HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 13191111,IS' P. 11 It 47.,171,11. or" Visit 'This a Often For Tho: ThrepAdvcato, Junco 19, 1954 P. eal argains .,011111111111111111111111111111011111111111411111111M11111111,111411111111111,11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(1111111011L11111111 Announcements RATES Births No Charge Marriages and Peaths 750 (Marriages and cleaths are reported without charge in news columns. This charge applies only to listing under Announcements.) Cards ef Thanks, Engagements . 750 fvtentoriams (4-l3ne verse) . ,,,,,,, • • 41.00 Extra verses, each . 250 BIRTHS— ENQAQEMENTS AAIDEDIAN - Ly no Alarie ishes In a nnonnee 1 he !Irma I nn Juno 3 of her lirni het% Martin .1 an. on gag eine 11 1 nf their daughter, • Metrupolitau Hospital, Wind- lla rbara lanc, to mr. Kenneth W. P•te, a son for Mr and Atrs. Winer,,arden, son nr mr. a lid ytrs, • ard Ambeiliai. and R 11110011 IN:1'1111M 11 NV rti011, l, 0 d n 11. Ills 1lU01'0140 11, !Hist' placn Jilts* 1 2, 13..i, al 2!git 1).1)1.. in I Ito 0/ ,i.,•anized 1 'h nf Latter Day :Saints, ilrs ages Street, London. litc CARDS OF THANKS - 21r. and MI'S.. Charles Allisn'n. Ex ei or. n n announcethe for HarrY and Libby latter.% nod. Lxeter. DEI a lid Mrs. Guy Be- dard, 2,0110111, t nee 1.Flay Bell) aro hanny to announeo th,. ar- rival of their daughter, Karen T'ait 11(11', at St. Joseph's Hos-. J1181,Lendon ,1 tip 12, s'ster for aloha And Dia ne. wish to 1 hank alt these whn }11,1,t8 pie. a 1111 Airs, J n heri Is 1311.0 remembered me 4 1111 141114, 14 .v..1.11.14.k rand minim, no WN'S. VIRUS and I PPR 1 El Bend, et n tionneo the birth nf a wilitt. A patient in Smith H ureic 30111, jobn ). 113 HASIlil since returning Fouth Huron Hospital, lune 15, home. Spoeia I thanks to Miss 1 0 7tA - a Imother for lerancie claypniq and staff, lir. leeher. ,I1'1411. Dr. Hession and to all the neigh - C 1, 14244 241 r. and 31 rs. H. 111*11(0 lnra .0is. •1 (11) helliell my sister at Hlenn Dire Buyers). 'Pnrnittn, " e,. l -111'a Deihridgc. are happy 40 11011mince. Dip loot I wish to 1 liana All at filet -Ma. of their son. .101111 Lawrence, rein ivos and neigh iinl'S A1110 May 1 II -a gra raison for Alr. and k 11111IY remembered ma w it It eards. Ali's. John Glenn, treats and help \chile a patient k rtvEY Afr. and Airs. Robert in ,ht-, .1 05'1011' HosPilal. 1.,ond011. 31. Hart e4. 1 s A 1 seinen') ri Dr., an" sow,' vet nen in K 110111e. MrS. Hugh 2410 30315. of a son, Evian William, at Roc: C. W. And Mrs, Down AVIISII;1' 2411 1.0 announee tho birth South lin von Hospital, dune (1 1 bank alt who seni ea (els, 1 95Y, flowers or expressed their gond 1-1INOAIAIISH 31r. and :Mrs. G. , d 11014 in ails oilier wal7 for their h. Tilndinarsh, 1 clande- ' ' II AN c)1r111111- 14811))Also , all 145 141) assisted t heir son, and bnye, Armen nee 1 be birth nr a 1 1„g, / ,. Fon, Wayne Douglas, at Soul h , aeer 011 le ((149' 0 t110 Open Burnt) Hospital, June 11, 19:14. 101184' • 118' wrnAnis Air, and Sirs. Jelin I 0 1111111 !Hee to express my , 11 ('('[1 44t era 1 t tide for kindnesses Lan o, Andrew T),•, . , et 01% a meth n - sit. 11.ro 1.0 r while a 011 1,10111 111 \ ket ()era Hospit al, fnr the son, John !Wren!, at Smith Hu - many lovely cited.% And irea is sent rein 11014)111.141, .inne 7, 1 93S. hy kind friends and neighbours, CIF int Mr. and Mrs. Gerald specie 1 l)311141s34 in Hensall l'itited O'Brien, mil. 3 R11.. 11 1'1'11, 11.01-. I 'ha Hos 11 111411 loi, no 1111i•P the birlli or a daughter Hensan Kinsmen club, C. P, and At South. Huron hospital, .1 tine s3», , belie)). Lode A$ of fle1113151(11,Thank T, Point elf he f.O.C) Ji', and Re. , 9Shipicci rAssN14)111.1......:\13.. mrs A 11)103'Ya . m -Herb Redden. Possmore. MR. Woodil.alti. an- Airs. \V ill in in Pot w !stirs 1 91:": nnuneo the birth of R 11110, 1 41 10 1101111, 1111 11ORP who sn kindly SU • ver at Sonlb tilir°11 rellIvillbP1'f'll 1101' with flowers, auver Wedding Anniversary 1.11.71:1;ails911-itta rbtrrlieliVsel: einif.(:asts.1 r,s. 111)11111'a 1.8. 1 1111 fit c4it, Mr. and i‘lrs' Colin Love en - S 90 tertaiped on it evening at INNE'rT---Alr. and Mrs. Earl Sin- '1101 Sillt.:P (et tinting home. not r„ T11'.\ 1" Station Cent 1 1 wish tn expresS oly 53(10 3,0 a surprise dinner party honour- -wish le annenineo 1141' 11 ,1'1 Intel; s in my friends anti vela- ing Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill Jn'seph's nominal, Londrin„1 tine 041)1, wriest, 8t. on the occasion of their 25th 1(1, 1 nlig, (1st, pit's Hospital and since re,. wedding anniversary. itt 0"r. DO.S.T, includes oars and SPENCETI--I,A0 and Ali's. Harold turning home, - Mrs. S. 13. Tay- They had as guests Rev. elle .2 tic!, belts.. $.311.(19. .Ttn4instnnf. n1 n't W. Spencer, 1 1 4 Sanders Si ., an- tor. 1.nat it tont or „t h.p., . 0.90 01 tea ish 10 thank all those is1.11.1)E' H011"' 1 S, Mar'? nrr"' Mrs' X3)rill 3.1"13 PY. I 3::itle ono nee the 1)110 11 nf snn, Jan , r Mr. and Airs. Win. Love, photo/. \ KAM or, David, a Snot h 1 101.031 I so Mildly remembered me NI. )1 _ al, June I 7, 111(1. • eards, treats, 110 Wees and visit . and Mrs. Garnet Patterson, s .5 Ay .A 'Fenn, and Jack IN bile a patient in South Introit Mr. and Mrs. Doti Hendriek, CLASSIFIED .RAT:g4 , FOR sAk.g, I REAL ESTATE WAN'l gp, 21 eliEE 11...vilvEsTER and fo rag 1,S1 11,01.71q3. iarge f0t1IR.Ale, tli..“0.1, To ntisT with opt ion of acres: 1' tipper 6. rt. combine. heavy duly -wiring, .narage, .Nvti 1 pity rash t htril year up tfl 2 5 words or to5; oc 1,1.R. new in 134.1, har.estell pl! ee bath, ;in/ awl „.01,1 water, baying. Most he good building's. nudity der. en. 111 f ‘rellent • lug .t 121NS, al 1 tillable insulaled APP1Y Metro Than 2S Words 1,011. Sold 1113, rarm. \% 1113,3331 Maui , 114113334', (1 311 b. 1 ' , , 1 2;13" 2e Per Word ra"Y' 44J1' 5410. drilled 'salt, r stip SA1V--Vell Exeter A I. 1.4.1%.1i1lA fete Maritimes. 06.4. Dm ter. misceANEP,I,s,-,— t RMPLOYMENT WANTED ,...t. Li:NIB:NTH/13 VILLA, a. Immo for ODD JOBS. carpentering. P34111441' •elderly paigens, 18 pow open at 4-11'. Phosto Exeter 40S. 3:Stfo 311 Sanders St., Exeter. The Villa - la under the management of Mts. 2 BOYS, 26 a nd 11, looking tor 1,. Pesjaidine, Exeter. 1:9tre summer empioyment, Apply Peter -.----,.- - Plantinga, 10ti Williani b't , 11110310 19:260 PFF 1 I t'Sl,f11-114. near village; 1 1 1141 Jlitle Phone 31.11, 13*• LAXV114("E.-1'41 IT" •I' 3 1" 1°°"1' (*b°1•110 1 If ad ctaisl with order or by rigir,11(1.r1, ii)1„otvfoilltnrs,(5..t, of buildings. 1 ,1 VNIOR tll nl,iS flIcYCLE, 'used. BABY acres hush,' .kpply 1.0rne fterher, Dash- lit. HICKS A.U...CTION SALES saturoay followino the last to sell liernightin. MIL 4 clotierivb. " hA 43111°C11' inilk "ifil' insertion phone 1 :17 Parton. 12:1 11c '; "We, 4:13.10 1' II II -- m 1Ar d p icrpns, .AUCTION 'SALE • SUCCEEDING INSgRTIONS 400 ("redtton hoosp, .1 SA1 A1.1, 1,0 bit used. Paler s, wide eliniee inelmling Of Household Affegt$ • HEI(4TZMAN pi A Nt) chi bench. F hung ream, dining% 251801 APPIY' 10 .1305 "11-- Ames In -Crews and oilier lijgh , 1 9c prnd livers. Started in snme breeds, , 31 Huron St. W (515T I 13%; ,S3:,;911.7.1x11...irli'.V. Martin. "'"1". 14-3110"' hall. Imt TiMeg-Adv°Va p* More than 25 Words .-. 1V20 Per Worgi Semi -Display Classifieds (Restrieted to one column) 'First Insertion 51.49 Per -Inch Subsequent insertions 51.25. Per Inch 1 ri or apply 363 Carling Parsons. plothe 3117. Fred role, .4 at, 3., rut nave coil), at tached ' ' • r ' To WN EXETER Una% N cneherels. Broiler erders - unreal'. I 1, Reyes. 11 gO4JIPMENT FOR RENT r Sept. -ch,t nmplete .raY front Rao Erre 'arsraild en, - 1 KATI( a.,14 "1 11"0 13 lir 1)3 .of • (41 '241 P1'21P. Duro. APOLv 2"91 nreY* r9111 ' 41', Ply"1" 244- VV• situated, farnarc heated; 1 Ple chrome hiteben table and 4 At alter vothitsb, phono .1.;!A- ra 1, et er. • moderal ely nrweel and terms. 1 ehacrs. dinette suite, table, 4 Floor Sanders 6:12ife TENDERS WANTED Alums and elfin& cabinet; 11 beds, 1 " comes. 2 mattresses; 2 elteatS1 CH 11,11S C11/11, in 40011 condition: . Write nr rime, W. C. ,Pearce. •• II 1' cellar chest: matching Minimum One Ind- niso mat t reSS f rip( Iona I J. 1143.. Phone l 11P1I tor 1!,C ' phone 711 4-11, Salesmen. Eye! er phone 414* Fail lltro Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN . 4ilinicalsreei I.hair and etiest 1 paar Exeter. BEAVERS HARDWARE Classified ads accepted up till rioristitoto tiortt.Ts. Includ- EXET Eft 4 Wednesday noon. Auction -sale 4113 IF' tote, single lulls. twin beits„ arm Ili" irs. din ing 1 copy should be in Tuesday at, eitssterriolds, Ve.cuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc, table, lea wagnii, retina 1 noon. rug., RI 11 11' I'll rpo 3, runners, lamps 011 lier miscellaneous items. FOR SALE— Ca It Ns.eter 2421. loyal 227, 115 Columbia In-., 1 ti.".\ 10 Centralia. , . , TOYS! TOYS! Beavers Basement Toytown is open all year round. Gifts for children's parties. birth- " 1111,1 EP.INA FORMALS. sizes days etc, for all ages, Beat ers Fand 1-1, 1 Yellow and 1 Mae' Hardware. 31fn bard' ne suit, size 14. in wine. May be seen al. Brady Cleaners. 1 9c DRAIN TILE Farm For Sale SERVICES— FILAis DEV.P.ILOPED In 4R hours, Exeter agent: Russell Electrie. iteuSall agent: Ed Fink Plumbing and Heating. Prompt photo fin - 18113041. 2 9 : 12:1 11 :2 a • FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination service nr more information. tele- phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing' Association collect at: Clinton . lit 1 2-3441, bet ween 7:0ii and IA 1AI LEI,. h 1 ., I, Sussex, x TIM. . A -AL We sultnlY sery Mt to lop 4 Bich ______, * 35 per 111 ltd 41 i fled x Sussex pullets, 124 w Poles quality Wills of the Holstein, 5 111(11 55 Per M Derd nid, Or roadY (f) 114 9'. cairn's Mill Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown 6 iniqc 3 1 a pee 151 Depri i Di ti„ nilnlin 23r. Exeter. ific Swiss, lied I101 1, Hereford. t po/led and horned), Beef S h o r t b 0 r n 7 melt I 45 pnr 111 Del'd 8 inch 175 per 31 Del'd 1 '13 STVY)1411.1 IMP, - flood rub- I polled and linrned), and Dual I tor, (dean I lirmiglinti 1, excellent Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Vs, Y's and Elbows In Stook Pharr/12.18e breeds. The eost is I i'01141 11 inn. A pith 'leavers Hard - Prices for 11)", 12" 'and 14" i . . 1 , ' r Di, (4 al 0, 11 lnne Nil, •,,N ,-.1 pr. , I low. 4:24tre on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE .2 "'"'° m n'ii: mwsi fl"""00 (1 f:ST(1 AL CAPONTZ ENG anti de - months; one 11 urimee, -((((‚(8509' beak inc. Call Carl Oestrieber, LIMP.= uttn , end rine Ayrshire. AnplY N. -Ivan phone 5-7-r-23 Dashwood. 4:21-11;23c cooper, phone 633-T1-.21. Seafort h. . Elt4 infield Phone 133 Lucan 19' via nn highway. near Bell- Sa I t. bedroom f rattle- INOUse. 2 pressure systems. implement shed and garage This is a gond urlia n tarn!. Posseesion any time. ('011' 114l1 . J0/1 11EN 1) tiltt sO.V. 41,1 Edgar St., 'Exeter, or ft. A IIN OLD, Broker II. 11. 3 Kipper!. Plume I-lensall 672-r-13 12:194 OWWICE le,Q1.11P31ENT - head- 4 GOOD `PI RES and wheels. 71ill x quarters for Royal typewriters, 20; R 1.mo I gond wheel and tire Victor adding machines, We. ean for Chet" 7u11 x 17. (*.amp:, saye you money! Exeter Times. bell Eyre, Nipper', phone 370-r-1 3 Ad\ neat e, phone 7711. F271 fe lensa I I. 1 fie ill'NOLES of old papers. Exeter 1 1 El R. ter.'n 11.0 regist 01'041. Times-Adr oval e, accredit ed, hie age. some, by 1(11111 111111 sa Ie gran d ell amp inn. Apply I 1 irt zel Bros., Creiliton. Letter From it anti, 11'illiarn Richard. at St. ; flees fne cards, gifts, flowers and 11 PIGS, 11 Weelis nlel. jud fly le e - man, 11.11, 1 Centralia, phone GRAVEL nox, ft., and 1101143, 31) Kiri:ton 90-r- 1 1. ill grind ennaltinn. Apply Lorne 22. Reel. er, shwood. 1 !le WASH LNG INF.:, Bent ty, Iri gond vondit Ion. .5pply Lorne .11, lleele or, 11nsnwood, 111TX ED FL Y, 47 acres, in field Apply T. Simpson, 1 3111.1e west or Whalen. 19e SEE US FOR SI e w a et are happy In a nu nonee IT o s p I 1 a 1 and 41111»e returning , Mr, and Mrs. Allan 'Miller, Mr.. the birth or a daughter at Si. Immo. - Airs. Donald nalpil. 1(1*' and Mrs. Arnold Desiardine, all 0 o$eptes Hospital, 1.011don, .1 min Al r, 811(1 Mrs. Oliver Jaques ,r la, 1928-a, sister for Marlene. would like tn thank all their "' Grand Bend; Miss Carol Dy- TraNM'LL - Sir, and Sirs. Carl friends, neighhmirs and relal ives son of London, Mr. and Mrs. Mel, FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS Turnbull, RR. 3 es Holm. R11.- for cards and treats sent Alt's. Ramsdell and Sharon of Toronto, 1 rounee Gm birth or a rl rt Ugh t or, Jartne$ while in Vieteria Hos- Kith, Marion and Brian ',II I, * Oil Filters e1.Tlo. 01 Lnis Yvonne, al South lin rnn pital and since returning herne. Despite I. Juno 14, 113245-a sister Tana I log jardin0 'wishes 10 Grand. Bend. * Power Mowers for Janice Marie. ' thank. friends end relatives . for The table was centred with a * Parts For All John Deere JOHN DEERE ea MS, treats and visits while a three -tiered c a 14 e beautifully ANNOUNCEMENTS — nntipni in st. .1 oseph's :Hospital • m, 1 De aceated by Mrs, Cliff Ritchie and sines returning tome. Mrs. noy ritngorieli Is enter- mi.. .„.ii..,,i -A1,..„, ,t.nmii.b,..„1/ .1„1.,,,,., of Parkhill. Rev. Holley pro - lathing at A,,:trnussealt telt at her ,,,,.1 („1„1 1:0 ' wish to 014 1)1(015 their posed a toast to the .honoured 110100 III 11011111' or lIrr naught". sineere 1118 nlis In Honsall and couple and they were presented Shirley, nn .11,110 2e, from 2 I n 3 ,,,t,,,,ac,,,,i h fir" 1".1gades* ' Ilr'"all with gifts from their family. in I he afternoon and frenn 7 tn 1,1001one operator Mrs. Shaddick, 10 In the. evening., 1" linighlinitrs and friends who help- After dinner was over all went ed in any way (luring i he fire in to Shiplia school where about tits toss hr our harn, our gratornr e 7" Cousins ancl friends were DIPR -1hitnhs to evryone for their help , i . , , - . 0 , • tt net kindnesses. tat, i ent and during tbe evening Mr, Trill Lt. btA run .sifxrin, large Non and Eileen AteLean would arid Airs. Gin were presented • (*nom 1 Electric, ill: e new, has like to thank everyone NN'110 .80 with a purse of money. Air. tr 1., !I' b"ts Rlirt j11 1e01% ""1 9112' 11111S ....ug.. $35. Westinghouse a.ti t 0 m a t i e rnstster, ()Vett used only a row times. cost 1417, sell for 934. Ylay be seen at (13 Andrew Street, Ex- . lee 01 05'. Comments About rornarty Ey MRS. KEN McKELLAR Equipment Fast Service JACK coUGHLIN Phone 537 239 Andrew St„ N., Exeter 19',:26:3:10e abi'llv renlenllwre'l l'arrY will' Love of Exeter read the address and the gift was presented by Mrs. Willis Gill of Grand Bend. T wish in ('11 (1104131 my si neer(' Personal Items soon nit: KA 1,13 147LLETS--1I ea II hy, 1 Ito 111i s In friends oeigh heirs and M..ancwon raised, \54.'1'i1111 3101 fru' ['rea- 1 Mrs' D Ad , eh 1 tis and Neweastle; 12 a t chs 1.1'1°10" avid 1.0 thP l'031"11 A "x- Mark and i3rock, and Arr. and old .1.1no 2(1th anti :Wise grd. Pis- 1111,ry rm. 1.110(15. gters and flowers Sunday . with m T received during my illness In MPS. Fltieb of London visited Vioi oria 11)5(11151. London. -.Mrs,coati ts on large orders, leree de- -r. and Mrs. Les Ilill'os';'T. inelelp,,aellionall,,"\isia.r 1;;,;',..,' card18 letters, ninney, gifts and flowers while 14 pa tient In Exeter lin spite I and. V 111(0 1114. S1014 (211411(1 - I'eres llospita I. 1(40 Mrs, Nelson Howe is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, having undergone sur- gery last week. Miss Agnes Hyslop, mission- ary on furlough from the Bhil Field, India, spent the weekend visiting with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Seott and family, and Mrs. E. Moore. Atr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell enjoyed a trip ID the O.A,C,, Guelph, on Thursday. port reunion in Exeter on Sat - Airs. T. Guest, of Kincardine, Li.; ti• ts-in Irr. ing memory or MN' urday. dust arid moisture. Same so re. iltle, New Pulaa tor cover exclude5 .1s visiting with her daughter, darling brash:mil, Prank • corm - Mrs. J, E. Storey, . towis. whom find called tn rest Mr. and mrs. Ross Lovo and rust. "Tug and run" eow milk me Call Lovell MeGuire, phone Wina- rivp years ago. June 21, Id 93,,, Clare were Sunday visitor's With ham ell3 collect. When we Fly -Virile 111S1 NM, Sunday visitors with Mr. and ,-.:12:1.t,..1,,. [foil salted without warning. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy A farewell WRS 1101:01' Raid, and :faintly at Lucan. FOR RENT — 11nt what tt glneinna I -Wonting -Sadly missed anti a I waYs IT- Mrs. Roy Mum, Ernest., June APARTMENT, !turnished, utilities Jessie. membered by hls loving wlifs% and Sharon were, Mr. and Mrs. paid. frig. Phone 8 Crediton. Airs. T, McIntosh, spent the Lions Treat' mond Kading of Grand Bend 4-Itte „Tack Vangoozen and Bruce. and Mr. and Airs, James Ramsay Mr. arid Mrs. Eugene. Willard and Steven, accompanied by of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray - weekend with relatives at and ' nieces Jinja and Sandra Georgetown and Acton. Kanner of Philadelphia. T h e i r Wives Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Jim. and Scott, Air. and Airs. Club with Milton Sweitzcr and Sandra, Air. The Exeter Lioes 3 - SET11100A1 11 OMB Nett b °It (heir ladies enjoyed the one night and Mrs. Jack Pickering and burning ntrnaes and all modsro ladies are Terry attended 3 family reunion von. snisheos. A pplY 73 Sander mr. Roy LuNtos, of California, of the year When ihe at Tillsonburg on Sunday. tio and his sister, Mrs. A. McLean, entertained to- a social evening, 01. Fl. or PlInne 557. of Vilmore, Sask., visited last It was held at the Arinstroeg Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoronZ week with Mrs, Lloyd sersdaiii„ Restaurant Thursday evening of and 'Billie and Mrs. J. Coleman last week with about 100 persons visited Sunday with Mrs. Cole. in attendance. a , . , . Jack - Ivan Webber. lac , , Ada.ms, Harvey and Gloria. we to fo ihan4 ntir (Menne. les promptlY nr „d ndniityors for 4.„1.ds „„,-1 _Mr. and ,.A.Irst John Lovie and milts -Motive's Poaltry Farm' pressions 01' sympathy In the less and Mrs. Jas. Prance of re 1t3:11T11... 3 Seaforth,, Ont., phone 1,1 7. a beloved mother. SPeoial Grand Bend were Sunday visit-, 'thanks in yi r, and Airs, ' '41 ors with Mrs. M. Baker. r..5sis C0.31 BINE. AU, P.T.O., Robinson, Mr. 8111-1 Airs. 11111 Johnson and A1r. and trs-. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Duncan and , wally 'Wel", P11130n114 Dashw"`"I' nd peter of Stratford spent the I.: 191 13° weekend with Mrs. E. Lamport vi.on nowN- BUYS the new iiindol Langii - iod J.-30 wore faintly. IN MEMORIAM and Tom and attended the Lam- burge milker t.nit. its It oz.::.r.r. easier cleaned, inside entirely .1s - Mr. and Airs. T. L. Scott, Airs. E. Moore and Miss Agnes Hyslop Ni,sited on Sunday wi,th Miss Mary Currie., Woodstock, and Rev. and Mrs. It, G. McKay, Thamesford. Members (if the family of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton enjoyed a gathering at the home of their parents 00 Sunday, APARI•ATENT, 1 - bedroom. r rileibeel. Apply 'Mrs. Gladys Henry , 'Ward Apartment s, phone 3•Is. I 2 I no tvxser rris PAT: Hensai 1, hi afield condilinn, reason- able. price. Phone 201 Zurieh, Mr,' ('1) ('11014(1. n,21, A large crowd attended the dispersal sale for the estate of the late Mr. Archie McKellar on Tuesday, Mr. Eugene Hoste, of Ridge - town, spoil, the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Herman Host. Mr, Kenneth Walker, London, is on a tivo.v,teek, vacation at his 111 til414 hOre, soo at Hensall. Ladles' night marks the end of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell, the term of one set of officers Doug, Tom, Bruce and Donald prior to the, taking over of the w‘c.re_.w,a_ekteisidscxv.isitors with rel.- officers-eleet for anothee year, . eaves in Retiring president Larry Snl" retuned from England, visited der was in the chair and appoint- returned from England, visted ed as tail twisters for the e"' last week with his unele and ning, Andy Johnston, Elmer Bell aunt, Ili'. — and Airs. Matthew The Plinfis of 8.S. NO. 0 and 0, am a 'cl ' wedzet• s 'Itla all' Switzer and other relatives acoompaied by their teachers ers he appointed Nom riWalper, here. He was accompanied by " VAZTINIrt ;Ind trustees, enjoyed (4 1)116 trip Gerald Godholt and IA. G, Coch: his mother, 1111 o AT Sinitis or -re i .,,,J..., — ...,„...,, - ,.'e4 claw' clients wish mit 30 1011 -' to Niagara tails on Tuesday, ranc. A sing song was enjoyed Exeter and his family, Darlene, abase txster ho(nes. If you 11. 31!' with Mrs. Robert Pryde at the Carol, Roy'S W.M,S, and W.A. piano. Teddy and Paul, Airs, 11) "1 1, 15014"S` , Hewlett is at resent 't 'admit The Junt meeting of the A toast to the ladies was pro, in. the hospital in Toronto, WAS. and W.A. of fly's posed by Fred Darling and was Mt, end mrs. Vorno shartie, church, was held at the home responded to by Mrs. Ed Brady, and Glen and Allss Eleanor Of Mrs. Rby limy with Mrs, G. A toast to :Lions Internalmoal Sharpe and friend of tendert at - Nell in the chair. Was proposed by Past D.D.G.AL tended the Turner family re- ,. 1 'l''\ : r ,,,,, ,t,,,d,,,,w, 1131)11,5, union. in Pori Huron en Saturday. 01,1ildr:t11'1;(1tehlsitl-,-.:1;.:-fi:f.0.i.i..-istil.1.1k. Th6 worship service was eon- Jake Sweitzer and in reply : i ducted by Mrs, Murray Christie, D.D.G.m, J, S. McLaughlin, of irk ht4r60111 spaeo Available. Full assisted by Mrs. Hocking, St. Marys, spoke of some of the,... basement. Price $4,369,60. Slight 1Y 'rho peogram toMmittee ap- work being carried' on by Lion- McKinley, Zueieb, Airs, L, .01r.ti 1 ee 011 wry easy terms. pointed for the next meeting IS Mit, the largest serviee organiza. Schilbe, Zurich, Alma Soullicott, Art,m,...mw .1..hooroom. 11,,,144', Mrs, Calvin Christie and Mrs, G. Lion in the world. Dorothy. Cowan, Florence Schlott, rometetoy moriern throngliont Neil. An invitation front the motet Lions have domed to Alma Godboll,„ Veroa Elliot, Do- flarnae. May he puff hnsoil rot- muttro ladies (0 A /foto their spoesor pee ‘‘,,00 haeholl.in Exe. rothy Brady and Mary Farrow. low "all Pri" 151' '°11 "sY 1f'1111s' meeting on ;lune 26, was accept, tor and donated 6100 for the pur-- I'lle draw Was ea"d"eted by the ration 61334411114' for fifth e ic 81 1 OTT & A 11 A T1TMENT tined In• td. 0112,86 Or new uniforms. Lion Ito- PreSideat'eleeti I'lld Brady' ghee V try eon, rem oils In in 2 Curren( events were given by sell Snell was appointed Man- Guests -present were Mr. and unarters, ran he 'purchased ea Mrs, Hocking, and a reading by ager and Lien prod Darling, as,. Mrs, Graham mason, ropresom. very easy terms, lira, Gordon Parsons. Mrs. El. sigtant roa,ch, tin Gberto will .aet ing Meter Legion, alld Alt. and ti.,.-erouin- tiittot.- This ts a n ell - mor bow PlaYed all instrumen. As e each, , Mrs. John Burke, representing 1"11Rhour wall A(1°,3 roof, 1111 1mcning 1 II rilall'. IVAIIICI AO (1311"» MI6 MNei r8r l gave a report of The ladles wore Provided. with Exeter Kinsmen. Beth men' 0 1(11141(110- j9 or PRP !AMITY lend 11- N, Perth Presbyterial executive a rose eOrgagt. In a series of Pressed their appreelation at sirie (inversion Wm t (4 11 nom- whieh was held In Stratford, draws, prizes went to: 4tan being mom, fortable. lapartinehta. P011111'. The, topie "Fads about our Schlegel, Alma Henderson, Betty Lion Jack Smith, in eliarge or ii 1 2tr, church," was given by Mrs, N. Cochrane, Berrueee Vann, no- entertainment, introdueed 'Lloyd AT'Att?3'24114191P 11 (Veni14. LOTS A1(11 DOW, wilily Goman, Mary Vran Claim', Wright and artists from Lorthill. (131(03, pt riper' left, Business of 'llie W.A. was tits- Imie Watper, Gwen Smith, Thel. which provided MI ("Xtenenf pro- l'ff buy 03'Pr1 I. Pro 1'. "t.cussed. and the meeting closed Ina Russell, Xay Snelgrove, Bork gram, Dancing in juke box music rs, uTs '"1". 11"1"-. ar"1 (414110,51(414110,51itrante. 294 Main St., 1:""1".' with prayy M prayer bMrs, Nell, nie May Vera asol4 Audrey concludedhik the even, .1 1".51V1'15414912', In Beneath en her upper 01` 10114 e01111110'.. convenient, mndern. At enable I” Mid .1 111Y. Apply' Airs. Ada phone 122-3 or 119 1-r-2 item:alltql A li.e PA11,r511F1N1'. (p11118119' Inca )cd. (341 Arl 18110(1, Apply 'W. t* 010,1 -'-'Realtor, Exeter, 'phone 433, 9 -re' REAL ESTATE **4.••••••*ainad........*Womma.m.•••*/104. C. V. Pickard ‘Ve, are egret -Ng' the follow mg Anil ether properties; WieliTe411'ILT brick house cc oh 1 seres of land, on edge or Exeter- clond I o 1, 1131011 WitIl tow nsh 111 taxes, Tidy ham. 'MODERN 1 -storey brick 110114114.garage attached, 2 bedrooms, liy- mg rontn, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, full basement. nil heat- ed, excellent loea lion, close to 5011001, landscaped. Phone 367 Ex- eter. 5:12;19. moritrix 1 .. Hone, -30(1701110 hemp, basement. oil furnave, ,4,110n I Intim inn, reasnnably priced. APP1Y 114 Hill Street, Exeter. 5:12:13r NOTICES .„ NOTICE 'i'n Ttesident 03'McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP • SCHOOL AREA plobiseit P on 1110 question, -Are you in favor of building a onitra 1 3011(101" 1113S been called for 1-111 11141 Tnwnshin C10'00011 on yll-INIT AY, .IPLY 7, 19354 "Vol ing Wines; 10 a.m. In 3 pan. ['11.5111141 (5143'-vortxrf, No. _ S.r. No. 11 A. Kilmer, Nrt • - rtInn In alia n use; Jaturs cunninglia.m, DRO. No. a 'Wes Lewis' ilnune; John 'fret et b 1111Q. No. 4 . • S.S. No. g; George Mc- ' Ev. en, 11110, ANYONE wishing, to have thew harns or henhouses white washed call Bill Watson. Phone 37-r-13 Hasliwnnd. AlS0 g rain or erten 531111911(13, (13(110 Turnip Spraying • Special Equipment For Turnips No. Tewnshlp Vail; W. No. f:11"..'sS. Sr'..11.N)0'. 42; Bruce Dixon, tRe) No. 7 - 4141. No. 17, Willis Sleep- er, T111(1. All persons rig died n P at a municipai rirct inn rear 5011(101trustees may cara R ballot on this question. . 3. .52411141.12.13.26e Clerh's N ot lee. or SECOND POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST TOWNSHIP 00' Alcull.1,1VRAY Nntiee is hereby given Dial 1 have posted up al my (-O'Dea in the. Township of NI,Fitiltivrtiy ((31 • ltIonda,Y, -lune 2. 1(1111, the list. ('11all persons Fortified In t 01 o nn the ventral schnnl question and that such list remains there for In- spection. And 1' hereby call upon all voters to take immediate prn- (.4,011111gs tn have any r1'1'0111 or omissions corrected 13(,'01'(lMg to ty. Dm last day for appeal 1101113 Monday. .11I101 :3, 111(454. Dated this second day or June, 154(241., W_5241u14.. .1. -.1uS, Clerk 12:13e TOWN 0 ENET Er, COLLECTION OF TAXES T w he in 1 he To n Ha 11 nn the dat es and during thhu e nrs listed below few the collection cif xes for t Tnwn nf Exeter, Ploase rt'AllgP to make. 414.49'104'111nn or before these. dates to avoid penally.' 8.yrtitnAY. CNIe 26 3 -6 p,311: 7:3n p.m. 2410912)911',.1119114 2431 3 - :1 p.m, I 3a p Ento r.triscArints, . Tax rotiostor 11,11, Dog Owners PLEASE TARE Nova.; hy-law, ot Pry 0011140of A dog Mlle, nec eglts In nine m a lac befnre .kpril 1 or each s r. shall he lieDble to a fine of $ 1 11,10, Purl hot'. tinder !his . nn ring' Shall bo Iln wed In riln 91 largo (fume' the mem Its or 1411414,and .5111111(43Orroll • '110 11011111 11111101' 41111 r441'. 1.1(48 (41' the 1191.11)144' 11155 $1 e.ce. Ponca roue been instructed to enforce this by -lay. (7, *V. ARD Municipal Clerk 13c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2)• 811.'24 .5 ["39113 Inisiness!(44.111 1.1111A WelAk 51 it 11 111111101.A118 Rd 811- 0,Aft, 403111 1100' 2401) can Sell 2311 1100501,0111 1401' 0143411 105 and fa 1131 141101.111 11 108. ('1(1111(31(4131131 24)1)1'stir- roundings. y ft old, 11(111441011),imntott, Dash. .(1(4,1,tiorlerielt, Sea- men/. -stitaidivo ay. 10 111:00 1110310% setting experience It "I - necessary, ‘Vrite rot. free cata- logue 1.0 T. 4(141(31340', Dept. S. 'CP, 58, StatiOn C, Montreal. 5:12:12.26n N t x '1' 1191 r'.58'.' `1 Tr ;ken •00111 0 like 10 add 842 tn %60 Per Week, in your family Income 311411- (1141A1,011 products. writ' Mrs. 1.ourlon Green, Dtstrtet Manager. 11)'s '.!R1, (((43, 4101.143133 territories 11014' ,5l'1111((1'41(' r+ 'ambitions, mature 031111033 In Ste. Phtill, Hay and Usberfte. town. 12e 011000 16a -and (128. 6,53ft.. 334114(18, Special Contract Available - No Payment Necessary Untii Crop Sold, EXETER TURNIP SALES Phone 899.J' Exeter TO SELL NEW AND or 987-W after 6 p.m. O'BRIEN MUNICIPAL DRAIN 4of dresser lamps: pair Pin-up lamps. tri -lite lamp: mats; 01 ,). r:5 P blau, eidP1814 413 bP1e1;;1‘.PdbYte1h;;1hl r111441(aI1 nwria1. 8Ii110ntle1,,11:Id1R1frnrIpn 5111111I 3)1';' 11• curtajnaJ Plan, 340,3 spreads. pictures:, oriental profile and sPreawallons maY rug. 2x I .; electrio paint sprayer; sti 120 ;I 1'; rea 1.1151 at 11811 atri 113-11:1t rof liei is 'a; aft :31::111:13.;14t1e.1111.;cal \'; it'll:i!s•k; r1114s01.00 0-1:11" 0:131e51 5T3 Wnrk. "'Innen" an s0^11 as shovels, mirrors; erocks; sealers.: noon nn or br rri re .1(119' s. eIr.,4rte trams. new Ilea,vsr Lnwssl or sllY lender 2101. 214111r'14- electric 5:4 Sherlock Manning. Barfly accepted. a»artninnt size plarin and bench; 3A15.1E6 ,m..twjitsNEr,Irre articles too 1111011470U8I " 8"luit:ineTt (0 reser\ LEN DUXES, Prop. FRANK TAN 11011. -Auetioneef (114..52114' 1.'1811.141ft, TO WNS'141P OF STEPHEN PINKBEINER MUNICIPAL DRAIN Tendors win be reeei4 eel lir rhe Tnwnship or Stephen on the Fink- briner Munivipal Dram. Plan, pra- ttle and specific:1i ions may be seen at the °Men of the elork. Tenders to Ile in the handa rif 1 11f - t loth at 12 norm 011 01' herrn', July g, J92411, Lnwest or Any ten- der nnt neeossarily accepted. J'AMES SlAWRINNEY, Clerk 1 2.11c TOWNSHIP OF Pd.'ErliEN KHIVA MUNICIPAL DRAIN Tenders be rPCP 14 0.1 t 11 Tnwnship nT ephen on 1114' ghiva Atunleipal fin In. PI81I, pro- file and speelf test 0111S 1111)N lio sfsrn at the nrriee cif the elerh. '55 nrk ln ennimence as scion as tender la awarded. Tnilders 10 be in the hands n Hie Clerk; at 32 nemn nn nr hernre July s. 1 `47,s, ; Lew est cm any tender not 1)01146- 1 43r1191 eVellf ed. JAMES 241.5\\'i129191141.", Clerk 1.1 1(0" HELP WANTED Salesman Wanted 5:12:19e • USED CARS ' for franchised Ford Dealer, 'EXPERT 1.11.USS PITTING -7 -Corn - pie e. 1ts. surgleal eminences. Ex- pert fitting. Our years or est/Pr- lence assure you of • complete sat isrtiction. litintley's Drug Store. Iixet or. 1 110 HIOHEST CASH Pr,ICES Thr sieh. J;)1'11 Larry Snider Motors VOWS. Dead steel: at value, prompt I 91; 7 -day a Poi% 4114r0104'. Call Ed Andrews, Collect., X5 1 EXETER 1 1 Sea fort h. ri;23.Ft lc THERE'S A 131(24 rinmand now for boats, 513111(1)141' furniture. lawn 1 FEMALE -- Silk finisher, expel'. equipment, Let a, Classified Ad 1 ienee nnt necessary. A p)(1\- Brans' brine boyors for your used but - cleaners Laundeteria Ltd., E40. useful items. Phone 770. 12*: eter. 1 Se, Ask for Larry or Herm. Apply in person to So Twilight AUCTION SALE Of Furniture and Appliances TOWN OF EXETER 141 Main Street, corner of Main and Wellington Street0 P54 NIt.IIT, .11 'NE 24, lass 0130 pan. D.S.T. 41(314113 ootoplero ennionIS of oi 1-hept home 1m -hiding ehester- f 513(41*5, room suite, 0113, bonko•nces, odd 1.5 1)105, chairs, Dorm odd beds. dress- ers. berWde stands, odd. rnekers, bedding, dishes, some an tique it* Ins. 11 ent zata a upright piano and stool, 2 en. fi. refrigerator, (11"! 3'4(' ("(0141115119' other useful ton noMernus 10 montiOTI, TERMS: Cash night of sale. Plan tn attend, Al I 1...1TIN E. TIP,Oeli." Ariel inneers :129 Elennnr Ell., London Tlial CIL 1423:10 EEL 1214 12a hat is Ask 4. * TED SIMS. * FRED WALTERS * DON GAISER * HERB BROOM * DON SOUTHCOTT SWer Catherine of SI. Tn1- ti»e's limpital in Montreal calted local conrceg frit rare antidote requited by doctor . --then called Poison Con - trill Centre of Now York for emergency shinalent. To sae his life... A boy's life hung in the ba1ance—four-1/ear.o1d Bon Tisdale of Montreal. Ron had swallowed a quantity of sleeping pills. Now 110 504141 111 a coma. His breathing had stopped. At St. justine's Hospital. Bort was put into a resuscitator, His stomach was pumped out. He was given every anti. poiS011 aVailable„ Still alive, he remained in 11 deep coma. It was feared that at any moment his life might flicker out. At the Hospital, the' doctor remembered reading about a powerful new anti-poison-Afeelmide. But where could it be obtainedSister Catherine of SI. Justine's, after 'Iring 1400- 411411 local calls, finally telephoned the Poison CAiintrol Centro of New York, City, Did they have any*? Yes -one, half ounce, recently received from Britain. At that very moment, an Eastern Air Lines plane WaS ready for ils 11:13 takeoff for Montreal from New York. Andher phone call, and considerate airline officials agreed to hold it; its passengers voted unanimously to wait. A ear raced to the field, and a Hetilth Department w orker handed the precious 01411 1:1) the stewardess, in a short while, itwait. ing car rushed the Megimide to St, justifies and little Ron Tisdale was soon tint of danger, Tho worid-ronowned New York 1'intr.1 ChOtie to tell itt (141(4111 (131 RS editorial papa this dramatic story, Por 'what a story of imman helpfulness tbis is -of people nsing tele- phones, airplanes and automobiles -placing before all else their 'determination to help save that inost precious thing a human life. We also like lo think that this incident demonstrates how people turn 111 rittir IttephOtte of urgent need. Fast and dependable, it stand,s ready to soca you too—at nny liburbf the defter night, if.ap tilt 'kill filtNIONE CoMOANY fl ANADA 1Tast-y ;Anne tali 1)e1c1 New York-Me-Introitl flight piloted by Captain Paul Abel. Stew, ardess Patrieirt Repoli re- eeb.ed vial of tato anti - poison from New York Ilealth Department worker. Dewier at Montreal's SI. Ins tine's fincintal helped sa4eIlon Tisdale's hie with Stegimide powetful sew entepoison which wag 3nal- 1y located in New York. 1.6n1so totroceue. /Anil 111stanes operator in Niont- real handled crucial le New Yntk--one or count. less telephone propin who work [whoa the tleelleg lo ttriergeneiet tiro, Ana Ng% •.•