Kirkton. Miss Fay Garrett, Toronto, Mr. Ronald Dykeman., Waterloo, and Mr. and Mit. Paul. Dyke - man and Derek, of Crediton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Juni ))ykelnan and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Brock attended Wesley annivetsaty tin Sunday, and-. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart ancl. fond }. Mr, and Mrs. Norman 13r'ock and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen, Whalen. Mr. and Mts.. Lloyd Cushing', Michael and Stephen, 'Exeter, 13etty klustoni and Orlati Schwar, - Zentruber, of Zurich, were Wed- nesday evening visitors witit Mr. and Mrs,rlr td D} keirt011 and Tamil 1 Y Comments AIaout Centralua By MRS, FRED ,l3OWpEN. taraduation The Wo -he -lo C.(I.I.T. group 01 Centralia met inthe personage oil Thiirsda• dent Gwen Lightfoot A'Ap 1 resided over the business ess iod n pert . The worship. was Jed by Karen Essery assisted by Gwen Light- foot with Shirley Rollings as pianist. The group completed :the col- ored picture map of Japan and brought the missionary project to a finish. A parcel for Korea will be sent from the group. Plans for a graduation service were made. On Tuesday, June 24 Allison Clarke and Shirley Rollings will graduate from C.G.I.T. and will receive certif- icates. At the close of the serv- ice a reception for the girls and their parents as well as repro• sentatives of the W.A. and I W.M.S. will take place in the Sunday School room, This will complete three years of C.Cxc3.'T. for the Wo -he -lo girls. Mrs. J. T. Clarke who organ. ized the group has had the loyal co-operation of Airs, Ray Shoe - bottom (during the first year) Mrs. Frank Hicks, Mrs. Jack Essery and Mrs. Chas. Rollings, whose daughter Shirley gradu- ates this year from C,G,LT, and Medway Higli, School. Personal Items Mr. Fred Howe left this week by plane for England where he will visit for a few weeks with his sister. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Laramie were Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Dunn of I-Iuronclale, Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Dunn, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley, Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Mrs, Thos, Willis who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London and in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter since last Novem- ber was recently moved to her home. Mr. Bill Essery, Mr; Harold Tripp and Mr. Bert Borland were excavating last week in preparation for the building of their new homes, Mr, Steve Molnar is holiday- ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar. Mrs. Richard Van. Farowe of Exeter will he the guest speaker at the W.M.S. anniversary serv- ice in the United church on Sun- day morning at 11 o'clock. The boys andirls of the Mission Band will form the choir. Music lovers are reminded of the recital in the United. Church on Thursday evening under the direction of Mrs. Kenneth Hod- gins. Mr. and' Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and Marilyn, and Mr. Welling- ton • Skinner were among those who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman in Burgessville on Sun- day. The occasion was in cele- bration of Cheryl Ann's birth- day. Lan deboyc a en t A, Tweedsmuir History Work- shop will be ,held at Beechwood The Times.Ac vocate, Juni 19, 19$8 Pigs 17 By MRS. 4..H. PATI?N. ... during the summer and will be, Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gor-i Mrs. Clarence Carter held a don Cunningham over the week- t party at her home when Mrs. end were Mr. and Mrs. George-.OIhson of London demonstrated Sttltz and son. Cameron, of Dela-i. the Stanley products with 21 ware, and Mr. and Mrs. ("glen ladies attending. Later the host - Rowe and family of London. ess served refreshments. Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham vis- Mr. Gordon Eaton vistied his. ited Thursday with her sister, sister, Mrs. Annett in St. Marys Airs. Lloyd Lynn who is improv- Memorial Jospital, Tuesday eve- ing in St. Joseph's Hospital. ning. Mr. J. If. Paton returned home Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil attend - from Victoria Hospital where he :ed the funeral of Airs. Leather- , underwent an operation. land at Auburn an Monday. miss Mary Jane Hall of .Galt Mr• and Mrs. John Hewitt spent the weekend with her par• hdve returned from .a visit to ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Hall. I.lornepayne. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Andy Father's Day Party Carter, Mrs. Fred Simpson and On Sunday, Father's Day, a Mrs, Alaurice Simpson visited family party was held for Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wltliant Coa of Ward Hodgins with all the inein- 1'lolyrood who are .celebrating bers of his family attending. their 50th wedding anniversary They were Air, and Alis. Ralph on Tuesday but many relatives Ainslie, Mary and Donald of St. and friends called on Sunday. Marys, Air. and Airs. Murray fhe meeting of the Board of Hodgins, Ward and Wayne of Management of St. James church Lucan, Mr. and Airs. Emerson met on Thursday evening when liodgips, Robert, Laurel and plans wore ladcl to have the !Nancy, London, Mr. and Mrs. brick pointed and church paint- I Bruce Hodgins, Douglas, Eliza - ed, beth of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan 1 Murray Hodgson, Karen and and Myi'na Jane'Logan of Thorn, .Tone, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hod - dale spent .Saturday evening gins, Laura, Patricia and Paul with the Paton family.i and Victor Hodgins, ' Miss Dorothy Lynn of London; Women's institute spent last week while an boll- Plans were made at the June days at her bone here. ss: meeting of Clandeboye Women's Pauline Lynn of London is spend- Institute held at the home of ing this week on holidays also Airs. Gordon Eaton to have a ather hone here. pcollection during the sum - chapel the, is progressing very well Reports of the district annual with Mr. Cecil Lewis laying Odic held at Ivan United church were cement blocks. given by Mrs. Andy Carter and Airs. Norman Hardy. Mrs. Ern- est Lewis reported on the recent Guelph conference which she .attended as district director. Warn Of Rabies In Wild Animals According to Ontario Veteri- nary College authorities, rabies, a virus disease that may -infect all warm blooded animals, is known to be infecting and killing foxes, wolves, and other forms of wildlife in Ontario. The dis- ease began in the arctic about 1947 and has since spread south- ward and eastward by means of HAM & STRAWBERRY Supper foxes and other wild animals. -Tuesday, June 24, 5:30 p.m., COMING EVENTS BARN DANCE - Silver Star Ranch Barn Dance at Jim Grif- fin's new barn, 5 miles north of St. Marys or i.2 mile east of Motherwell. Dancing every Fri- day 10 to 1. Alternating orches- tras, Melody Ranch Boys and Andy Linders orchestra. Stfc Families who are planning a Trivitt 'Memorial Church; adults $1.00, children 650.. 12:19c , holiday in northern Ontario should have their cats or dogs vaccinated for rabies at least 30 days before entering the va- cation areas. All dogs entering United States must be vaccinated at least 30 days before entering that country. A certificate of vaccination signed by a veteri- narian must be available to American authorities at the time of border crossing. 11 is not unusual for foxes or other wild' animals infected with rabies to• closely approach in- habited areas where they may attack people, pets, or farm live- stock. Care should be taken to avoid any wild animal that is acting in a peculiar manner - such animals may even appear tame and friendly. Any dead animals that are found in the CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rov, Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde • 9:00 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Parable Of The Prodigal Son" Nursery for children up to six years. Sunday School Picnic in the park on Wednescla.y afternoon, June 25. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 9:45 a.m.-Bible School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Subject: "Exhortation In View Of Special Privileges" 7:30 p.m. -Evening Service Subject: "Peace - True and False" Wednesday, 8 p.m, -Bible Study and Prayer Service All Are Welcome MAIN STREET The United Church Of Canada Minister: Rev. Mix. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.-The Church School 11:15 a.m.-The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Let Us 'Keep The Feast Nursery Class tip to three years' in the Primary Department.I Beginners, ages 4.6, will with- draw during the. second 'hymn. Worship As A Family In The Family Church. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krol, Minister' Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, June 22 10:00 a.m.- Thenie: "Honour- able" 11:05 a.m.-Sunday School /ION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev, 1<. L. Zorn, Phone 65 10,00 a.lm.--Siniday School 11,O0 a.lti.- Sei�Vlr. e THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH' r XErEk n Teitch Me Thy troth ti LorJ' 10:30 a.m.-Sunday Seltool 11:30 A.M.-Worship t 4atbtt Stedtiley Ssudatl,. 'Estiftr PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 arm. -Worship Service 7:30 p.m, -Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer Friday - Christ Ambassador service in Huron County Home come; for all things are now ready." -St. Luke 14:1713 Pastor: Evang. L. Winn -Butler JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H..1. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Guest M d'ni s t e r: Mr. Keith Snell of South Buxton 'United Church. Sermon . Subject: "Christ Our Ildpe" The. men's choir will sing two anthems. A Waren Welcome Is Extended To All ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev, Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a,m.-Woriship "Move Or 13e Moved" Reception of Members . Holy Communion 11.:15 a.m.-Church School 2:15 p.nn,-Cetnetery Decoration Service Monday- Youth Fellowship THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m. -Worship and Sermon 1'The Resurrection Of The Body" 3:3d p m.-Snda5SrSchool THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Camerons, Organist Sunday, ,lune 22 8:30 a,nm.-iloly Communion 10:00 a,in.---Sunday 5ehont 11;00 a,nn.-Morning Prayer CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rov. G. J, Spykman, Blenheim, Minister 0:45 a.ni.... Mortising Warship Reading Service (T)atclt) 2,1,ir p,ni.-a'Afte1•t'snnrt Wiirshili `l erilar-d l,ijistra, Bxeter 3B1tglisii) 3:0 p.m. -Sunday Sehoo1 HAM & STRAWBERRY Supper - In Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Friday, June 20, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Admission $1.25; child- ren 50e. 12:19c MID -NIGHT DANCE in Lucan Arena,Sunday, June29, at 12:05. Admission 31.00 - advance 75& Music by Derek Knight and his Orchestra, direct from Summer Garden s, •Port Dover. Derek Knight brings to Canada a world of musical knowledge, having played two years with famous English bandleader, Ted Heath -also Denny Vaughan, Cyril Stapleton of the B.B.C. 12:19:26c SHARE - THE - WEALTH Bingo, Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, June 21, 9 p.m., 14 regular games. Jackpot $50 in 52 calls., Sponsored by Hensall Legion 1 Branch 468. 19c Mollard Reunion will be held in Swim Park 3 miles south of Grand Bend on No. 21 June 28 12:30 p.m, D,S.T. Reception and DANCE MR. AND MRS. HUGH RUNDLi Fri., June 20 EXETER LEGION HALL Everyone Welcome Aldon Theatre Grand Bend FRIDAY& SATURDAY .,. Y ATATU RDA June 20 and 21 "STOP OVER TOKYO" * Robert Wagner * Joan Collins TUESDAY 8. WEDNESDAY June 24 and 2S M UR>I:,t; 131L1, "DECISION AT SONDQ'i * Randolph` Scott * Vadei•ie Frenoh "LINT~ °U P" * Eli Wa lac l o * Robert Keith Orta Syyh,oywq 11,2IS�+t+,ti, Nttjht 8:30 td,S,1. NU attended by the historical le- ' search convener, Mrs, Repert t Williams. A letter from the extension branch of Home Economics ad. vised of the taxa -.day training school for senior W.I. members on Sew torave dollars and make sense." The draw for the hostess prize was won by Mrs. Albert Rosser. The roll call, "A gem of thought my mother taught" was an- swered by 16 members. Hostesses were Mrs. •Maurice Simpson, Mrs. Arnold Blake and Mrs, Sandy McNaughton. eview Casino Grand Bend Dancing • Saturdays ys Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra BARN DANCE Fri., June 20 Bernard Bonn's Barn I/2 Mile South of Lucan on No. 4 Highway Admission 75 Old Time Music Everyone Welcome TAG DAY Saturday, June 21 Proceeds To Send The Exeter District Junior Band to the WATERLOO BAND FESTIVAL on June 28 Ad Sponsored by the James Street A.O.T.S, Men's Club R � rownie S Da r e hal Clinton n. �?.-.. 1r1 THIJRSPAY .4 FRIDAY Juno 19 and 2e t "THE PAJAMA 4i AME (Colour) * Doris Pay * John Raitt TWO CARTOONS SATURDAY & MONDAY " June 21 and 23 "BOMBERS B-52" (Colour, Cinemaseope) * Kart t Malden * Natalie Wood TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY , June 24 and 25 "THE .BURNING HILLS" (Colour, Cinennascope) * Tab Hunter * Natalie Wood TWO CARTOONS Starlife - Drive -In Theatre 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road 5 Miles East of Grand Bend THURSDAY & FRIDAY `j June 19 and 20 Ij "GUN FOR A COWARD"; * Fred MacMurray 4 * Jeff Hunter SATURDAY & MONDAY June 21 and. 23 "FOR WHOM' THE BELL TOLLS" * Ingrid Bergman * Gary Cooper TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY .1 June 24 and 25 "YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM iT" * June Allyson * Jack Lammon TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 11u111n111f1111u11nun,1,1111111 nnl,num,l,nu,1111,n11nnnu,nmununun,nn1111ulun414111111ir1n4I1411Ibi DECORATION DAY Sunday, June 22 - 2:30 p.m. GRAND BEND CEMETERY Dashwood Band - Special Guest Speaker EVERYONE WELCOME 411111111111111141,11111111111411411140111111111(111,1111,11111,41.111,111111111141411114111111111111111101411IIIIIM 4rni •1141111111111111111111111111114111114111111111111114111111111111111111111111111111111111t1114m11111114111r4m11W11111111111,pR 50th Anniversary Holy Trinity (Anglican) Church LUCAN SPECIAL SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 22: 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. -Procession and service based on original eel'emony of June 24, 1908, Rev, L. C. Harrison, Dorchester, guest speaker, SUNDAY, JUNE 29: 11:00a.m.-.Holy Communion, All for- mer choir members invited to assist. Welcome and luncheon for everyone in the basement following service. 7:30 p.m. -Two -choir Choral Evensong. TUESDAY, JUNE 24: Strawberry Social and program, S to 8 p.m. Adults 51.25, children under 12, 75i, pre-school children free, if './44 noun mini radion im um141Niiiiim11um4ininiu Ira IintU0m1mint11111414111141m4tA ,4 nonmrnuininuuu 1111111111n411❑1111111 m11111111171114nlllll l/llllrllll lltit1111111111111111if 1111111141111111111111111,* Exeter Boy Scouts . Paper Saturday, daJune 21 ROLLED PAPER ONLY Proceeds ./Cam 8 .44111111111 nrnlifnln'11111 1111Yri alliinPtrlIrvinl111111111MVIIIMIIi7TYlrinilIMMIrirIMII IttiMilltffillIwYPffnYN:,