HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 16a P e 11 This '!< tont,s.AsivoCate, un* 1.9r 1950 ngIican: School ! Seto s, Scrubbing,. •mot's Picnic Receives Shower • • M Holy 'Trinity Anglican eintrelr Mrs. Les Kennedy and Mrs, • , were Dint } hostess - wild Its. annual Sunday School Jack Henson c l Found Found Helpful 3{' Au •diary Mr. J. L. Hendry. of Montreal of Holy Trinity church held its t can •, last au �vw+mim. rm= M. yr ° year-old former winner of the ` ` ' Kirkton Garden Party amateur .Show, Lloyd Montieth, walked . over with first prize after the 1 .Familis Friday Lucky, iGirI. l�f�r� Thient Show Friday the thirteenth isn't an second prize and ifred Thomas, i piano to accompany leis own! unitteky flay for the Strong fait- i4 f I?enfield who plays ilio, of lilt 2, Iluhlrit, } songs, placed third. .Sharon Strong, a cute seven -1 only clisappaintment of the year -.old who belted out the song,! evening was the .size of the! "'Sugartime" like an old trouper, I crowd — it was less than 100, proved it eonelusivcly Fr idav : Saui Iioliff, London, drew raves ! night when site wan the tuniar . ft'oan tate ,fudges who included 13111; contest o£ the "Search IF or Tal- ! I}ryl e, `Toronto Star; Dick New -1 exit" show itt Lucan. . The show, capably emceed by Earlier in the day, her brother roan, .London Free Press; Bull Alc�eill, CBC Assignment host; Bill won three ehamplonship tro-! Norman Campbell, CBC -TV pro-; phies at tate feeder calf chub f doter, Toronto; lad Manning.; achievement day at liensall, Spartan records, London; Ilex ; Spring Fair, 1 McLeod (FPL -TV, A group of illustrious judges --- Harry Bayle, of the CB(". a e-' including daily newspaper�+enter-1 1 corded many of the numbers to, tainm ent erities and T1' product- .v111NIIII"1111,11lIIIIIII1111, 11,11111111111111111111/I111111111I, ei•s gave the and to Sharon over 12 other juvenile acts from London to Woodstock. The per-' formers included lap dancers, baton twirlers, fiddlers and sing- ers, Second prize went to two Lu - can sisters, Marsha and Jo Anne Ribson, • 1 .0- and 11 -year-old {laughtors of Mi'a. and Mrs. Har- old Ribson, who sang "Tomboy Tykes", a song composed by their mother. A London dancer, • Eleanor Fitzsimmons, won third. Montieth Wins Seniors R present then nit the Assignment show this week. Among the acts from this area werei Juniors -Debbie Sherwood, 7,, Exeter, vocal; Cheryl Little, '8,. liensall, tap dance; Sue ,Ann l,itx- •denfielcl:, Karen Heywood and Yvonne Fisher, Exeter, eter, baton tw•:irling• Seniors—Harry Calvert, 33, Centralia, western vocal; Gerald Hamilton and Dan Black, 3.6 and 17, Lucan, western vocal; Elaine Armstrong. 14, Ciandebaye, voe. al; Rhea C. Armstrong, 17,C'lan- debot'e, vocal; Allan Sherwood's Rhythinn-Aires, :Exeter, western band. In the senior section, a 14 TALENT SHOW WINNERS—Three acts who won prizes in the juvenile division of the "Search For ':Talent'' show at Lucan Friday night are shown here with Sol Holliff, master of ceremonies. Eleanor Fitzsimmons, London, left, won third place with her dance: Sharon Strong, R.R. 2 Dublin, captured top prize with her singing; and vi a district were heard during the show. --`.&-A Photo Marcia and Jo -Anne Ribson placed second w 'th duet.Some 36 acts from the uc n And District News Phone 109 Lucan Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott last Saturday afternoon es at a stud. shower at the en the river :flats on 1Ir. Wilson home of the former. given f.3r iliodgin's farm. Mrs. Warren *Flannigan, laet l P. Prest was in charge 'Thursday. Rev. Mrs. Fiaruu"in was completely of the races, He was assisted by • z` five members of the staff: Mrs. ;toUr�bycrn irtee tltetritncyeh`ifiwas , +Jack Hardy,. M.rs. Norman Hardy, 1. hereacrossscrubbing) ` to see ifrom Ctrs. James Freeman,diss Helen thin„ Mrs. Kennedy had bought Charles 'Glenn and anal lie in London- and found instead.. hla, also Miss Lana jAunioottr friends ready to shower her with who has charge o£ the junior ; baby gifts, Mrs, T. A. \Watson , co Prize winnerson, and Pat, Mrs. Cliff Abbott an i Prize were: kick the • Rowena. Mrs. li. T. Bond, Mrs., shoe, Jerry Freeman, Bob .1r ?Vet Abbott. 113x, Robert Fair. nold; Norma Davis, .lane ('�'r hanks, 'firs. Ii B. Langford, bett; Paul Steaey, Larry Lewis: ";Hiss Muriel Carling, Hiss Bari Mary Mathers, Susan Pedder hare Marshall anrt 1lrs. Juni The winners played off with Avery. 'Paul Steaey and Mary Mathers The winners of a meet aiuue• winning, ing game of "Robber DAV- i Potato race Susan Pedder. were Mrs. Art Abbott. Ali . • ,Tudy Mathers,° Joan. Lewis and 'Muriel Carling and Mrs. 11 T. Norma Davis: Jerry Freeman Bend. and Mike Culbert: Joan White - Birthday Party head and Mary Mathers; Brian Leslie Carling, ci iu h.cr of lfaskett and Douglas Lewis. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Carling, , wha Running races, Terry Freeman' i� at present living with her Andy Hardy; Cathy Mathers.'is Mr. and Mrs. Ira Norma Davis; Paul Steaey. Bob Carling celebrated her seventh Hardy; Joan Whitehead, Mary birthday last Saturday. ItlW ices. Her aunt. Mise Muriel Carling . Wheelbarrow •ow race. Douglas took her and four little friends. • and Larry Lewis, Boh Hardy Denise Ribson. Darlene Sceli, and Philip. Lewis; forma Davis Judy Coughlin and Mike Culbert. and Mary Mothers; Cathie Math- first to Crumlin air field, then • ers and Joan Whitehead, 1 to a children's show in London ', and the Surf Restaurant. To Card Donation complete the happy occasion they visited Springbank and • rode on the ponies. Personal Items The Senior omen's Auxiliary postponed June meeting at the (formerly of L 1spent home of Mrs. William Brownlee, week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold last Wednesday afternoon with . Corbett and other friends. the president, Mrs. T. C, ate -;Marsha and Jo -Anne Ribson Parlance in the chair and Mrs.' are really making a name for C. W. Hawkshaw at the piano. themselves. On Saturday. they Miss Lina Abbott read a let-', broadcast over CHI O, London. ter of thanks from the Rev. Al. and will continue every other ton A. Gould. Box 5830, Kowloon,' Saturday. They will also appear Hong Kong thanking all who had on a TV show at Kitchener after sent him old used Christmas school closes. and arrangements cards for his school, Among are being made to go on a tour these cards Mr. Gould found one during the summer. from a relative of his written! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham 30 years ago. , and family, of Chatham. Mr.and The secretary, :mfrs, F. w. ! Mrs. Jack Cummins and family, . Hovey, reported on the Deanery of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs.1 meeting and tea in London last Doug Cook and Debbie. of ; Saturday. Toronto, were weekend guests of 1 Rev. I. P. Prest spoke briefly Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett 1 and asked the branch to attend and Mr. and Mrs, Calvin' in a body the church anniver- 'Haskett. werei Fart' parade June 22,nn ifr. he coo held in honor of Mr. Mitchell i secure a W.A. banner. av with' It was decided meeting an a p' on'Sunday with 18 --- Mr. Ilar i meeting take the form of a ic-o making id Two birthday celebrations -, Haskett, one on Saturday I d 'd d to have no July i-.,� •' d that the August an attendance of il, the other r' v ey Haskett, of London, g Scout bemire, in first aid due at the decided farm, and the 18th Both were held at the practices, saved the life of 15- d:aae to EveningdBdanehebe r and the home of Mr. and Mrs, Calvin year-old Graham Thompson, son' that th a Haskett. of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson.: - vited as guests. Mr. Joe Whalen, Mrs. Pat . Main St, South. and (;rade it The meeting was Hodginsd over'Medway student when he cut to Mrs. Harold who Henson and family. Mrs. 11. T. continued the study book on Bond and her three Appleton • an artery and nicked tendons in i grandchildren, spent last Sun- his left hand while swimming in :bl. P"ver near Lucan. judges listened to over 20 num- hers. 11 \vas the second contest the Belton piano player has won in Lucan this spring. Marilyn Drake, pretty 17 -year- old Strathroy singer, received Father's Pay Party A happy Father's Day party was held at ilio. home of Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Roulston last Sunday afternoon, Guests in - eluded Air. and Mrs, }.tarry Roulston and sons, Peter and Philip, ',Mr. and Mrs, J, H.1 Thompson and son, Robert, and daughter, Mary ,lane, alt of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Chas.) Young of Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs, ; C. Young Sr. of Denfield and 11 Mrs, Wm. Long, London, Explorer News Thirty members of the Luean- Ciandeboye Explorers held their 14th expedition in the United Church parlors last Monday eve- uts Save Pal's Life Japan, the a e a Mrs. Harold Corbett, Mrs.' day at Port Stanley, Cand liars , Harolds :firs• 'Murray Hodgins, last Barrie Black, 15, a patrol ou set' 1M Irene r Monday attended a camp meet leader, and son of Mr. and rs. Hodgins were assistant hostess.' ing at Metropolitan Church, in Art Black; John Conlin, 17, an es. Liew registration assistant troop leader; Paul on on to ie on, . Personal ltenis !forms for Bimini Camp. There - Mrs. W. Ferguson and Mrs. : will be many disappointed chit- Edgar McFalls have returned ' dren this year. as both boys' , from a motor trip to Toronto and girls' camps are over-rcgis- 0 5 wheref - t d Of L • eight only they were guests o Miss ere ucan's eight., Jessie Smith. 'four will be accepted,To isses Sherry and Terry Wal- ! Misses Tena and Alargarct ! M ahers Jes. M Guests with Mr. and' •1r. pole who stayed with their grand* Eizenga spent last weekend in; The 'United Church parlors henry Hodgins last d' Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Car• : Kitchener. the guests of Miss 1 were deroeated rch spring Mr, Lloyd Fraser of week included ed ling fortthe past six months,e in 1 Mrs. James StanHodgins lo flowers. table streamers of Ex- 'Thursday and Mrs. Garfield Lwhile ondona�havea returnbeauted torsKiri 1 nesday lendedd atn shower last cin' plover and C.G.I.T. colors and Needham of Ballymote on Sat - London at- • sardine where they expect to honor of her daughter, Mary,' corsages for each mother — or . urday. open a beauty parlor July 1.given at the home of another: adopted mother —made by the IMr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson Mrs. Richard Tate of Dear- daughter, Mrs. Pat Daley, of girls. and family have moved into a born was a Wednesday guest of , London. i At the head table were the house on Margaret street and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins. 1 Mr. Jack Young, who has been C.G.I.T. president. Marilyn Cul -+Mrs. Briclger's mother has attending college in Nova Scotia, ' bert, her mother, Mrs. Cliff Cul- moved into the apartment they is holidaying at home here. pert, Mrs. Alex Young. Mrs. vacated'. An unfinished •room Weds Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins EdgarI'loulston. Mrs. T. L. tic with a new gothic window has and Don and Mr. and Mrs. Jim iFarlane- Mrs. J. I. Prost, Mrs.. been added to the apartment, Continued From Page 15 i Tubb and Jimmie, were Sunday Chas. Sovereign, Mrs. Sheridan Gordon Lane, London and James . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam , Revington, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. , Wylie. Wroxeter. :Earle d family. of Woodstock ;Fred 'Thomson and Mrs. Clare . Co;tlin, 15; and Hugh Conlin, 14, three sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Conlin. stemmed the flow of • blood with a makeshift tourni- quet, fashioned with a :handker- chief and stick. Doctors said he might have bled to death if prompt action had not been taken. Fortunately the boys had a car so they rushed Graham to Dr. E. R. Patterson and Dr. C. H. George, only to find both doe - ! Personal Items I Mr. Murray Orme who has been a patient in Victoria Hos- pital was brought home last week, !visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. t After the banquet., served by 4 mother who c:lose an ensemble ;Copeman. of Belmont. members of the W.A.,. Mrs. Mur- of pink imps t silk organza ' Miss Audrey Gagnon. of Ham- ' ray Hodgins led in a sing -song with matching accessories. The : Ilton, spent Iast weekend with and a double trio sang. The :Anglican groom's mother wore an en -1 her parents here. and other prc:sidcnt proposed the toast to After weeks of strenuous labor aemble of antique silk shantung.! relatives and friends. i the Queen and Mac Cobleigh a the new church steps are nearing s A wedding dinner was held at 1 the of honor at Revingtonle h rthda Wparty as teat !toastst nsweredo tby the she inging whichf ""The • completion. cenirance OnSunday, ubarricaded Armstrong's. i the home of his parents, SIT, i Church is One Foundation". i and members had to enter by For a wedding trip to Maine, € and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, ' Beverley Butler's toast to the !the side door, silk, the bride changed to a' last Sunday. Other guests, in-; mothers was responded to by At the morning service, Hiss silk ensemble in tones of blued eluded Mrs. Harry Mcl'alls Mrs. Harold Cobleigh.. (Lina Abbott presented the with white accessories and white (who sent the weekend) Mrs. ' Tose corsage. !pi :Vies. Roulston introduced the 1 annual report of the League of The bride is a graduate of :Douglas Moore and Mrs. Grace , guest speaker, Mrs; McDonald,1 Loyalty, and the rector present - Stratford General Hospital School', Welbour.ne, all of London. ' Middlesex Presbyterial C.G.I.T. i ed the awards. Though there of Nursing and. the groom is a : AIT. and Mrs. henry lloclgins i secretary,who spoke on the , was an enrolment of 76, the al - graduate of the Canadian me. spent Father's Day with "ir• `duties oa C.G.I.T., her Use tendance was not as good as last tnorial Chiropractic College, To-; and Mrs. 11. A. Mullins of Lon -lin the church and community. year, owing to illness. xanto. They will reside in (lin- dors.1 Dana Culbert thanked her. t However, 36 children became ton. , Please Turn To Page 17I Tltcn followed an Explorer members, by attending tier con- • program anit presentation of the secutive Sundays, 34 names chest to Mrs. Clare Young, Hires., were entered on the honor roll hyterial secretary of the affili-'for having completed two sets atcd Explorer group, Church At reception followed the sere-! One the. ways home. the former ;Young. { ninny at the home of the bride's News tors away. Mrs, George bound up the hand and sent them to Dr. F. F. Kipp, at Granton, who in turn sent them to St. Joseph's Hospital, where 13 stitches were necessary to close the wound. Scoutmaster Harold Whyte has reason to be proud of his boys. "Their quick work," he said, "undoubtedly saved Graham's life 11 MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY .chel-toule of Seagram i Is"riLL 1tS SINGE 1.60 of five consecutive Sundays. Mrs. Chas, Sovereign, IVIrs, ! F iftcen ehildren r e c e i v e d Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Alex : awards for 80 per rcpt atter Young end Mrs. McDonald took' dance, nine of whom received a part in a re -affiliation C.G.I.T, speeial prize for not missing more than three Sundays, service. Tommy Hardy. Bob Hardy, �+- Andy Hardy, Paul Steat•v Arthur Pentecost Church ! Wilkinson, George Wilki»mnn, Plti!fp .Lewis, Larry Lewis, Got.. Ceremony Scene don Hardy, Mike and Pete Cul-' .bort and Norma Wilkinson. Rc'v, Fred 'Thomson officiated Owing to the church's "birth at 3 p.m., Saturday, June 14, at.', day party," there will be no a quiet. wedding in the Lucan Junior congregation for the next Pentecostal holiness Church. two Sundays, but will continue when he united in marriage Joan !during July and August, even Thompson a..d Charles Holmes. ;though S.s, has already closed The bride is the daughter of Mr. for the summer. and Mrs, Stan Thompson, R.11, 5, Parkhill, and the groom is 1'entC4°sfal son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ilIR ifs Fred0ie Sunday exchanged th Mrs, Holmes. Lucan. pulpits The bride was gowned in a Louise Butler, of Exeter, street -length dress of lime green The W.A. held their last meet - linen. white hat, white acres- ing of the season last Monday sorics and corsage of pink ear- night to pack a bale which has nations. Her only attendant was since been sent to a missionary the groom's sister, Miss Doi othp , in New (Guinea. Holmes, of Lucan, who wore • OOn Friday night, 'Dry. Albert peaeh taffeta and corsage of 'Bonk, a returned missionary to white roses. Israel, gave an interesting ad The bestratan eras Mr. Gerald; illustrated address on his work Thompson. of I;.fl. 8, Parkhill. : there, The young couple will IllAke Hdi}etl dhrrl"ch their hone in London. A special Father's bay service taersoiial Items was held in the United ('hui'elt Mr. and Mrs. Louis 1izenga' on Sunday morning. Mr. Clarence now of St. Thomas. are happy to 'Lewis and son, Robert, assisted annnuneo the birth of a on, ltev. Idgar T.nulaton in prayers 'Bradley William, !torn at Si. and reading of the lesson, Mr. Thomas Hospital, Friday, June ;Will Prost and son, ,Too, and Mr, 16. i Clarence Stanley and Son, holy Mr. and Mrs. Merton ('ulhert ort, were ushers, A Patti is find family attended Zion Church Choir led in the music Mi'. anniso rsary last Sunday, singing .a sola. • of Ding The expedition opened with craft and a sing -song led by Counsellor Kee. llaskett. Judy � Scott read the scripture. Mrs. Harold Whyte gave a talk demonstrating water safety. Margaret Cobleigh was the win- ner of .the trip to Bimini Camp.. with a perfect sonic of 200. 'Che' runners-up were her sister. Pal- i ricia with 196 and Barbara Ready i i with 193. 'Marks are given for! F. attendance, uniforms, achieve- 1 $ ments, pass -word, and church'; and Sunday School attendance. i %.1 TES n 1111111111.111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I '56 DODGE TUDOR. HARDTOP -10,000 miles, sportstone colour. whitewall tires, push, button radio, one -owner car, Really Sharp! $1,895 '55 CHRYSLER "WINDSOR" 4 DOOR. SEDAN One owner car, very clean, custom radio, automatic, sharp! $1,395 '54 DESOTO 4 DOOR SEDAN — automatic transmission., tutone, new tires, ONLY ,, $1,475 '54 CHEVROLET COACH--tudnr, tutone Going for $1,1.50 '53 MERCURY 4 DOOR SEDAN -- custom radio. A steal at $1,075 '51 l3UICK 4 DOOi3. SEDAN ---automatic SELLING AT A VERY LOW PRICE! '50 FORD COACH—new paint., custom radio overdrive $ 375 r 5. Your Chrysler -Plymouth Dealer Shell Oil Products PHONE 321 EXETER 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111,311111111111111111111111111111111111 IF Frgo pick-up! Come over this week! Take one of these stylish new Fargo models out on the road, See how much ZIP it puts in a trip , .. how free and easy it handles ... and how relaxed YOU feel in the cab! Worth a.lJttle of your time? Well, sir, it sure is! After all. your next pick-up will be your work partner every day ! You need the liveliest, thriftiest, workingest one on wheels. And Fargo is all that—and more! For one thing, Fargo's big Power -Dome V-8 gives you (Inc get-up-and-go you need in traffic. So docs its peppery L -head Six, And you can' manoeuvre well in tight places, too, thanks to Fargo's advanced -design steering system, Look for these Fargo features, too, when yauyou "test the ZIP"! e New easy -shift manual transmission • Push-button automatic transmission You These trucks have a low loading and unloading height, which saves you a lot of strain. They have plenty of road clearance. On lowest ton- nage models you get a new "passenger car" ride—rear springs automatically adjust ten- sion to varying loads. You can get a new Sure - Grip differentialon these models, too, which prevents loss of traction in rued, sand, snow or ice. Conte over for that test -ride soon. You'll like Fargo's new style , .. big, roomy cab with 5 -way adjustable seat . - . cost-cutting per- formance ... andother extra -value features. There are three wheelbases and body lengths --one's just right for you. Pick it.out. Price it .. , you'll like what you hear • Driver -adjustable independent parking brake • Full -opening alligator -type hood • Nt'w safety -centre steering wheel • New dual headlamp system ,• Electric windshield wipers • New, higher G.V.W.'s for greater payload Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited ' -t more of the future with POIVER-tggErft.i. i 1' 14 Sweptside 100 Pick up, prestige styling that tinily attracts businesa, 13100I'ick•up, 5'Ir •font body, 101" wlieeihase; 7V2'laot body, 116" whr0lbase, 4,210 LAS, 0.V,W.10 85.000 ttBS. t`r:C:W,- BUILT TOUGHER FOR TOUGHLST JOBS, .,MATHERS 'BROS, Excit£itt •. Phone 321