HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 15rot,,, m,,,,111ini uIIAU1m111111n 1111 u111111A1Lt1111fiak; 1 laragf Sunday And fvening Service. Optn tli!» auuday,' Wednes- day afternoon, ,and during the evening throughout the week. Graharn Arthur Motors. 114M 11111enummMMni1111p,11u11111mu1111111111!' JOE'S Clothing Store MAKES ALL KiND$ OF TAILORING ALTERATIONS Next To `»antral Hotel Audrey Beaver Weds Airman Audrey Marie Beaver, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Herold Beavci•,, Divides, recently of Flee- ter, became the bride of LAC 11 iiliarii Gordan Sheath, Portage La Prairie recently of RCAF Centralia, son of Mrs. Elsie Sheath, Torontee. at ('opetewn 'united church manse an Satur- day, June 14 .at 2 p.m. Rev. Freer performed the •ereniony. For her wedding the bride wore a street -length white French lace dress with white accesso- ries and her flowers were pink rases, She was attended by her sis- ter, Palsy Beaver, Exeter, wear- ing a powder blue dress styled identically to that of the bride. She carried yellow roses. Doug- las Sheath, Toronto, was best t man for Ws brother. The reception was held at "The Plainsman" restaurant where the bride's mother re- ceived in brocaded tafftta with white accessories and Talisman rose corsage, The groom's mother chose blue flowered chif- fon with white rccessories and white feathered carnation cor- sage. The bride and groom motored to their future home at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, , e. 11111111111„1111111111111111111111,1,111„111111111111111,11,1111111111111111111111111111111,111,11111111,1111111111111,1111111111111 fl 7.4 Worried about your i -weight? Try Exeter Dairy's No -Fat Milk. It's rich in Vitamin D for energy -power, delightful to taste and satisfies that hunger -pain! 14t4411.4U.1.441.1.4.1t41•11.14 ASK YOUR MILKMAN FOR SOME TODAY or phone 331 I Stay Slim With Exeter Dairy's Exeter Dairy tll1, Its 1111111/,1,11111111111111111111,111111110,111„11„4q,11i11111111111,,,,,111,1, moil 11 II I/ill11,11,11,111,111 PRESERVE LOCAL HISTORY—,Woolen's institute members who are doing valuable work in recording the history of their communities gathered in Hensall Thursday morning to exchange ideas in a WI Tweedsmuir history workshop. Mrs, R. C, Walker, St. George, standing, right, was in charge of the. session. Conveners include. front row, from left, Mrs. T. Creery, Elimville; Mrs, Arthur Rundle, Hurondale; Mrs. Har- old-Waiper, Grand Bend; standing, Mrs. Elmer. Canneron, Seaforth; Mrs. John Rader, Dashwood; Mrs. Ed Lamport, Crediton; Miss M. Ellis, Hensall; Mrs, John Bannister, Zurich; and Mrs, Walker. —T -A Photo lan History ,At Workshop Representatives from the eight Women's Institutes in South Huron attended a Tweedsmuir History workshop in Hensel). Le- gion hall. Thursday morning and afternoon. Mrs. R. C. Walker, St. George, curator or Tweedsmuir History for Ontario, led the group in discussion and gave suggestions for covers, -paper, indices and historical items to Ilse. She had with her, prize-winning Tweeds- muir history books for dem.onstra- James St. Group Sees Graduation Members of the Baby band and their mothers were guests of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of lames Street United church an Thursday afternoon, A welcome was extended ,by president Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg and Mrs. IL J. Snell, Mrs• Douglas Insley, superin- tendent of the Baby Band, pre- sided for a short program ]'D- eluding a solo by Helen Cole and piano solos hy Marion C'arscad- den and Linda hunter-Duvar. Twenty -ono members of the Baby Band were graduated into the Mission Band and received by Mrs.` Glenn Fisher. Mrs. Ins- ley was assisted by Mrs. Robert McDonald. Mrs. Percy Passmore led in a worship service, She convened the group who arranged the meeting. Over 125 were in at- tendance. Lou Speaking: Our Cars Are Not Expensive They Just Look That Way • This is Lou At The Age Of Two EXECUTIVE`S C '57 FORD FAIRLANE .500 .— 4 door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, padded dash, padded sun.v.isor, safety belts, windshield washers, back=up lights, big motor, dual exhaust, big radio' with townand country buttons, whitewalls, only 12,000 miles, ,gleaming black, low price 995 '55 CHEVIE HARDTOP -.-•- Two-tone, tinted glass, back-up lights, 19,000 miles only $1,995 '55 CHEV 84 AIR HARDTOP V-8with ower 2 -door, , p I pack, , dual exhaust, • built-in radio, 2- tone, window washers, fender skirts, whitewalls, reel and white, sharpest in town $2,095 1 '54 EUICK SPECIAL SEDAN—Auto- matic, radio, whitewalls, 2 -toile, the big car for the small price .. $1,550 '53 FORD 2•bOOR—Just a nice, straight car for only $850 '50 PLYMOUTH .SEDAN —. Sig- nals, radio, clean as a pier... $450 '49' MI.TEtit CLUB COUPfr, Ci,a.rlitr, st nvisor, fender Skirts, '55 PONTiAC SEDAN — Back-up lights, radio, directional lights, real nice family car $1,595 55 FORD STATION WAGON rcountrysedan, 9 -pas - family Fairlane t s p senger, automatic, built-in radio, one owner, service policy still in car, answer for the large family, man $2,150 '54 DODGE REGENT SEDAN—Radio, signal lights, tinted glass, -tone, yours for $1,395 2 or 3 Chedpies SER THIS REST, NFN BY 'Mt 131ST ROM LOU Phone 459 Exeter tion. Any questions of those at- tending were answered, A year ago a similar work- shop, the first in the province, was held at: the home of Mrs. Arthur Rundle at the suggestion of Mee. Wilfred Mack who was historical research, convener for South Huron W.I. and was named curator of Tweedsmuir Histories at the recent district annual. The idea has become populist' and is now a course sponsored by the extension. department. Mrs. Walker told the group she had 50 such workshops booked ahead.. Mrs. 11lacic was unable to at- tend for the Ontario Historical So- ciety were holding a meeting and making a tour of Midland at the same time, Attending from South Huron for Crediton were Mrs. Earl Heist; Elimville, Mrs, Theron Creery; lfensall, Mrs. B. M. Couple Travel To Northern Ontario In Hensall United Church, dec- orated with pink peonies and white candles, the marriage of Gladys Joyce Whittaker, daugh- ter • of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Whittaker, Hensall, and Cecil John Robert Pepper, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, Kip-, and election of officers of the pen, was solemnized by Rev. Protestant Chapel Guild, RCAF Charles D. Daniel on Saturday, Station, Centralia, last Tuesday June 14, at 2 p.m, Emily May, were Mrs. E. W. S: Gilbert, of Collins, Clinton, player! tradi- Lambeth, 1" L and Mrs. S. O. tional wedding music. Swanen, of Hamilton, Protestant Given in marriage by her chaplain stationed at Centralia father, the bride wore a wedding for the summer, and Mrs. W. C. gown fashioned :with nylon and Foster, Exeter tune skirt with hand -clipped A short business meeting and Chantilly ]ace bodice with a review of the financial statement band of the lace circling the for the year followed a buffet skirt, long lily -point sleeves and dinner sabrina neckline, embroidered in Mrs. D. Broadbent was elected sequins and pearls. Her veil of president for the coining year. embroidered tulle was caught Vice-presidents are Mrs. P. Giles to a pearl and sequin studded and Mrs. E. Cosgrave; secre- tary, She carried a bouquet of tary, Mrs. E. Seigle; treasurer, red roses and stephanotis. Mrs. H. Leach. Mrs. A. Kenyon Attending the bride was Miss and Mrs, Dodd were in charge Geraldine Harburn, Mensal], of elections. wearing a ballerina -length dress The new president, Mrs. Broad - of lime green Guipure lace and bent, took over the meeting and net with matching feather head conveners for the bazaar com- band and a bouquet of pink mittees were appointed: Christ - carnations and. stephanotis. The mas decorations, Mrs. Fallis; bride's sister, Sharon, as sewing, Mrs. Burnett and Mrs. flower girl, wore a dress of pink Warberton; knitting, Mrs. Grand- flowered nylon with white lace in; parcel post, Mrs. E. Cos- trim and a nosegay of pink car- grave, - nations incl white • stephanotis. FAL Swanen gave an inspiring Terry Foreman, St. Marys, was talk on the title "The Continuing ring hearer. Crusade Against Conformity:" •Groomsman was Jake Eckel. He brought -to the attention of -his Varna, and ushers were Leonard listeners that altogether too com- Butters, St. Marys, and B. mon tendency to try to mneke Pepper, Kippen. other people fit into a standard Following a reception at the pattern. bride's home, the bridal couple Mrs. A. Dodd extended a vote left for a wedding trip to North-. of thanks to the retiring execu- ern Ontario, the bride traveling fine work during in blue flowered glace cotton Litefive past yeartheir• with matching bolero and white Solos by Mrs. E. Poitras and accessories. Mrs. D'odd and a singsong with On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Foster accompanying on the Pepper will live on a farm near piano concluded a most enjoy- Hensall, able evening and a successful year for the Chapel Guild. Peck and Miss Mattie Ellis; 11urondale, Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mrs. Caiman Cann; Dash- wood. Airs. Syd Baker, Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Emil Becker;. Grand Bend, Mrs. Harold. Wal - per, Mrs. Garnet Patterson; Sea - forth, Mrs. Cameron and Zurich, Mrs. John Bannister. Mrs. T. C, Coates, Mrs, Carl Payne and Mrs, Sim Roobol were hostesses at the lunch hour, Pot Luck At Lake Members of the Woman's Fed- eration of James Street United church motored to the summer home of Mrs. Carfrey Cann, Southcolt Pines, for a pot luck supper and social time on Mon- day evening. Following lunch the devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Douglas Insley, Mrs. Bev. Skin- ner and Mrs. William Johnston. The remainder of the evening was spent in group singing, scav- enger hunt and contests. This group will ' not have a meeting in Ju]y and. August but will re -convene in September. Centralia Guild Elects Officers Guests at the annual banquet 11 Noon Rites At rand Bend Ia &and. Bend United church on Saturday, June 15- et high noon Marian Yvonne Pesjardine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Pesj.ardine, .Grand !lend,. .exchanged marriage vows with Murray Roy Penner, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley V.enner, Hen- sail before Rev.' A. E. Holley. Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride wore a floor -length .gown of nylon net and lace over satin fashioned ;with Chantilly lace over satin bodice and bolero jacket with tiny lace collar and. long lily point sleeves. The bouf- fant skirt was made.of four tiers of net, .cads with a deep border Qf lace. A tiara .of Sequins and Pearls held her finger-tip veil of silk illusion. She carried a cascade .of red roses and white baby,mums. Miss Grace Johns as maid of honor and Miss Barbara Des- jardine, sister of the bride, as -bridesmaidwore waltz -length bouffant gowns of nylon` net over taffeta in aqua and pink respec- tively. They carried bouquets of pink rose buds and white and yellow mums. Rodger Venner was hest man • for his brother as was Gerald Bell, He:ns.all. Ushers were Gil- bert Johns, Exeter, and Ray- mond Latta, Grand Bend. The sisters of the bride, Linda and Heather sang the Shep- herd's Psalm. A reception was held in the church. parlors with Mrs. Des- iardine, mother of the bride, receiving in rose lace ever taf- feta and assisted hy the groom's mother in forget-me-not blue lace. For traveling the bride wore a blue taffeta dress with white a.ceessories. Mr. and Mrs. Venner will re- side in Hensall. Nurse, Doctor Wed Saturday Baskets of pink and white snapdragons, ferns and -candles decorated James Street trnitcrl church on Saturday, .Tune 14 for the marriage of Donna Jean Mc- Bride of Toronto, daughter of ,, Mrs. McBride and the late AI - vin. McBride, Exeter and Ken- neth S. Wood, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, Brus- sels, Rev, TI'. 3, Snell performed the ceremony and Mr. Lewrenc'e Wein played traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo- ist, Mrs. ,rnhn Gonian who sang "The Lord's Prayer"' and "0 Perfect Love " (liven in marriage by her brother, Mr, Stuart McBride, Toronto, the bride wore a floor - length gown of silk organza over pink tulle extending to a chapel train, The gown was accented with hand embroidery and seed pearls. A tiara in tones of pink held her finger-tip veil, She ear - vied a bouquet of pink roses, stephanotis and lilyof-the-valley. Her attendants, Mrs. Leslie Elites,- Stratford as matron of honor, Miss Loan Toltnstott, Tn- Pon(o, and Miss l layne Wood, 3russels, sister of the bride - gram, as bridesmaids wore identical gowns of pink em- broidered silk organza with motching bandeau ]readdresses. They carried baskets of pink and white sweet. peas. Aniece of the bride, :folio Me, rido vas flower girl . to white embroidered organdy pink and a nephew, David` Me- 11'tide was ringhearer wearing a White linen John McConnell, Gnderieh was groomsman and ushers were Mast Turn to Wage 16 Phone 102 far HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE AWAY bio you have a pteesent trip? Ou' reticlors weepi like to knew- about if. 'NH vx about the activities of you and youe friends. Phone 770 THE `LIMN= AOVVCATE {fie your lotlrl eetesperideet Cancer Speaker At Elimville WI Mr. Fred 'Dobbs, Exeter, was guest speaker for Health and Education meeting of Elimville Women's Institute held o.n, Wed- nesday evening in the com- munity hall. Mr. Dobbs showed films on cancer and was introduced by the committee convener, Mrs. Kenneth Johns, who presided for the program. Mrs. Jackson Woods reported on the officers' conference held at O.A.C. Guelph. in May. The report of the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary was given by Mrs. Harrold. Taylor. The report of the executive meeting to arrange the year's program held at the home of the president, Mrs. Delmer Skinner, was given by Mrs. Charles Stephen. Mrs. Jackson Woods and her committee were hostesses. a The Time Adv cote Judo V19 1950 Psi; • 1 Ask For CLOVE CREAM JUNE '1$ DAiRY MONTH! Mole Fresh Daily In Exeter By CANADA® PACKERS, 111111111,1,1„111,1,111111111111,11,111,1,11111111111,111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111 11ulim1#im1 rte Enjoy Delicious During June - Dairy Month A SPECIAL, TREAT FOR ALL Try Our {dainty, Fresh CREAM Over A Favourite Dish Of STRAWBERRIES You'll Love it! r Je''` airy PHONE 27 HENSALL )111111111,1,1111,1111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111,1111111,11,11111111/114 • .0y\-41 rtir fJI NEWAILTHE \\\\\\\*\\ ICS Y CREAM NEW ON THE OUTSIDE the boavtiful YORK CARTON. EttAth flavor with its owfn outstanding solar cintl fltwor t'tterrlew w . , the tnest delidbus rte Croon you over tasted. Make every lineal a patty with York lee Cream. 107/ 17 Re // // 1,170. / AND iNSIDE (1/